The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 24, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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niiffr'ii?iitn"n " r
yMB'i '"7
' - -
by Towei
(Spoclnl to Tho Times.)
On Wednesday evening n farewell
dance wns given the Coon UroUiorB
by Mr. nnd Mrs. Otto Peters. The)
expect to return to their old home
on tho Willamette. Those present
were: Mr. ami Mrs. Peters. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Lniinlng, Mr. nnd Mrs. biiilth.
Mr. nnd Mrs. lloiitnu. Mr. and Mrs.
Koloii, Mesdnmes Wltschey. Jones,
Weldon, Donovan, Grow. Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. Williams.
Misuna pnrl nml Maud Davis and
Myrtle Tnylor, Messrs. (limit, Mae).
.Me.lly. Lavln. Uolnan. Henvls. Herb
Davis, Cheslor and Dave Coon. All
Join In wishing them good luck on
their return home.
Mrs. Clnrence Fish spent Wednes
day visiting her parents In Coiiullle
Pearl Davis spent Monday In ui
qulllo visiting her folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Cnsebolt spent Mon
dny In Coiiullle.
Mrs. Donovan was a Coiiullle vis
itor Tuesday. ,
Mrs. Hear and Mrs. Wlnklomnn
and son returned Tuesday afternoon
after upending tho night In Marsh-
'violet Means nnd Francis Mnrtln
nro visiting Violet's mother, Mrs. 11
Wltschoy. .. ,. . ,
Mahlo Wltschey, Alice 'Voiing and
.Myrtle Jones spent part of the day In
Mnrshfleld. ,
Myrtle Tnylor Is visiting her sis
ter. Mrs. Wnltor Smith.
Mr. Tnylor returned to Mnrshflolt'
Tuesday evening after transacting
business. It Is reported he sold hit
property hero to U. llnregon.
Mr. and Mrs, Art Johnston lmvt
moved away from here. Mrs. John
Men has gone to Coiiullle to visit foi
awhile. While Mr. Johnston Inn
gone to Mnrshfleld to work.
Mrs. (leo. (leddls went to Coiiullle
Wednesday. Sho was nccompnnled
homo by her husband.
Mr. Slineiiou has moved his fnmllj
Mrs. Davenport nnd Mrs. Willi
Vnmey spent Thursday In Coipilllo
On Thursday, L. S. Smith fell from
a high trestle .receiving Injuries,
which might provo fatal. The
logging engine wns turned Into ni
emergency trnln and hurried him ti
tho hospital. Tho latest reports fron
the hospital are that ho Is Improv
ing. Wm. Goodwin, who hnB spent tin
pnst three months visiting with hi'
sister, Mrs. II. Wltschey. returned ti
bis homo near Kurcku, Calif. He wa
lucoinpiinled by Ills niece, Miss Vlo
let Means, who expects to spend tin
Hummer with him.
J 'OUT OltKOItl) occL'itm:NTi:s.
News of the week as glenned fron
The Tribune columns.
(Icorgo Forty has made four trips
to tho rocks with his gasoline boat
bunting sea lions, during tho past
week nnd each time bus returnei
with all tho bides that he nnd hi
four helpers can bundle. About !!
lions make u good day's skinning 01
the rocks for this many men, and
glos them another iluy's work on
shore salting bides and taking cart
of tho trimmings.
.An automobile passed up tho coas
from ICurokn last Friday. The twi
gentlemen In it were not very loin
In tho praise of tho roads tliuy bin
come over. Tho roads still bear the
marks of tho past winter, and the
showers of last week made automo
Idling anything but pleasant ns more
l bun one party discovered to their
I.ouls and Orris Knnpp returned
to their Inline at Port Orford Monday
from attending school at Columbia
university In Portland, llolh tin
boys nro looking fine, nnd were mon
than glad to get back homo again.
Miss AgiK'H Hughes, who has beet,
attending school at St. Mary's ncaile
my In Portland, has returned i
spend the summer with her parent)
at their Sixes home.
The Misses Vera nnd Fairy Load
woro guests at the Knnpp hotel Mon
day ulghl while eu route from Port
land to their home nt Wedderburn.
