Wr EsTST, ACTIVE WORKERS t&fflMHMSvh raias M Mft W ft . fcssw aw - I our liflii. Knowing iiioir iiiiHi E, and tnkltiB I'rtilo In doing It v.. in Bailsfy our customers, mid Ivt credit upon "' ostnhllsh int. We nnvo itoilnto methods I.' in.,,,- rmi'llv tlllltull'v Willi; I (IIUIII'H -- L (araii(cu our patrons Bntlsfiu- r jn every pnrtlciilur. Added to ich our charges nro lower tlmu laid bo asked elsewhere for a slm I .!, r work. os Bay Steam Laundry PUPS.'' MAI.V B7..T. jwdrum's, Garage homo of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 117 Cent ml Av. Phono 73L IE LITTLE SHOE SHOP WOUND THE CORNER Ills whero you enn got your shoos. Mired promptly, rensoniiuly anil lilifactorlly. Couin In and bee. OSCAR E. WALL kit door to Orpliotim Theater Walk ono block and save one dol- 1 oa each pair of mon's and boys' lots. Wo do drat clnBs shoo re tiring at tliu lowest prices In the j, tours for a square deal. Aug. Olson. 21." South Broadway. STADDE N ll.b KINDS of PHOTOGltAPllIO VOIIK, llromlilu Enlarging mid Kodak Finishing. WANTED itthfS Hint won't lfonn limn, lllrlv kd rancid oil nrc the ruination of pur watch. Let mo handle It and Nerve It porfectly for years to I tee, E. C. BARKER. M Front st. Mnrshtl Id. Or. t. j. scaife. S. BROWN Jj) A. II. IIOBGINS larshficld paint and ULIUKAIINU I.U. Estimates Furnished. hnnn 1H7-L Multifield. Ore Inique Pantatorium IE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS. 1ESSCHS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent fur Emvnrd II. Htrmts. it Co.. Flno Tollorlnit. Let ui nuke your next suit. S CENTRAL. Phone 2503 Kery day except Sunciny 1 not go out. Irs. Maria W. Jackson Graduate Masseuse l.vmna nvi.v lives Massage and Manlpu- f'iuu Treatment. North Bond. Drown ?irst ClassWeaving Promptly iluiio at Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory 1 Sherman ureiiiie between Cnllfnr ilu mid Connecticut. 25i 174. North Wend. Or. BOARD In n Pleasant rnnnlrtr Hnme for two or threo ladles, during jul' and August. Address R, 5!re of Times. References. I'Sr ItfiV7--.r-T. A largo shipment or Electric Cut Shades. 1.-1I am) ...... ... ..... . nlaaa. " " "BO OUT BIUH " ,- fre. ye also have some of the r. designs In shower futures, F0n two light to five. Everything 1 lineal supplies. rnard & Langworthy I OfcM fci toy Auto Service ..fl-her A Tiirfrpn. Pronrletors. B6ne orders to Blanco Hotel, 46. After 12, 260L, Right Cafe. Marshfleld, Oregon. THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, Marshfield and North Bend Auto Line GORST & KING. Proprietors. 1S3ES& B',wn ffi LEAVE MARSHFIELD 7:15 A. M. vnis-J Fir--' ! i MF-w ifeiftvi 8:00 A. M. 8:45 A. M. 3:30 A. M. 10:15 A. M. 11:00 A. M. 11:45 A. M. 12:30 P. M. 1:15 P. M. 2:00 P. M. 2:45 P. M. 3:30 P. M. 4:15 P. M. 5:00 P. M. 5:45 P. M. 6:30 P. M. 7:30 P. M. 8:30 P. M: 9:30 P. M. 10:30 P. M. 11:30 P.M. 12:30 A. M. FARE, ROUND TRIP, 25 CENTS Lcavo North Rend Allen's News stand. Lcnvo Mnrshlleld Chandler and Blanco Hotels and Dusy Cornor. THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING Havo photographic copies of abstracts or titles, present owners, to real estate furnished on short BUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS. SASII AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ITTC. CUT THE FUEL BILL IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH BROADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDE MARSHFIELD OFFICE. PHONE 1 l-.T. ('OQUH'LE CITY OFFICE PRONE JIM. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILING FROM PORTLAND JUNE 211; JULY I, l, II, H. 21, AND 21), AT H A. M. SAILING FROM COOS BAY .ll'LV I. (I, II, HI, 21, 2(1 AND :tt, AT 1 P. M. Tickets on wile to nil Eastern points nud liiforiiintlon us to routes mid rates cheerfully furnished. Phone Main !1.VL. 1 L STERLING, AKeut. