TlinaAna 'N- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1913 EVENING EDITION. THE SALESMAN'S NAME 13 DU3TCR OBOVN THE BBIOHTr.ST LITTLR BOY IN TOV vntM DAmryjANE comcs in to buy HE KNOWS THE V1RY KINO JHT'U. IKY. UIUEK . rtNP V Alt Auto Supplies A full sized auto chamois 1 f for cleaning auto - - flJv Thermos Bottles, $2,50 jj C Q to Drinking Cups 5c to $5.00 per set See Our Window Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." tiii: henall store. PHONE MAIN ORPHEUM OI,l) ailAY MAKE Wogruph comedy. ALL HAIL TO THE KINO lllcgraph comedy. A WELCOME INTRUDER Dior rnph. A very good drama. FOOD CHOPPEIt WAR A good comedy. TIIE ESCAPE A strong drama of convict life. FIVE PICTURES. :OOI .MIS C. ADMISSION TE.V CENTS. BUY THE VERY BEST farshfietd RHTTFR :rcamery PUMLt- MADE UNDEH SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODEItN RYCTOUV. STEHILIED .MILK AND CltKAM. PURE ICE pee delivery, 8 a. in. ami 2 p. in. Phono 7:1 re Do Catering For Parties HOOM TOR SMALL 1I.NQUI'71S. ite House Bakery (Formerly Leld'a.) l!OX LUNCHES FOIt PICNIC I-AIITIKS. PHONE 158-R TEN-CENT tessenger Service MARSIIFIHLD CYOLERV. Buster Browim S!ne BBOM JHUgi JU1T Iit tiro rrrr MAKE TlltM LOOK .tnTultl Jiunur AT HER TMNOS NOV WANT thf lot nr liiAtl X TuiT filar Allh nmrin Alilav. ulr eoFvtf'aMf nrt HI.' V M rN0- NOV- WANT THE JORT Or JMOt fKWO' iV 1 u'tS ViU That Jane and DusrmALWATj uiE ,1 yivk y The Golden Rule 298 US TONIGHT AHH YOU PHEIWHED I 'OH THE 4th of July LET US HELP YOU. Suits $8.50 to $25.00 The Fixup TWO STOUES Mnrshlleld North Ilend A ThoogM For Today A girl may allow her mother to pick out a husband for her, but she asserts herself when it cornea to choosing her candy. You cun win mother nnd daughter both with Stafford's Hare your job printing done Tho Times office. at wy fMir iiwww war oa June Is the Month of Weddings And they say that thcro la "nothing half so sweet In Ufa an love's young dream," but, say, havo you ever tasted Sar tor's candy? Any girl can toll you It Is Just fiB sweot as love. And tho Sartor fountain drinks are as dolIclotiB an a droam. WANTED Wnltioxt at Mci-i'IiiiiiIn' C.ifo. WANTED Huuouork. cooking or house nnd window cleaning by C. Ineso boy. Also Janitor work in stores and offices. Address Clee (Joey, P. O. llox 507, City. WHEN J on want clover mm! for your lawn phone 3151. I LOST Dnik tan high hue hoot le tweon Palace meat market and rate track Sunday. Howard for return to Palaco moat market. WANTED Employment by young man, In storo, collecting or sal-. Icltlug. Experienced. Can glve best of roforonces. Caro Times. ' I'Olt SALE Choice ramping site on South Coos river. Oood water, nice grove, good bathing bench, platforms built. Wrlto llox CIS, Mnrshfield. FOUND Small gold Inlaid Mlde from necklnco or chain. Owner, may got snmo nt Times office by paying for this notice. I I'Olt SALE House and barn and -0 lots, woll improved, In First Ad dition; horseB, harness, wagon, two milk cows, 130 chlckons. Phonos 151 or nddress J. E. Fltz-i gernld, or coino nnd seo. I WANTED Position by competent liooKkeopor ami tiiorougn oriico man. A-No. l references furnish od. Caro Times. WANTED An operlenced school , leacuor ror uisuici fo. n-, on Rosa Inlet. Wrlto E. II. Hess, clorlc, city. i.'nit fi tr.P lrmisi'iiiiiii t nt'tiit -. i ":;. ;"..;". .,;,' leum, etc., ai rusuiciuu ui wr. j. T. McCoriune. eacli weok day from 10 a. m., to 2 p. m., until dlsposod of. i FOIt SALE Span of work horses,' Weight 1400 iub. eacn. u. n Flanagan, 958 5th at. S. l.-mi itKVT itooms mid house keeping apartments, Lloyd Hotel. I FOIt SALE 12-room lodging house, furnished. 