HSawi TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1913.-EVENIHG EDITION. HE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUI l M MWMlMyti1WlgW,f' - - ii ' ' - . & ' fc ; n ' m' i DOINGS COUNCIL ARGUE I ABOUT "B" (Continued from V,. to cet tlu'tn drunk. He saw uini ?,ls was M e twentieth century and Kvas surprised nt Kendall .iBgcBt- ,nVr KcmlB I wld that Mr. Winkler ha a beautiful theory but .com. Ioi.h i mild not he met that way. He said j'wbb i troblcni of what to do to en- "Tr.' CoB'e said that he thought it would to a Rood thins to provide tome means for making the of en era work. nld il ,wou,lu o,l thing for the drunks because It would get the alco hol cut of their systems and by keeping then, ot work, they would not he drinking. Then ho said I would ho a blessing to make some o the hoboes do some work. Ho sniu that In some Instances, he would fa vor hiring two P',rBmt;nn,l0,"tl!lnl! over the man nnd sco that ho did W0''Mhank Cod that I don't hnvo to work- for .Mr. Copplo If those are Ii i h , views," burst out Mr. Winkler, ;I have n dlfferunt Idea of chrlstlanlt). ty " Mr. FcrBUsoii said that Mr. Win kler's theory was all rlRht until sonic trump came to his house and scared the wits out of his wlfo and then he would think something else. Mr. Albrecht said that there waB tome truth In what Mr. Winkler .con tended. However, ho said tho thing to do waB to go after tho hlgherups. He said It was common roputo about many violations of law hero and that tho police should go after those vlo IntorH nnd tho city attorney prosecute 1 ' Mr. Kendall snld that nil that was needed was evidence and that the city attorney would prosecutu any complaint that Mr. Winkler or Mr. Albrecht might bring In. Mr. Albrecht said It could be se cured by getting tho right man. Mr. Allen said that ho was not In favor of hiring a rnscul to catch another i it ....l.t ili.ii lli.tv. Ittiil mm mucin, no mini " "- ,"; " experience In thlH lino and tho detec tive tnoy receimy iiiinuieu i " liad been nrrested and fined $200 for gambling. . ., Mr. Albrecht said this was nil right, that the arrest of the detective had shown that gambling wiih going nn Mr. Copplo said that ho was ready to veto money or authorize a spe cial committee to take charge to cor rect any wrongB. j However, it wbh ncnriy i. i hick . nnd the council 'adjourned without doing anything, I'm- North lli'iul. Councilman Allen suggested Mint Mnrshfleld ought to have n g I rep resentation at the North llend cele bration. He snld that North llend had always been loyal to Mnrshfleld nnd that the courtesy should be re turned. There was some Joshing about who should pay for an auto to take the members of the council to the North llend parade. Mr. Albrecht said that he was willing to walk and would not even he nshamed of walk ing with Councilman FergUMin. "Well, Ferguson would he ashamed to have you," retorted Mr. Ferguson. Nothing definite was done nhout It. Mr, Winkler urged that some ac tion be taken hefore the celebration to Insure proper representation, fight S. I'. Injunction Case. I.hhI c-venlug JiihI ns the city coun cil was opening bids en South Fourth street, Sheriff (Inge appeared and served nn Injunction ngtiliist duplex ing South Fourth street between Kruse avenue and Coal Hank Inlet. The S, I'. secured It. The council went nhead ami awarded nil the contracts except for that section. Later, the city attorney wns Instructed to tight the Injiim tlon vigorously Councilman Al brecht said that heretofore, when ntlv iilitui't.ti! lit