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR EUREKA MONDAY, JUNE 30, AT 8 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND "" NORTH PACIFIC WTEAMSUIP COMPANY. ,,,ono .,, O. P. McGEOHGE, Agent. sXnann smith Sails From San Francisco for Coos Bay Friday, June 27, at 3 P. M. CARRYING ALL COOS BAY FREIGHT. San Frnm-l-.ro office, 805 Fife 1I1r., or Lombard St. Pier No. 27 Inter-Oceanic Trunspoitutloii Co., C. P. MiGeorKe, Au.t. Phono 11. Low In price, high n quality. Electric Irons We havo a few secondhand Irons In good working condition at 1.75. New Irons, $3.50 up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J 153 N. Broadway JiTkimls of Job Printing LEAVE NORTH DEND. 7:00 A. M. 7:45 8:30 9:15 10:00 10:45 11:30 12:15 1:00 1:45 2:30 3:15 4:00 4:45 5:30 6:15 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. ABSTRACT COMPANY all records o Coos County to date, or any other Information relating notlco. Front St.. Marslifleld. Phono 151J W.J. RUST, Manager Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunks between any points In Marshfield for the follow ing rates, delivery to bo made In the first stories of buildings: One trunk J .25 Three trunks '00 Twelve trunks .80 Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Helsner, Prop. Phones. 120-J: 49-L; 98R, Done at The Times Office SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1913 A PRAYER. (By Louis I'nternieycr.) God, though this life Is but n wrath, Although wo know not what u use, Although we grope with little faith, Give me the heart to fight and lose. Ever In conflict let me be; Make me more daring than de vout; From sleek contentment keep me free. And fill me with a buoyant doubt. Open my eyes to visions girt With bcniity, and with wonder lit; Hut let mo always see tho dirt And all that spawn and die In It. Open my cars to music; let .Me thrill with Spring's first flutes and drums; But never let me daro forget The bitter ballads of the slums. i rom compromise and things half done Keep me, though all tho world deride. And when at last the figbt Is won. God, keep me still unsatisfied. Nothing equals an nureolo of beautiful hair as a frame for a pretty face. Without n background of nice hair n really pretty face freuiientlv becomes plain nud. with If, unattractive features assume life and beauty. Every woman can Incrense her nnturnl charm by using Newbro's Herplcldc. Hcrplclde makes linlr bcautirul. Tho dandruff germ saps the vitality of the hair. Herplcldc applied Intelligently and regularly chocks this destruction of hair life and prevents the hair from falling out. giving It n snap and luster, a Hflft, silky fliiffluesH which ran bo ncqulred In no other way. Nowbro'H Herplcldo In 50c and SI. 00 sizes Is guaranteed to do all tnnt Is claimed, If you nro not satisfied your money will lie to ftiudcTl. Applications may be obtained at the host barber shops and hair dressing pnrlors. I.ockhart-Purson'H Drug Co.. special agents. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notlco Is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received by the com mon council of tho City or Marsh field, Coos County, Oregon, until 8 o'clock p. ni., .Monday, tho 7th day of July, 1913, for tho Improve ment of that portion of Tenth street soutli from tho south lino of luger soll nvonuo west to tho south lino of Railroad addition to Marshfleld. In the city of Marsbflold, Coos County, Oregon, nccordlng to the plans and specifications on fllo In tho office of tho City Recorder and thero open to tho Inspection of all poisons Interested therein. All bids must bo In nocordanco with tho roqulrements accompany ing said specifications, and upon blanks for thnt purposo which will bo supplied upon requost nt tho of fico of tho City Engineer. A certified chock or flvo por rent of tl-o amount bid must accompany tho bid, to bo forfeited to tho said City of Mnrshflold In ci.so the con tract Is nwarded tho contractor nnd he fnllH to ontor In a contract with the said city within flvo days. The Common Council reserves tho right to reject anv and all lildR. JOHN W. BUTLER. Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notlco Is hereby glvon that seal ed bids will bo received by tho Ilnnril nt nlrnclOIH of SpllOnl I)1h- trlct No. 9, Coos County, Oregon, for tno completion or mo nuio in tho High School Building In snld nlal.lot nrin nil ill? In tlin lilnllB 1111(1 specifications proparod by Win. S. Tiirpln, nrrhltccr. Tlio contractor to iiiriiisa nil la bor and material. The successful 1,11, In., will Im rnmilrml In irlvn n bond In tho amount of 50 por rout of tho contract price, as monuonou In Hpeclflcntlons. Bid to bo aildroRsed to John V. Hall, Clork or School District No. n n.,,1 it-Ml Im niumnil nt- 7:30 o clock p. m.. July 1. 