The editor saw four large bucl
deer In tho road near town tho firs'
of the weok. As it Is closed seasoi
tho deer were allowed to go unharm
ed. (Note tho editor was uiv
The steamer Tlllnmook will call
nt Port Orford this week for a ship
ment of railroad ties. The tlos g'
ot Astoria, and tbenre Into tho stnte
of Wnshlngton, wbero tliey will be
J. It. HobertRon of North Ileiid.
has been spending a few days visit
ing at the Fromm home In town.
A enravan of six teams of emi
grants passed up tho coast last Saturday.
Happenings hi the (Jem City Chron
icled liv The KiitorpiNo.
Hen McMullen nnd Dr. Dlx, now
i owners of the l'earce place no n
llrldge. nre clearing " "
lug wonderful improvements on the
'l'loiii. June 12, to Frnnk Strong,
Jr., and wife, of tho South 1-ork. a
Kllllorn. June 1 1, to UenJ. llarkdoll
nnd wife, of Arago, a boy.
Horn. June H, to Kd. Kncklcff and
wire, of Myrtle Point, n boy.
iivi.ii .innn in. to John Felshor
nnd wire, southwest or town, u boy.
The $l!0,000 bond Issue recently
voted by the Myrtle Point school dis
trict ror the erection or a new school
house was purchased this week by
Morris Hrotbers or Portland ror par,
plus $1!7. The deeds ror tho Undl
cott tract, on which tho building Is
to be erected, nro now in escrow and
will be nccepted by tho board Just
us soon use tho abstracts have been
examined nnd approved.
Harry llutler returned last week
from Santa Harharn, Oil., nccompn
tiled by his bride, to whom he was
married on Juno Ith. He has io
iiuiued his work as an engineer with
Wlllett & Hurr.
Orvll Dodge returned last week
from the Salmon Mountain country,
where ho bnd been to Inspect opera
tions or the mine which he and other
local people own there. The lease
which other parties have had on the
property for some tlmo has expired
and tliu company will operate the
mine themselves in the future. Such
,i good showing has been mnde that
work will he pushed this summer nnd
It Is expected that much good quartz
will bo taken out. "Hilly" Corbln,
in old-time resident or tills vicinity,
tins located In the Salmon niouii
'nln mining district, Mr. Dodge re
nins, and is running n hotel ror the
accommodation or prospectors and
Hinting pnrtles.
K. C. Roberts returned Mondny
from Salem, where he hnd been for a
,veek taking tho examination borore
rho Supreme Court ror ntiinission to
the bar. Ho received word Wednes
lay that ho had successfully paused
1ni nviiinliintlon.
William Holdlmnir, who resembles
lohn Hiiniiy so much Hint he always
reminds one of the "movies," enme
jver rrom Coiiullle last week and
will Hpend several weeks here In the
Interest or tho membership or the
W. O. W.
Consldernblo activity has been ovl
Jenced tho last week or so In the
mining districts or Coos nnd Curry
counties. Severnl prospecting par
ties have outfitted here.
Mrs. S. C. Small came up rrom
Mnrshriold last Thursday and spent a
row days with her husband, who Is
ono or tho contractors on tho pav
ing work. She returned to the Hay
with him Saturday evening.
xi-:v HOAT OX Itl'.Y.
Capt. John Anderson was In Port
Orford last Wednesday night en
routo to Coos Hay, where he will
take coiuinanil of tho gasoline boat
Knterprlse, which ho will uso on
the Rogue river run for tho Wed
derburn Trading company until such
n tlmo as the Randolph can be re
paired and put In commission again
Capt. Anderson will take tho N liter
prise to Portland to be Inspected and
on his return will bring a load of
Irolght to WoUiIorburn. Tho Rnn
dulph is high and dry on the beach
ninth of Hoguo river, and will be
hauled across tho spit and launched
Into the river. Tho accident to her
was due to tho carlessness or engin
eer Wolf In leaving tho plug out or
tho gasoline tunk, so that In crossing
the bar salt water entered It nnd
Hopped tho engines, Port Orford
HopkliN nml Ml1"
HANHO.V, Or., Juno i!3. II. L
Hopkins, the superintendent of the
dilution schools, married Miss Wlnl
'red McXnlr. Mr. Hopkins Is n
jruduuto of the University of Ore
gon, has been superintendent of
ichools hero for the Inst two years
iml wns recently elected ror an
other two-yenr torm. Tho hrldo bar
been tliu director or music at the
tlmidon schools ror some time past.
