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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1913)
iN COOS BAY IT SEEMS THE BIGGER THE PROSPECTS LOST ARTICLES lrr. f.ninil tliioiiali Times mint (,,! (Iiciiil fc'so tlionl Thoy eel rrsiiH"; 1 . vWWI KMnmisiicu I" "o fOL. AAAVl.M t,0 Const Mnll. BEGON CITIZENS T andy Residents, Near Port land, Resent Flying Ban ner 01 urganuaiiun. SHOOT IT DOWN; THEN UbSlnui lividluvi otify Telephone Crew They Will be Summarily Punish ed if They Renew it. lily AwofWft Prru lo Cooa llr Tlinm 1 .mnrri.AVIV dr. .Tlllv 3. TIlP III- . . . . .... .!... ..! Ilin Wdrlit UWIl'l,'- i .. n i i in kiii n in i nil ((Kin "" iien In n telephone linn crow nt lamly. n Htmili vlliugo in 1110 .wnm ''"' V ....... ..- ...11.... IV,.,.i Piirllntlil " , m.. ;.in! Iho 1. W. W. fltlg ,n o slnff In a grovo where the towns- icopIp panned in noni lonwrruw ..'..1. It i.ilv .nlehrnthm. Tlio HI - en's enraged nl tho 11H, headed by n i.iiul nml carrying nloft tlio Hturn und itrlncB, proceeded to tlio grove. hImiI !,.'., tin. i w W. flnir nml intruded hnwKli tlio iniiln street, dragging the ilijcrtloniime winner in imp mini. In front of tho postoHleo tlio rowd formed In n hollow Hqunro nml illo tlio hnnil played America, uio w w flni? wiim hiirnoil. Tlio niPii Mil., luni niiiitn tin fliiir. oxnreHHod In- llRnntlon nml threatened to mnko ,,,,iil,oi. ninl rn hi I hi wore 111- rmn.1 t lint uiii li ni'lion would ho fol lowed by prompt destruction of tlio jaiinor nml miiniiiniw piuiiniiiiieni or hose ri.tponslliio f'' raising it. A NEW TRIAL Judge Coke Overrules Mo tion and Will Pass Sentence Next Monday Morning. At n niirrlnl notion of circuit rourt In Cnqulllo yoHterdny, Judge loko denied the motion for a new trltil In tlio enso of .1. S. llarton. ptato upicM ntailu", who uiih found siillty u few iiioutliH ugo of attempt ed criminal assault on .MIhh Yoiikiim, nil employe In lil.s office. .Indue C'oko ilxed next Monday morning at 10 ucloik as the tlmo of pronouncing pentcmo. The sentence provided hy Btntiite for tlio offeiiHo Is mi Indeter- bnlnnte nentence of one to ten yeai'H. Attorney C V McKiiIkIU and !:. I). ?perry for Ilnrtou contended that M'ero wiih an evidence introduced to eliow that the aliened iiHHnult wiih moro than iiKKravnted nHHault wlth Diit tlio moro HorloiiH offom.e. Jiidu'O Coke In ihikhIiik tho motion Btntcd that It wiih for u Jury to dotor inlno whether tho offaium wiih nioru tliaii merely an uHHiiult mid iih tho Uury hud naHsed on It. tho court wiih pot disposed to overrulo tholr JuiIk- nicni. Kiirtlierinciro. ho Hiilil that In rcRard to tho nlloKcd liiHuffleloncy of Kiitieiico, thai .mihs Yoakmii'H ovl- UCllcoJioro everv Indication nf liolnu Ihe truth whllo llnrton'H did not. it l expected tint Ilnrtou will now appeal to tho Hiipromo court. S. P. Said to be Puttinci Strin gent Provisions in Contract for Coos Bay Structure. Arm nit n.- i .. iiern i. 8 . " rl'ori roacning pre, tho Southorn Pacific Is plac ing a BtroiiK Bttpulatlon In tlio con tract fnr llm ...,. ..!.. . ii. tern. n nllPr0acheS ' tllO hrlllgO pcross Coos Hay. tho bids for which ZC:!!!tcohcA u'J.,l Mac iP, i.,,1 w. " v uiiipnny. tiio Mnc- ili i , Perls Company did not suh- the work nn Mm i...i.i .. .. count of n.: .Ti" V.."'.. h" ."' '."-- riofinKv. . ."U,B ,l,r li noiiitr 111- Brnnih.