cv"iwjaaatwnii'w wk THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1913 EVENING EDITION. HIGH TRIBUTE Flowers of Decoratioe " LEARN ONE THING EVERY DAY" FAKKWKMj itix-Krrio.v TKV JUnilll) HKV. .. 1 IIASSKOIM) iiKiti: LAS'i' kvi:.vix(J. Tho fnrowoll reception nt tho Mnrshlleld Unptlst Church last night wan tendered the Uev. A. V. Uass ford, who recently resigned the charge on account of ill health. Be tween 150 nnd 200 people, member? of tho congregation nnd friends, were present. The church wns very prettily dee crntcd for tho occasion, being con crted Into n regular bower of roses nnd Scotch bloom. Following the program refreshments were Berved by the Indies of the church under the direction of Mrs. J. C. Doane. Sirs. John Xaglo nnd Mrs, Alvn Doll. Alva Doll presided at the meet ing and n dozen speakers expressed regrets over Mr. llnssford's depart rre. Appreciation of his work hero .ml tho hope that he might regain hie hcnlth nnd Inter he able to return here. Seldom has such tribute been paid a Coos Day pnBtor or citizen us wns given Itcv. ltnBsford. Uev. Hassford In response, stated that ho regretted leaving Coos I3ny, that ho liked tho country nnd Us people and his work among them However, his own hcnlth nnd the health of Mrs. Hassford required that ho lenve, nt lenBt temporarily. The program wns aB follows: Hymn, by congregation. Address, by Joan Fitzgerald. In Lehnlf of Unptlst Junior Society. Address, by Dr. 0. W. Leslie, in behnlf of Unptlst Sunday School. Address, by Miss Alice Tlcko'l, in behnlf of Unptlst Young People. Address, by Mrs. M. J. Anderson, in behnlf of Daptlst Ladles' Aid. Address by Mrs. A. 7.. Downs, m behnlf of Unptlst .Missionary Circle Solo, by 0. 0. Dewey. Address, by How J. U. Dtirkhart, In behalf of other ministers. Address, by Cnii Albroeht, In bc- nau or city. r Duet, by Miss Uosslo Avro and Mrs, George Ayro. Address, by Dr. 0. A. Wright, of Portland. Address, by C. II. Marsh, In be half of congregation. Anthem, bv choir. Hospoiise, by Uev. A. F. Hansford. No. 6. THE CARNATION. Copyright. 1013. by Tho Asso elated Xowspapor School, Inc. EVERY flower, like every hurnai? (Then after one last embrace, tho soul expresses somo unique youth wns gone never to return, qunlltv. The Illy is loved for I A year later a comrade of her lover Its purltv," the violet for Its mod-; came bnck with the news of his estv. and the carnntlon for Its "odor divine." E. Oernrd hns written a fnscin- atlng Idyl cnlled "The Voice of a Flower." In tills lie uescnues how the nrmorlnl bearings of the famous Italian house of Uonsecco came to bo chnrged with a "gnro fano" or carnntlon. It seems that Margherita Uonsecco wns bethrothed to a chivalrous knight nnmed Orlando. Tnclr mar riage hour wns nlrendy set. Hut on the eve of their wedding n call was sent out for an uravo ueans to repair to the Holy Land and de liver the tomb of the Savior from the dutches of the Infidel. Who but n dastard could turn a deaf ear to such a summons? So Or lando, broken henrted, went to his ndored Mnrgherltln. - I - CIIHISTIAX KXDIMVOIt. The Christian Endenvor Socletx will hold a special Patriotic nnd Flag meeting nt the Mnrshllold Presbyterian Church Sunday eve ning nt 7 o'clock. Topic, Our Xntlou's Glories His