Tho wedding wns one or the most
elaborate events In the social life
if Haiidon this season.
Kausriid ('lumen School
IIAN'DOX, Ore., Juno 22. Mrs. K.
'I. Kuiisriid wns elected one or the
i-hool directors Inst weok, the first
Aoman to serve In such capacity In
Ills town. She was chosen by n
!nrge majority over M. Hreur, who
was nominated to succeed blmsoir.
Mrs. Knusriifl Is tho wire or Han
Ion's city recorder, and has lived In
Ihindon eight years. She bus taken
an active part In tho work or the
Women's Commercial club, nnd Is a
member or tho lltornry clubs or tho
town. Tho present mombors or the
hoard nro Hov. A. Haberly, chair
man; A. G. Thrift nnd Mrs. Knusrud.
J. W. Mast was again nnmeil dork.
Mr. Mnst has served flvo years. Thoro
is n surplus or nearly $2000 In tho
HAXDOX llltllWH.
News or the Cltyby-tlu-Scn, ns Told
liv The Hecoiiler.
Paul Dliniulck nnd wire, or North
Hentl. were In Haiidon Wednesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Slouiiin are
the proud parents or a rino baby
Miss Carrie Slbol and her slster-ln-law.
rrom North Hentl, Oregon, me
beach visitors ror the Bummer.
Miss Alpha Maiizey, or Murslrfleli .
who has been tho guest or Mrs. C.
F. Pupe, returned to nor noiue mm
morning. ..,,,, ..
The bnsement of J. 10. Wnlstrom's
new residence Is about completed
r.nd as soon ns tho concrete Is dry
ilio work of construction of the main
building will be rushed us rapidly
no possible.
Mrs. A. W. St unit left on the
Speedwell Tor San Frunclsco and
from there will go to Hrtish, Colo
i.ido, where she will visit her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 10. Slocuni.
ror Bome time.
Initios Gill, or Med ford, was In
the cltv a row days this week. Mr.
Jill said that the Coiiullle River
Vnllev Is one or the most pleuslng
and delightful pints or the Pacific
.Miithweut. lie travels extensively
ami knows the comparative attractlvu
reatures or various parts or Hie
.1. D. Thorp and Geo. F. Oirloy
have opened up u real estate orrico
In the Pncirie House on Homer
street, nnd nro trunsactlng business
under the firm niitno or Haiidon
Realty Co.
Tlinil Slilnn, who was hurt In ono
of tlin ciiinns recently, underwent u
serious operation nt lliindon
recently. Ills chest was so badly
crushed that It whb necessary to
wire four rlbB and his collar bone,
uocesuttntlng an Incision Just over
the heart, but he Is getting along
nicely now and Is on the rapid road
to recovery.
J. W. Lint departed yesterday for
Albany, going overlnnd, where ho
will join his family, who preceded
him about a mouth. It Is his Inten
tion to locate In that vicinity.
.Mrs. I.eo J. Carey, of Coiiullle,
spent Sunday In Haiidon and snug a
solo at the Catholic Church, which
w.ui try much appreciated by the
tunfCi.f e.
Clint Malehorn. having sold his
Interest In tliu Hachulor Cure, him
accepted a position us foreman on
an 8000-acre rice and alfaira ranch
near Grldley, Cullfornln.
Contractor W. II. I.ogun has cotn
nlotcd the new bridge on the now
t entity road three miles south or
this city.
Items or Interest rrom Hie Columns
of Tho Western World.
A fine boy bubo was born to Mr.
and Mrs. F. L. Greeiiotigh last
Thursday, the 12th.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. W. Klllott.
Thursday, Juno 12th, a girl bnbo of
standard weight.
If. R. Hnnlng, wife nnd two sons,
relatives or J. C. Shields, arrived
rrom Argentina. South America,
wbero they hnvo been about 10 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Hinting are old resi
dents or Cons county nnd are un
doubtedly plensed to return.