-. I,nUI . "w Engineer here "'Pietci the boiukIIiikb ItraVi '".l"'?...?. t?o nrldRo. con- Idonn xviiiVi LB u,at u Bl,a" o lonTrnoVi l " J'. your an.1 that the Hay nemVlK. ' "'' I?"01 1 00 W )eir nnVi 'n . ' Uilu" uay "Ilor " htood . 'l"r,r" 'ncl"o ndor- Nral t;",n"",,.B l" ),a L" struc- Por tho i,ii ', ino H p- Permit UrtS nt'' te.,'"!.. o .War Dp- foe Rin..r.i , " l,1,u 'I "as to dieted Whin0" aml m,,8t b0 cmn In. w,tl,'n two vears. MatiFJW'&f 8a'i to bo Is ceneinii,. " "mo work and t WnX Iter eK "sl??. ..?.! pontraets "iur nuiroau v t "o... ... Pa Portland o(rr Mahflald. whllo l ortlnnu last week, had Quito a FUG ND FN BARTON RIDGE TO BE DONE THIS TEAR (E000 lag Stows MARSHFIELD,-OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1913 BURN I. W. W. I. W. W. LEADER SENT TO JAIL Patrick Quintan, of Paterson, Sentenced to Two Years and $500 Fine. llr Ami lalisl Pitm In Coon Ilnjr Time PATEItSON. X. .1.. July :i Pat rick C ul n Ifin, lender of I no Indus trial Workers or tlio World, wiih HiiiitPiicpil today to prlHon for not Ichh limn two nor more Hum seven yearn, mid to pny a fine of ?.r.OO. I lo wiih convicted recently of Incit ing a riot among tlio Htrlklug Hlllt mill workerH. Tlio Jury In tho case of Hllnboth Curley Flyiui, on trial on a Hi in 1 1 n r charge. Iiiih not yet reaehed mi agreement WOMEN JAILED British Authorities Take Three Into Custody Second Time After Their Recovery. Illy Amoi IaIi'.I 'ri In Ciiuk IUy Tlmra I.O.N'DON. July :i. Police reiirroHt cd today three officlalH of tho Wo iiipii'h Social nml Political Pnlon, a .Militant HiiffriiKetto orKiiul'ntion, who were rolenHeil on IIcpiiho .luno L'lHt, owing to III health, iih a renult of tho hunger Htrlko In Jib 11. They nro MIhh Annie Keuney, Mih. Itaehel llar rett nml Mm. Harriot Kerr. Thoy had been recuperating nt a watering place. TO LARGE LEGACY Lady Sackville in English Court to Retain $5.ouu,uuu of Scott t Ily Anhm-UIisI l'rti lo Cixm IUy TIiiik LONDON, July II. I.ady Sackvlllo took tho wltncHH Htand today In u Hull to doprlvo hor of tho flvo mil lion dollar OHtato left hor hy tho will of tho Into John Murray Scott. Sho wild that In tho Hprlng of 1000, whllo Hho wiih driving with Sir John, ho first told hor of IiIh Intention to lonvo hor a million dollaiH. Lady Sackvlllo hwoio that bIio nov or Hnw tho will nml did not know It when Sir John Hpoko of revoking It. Lady Sackvlllo added that Scott had glvon hor daughter furs which cost $15,000 and horsolf an omornld, hracolot which cost $2.",000. Under cross oxamlnntlon Lady Sackvlllo wild sho and hor hiiHhand had about ? 15,000 a year. Gifford Pinchot Makes Elo quen Plea for it at Pro gressive Meeting. (11 AssoiltteJ rresi to Cool tlajr Time! NEWPORT, July 3. Conservation and social and Industrial Justlco, callod by party lenders tho by-products of progrosslvoncss, woro discuss ed nt tho closing session today of tho Progressive national conference Gif ford Pinchot said: "The conserva tion Question lies at tho root of ov ory material human problem, for It Is tho problem of sholtor and clothes, which nro nothing but natural ro Hourccs prepared for tho uso.QfJi)0.1!