tory, Resources, Hooks, Schools. Pol itlcal Freedom, High Idenls, Press, Freo Speech, Rellgloim Liberty, Im migrants, Heautlful Capital, Grout. Cities, Enormous Wealth, I'roo Mu seums, Inventions and Natural Won- ders. Our Xntlou's Perils Pride, DrunkonnoBB, Greed for Gold. Spec ulation, tlie Mormon Evil, the Romish Peril, Indlfferenco, .Munici pal .Mlsgovernnient. Snbbath Dose crntlon, Profanity, Passion for Pleas ure, Open Infidelity nnd Fiideslrnblo Immigrants. Speelnl music. Conio and bring n friend. "Farewell, anlnin mla!" he mur mured, clasping her to his breast. "He true to me. Heloved." she sobbed. "Do not forget thy Mar gherita In yon distant land." "Xever while I breathe; but give me this flower that ncstics In thy sweet bosom to wear as a tnllsmnn next mv heart." minded by tears, the expression of her Inward anguish, she fastened a white carnntlon to his breastplate. Assoelntcd Xewspnper School plnn denth. but bringing with him a so Inco for her lonely heart'. It was the flower Orlando had worn, nnd through which the dendly arrow of n Snrnceu had pierced IiIb noble henrt. .Margherita took the flower. While she wns tenderly touching Its withered petnls some little brown inula dropped Into her white hnud. Theso she planted nnd tendered ev dny with Infinite care. They were watered often, one imagines, with her tears. At last her efforts wero rewarded, One morning a white carnntlon spread its fragrance through her room. And wonder of wonders. When she went to look nt it closely she found that tho petals were streaked with red. Of course she believed that the blood of her beloved flowed through them. So now the Uonsecco family hns a red and white carnation em blazoned on Its cont of arms, Wild pinks nro supposed to sym bolize tenrs tho tears of tho Vir gin .Mary. "When the Jews led Christ to Calvary, tho Virgin Mary followed, though her heart wiib breaking with grief. When sho snw on the way the bloody tracks of her Son's wounds sho wept bit terly, nnd from these tears of Christ's mother and the blood of her Son sprang forth nlong the way to Calvary such flowers as these." The origin of the carnation Is as old as the rose. It- was cultivated as far back nt .100 H. C. bv the Greeks, nlong with tho Iris! the nnrclssus and the violet. Every Any n different human In terest story will nppear in Tho 'limes. You can got n beautiful In taglio reproduction of this picture, with five othors, equally nttractlve, 7 by 9 Inches in size, with this week's "Mentor." In "Tho Mentor" n well known nuthorlty covers tho subject of tho pictures nnd stories of the week. Renders of Tho Times nnd "Tho Mentor" will know Art. Literature, History, Science, nnd Travel, and own oxnulslto nlctiircs. On snlo nt Tho Times offlco. Prlco I ton pnnta Wltn wlm. . mi.- ' Times for booklet explaining The Aiminiiuiinieminit The Modern Woodmen of America, Foivs vy Team, sire building i pavilion back of jlu lank of Oregon, where lliey will hold a "how cry" Dance July 'Hh and 51 h, opening on eve ning of July U1. Music will be furnished by Lew Keyser's Orchestra. Dancing July -Mb will star! a( noon lime, lo continue until mid night. The same program will be followed July 5th. Tho pavilion will be 70x90 and will have a good floor. The entire Forestry Team, in