R. Pomeroy Jort Monday morn
ing with his pony oxpress ror Port
Orford with camping pnruphaunllu
mid was Joined Tuesday by the fami
lies of Sum Johnson, Stewart Whlt
sett and Carl Gnrotitto.
Monday afternoon Mrs. W. A.
Hoover entertained In honor or her
sister-in-law, Mrs. J. I.. Hoover, or
Frultvnle, Oil. Thoso present were
Mesdnmes Gelsondorrer, Johnson,
Korth, J. W. Felter. R. A. Felter,
Rnsmiissen, I.owln, Cmimorllh, Knus
rud, Hutterfleld, Mitchell and Miss
Kiln Folter.
At tho annual school meeting
Mondny afternoon Thomas K. Dlck
m wns re-elected director and I,. A.
Roberts wns elected clerk to succeed
S. I). Pulford, who declined to sorvo
inothor term. Tho mooting wns
1 largoly attended nnd moro Interest
was taken than nt most previous
ears. Kntorprlso.
The Power
You Need
A thousand or an eighth
horsepower at tho touch or n
Hwlteh or any amount between.
Alwnys rendy every Instant day or
night. lOlectrle power In
And Unfailing
It avoids tho friction loss in
belting nnd line shafting avoids
tho dirt, noise nnd tho titimhoiiess
expensive ' vexations Inseparable
rrom prlvato power plant operation.
Let us show you bow much you can
nave. Telephono ITS tonny.
Oregon Power. Go.
Second and Central.
IllCr tl.
annlhn. .i '
-"" M,n
Pr'most Che
Stauff G
Hnvo photographic copies of all records o Coos County to ilntu,
abstracts of titles, present owners, or any other Information relating
to real estate furnished on short notice
I1UHIXKSS OFFICIO: 117 North Kroiit St., Mnrslifleld. l'liono 181J
W. J. RUST, Manager
The World's Best Meat
Is Just good enough for our custom
ers In our opinion. And n trial
order will provo that wo llvu up to
our belief. Order a roitHt or a steak
and prepnro yourself for a treat
for It will surely provo ono when
tho menf appenrs on your table.
Mnrshfleld Telephones North llcml
221 -J Two Market HI
a none 102
Walker Sin
D l
3?B NOUTIimovfi
Tuesday y
especially fori
Phono 103-1,
T SI. Wltinirj
J co.vrit.UT0R i
t- ,i . utlUtt
i.Dtiiuuici luniuei i
1'ians ana tpeclflatlisi t
uoirea. An HokrI
iecu. fnone iii-h,
J rUnoTnttru
ib B. SUtb Stmt J
Leave orderutW.R.1
Heldence-Studlo, ill kl
It. K. Smith, or tho Douglas
County Abstinct Company; Fred
llajiies, tho doiitlstj .Mayor Joseph
Mlcolll and County Assessor Frank
Calkins, loft bore this morning ror
uurdlnor where they will appralso
the estate or the lato William Spnr
row Mr. Sparrow owned much
timber In the (iunllnor vicinity prior
u in, iii-uiu nun me same is now
"uuject to probato. Hoseburg Xcwb.
WOltK XIOAH l-U'fi 10X10.
Steel Laid as I'm- as lOliiiiru on
Xew I, hie.
The lOugeuo (liinrds says; "Tho
Coos Hay lino la now laid to lOlmlra
where a halt hns been cnllod ror
a couple or dnys to permit tho
plnclng or tho deck In tho bridge.
From that point thoro will bo a
clear piece of track to Portola.
"Ono or the men who wore bo
lug Bent to tho front by Porter
Hrothors, or at least that was where
ho was going, wns brought to tho
Kugene Hospital Thursday evening
sufreiing with a broken arm. Ho
was fixed up by Dr. Scaloro, tho
county contract physician nnd will
be taken enro or until ho Is able
to travel."
Libby COAT. Tito kind YOU have
AIAVAYS USIOI). Phono 75. Pacific
T.lverv and Transfer Comnnnv
Singer Sewing Machines
Wo have them for rent or tor salo.
Machines Repaired.
Supplleu and Needles for Salo.
AV. J. HIT..
