The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 24, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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It Is Indeed a Pleasure f ci
T1 AT x r 7 OI10W
lie charged, still tlic city and tho
people were not compelled to pay
those charges unless they used the
water and If the city put In another
system, they certnlnly would not
liave to use the water.
Mr. Gobs explained that the com
mission was Inclined to take the
view that ir the improvements were
ordered, the rates would have to he
ndjusted bo that they would pay tjie
cost of tho Improvements and the
Interest thereon In the 1 1 years that
the franchise has to run. At the
expiration of tho franchise, the city
would havo paid, If tho commission
should carry out such a view In
fixing thu rates, for the Improve
ments and not set anything, where
as under hla resolution, tho city
would get what It paid for.
Councilman Ferguson took the
view that tho resolution would
slmplv show tho commission that the
cltv wanted to ho fair. He said that
the pipe could lie utilized in. some
wnv even If before that date the
city puts In Its ov.n system.
.Mayor Straw wanted to know If
the resolution would he nny liar to
extending the franchise or to the
city putting In n plant of Its own.
Mr. Gobs said not.
Councilman Winkler wanted to
consider the resolution longer hut
Mr. Ooss said that it would hnvo to
be acted on at once if nt nil.
HOBO TO pass
Chief Engineer of S. P. Plan
ning Trip Here to Deter
mine Questions. '
Amo Mereen, general superintend
ent of the C. A. Smith mill, returned
on the Adeline Smith from San Fran
cisco, whoro ho has been spending a
few weeks. He said that Just as ho
left, he was Informed that Chief En
gineer Hood of the Southern Pacific
hail rosorved passage on the Nanu
Smith to come to Coos Hay this week.
Tho clork rosorvlng passago for Mr.
Hood asked that tho reservation be
held until yostorday as Mr. Hood
would not know until then whether
ho would ho able to couto this week
or not.
Mr. Hood's trip to tho Ihiy is un
derstood to be on sovoral matters In
connection with tho company's lhio
In hero, ouo being tho bridge across
tho Hny, tho plans for which havu
not boon finally approved. Owing to
the big purchase of mudflnt across
tho Hay. Involving about $100,000.
and which tho Southern Pacific wiih
figuring on as possible dock and
warehouse and yard room, Mr. Hood
wanted to personally look Into tho
matter It Is said.
Auolhor matter which is said to ho
bringing him hero Is the Tormlunl
situation In Mnrshflold. Vice-president
Calvin is said to have protested
against paying about $:mhi,ooi) for
right of way through tho C. A. Smith
retail yards and some other expenses
In connection with tho proposed tak
' lug over of the steam franchises of
tho C. A. Smith company and wanted
Mr. Hood to look Into tho matter per
sonally. Still a third matter bringing him
hero Is In connection with Engineer
Wolfram's work here. Mr. Wolfram
has boen very reticent about his work
nml oven other representatives of the
Southern! Pacific havo not been able
to loarn exactly what ho Is surveying
around the Hay for. it is generally
believed that he Ik working on a
route to construct a line to Haudoii
and possibly hook up on the pronosod
coast lino. Whether this connec
tion will bo via the South Inlet route,
via Heaver Hill junction or otherwise
remains for Mr. Hood to say. it la
Mr. Hood Is said to he a good dnn
blo for Hugh Mcl.aln, or lco versa.
So If you seo a man coining down the
Btreet that looks llko Hugh Mcl.aln.
look twice for If may bo Mr, Hood
Council Consider Plan of En
larging and Reorganizing
Both Departments.
Chairman Ferguson, of the street
committee of the City Council, last
evening reported In favor of re
organizing the Marshtleld police de
pal tiuent and fire department and
enlarging both somewhnt. His re
port was made In compliance with
the Instructions for the street com
mittee to ascertain whether it would
bo necessary for the city to retain
special officers put on since me re
recent 1. W. stir.
