SJlLMm JUMP TO THE CONCLUSION THAT EVERYBODY ELSE IS WRONG LOST ARTICLES lir( found through Times mint Li. K'-nil tlionil Use tlionil Ttii-v Let rciiUc BKTESUi'' (tea lag Exmm Established in 1878 MEMBER OF Till: ASSOCIATED PRESS xow is vorit time. A Munll ml In The Times want column limy liflnir yiiu f"tiltw mi mediately. Try tine. I VVYVI Established In 1ST L. AAAVI. T,l0 Cost Mn aMHMMMMnflFWBMMRniM--M. 00 RIB SUBURB SUFFERS MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1913-EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGE& & Consolidation of Times, Const Mali Mn OQA unil Coos liny Advertiser. IUU " HEAVY FIBE LOSS TODAY i r t ion Lumuer oompanys 10.000 Plant uestroyed by Blaze This Morning. N OF DEE IS ALSO THREATENED Iphone and Telecjraph fires uown rear loss lay Reach $1,000,000. Br AuMlalftl Tfru In root nr Tlmea. nOD RIVER. Or.. Juno 28 Uarlv Inilny destroyed the $500,- Iav mill of tlio Oregon Lumber pany nt Deo nml Is threatening entire town. snort ly tutor hub RENEW TREATY DISSOLUTION PLAN IS APPROVED W JA Arbitration Agreements With Mikado and Other Nations Extended by Protocols. Itlr AmoiUiM I'rrn lo Cona liar TlniM,) WASHINGTON. 1). C .limit -JS Tlio special arliltrntlou t rent Ion of icowns received, tho telephono j ' .no ,Bl,,0(,n' arliltrntlou treaties of was down nml tlio only commit- l, l " ' ' i?latu,,, W.H," Jnmm' Swc" . . . tin II fi lid Hint ntrn 1 ...I !..!. .......1.1 t. ...... klon Is by nuto or horse. of tlio flrn IH not stated. age predicted tlml If tlio firo Ih controlled, uio loiiu ctnniugo will oximnto $ 1, 000, 000. itiToitT is denied. klltulliiimllslM Declare Tlml They Hutu Vul .lllllll I'l'llfe Oilers.- lr"wljli.1 1'rreq In I'm., lift Tlnrn. I ' IGI.B PARS. .Iiino US. Reply- to n niesi'iigo tnnt Governor anza lind uiiulo proposals for the Constitutionalists head- ttcrs nt Pledras Xogms declared Is absolutely no tnttli In tho imcnt. m. den and Portugal, which would linvo T)0 J expired hy llmltntlon within tho iivai monm, were eionuci today iiv protocolH hy Secretary Hryiut, tlio .lupnneso Ambassador and tho Swo dlKli and .Portugese ministers. RIEF RESPITE Government Gives Tentative Approval for Proposition to Separate Southern Pacific and Union Pacific. Itlr AmchUIfiI IVm lo Coo !lr Tlmta. "WASHINGTON, .lunc 2S. Attor- ney acnornl .McHeynolds nnd repre sentatives of tho Union Pacific, It wns learned today, have reached an agreement for the dissolution of tho llarrlman merger. The principles of tho plan nre In harmony with tho views of President Wilson and ho Is expected to approve. It will ho submitted Monday to tno Judges of the United States Circuit Court at St. Paul. Tho plan will go to tho court with tho Government!) ap proval, qualified only hy a request that tho Judges nlve limited time heforo entering tho final decree dur ing which tho Government tnav pos sibly make objections which cannot now no foreseen. have the United States Court, who sit ns a District Court in the Union Pacific case, assemble In St. Paul on Monday. Tho dctnllB of tho plan will not ho made public, out of re spect to tho court, It was said, un til the llan Ib presented. Attorney General McHeynolds to day said that he was not ready to discuss the Bltiiatlon or details. It is understood however, that ho plan will provide for exchanging $38,000,000 of Southern Pacific stock hold by the Union Pacific for Pennsylvania's Interest In the Bal timore & Ohio, the sale of tho re maining SSS.OOO.OOO of Southern Pacific stock through tho medium of a trust company under such safeguards iib will end the control of the Southern Pacific by either tho Union Pacific or Its sharehold ers. Ab the plan does not provide separation of tho Southern Pacific and the Central Pacific, officials of the Department of Justice loltcratori today that Attorney General Mc Heynolds later on would brliur a civil anti-trust suit under tho Slier MANY DEATHS AND PROSTRATIONS FROM WAVE IN EAST TODAY TEST DAM AT GATUN LOCKS "o.