Us1 . i HIIBH!ltH'WWH THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD,, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1913 EVENING EDITION. liperry Nicholson ''iMBBBBaik tar IK .--.' -maGT Want to talk over with you any refurnishing you may need in your new home. Perry & Nicholson Believe when you see their stock and compare their prices, you will have solved the problem as to where you should buy your home-furnishings. June Is the Month of Weddings .TCXK TIDKS Uclow Is given the tlmo and height of high and low wntor at Unrshlleld. The tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on th first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison on con ecutlvo heights will lndlcato whether It Is high or low water, For high wnter on tho bar Perry Nicholson 2S Mrs., iFt... 29 lira. , Ft... 30 Mrs. . IFt... u.ll. 1.5 . 1.0 fi. IE 0.1 O.Oi 3.7 11.21 3.8 12.27 4.0 2. no 2.1 3.45 2.4 4.4 C 2.0 10.07 !.('. 10.R2 5.8 11.40 CO And thoy say that thero Is "nothing half so sweot In llfo as lovo's young dream," but, say, havo you over tasted Sar tor's candy? Any girl can toll you It Is JtiBt as sweet as love. And tho Sartcr fountain drinks arc as delicious as a dream, w kat Hint ko 1 1 kca ST. (Hy Associated Press.) OUKOO.V Probably fair to night; Sundny fair and wann er except near ConBt. Call special attention to their famous line of children's Beds, Go-Carts, Play Yards, Toilet and High Chairs and all lines of Nursery Furnishings. Perry & Nicholson Ask every prospective customer to compare their qualities, prices and styles. That's the way, the only way, to get the best results. I LOCAL TKMPKK.UTItK I llKCOHD. I For tho 24 hours ending at I 1:43 a. m., Juno 28, by HenJ. Ostllnd, special Government ino- tcorologlcal observer: 1 Maximum GO ! Minimum 51 ' At 1: 13 a. in 50 Precipitation 03 I Precipitation since Sept 1, 1912 03. 01 ! Precipitation snniu period ' last year 01.03 Wind. Northwest: cloudy. WANT ADS. operation for appendicitis nnd In testinal troublo at tho Mayo Hroth ers Hospital, Rochester, Minn. Mrs. Bedford accompanied him East. , WHI Mm c Tho old Coast Mall building on North Front street Is being remodelled by tho Flanagan cstnto. Peterson and Kronholm will move the Union Saloon from near me l'ostomco into part of It. llcmly to Kcglstrr. Justice Pen nock today received the blanks and registration blanks for tho Central Alarshflold precinct nnd Is now ready to register voters. Tho now law requires three blanks to bo filled out and a complete description of the voter Is given, oven to the color of the eyes, Two freoholdres must swear to tho eligibility of tho voter. To MuinIiIIcM. Tin flood Hlvor winner says: "WoliRtor Kent Ib In Mnrshtlold, whero ho has tho con tract for painting a lnrgo building, which Is Just being completed by Joo M. Wright, formorly Mnyor of this city, who has gone to tho Southern Orecou const rltv mwi in again In tho contracting ami build ing business." Honor Krleeii. At a meeting of tho Linen Society last evening. Au gust Frlzcon was honored by being elected presldont for tho ensuing i-r. tho omcors enr-ten were: President, August Frlzccn; vU-o-presldent, K. M. Nordstrom: Re cording secretary, Win. Burman; fl nanclal 3ecretnry, Axel Anderson, trensurer, Herman Erickson, master of ceremonies, Poter Krlckson. Xwv Lodge. C. H. Mnrsh nnd C. F. McKnlght have returned from LnilKlols Whcrn Mmv u-nnl with m Miller to nld In Instituting tho now MaBOIlIc lodce. It wan ntr-nnl,! l. i C. F. McKnlght a year ago under a dispensation nnd hns Just been grant ed n charter. It Is Golden WpBt Lodge Xo. 123. A. F. & A. M. x a Cox Is master. Tim i-iinclnia inum,., WANTED Knmlovniciit i . --- ------(-,--.