-" chat with Dick Porter, formorly n Spoknno friend of his, and Mr. Portor Informed him that tho lino to Coos nay was Doing rushed ns much ns possible. OLL1VAXT & WEAVER will bo OPEN TOXKJHT after suppor but CLOSIID ALL DAY TOMORROW. Full lino of vegetables and Fresh Fruit. Phono your ordors early. Phono 275-J, members WANTS S CONSERVATION IS HIS THEME MEMBER 01-' THE S DARTER SITE DE Frank B. Waite Gets Valuable Holdings of Miss Wcndel, of San Francisco Un known Claimant Discovered. Frank II. Wuito, or Suthurlln, bus JiihI iiurchiiHod mi undivided one iiuiirter Interest In 1!7 nml n frac tion mitch nt tho mouth of iHtliiin.'j Inlet, which, hIiico the deal heenmo known, Iiiih aroiiHod much comment. The tract Is tho Hlto o tho C. A. Smith Compmiy'H big mill, lumber yaiilH ami tho Smith pulp mill and which tho C. A. Smith Company thought that It owned outrli'hf. Air. Walto hns JiiHt acquired tho IntoroHt of a AIIhh Wendol, of Snn i ranclHco, an heir of tho Into James Klaiiugnn. Tho Htory of tho tract, or rather of her Interest In It, Ih uuuHiini. it hcoiuh that the prop erty belonged orlglnnlly to tho I'lnnagr.n family, Pat I'lanngnii. John Flanagan and tho MiiIIcuh own ing It In equal pnrtH. On tho death of John Flanagan, tho AlulleiiH ac quired IiIh qunrter IntercHi. On tho death or JnineH Flanagan, Pat Flan agan was admliilHtrutor of IiIh ph tato. Ho wold tho Jan. Klanngan real estnto to IiIh purlnor, Mr. .Mann, who later Hold It to T. It. Shorldan. of ItoHohurg, n Hoii-ln-lnw or Pnt i uiniignn. Artor Pnt Fliinngan'H death. T. It. Sheridan sold tho prop erty to tho Flanagan estnto. In Hip meantime Mih. .Iiih. Flan agan had married again, Air. Wen The North Bend Celebration NORTH IIKND'S big two days celebration opens with a boom In tho morning. It tnkcH more than :i little Oregon mist to dampen tho ardor of tho North Mend booHtors. Every feature from tho big parade to the Fat Man'H race will ho car ried out iih planned, rain or hIiIiio. Don't Htny away. Tho coninilttoo on general nrrnngomontH hiivh tln people of North I'.end nro preparing to act iih hosts on thin occasion nnd nothing will bo spared to add to tho enjoyment nnd entertainment of their visitors. They propose to mnko tho two dnyH such that all who attend will talk about them In yearn to come. Hospitality will ho tho first consideration. Tho nplrlt of commorclnl Ihiii will bo forgotten mid everyone given n rousing welcome, a glad hand nml n goueroiiH greeting. AlnrHhflold business men nnd cltlzeim nro preparing to turn out In force. This Ih proper. There should ho uniformity of purpose iih there Ih unity of IntorcHtH. Tho peoplo of Alr.rHhflohl will Join In tho Joy and mix In the merriment. Evoryono hIiouIiI plan to attend nnd add to the success that awaits united action. Ilero'u to tho huccckk of tho North Rend Celebration, nml bore's to Coos Ray; may tho affections of her peoplo llko tho wiivch on her HJioroH, f lo v o ii common union, oi o nnd Inseparable. . DEMOCRATS MAKE STRONG PLEDGE Senate Finance Committee Majority Considers Demo cratic Caucus Call Child Labor Ruling. Illy AnoiUtcl I'rtM lo Cool Ilijr Tlmn.) WASHINCTON, D. C, July 3. -Tho DomocrntH of tho Sonnto Fl iinnco Committeo mot todny to frame n binding caucus resolution and clean up tho oddH and ends of tho various tariff schedules. Tho resolution pledges legislators to support tho bill, Introdiico no amomlmoutB not np- improved by tho flnnnco committee, W. B. Henry, of Philadelphia, Wounds Several at Get tysburg Reunion. (Ily AorUteJ rrni to Coo ny Tirora. GETTYSBURG, July 3. All tho victims of W. B. Honry, of Phil adelphia, who ran amuck in a din ing room of a hotol horo last night, nro doing well. Charles Ensor, who