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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1913)
DING TEARS OVER SPILLED MILK ONLY ADDS MORE WATER TO IT (Eons !mj ExmtB Ltvi-v articles NOW IS VOrK TIME. I A small ad In The Tillies unlit column iimy lii'lim you results mi iiic(lliil'l,v. Try oiii'. .1 It Tlllll.U Ullltf nl fount I iiii"" Fn I've MiciiiI They Fmi1N MEMREH OK TI1K ASSOCIATED PRESS .. . .11.1. -.1 i.. turn (A AW !, The Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1913. EVENING EDITION & Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll Jq 97 and Coos liny Advertiser. lidIrIPp GAME PROVES " IB BULL REAL SENSATION old ng UK - . .,! Ducinncc Ion rans cum uik.ii.ww" r Annnco inn Coach and III Him to Leave Town. .- nonnDM IO IHr-n UoDUniv ij INVOLVED IN FRACAS Ti.i u Tlirnu Rnmn tn 1 I Mill n '"" -y, ii. Dm-.fl Qnrif nv Hot nes at Bandon Now. . - . .. il... tliimtflll IlIlHIllllllI (Ieicni oi iii in"."-" ------ at North H"'i"l " W" .r' ai "iii ii .iiivn fin. in miner hriinuu" - -- V llnntliill. IMtflUT OHliqril " . ..ll.llH.II ll'lill 111(011. Dl'IHK i-iiiuh-.. ...... Ins tho Bnmo " tliret. oil or " " .......I,,., .11,1.1 I II. I II L' lll- nowll niiii""" "" " """ -- i.. il... ....111. till. Ill Mill 0 II UlliiK on tl' betting. M; """n . .. i. ,.i.i ,, lliimliiii 1K imvo necii iifMi petition:! adopted icmu-MtiiiK oath, ho" f ' ,""' ('," 'i"0.1 ant onu 'i " ; J.. I.... fj. I l It'll flu. In liniunn. i uu- " was Riven a severe beating by ,f the llnnilon fuiiH. OHlmrii : . 1 ....... llin luniil ln leen ireu mini uro naiur H K I.. Heilllllon. or antlnn tiam was In Mnrshllold ivciiIiib arranging n gnnn toy )ii for Hie loiinu i ij huh Hint Ilniul n I ("I never lieen i i.t .... .-. mi vIliliiLf ntt It 1 llllnlll ll ".' r. " I aver the affair Even hornroi 1 H lloi. llllmi mill Mlllllii I ;iine, .'ii i" ........ ! fnnn hnil been mnirlHeil of the up lint before iney eniieu iim tlirv W.inien in no now "'ij Mr ReilllUou let OHhorn go ch with thr rn'iie nt North r'. . . . ..... . 1. 1 , ;":n ii j i'iiiiii iii.ii ven when iiiiIkIiIi run doelnred . l,w.t.-i..1 IIU If tlliu-il U'llH Hfltlltl- t iiiiiiii il ... .. . . ' -- u'rnnir. clier Johnson ennie to Mr. In curly In tne kiuiio nun it that Ostium wns not pllehl CHI, rial lie nun juni iiiIiiiik H n.'nH ...lil lllut tllluullll I 11 It uiii mill jiii.. iiimniiit. iu ri'.. fi..Li a......1. in i ihi inn ii. n mcrtliiK "f tlio fanw mill ma mm fif 1I)iiif1iiti llln ultrlll lnnt, rnmiiislvo proof of tho pup Ih wiliI to Imvo been ro- 8001118 Unit Mr Tiittlo, partner xnloon with .Joe Coneu, kiivo Hl'Ki'll 1 1 il lilt-- ii 1 1 inviiy, nil wnn in; liar when It Ih elnltneil that Con Ii, I'nt llnnr..hnn. Diihty r mill f)ulifiin Hint In Mm lirii.l.' of the saloon tind nrrmiKt'tl !rs, There u only n thlu pnr nml their convei'Hntlon wiir card by Mr Tiittlo who "tlp- llin lnM l II... II I....lly.n iiiu uuiiirr i'i iim iiiiiniiiiiiiirrii In cniiseiim nee, few of them linti Itirxiuii' o plnn wan, It Ih rlinrKPil, to " 'l U f.HIMI t imti iu 1 llllllll mm. I fllH . !..... il.H.i... i nvHii unit mi nuiiiii in i ii ru v same. Tlie profltH woro to bo out $000 of tlu pool Ih wild to llAA.. .1..I .... 