1913, nt tho oiiico or nail a. Jinn, in niu urn trlct. Each bidder to doposlt a rortl rin.i nlmnl nf f. unr milt nf tild mndo payablo to School District No, 0, to bo forfeited In caso bid bo nu.nnln.l n ml lilililnr full tn enter Into contract with satisfactory bond within flvo nays rrom nam oi uwnni. Tho school board rcsorvon tho ri,.i,t tn rnlont nnv ami all bids or to award a bid not tho lowost, If thoy deom tno uiuuor mosi respon sible. Dnted this 24th dav nf Juno. 1913. JOHN P. HALL, Clork School District No. 9, Coos County. Orogon. . We Do Catering For Parties ROOM FOR SMALL BANQUETS. White House Bakery (Formerly Leld's.) BOX LUNCHES FOR PICNIC PARTIES. THE ELECTRIC SHOE STORE is the place to buy good shoes for THE WHOLE FAMILY. 180 8. Broadway. YOU CAN HAVE A WEALTH BF BEAUTIFUL HAIR EVENING EDITION. WITH TOAST AND TEA GOOD EVENING. "And they asked me howl did It, and I gave 'cm the Scripture text, 'You keep your light bo shining n I.lttlo In front o' the next!' They copied nil they could follow. But they couldn't copy my mind, And 1 left 'em sweat Inu and stenllng A year and a half behind." Kipling. MOVING SCENE. Squirming llko a monkey. Thrashing llko a whale, Bucking like a donkey, Creeping like a snail, Sweating llko a wnffle, Screeching like a train Hang ttt This Is awful, Moving In the rain. Pndder's on a ladder. Pocking kitchen pans: Mother's getting madder At the tardy vans; Brother Bob's disabled, Falling down tho stair With a hamper, labelled, 'Handle this with care!" I Mover's ducking fixtures, Palling over Jugs, With a crato of pictures And n balo of rugs; Helper slipping, sliding On tho muddy grass, Quit, and gone In hiding Broko n looking glass! Brother Jimmy's whacking Mother's stoamer trunk; Sister Nellie's packing Father's smoking Junk; Sister Sadie's whanging With a hank of rope Dnd's pajamas hanging On tho bust of "Hope." Squirming llko n monkey, Spouting Ilka n whale, Kicking llko n donkey, Crawling like a sunll, Working -like u beaver, Groaning llko n van Hung tho moving fever Ami the weather man! -.:-::- To publish nil tho uows about other people's nffnlrn Is tho proper thing, but publicity for your own af fairs well that's something else. Many a good untured mnn lives on n cross Htrect. Thirst and protty teeth nro re sponslblo for a good many smiles. If u womnn's photograph Is n good likeness, she thinks It cannot do lior Justice. v : WARNING! To Young People Who Contem plate .Spciiillii" Sunday on Coos RUi'i-. Canoeing nud dnuger Are "band In glove;" You fall In tho rlvor Or else In love. The purple ami fine linen of hoiiio Coos Bay people always remind me of putting a $10 collar on a I! 0. cent dog. Evory girl who lives In n village says: "There Isn't n young man In tlilft town who Is worth whllo." If you would enjoy penceful do metitle relations, toll your wlfo occa sionally that sho knows more than you do. THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT. Richard Frit., of Topoka. Kansas, has dug 7500 graves In G years. WUFF! Said tho moth, ns be sniffed at tho camphor: I'm sorry I'm horo whoro I ninphor Some things that I eat Tasto pleasant and sweet, But camphor 1 don't care a damphor. Don't tell everything you know; keep a llttlo for seed. WHO STARTED THIS, ANVWAYV Mrs. Arthur Palmer wiih hostess to u luncheon of attractive nppojut ineutH nt tho Elks' Club Weduosday nftonioon, honoring hor house guest. Mrs. Robert Gnlo, of Grand Rapids. The (allien were nrtlstle with their great baskets of syrlngos. -Adrian, Mich., Times. Members of the Shakesioaro Club and their families enjoyed the Club'H annual picnic Thursday eve TEe Royal TONIGHT THE PATRICKS, WITH THEIR GREAT SINGING, TALKING AND DANCING ACT. In Photoplay: "IN THE GRIP OF THE VAMPIRE" In three iitentloii.holilliig rcvls by tho renowned GAl'MONT COMPANY. All This For Ten Cents. A Worker Appreciates This. Win. Norrls, a resldont of Hor onco, Oroon, says; "For tho last 14 years my kidneys nnd bladder Incapacitated mo for all work. About eight months ago I began UBlng Foley Kldnoy Pills, and they havo done what other medicines failed to do, and now I am feeling fine. I recommond Foley Kidney Pills." Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank ii nnhnn. finnoslte Chandler Hotel. Phone 71. nlng. Tho guests met nt the Mrs. Lnurettn Nichols home and tho sup per was served at tho Dr. H. H. Nichols homo. Quantities of syringes were used in decorating the rooms. Marshnlltown Times Republican. . WHO'.' Who Is It when I'm sad nnd blue And friends nro cold and kinds words few, Who soothes and comforts me alt who? I wish 1 knew. DORSEV KRE1TZER. Who Is It, when the moments fly And parting time, too, soon draws nigh, Who kisses mo a sweet goodbyo? Tho nnmo bns escaped me. GEORGE GOODRUM. Who Is when from duns 1 fleo And no escnpo from wreck I seo, Who says, "My boy, Just draw on me I" Liberal reward for nnmo and ad dress. HARRY McKEOWN. Who Is It, when 1 turn n rhymo That has tho true ring, comes whoro I'm At work to tell mo It's subllmu'? You try to guess. ANON. Who Ih It, when tho game Is hot And nil my chips nro In tho pot, A better linud than mine tins not? Lead me to lilnil 1 W. J. CONRAD. Who Is when tn gentle spring My now lint goes afliitlorlng, Laughs not to seo mo chnso tho thing? Ho can't bo found. TOM HALL. ' If a man has talent he can tunko use of another's genius. A womnn's iuIshIoii Is to sweoten n miin's lire, theoretically, -K-- Aud sniuo people who believe that prayer has an effect on tho weather lack the faith necessary to help them over a dull season In business. Men who havo no sense of humor get funny nt the wrong time. SI IV. All Cons Bay men nro modest, I will nay When It comes to making any donations; And some Coos Buy men are so bash ful that they Won't even meet their ordinary ob ligations. Flattery will mirc-cod whoro Force can't exact and Money can't purchase. Nearly every man likes pcoplo to nccusu him of being n regular Dovlt among tho women. But wlion be la guilty ho gets mad If you oven hint nt such a thing. THE WOMEN'S DAYS. By "Tho Denttown Bard." TIipho nro tho women's dnyB and look what tho women do! Heading tho civic- work of tho world, ami turning tho wron to true; Putting themselves In tho fnrwnrd ranks of tho laborers of tho time To ileal thu evil government nud stay tho progress of crime. These nro tho wonion's days, With hor banners of light she goes, To turn tho streot nnd tho dirty lot Into a garden of roso. TIicbo nro tho wonion's days and seo how they tnko tholr plnco, Helping with counsel and skill nnd toll the onward march of tho raco! Building us first the homes, nnd holp lug us renr the child, And thou with the cohorts marching on to cleanse what Is now de filed. Those are tho wonion's days, And hiiiIo and noblo anil firm Slip plants hur banners upon tho height And her root on tho civic worm. Those nro tho wonion's days, of broader and nobler creed Than sowing and Hweeplng nnd bak ing bread for tho common dul ly need; For the higher soul thnt sho Is, nud tho finer tlirond of hor llfo, So In ii finer and hlghor way sho coinoH to tho civic strife. These nro tho womon'H days, And the grentest mothers of nil Are those who have lifted the civic sword And inmched to tho bnttlo coll. For It need not muko hor loss In tho tasks of love that sho Should set hor soul it task of llfo In tho wurs of liberty; Should rlso In tho widening hour of tho world's advuuclng Plan To plant her bannor of force besldo tho standards of tho man. These are tho women's dnys, And bettor the clvlt- stato Of tho laud In which sho takes her stand To holp ami cousocrato, JUNE WHITE SALE. 20 PER CENT OFF on all WHITE DRESSES, WAISTS, SKIRTS and CURLS' SAIIr OR SUITS. LADIES' EMPORIUM. Tho Brilliant Stars of June. By tho end of Juno Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter will un bo morning stars, but Foloys Honey nnd Tar Compound Is at all times tho "Star" medicine for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. A cold In Juno Is apt to develop Into bronchitis or pnotimonla aa at any other tlmo. but not If Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Is taken. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank I). Cohan. Opposite Chandltr Hotel. Tlione 71. I