uniform, will havo charge of the pavilion. Re fore danc ing starts on afternoons of July '1th and nth, an exhibition drill will be given free. Refresh ments will be served on the grounds. The team will also give fancy drills during the' parade on July 'Ith. Police protection will be furnished at the pavilion at all times. The pavilion will be handsomely decorated, and everyone is assured a good time. juai NOW IT IS NORTH BEND o'clock. Pastor Hassford will de liver ills farewell sermon. Special music by n largo chorus choir under Professor George Ayro. A cordial wolcomo is extended to all. Come with us and wo will do you good. At the Churches ' i of Westvllle, Indiana, and commun ion nt 1 1 o'clock a. in. Prayer meeting and song servlro nt 7 o'clock p. in. Prenehlng by A. M. McCrackcn nt S o clock p. in. A cordial Invitation Is extended to nil. (Ministers nnd othors nro request ed to hand in tho Sunday church no tlces not later than Friday evening to InBiiro lnsortlon Saturday.) I FIHST U.U'TIST CIIUHCII. Albert F. Hassford, M. A., Pnstor. Hlblo school at 10, with graded clnssos and compotent teachers. Morning worship nt 11 with sor mon by Pastor Hassford. Junior Socloty moots lu tho c.turch nt 2:30. All chlldien nro Invited. Young People's servleo ut 7 for ono hour. A special Invltntion Is extended to nil young men nnd women. At 11 o'clock Dr. O. A. Wright, of Portland, will preach. At tho ovonlng sorvlco. at 8 The Way to Succeed. Paraphrasing tho words of Horace Greeley, "Tho wny to succeed Is to ailvortluo." Thoro Is scarcoly a notable coinmorclnl success that has not been built upon the solid foundation of ad vertising, and. llkowlso, practlc nily all good, clean, honest busl nobs that advertises legitimately Is successful. ' Whenever you see n iiianufac urer co-operating with the re tailors of this city or a group of i nlted Stntes in nu advertising rniupalgn on bennlf of b8 nier clinndUo. you may safely make up our mind to throe thlnlgs merit' inorchnndlso has Slc;l. both the manufacturer nnd tho merchant are progress le. dependable peoplo with whom to do business. ..n!'..'1'1, ,ll0y nro ',88ful nnd inoi'lt your commence and nat ronngo, ' l Manufacturers are beginning o understand that the onl "v to create actual. "ovei-tl.e-e. ,1 I '. .J,0"1""' t0F lro1iirt Is to I PHESUYTKIIIAX Clll'ltCH. .1. E. Hurkhart, Pastor. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morn ing worship nt 1 1 o'clock. Young People's meeting at 7 p. in. Evening worship at. 8 p. m. .4rayer mooting on Thursduy evening nt S o'clock. You will find n cordial welcome nt all of theso services. Splendid mu sic by choir. Ilrlng a friend and co mo. A I EPISCOPAL Clll'ltCH. I I Ith nnd Market. j Row Robt. E. Hrownlng. Rector. S n. m.. Holy Communion. !i;:io a. in.. Sunday School. 