iffTiniflWwilM Hi hC! THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 191S EVENING EDITION. !jBHSWK2 COOS BAY TIMES U. O. MAI.OXKV Kdltor and I'ub. DAN K. .MAI.OXKV Xchh Kdllor Pl'ltlJ lU'T ODOItOl'S. B iY RULING of the department of agriculture llniburger cheese Is classed as pure food In that ' It Is n violation of law to label uh llniburger something Mint Is not llni burger. Tho ruling enmo III the ease of a Chicago packer wlio bad shipped to Knnsns City some cheese labelled "Voll Mlleh Allgnuer Stylo Unibui- gor ICncsc." TIip. department ruled FACED II PEN F, PERSONAL NOTES MY I C. MAURIS Is In town today from Sumner MRS. H.MII.V Mcl-'ARUN Is In town tiwlnv ft'otn North Inlet. JOHN 'KW. of llnyneB Inlet, Ih In town today on business. CHAS. CROPCII, Is bore today from llaynes Inlet on business I nFmilPP "sflVS Hp Would be W- " MORGAN, of Daniels Creek, Larrance aayb nt, vvumu ui b ln town t0( on bll8,IIL,8lli Free, Only He Couldn't t. d. huainard, of naynes miet, . ,,,., , . .. Is a business visitor hero today. Leave Wife and Kiddies. n t Ti-nmliriitil Mm ttnudoti nt- ! that the manufacturer had violated J tornev arrived in the city yesterday 11. 1 ... I... 1. ...... .11.... It I.. .,..., I. ....,- I . . ...... . , . .... il I niu i uj- uiiuiuiMf, u in oiiiii iimu- on jug way nemo iroiu i-iiiumm, ner as to make It appear of foreign where he has been engaged In tho innko when It was of domestic inanu-j Wofford-LnFrnneo case, Involving a facture. To tho exposure of tho $;!000 mortgage ho held against the Wofford property cheese maker'B fraud no one will oh-' Ject though the action of the bu reau In listing llniburger as pure food will bo questioned by many. AMi UP WITH DAD. TO KXCIIAXOi: l-'iill dress suit and Tuxedo, practically now, size .1(3, for first class baby buggy or go-cart or what have you? Ad dress Hox II., care Times. AotoGrafe Helng Interesting Wis of Gossip About Gasoline Cats in Gen eral anil Goodrtim'.s In Particular. The IJrenkwnter's arrival added threo more to the numbers of the popular Ford cars in Coos county. They wero consigned to Geo. Good rum and were nil sold before arrival. "It has not been n question of selling Ford enra but n question of getting them," Mr. Goodrum remarked this morning when discussing the unusual sale of this favorite auto. Continu ing he said: "It Hccms almost Incredulous that It Is bo difficult to secure Ford curs when you know that they have an output of -'00.000 cars this year. Tho speed and accuracy with which ii Ford car Ib built was demonstrated before tho Society of Automobile Knglncors of America, when they vis ited tho factory of the Ford company In Detroit recently. "Guests of the American society In cluded n delegation of tho Institute of Automobile Knglnoors of Knglnnd. The president of the F.ugllsh society, T. 11. Drown of London, was told to mark n cylinder as lie was pnsslng through the machine shop. This he did. "When the party had finished the tour of Inspection and wero prepar ing to depart, .Mr. Drown was greatly surprised to discover the cylinder he had marked in the car that was to carry him to a nearby hotel for luncheon. "The car had been built and was running under Its own power In less than nn hour." Air. TrendKold Bays I.nFrnnce Is proving an enigma to the officers as thev nre unnble to get any Informa tion as to bis accomplices In tho In-' surniice frauds, although he ndmltB ) he had tho assistance of two outsid ers, ual'rnnro declares mm ir con victed, be will hnve to go to the pen itentiary mid he thinks It would do ' .... .......I ... .!.. ,1... .!,...., .il...,.r I1U Klul" iu MI"K