Mr. Ferguson's plan was to en
gage L. W. Travor. who has been
acting as special engineer of the fire
department, as the paid chief of the
fire department, making two paid
i.itn, the other being Harold Stuts
man. Then he would have police
oower conferred on both Mr. Stuts
iuan and Mr, Trnver and have them
do the city hall police duty and at
tend to the station. nlloo'iig the
other officers to keep out on tie
beats doing patrol service nil the
Hme. He said that they hIjo favor
ed retaining Levi Smith ami Vnltcr
Uuhnrdson, tho special off-en. as
idiMilnr men. limiting two day police
and two night police In addlUm to
mtrchnnt pntrolmnn uoauc.
a question was raised about en
gaging Mr. Travcrs as the paid thief
of the department, an ordinance now
providing that the chief of the flro
department be elected by the mem
bers. It was suggested that Mr.
Ti avers bo engaged as engineer. Mr.
Ferguson said that ho would riuhcr
reo lilm Pt In n chief and tlcti
lc could look nfter flro protection
matters, such as prohibiting rubbish
being dumped In dangeroiiH plates,
etc Ho said that now Harold Sluts
man was working seven days a week
and -I hours a day, which was too
much for any man.
In the discussion. Councilman Cop
ule said that It would bo n good
thing to come "How n a little harder
with the law enforcement, lie said
Mint every man who Is placed iintK-r
arrest should bo arraigned before
the Hecorder the next day Instead of
being taken to Jail and then roloiuod
ihe next morning without being fined
or punished. Furthermore he
thought that prisoners who are un
able to pay their fines should bo
required to work them out.
Mayor Straw said that ho thought
Hilt, was right. He said, jjthlntly.
ll..'.l maybe some of tho men wno
were put In Jail might bo ro'l. tl
of tho money they had on thoi.i.
ItuNe Curler's Pay.
Councilman Winkler In this p-iii-nectlon
said that he wished tr.o Coun
cil to take Into consideration the
riivlce of Marshal Carlor .i:i,l rce
oj.nlzo his good work by an Increase
In nay. lie snld that C.iilu was
working long and hard and doing
really about three men h wjri: au.i
l,o thought that ho wiih entitled to
more than $100 por month. He
si.ld Carter was getting $100 h month
before tho high cost or living liati
rone still higher and that ho thought
be should bo raised.
Mayor Straw agreed with this, say
ing that ho thought this was tho
most sensible suggestion that Mr.
Y Inkier had ninde.
It was finally referred to the
htioet committee to consider as well
rs tho plan of reorganizing the pollco
i, ml fire departments, tho under
standing being that all tho present
forces would bo retained until after
the Fourth of July. Council Fer
guson said that with th coming of
tin- railroad, the city needed bolter
polho and flro protection,
I "ill' WlU'CllOIIM'.
The Council Inst evening finally
granted Mr. Ferguson's ruiiuoat for
the privilege of bulldlnv: i. warehouse
at Fouri'.i and Curtis, to stole the
city's equipment and supplies In. Ho
only wanted Sl-iO or SL'uij to oreei
tl.e building. tiu plan noin;; to uuiizo
coiisldeinble old iticet lumber In It.
However. Comic llmr.n Copplo and
f'o others thought that tho city
should put up a moro substantial
building and adopted a resolution
that not more than $100 was to be
expended for the building.
All of tho Council and. Mayor
Straw wore present last evening for
the first time In several weeks. Coun
cilman Allen had to leavo early. The
Council adjourned to meet a week
from last night.
Columbia the Gem of the Ocean
doesn't show her age though
sho has long since passed tho
century mark She is still
dnzzllngly beautiful, but not a
bit more so than the
Gems and Jewels
to bo seen in our cases. If
you havo a girt to make to some
fair daughter of Columbia or
want soino adornment for your
own use. this Jewelry shop Is
tho place to find tho prettiost
ami best.
Red Cross Drue Store
'hone 122-J.
Council Terminates Contest
Between Wood Block
and Bitumen.
The Marshfleld city council last
evening bv unanimous vote decided
to order South Hroadway from Cen
tral avenue to Mill Slough paved
with bitumen. The vote was taken
nfter presentation of two or three
petitions relative to wood block and
hard paving and brought a quick
finish to what looked llko u lively
.1. T. Hanigan started the matter
orf bv presenting a petition signed
bv .liis. Ferry estnto and W. S.
