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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1913)
, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY; JULf 1913-EVEHIHG EDITIOM. iTirr rs." THE COOS BAY TIMES fr : -CELEBRATE IN NOETH o Ctty Bids You Welcome and fte Following Business Men Will Have a GU The Whole Hand of Greeting aod an Open Door 71 tv i i i f H l M i Standard Aluminum As Cheap as Graniteware North Bend Hardware Co. Sales Agents for North Bend Exclusive Pacific Grocery Co. Full Line of Staple Groceries Hazer Son Hardware "HAZER HAZ IT" Coos Bay Agents for the & v i-i t T - j ,- -rl DETACHABLE V- ROW-DOAT'MOTOn jr"JflpCJ mVL ik w iC""" NORTH BEND OREGON Celebrate With a Kodak A I-TMj IiIXH at The Everitk Pharmacy minis iii:mhi.s I'lIltl'l'.MKS STATIO.NTKV PHOTO sri'i'i.iiis SI XKHIICS. no i tin ki:m, oitn.o.v. I wjiajHce yowseiiir ate jmomme at the Variety Store Rest Room The CITY MEAT MARKET OP NORTH BEND The UNION MEAT MARKEFr The Old Reliables Men's Clothing Men's Furnishings Men's Shoes Men's Hats. We Will Fix Yoir Up That's Our Name. FIXUP' TWO STOKES. MAKSllKTETD. yowTir mri). Parade Program. 1 - North lleml Concert llunil. , a--.Mnvora .iml (.'ouiicIIk of North Ilontl nml Mnrshllcld. 3Flro companies iif North liond nml MniMiltald. I Owls" flont. , , , , r, Modern W'oodnum float with team Riving- fancy drill. I. Mai-HhlloUl Hand. 7 HiikIuchs floats. s Industrial noattt. !( Aiitomohlles. in Motorcycles. 1 1 - Unites. There will be first and' second rush prlzw for liest sodety float, business float. IndtiHtrlal float, decotnted auto, decorated' motorcycle, tnoHt orlKlnal lluhu. l'aradu ronimlttee Peter I.iirkIo. chairman; Arclilo Philips, Jitliu 'nlhu-e. A. It. Wllmot. I). M'Domild: o til ar Evenb l-YMiiy KhM Day. I'nriidc l'n. in. Spooking. Dr. K. K. Straw. I,. J. Simpson nml other;. Aftt'l-IIOOM. Hose ((intent. 1 p. tn nip Ilnli and I lull coin et. 1 : :.0 j m ?::"'' IliiKowill. :!:au p. tn I'l-lt- Tinc of War. I: an ?eQj. ilrst; $'.'fi tucoml Potato rnco. 7 p. in. Sack Itaco. 7.1." p. tn. Itusslnn horse contest. Everybody dance. 8:30 p. tn. Sni unlay Second Kay Hood and Ladder Kxhlhltlun, 10 a. m jj-, Water contest. iOiI'.O $n Afternoon, KoK-rollltiK, 1 p. in ,,.,... IS.", flwt; &(. second IluKfliall. 2:80 p. in. lon.ynrd dash. I: an p. tn ,.....,..$10, firsts ?".. second r..t-man's rare. Hoys' rare, under 12 yeurx. (ill Is im-e, uikUm- 12 ur. lloxs nice, under Hi. Cilris" race under lii. (reaped pIk ' citu li him and keep him) $f Itusslnu horse content ' ' ' $3 n) M ton v u i ace V.'lairtte' prize NORTH BEND MANUFACTURING CO. North Bend, Oregon SASH, DOORS AND MOULDINGS - - HIGH GRADE INTERIOR FINISH - - Shippers of Spruce, Port Orford White Cedar and fir Doors, Knock DownSash, Clear Spruce and Port Orford White Cedar Lumber. BANK OF OREGON 'I he Oldest It.inlc In oilti llend. CAPITAL FULLY PAID $50,000 OrClceis. C S. wixsoit President SKYMOl'H II. m.Jl.l...Vlu.-1'resldout 1. J. SIMPSON Vice-President HKNUY IIKWITT. Ji Vice-President K JONKS cashier Directors; C S. W1NSOH SKYMOl'H H. J1KI.I. I- J. SIMPSON -Hi:.Y IIKWITT. JR. I- P. KAI.KKNSTKIN Quatermass Confectioner) Makers of Home Made Candies Ice Cream Soft, Drinks Sherman Avenue North! Happiness Headquarters TTIII The North Bend News Col K'HKItK A 2r,.U HAND AXU A (i()()l) DISK ()' ICC CltKA.M aim; von vor. r Refreshing Fountain Drinks A Good Cigar and Delicious Ice Crean If. you llislxl dm rending Iit iluir Hit celehiutlon, ive lime I lie tnj pnpers uiiii mapiim--. Coos Bay Grocery Co STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Phones 81 and 581 Sanitary Dairy Fresh Strawberries and Cream Ice Cream and Soft Drink Dutter on Ice I'Sonc t.Ttl. North Bend Refrigerating Meat & The only-up-to-date equipped! Meat Market on Coos Bay - - . - DEALERS IN ALL KINQS, QF SALT AW FRESH MEAT vw" Tb M Tf5 ize JriesttsiMFaBf. J. E. WEST, Proprietor r mi-: iust .mi:.i, ix thk city ion .-to cknts. IliniAlvKAvr. (iTONitliii OIWKIt. 1 1 ssst to a:; sri'l'KU .tmo tvhkhi, JOY THEATRE . k i-'j; & j FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH BEND, OREGON Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 ST.WIUIKXT I.SS.TL AT OI.OSK ,, rS1.V1!SS, nSV. I, ,, iie'.oiiices, Loans and Discounts ..$ 77.S9S.S7 IloiuU and Securities... UG,9U7s Hanking House and PX- tl,res 33.S70.00 Cash and E!ianBc ... 143.6J6.92 Idahllllles. Capital ? 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided l'roflts 4,700.69 Circulation 41.100.00 Deposits , 226,521.85 ?322,328.5t M -"- -W M L. '. IK. -- "iTtf T- JtH(5j 1322,328.57