THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1913 EVENING EDITION. 51 ' ' "t 'tlsTTT) Your Linen t'lf properly laundered will be spot less snowy whlto, and your collars and cuff" will not' uo 'roned out of shape or frayed nt tho edgeB. AT THIS LAUNDRY all the clothea nro properly washed inml ironed, Insuring satisfaction to fall customers. 'i Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONIC MAIN ft7..T. Just Received another shipment of the Famous Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102 Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Bowling Alley! !J7.-i NORTH FItOXT STREET Tuesday Evening specially for Ladies . fJig-Sgl-ggJr-PJ5.gToi!iKY 13 i:jamix ostlinb, J Consulting ICnirlticcr nnd Architect. Phono UV.Ul, Mnrslifiolri, Ore. T M. WRIGHT, J CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER natlmntea furnlshod on roqucst Plans nnd specifications furnished If desired. An honest Job guaran teed. Phono 124-R. TOKIj OSTLIND, J riano Tuner uml Repairer. 41t S. Sixth Streot. l'liono 103-L Leave orders nt W. R. Unities Music Co. pKItlj RILEY HALLINGEH Pi-nlst nnd Teacher lUsldenco-Studlo, 237 So. Broadwa) Phono 18-L Jf7 g. chandler, Architect. Rooms 801 nnd U02, Coko nnlldlnB Marshfleld, Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Riilldlng, over Grand Theater. Olllco Phone .120. W M. 8. TUHPEN, ARCHITECT Marshflold, Oregon. ryt. a. j. iiKivrmfH Modern Dental Parlors. Wvi aro equipped to do high clan work on short notice nt the verj lowest prices. Examination free Ludy attendant. Coko Bldg Opt Chandler Hotel, phone 11C-J. A modern Bnc. . uitdtng, Electrl: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL 0008 O. A. Metlln, Irop. Rates: BO cenU a day and upward Cor. Tlroadway and Marker Woodrow Wilson's Brother Joseph R. Wilson, Is one of the department heads of the U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. This company, like others represented ly us, is succeeding by securing the most capable men In Its man agement. Fidelity bonds of all kinds; best protection; lowest Premiums. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO., Agents. You Auto Call foote PHONE 144-J NIGnT A'..D DAY Stand front of DIanco Billiard Parlor THREE NEW OARS After 11 P, M. Phone 200-L Residence Phone 8-J. Careful Drivers , Good Cars EANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE ..r,:W TKX ACKK TRACTS POUR MILKS SOUTH OX $3V. H0A,) " l',!u ACRE! $100 CASH, BALANCE iW...lKAIlS' XO INTEREST, XO TAXES, PIXE SANDY I.OAM, LEVEL REXCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKiimtoslhi REAL ESTATE and fIRST NATIONAL BANK OP COOS BAY FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST RAXK IX COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Tlmo Deposits. Officers: .1. W. Rennet t, President. I. II. Fhiiiiiguii, Vice-President. It. P. Williams, Cashier. Geo. P. Winchester, Assistant Cashier. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL LUMHER, LATH, SHIXGLES, MOULDINGS. SASH AXD DOORS, ROOPIXG PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL RILL IX TWO HV USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH I1ROADWAY THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING Have photographic copies of abstracts of titles, present owners, to real estate furnished on short I1US1XESS OFFICE: 117 North City Auto Service Good Cars. Careful Drivers and reasonablo charges. Our motto "Will go anywhere at any tlmo." Stands DIanco Hotol and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 41. Night Phono 46. i4TtKKR OOODALK. nronrletora Singer Sewmt Machines Wo have them tor rent or ror saio. Machines Repaired. Supplies nnd Needles for Sale. W. J. RITZ. 131 Park Ave. Marshfleld. Phone 280-X. New Premiums Just received big shipment of CHOICE GLASSWARE FOR PREMIUMS for our customers. Drop In and look them over Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'COXNELL BLDG. Phono 3DI-J. 184 Market. T. J. SCAIFE. W. S. BROWN A. n. nODGINS Marchff'plri PAINT AND lLVVIWl IMV v Estimates Furnished. Phone 187.L Marshfleld, Ore. IXSURAXCE. SMALL ACCOUNTS ENCOURAGED One need not hnvo n largo account In this bnnk In order to enjoy tho pri vilege It confers. Relieving thnt en couragement tends to develop tho re sources of tho small depositor, it Is tho policy of this bank to give appre ciative attention to all who bring their business here, regardless of tho size of their transactions. Your ac count Is invited. DEPARTMENT ABSTRACT COMPANY all records o Coos County to dato, or any other information rolatlng notice. Front St., Marwlifleld. Phono 15M W. J. RUST, Manager THE TIME WHEN A PLUMBER IS NEEDED Is nt tho first sign of trouble. For If noglected tho dnniago Is bound to grow bigger. Plumbing doesn't fix Ihsolf not by n groat deal. Send for us whon tho tirst llttlo break occurs. Thnt will savo you money In moro wnys tnnn ono. Willey & Schroeder 303 North Front Street. PHONE 77-.T Low In price, high In quality. Electric Irons Wo have n few second-hand Irons lu good working condition nt $1.78. Xew Irons, 93.30 up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 153 N. Broadway Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunks between any points in Marshflold for the follow ing rates, delivery to be made In tho first stories of buildings: Ono trunk $ .25 Threo trunks no Twelve trunks l.BO Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Ifclsner, Prop. Phones. 