Chnndler In favor of hard paving.
They were In nddltlon to the peti
tion presented last week In favor of
hard pnvlng.
A few minutes Inter. Hugh Mc
l.aln presented a petition signed by
1. S. Kaufman. Chas. Noble and Row
Why In favor of wood blocks, their
nnmes being additions to the C. A.
Smith company's petition of Inst
week In favor of block.
Then Dr. Taggart presented n sup
plemental petition from the prop
erty owners of South Hrondway, be
tween Mill Slough and llnll avenue.
asking thnt when that street is paved
thn,t It bo paved with hard paving.
Mrs. J. E. Edmunds, A. O. Hogern,
Mr. Hnrkor, John Hudson, W.
U. lleehtol. It. F. Williams
and Antone Oabellsch were the addi
tional petitioners. He snld this
made a big mnjorlty on tho balance
of Hroadway In favor of hard pav
ing and thnt It would he too bad
to have different kinds of paving on
the same stretch of street.
Mayor Straw suggested that one
petition be circulated by a police
man for the part of Hroadway be
tween Central nnd Mill Slough and
thnt each property owner signing It
be required to write after his naiuo
the kind of paving he wanted. He
said that Gow Why was on the pe
tition for wood blocks nml also on
the ouo for hard paving and that
there were claims of others being In
favor of both mid ho thought this
would settlo It. Mayor Straw said
that If It was up to him, ho would
have hard paving used. Finally, a
motion was made that the city eu-glnoor-
be Instructed to propnro
plans for hnrd surface paving and
It carried, Mr. Hiickliighnm prom
ising to have tho plans ready by the
next meeting.
Hugo Ottlst saliL that It was not
the Intention of the company to try
to put In treated wood block, tho
plan being to put In the snmo kind
of blocks ns used on Anderson ave
nue. Dr. Taggart said that ho un
derstood treated blocks cost $:!.r0
per yard. Hugh Mci.nln said that
tho wood block paving would cost
about $2.2." per square vard nnd Dr.
Taggart said that the bitumen would
cost about $S. Hi. Dr. Tnggnrt sug
gested thnt n new kind of hard sur
face paving called Wnrrenlto was
being put In at Portland for $1.10
per squaro yard. City Engineer
Hiickliighnm snld that this kind of
nnvliig would not do on u fill ns It
had no concrete bnso.
Attorney). Clash,
There was a lively clash between
City Attorney John I), Gohk nnd
Attorney II. G. Hoy. Mr. Hoy ap
peared at tho council meeting In
behnlf of tho owner of property at
Fourth and Johnson, who had pur
chased parts of lots. Mr. Hoy want
ed tho street assessment mndo if.
cording to the original division of
the hlock Into lots Instead of as K
Is owned. Ho said tho latter wrv
was not logal or authorized by the
city charter and .Mr. (loss said It
was. Finally It wns referred to the
street coiniultteo to hoar Mr. Hoy's
Orders Sewers.
A now sower was ordered nut. on
Hroadway between Central and Mill
A sowor was ordered constructed
on Soventh from ingorsoll to Krim
nnd on Kruso from Seventh to
A sower was ordered constructed
on North Front soreot, Third, Horn
lock nnd Greenwood, whoro tho
streets nro to bo paved this sum
mer. Vlowers will bo appointed soon
for fixing tho nssossinont on theso
sowor projects.
Street Work Ordered.
Tho plans nnd specifications for
Improving Tonth streot from Ingor
soll to tho south city limits wero
adopted last night. Tho Improve
ment will cost $11,727.00. Tho as
sessment from Ingorsoll to near
Kruso will bo $3. 0.1 por front foot,
from there to Kruso $2.10. nnd from
Kruso to the city limits .1.O8. Tho
Johnson nvenno Intersection will
cost $000 and tho Kruso nvoniio In
tersection $702.