3G1 North Front st. Phono 205-J. FARM FOR SALE Dairy, stock nnd fruit farm con sisting of 518 acres, between 35 and 40 acres of rich bottom land, eigni. acres of bench land sot to applo treoa nnd fifty acres more that can easily be cleared for orchard and ' balance good grazing land for cat-1 tie, sheop or goats, I Twelve head good dairy cows and . all farming Implements necessary. Located on West Fork of Coos River, ono mile from postofllco, school and boatlandlng. Buy direct from owner. For further information, call or write: W. A. GAGE, Allegany, Ore. If you have anything to sell, ren trade, or want help, try a Want A Tlnm' Want Adi bring reiulU. !WANT ADS. .ii'xi: tides Below Is given tlie time and height of high and low water at Uarshllolil. The tides are placed in the order of occurrence, wlrh their times on the first II no and heights on the second line of each day; a compar ison on con ecntivc heights will indicate whether it Is high or low water, For high water on the bar subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. 24 Mrs. . 1.25 5.10 12.11 7.17 Ft. . . 2.1 4.9 0.0 4.1) 2i lira. . O.i'T G.IUl 12. 4S 7.51 Ft. . . 2.4 4.5 0.0 5.1 20 Hrs.. 1.53 7.37 1.24 S.3S Ft. .. 2.1 4.2 1.1 1.5 i WEATHER FORECAST, i (Ily Associated Press.) 1 OREGON Showers tonight or Wednesday, probably fair in tiie Hnat portion tonight and I l Wednesday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 2 1 hours ending at 1.43 n. in., June 24, by IlenJ. Ostliud, spcelnl Qoveruiucnt ine tcoroioglcnl observer: Maximum 03 Minimum 54 At 4:43 a 54 l'rcclpltatlon 15 Precipitation since Sept 1, 1012 03.50 Precipitation same period Inst year 53.43 Wind Southwest, cloudy. J I HORN LILJEQVIST To Mr. nnd Mrs. L. A. MlJcqvlBt. at 'their homo in Cnqiillia. Friday, Juno 20, n daughter. Mother and child are doing well and happy liu.ior, who Is Prosecuting Attorney of Coos County, Is nlreudy for woman's rights, for else how could this llvoly llttlo politician becomo n future President. Grandpn A. J. Sherwood also insists on doing in cluded In tho congratulations. ERICKSON To Mr. and Mrs. An drew Krlckson, of Mnrshllcld, at Mercy Hospital, North Pond, n son. Mother and child are doing woll and tho fntlior Is as happy as any father of n futuro posslblo Presi dent should be. New Harbor Shop. Ouh A. llarr has opened n barber shop In the Lockhnrt building noxt dnor to tho Pert Doromus omploymont office on Market avenuo. New Store. The building on tho corner of Market avenue and Second Btroet, which lias boon vacant, Is be ing overhauled and will be occupied as a ladles' wenr storo. Large Hoses. Mrs. O. Hanson says sho has a Carollno Testout Hint measures 1 1 1-2 Inches In clrrumfor onco, which Is turgor than the prize roBo which Mrs. John Hear claimed. Buys Lots. John Motley Iiiih pur chased two 1o(h on North Second street, Just nbovo tho W. T. Mer chant homo, from lleurv Sengstnck en nnd will build a nice homo on them, Mr. Seugstncken had owned tho property for 29 years and retnliiH This Sign Means That wo carry in stock goods which are advertised in Good Housekeeping Magazine. The kind of goods that Lr. Wiley approves as pure. For Good Housekeeping allows only good, sound, wholesome things to be ad vertised in its columns. Good Housekeeping guar antees their quality. So do we. Nasburg's Grocery The CltMid Housekeeping Store. Corner Conimorclnl and See on streets. Phono t!lil-J. Meats When you want a good Steak or Roast bear us in mind, The Palace Market SYLVESTER JONES, Manager. Phono 406, 180 No. Broadway "In business for jour appetite" two more lots which front on North Broadway. Caught Ulg FNh. Six halibut weighing 500 pounds were brought In ns n result of a day's catch by A. and E. Lanegan, who nrc operating the tlshlng boat Pirate off tho Coos Day Coast. Pacific lagging ('oimfc-s. Tho fifth annual session of the Pacific I Logging Congress will bo held in Spokane September 24 to 27. A number of Coos Hay men are to hnvo places on tho progrnm. Now .Mull Carrier. II. 11. Mnsales recently passed a successful civil the new substitute mnll carrier, who recently passed a successful civil service examination, la tnklng the place of Carrier Haas this week. v Iillo Mr. Haas and family are en Joying n vocation nt llandon. Leave Tomorrow on Singe. Tho following passengers are listed to leave on Drain Btngo tomorrow morn ing: F. A. Tledgen, H. E. Kenne dy, Mrs. ll. E. Kennedy, Margaret Kennedy, Titos. K. Campbell, Clyde H. Altchlson and E. O. Kruger. Mnr.shlleld (Shi Graduated. A plcturo of Mlsa Frances Oolden. of Marshllold, appeared In The Oro gonlan of Sunday. Sho Is a mem ber of this year's graduating class of tho Lincoln High School of Port land and Is No. 37 In tho class photo graph. .Judge Coke to Itettirn. Judgo John S. Coke was In tho city yester day winding up tho fag ends of tho term of court he hold hero. Judgo Coke Intended to go to Mnrshflold via Rosoburc In tho auto stage, but if this weather keeps up, ho will tnko t no Pont out from portinnd on .Mon day or go by Drain. Eugene Hegls tor. Successful Dnnce. Tho mid-summer dance given by tho Swedish Linen Socloty nt Finnish Hnll Satur day evening Wns jno of the big social and financial successes of tho season. Tho wot wonthor could not dampen tho enthusiasm of tho de votees of Terpsichore, more than 300 being present and nil roport ono of tho finest times of tho senson. Htillil N'v llesldonco. Contract wns let today for a now double house to bo erected by W. F. Squlro at tho corner of Fifth nnd Ingoraoll. Tho now building will bo nub nnd n half stories, with bnscmont, with twolvo rooms, two bath rooms and will bo modern throughout. The estimated cost is about $3000. Uenjnmlu Ost liud is the architect nnd J. C. Ostcr tho contractor. PERSONAL NOTES OTTO HILL Is n visitor today from Coos river. 11. W. SANFOIll) of Sumner, Is In town today. JOE FOSSE la over from Coaledo to day on business. ARCHIE NORTON of Suiunor, Is hero for tho day. W. II. KENNEDY Is milking n busl ness trip to Florence. MRS. FRED WILSON of Allegany, Is In town for tho day. VICTOIt ENDLAND of North Inlet Is In town for the day. MRS. IJUHANE, or South Inlet, Is spending tho day In town. MR. COWAN or Honnossey'H mine, la Hiiendlug the dnv lu town. WILLIAM AHLSKOO Is lu town on) iubIiicbh from North Inlet. ALFRED STORA of Coos river Is In town on business today. JOHN HAYNEIl Is a buslnosa visitor t to town from Ten Mile Lnke. NED C. KELLEY Is hero rrom Co- (iilllo on bUHlness nnd pleasure. J. OLSKN left this morning for Rogue river on n business trip. OEORCIE ROSH, or Catching Inlet, Is i a business visitor hero for the day. J. N. IIAYLISS, of Coauilio, wns a Marshllold business visitor ycHtcr day. HESTER NORTON or Suiunor, Is horn for tho day on a shopping trip. F. A. TURNER of Copolls, Wn loft this morning for llandon on busi ness. N. I). PUATT or Myrtlo Point. Ih a business visitor lu Mnrshriold to day. M. II. DEMENT or Myrtlo Point, Is horo for a few days receiving med ical treatment. ROCCO HIASCO, tho Coos rlvor rancher, Is lu town for tho day on business. MRS. A. P. INCRAM or Coauilio. re turned this morning atter a short stay in town. II. E. IHJLTMANN loft on tho morn lug train on a business trip to tho Coqulllo Valley. ORE) WICKHAM AND F. M ED LOCK of llandon, nro horo for an ludoflnlto visit. MRS. C, W. (1 1 1) IIS, of North In let, Is spending tho day horo an n shopping trip, MRS. HARRIET MOItRIS AND MISS (1LADY8 GARDNER of Muplotnn, nro in Mnrshriold, C. II. ORAM, labor rommlsslonor, nrrived rrom Portinnd yostordny on a business trip. MRS. A. W. MEYERS or Coaledo. Peoples' 5-10-I5cStore IS A modorn necessity In ovory up-to-date town. Tho convonlont dis play and plainly marked prices appeal to ovory shoppor. Como In and look us over. You aro al ways welcome. Wo nssuro you that you will boo a variety and values. Our Motto: "ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW." Peoples' 5-l(M5c Store Now Location Front St., Opp. Postoffico, I SOCIAL CALENDEH I Tuesdny. Mrs, Richardson and .Mrs. O' l Connell nt cards for Mrs. Ford. I iloyal Auction Bridge with Mrs W. D. Scott. I Methodist Episcopal Ladles' I Aid Entertnined by Mrs. E. W. IScbrock nt Cooston. Presbyterian Auxiliary Picnic to North Coos River. 