131 Park Ave. Mnrshfleld.
Phono 280.X,
XeiiN of the Clty-hy-tlie-Sen ns Told
by The Sui-r.
IOIevcn men detailed from the U.
S. Navy yard nt Mnro Island enmo up
on the Spoodwell Tuesday en route
to Cape Hlanco whore they will
build and equip n now naval wireless
station. The old station has boon
found Inadequate to meet tho needf
or tho government.
Mr. WoBtorriold, who Is connected
with tho A. F. lOstnbrook Co., enmo
up on tho Firiold to spend his vaca
tion in this locality. Ills evident In
tentions may be guessed nt by the
largo assortment of fishing tackle
he carries with him,
The tug Itobarts nrrlved from SIub
law yesterday evening nnd will tow
n now scow Just completed by
Nlolsott Hrothors or tho Prospor ship
yard, to tho Sluslaw. Tho scow Is
now boing loaded tit Rlverton witlt
fonl for use on the government con
struction works nt Florence,
Mlchnol Murphy bus purchased at
public auction the hotel In tliu de
funct town or I.nkeport. Tho prlco
pnld was $2000.
Tho Tillamook brought tfnothor
Wlllninetto donkoy englno for tho
Randolph Mill Co, on her Inst trip.
Prof. Hopkins nnd Miss Winnie
McNnir were married In this city yos
terday nt tho residence of the brldo's
parents, Row llattranf officiating.
They tlopnrted on tho afternoon bont
for Portland, where tlioy will spend
their honeymoon.
Kstnbllshcil 1HH.
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Profits $110,000
Interest paid on Tlmo Deposits.
J. W. Hennelt, President.
J. II. riiiiiugnn, Vice-President.
It. F. Uillluin.N, Cashier.
(leo. I- Winchester, Assistant Cashier.
A Worker Appreciates This.
Win. Norrls, a resident of Flor
ence, Oregon, says: "For tho last
14 years my kldnoys and bladder
Incapacitated mo for all work. About
eight months ago I began using
Foley Kidney Pills, and they havo
dono what other medicines failed
to do, nnd now I am feollng Hue.
I recommend Foley Kidney Pills."
Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank
D. Cohan. Opposlto Chandler Hotel.
Phono 74.
W. K. Sawyer
J. A. Goodwill
Glass ! Glass !
All kinds Plato. Window, Mirror nnd
Art Olass. Mall orders or Phono
70-J. Call nt 727 South
Ono need not havo a largo account In
this bank In order to enjoy tho pri
vilege It confers. Dellovlng Hint cn
courngoment tenda to develop the re
sources or tho small depositor, It Is
the policy of this bank to give appre
ciative nttontlon to all who hrlnB
their huslnesB hero, regardless of the
size of their transactions. Your ac
count Is Invited.
Low In price, high In qunllty,
Electric Irons
Vo havo u few second-hand
Irons In good working condition
at $1.75.
New Irons, $3.B0 up.
Coos Bay Wiring Co.
Phono 237-J 153 N, Broadway
I Var Danc frtf
Handling Trunks
. .......on nny
... i lH.,nIa IIHI WUUI "" '
wo nam ii-u - - . fOii0w
polnts in MarBhfleld ror the foo
IPB rates. del very to be -
tho lirst Biorieo ui "
Ono trunk ,'50
'Iihoa rriinuH ... mt
" ":" V "" r i."u
Twelve iruiiKs
Star Transfer and Storage Co
ti irlHiier. Prop
Phones. n.T. 49-L: 98-R
1 Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office
Itoomi 801 uA JM, (
Htntflfld, (
nn. w. morrow,
U Datk
171 OrlmM BilldiM,!
Theater. 0&trtwl
m. s. inurt,
MinlfliU, Omt
U ModfraDatilt
Wv are equipped to tfol
work on mon ssuct 1
InvHt nrltM. EUJB
Lud; atteodtst Cchl
Chndlr Hi'l wj
A modem Bnci . iHl
Light, Stan uV 1
Furnlibed Roosii ra
Cold water. 1
IUIIC MV .- . t
Cor. nltfi;
Woodrow Wilson's I
,V- J
,tarfl . mnA W
uv Onta W
-.n. TOW
-o front S'
Have Tl