4 ...1..... . I. ".vn iui ni. .iiiiiiu' v iiueii. or of Joe Conch. Ih wild to taken SlSil of the amount' bo no wns apprised of tho donl. lialnnre wns In Heattored int. some helni; put up In i Ilenil. Suntlny part of tho was kept nt llnnilon nrtor tho loft ,....! f..... i .i v.i nun i-minn iiiuiii) io iiinctl ninnm lint ai.. ii.niiin.. .... .' ; ,',il ',l iii-ilillliill min .MnrSllnl fiillnit'n.l II... .... i.. .. ....ii mi, (iiiiuin woro trilnu to plneo tho inonov prevented nny bets IioIiik pine- 7iuui in piiieo nnoiil 5 I on U Rnfil tn lin. l.nn n.v 1.. .- .... ..I mot. Hi-mi iiiuiiu iii 1B "iVi " -f'10 ll0nt f,om Handon .-iihih. DinKiuy inornuiK, but Part of It wnH eovorod. Coill-ll l" I.. T. Sullivan, formerly of Mnrsh- ii-inuii i mo ineeuiiK or tho ami iiiiuinnuti ....... .1....... ...... ,,i i .;.. ""'ii tnuiu .tiiiii nigtit. Tho lneetliii? wn snu. nal thrniiKhout. An Invltntlon sent n inn 1-V.....1. i i... i . v "inn ill illiuilll, ofiiaed to i-onic. Then n letter dnm "lm tcU,nR h,m thnt lf - ....., ii eoiiiiuiueo would enr in iirihn i.t... v. V... IUt,Q . ,0 Bn'- Ho denied -tics mi declared "It was all 10 snunrn." ?'iL!,.! ',F"l!. the meotln vi.iurii in mo adoption or notui ,l,;,"b "' l ,0 nature Petition, noli.... t r, .. .- tin Ills llllefllnc r.rl I.. n.. I- - -"ii-h lllllllia III llllll- bf rianlnn'""' ' ? 1,at lle fori I,". '" """Kou.or too lOthor Miooll x .. . . ... u ' fet0 8,er.T0 f,,rthor ,10,lco j& 1 'lotormlnatlon ', i """, ,nns- About 75 oro signed to tho petition. lm.. " ,s "eaten. anin.,WaA,not.Imip'' In ovlden -4mwi luiiiiwillrv t tn nl-.M.. Pam v .."" '."" '""'HI rthJeissf : "w? .n,,n"t J would auBwor: ".Too Conch rKir?'"?.)'0'-" cam. omofhin;' WumV. tnc.rA nS?P annlTi "! WD?: . Co n J I " ,,,u ,,0C B a I er ellW Mlm'.,but Bont '"" I wui, 1 "K ,h,m ha connec- I D lli unci peon bov- llof Wlll.,1 r an(' th others had secured ACIRESS GEIS L 1 nee of les Marquis of Northampton Pays $250,000 for Breach of Promise to Miss Moss. tlly Awm Uliil I'rrt In 'i'i ll)r Tlmr" I LONDON, July 2. Two hundred fifty thoiisiind ilollurri und nil cohIh of tlio Htilt Ih tho prleu thnt tho Mnr iuIh of Nortlinmplou Iiiih uRtved to puy to nettle tho milt for drench of promise brought ukuIiisi biiu by the nrtrcHH, MIhh Dnlsy Murkhani, wIioho reul nanio Ih Violet Mohh. The cohih will tiiiitiuut to u IniKo sum on nc couiit of tho (llHtliiKiiinhcd counsel eiiKHKed. The .Mnniuls, who Ih lietter known iih I'hul Compton, only recent ly H'lffi'cdeil to tho title nt the iiko of 1!7. Tho onKiiKenient wiih broken on tliu udvlco of tho ymiiiK mini's fntli- Siuu-jwjinrj Lfu-uruvjxrmnj-in- wiinl they consltleied proof of tin frnnieup, thoy Infornitiil all thnt they Know that had money placed on ihe kiuiio to pun it down. Art Couch lnunedlntely culled bach his $isn und otbui-H did lil.eiKi und It Ik now oHtlniiited Hint onl iibont $ I Till of tho report 'd $ti')0 oi $700 w'r"'1"" vl'l lie enllftrd Hnil lt.ul ItepiKiiUiiii. Osliorn. who Ih ii rattlliiK kooii pitcher, Iiiih been 11 nmldent of Hun dun ror soiuo time. lle moved iliero on nccount of tho health of IiIh llttlo daiiKhter. Sho had been HiirferlnK frtim iiarnlysls, lint Ih kmIiI to Imvo recoverod iih a rt'Hiilt of the HiiuiKi' f climate, l-'or a time J10 wiih omiiloyed In tho llandon electric IlKht plnnt'. When the basebull season Htnrted OHlmrn cnnio In lledllllon and asl.ed a ehiuico to try out for the team. Ho easily mndo K"d nnd on nc count or IiIh hnowli-ilKe or the game was appointed