received tho most dangerous wounds, Is not out of danger, but his recovory Is expected. ROUAIAXIA MSO BUSY. Aloblllliig of Army Ts Oidered by Mug Charles. Hr AocUteil l'rfti to Coos IUy Tlraei.J BUCHAREST, July 3. King Chnrles todny ordored a general mo bilization of the Roumnnlan army. CUT. ROBERT'S SON. Captain H. II. Robert, corps of onglnoors, United States Army, ar rived In Portland nnd roportod tho arrival Saturday of a son nt Tho Dalles. Mother and child nro do ing woll. Portlnnd Journal. SWEDISH LUTHERAN LADIES will sorvlo DINNER from 11 to 2 and SUPPER from C to S JULY a nnd Jl at tho church parlors. ALL COAIE. RUNS AMUCK IN DINING ROOM ASSOCIATED PRESS EVENING EDITION EIGHT INTEREST IN BIG SMITH MILLS del being her second hiiHhnnd. A daughter wiih horn to them. Recently It wiih discovered that Jan. Flnnngmi'H quarter InturcHt In tho 27 and a fraction ncreH at the mouth of IsthmiiH Slough waw not Included In tho real eHtate, which Pat Flanngan ns administrator of tho estate of Jus. Flanagan Hold. When the C. A Smith Coinpnny enmo hero Tor a mill slto, thoy pur chaHod the Mullen half Interest In the tract Tor ? 10,000. i ho Flnna gan cHtato gavo thorn a warranty deed for the other hair, it being presumed that tho Flanngan eHtate owned a hair Interest ItiHtead or n qunrtor IntercHt In It'. Howovor, tho Flnungnn oHtnto'H Hhare wnH n haiius to get tho mill to locate nt the mouth or iHthiuiiB Slough ami they received nothing for It. In con sequence tho warranty deed will not hind them to mnko good tho value that .Mr. Walte nlurcR on tno quar ter Interest which ho bought from MIhh Wendol, who, nH the only da'ighler or Aim. Wenuel, Inherited JnH. Flaiiagan'H wldow'H IntereHt In the .Iiih. Flanagan estate. It run lienn round out that Judge Durham, of CrantH Push, who spent a couple of weeks here recently, wttc here for tho purpose of go!hg over tho rorordH nnd oHtnbllHhlng the Wondel clnlm to a qunrtor IntereHt In the property which Iioh boon made Immensely valuable hy tho big ImprovpineutH tho C. A. Smith Company has placed upon tho prop erty. nnd support uono offered hy Republi cans or DemnerntH who mny remain out of tho caucus. All of tho Domo ants oxcept Ruusdnll, Thornton and Hitchcock nro expected to pledgo thoniHolvcH. The committeo nmend ed tho child labor provision of ad ministrative section so ns to prohibit tho entry of goods manufactured "Principally by children under II yoars of ago In countries whoro there nro no laws regulating child lnbor." This, tho committee bollovcs will not bo an Impediment nor result In ex cessive protection, as most European countries havo child labor regula tions. Somo of tho Asiatic countries lax In Hiich regulations National Guard Team Captures Trophy in Annual Shoot at American Lake. Hy .UiocltteJ I'rtu to Cooi Ilty Tlmei TACOAIA, July 3 Tho annual National Guard shoot at Amorlcan Lake, Company E of North Yak ima for tho third successive time won first place with a score of 112G hits out of a possible 1500. Captain Boles and Artificer "W. A. Alundoll, of Company E, had tho highest Individual scores, 2i2 and 2ir out of a posslblo 250. NEW BOAT DONE. Kiist Cm ft for Coqullle Launched nt Prosper. Tho now river boat Charm of tho Coqulllo Transportation company, built at Prosper by Carl Hermann, wbb successfully launched nt S o'clock Saturday evening. It will tako about 1 0 days to put on the pilot