Plans for tiiittluir In now bnnl
I imvlng on North Front street from
Mm to Hemlock wore ndopted. Tho
Improvement will cost $22,772.30,
Tho estlmnto of tho work provides
for If.SG yards of fill. 870 yards of
excavating, S320 yards of paving,
2010 feet of curbing and 2070 feet
of 10-foot wood sldowlk.
Other Itusiiicss.
H. G. Hoy asked for another arc
light at Twelfth and Golden and it
was reforred to Chairman Morchant
of the light committee
It wns reported that tho arc light
at Alder and Front had not been
burning for a weok or so and other
lights had been bothering and it
was decided to roduco tho hill of tho
Oregon Power company for tho
mouth, and Instruct them to keep
tho lights burning hotter,
John Johnson was ordered paid
$200 moro on his Hall avenue con-
1 nese new wash Dresses
140 of Them in Linen, Lawn, Voile
Galatea and Ratine '
nt prices ranging from
$2.95 to
About '10 of theso
dresses arc samples
and are priced at re
ductions of from $1,00
to $2,50, All are the
1 , 9
most sought - after '' ,
styles inai women win
wear this summer,
Thnv nrn mnrln im in n
:.J . r '. ' XT :
ine se ec ion 01 mens- v,
, itL -urKr
Ing patterns and color- m ffl-'-
v. .
ings, Best selections
for early comers,
1 A'll UB Mh
sw !ffmi
' fiv i iw vir.Tfliisi v vxi
,-.'1 I "U VJ iT.ll .IV -V'
a v jr m'waa
W' V$
"Money Talks"
Hub Dry Goods Co.
Many Improvements Beinn
Made in Vessel o. a.
Smith Comincj West.
The Itoiloudo. tho pnssfiigor boat
or the C. A. Smith fleet. In under
going extensive overhauling and re
nin i-m at Kan 'Tiiicikm) aim 11 win
possibly take n month to complete;
tho work. A now wane ceuar wok
Ih being put on above the old Iron
deck, tho IioIIoih uto being retitbod
and pnrt of a new front head Is be
ing put in. Tho Improvements nro
currying out .improvements started
two years ago, bill which could not
bo completed owing to tho Kedondo
being needed so badly on tho run.
However, during tho slump In tho
luinbor market, this work Is now
being done.
C. A. Smith, who has been on an
oxtendod F.nslorn trip. Is. now In
Minneapolis, but plans to return to
Horkoloy eaiiv next week, it- Is ex
pected that ho will como to .Coos
Hnv soon after his return.
In nddltlon to his other work. It
Is expected Hint Mr. Smith will prob
nbly hnvo another conferenco nt
Ran Francisco with Vlco-Presldent'
Calvin of tho Southern Pacific. If
tho lattor returns from his Fns'orn
trip, rolatlve to tho Terminal ltnll
wny negotiations with tho Southern
Pacific nbout the Htonm lino fran
chises horo.
Tho Improvements on tho Tlnv
City mill mid progressing nnd It
Is prohnblo that sho will bo ready
to resume onerntlons In tho nenr
future. WI1II0 tho lumber market
l still oTf. It Is exported Hint there
will bo n chnngo In conditions soon.
Tho big mill will bo kent operating,
dosnlto the reports to tho contrnrv.
Construction work on tho now C.
A. Smith null) mill litis been prnc
tically finished nnd n number of tho
men on tho construction work nro
being laid orr. snmo rinlshlng last
night. The pulp mill would have
boon ready to start operations nbout
July 7 but It has decided to post
pone starting for nwhllo, probnbly
a fow weeks.
Officers Elected and Plans
Perfected at a Mectino in
North Bend Saturday.
An orgnnlatloii Is being perfected
among tho Danish residents of Coos
Hay. along lines similar to other tin
clot lea composed of foreign uatloii
ulltlcH In this country. , , ,
At 11 mooting on Juno B, the Hist
gathering of Danes on the May. to
celebrato the Danish Natal Day.
about I.Mi attended, and so great was
the Interest shown, that a permanent
orgnnlatloii was decided upon. A
later meeting was held In .North
llond, on Satiirduy Juno 21, ut which
time tentative plans wero arrnngcii
and ofriceiH elected, ns follows:
president, C. I.okduni; vice-president,
C II. Oiiiuiin; secrotury, K. nrnnner.