captain. Later, Mr. Heilllllon hiiRiin to hear of OHliorn'tt past. It seeniK that he bnd been pluvial In fast com pany, formerly belnn In the old Union l.niiKiio. Northwestern I.eauue and othem. He pluyed with llolse. Salt I.nho City. Rpohnno nnd Ih nlso said to have been with Missoula for a time, ChnrROH that his connec tloiiH I hero had been severed on account or not playlnu the mime. rlKht were broiiKlit to lledllllon. lie cnlled Osbom In nnd told him and asked him how nbout It. Osliorn doelnred that ho had enmo to Ilnndou to maho IiIh homo nnd would play tho Kamo sqnaio. lie said lie want ed 11 ehnuco tn work back Into or Knnlxed basobnll and eliminate the blaekllHt iiKalnst him nnd on his promlso n he Rood, Ilodllllon kopt him ilosplto tho protests or somo or the fnns. Then enmo tho "lilnwup' Sunday. II. J. Klmbnll, or Marshlleld. who umpired Sundny'H Rame. know Oh born or old. hnvlni? nmplrod Knnifs nt llolso when Osliorn wan plnyliiR in Hint soitlon. (Inborn did not roe otinlzo him Sundnv, It ls snld. Mr. Kimball ImvliiR shaved tho nious tncho that ho woro In days or old. Sunday, Osborno Ih said to not nnlv hnvo pltehed n poor paino. but to hnvo ensod up In his battliiR. Ho ImH Rood enrvos, speed nnd porrect control nnd Ih n heady playor nnd stroiiK nt tho bat. Sunday, ho was not particularly wild, but Just iuIbh od tho edges or tho pinto bo that tho blamo might ho shirted on tho umplro. Howovor, this plan did not work out. Sunday, nedlllin had nnothor pitcher that ho could hnvo put In. but ho rolt thnt ho wanted to lot tho rrnnioup go tho limit and mako Buro of tho outcome. Stnfforrt. who jilnys second bnso, ls a good twlrler. Owing to Dnndon holng bo far nhcad In tho longuo, no protests will probably ho mndo about tho game with North Bond. What further developments may come at Dandon Is n problem. WnntH HIk Oiuno. Mnnngor U. K. L. Ilodllllon or Dnndon, whllo In Mnrshflold last ov enlng, mndo n proposition to Malin ger Ogron which ho and tho Mnrsh flold lmsohall fans aro considering today. Mr. nodlllion offered to play tho pick of tho Marshflold nnd North nend tonms combined, on or beforo July C for a sldo bet of $500. Ho orrorod $200 to bo allowed to play tho game at llandon. Ho said that ho would not Import any men hut would play tho llandon team, only men now being there being permitted to play, nnd only mon who havo played with Mnrshflold or North Ilend this Boa 8on to bo allowed to play. Ho stipu lated that II. J. Kimball of Marsh field should umplro tho game. Ho first inado tho proposition to J. W. nonnott and tho latter was In clined to tnko it If his son-in-law, Mickey McKeown, would say so. Tho JAVA COl-KKK llOl'SK will bo OPI3N NIOHTS tho HK.MAIXDK'I of this week for ACCOMMODATION qt patrons. TEDDY TALKS TWICE TODAY Addresses National Progres sive Gathering at Newport, R. I. Many Present. Illy Ahikh Inlnt ru m Iii t'noi liny Tlnim 1 NI'WPOUT. It. I., July a. Tlio Progressive Ihrce-dny conference opened today und brought thousands nr.vlHltni'H to Newport to henr Thco doro Roosevelt speak twlco, partake of u Rhodo Island clum bake, listen tn speccheH by soveral other Progres sive leaders and wltucsH the drill of the nuvy upprentlces nt the naval training stutinn. BATTLESHIP ASHORE TODAY Indiana Run Aground When Defective Valve Fills Engine Room With Water. Illy Amnh ltM t'r-Mt