iilu uwii-io tliwil. iln a personnl talk Mr. Treadgold had with La France, who was known ns Ferger durlnlg his residence in I rnudoii, Ln France said bo could hnve easily made his escape but he I could not leave his wife and child ren. "I made up my mind." La France snld, "Mint I would rather bo caught and have It over with than to I leave my family, so my arrest was really a relief." Thu prisoner also . expressed great disgust for the detcc I fives. He snld he was staying nt The Golller hotel mid nlso nt The Mult I nomiih hotel nt Portland at the time the detectives were supposed to bo I searching for him and that he met ' mill tnlknil with flip detectives every day, but they did not apprehend hm. He also said he met many Portland , peoplo and talked with theni after I Ills supposed dentil. The property case will come up In the V. S In July, when turn to continue his contest He left for Hnndoii this morning UOHKRT HOUIXSOX. Is In town for the day from llaynes Inlet. MRS. K. L. ROHHRTS or Cntchlng Inlet, Is spending the day In town. MRS. L. L. HAZHLTON is u town visitor from Cirtehlng Inlet today. MltS. 10. It. HODSON of South Coos river Is n Mnrshfleld shopper to day. MltS. It. K. IlKSSKY and children of Coos river are Mnrshfleld visitors todny. MRS. S. A. YOAKA.M Is a business visitor here todny from Coos Itlver. .IAS. LAXDltlTII Is in town from his South Coos homo to attend Grunge meetings. MltS. AXXA AUSTKD left Thursday for Farinlngton, .Mont., on n two months trip. .1. P. DAVIS, n Coos Itlver rancher, is a business visitor in Marsh Hold today. MISS AXXA AXD JAY CLIXKHX IllCAUl) are In town from Daniels Creek today. II. V. SAXFOItl) AND .MISS till A CIO SAXFOIll) of Sumner, nre spending the dny here. HOY AXD PHILLIP LAXDIUTII of Coos river are Mnrshfleld business visitors today. A. X. CHRISTIANSEN, mid son. of llnynes Inlet, nre spending the dnv In town. MKS. CIIAS. HARRIOTT, of llaynes Inlet, is In Mnrshfleld today on n shopping trip. AXSLKM JOIIXSOX returned this morning from n visit with friends Bicycle Bargains! We have closed out our entire lino of Bicvcle Snnnim . complete stock of Motorcycle Supplies, make room for DIAMOND IX IltONS. ... f..n1...... T..1..I court in Portland early I MIca,-.o nt vnni vn im.m hv I Mr TriMiili'ntil will n-1 '"hhl'h MliAMIIh AM) IlhU'.N .Mr. iieaii(,oi(i will re- i.AvmMTit r r,.u ,.r...... .,., Marsliflehl visitors todnv. MRS. KM .MA IIIUIOIIX of Mllllcoinn Is spending tho day In Mnrslifleld todny attending Grange. 10. A. 1JI0CIC10TT AXD I1ROOKS I'OYXTIOR, or Coqiilllo. were Mnrnhlleld visitors todav. ItPSS NASIll'RO returned yesterday via Ilandon from n few inonths" trip to California mid Xevtidn. CIIAS. STIDHAM. who Iiiih been vis iting V. II. Farrln or Sumner, re turned to Marshrield this tnoriilug. Xo Reselling Ol fleers Wilt Tnke Chances Willi Dunk Itoblier. Tlie Rosehurg Review says: "Sher Iff Qultie and Deputy Hopkins will take no chances with Diamond eu route home from Gold Reach, but will keep him well ironed nud guard ed. Hopkins remarked that he only legretted that they did not make the i MISS SARAH HIOXDIOGARD, who Is hike over the West Fork trail the I teachlnn a term of ucrmni mi second iiigui nner mo rouuory, wuen they turned back on account of the heavy mln. lie thinks Dlnmond would htive been Intercepted on his j only one trail for him to have traveled." The Goodrum service department continues to be a great convenience to automobile owners not only on f'unu llnv lint III nil iilll'tH nf ('unit county. Orders came recently from . ,"io lime was jiovoteu wnouy Ilandon mid Coqiilllo that would , l business. Tlie