PMH lP"""i.l1"w; 3f ' -t ' ; . t v lEinkM i ... mi ii JfitwwwWNwfciWWii THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1913 EVENING EDITION. IN THE I PI -.III lllllW . .USUBi . V ttSSSBrigUlluMimiuttlMMIWMBra NICK OF TIME Mi FIRST ADDITION TO SHFIELD Phis is the very time to build the homo you have been plan ning to build. Just now, before building operations become more active and while carpenters can be secured for the work and when you can spend more time in superintending the job. Lumber can lie bought cheaply now and on good terms. Right now you can get a building lot close to the best resi dence district of Marshfield, in First Addition to MarshHold, a level, f)0-foot lot on a graded street. Buy it for $25 cash and $10 per month, and lie your own landlord. You can do it as well as others, and there's no doubt about it being the thing to do. Call on us and talk over your ambitions in this direction with us. Reynolds Development Co. 178 CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE 160 Gas Range Cooking The Scientific, Sanitary Satisfactory Way Start the spring right by gelling your wife n gos rango. Cooking with gas la "t only Bflontlflf, sanitary mill completely satisfactory, lint It Is econom ical. You don't waste ful or time In firing up. .1 lot summer will soon be here. AVilh a gas range your wife run propnro n monl quickly without heating tho wliolo house, nml without spoiling her temper or rulnliiK hut' lionltli. At preserving lime ask her if she wauls to Ko back to tho old riuiBO. Wo know what hor una-win- will ho and wo nlso know that by that tlmo you will not need to ask tho quostlon. h the fall if your house heating system docs not provldo heat for tho kitchen tho problem la solved by liiBtiilllng a Kitchen lleutor, tho Uttlo run ning mnto of tho gns rnngo. Be sure to see the 1013 gas rango models nt your dealers. A few of tho now features aro: Ovens with glnsa doors and thernioiuotorH; ovena nbovo Instead of holowj convonlout shelves; non-ox-ldlzlng motnl. Oregon Power Company Singer Sewing Machines' Here's a Thing to Remember! Wo havo thoiu for rent or for sale MncnlncB Repaired. Supplies and Noodles for Sale W. J. ItlTZ. litl I'nik Ave. Mnrshfleld, Phono -80-X. Second and Central Telephone ITS We Bake Wedding Cakes you can mix tho cako yoursolf and we'll do tho baking. Wo make birthday cakes too. Wo oyon put ho proper number of candles on, if you say so. Order ono for tho ueM celebration at your Iioubo. "test assured It will not havo a chance to get stale. Coos Bay Bakery Tlie place for godd goodies. Market Ave. Phone 111-L "WE APPEAL TO ANY JUDGE of plumbing whether our ork b not first class In every detail. Wo refer to all for whom wo havo done work for Proof of this fact. We all somewhat, however, n our ab - tv to make out big bills. Hut hat Is a fault In your favor as mi will ai'Prcciato when wo have done our first plumbing work for you. Willey& Schroeder 303 North Front Street. moxi: 77-t . ! Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office Uldo In Lynn Lambeth's IDlil 7 pnciigor Cadillac Stand nt Hill yor's Cigar Store. Tolophonc 18-J. After 11 p. m., tolephono 200-L, tho Right Cafo. Careful driving nssurod. Prompt nttontlon. Will go nnywhoro, any time, day or night. Loaves Hill yor's Cigar Storo to moot all trains lllllt LWtlU) (Continued from Pago Two.) games and music. Features of tho musical program wero n violin and piano duct by the ltev, Father A. H. Munro and Will Murphy, a vocal so lo by Mrs. Levi Dalgle, and "The Irish Jubilee" by Levi Unlglc. Fol lowing till' nvnnlnir'a iltvpi'alniiH. n sumptuous lunch was served by Miss iieiiwmgo I'orncr, assisicu uy .mibb Minn Dalgle. Those present were Huv. Father A. K. Munro, Mr. and Mrs. It. Dalgle. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dubay, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harrows, Mr. and Mrs. Will Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Dalgle, Mr. Stack, George Hen nessey, Joo Hennessey, Wilfred Kr Ickson, Hnrtlctt Knox, Miss Mnry Durnbacb, Miss Llllie Dalgle, Miss Minn Dalgle, Miss lledwltlge Porrlcr and II. Hurrows. 4 ! ! HONOR Ml IS. I'OIIII. City Auto Service Oood Cars. Croful Drivers and roRsonntilo chnrgos. Our motto: "Will go anywhoro at any time." Stands Dlanro Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phonos 78 and 48 S'lght Phono 40 UtitWIt . rjnnnAIjK. nrntirlHn Whenever you are In the market for a bill of groceries, before send ing out of town come In and get our prices. We stand back or all our goodH and can save you money. You Get a 5 Per Cent Rebate In liremlums on all cash purchases, except flour and sugar. Savo up your cash coupons you get at our place nnd get some useful household article, free. And sav, If you are dissatisfied with tho milk you are now using, come In and wo will toll you how to get some of tho best milk In Coos County, at u rea sonable price. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'COXXKLL ULDO. 1KI Market Aw., Mni'MillcM, Or. Plume :IIM-.L XOTK'K TO COXTHACTOItS. Notice Is hereby given thnt scaled bids will bo received by tho Common Council of tho City of Marshfleld. Coos County, Oregon, until eight o'clock p. in., Monday, the 30th day of Juno, 1913. hir tho Improvement of thnt portion of Hemlock Avenue from tho west lino of Front Street North to tho west lino of Sixth Street North In tho City of Mnrsbfleld, Coos County, Oregon, nccordlng to tho plana nnd specifications on fllo In tho office of tho City Hecorder and tboro open to tho Inspection of all persons Interested therein. All bids must bo In nccordanco with tho requirements accompanying said specifications, nnd upon blnnks for that purposo which will bo sup plied upon request at tho office of tho City Knglneor. A certified check of flvo por cent of tho amount bid must accompany the bid to bo forfeited to tho said City of Mnrshflold In enso tho con tract Is nwarded tho contractor and ho fallB to enter In n contract with tho said city within flvo days. Tho Common Council resorves tho right to reject nny nnd all bids. Dated this 10th day of June, 1913. JOHN W. HUTLER. lioeonlor. XOTHT. TO COXTKACTOHS. Notice Is hereby given that sealed IiIiIh will lm received bv the Common I Council of tho City of Marshfleld, Cooh County, Oregon, until eight o'cloik p, in., Monday, the 30th day of Juno , 1913, Tor tno Improvement of that portion of Johnson Avenue west from tho east lino of Second Street South to the east lino of Tenth 1 Sticet South In tho City of .Mnrsh flold, Coos County, Oregon, an Hid ing to the plans and specifications on fllo In tho office of tho City Ito- corder ami thero open to tho Inspec tion of all persons Interested therein. I All bids must bo In nccordanco with tho requirements accompany ing said specifications, and upon blanks for that purposo which will bo supplied upon roquost nt tho of- flrn nf tho CltV KllKlllCOr. I A certified check of five per cent 1 of tho niiiount bid must accompany tho bid to bo forfeited to tno sain City of Mnrshflold In caso tho con tract Is nwarded tho contractor and ho fulls to ontor In a contract with the snld city within flvo days. Tho Common Council reserves tho right to reject nny and all bids. Dated this 10th dny of Juno. 1913. joiin w. hutli:r. Recorder. I 4 Mrs. Kugoiic O Council nnd Mrs. H. M. Illchnrdson wero hostesses at an Auction Bridge party Tuesday afternoon nt the IMchnrdson homo on Pine street In honor of .Mrs. WII llnni Ford of