In won tif Time.) N I: W PORT. July 1!. The Ilnttle ship Imlluiiu. communded by Cnpt Templlii M. PottH, wiih benched on Cou inlcut IhIiiikI, NnrruguiiHctt buy, todny becaiihi of an accident to un Injei-llon vulve which enused the en "hie ro( ii to fill with water WAITE IS HERE: mas i Return of Judge Brunough From London Is Anxiously Awaited Kinney News. I'raiil: I). Walte arrived here to da, fioiu Portland and Sutherllu tn look alter IiiibIiiohh mattoiH and also to attend to some mattoiH In connection with tho Kluney-WllKoy deal. Ho will remain a row days. It Ik understood thnt Mr. Wllsoy will Join him here soon und nlso thnt others Interested In the matter will ho on tho liny shortly. Judge llruiiougli Ih expected to roach Portland between July (i und 8 und ho may iiIho come to tho Day. Mr. Wulto snyn there Ih nothing definite tn glvn out. Ho says that Mr. Wllsoy liirormod him. thnt he hud a eablo from London thnt Judge Hriuiongh wns tn hnvo loft thoro Inst Thursday for New York and wiih empowered to close the Kinney deal. Whether this means more nego lintlouH or dickering. Ih not known. In order tn get a tltlo tn all tho property, It Ih stated that It will bo necessary to pay out cnnsldor nhlo money to tho different clnlm nntK boforo tltlo enn ho secured. Tho Kngllsh liuyorn woro nvorso to t IiIh proceduro, hut mny hnvo em powered J nil go Ilruuough tn do so. Ponding Judge Ilrunough's return, nothing doflnlto will ho known about just whnt his lustructlnnH nro nnd It Ih doiibtrul If thoy will bo given out ponding furthor negotiations. DEMOCRATS IX SCRAP. Senator Hitchcock Withdraws From Party Ciiueiix. !) AKocltteJ 'rri Io Coo. Uajr Tlmfi.J WASHINGTON. D. C, July 2. Sonntor Hitchcock or Nohraska, do fentod tn his effort to attach to tho tarirf bill amendment for tho gradu ated tax on tobacco production, with drew today from tho Domocratlc Son nto cnucus. Tho cnucus voted down his nmondment by n voto of 23 to 18 and u spirited scene followed. I LOCAL OVERFLOW. SelN UN Interest. Negotiations wero closed todny by wlUch C. S. Hoffman transferred his shnro In tho Coos Day Realty Company to R. D. Jones, who will continue In tho mnnngomont of tho lfuslness. Mny fin To Hawaii. Geo. Rotnor has received particulars or a delight ful Klks cruise to tho Hawaiian Islnnds thnt hns been planned by Oakland Lodgo. to leavo thoro Feb ruary 12, 1011, to take In tho Floral Festival and Carnival. Tho erulso will requlro 20 days and will ho limited to 200 Rlks. Mr. Rot nor hns a speclnl Invltntlon to join tho party nnd Is now considering making tho trip. fiOOD FLOOR. OOOD Ml'SIC. A GOOD TI.MK AT Tlll-J HAGLFS' HALL TOMORROW NIGHT. l)AXCn"at KCKHOFF HALL, NORTH 11K.NI), JULY 3. HAND MUSIC. E DOS TO HEAT HORROR Cincinnati Authorities Seize Plants Rendered Idle by Strike Will Make Ice. t tljr Aorllccl PrrM, Io Coos !ly Tl"m CINCINNATI, July 2. The Donrd of Health today ordered the health orricci's of Cincinnati to seize nnd operate all the Ice plants of the city, which havo been tied up by a strike or employes, und to ubo every availa ble melius or distributing to the gen eral public. Mayor Hunt sent a com inuulcntlon tn the honrd deelnrlng that a public emergency existed ow ing to tho suffering from Intensely hot weather. NETERER IS NAMED JUDGE Bellingham Politician Appoint ed to Succeed Judge Han ford at Seattle. Illy ,po( Utiil I'ipm io von llnv Tlr WASHINGTON. I). C. July 2. Jeremiah Neterer. u well known Doni oerutlc polltlclnn and attorney of Del llngham, wns appointed todny United SiuteH Judge for the Western district of Washington to succeed Judge linn r rd, resl'-Mied NEGRO SHOOTS Mill ON SHIP Julian Wilmer Kills Friend and Wounds Mess Attendant at Everett, Washington. (Ur Amoi Intel I'rrn to Cool nny TlmM.J KVHRHTT, Wush., July 2..Iullun Wilmer, colored mess uttendnnt on the cruiser Galveston, shot and killed IiIh friend, D. Scott, and nlso a ne gro mess attendant on honrd tho ship hero last night. The shooting Is de clared to havo been accidental. MeKIXLKV ALSO QUITS. MeXnb'h Assistant nt San Francisco Resigns Today. Illy Amoi Intel 1'ri to Coo liny Time.) SAN FRANCISCO, July 2. Denja mln L. MeKlnley, nctlng IT. S. Attor ney horo pending tho Senatorial con firmation of President Wilson's nom ination or ThomnH 10. Iiuyden tn suc ceed John L. McNub, resigned, fol lowed the action of Ills chief todny by tendering IiIh reslgnntlon. Me Klnley Is a Republlcnn and a cousin of tho lato Presldlnt MeKlnley. Ills resignation makes tho third change In tho stnfr or tho department of Jus tice horo slnco MeNnh resigned be causo of tho attltudo of tho depart ment townrd tho Dlggs-Camlnottl nnd Western Fuel Co. enses. BITTER OVER T OW Federal Official in Making Change of Local Customs Office Causes Complaint Friends or Morton Towor, for 10 to 12 years collector of customs nt Umpire, nro highly indignant over tho manner In which ho was succeed ed by T. II. Dairy. Mr. Towor ls an old soldier and one of the most, high ly respected cltlzons of tho Day nnd ls said to hnvo boon most efficient in handling tho orrico horo. Tho chnngo was made as a mattor or politics. Whllo under the now rulltg, tho Port of Empire has beon mndo a branch of tho Port of Port land and tho salary reduced from $1200 por year to $300 per year, Major Tower's many friends do not hollovo that the following official or der transferring tho duties from Major Tower to Mr. Barry was justi fied In nny way; WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 28, 13. Morton Towor, Kmplro City, Oregon. Dy direction of tho President and In nbsonco of a resignation from you nnd for tho purposo of securing bet ter administration of tho customs, you nro horoby removed from tho of rico of collector of customs for tho District of Coos Day, effeotlvo June 30, 1913. J. S. CURTIS, Asst. Secretary. S S i DENG IS GIVEN IN LOBBY INVESTIGATION E Ml L Rules Committee Instructed to Report on Investigation of Mulhall Charge. tly Amo' Intel I'nn Io Cooi Hay Tlmm. J WASHINGTON, 1). C, July 2.- When the House convened, there wns a general outbreak of plenH or not guilty to Martin MuIIiuII'h charges. The Rouse referred tho domnnd for an iuvestigntlou to tho rules commit tee with tho undcrstundlug thnt the committee will report on the resolu tion Suturdny authorizing a broad Investigation. T Mexican Insurgents Capture Small Town Forty Miles From Port of Entry. Ily ,Molal(sl I'm to Coon liny Tlinm. 