following officers hnve ordinarily caused several days f"'' t ronilng year wero elected: delay but wero filled Immediately Mrs. W. J. Longston. who IH expected from tho Goodrum service depart- borne very soon, president; Mrs. Em inent. I "1I M- ly)i'. first vice-president: "You mny Bay also," Mr. Goodrum! M- ' s- I.nwrouco. second vleo remarkod nt parting. "Mint Goodrum ; president; Mrs. R. II. Smith, sccre U still HollIiiiE tires ami that Goodrum ' "-y: Mrs. C. J. Furhmnn. treasurer. Is the only ono on Coos llnv who I e dub will moot again In Octo llnynes Inlet, Is spending the day acre. MR. AN'!) MS. .1. r MVrM.I.OCM AXD W.7AK MX'CV'I.OCH me vlKltlng hero todny from llnynes Inlet. XIOLS RAS.MPSS10X left yesterdny Tor his runch nt llnynes Inlet. wlieie he will enjoy a row duys' outing. .MISS LOLA MOM'GO.MIORY AXD .MRS. DAVID IIUXCII uf Daniels Creek, are spending a few days in .unrsmiciii. . II. .IIOXXIXGS nud his two Bet nsiile, til honor or little Miss Ro-, dniighters, (HORTRPDIO AXD Ll'- bortwoii, but to tho great regret on '' nre Hero for tho day on n nil the young Indy was not well nud Pleasure tilp. therefore did not make her appear- MR. AXD MRS study ru'ii i:li:cts ofi'ickrs. The Woman's Study club met on Fildny afternoon nt the home of Mrs. R. II. Hong. It was the lust meeting The development of tho nutoinohllo ' the season somewhat belated, la ..I... ,r tin, .. ...I.. ..!.. ,.r tin, ,..itiivv I luivlni: heen twice nostnoneil. Tho . ' 1 1 lub rule regnrdlng vlsltorsTinif been , W iniikes tiro adjustments on the spot without delay." .IUXI0 WIIITIO SAI.K. 1! PIOIl CMXTOFFonnll WIHTIO DRIvSSICS, WAISTS. SKIRTS mid (illll.S' SAIL OR SUITS. LADIKS' K.MPORIU.M. ber. Coqiilllo Sentinel. SNAP IX Wi:.ST .MAItSliriKLD We have two small tracts which owner wants to sell mid will make u price which will force sale. See us nt oiue. 1. S. KAUFMAX& CO. shooting i:initrnoN. Gus Perot, raucy shooter for tho XOTICK. Parties having milk bottles bo- lrflf'iif.r In flirt Puna Dnv 1.. A r..1.l Storago Co., will please return thorn ' Po,,;r8' Cnr,lrI,.,uf Comi;n'. will give or notify innnagor so that they can ho! n-,, x,lll,.lt ." w,Jh ,8ll0,t,,lll called for. Phono 73. Xew STYLUS In PHOTOS nt QUVriORMASS STUDIO, 2 1 1 Front. Hnvo your Job nrlntlng dono nt rifles and revolvers, Suinlny. 20, !: no n. in., nt the Gun grounds at the race truck. Xew STYLUS 111 OU.VTKIt.MAS STUDIO. PHOTOS nt 211 Front. jpm 1 1 I'lmnw.ggr vMM i viwytmrrmsaaea IT PAYS TO GET "A GOOD START" FOR THE FOURTH COMPETITION, nowadays, is so keen in everything worth while, that tho smallest detail spells the difference between success and failure, The man who "sets the jump" on the pistol, wins the race nine times out of ten often from faster rivals, The same in everything; business, pleasure; love or war, People size you up in a second; you often win or lose on the spot, before you say a word, Since your appearance tops the list of your available assets, it's up to you to make it an asset of real value, You'll find that the ".-ottering of appearances" is our specialty, and that v.c do it, too, in an unusual way, in addition to giving g! cater value and service, Come in and let us show you what we can do for YOU! SUITS $8.50 TO $25.00 ('HAS. SKLAXDKIt nnd family of Catching Inlet, spent .vesiernny ni me i-ruii Helmiilor home on South Coos river. MISS ADA CLIXKi:.Vm:RD of TJiinle's Creek. hni returned from ' .Monmouth, where she has been at tending school this winter. MRS. P. I). ULAlvIO or Cntchlng In let, Is hero for the dny lo uttend grunge meeting. She Is accompa nied by her son. George Uluke, A. P. DAVIS, who