Portland. The home wns beautifully deco inted In Scotch broom. Mrs. O' Connell nnd .Mrs. Hlclinrdson were nsslsted In receiving and serving by Mrs. K. K. Jones nnd Mrs. F. K, llnguo. Mnny beautiful gowns were worn by the guests. Twelve tables wero placed. Tho afternoon's game resulted In Mrs. It. K. Ilooih winning first prize. .Mrs. Horsey Kreltzer. second, nnd Mrs. Fannie Hazard consolation. The prizes were Jnpn nose baskets of different shapes, one being filled with l.n France roses and tied with an elaborate pink Il lusion bow. another wns filled with vello w flowers and tied with u yel low bow. nml the consolation bas ket was filled with choice straw berries and decorated with a red Il lusion bow. Tlie place curds wero especially ar tistic. Mrs. 1). c. Oreen painting them. Mrs. (lieon also assisted Mrs. Rich nrdsou during the afternoon. Those present were: Miss Hvelyn Anderson, Mrs. K. llargelt. Mrs. T. II. Harry. Mrs. 0. A. I'eunett. Mrs. J. W, llennett, Mrs. W. M. r.lnke. Mrs. K. W. Knminoior. Mrs. W. S. Chandler. Mrs. W. (1. Chandler, Mrs. J. S. Coke. Mrs. It. II. Corey. Mrs. W. K. Dungnn, Mrs. U. I.uwlor, Mrs. J. W. Flanagan, Mrs. J. II. Flanngan, Mrs. II. Folsom, Mrs. F. K. (lettlns, Mi'M. I). C. Oreen, Mrs. A. T. Ilnlnes, Mrs. J. T, Hiirrlgnu. Mrs. Funnlo llnznrd, Mrs. William llors- fllll .It. Mm A I, llniiuitivfiffli lluu Agncx Hutchison, Mrs. I. S. ICauf- M1IIII. Mm. (1. U' liiiiifiiiiin Mm llnf. soy Kreltzer, Mrs. II. l.ockhnrt, Mrs, M. C. Muloniiy, Miss Muiule Mahoney, .mis, i !-. .Mciicorgo, .Mrs. t'nas. .mc Knlght, Mrs. W. F. Miller. Mrs. K. Mlngus, Mrs. W. P. Murphy, Mrs. Claude Nasburg, Mrs. Harry Nas burg, Mih. A. It. O'llrlen. Mrs. F.fflo Farrlnger. Mrs. F. M. Parsons, Mrs. ('. It. Peck, Mrs. K. 0. Perlinm, Mrs. loiny retry, .mis, I'leu rowers, aus. A. II. Powers, Mrs. (). Schetter. Miss Oenuvlevo Seugstackeu, Mrs. II. S. Seugstackeu, Mrs. I). Y. Stufford, Mrs. !:. K. Straw. .Airs. 11. S. Tower, Miss Alice llutler, Mrs. W. A, Toye, Mrs. W. S. Turpeii. Mrs. P. M. Wll- inn', .mis. iiiiiiic I'oiiuu, .mis. Aiiuur McKeowu. Mrs. F. K. Hague, Mrs. William Ford. Mrs. C. ,M. Ilyler, Mrs, It. A. Wernlck, Mrs. L. J. Simpson, Mrs. Morton Tow er, Mrs. A. T. Lagerstrom, Miss M. Mullen, Mrs. J. T. McCoruiac, Mrs. It. K. Month, Mrs. J. II. Mllner. Mrs. W. S, Nicholson, Mrs. Ceorgo March, Mrs, Hugo Qulst, Mrs. K. P. Lewis, Mrs. F. M. I'rleilberg. Mrs. F. A. (inlden. Mrs. J. A. Mntsou. Mrs. W. F. Mci:idovney. Mrs. K. F. Morrls sey, Mrs. C. W. Tower. Miss Nelllo Tower. Mrs. C. F. McCollum .Mrs. J. A. I.uso and Mrs. Itolse, velvet nnd chnrincusc, showing a combination lace blouse with volour or charmeuso skirt and Jacket to i,intl, Tli.. anlnpllntl nt rOQtB C'OV- ers a wide range of styles and colors, comprising mntclese, epongo cloth, broended volour, tnroo loneu ruiiuu. cheviots, diagonals and fancy weaves nt ,.11 ilnaorllltlllllR SklftR COtltlllUO to have a tendency to be close fit ting nnd clinging, n greni niiuijr showing the slnshed effect In front or side effect. .j. 4, PLAN PICXIC. Tim tldvnl Aiii'lliui tlrldcn club Is planning n beach party. The dato lias not nceii cienniioiy nxeo uni ii. will probably bo soon after July 4. Autos will take the members nnd n few of their friends to tho bench, where a day's outing will be enjoyed,. , . postpoxi: PICNIC. I The picnic which wns to hnvo been given Friday by the Ladles' Auxil iary of the Marshfleld Presbyterian ..tiMc.ii umiu iiiiinfinitntv DOMtnoned owing to the unfavorable weather conditions. f I .ioia no.i;.. i . , Mis. Ai L. Hut of Hunker Hill, entertained the Jolly Dozen club Inst Wednesday niternnon. A part of the time was devoted to the election of officers, with tho following results: iiioaiiiimt Mi-m it. HuhIi! vice- president. Mrs. A. L. Hut.; secre tary. Mrs. V. T. unio; irensurer, .Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Henry Olseu wns elected to membership of the club. Mis. Snow provided the enter tainment for the ufternoon nnd thn social hour closed with rerrosh ments served by the hostoss, ns slsted bv Mrs. Henry Olson. The Indies decided to havo a pic nic July Ith at the Life Saving Sta tion. The net regular meeting will bo Julv Uth with Mrs. W. T. dale. Those present nt thin wook'H meeting were: Mrs. Ceorgo Uour ke. Mrs. Henry Olson, Mrs. W. T. (bile, Mrs. P. Saudon. Mrs. II. Albeo, Mrs. Snow, Mrs. Hush and Mrs. Johnson. 6 4 loiici: SOCIAL. NOTlCi: TO COXTHACTOHS. Notlco Is heroby given thnt sealed bids will bo received by tho Common Council of tho City of Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, until eight o'clock p. in., Monday, tho 30th day of Juno, 1913, for tho Improvement of thnt portion of Fourth Street South from tho south lino of Klrod Avenue West to tho south lino of Railroad Addition to Mnrshflold, In tho City of Marshfleld, Coos County. Oregon, nccordlng to tho plans and specifications on fllo In tho office of tho City Hecoruor anu inoro open to tho Inspection of all porsons In- tApafitnd thnroln. All bids must bo In nccordanco with tho requirements accompanying said specifications, nnd upon blanks for that purposo which will bo sup plied upon request at tho office of tho City Fnglneer. A certified check of flvo per cent of tho nniount bid must accompany tho bid to bo forfeited to tho said City of Marshflold In caso tho con tract Is awarded the contractor and ho falls to onter In a contract with tho said city within flvo days. Tho Common Council resorvos tho right to reject nny and nil bids. Dated this 19th day of June. 1913. JOHN W. DUTLER, Recorder. NOTlCi: TO COXTHACTOUS. j .NOIKo is norouy given mm oraimi OKIS Will 110 received uy iiiu wummuii Council of tho City of Mnrshflold, Coos County, Oregon, until eight o'clock p. m Monduy, tho 30th day of Juno, 1913, for tho Improvomont of thnt portion of Klovuiith Street South from the north line of Rail road addition to Mnrshflold to tho south lino of Ingorsoll Avenue West In I Ik. Mir nf MlirHllf l(il(l. COOS COIIIl- ty, Oregon, according to tho plans I nnd specifications on fllo In tho of , flco of the City Recorder and thero 1 open to tho Inspection of all pursons Interested therein. I All bids must bo In accordance with the requirements accompanying i said specifications, and upon blanks fcr- T.iiriinKr. which will bo Sup plied upon request at tho offlco of the City Knglneor. A certlficato of flvo por cont of tho nniount bid must nccompany tho bid, to bo forfeited to tho said City of Marshfleld In caso tho contract Is awarded tho contractor and ho falls to enter In n tontrnct with tho said city within flvo days. The Common Council resorvos the right to reject any and nil bids. Dated this 19th day of Juno. 1913. JOHN W. HUTLKR. Recorder. Havo your Job printing dono ' Tho Times office. KASTSim: IIKCKPTIOX. A reception wns hold Inst Tues dny evening In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ollberi Stecklo nt the homo of Mis. L. A. Stecklo of Knstsldo. Tho even ing was spent In games and music, after which refreshments wero served. All tho niombors of tho Steck lo family wero present with tho ex ception of olio sister, who lives In the South. Thoso present wero: Mrs. L. A. Steckel, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ollbert Steckel. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Steckel. Mr. und Mrs. W. W. Steekol, .Mr. and Mrs. K. R. I loss, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. R. Watson, Mr. und Mrs. Chas. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spooner, Mrs. Leonard O. Masters, Miss Ollvo Richards and IMlth Steck el, Mr. W. J. Wnllaco, Mnrtlu nnd Cleon Steckel, Nell Wutsoii, Ralph, Lloyd and Klvlu Hess, Thelo und James Steekol. Ollbert Steckel and Miss Roso Mosserlo wero married Tuosday noon, tho Rev. II. C. Cooloy officiating. Tlioy left Wednesday on a honey moon trip to northorn points. , Till: CO.MIXH I'ASHIOXS. I i Miss R. Ilorlnger. of tho Huh Dry Hoods company, who returned n. iu u'k rrnm thn niiirket. whore she mot tho representatives of tho loaning I'.astorn nouses unu iinm manufacturers, who wero showing nd vance models of tho new things for women, talks Interesting of tho com ing soason's stylos. Ono of tho strong features of tho coming fall fashions Is tho "Russlun lllouse" ef fect, being shown to a mnrkod do groo In both drosses and suits. An other noticeable cbaugo In tho com ing season's stylos Is tho omission of tho high waist line, almost ovory thlng showing tho long walsted ef fect, both bolt and sash trimmings being trimmod nt tho oxtronia waist lino, und blouse backs as woll as fronts. Included In tho many at tractive styles selected Is tho clover three-pleco suits In brocaded volour, The Odd Follows ball was crowded last Thursday evening with tho mem bers of (ho A. O. l. W. nnd tho 'De gree of Honor nnd their friends, for the purpose of enjoying n social ev ening together. The musical pro gram rendeied wns nloim most plons Ing. each member being given n hearty encore. Then dancing by Hel en und Floreuie Flunnguii, the recl- inili... .r I.1 .1 llnvim nml Ihn violin solo by Hen Plaits, of Portland, wero other pleasing features, After the loinpletlou of the pro gram, a flue supper was served by the ladies or the Degree of Honor In tho banquet hall. Tho oeulng wns brought to a happy close by tho dancing of tho Virginia Reel by 13 couples. The following was tho program: Reading. Miss Hesslo Flanagan. Quartet, Mrs. .1. T. Hall. Mrs. Chas. Stauff, Miss Johnson nnd Miss My ron. Skirt dunce, Florencu and lluleu Flanagan, Recllallou. Mrs. K. Kelloy, Irish Jig, Helen Flnuaguu. Quartet, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Stauff, Miss Johnson, Miss Myron. Recitation, F. J. Hayes. Violin Solo, lleuj. PluttH. Scotch Dance, Florence Flanagan. Address, J no. If. (leiitry, Deputy Oraiid Master, A. O. V. W. It was after the hour If midnight when the guests departed for homo, hoping to soon bo nble to enjoy an other such pleasant evening. . t I HONOR MISS MIILLHX. I ; Mrs. Henry Sengstnckon wns tho hostess at it delightful little luncheon Friday, complimentary to Miss M. F. Mullen of San Francisco, who Is spending the summer on tho Hay. The guests Included mostly old tlmo frlondB nnd a most enjoyublo tlmo was spent In recalling memories of by gono years. Among thoso Invited wero Mrs. J. II, Flnnngan, Mrs. It. F. Williams. Mrs. Aithur McKeown. Mrs. J. W. llennett, Mrs. Ilorbert l.ockhnrt. Mis, C. M. Hylor, Mrs. Morton Tower of Kiuplro, and Miss M. F. Mullen. . ItOVALAl'fl'lOX CLPH. I Tho Royal Auction club mot last Monday afternoon with Mrs. W. II. Scott. This was the last meeting of tho season. Tho prlzo wns won by Mis. J. H. Mllner, who also assisted Mrs. Scott In serving. Thoso presont weror Mrs. A. L. I louso worm. .Mrs. imr soy Kreltzer. Mrs. J. T. llarrlgan, Mm ii. K. Iiooth. Mrs. Fred Powora and Mrs. Chas. MoKulght. WILL vi:n. - I - Friends hnvo been npprlsod of tho coming mnrrlage of Miss Kloanor Oustarson and Arthur Hlshop, tho event to take place in tho near fu ture. MRS. IIOOVIJK I'.XTKRTAIXS. I Mrs. Wilbur Hoou-r entertained Tuesday nfternoon In honor of her ststor-ln-lnw, Mrs J. L. Hoovor of Frultvolo. Cnl.. who Is visiting here. ThoBoiuesmworeJ (Continued on Pago Eight.)