-SM.I.fL .'.'J ll5!.ng-1-"l',j' J I "'"'' Inw to accomplish that result. STANDARD OIL HO' ATHLETIC PROGRAM. tot Athletic Proximo In History or t liieugo open. AlsUlrJ Pro, lo Too liar Time.) HICACO, Juno as. Tho grcnt- atliletlc carnival ever hold In igo, nnd perhaps on tho coutln- ft II I ho opened this afternoon ratt Park. The contests begin tho Marathon race, following llonR-cstablished custom In tho (plan games, nnd will close n from Sunday with tho National (tour Athletic Union champions ne program lor next Saturday. CONGRESS W REPORT IS GIVEN OUT DKXI'V GENERAL M'REV- i.i's turns vi:it coitmcs- p.M i:ri-' ix xoTi:i) sax mrisco casics to cox- todav. Party Leaders Agree That no rjnojpnpe wni b1 Transacted During Next Two Weeks. I Mr Aiwoilalisl I'rin lo Con lUr TlniM.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 2S.A geutleiuan'H agreement wan made to day between the three party leaders of the llouso that no business would bo trnusneted during tho next two weeks except by unanimous consent. Tho House will adjourn for tlnoo days at a time. In tho meantime many of tho members will rot urn to tholr districts or go to tho Get tysburg colouration or otberwiBo en Joy a respite from legislative work. W GO ON FREE LIST IN 1SS0URI Ac:;,';- 'rr:i 0 fooa af TlmM ASIUNGTOX. I). C. Juno L'S.-- out waiting for tho House Ju- fy conunitteo to net upon rop Mntivo Knhn's lpsolutlons. At- Py (ienrrnl Mcltoynolds today ito Congress all tho correspon o relating to tho nostnnuement lie Dlcgs-Canilnattl wiilto slnvo ""Hi tho Western Kuel Company "icnin, wnich caused the ro- resiKnntlon of United Statos ''t AttoniOf t.Vnli lit Smii clsro. hen tlio COininltlnn manumit. It decided Hint nnrllm nt Dm r. Bndence rolntlllcr tn tlm nnst- pent of tho cases probnbly will "-yiiiiu I0 i,0 jioubo weiinoB- l111 'ho report. which would ro- Denil that tlm K'nlm rnunlntlniia 11 111 OH tlln tlililn Hllmr, tlm nil. 3f their Intrnilimtlnii liml linnn UpllsllPil. per BtniBRlinB for two hours t "ie mass of documents forwnrd- r JictteynoldB. tho conunitteo Fwd to attend n session In tho - mirmnn Clayton snld Mc- 8 had Slllimlltn., nil n, nn- I'D tlio case, aninntr thnm mnnv might nreJudlco tho trials of cases and tho correspondence 1 not ho nindo nubile until it peen weeded out. ' SUM FOR LIFK 1XSURAXCK. 'or Jjist Year IMnced nt .More llinn Six nnn nnn flCAGO. Juno 2s'. l!lfo Insur- IMyments In the United States i"uaaa nninnnlml tn tliOfi 3Kn.- durlnir inio nnnn.inn . tim ,. . - --i c..uiumt, iu mvj r-wumntton made by tho Insur - 158, 'ais. nnn wna for i . - - w w v. , .W " iaU III tho TTnltoil Stntos and naana ?213,000,000 vns for re- "m surrender values and pay i jo foreign policy holders, mese years show a larce in- a0Ver previous years. ar Now York led with pay or $.11 con Air. i inio fnl. . :-uuflu 111 J.1-. iwr oy Chtpntrn u.iti, tn ooo cir.n ".HlWa $11.0S3.000. nnd'nos- '59,380. i'lN' M'KST MARSIIFIKM) u'e two smnll tracts which antft in doll n.l ii.lll mnln n hlch will force sale. See us I, S. KAUFMAX& CO. CK a