1 1 a. in.. Morn ing Prayer and Sermon. Servleo nnd sermon at 8 p. in. evory Sundny even ing In North Heinl and at Eniplro on Sunday afternoon. I METHODIST EPISCOPAL I Rev. II. C. Cooley, Pnstor. Sunday school nt 10 n. m. Morning sorvlccs nt 11 o'clock. Epworth League nt 7. Evening sorvlco at 8. Prayer mooting Thursdny ovenlng at 8 o'clock. You nro cordlnlly Invited to nttend theso services. Junior League service Thursday afternoon nt 2.30. I SEVENTH DAY ADVEXTISTS. E. It. Henderson, Elder. Seventh Day Advontlst services nro conducted every Saturday as follows: Sabbath school at 10 a. in. Hlblo study at 11 a. m. Come and spend an hour with us; wo will do yon good. PRESHYTEHIAX Clll'ltCH .North Rend Two days ot h'un and Feasting Two davs of Merriment and Music JULY 4 AND 5 GALA PllOCUSSIOXS JSDUSTliL 1 ; PA h 1 1)1' A UTOMOBILI1 PA Gl'JA NTS J I YDliOPLANti FLIGHTS WATJ'Mi SPOUTS, J'JTC. It A C ID S 0 O N T E S T. S Coos Gounlu Lea fj uc Jiaseball Game. Arrange to spend your Fourth at North Rend I Sundny school nt 10 o'clock. Christian Endeavor nt 7. Prenehlng sorvlces nt 8 p. in. bi llow D. A. McLeod. I I CATHOLIC CHURCH. I Mnrshfiold. Row A. R Munro. Mnss will bo celebrated at 10 o clock tomorrow morning at St. St. Monica's Cnthollc Church. CIIHISTIAX SCIEXCE. advertise it nowspapors. locnu In daily The Times office. Times' Want Ads brln results. Christian Sclenco hall. 237 Third street North. Subject, "Christian Science." Sorvlco Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school 12 M "Wednesdnj 8 p. m Reading room open on Tuesdays, Thursdays nnd Satt rdnys, 3 to 5 p. m. I Clll'ltCH OF CHRIST. - 7.. O. Downrd Mlnlstor. 10:00 a. in. Hlblo school. Preaching hv A. M, McCracken. I METHODIST CIIUIICII North Hond. Tho sorvIce3 Sunrtnv will ho nH fni lows: Sunday school 10 a. m. Vospor Clrclo and Epworth Loague 7 p. m. Sormons by tho pnstor 11 n. m. nnd 8 p. m. , I UNITED HRETHHEX CHURCH North Hond. 4 Mrs. R. N. Lewis, Pnstor. Snbbath school, 10 a. m. Christian Endenvor, 7 p. m. Prenehlng 11 a. m. and S n. m. Prayer mooting Wednesday ovon ing nt 8 o'clock. I CATHOLIC CHURCH I North Hond. Row Father Sprlngor, Rector. Mass will bo colobrnted nt 8 o'clock Sunday morning by tho Rot. Father Springer. THE SEA EANDON BY THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEX ACHE Tit ACTS I'Ol'lt .-MILES SOUTH OX COl'XTY ltOAl) IjWW PER ACRE; ijSKMI CASH, HALAXCE TWO YEARS, XO INTEREST, NO TAXES, FIXE SAXDY LOAM, LEVEL HEXCII LAXIL Buy One It Will Make You Money DomsJdl MacKktoslfo REAL ESTATE nml INSURANCE. L bby COAL. Tho kind YOU havo ALWAYS USED. Phono 75. Paclilc Livery nnd Transfor Comnanv. Knthorlno L. Norton, Now Red ford, Mass., says. "I had n terriblo pain across my back, with a burn ing and scalding fooling. I took Foloy Kidney Pills as advised, with results certain and suro. Tho pain and burning fooling loft mo; I folt toned up nnd Invigorated. I rec ommend Foloy Kidney Pills." Ow Proscription Pharmacy. Frank d! Cohan. Opposlto Chandler Hotol. Phono 74. BUY THE VERY BEST K2 BUTTER FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY. KhtnblMicil I8H!. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Tlino Deposits. Officers: L V. Heiiuett, President. I. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. F. Williams, Cashier. Goo. F. Wincliehtor, Assistant Cashier. MADE UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IX A CLEAN AND MODERN l'AtTORY. A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL. To all Inowlnu Micrcrcr of rlieumatUm. wheth. cr muuUt vt ot Hie Joint. kcltlc. lumUi;, tnckacbe. pjin. Ui the llJiu. or ururalsla ialii. to write tu lier for a Louie treatment wUlch liaa reiatwlly cuml all of tUee torlurea. ..'