houso and do other finishing. Tho now boat Is 80 feet long, has a 100 h. p. en gine nnd will bo fitted up In palatial stylo for tho passenger trade. Co qulllo Herald. Havo your Job printing done at The Times office. NORTH YAKIMA WINNER AGAIN Z! PROCRASTINATION PAGES, 4 Coiuolldfttlon nd Coos H EA VI LY IN EIGHT MILE MAN KILLED Postmaster 0. W. Robinson, of Morrow County, Victim of Runaway Accident. Illy Anno lulisl I'rrri lo Cool Hay Tlmra. PORTLAND, July 3. PostmnHter O. W. Robinson, of Eight .Mile, .Mor row County, Oregon, was killed In a runaway accident yesterday near lone. Ills team took fright nt ,n Hwirtly moving auto and plunging out of the road, ran upon rough ground, thronging Robinson out. JOT RIDE AT TACOMA FATAL One Man Killed and Compan ion Deserts, Leaving Three Women Beside Wreck. Illy AMoclatnl I'rrM lo Poos Hay Time TACOAIA, Wusli., July 3. Alorrls E. Newton, an entertainer In a hotol cafe, wiih killed In nn auto accident near tho central mill early this morn ing. So far as the police could learn tho car skidded mid turned over. The pollco found Corn Brenner, of 200 First Htreot, Aberdeen, nnd Blmicho Paul and Bco Lylo, both of tho Gloucalrn hotel, Tncoma, beside tho wreck, nml Nowton dead. Tho women said that thoro wiih another man In the party but that ho loft. CALL LOBBYIST OF ANTI-TRDST Henry B. Martin Witness To day Before Senate Inves tigating Committee. ny AMOtlittJ ftTM lo tool nay Tlmra. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 3. Honry B. .Martin, ropresotitntlvo horo of tho so-called anti-trust league, was called today by tho Senate lobby committeo to bo ex amined on David Lamar's statement tnnt nftor Lnmnr hnd drawn n res olution for Congressional Investi gation of tho United Stntes Stool Corporation ho gavo It to Martin, who In turn induced Ropresontatlvo Stanley of Kentucky to Introdiico It In tho Houso. .Martin confirmed Lamar's testimony, .Martin declin ed to give tho nnnies of tno lcnguo's members, becniiso thoy would Buf fer tho "angor of tho great trusts, who would ruin mid blacklist thorn nnd lnsuro his dlschnrgo from em ployment." PUT "LID" ON "Blind Pigs" and Resorts to Be Put Out of Business as Result of Brawl. (Special to Tho Times) GARDINER, Or., July 3. As a re sult of the shooting scrapo horo this week, the "blind pigs" nnd resorts In Gardlnor will probably havo tho lid brought down hard on them. W. F. Jewbtt, J. S. Gray and other promi nent cltlzons circulated petitions to District Attorney Geo. Brown asking him to enforce tho law rigorously against tho "blind pigs" nnd resorts which have been operating flagrantly since railroad activities started, Tho shooting scrapo will bo taken up boforo the grand Jury at Rosoburg, Prosecuting Attorney Brown and a deputy having visited horo to tako tho principals back to Jail In caso thoy could not furnish adequate bond. It now dovolops that tho mon woro from n trap crow on tho uppor end of tho work nnd not the tunnel 7 crow as was first reported. Try Tho Times' Want Ads. G N NOW IS YOUR TIME. A siniill ml In The Times wnnt column nuiy brlmr ou rcsultw im mediately. Try one. of Times, Const Mnll )n OQO Dny Advertiser. n,u UJ BALKAN BATTLES Servians and Greeks Claim to Have Overwhelmed Bulgars in Two Engagements. MANY KILLED AND WOUNDED IN STRUGGLE Balkans Deny Some of Re ports Red Cross Reports Heavy Losses of Life. CLAl.MK OK SERYIA. Hy AMOclitciI