13L PASO. July 2. Torlhlo Ortc gu's Insurgents, advancing to attack Juarez, captured Guadalupe, -10 miles east or Junrez, last night. The garri son In fulling bnek on Junrez. FIGHTING IX (R'A VMAS. Report of ("apt nee by HcIicIh Wns at. Least rrciimtiii'o. Illy AMotUlnl l'r to Coot liny TIium DOUGLAS. Ariz.. July 2. Tho In tun-gents have not captured GuaymiiB' as reported. Gov. Pesiiulrn, who rc- turned io iiermoHiiin loony irom mu front, telegraphs that tho fighting at , liiiaymnH is nercor iiiau over. i no governor snya thnt ho expects news of tho federal surrender soon. GREW WRECKED ON ENTERPRISE Capt. John Anderson and Tom Golden in Another Ship wreck on Columbia Bar. Cnpt. John Andorson nnd Knglneor Tom Golden nro pursued by u hoo doo. After having boon wrecked a couplo of times on tho Rnudolph and wrecked once on tho Enterprise, they hnvo been In trouble again on tho En terprise, Coiicorulug tho Inst one, tho Oregonlan says: "A telegram to II. F. Campion, su perintendent or tho Port or Portland, yesterday stated that tho gasollno schooner EntorprlBo had beon picked up disabled on tho Columbia river bar by tho tug Oneonta nt 0:30 in tho morning nnd was towed Into port. "The Entorprlso was In troublo orf Umpqun river Just a week boforo. Her engines would not work and Cap tain J. L. Anderson Improvised a snll out of a canvas hatch covor and heat his way up tho const until off Yaqul nn bay, a dlstanco of CO miles, when his distress signals wore sighted by tho Unled States life saving crow and tho launch OUlo S. was sent out tn tow her In to Yaqulnn Day. "Tho Enterprise Is owned by tho Weddorhurn Trading company of Dandon, and besides a master carries nn engineer, Thomas Golden, and two deckhands, Harry Hunt and David Safoly. Her dimensions nro 53 feet; long, 14.2 beam and o.l depth or hold. Sho was built In 1908." STOLIJX JEWELS FOUND. Rare Gems Recovered After Suspect Escapes, Ily AnocUteJ l'rcn to looi Pay Time NEW YORK, July 2. Moro than $98,000 worth of Jowolry, which was stolen from tho Fifth avenuo firm of Udnll & Dallou, was found horo today In tho Pennsylvania railroad station In n vnllso. Tho Jowols, among thorn p. blue diamond of great value, woro stolon Inst Friday night during tho excitement caused by a flro in tho establishment. No nrrests woro mndo hut Win, Dreck, a young repair clork In tho storo when taken to tho police headquarters for questioning, Jumpod from the window of tho building und escaped, and has not beon recaptured. DON'T FORGET EAGLES' HALL AT EAGLES' HALL TOMORROW NIGHT. A GOOD TIME ASSURED. David Lamar, New York Bro Ker, Astounds Senate Com mittee by Evidence Today SAYS U. P.ioOKS WERE FORGED FOR $82,000,000 Declares Harriman and Others Thus Laid Basis for Their Great Fortunes. Ily Amoi ltr I'nti to Coon Hay TlmM. WASHINGTON. I). C, July 2. David Lamar. Wall street operator, and one time confident of Russell Sage, James R. Kccno and other rinnuelers, nmnzed the Scnato lobby committee todny by smilingly nnd frnnkly testirylng It was ho who Impersonated Representatives Pal mer and Rlordan In telephone con versntloiiH with LowIb Cass, Led yard Cravnth, Chalrniun Robert S. Lovctt, or the Union Pacific hoard nnd other prominent Humidors, tolling them that Edward Lauter baeh, a New York lawyer, could do groat thliiRB ror them In Washing ton. Lnmnr also astonished the com mittee by making n detailed charge thnt the Union Pnrlfic books had been forged In 1901, one itoni cov ering $S2.000.00n. und thnt as mo result Kuhn & Loob, and the Into Edwnrd llnrrlinnn nail lnld tho foundations or a gigantic fortune. When Lnmnr hud flushed. Pnul 