.."''J. U heT du,Jr ,0 l""a ' ' H "Uirerer !!.hl .ou cur,v """" t Uoiue a Mill teitlfjr no chance of ellmate Ulut nece arr ThU ilmple UUcover banUhen uric acl.I from the bloml, looen the mlfTeueil Joints, pur inea the Mood, anil hrlghteua the eym, irlrlne e titlclty anil tone to the whole tjitem. If tha awre lnteret you, for proof aJJrew I Freo ilrlti-pi-v u ... Mr.. U. Buuuner.. Uw It. .Voir Dame, lud.' d"Cij, 8 a. m. ,,,,,1 2 p. i. i none 4 a STERILIZED MILK AND CREA.M. PURE ICE and ic on nro Definite Privileges WHEN you bring monoy to tho countor of this bnnk n coivo In oxchnngo a "chocking nceount" nasa book, y doing more than placing your funds in safo keoplng. w).li..?.ro .m',loy,nB' without cost to you, It ES PONS I H L E AOI-..MS, whoso services nro those of exports. From tho ilrst day you begin a checking account, you Imvo tho uso of somo doflnlto privileges. You wish to pay n debt. Tho porson to receivo tho monoy may bo across tho streot, or sovoral miles away. You may novor havo soon him. Hut you writo a check In his favor. You may carry It to him. If ho is not- thoro, you can loavo it no ono can uso It until tho pno it Is pnyablo to has proporly endorsed it. If ho Is nt a ills tanco, you can mall R at tho nearest box or glvo it to tho car rier. Whon it comes hack to you, it will carry an "Iron-clnd" receipt on tho back. You can pay out J3S.92 as onslly ns a slnglo dollar no change to wnlt for. Haying to romombor whnt you paid out Is dono away with, ou liavo a doublo record your checks and your stubs. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of COOS BAY ivcd I nnnllm. -i. wu,u iniPmentofuef. Mysost and 1 Primost C' Stauff GroceryCoj 1'iione 1C2 f a '' ftrramiii Walker Sim, rtrvurlitAsv An ffiuiK aufn a'3.NoimirnnT,J' luesdavFvpnina' Especially for l PROFESSIONAL DIRECTO Rll.NM.lMIX fwTMM. 'Milting tmii Arclillni. i l''""10 U)" M.rhfl(u( T .M. WltlflllT. J COXTIUiTon in, ,, . "LIUIKIl Lstliniiloa r..i.i.i . Plnng nmt aiuu,iri..ii.. : ." n ' 8lr' AD h0 Job tt tCC(. IMinno Itl.n "" '"" toi:l ostm.mi, Piano Tuner ud iujI a is a p..... .. ri i... , u .lr"1' ll ivaiii iir 1 1 im nr iv n ir.t. M. Mf nt iillfiCl J V II, pKUIi HILEV IULWGEB 7 Il-nlU ud Incls iwoiucnco-studlo, !J7 So. Bra Phone 1J-L Y7 O. CIMMILEIL Y Arddtttt Room 01 nd 302, CU U Jumliflrld, Ornaa. DR. W. MOItltOW DMitliL 171 RrlniM Ilulldinr. otrr Theater. Office ITione SM,- WM. 8. TUHI'KK, ARCHITECT Mnribtleld, Oretoi rit.A.j. HKxrmta LJ WmUm Ilratll PulflH. Ku itro enulDned to do VA I work on short nolle it lit lowest Drlcei. EiicumUoii I.hiIt attendant. CckiB!d(J Clinndlnr Hol. cbo H A morlorn UriCJ. uitdtif, i.leht. Steam Hctt Bis Furnished Roorni fit Hot i Cold Water. HOTKL 000S n A Mrltln. rnO. l W. ... .'" , -- . I.i.a. K( rtntl a diT Hi 0 Cor. Hmadwar md HuiijJ Woodrow Wilson's Brer Joseph It. Wilson. Uc department headi of e v 'VriSw CO II mil). n" ,, nwment. MdeIrj J Kllliis; uesi ri premiums. F. fi. KAITMAX You Auto Call I h mows "i;"r",itrf "-"SSSSSil After 11 r. !'! Iteslow" "' Qm Carerul iriT . winLT VfiH H In our new w. j ,1ara j tofcL Opend.r ...... .nd C0B32 nrofltii , r.lljMM rsi-- n ow on v. : rtOl HAnnisoTo. - ant lYoal61'. u" tl.rtt Phone SIM "DTrin To J n-wfoorSr,! m.Am YUVVW1 ..... at. il"8 '"" - Have That & I sotf . cowm " PB0."" U JiLOU,.