uti',.,1 liiiimivntiiiitilu they wore termed knockers, miuiuv- they wore termed knockers. Minnie- heads, etc, and now when .. big cor- poratloi, wiih fighting one. he wanted to seo what would be done, curt Her- more, he said that It was believed by many that the courts were agulnst the poor man and In favor of the rich nnd by trying this case out. be. said it mignt lie 1 edited. toiinciiinaii Copple i.nld that he didn't believe fur tli.i niiiiill, uti'.it Lintdi The cliy euuliieer was Instructed te establish a Krude on Second street noith t" Klin. John W. Mot ley petltloniiiK it so Mint lie could de termine the elevation for the new home which he build there. Claude Nasburg luked that the griul.i be etitahllsbed on Second uiiirt uoitli of Kim. He wants the street plunked nlsu. Mr. Bulley was ordered iviunded overdiuriw on PU electrbul Uceuse Couniiliiinn Winkler wunied to know what City Knglmer BmUlng liuin uh1 1300 worm of help doluy during the mouth of June and Mr BucMnKhum explained tlmt with $45,000 worth of street Improve ments let last night ami a large amount mere on bond that Jt took help to ekUbllsb gradiw. etc. KWHBISH H'TIIHItAX laillltS will hervle DIN.MBt from It to 2 and SI PPKU from 5 to S JULY U and ;$ at Mm church parlors. ALL COMK. iiiis anoiii me conns, my. a urec ii i i vn.i.,..i,t ,,n .1...1 .1... . mild that he didn't either ko far a I .JW., " . " f'u,'ln Cons i-iiiuilv In i-nni'.ii-1-iiml ."?" ""' ,0 l, l,B ofiMent as pons 1 00s , oiini) s , urn ei 1 ue I. ll0 HU( ll(, )U1 ,, 1t ,u 1))U B1i Keiiilne Piiicc.illi.Rs. efficiency of the police department ltHiiewnls of saloon UcetikO were shouldered 011 to tlieiu. grunted to the fifteen salouiib In However. whn It mine to a vote Mnrshfleld last evening. There weie en ihe mutter of referring (lie proli ne changes In owneishlp. oltlou to the flio ana water I'liiiuult Cluis. Powers. Dr. I.eelle and John tee. Ml oted In favor ef It evipt W Mnllitv wiii'd intiiiihilii.l il.iunrii Mr Allii.ht "" OF CITY COUNCIL IFIHFN ID PDUGE PHI Council Has Warm Discussion Over Proposed Increase and Merging of Duties. Aftnr ii llvelv dehato over the py , posal to engine a second paid mnn t. ti... Mnrshfleld fire department and have the two engine men of he fire department act as desk sergeants of Mm pollco department, the mat cr was refened to the Tire and Wa or (ommlttce to report on at a later meeting. . ,, , .,. ' Tho mnttcr wns brought up b lire Chief Don Kentlng. Ho said that n resolution of the fire department nhout thu matter shoul.l I have been llled with tho recorder. Ho said that the firemen had decided against hir ing a paid chief, were opposed to having the engineers act as po ce inen but wanted tho council to allow tho chluf of the fire department to nppolnt n second engineer. ' t'ouncllmnn Ferguson who as chairman of the street committee had reported In favor of tho now plan said that tho report had been mado for tho purpose of having tho matter discussed. He said that there was no reflection on the present cniei or on the fire department but was merely ... .1.. .i,,,t ii'nu Ik.hI for the cltv. He said that one Idea wns that If there was a pollcemnn or desk sergeant ai tho city hall who could keep n record ..! ....in. nrriiut nil Illlll COtlld Wltll the patrolman who brought In offend ers count tlio money on ms persun. u would remove the charges of graft ing against policemen. Ho snld that men who were arrested for drunken ress sometimes thought that they had more money than they did and then when relensed were