1). Crnvnth, or the counsel ror Un ion Pacific, put In n prepared state ment to the committee, nlleglngthnt Lntnnr'R charges concerning tho $S2.Oon.00O was part or the boar cnmpnlgn to depress Union Pnclflo stock, or which tho rnllrond oHl clals have had knowlotlgo ror sev eral dnys. Lnmnr amused, cntortnlnnd nnd nstounded tlio eonimlttco iih he freely testified as to Ids Imporson ndon or Congressmen over tho tel ephone. He did It all, ho snld, to Impress tho rinnuelers with tho abil ity or his frlontl Edward Lnutorbach, but he stoutly denied thoro wns over any mention thnt Lnutorbach should proHt by legal roes. Lnmnr diverted from his nnrratlvo tn de nounce tho Union Pnclflo merger plan recently npproved In tho Fed eral Court nt St. Paul and ngrcod to by Attorney General McRoynolds nnd President Wilson. Sonntor Cummins questioned Lnmnr slinrp iy, nnd in exchange, tho wRiiobh testified ho wns u Mothodlst nnd Lnmnr wuh not IiIh original nnmo. He declined to give thnt. "I hnvo hntl several names," ho snld. Union Pacific Forgery. Lamnr's stntomont todny rognrd Ing tho nllexed forgory wns sub stuntlnlly as follows; "In tho sum mer of 1901, somebody forged tho hooks of the Union Pnciric Railroad Coinpnny to the tune or $82,000,000. Who It wns. I don't know. As n consoquenco the men oonnoeted with tho eoiupnny tnorenrtor got $82, 1100,000 In cnHh as the proceeds or thnt coinpnny nnd the $82,000,000 wns the fulcrum by which nil the glnnt monopolies nnd conspiracies wero fastened on linos of railroads serving tho torrltory from the Rocky Moiinlnlns to tho Gulf of .Mexico nnd It wns tho fulcrum through which this group of mon wero enabled to ncqulro glgnntlc fortunes." (Ily Amoi lain! rrttt Io Coo ny TlmM. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 2. David Lamar, a Wall street brokor, testified todny boforo tho Soiiuto lobby committee thnt ho wns tho ninn mentioned In tho tostlmony or Robort S. Lovett ns ihavlng cnlled Wall streot financiers on tho telo phono nnd having Impersonated a congressman. In 1897, Lamar said, Russol Sngo authorized him to compel tho' Southern Pacific to pny tho Govern ment eight million dollars on a bond owing It. Lamnr. with Sonntor t'orakor, came to Washington and conferred with Presldont MeKln ley. "Wo woro ehnrgod with bolng n pair ot conscienceless blackmail ers," said Lamar, "but that had no offect on us." When Sngo rotlrod irom business 1901 on Sago's rec ommcndntlou Lamar beenmo asso ciated with Jamea R. Keono. Lamar told or his activity In matters in volving tho Union PaclHc and In ine iiiieresi oi iveono, Keono nnnily losing his whole lortuno. Lauter hnch nnd Fornkor woro Keono's at torneys, "For tho purposo of rendering 111V frlnilll T.niltm-linnli or..-1-l.inn 'I said Lnniar, "and to restoro hlin io ins lonner irienuiy rojauona Wltll Kill. 11 I.nnli f. Pn Tnnnli and tho Union Pnclflc orrielals, I did hnvo a conversation over tho toiopiiono with tno union I'nclilo nfflplnln mi1 nMinra nml tn lwat-i conversations I did uso tho nnmo oi oiner persons, it tit. more wns no suggestion or u reo to Lnutor bach. On the strength ot thoso tolophono messages, Judgo Lovett enmo horo nnd chniged thnt Lnutor bach had tried to blackmail him." DANCE at ECKHOFF HALL, NORTH REXD, JULY . RAND MUSIC. GOOD FlOOR, GOOD MUSIC, A GOOD TIME AT THE EAGLES' HALL TOMORROW NIGHT.