iYii;iinpi.i Rl 1IKXO, JULY 3. HAIili, MAXDi Plans to Let Manufactured Articles in Duty Free to Re duce Cost of Living. (Dr Amo.UHh l'r lo Coo lr Tlinil WASHINGTON. I). C, Juno 28. A lively discussion developed todny In the Sonnte caucus over tho rate on the inanufatturod woll. Low tariff champions urgod that manufac tured woolen goods for general use should go to tho freo list. Woolen cloth, which is dutiable In tho bill at L'o per cont nil vnlorom, ami Block ings at 20 per tout, woro among tho items which the S-'enntors contended should outer free of duty to nld tho i eduction In the cost of living. Ash nrst brought tho dobato to a climax with an nmondinont to transfer to tho freo list nil woolens mnnufne tured, such ns blnnkots, cloth, rcnriy mmio clothing, stockings nnd tho like. No voto was takon, however. Tho action of tho caucus Inst night In putting c-Qtton thrend on the freo list was not reopened nnd no fur ther objection to tho chnngo Is ex pected. KIMiKD AT FI.OHI'XCi:: Stephen W. Morey. Mill Worker, Is Fatally Injured. FLORENCE. Or., Juno 28. Whllo working In tho sawmill Tuesday, Stephen W. Moroy recolved injuries which caused his death a fow hours later. Ho wns oiling machinery nenr tho shaft when his doming iccmnu entangled with tho shaft so that ho was unablo to freo himself. Morey was about 27 years old, and had moved hero recently from Vancou ver, Wash. Ho leaves a wlfo and two children. rixic is ciioskx. At a meeting of tho school board last night, called at the Instanco of D B Burns, C. R. Peck, a Marshfleld attorney, was retained to represent tho district in defense of tho Injunc tion suit brought against tho board to restrain It from Issuing warrants of tho district In payment for tho Barrow & Strang land, recently se lected at a school meeting for n Bchoolhouse site. Mr. Burns intro duced the resolution and moved Its adoption. Messrs. Burns and Skeels voted aye nnd Mr. Mast in the nega-.!,.- Tim resolut on provides that Mr' Peck receive $150 for his ser vices, ISO to ho paid forthwith as a retainer. Coqulllo Sentinel. nivrn at KCKIIOFF II ALL, XORTH Ul'XI), JL'LY U. 1IAX1) Company Allowed to Continue Business There Unless it Violates Trust Laws. (Mr Auotlnicl I'rrw lo "oo liar Time.) JKITIMtSOX CITY. Mn.. Juno S. The .MftMoiui Supremo Court In a decision tendered here today grants tho Standard Oil Company tho right tti stay In business In Mis souri. Tho decision does not rovoko tho order of ouster Issjied sonio time ago ns n result of tlio proceedings Instituted by the stato under the nutl-triist law, Imp merely suspends tno order for so long n tlmo as tho company compiles with tho laws of the state. Tho suspension of tho. ouster wbh nindo after ovldonro had boon taken hoforo tho special com mission to siistnln the contention of tho company that It no longer had a monopoly of the oil IiubIiicss of the stato. I.OWKIt HATI'S lll-'ltl-:. ! 1 In Its nccouut of tho granting I 1 of an electric franchise to tho ! ' Oregon Power company, tho Co-! qulllo Sentinel snyHt ".Mr. I Green, representing tho Oregon I Power company, stnted t lint a ' now schedule of prices woro I l about to go Into effect at Marsh- I I field and North Bend, nnd that ! t tho Coqulllo and Myrtle Point I l rates would bo Idrutlcnl; that I tho proposed schedule would I t glvo lower prices than those now I obtaining at the former places, ' NO NEWS OF WILSEY DEAL Major Kinney Has Not Been Advised of Any Develop ments. Monday Last Day Monilnv is the lost dny of grace In the