knocking nhout the pollco. He said ti second man nt the city hall would eliminate this. Ho said that 1.. W. Travor hail been suggested for tho place because he had formerly been flro chief and had hecn praised by the firemen nnd nil. He said that he wasn't sure that Mr. Traver would take thu position but that If ho would, ho thought It would he well. Councilman Albrecht said tlmt ho did not have tho slightest word to say against Traver hut that ho was opposed, as were all tho firemen, to any "dog In tho iiinnger policy." Ho said that the fire department had been given their own management nnd that It wasn't right to take It away. Furthermore, lie Hiild that If u man hud charge or tiie nro engine, ho should not he out on the street making arrests. He snld Hint Kngl- ,.t.r stiitHiiiuii only tho o iher dnv had u-lieeleil u drunk down the street to Jail In a wheelbarrow. Councilman Winkler said that all Marshfluld appreciated the bravery nnd efficiency of tho rireinen and ho for one was opposed to doing any thing that tho firemen did not wish. Councilman Ferguson snld that it wart not the Intention to have the engineers do patrol duty but to mere ly have police power for duty around the city hull, to keep the police re cord and have police power on the fire lines. Mr. Fergiisou said that he didn't think It wns right to expect a mnn to work seven days n week and -1 hours ii day like Stutsman has been vorklng. City Hei order Ilutler said this was winng as the night police men hne been firing the file engine ut night. Filially It was suggested that the matter he refened to the Fire nnd Water committee. Councilman Cop pie made some remark about being away next Monday and when he heard this. Councilman Albrecht wanted nn ImmiHlliite vote on the proposition. He said the firemen wanted to know where they were nt. He said he did not want any dog In the manner pulley. Mr. Copple said that If he was re ferring to him. he would tell them quickly where he stood. He mild that lust week he bad opposed lililnu n paid fire chief nnd doing wivthlnic wiinoiu nn- approval or tiie meuicii. However, he could not see any leiiMin ,,.. u,,, ',,.,,, .,, ..,,.,1.1 ;, ., .. ,,, ' ' u 1. m y mil nnd ' , " .", ", ' , ,n , .' ...:.. , u.rf'r., ...m. .i" ., "" ' ""2 , u 'III yZZ S J.'ta , . , f " "V. '" ,',,,,, , J'V ' r" . P in . he ',,,., ..,.,. ,.,, .: ' .,' ,: ' "",,., ,, .. J,' !',W"11 kUUl "" ,,u C0UI,, ,lu- iirii.n i:v uoAii. Siiili.Puei ConiMiny Cliiiiiges inguwii) .enr .lijuie Pelm, -. ...,,,. , Ml t kill? Ilfl 111 -n i-wiiri.iiii. ami round wime an e- iclleiit pleie of work. 1 When the railroad loiiftruct . ed. It was louud uecesr 10 11 ue it , portion uf the wagon road on South J-ork and the n mad built .wis in, lieu ef that coiuise.ted Mr Hver' iy our county autho litis might us-i mutilate om valuable pointers bvl i'u:,xx ,".. "I0 Wl1rk- Th roadUnl Is I full 21 feet iu Mldtb. Iillu Kiif ,i.,. I ami giadcb esiuUlUhed. making a permanent pl- of work.- Bnndon World TlmW Waut AOs bring jveults. Last week Klheri Uver, Tavlor Slg. llu. of MiUkhfleld. and A N. Mould of I oqullle, coiiiptMiim the hoard of road viewer, liikpotted the nmd re iilltly built by the Smith-Pom m It)., ml Itii'tmt t tlt.i ... . ... Illl lll'l' (STREET IRK t COM LET City Council Awards About $45,000 Worth Outsiders "Pinched" by Awards. The Mnrshfleld City Council Inst evening awarded the contracts for about lo,000 wortn of street Im provements. Tho work was award ed as follows: South Elevontn Street Bridge to HagoulBt and DJoniulst for $2270; plank roadwnv to Johnson & Lar son for $1.24; wood curb to Per ham & Gldley for 1 1 centB; grading to Perhnm nnd Oidley for 29 cents. South Fourth Street Bridge Li rod to (loldeu to I'erhnm & Old le $2131; concrete curb to Warren Construction Company for 30 cents: wooden sidewalk to I'erhnm & Gld ley for 30 cents; bituminous pnvlng to Coos Ilav Paving nnd Construc tion Company for $1.IM earthwork Ilnll to Golden to Moon & Barclay for 31 cents; elevated roadway 250 south of Hall to Perliam & Gldley for $S!i"; enrthwork Hall to Kruse to Warren Construction Company for 33 cents. ..Johnson Avenue-Blank roadway to Johnson and Larson for $1.24; wood curb to Warren Construction Company for 10 cents, concrete curb to Warren Construction Company for 30 cents; fildewnlk to I'erhnm & Gldley for 30 cents; bituminous pnvlng to Coos Bay Pnvlng nnd Con struction Company for $1. IS; enrth work from Second to Seventh to Oregon Pnvlng nnd Construction Co. for 32 cents; enrthwork Seventh to Tenth to Perhnm & Gldley ut 3 1 mid 30 cents. Hemlock Avenue Bedecking To Perhnm & Gldley for $7 IS. The other bids were: Johnson & Larson, $7!5.I0 mid llngqulst & DJoniulst. $SI7. Most of tho Jobs were let on the unit hnsls. Out-hle Bidder- Pluclictl. The nwnrdlng of the contracts wiih attended by some unusual scenes, some of the bidders not wnntlng the contracts after they had got them. Two of the bidders were outside concerns, one being the Oregon Pnv lng nnd Quarry Company nnd the other the Warren Construction Com pany. After the bids had been rend the representatives of tho Warren Con struction Companv asked that his bid be not considered. He stated Mint their bidding clerk had made n mistake In rending the specifica tion nnd had hid 2. OS per square yard on the pnvlng, thinking they had asked for heavier work, lie said that they did not want part of the contructs. The Oregon Paving nnd Quarry Company's representative made n similar statement, saying that he liiul bid under n misunderstanding. He snld he had Just found out that the work was not awarded ns n whole but the work wns to he par celed out to the low bidders on each Item, lie snld that unless they got considerable work they could not nfford to come In 'and do small Jobs. Hugh McLaln ohlecteil to the bids being thrown out. declaring that the bidders should have known what they were doing hefore thev sub mitted the bids. He snld that local contrnctors had to take the work us It came nnd Mint he was not In ;; :", " ni uini 1111 ( OMIlCll lllltl llll(lll'l Piklilrnnlni. 1111 son to correct nn error in n bid recently nnd that he favored treat ing the new men alike. It was pointed out that Mr. Wilson's error was of u different tint 111 e. Finally when It came to nwnrd lng the contracts, the Oregon Pav ing nnd Quarry Company representa tive offered to pay the next lowest ddders tho difference between his bid and theirs If the Council would award It to the nevt bidder. Con tractor Barclay objected to Mils chanue and said that then he would forfeit his live per cent guarantee. He would have been out $!i, bv pnlnn the difference, but bv for feiting liu check he will loe onlv $0. The Warren Construction Com pany representative pointed out hat they could hardly afford to bring In 11 crew or equipment for n Mile work here. He snld Mint thev "Id low on some Items expecting to make It up on otheis. It wns pointed out that thoy would got ever a mile of curb. He said Mint f thev were dolnK the wlmle Job that the curb could be put In nt 'Hi cents per linen I