has been nt Ran dolph as Inspector nt the Ran dolph mill, Is expected hero todnv to spend a week or so. the mill hnvlng been burned enrly this I week. ! L. (IRAXNIS, n member of the Mnrshlleld 1 1 lull School fucultv mid athletic director, bus tnkeu n o l-lon with Hugh M Lain on 'e construction of the Terminal Itnllwny. RKV. A. F. HASSFORD will ii.nv Club ' Monday morning for Corvnllls. hnv- lug concluded IiIh nastornio hem III health compelling htm to give up the chnrno. Mrs. llnssrord has nlso been III at CorvnlllH and he Is nnxloiis to got there an mooii us possible. MR AND MRS M. J. McKKXXA of Huiidon. wero In .Mumbflold Inst evening on their wny home from Portland, where Mr. McKonnn lint gone to meet Mrs. .McKonnn. who Is returning from an extended visit wltli relatives nnd friends in Du luth, Mlniu 4 I We Are Going Out of the Bicycle Business And will sacrifice those now in stock. We have three wheels which ferinn at the followinc low prices: we are now 0.' Two $35,00 Fox Bicycles, 20 and 22-inch frames, for only .- $26 One $30,00 Flyer, 20-inch frame, A big baS S this price, Only gain at B! . These Bicycles arc all- equipped with coaster brakes, mud guards "The Gunnery" Pioneer Automobile Supply House of Coos County. Front Street. MarshfieJrj. VALLEY TEAMS E Coquille and Myrtle Point in Marsh field and Banuon at North Bend. It Is expected that the special train, tomorrow will bring big delegations of fans from Coiiullle, .Myrtle Point WILLAMJ BUNS THE DETECTIVE ii " . n nn wean liner . tl. UasIrtK of theenH,!1 a rniiruaii. .. ; The film ivntalm tu . 'nnd iii) ,ff..ppm ..""' 1 It will lie shorn it r. r ,' .MnrsluleM rZ K !iili Nl I fffKflA I William OrimM, ho ,., , i Picture nt the Imi,. '" ! Famous Detective May he Seen in Pictures at The Grand Theater. Detective William .1. Hums, I In famous gunrdlun. or the law. per sunnily unpenrs hi an extraordinary and Hanilou for the league games on , production entitled "The Kxposuiei the Iradlot nn Ii l. . . Production and welt tortil 4 f.Ou Ant'uln ... i. . . ...;.. i ....;.: . ' ftMi tu I"nv. Coiiullle and Mvrtle Point will piny In .Mmshrield, the Ctiqiillle team playing the rirst game. Itaiidou plays at North lleud. The Ilandon team has been suffering from some Internal dissension, but u meeting was held there last night mid the mutter was probubly adjusted. this powerful Xorlh Ilend will have n few chuiig- nruinn, wi'icn was produced In (.'aptnln Denny i ' "' Xew June es in us lineup nut (.'npmin Denny Hull hopes to udmiiilster thu first defeat of the season to the llmiilnu aggregation. Malinger Ogren announces Marsh field's lineup for the Coiiullle mime nil" follows: Perkins. C; l-'ieeinnn. n: I Abbott. lb; llcdgputh.'Jh; lilgbee. lib; II llurke. s; Woods. Iliiggs, McKeowu mid Dewey Hi field. I'or the H'cimiiI ruiiie villi Mvrilo I'luiit Hie lineup will he uboiil the sumo with the exception Mint John-! sou, Jurvbi or Al Jensen will pitch. Hoi Ii Jensen mid Jurvls are old t timers In the game. II. .1. Kimball will ii nip Ire both games In Marsh- field. i.oc:ii:ic has n.iti Lrtx. Ownr Starat, a loan mi OII dnv ln.l ..i. "t;'."1 --- ... ...u, nvcl aQ(J Q. , i Idiyslclan ilrom .i, ... V 'K ttlilch liorectltrtifhih. f1!!;i!::,l.sl!!,ll'Wi' ii nun. Ulll IWO trill I fnllliiB llmli struck him tu , a coiniioiinil fracture of lit to .'ijnie row. i.Tnerprlw Important Notice To the Vlavl pitroai ni i wishing information rnrdlcrv would Btnle that the rtpwent. .mih. uiiev. n III h 1 ir ma the' Hit -Vo. tilth. Mnnrliri It . ,. ,.. .... . ,. . - - - " " -..,-, . .. . i urn, in waHiuimi ii a p. m. rtione 155-X. or iin i. linn