l'rui lo Cool Hay Tlmo J BELGRADE, July 3. Servl I an roportB of fighting Tuesdny ! betwen tho Bulgarian and Servl ) nn armies ntntc that tho Bulgar i hum abandoned several entire I batteries In tlio field. Including 2 1 gutiH, many rifles and much nmmuultlon. Thousands of Bul garian prisoners nro said to havo been taken by tho Sorvlnns, who declaro the Bulgarians lost S00 dead and 1300 wounded. ny AHodatft! Trrit lo Cool Hay Tlmea SALONIKI, July 3. Tho bnttlo between tho Greek nnd Bulgarian troopB which began WedncHtlny, re sulted In n complete victory for tho Greeks, according to official reportH. Tho Greek nrtlllery silenced tho Bul garian guns, ami tho Greek Infantry then pierced the Bulgarian Hues at Daudll. The Bulgarian troops woro eventually driven from Kllklsh, iny AHoilatoJ Itch to Cool ny TImc 1 GENEVA, July 3. The casualties during tho fighting In Macedonia be tween tho Servians and Bulgarians and GrcekB nml BulgnrlnnH have been much heavier than the published fig ures would Indicate, according to Do Servian Red CrosH Hoclety. Tho so doty tolegraphod today to tho Swiss Red Cross socloty asking It to dis patch doctors mid nurses to tho secno of hostilities. The message says 3000 wounded have already been brought In from tho front and the fighting continues. REPORTS ARC CONFLICTING. All of Warring RiiIIciiiik Claim Victory According to Reports. Illy Aiioclalod I'tm lo Coo. Day TIiiin LONDON, July 3. Accounts of tho fighting hotween the former Balkan allies in Alacedonln coming from va rious capitals of tho nations con corned, nro conflicting. Tho Sen-Inns nnd GreokH nre IhsiiIiik clrcum Htnutlnl reportH of the defeat of tho Bulgarian troops whllo tho lattor stato JiiHt ns emphatically that thoy aro advancing townrd Saloutkl, which Ih In possession of tho GreokH, ami nt tho same tlmo against tho Servians along the lino. o WILL DECLARE WAR. Servla to Formally Announce Hostili ties Against Bulgaria, (ny Amoi latr.1 lTfii lo Cooa Hay Tlmea J LONDON, July 3. War Ih to bo declared by Servla against Bulgaria at Uskup, for which plnco King Poter nnd Premier Rachltch dopartod from Bolgrndo thlH morning. Tho procla mation will say Servla has hcon pro voked by Bulgaria to declaro war. REBEL LEADER IS One of Leaders in Present Uprising Against Huerta Ex ecuted by Federal Army. Ily Awoclattil l'rrti lo Cooa Day Tlmea, .MEXICO CITY, July 3. Tho Fed eral troops today oxecuted Genoral Ambrolso Fuguoroa, who obtained great prominence In tho southorn Btntos during Aladoro's rovolutlon against Diaz and later was In tho army as commander of tho rural guards. Ho was captured in tho stato of Guororo. News of his execution was tole graphod horo from tho headquar ters of Genoral Luvonlclo Rohlos, l-edoral commnndor In Cuornnvaca. Fuguoroa, with IiIb brothers, took a loading part In tho robolllou against tho present administration. FRISCO POSTMASTER BALKY. Again Refuses to Resign Position AVIien Requested. (Dy Aiiocltted Trraa to Coo nay Time ) SAN FRANCISCO. July 3. In ro ply to a demand following a request from Postmaster Genoral Burloson, Arthur G. FIsk again rofusod todny to resign aB Postmaster of San Francisco. In replying to a tolo gram from Burleson, ho wlrod: "I do not recognlzo tho right of nnyono to removo mo, except tho Prosldont of tho United btates." REPORT OF THE RIVERS RITCHIE FIGHT RY ROUNDS AT MATT'S BILLIARD PARLORS. 0 BECU1ED A