font nt. n profit, but to do Ii alone would be n loss. After talking It over the Council decided that they could not let off any blddeis without nullifying the wiiole buslueMi. Bedded by Coin. One award wns decided hi "lot." yn5m! ' 'V "'"luUt and Perlmm Gldley having bid the same on he wood curb o, Kloventh street LuBlueer Biuklughiim furnished the coin. Councilman Ferguson flipped linn ur i.iuiey. who had called heads . won. On another contract the Warren t onstriictlon Companv and Oregon Paying Company tied for low bid and neither wanted the contract. It was for curbing and flnnlly the Warren Construction Companv man Jld he would take It as he had other work to do. Maor Straw mid that the War ren Company had been trvlng for Zy ?,r throf ymr t0 8p '-ei and that they had been given limn- in leiiiiig ineso men oir. I". P. .Vol ton Took Same View. Councilman Winkler said that If the contrnctors had made a mistake the Council should allow them In ifirriwl It II, . u.il.i ,!. .t. Early Shipment of Fall Coats Sport Coats for Women IN PLAIN RED AND BLACK AND WHITE PLAIDS. JACKETS ARE THREE- QUARTER LENGTH. ' $15.00 to $22.50 1 Bathing Suits Just arrived, How grace ful they are! Mohair, Sicil ian and Serges, $3.00 to $5.00 Pretty, bright colored pure rubber caps to go with them, f Boy's Wash Suits Good variety, beautifully made and finished, Newest styles, $1.00 and $1.50 Hub O'Connell Building, tho work. The lntter retorted Mint MurHhlluld prohnhly wouldn't he hotherod nKaln hy tho Wnrron Con struction Company If MiIh woh the kind of treatment they were koIiik to Kt. South I'liuilli St. HltK Mel.uln & Mel.alti Klrod to (loldeu. $271'". SO. for 'J',0 noutli of Hall, $1000 and from Knife to Coal Hunk Inlet $27l!0. Illtuinlnoiin pnvliiK ll.till per Hiiinre yard, con crete curh iiS cents per foot, nnd Hlx-foot sldewulk 10 cents per foot. HiiKMiilKt & HJorqulHt Klevutod roadway Klrod to (loldeu. $211 1 ft. from Hall avenue 'J.'.S feet south $100 nnd sidewalk III cents per lineal foot. !'. 1. Norton Karthwork hetweon Hall nnd Kruno 10 cents per ni hil yard or H,","7 and sidewalks :il cents per lineal foot. Moon nnd Uarclny Kakthwork north of Hull avenue III cents per cubic ynrd nnd between Hall and Kruse in cents per ruble ynrd. Coos Ho I'nvliiR and Construc tion Company llltiimlnous pnvliiK $1.IS per siiuaro yard and concroto curb i:i cents per lineal foot. OreKoii PnvliiK nnd Construction Co. Klovntod- roadway from Klrod to rsoldcn $2S7".fifi. from llnll nve nue 2,",0 feer south $11 in. Karth work from (loldeu 1o Ilnll 31 cents per cubic ynrd and from Hall to Kruse 31) cents por cubic yard. UI tunilnons pnvliiK $1.52 per squnro yard, concrete curli 37 cents por llnonl foot and sidewalk 3S cents por lineal foot. Johnson & Lnrson. - Klovnted roadway Klrod to Goldon $2481.10 and Hall avenue to 2.10 foot south $0SS.7ft. Klovnted roadwnv KriiPO to Coal Hank Inlef $2751.75. Sldo wnlk 3S cents per lineal foot. C. H. Klniingnn. Karthwork (loldeu to llnll 33 cents por cubic yard. Warren Construction Co. Klovnt ed road Klrod to Golden $21550, Hall nvouuo to 250 feet south $1075. Kruse to Coal Hank Inlet $2750. Karthwork from Goldon to Hull S3 cents per ruble ynrd nnd from Hall to Kruno 33 cents, 111 tunilnous pnvliiK $2. OR per squnro ynrd. concroto curb 3fi cents por lineal foot and sldowalks 5G cents per llnonl foot. Perhnm & Gldloy. Klovatod roadwav Klrod to Goldon $2231. 250 fet south of Hall $S07, Kruso to Coal Hank $2334. Karthwork from Golden to llnll 38 cents nnd Ilnll to Kruse 47 cents. Concroto curb IS cents and sidewalks 30 conts. Johnson Avenue Itlds. Oieson Pnvlns and Construction Co.