- ciMiofun .... i i w J''OU HAIiK On riingc; nearly now. Inqtilro 1S4 Mnrkot nvo. Phono 391-J. LOST In Baptist church Friday evening, brown kid glove, Virginia mnke. Please return to Times office. WANTKD Board nml room In pri vate family by two young ladles. References exchanged. Address "H," enro Tho Times. i showed tho vlBltors n fine time. Mr Ship Cheese. Tho Coos lloyj Miller roturncd vln Myrtlo Point and Cronmory shipped 1500 pounds of Hoeburg to his homo nt Albany, cheese to Kurekn consigned to II. I.. '"''"I Today. Tho funornl of Com fc Co. Building Bungalow. Mr. John sou Is building n now five-room bun galow on his property near tho Geo. Cook and U. A. Jones residences In! "?,". orcJ.' Fcrndale, uio soven-weoK's-oiii boh of Mr. nnd Mrs. Sn m Pomponno. of llenryvlllo, n Hum niiiiij-, mo nov, miner A. R. Munro officiating Tho ehim Perry (i Nicholson TllO father, whn In mi I Italian and tnlks broken English, I nnl.l Hint I....I ...... i i.. V, II....I,.. t 1..... IT..I1..... nrilnJ "',V"V ""' '""' " l HUTU ........ ........... ........... .i ...... .. HimiiK lilt ii BOIiaratn liml for tin. l-'OIl SALE Ll-li.-p. boiler, 12-h. p. engine, 2C-ft. gaBolIno boat,, 23-ft. gasollno boar, lO-n.-p, gas ollno engine, 4-h.-p. gnsollno en gine, 504 egg Incubator, gasollno drag-saw outfit, 3000 ft. myrtlo lumber, 7x9 printing press and type, 8x10 camera nnd Ions. In qulro of E, A. Stonecyphcr, East Bldo. Phono 0-J. i-U lir vontiir mnn, In Btoro, collecting or sol iciting. Exporloncod. Can glvo best of references. Cnro Times. FOR HAIiK Choice camping site on South Coos river. Good wntor, nice grove, good bathing beach, platforms built. Write Box GI2, Marshfleld, !!,lrtbAlWffi!U'!' :'! vl tho little WA.STKD Knur modern, Apply or If five rooms; Times office. In the front of Bahr's now barber shop on Market nvcnuo near tho wat er front. Thero Is no clue as to who did It or why. Jinny lilnekbcrrlew. Thero Is said to be an unusually largo crop of wild blackberries In tho woods around 1 Coos Bay now. Tho berrlcH aro Just ripening nnd many pickers nro vis iting the favorite spots. Lecturer filming. uicKticn Young, C. S. B., n member of tho Board of Lectureship or the First Church of Christ. Christian Scien tist, of Boston, Mass., Is expected here to dellvor a lecture Tuusday levelling, .liny III, III IIIU .uunuilli: I Opera IIoubo. I Undergoes Operation. Mr. and Mrs. CIioh. Sneddon received word i-nutnl-iliiv llml llmlr Hflll-lll.lnu- If U' , Bedford, of Coallngn, Cnl had ro cently undorgono a sovoro surglrnl BOX PAPER At, -BOYS EARN- WE se LTime Savers ON CREDIT Reduced Prices See Our Window Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." THK HK.YALL STOHK. MAIN 298 US lere's Your Opportunity!!! $85.00 Cash Buys an Eight-Room House A rlinnnn lc Imi-a offmvlivl In llllV nil fiipllt-mnlVI louse for $85 cash, Owner desires same removed at nce in order to put up new building on premises. House 10W rants fnr R1R iw mnnth finrl with a few 11111101 ie- birs Wfililrl hrlnff mnnthlv rantal nf S20, For DarticU- ars inquire of Coos Bay Realty Co. 50 Front street, Opposite Grand Theater, nno ho mum mat siio wanted to Keep iiim with lier all tho tlmo. Ho was their only child nnd their loss excited much sympathy hero. XI XK COL'XTV I'ltlKOXKItS. There aro uino prisoners In the county Jail at present, this nunilior exceeding tho capacity of tho Imstllo by ono. Tho corridor Ih bolnir nrcn- plod by tbo extra. Tho last to regis ter nt Hotel do Oago was Hill l'oul oiih a Marshfleld (Ireok. charged with obtaining money under falso pretenses. Ho was captured at Drain and brought back by tho shorlff. Tlireo of tho prisoners aro being worked on the county roads. Co qulllo Sentinel. WANTED A M-inlblf, nractlral mih man for pormancnt position with rullnblo business house, (exper ience unnecessary. For Informa tion call Monday, 9 a. in., 101 Xorth Tonthistrcot, 1'Olt IIKXT Two nffliTN In Si'iiK tnckon building. Apply Title, Guarantee and Abstract Company. WAXTMO Situation by competent girl to assist In gonornl house work. Caro Times. 