A call Ih being sent to nil Danish
people In the vblnlty to Join with
their follow coiintrjineii In the 101
mutton of this hoclety.
m w
spots off 'run sr.v.
Kxtraordlnai'v Phenomenon Disap
peared TliN Veur In April.
WT Awoclate.1 Ticm to Coo Hay Time.
PARIS Juno 21. Tho ncadoniv of
scloncos Is discussing tho fact that
tho sun snots havo dlsanpoared since
April. This extraordinary occur
rence Is periodic in tho nppenranco
of tho sun snots, It bolng within n
cycloof j : .'I years.
tract, tho work being two-thlrda
Tho assessment for tho Improvo
niont of tho Intersection of Hall nnd
nrondwny was ordorod refunded nt
onco to tho property ownors, owing
to tho work not being necessary now.
An ordlnnnco providing for tho
purchase of A. II. Gldley's transit
for tho city onglneor for $200 wns
Itcplanlc Streets.
Tho city engineer was Instructed
to propnro plans nnd specifications
for roplnnklng Kruso nvoniio from
Second to tho Coal Rank Inlet
brhlgo and for roplanklng Hroadway
from Hall nvenuo to Kruso. Tho now
planking will bo put in on top of tho
present planking.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Cnlvlii tI,,,;'1""1"
nounced the ninriiago of their iIiiumi
tor. Dolly Kvolyn to, Lnwronco H.
Jennings on Wednesday. '"",':
Hi III, at ltnral, Oregon Mr. Jon;
nliigs wns a former resident f '"
Bldo, but for soino tlmo past has been
funning on hl homestead neai I
mote. IIIh many friends bore
Join In wishing thom nil the ha Pi
iiess of tho yoars to come. M . . ion
nlngs nml ltlH btido will mnko their
homo on his farm. .,
Tomorrow ovonlng Mrs. J. , A.
Ion will ontortnln at dinner in honor
of Mrs. Kstorbrook, who air Icb I
day by way of Haudoii fmiu
Frnnclsco. .,.,.
Miss Ulna Solander of S m nor,
who has spout tno past two . w "
In Portland, will return toinoiiow
on tho nrenkwator. ...,
Miss Ollvo RIc iiudB of Si minor,
who has boon visiting lior nun , Mrs.
liny Watson of Cociulllo, retuincu
homo today.
Parties having milk bottles be
longing to tho Coos Day Ico & tow
Storage Co., will please , ro t. Jem
or notify manager so that the) tan no
..-I1.i - llltrtur. 711. .
IIUICMI ll "w"w.'
Portland Loses Delayed
to San Francisco Alter!
ninfj Sunday's Gameil
nl.rl VI1 Or. 1rtfl.fl
day rortlaml dropped t m
? 111 . .1.. 1mllT (f
cIiuiikIiir for their ikW
ncorc: .
At S.111 Francljco-
Sail Francisco ..;. '
MIIKM) ""-.,
Sunday's bbm f m
Lcaguo resulted ai ic 3".
At Saa Francisco-
llnvllntl.1 '
Sap KranclKO .. '
. . .. Ar lMwiw' v
Portland " '.
Saa Franchco ..... - ',
At LOS rtngvm .
I.os Angeles '4
VeillCC !A:nv fiivE
I.08 "Angelca ",
Vciilco ' " I
At sacrauituvw ,,
Blicin,v"" j
Sncrnmenio j
.. ffifl
1110 liuf""- " ciaatO W "
,.. k-hooner M:..fif J
...iinnner knortea .v-
t otngbMtw XVe
.,!, The g80"... mi a
"""! . .. kn .M
towed ner "
m ..iirfl
MSflWW ,ffSS
t dm
All the Danish residents ot w rf
and requested to join in ' J',,
Ish society, tne vw - Mlira6enntiB"
closer acquainted and to encour b ,
Branner, r. u. dua -