- Karthwork from Second to Seventh 32 cents per cubic vnrd and Seventh to Tenth 10 cents' for excavatiiiK and 19 cents for fill Concrete curb 30 cents, wood curb 13 cents, plunk rondwny $l.S5 iter lineal foot, sidewalk 3S cents per foot nnd bituminous paving $1 5" por square ynrd. P. P. Norton Karthwork from Second to Sovonth 33 c cents iter cubic ynrd. nnd sidewalks 371.. cents per llnonl foot. Perhnm & Gldley Earthwork Showinu the new "Money Talks" Dry Goods Co. Second to Seventh 31 renin nnd Seventh to Tenth nlno renin for ox riivntliiK niid 21 and 25 cents for fill. Concrete curh IS cents, wood curh II cents, plunk roadway ?i..i:i uini sldewnlk 30 cents. Johnson & I.nrson Wood curb 17 3-1 routs, nlnnk roudwnv $1.21 nnd sldowalks 50 cents. Coos Ilav PhvIiik anil Const ruction Co. Concroto curb 13 routs per lineal foot tun! bituminous paving JI.IS. Wnrron Construction Co. Enrth- wm'l Kofmnl 1,. Kiivixilli A( fnnlu Sovonth to Tenth 30 rents for ox cnvatlliir nnd ten cents for fill. Con. ereto rurb 30 centu, wood curli 10 cents, plank rondwny $2, sidewalks mi contti nun bituminous pav hk $2.0S. Moon nnd Ilnrclnv Kiii'itiworili Second to Tenth 38 cents, Seventh to Tenth rrom in to 21 cents. Ilnuiiulst nnd nioninlHt -ll'nml curb II cents, plunk roadway $1.15 nun siiiuwiiik ;u routs. Mcl.alll & Mcl.nhl f'niwiolo curh 5S conts, bltumluous pavliiK i.iu, wood ciirn 2ii cents, plunk rondwny $1.42 nnd slilnu-nik .in cents. Kleventli Street ItliN. Porhnm & Gldley Earthwork 20 cents, wood curb II routs, plunk rondwny $1.10 nnd olovated road way $2359. Johnson & Lnrson Plnnk rond You can have lots of fun on' the Fourth of July with a KODAK Kodaks $5.00 to $65.00 Speed Kodaks $60.00 Brownie Cameras $1.00 to $12.00 Eastman Films and Supplies. Red Cross Drug Store We do Developing and Printing. Phone 122-J, Motorcycle Delivery. Settle the Blouse Question Dainty new middies trim med in blue and red, Some with stripe collar and cuffs, 65c to $1.50 "Niagara Maid" Silk Gloves "Double Tips" of Course, Black, white and tan, All lengths, 50c and $ 1 .00 Phone 361, wny $1.71, wood curb 17 3-1 u nun eiovnieii roniiwiiy -:mk, .Moon & Ilnrrliiv lOarthwork II' routs per ruble ynrd. 'jl IIul'iimIkI & llliiniulHt Knrthwcrt.l 33 rents, wood curb 14 cents, iUu rondwny $l.4i", and elovnled roil-, wny $2270. Mfl.nlii mill Mcl.nlll - Wood ton I 20 rents, plank roadway $1 I! l olevnteil rondwny $2i2S. .1 Levi llelsner Enrthwork Hi routs per cubic ynrd. WED HI.'TV YKAHS. - 1 iiii'inik r Mi-m. itciiiicM. KunntnJ (Vleliiute Colileii Wislillii),'. V lll... ..!,.. ........ .ll......l.l. ....m TaS I in llllluiwilK ilinflllill iiiiiii .., rut Crm-ii ciitifwirnlui' tlm tinrentl tli Mrs. Ileiinett Swiinton will hooflvi torest here, Mrs. Swnnton nnd wmv ion being ut Korost Grovo for wj siiiiimer: , M .....I ,,.., xolllln... AlmrnltrJ lelo'brntoil thu f,0th unnlvorsarjr el' tltiTll t'll1fl III IP 'Pll (Mill (1 L 'Mr. Abornothy Ib tho only m & tlio into fiCorKo Alieriiotny. Tcrnw flu I f'.i-oeliiH nf niinimii fftt khtti 1111 tl i- III 1 U viii( I neiny is a uauguter or uio line "u- 1 In ii 11 Criie. wlui wiih n lillsslODUT iissorlated with the Mnrruu Whltw5 oxpedltloii. Sho wuh born near i lem. , "Mr. Abornothy Is n pioneer ( 19 iu. no was norn in now mf bnn the distinction of holding the "Thoy lmvo 10 chlldron UtWJ nun iv grnnuoiinuron. ,1 itA to&laoJL i,"M. -U - 'JiXii.. -1 ' - itj t' rj.i v 1 ..;, i--h.w ofi JAtAitiuMttta