ttwiuuier. Tlili "i-imi piciuio play is based upon nn actual occurrence which vividly portrays his modern scientific methods In bringing criminals to Justice. Miss Alice Joyce, the premiere motion picture actress, mid u lurge company or nrMsts. i.ppear In sup- poii or .Mr. iiuriiK id Mnrshficld. FIXUP North Beud. I - AT Tin: IIOTKLS. ST LEAGUE BASEBALLSCORE Portland Loses to Oakland Three to One, and Sacra mento Beats Los Angeles The CIiiiiiiINm- J. A. Hunt. San Krnncisco; C. M Hellonl. Coquille; I'. I). I.ayton. Jr.. Kureku; Frank V. Cntterlln, Hnn doii, Or.; v. Moore, Chicago; M. J. McKeuna nud wife. Ilandon ; W. I. Holmes, Heaver Hill; C. T. Tread gold. Ilandon: 0. C. Curallno, Port land: Uobt. Jones. Tug Robnrt: W J. Condroii, Kugene: lidward T. Condron, Kugeno; Chna. T. Popo. Ilandon; A. I.Indborg. Myrtle Point; Win. J. Smith, North Ilond. TWO STOHKS. , KOIOIKII lti:SIDi:.T WltlTKS. i DliKllnger Hrothera todny received the following solf explanatory lotter from J. 1). McNeil, a formor Coos Hny real estnto man. who moved to Hums a year ngo: "Thero Is alnioBt nothing doing horo nnd no nssurnnco that tho rail road will build within tho noxt two or threo years. Tho cost of living la something terrible. As an oxamplo wo got threo bars of Sunday Monday soap for 23 conts, io pounds of su gar for ?1, nine pounds of corn inenl for i.i cents, five pounds of snlt for 0 cents, urallon eniiu nf f,.nl ni ..... SO cents to II, each, and other iner chandlso Is proportionately high Tho country will bo good when the 'road s finished hut sonio of us cannot hold out that long." Mr. McNeil Intimates that bo is longing again for Coos Hay. but does NOW TIIIIV ST.WD. 1 Won. Lost I.om Angeles ... .IS Sun I-'rnnclsio ... 13 Oakland lo Sacrmueiito ::s Portland its ' Venice I!S I II i:t lo 11 17 P.C 37S 32;! IS2 I.S7 IS1 117 Every Woman Knows tho pleasure and sit'sfactton to be foH b cooking on a - -Perfect Range: and tho vexation caused by ono which is the reverse. j pttiuiuirfSrr,".r.i7 P'-M O "vJ (ny Ahck'IiI) I'om lu C'oo liuy iiiiim I'OHTI.AND. Or.. June 28. -Portlnnd lost to Oakland yestorday, ono to three. Haln at Venice pre vented tho Sun Frniiclsco-Venlco guiiie. The rcsultH yesterdny: At Oakland h, n. K Portlnnd c 1 Onkland ;i 7 At Sucrniuento a. n, 15" I.os Angeles ;; 7 ;j Sacramento 7 j 0 1 DltV IX .MVIITM3 POINT. New Law Stops Shipment f Uoo.o To That Place. Tho burning thirsts of certain Myrtle Point citizens may no longer bo slaked In secret. No longer may tho doinljohn ()r keg bo shipped horo from Coqiilllo or Murshriold laboled "nlmnnncs" or vinegar." A now state law, Just In offect, puts an oud to tho old mothod of gotting Ifquor Into dry territory, Kneli packago of intoxicating H quor shipped Into nnv inrriim-v. 1.. which the snlo of Intoxlcntlng lliniors ' ui iiimuiuku purposes is prolilblted , by Inw. shall contain tho nnnio of tlie ' conslgneo, the uumo of tho consignor I 1110 nnnio and nddress of the person ordering such liquors, the kind nnd quality of tho intoxlcntlng liquors In such packago nnd tho nlm-n fmm n,i tO Which thO lldllor IS Rlilnnnil .,!. nnd nil written or printed In tho Hug- Hull lnliiriinir I.. n. 1.11 " If a Wedgewood fails to make good, if it don't bake, if tdwtaw fuel, if it don't heat properly all over tlie to . F phone 101, and we will be glad to come after it. nave never naci a ciaim agam&i uu j- - , jy exoect to. Absolutely complete in all these n d i little conveniences which help to make wok ' range a pleasure. -Ask Your Neighbor lish lunguago lu largo letters or typo U1 mm- lie is coining bnnW StfSS.ertt'SliraSiSIS have beea complaining. prise. I