Wllsev-Klnney deal nnd up to Into this afternoon, Major Kinney had not had any new advices either from .Mr. Wllsey or from Judge Briiuoiigh at Loudon ns to the de velopments. It had been expected that the proposition would bo fi nally passed upon In London early thin week. July 1, according to tho agree ment made at Coqulllo early this mouth, Judge Harris of Kiig'ouo Is to nanio n receiver for tho Kinney properties and wind up the affairs. V. K. Walters, of North Bond. Is to he named, according to Judgo Hor i Ik" anunuuceniout nt thnt tlmo. Whether Major Kinney will con test tho receivership proceedings Is not Known I Tin: i'lopli: or falls I (TI'V, Oltl'GOX, TAKi: GltllAT ' I PRIDE IX TIII'IR WATI'R I I SVSTi'M. WATKH IS SOI, I) I AT 7.1 CIIXTS FOR DO.MI'STIC i usi: axd ma vim vkar for ' L.WVX AXD (a'AKIII-'X SPRIXK I LING. Willi XO LIMIT TO gi'AXTITV. AND TIIK SVS ' TKM IS I'WIVG A XLI' PROF i IT. PORTLAND JOURNAL. Big Structure Put to First Ac tual Test Water Turned Into Panama Canal. Itlr Imp lalnl l'rrn lo I'ooa liar Thnm ) PANAMA. Juno 2S The large lower gates at Gntiiu nre being put to tho actual tcit of full pressure for the llrst time. The Atlantic waters hnvo been allowed to flow iu gradually ngiiiiiBt the gates and they reached tho sen level yesterday afternoon. Extreme Eastern Section Given Some Relief, but Middle West Swelters. THREE DIE IN CINCINNATI AND MANY PROSTRATED Kansas and Missouri Suffer From Intense Warmth Cooler at Detroit. REBELS CLAIM BIG VICTORY SNOWSTORMS AND FHKK.IXG IX UTAH. SALT LAKE, June 28. Rain and snow continued to fall In Utah today ami overcoats woro In order. In Salt Lake tho temperature was 53 degrees, 2'J degree below normal. Snow storms and freezing tempera ture woro reported from higher altitudes. Report That General Ojcda Has Been Routed at Guaymas and City Captured. Illr AHOlalM I'rraa to I'ooa liar Tlmra.) DOUGLAS. Ariz., .Inn 2S. -General OJeda's Federal force has been scattered and the lliiortn commander Is himself a fugitive, and Kopuhll can state troops woro victorious In the seven days' battle around Ortiz, and will enter GiiaymaH, the last Federal stronghold in Souorn, today. Thin was the substance of a mes sage from Governor Piisqulora at llormoslllo today to his cousin, Ho Initio PiiBqulorn, formerly i evolu tionary agent at Washington. ' The vanguard of rebels reached Empalme, Just out of Guaymas, be fore noon today. Tho Constitution alists figures here give the federals loss as 200 and the prisoners cap tured at over 100. Illr AMo.lalr.1 llm lo Cimw Par Tlram 1 WASHINGTON. 1). C, Juno 28. No Immediate relief from tho heat for the middle west but cooler weath er today and tomorrow In tho oast, was the weather bureau's only an swer to tho largo number of heat Illustrations reported during tho InBt 21 hours. Ill"" Amo.I.IM I'nit to Von Hllf TlMM ? CHICAGO, Juno 28 After H.vol- terlng through one night, Chicago found Itself confronted by another day of Intense heat and suffering. The V. S, weather forecaster declared that theio Is no nilcf Iu sight. Clejir skies and n hot breeze from the west added to the ray's discomfort, Sov eral deaths nro attributed to tho heat. The entire upper Mississippi valloy fo suffering similar heat. 1 1 EAT USES SUICIDE. TRY DUKE ON W E SAW DIAMOND ALONG ROGUE BOND COUNTY FOR UIGUWAY Witnesses Testify That He Simply Gave Them Liquor Did Not Sell It. Tho charge of selling liquor on Sunday against Gcorgo Stolnburn, bartondor at tho Blanco nnd known as "Duko." waB dismissed