1'Olt HAIiK Young brown leghorn cockerels. IMiono aim. XOIITII HKXI) XKWS. - I 4 Tho C. T. II. Is pliinnlng to open to tho public on tho Fourth of July n rest room, nt tho Ulchnrd home, north of Onmblo'H ment mar ket on Hhermau nvonuu. SIX ACIIKS OK STIIAWIIKKIHKS. WAXTKI) Competent girl for gen eral housework, Mrs. I. 8. Kauf man. I "Oil HALIv On nccoiiut of lllnosN, furultiiro of Hovon-room house. IMiono 1!I2-L or call 210 Xorth Fourth street. 'Oil SA LI' .10 la) lug iluckN. Tl. II-.I WIIKX your (iu wniii clover mm! lawn phono I! 151. for KOI I IIKXT lloouw kcopltig npnrtmouts. mid Iioiisv. Lloyd Hotel. furnished. 3i!l I'liono 205-J. Xorth Front at. ORPHEUM TONIGHT KIVK lMCTl'llKS. A VlTAGUAl'H COMKDV. A UUIIATj DIUMA Kiilein. A AVKSTKHX STOItV Pathe. AX KDUCATIOXAL IMCTl'KK l'uthp. A VITACJHAl'H DUA.MA. FOIt SUNDAY XI01IT, KOUIt XKW I'lCTl'lllJ.. ADMISSION TKX CKXTS. ie Times Does Job Printing Merchants ! Parents ! TEACH THE BOYS TO WORK AND SAVE The boy who starts a savings account before he is 18 will never join the I. W. W. Let the Boy Have a Bicycle The boy who loves out-door exercise is less likely to learn habits which later lead him to shiftlessncss and worthlessncss. TIME SAVERS Can be had upon the payment of $10, provided some merchant, or other responsible person, guarantees the regular, prompt oayment of $1.25 each week until wheel is fully paid for. If any payment is defaulted I will call upon guarantor to pay the balance due, or I will take the bicycle .back, deducting something for wear and tear. I Sell the Bicycle to the Guarantor Not the Boy. II. L.Vamoy Is probably ono of tho busiest men In this ncck-o'-tho-wooilH Just now. Mr. Varnoy Iihh i six ncres KOit HALK lil-mom lodging limine, puiuit'ii iii mi,, i iiui , ii'n. nun iiiiiiuiiKi, but two acres aro In bearing ho Ih picking nnd Iiuh been for tbo past IU days nu nvcrago nf Till crates per day. Some nf tho hoarlng plnntH are inllv lu'ii rent npinHu nt llm run nnil tiro literally hornu down by tho Dairy, stock and fruit farm con wolght of tho berries, which nro' (dMlng of C18 ncros, botwoon 3C and largo mid luscious. In uumcrniiH In- j 10 ncres of rich bottom lnnd, eight stances less than 2fi berrlcH fill n box, acres of boiich laud sot to npple uud In one particular Instnuco 1 1 trees and fifty ncres moro that can heaped n quart box. Tho four nddl-1 enslly bo cleared for orchard and FARM FOR SALE tloual acres will bo In bearing next senson. Mr. Varnoy has an aggre gate of 27,!00 plants. At presold ho Is shipping to Ilnudon.' Cnuulllo Sentinel. irK WIIITK SALK. i!0 I'KIl CKNTOKKonnll WIIITK DIIKSSKS, WAlHTH, SKIHTH and (Jlltl.S' Sll Oil SI'ITS. LDIKS' K.MPOItirM. hnlanoa good grnzlug land for cat tle shoop or goats. Twolvo hoad good dairy cows and all farming Implomonts necessary. Locitod on West Fork of Coos Illvor, ono mtlo from postolllco, school and boatlandlng. Iluy direct from ownor. For furthor Information, call or wrlto: W. A. OAOK. Allocany. Ore. "Coos King" Bicycles RELIABLE TIME SAVERS ALWAYS USEFUL Dayton Bicycles Marshfield Cyclery 156 North Broadway Phone 158-R 1 j 1 We control the local sale of these famous sweets. Whit mans are so careful for good service that they will supply their packages only to their own selected agents. Every package must be per fect or your money back. Just tate of FUSSY Chocolates or Whllmin'l Super Kxtra Confections may make you ft 'Whitman admirer for life. THK STOHK KOIt Ql'ALITV HOODS AND I'KNSLAIt HKMKDIKK. K