1 I Wednesday. Auction Ilrldgo with Mra. I m, v.. .Mnioney. I 11. P. O. E. Annual Birthday Dance. I Presbyterian Mlaalonnry So I doty with Mrs. llutton. I Jolly Dozen with Mra. A. L. I Buttz. was in town yesterday, returning home this morning. MR. AND MRS. O. W. SHELLY nnd OORDON SHELLY, of Myrtle Point, nro in Mnrshflold. D. A. EDWARDS or San Jose, Cnl., arrived hero last evening via Myr tlo Point on n business trip. W. J. JIOWARD, n prominent ranch man or North Inlet, Is In Mnrah Hold today on n business trip. JAS. GRADY or Gardiner, who Is connected with Porter Ilrothers, nrrived hero yesterdny on business. MRS. JOHN MESSERLE nnd daugh ter, ROSE NORTON, nro town visitors rrom Catching Inlet to day. MR. AND MRS. CHASE arrived horo from Snlom yesterday and loft on the morning train for tho Coqulllo vnlloy. DEL CATHCART returned this morn ing rrom Hnyncs Inlet, whero ho went to survey some land ror Ju lius Larson. E. J. COFFELT of North Ilond, Is In Mnrshflold today and anys Mrs, Cotfolt Is alowly recovering rrom her long Illness. PROF. F. A. TIEDOEN lenvos to morrow ror Salt Lako to attend tho meeting of tho National Edu cational association. GEO. I1EATTY AND WIFE hnvo ro turned from Gnrdlncr, Mr. Rpattj rccumlng his old position In Cur ry's harbor shop. MRS. HARUY RHODES, of South Inlet, Is hero ror a row days on a business and pleasure trip. Sho may rotum todny. MISS .ESTHER SULLIVAN AND MISS LEORA McCLEAS loft this morning ror a week's visit with relatives In llnndnn. MRS. SELMA THOMAS and children loft via llnndnn today for San Francisco nnd Ilorkeley, whero they will spend n fow months. W. II. IIOLDIMAN, who has been" conducting a W. O. W. mombor shlp cnmpnlgn In tho Coqulllo val ley towns, in In Mnrshflold. today. MRS. NELS OSMUNDSEN, of Co tillo, Is In tho city visiting her Blstor, Mrs. Edwnrd Mollor, having nccompimled her on her return rrom n trip to Couulllo. MRS. HARRY STUOFFORD nnd son returned homo this morning nftor a visit with Mrs. Strorrord's moth er, Mrs. E . A.Fasdmotaolnshrdlu or, MrB. E. F. Adams, of Tomplo ton, MRS. W. II. HANSON AND SON, VERNON, nro expected on the Ilrcakwater from their homo In Snhntha, Kansas, for nn extended visit nt the home of her dnughtcr, Mrs, II. L. Crawford. F. A. OOLDEN, school supervisor. Is spending tho week lu the Cooulllo Valley visiting schools nnd nt Coun ty Superintendent llnkor'H office while tho Intter Is nt Snlom on school work. MISS EDITH M. DUNNING, nccom pnnled by her nieces. MISSES DO RIS nnd EDITH MEIIEEN. nr rived horo on tho Adolluo Smith to spend n fow weeks with friends on tho liny. MRS. F. P. UUItGEN of Minneapolis, nrrived hero on the Adeline Smith to visit her pnreiits, Mr. nnd Mra. Otto Oreu, or South Mnrshriold. She has been visiting her brother, J. E. Oren. lu Ilorkolov, EDGAR DAIELL, formerly mana ger of tho C. A. Smith company's Minneapolis mill, nrrived horo on tho Adolluo Smith to spend a week or so on tho liny ns tho guest of Arno Moreen nnd other friends. L. .1. SIMPSON of North Ilend. wns it Mnrshflold business visitor to day. Mr, Simpson snys that the lumber market has boon bud but that thoy hope to Rtart the Old Town mill again soon, DON GARDINER Is homo from n bus lnosa trip to San Francisco nnd whllo thorn hnh-nobbod with sov eral of the Const League playors, getting pointers on a row rust plnyH that ho oxpcctH to introduce In the noxt Elks' gamo. W. T. STOLE la oxpectod homo to morrow rrom Portinnd, whoro ho wont for tho trlnl of tho John West damngo case against tho C. A. Smith Lumber company. Tho Jury In tho fodoral court allowed West 32.ri00 for the Injury to hla lower limbs. Ho sued for $:ir.,0l)0. AMONG TIIE SICK. Tho two chlldron of Mr, nnd Mra. J. A. Luse are unite 111 with whooping cough, Sam Lando, who bus boon III for some tlmo, is roported convalescent. Important Notice To tho Vlavl patrons and thoso wishing Information rogardlug Vlavl, would stnte that tho representative Mrs. Rlloy, will bo at her rooms nt 1C1 No. 10th, Mondays, 8 n. in. to 5 p. in. Phono 1E5-X. Gardening Gloves nil sizes for salo at tho STORE FOR QUALITY GOODS AND PENSLAR REMEDIES.