this nftor noon by City Attorney John I). Gobs after two of tho witnesses had testi fied that "Duko" was simply giving thorn the liquor. Immediately after ward Mr. Gobs arranged to fllo u now complaint against Stolnburn charging him with disposing of li quor on Sunday and ho will Imvo a hearing later on this charge Fred Umphy testified that Stoln burn had given him sonio beer. Ho said tho silver dollar which Marshal Carter got when ho broke Into tho rcom and bolzed tho tray of booze bo longed to him and that ho was sim ply playing with It. Another man named Smith said that "Duko" had given him some gin but that ho had not paid for it. Marshal Carter testified that ho broko Into tho room, that tho boozo wns on tho tray, and thnt ns ho came through tho door In tho lodging hoiioa ovor tho Browory saloon, which Duko operates, Duko placed tho pitcher over tho dollar. Ho said ho took tho wholo thing, Duke will bo arralnged later on the now charge. Arrest Drunks. Frank Johnson, John Anderson and John Peterson appeared before Recorder Butler this morning and pleaded guilty to being drunk and milil n firm of $5 each. Gilbert Nelson, another drunk who was picked up by Harold Stutsman last nlcht. had no money and so was required to sweep out tho city J hall. Frank V. Catterlin, Bandon Business Man. Sees Bank Bandit Before Capture. , Frank V. Catterlin, of Bandon, was In tho city last ovenlug having como ovor to meet Mrs. Catterlin, who arrived In Marshllold yester day from u visit with friends in Portland. Mr. Catterlin rnmo direct to Marshllold from Gold Beach where ho. nnd his brother were on a fish ing trip. They had a glimpse of Rny Diamond, tho bank bandit be fore ho gave himself up at Gold Beach. Whllo fishing along tho Rogue Thursday Diamond camo out of the brush and timber to the rlvor honks but seeing the party of fishermen ho turned back, evidently fearing, as ho stated lator, that he might bo shot. Mr. Catterlin said ho did not run or appear particularly excited. They made no effort to capture him. A fow hours lator Diamond walked Into tho Sheriff's office In Gold Beach and gave him self up. Mr. und Mrs. Catterlin returned to Bandon today. DARRELL WIIOIIItEV DEAD. Darroll Whobrey, aged about 17 year, died Wednesday morning at his borne In Catching Croek Valloy, after a long Illness with tubercu losis. John Whobrey, tho father, was called home from a buslnos trip In Washington and arrived a few minutes after his son had pasod away. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. ST.MR. SPEEDWELL SAILS from RAXDOX for SAX FRANCISCO and SAX RIEGO, WEDNESDAY, July U. Reservations can bo made at TITLE GUARANTEE AXD ABSTRACT CO. OFFICE. Good Roads Advocates at Co- (liiille Decide to Issue $450,- 000 in Coos County. At the annual meeting of the Cons County Good Roads AHsoclatlon at Coqulllo yesterday, a movement was launched to bond tho county to the limit under the now road bonding law and build a trunk lino of high way connecting up tho principal points In tho county ami also con necting with the Myrtlo Polnt-Roso-burg road, Tho plan would cull for tho Issuance of $150,000 bonds by the county, tho construction of the permniiout roadway beginning at the Douglas county lino and the work to bo done under nn expert road engineer. There were about 50 delegates from tho different parts of tho coun ty present and all woro enthusiasti cally In favor of bottor and more per manent highways. President Morri son of Coqulllo, presided. Tho plan would mean the con struction of a hnrd siirfaco road from tho Douglas (ounty Hue through Myrtlo Point and Coqulllo to Coos Bay and ultimately to Sun sot Bay, with a branch lino to Ban don. It was decided that President Mor rison should appoint a publicity and educational committee to tako charge of tho project. A most complete or ganization will bo mado, a commit teeman being appointed In each road district. Whether n special election will bo called to submit tho bonding propo sition will be dotormlnod later. Dr. B. Mlngus, D. C. Green, Georgo Good rum, Hugh McLaln and A. J. Mendel of Marshfleld and L. J, Simpson and Dr. Bartlo of North Bond were In attendance. L. J. Simpson first proposed that, tho trunk road should bo built from Sunsot Bay to tho Douglas county lino via Myrtlo Point but I). C. (iroen j suggested that It would probably bo bottor and that Mr. Simpson probably i meant to start at tho Douglas county lino nnd build to Sunset Bay. , The next mooting of tho ussocln tlon will bo hold In Marshfleld at a : dato to bo fixed by I'roaidont .Mor rison, DANCE at ECKIIOFF HALL, NORTH REND, JULY iJ. RAND MUSIC. .Mother of Tlnee Children nt Cleve land Euils I ilfc. Illr AwoilalMt I'itm lo C'iiiw liar Tlnira.) CLEVELAND. Ohio, June 28. Last night was the hotest of tho year and thousands fled to tho parka and bearhoH for relief. Crazed by tho extreme heat, Mrs, Jessie Ifurbauk, mother of three children, committed suicide. HOT IX KANSAS. Entlio Slate and Western Missouri Sweltering. llr Aaaix lalnl I'll,, to (ooa Day Tlmfx.j KANSAS CITY, Juno 28. All Kr.imiM and Western Missouri suf fered from sweltering heat today. At II o'clock tho thermometer hero illmbed to S!i. THREE DEAD IN CIXCLNXATI. Many I 'lustrations Mink Hottest Day of Vein1 Theie. Illr A.mkUiH I'm la Coaa liar ThM I Cincinnati, Ohio, June 28. Throe deaths and numerous prostrations today marked what promised to bo Ihu hottest day of tho siininiiir. COOLER IN DETROIT. Iiiike Itieeus Bring Hclittf Piom In tense Heat. l)r Awulatisl Cow to Cm Mar Tlm. DETROIT, Mich.. Juno 28. A cool breee off the lake brought re lief from the Intense heat hero to dny. FAIIK IS PRESIDENT. Traction Magnate Heads Spukuuu Riihclmll Club. SPOKANE, Juno 28. F. O. Farr. superintendent of tho traction com pany which bought tho Spokuno BiiBeball club, was elected president of tho dub today. LOCAL RAILWAY NEWS. After several months' futllo negotiations, tho Southern .Pa cific has begun suit to coudomu tho right of way across tho Coos Bay Manufacturing Company's property at North Bond. They want n strip varying In width from 1-10 to 1C4 feet. This will tnko In part of tho box factory. No furthor nows has beon re ceived relatlvo to tho posslblo coming of Chief Bnglneor Hood but it was stated by local S. P. men today that ho would not ho hero on the Nann Smith tomorrow. 4) TEACHERS ACCEPTS POSITIONS. The following teachers havo ac cepted positions In tho Coqulllo pub lic schools for tho coming school year: Pearl Gulnn, McCamon, Ida ho, High school; Mnmlo Ellis, Lin coln, Nebraska, High school: Jesslo M. Aholm of Webster, South Dakotn, eighth grado: Rona Anderson, Co qullle, seventh grado; Bertha Con logue. Coqulllo. mixed division; Al ma Roberts, Monmouth. Oregon, sixth grado; Loua M. Muhn, Bono Torro, Mo., fourth grado; Alllo Phil lips, Cottago Grovo, third grado; Inez Chase, Coqulllo, first grade. The second nnd fifth grades nro still open. Coqulllo Sontlnol. If you havo anything to sell, ren trade, or want help, try o Want A I .lit aiv.