120-J: 49-L: 98-R. W. E. $awyer J. A. Goodwill Glass ! Glass ! All kinds Plate. Window, Mirror and Art Glass. Mall orders or Phone 70-J. Call at 727 South Broadway. ON THETRAILDF B ROBBER YOUTHFUL GLKXDALi: BANDIT now ix hiding ix the milks OF CURRY COUXTV. GLBNDALH. Ore.. Juno IS. A telephone message from tho Ronton mines, on Whiskey Creek, about 25 miles west of Ulcndnlc, Wednesday was to the effect thnt Rny Diamond, the youthful desperado who on Mon dny held up Cnshler Smith, of tho Glcudnlo State Ilnnk. nnd secured funds nmountlng to $2,800 spent an hour yosterdny noon with employees of the Benton mine. Diamond arrived nt the Benton mines nt about 12 o'clock, according to the mcsinge, nnd for more thnn nn hour ho sat on n log with rifle In hand. Tho rifle wns cocked, sny the miners nnd wns In rcndlness for ac tion. The employees of the mine hnd been notified of Diamond's crlmo, but on account of being without wea pons they mndc no attempt to place him under arrest. Tho minors aro acquainted with Diamond nnd con versed with him for moro thnn nn hour. Bcforo depnrtlng from the mluo Diamond Inquired tho most di rect route to Gold Bcnrli. Ho was Informed rcgnrdlng the trails nnd do pnrted from the llenton mines short ly nfter two o'clock Tuesday nfter noou. ' Sheriff Qulno hnB Informed tho Gold Bench officers, nnd n uumbor of deputy shorlffs hnvo been ntn tinned on tho various trails lending Into thnt locnllty. DInmond tins friends In Curry county, nnd In tho event ho reaches Bold Bench ho will likely receive protection. Sheriff Qulno, nccompanled by n repreaon ttitlvo of tho Hums detectlvo agency, nnd Hovernl men well acquainted with tho mnutitnlu districts, will lenvo horo tonight for West Fork. From thoro thoy will follow the mauutnln trnll nlong Whiskey Creek nnd lu n westerly direction us fnr ns Gold Bench. With Sheriff Qulno nnd his nsslstnnts following the fugitive from West Fork nnd tho Gold Beach officers working over tho trnlls from thnt place, It appears likely that the desperado will bo Intercepted. Diamond's procedure lu visiting tho Benton mines lends the officers to believe thnt ho Is not experienced In crime, nnd thnt ho will be rap tured. It Is argued thnt desperadoes usually refrnlu from Intercepting enmps nnd other settlements nnd thereby plneo the offlcors lu the dnilc. lu visiting tho Benton mines DInmond hns rovorscd 'ho usunl pro cedure, nnd hns given tho officers n clew which may lead to his capture. Tho Denton mine Is located about 2', miles west of Glcudnlo, lu the thickly timbered districts. Tho trnlls lending from thoro nro rugged, nnd nre difficult to travel. Sheriff Qulno returned to Rose burg Inst night, nnd Immediately set to work notifying the officers throughout southern Oregon nnd tho const regions rcgnrdlng tho supposed route taken by DInmond lu Ills ef fort to muko his "get-n-wny." Sher iff Qulno believes thnt Diamond hns a encho In tho moiintnlns west of Gleiidnle and that ho will remain In hiding until such time as tho search Is partially abandoned. At that time ho will probably follow ono of tho mountain trulls nnd emerge from the timber In tho vicinity of Gold Bench, Curry county, or nlong the Uoguo river lu southern Oregon. It wns lonriicd today that Diamond formerly mingled with n number of NOTICE TO COXTRACTOItS. Notlco Is horohy given that scnlod bids will bo received by the Common Council or tho City or Marshfleld. Coos County, Oregon, until eight o'clock p. m., Monday, tho HOth dny of Juno, 1913, for the Improvement of thnt portion or Eleventh Street South from the north lino of Rnll road addition to Marshfleld to tho south lino of Ingorsoll Avcnuo West lu tho city of Miushflold, Coos Coun ty, Orogon, according to tho pinna nnd specifications on fllo In tho or rico of tho City Itccordor nnd thoro open to tho Inspection of nil persons interested therein. All bids must bo In nccordnnco with tho requirements nccoinpnnyliig snld specifications, and upon blanks ror thnt purposo which will ho sup plied upon requost nt tho office of tho City Englneor. A cortlflcnto or flvo por cont of tho amount hid must accompany tho hid, to bo torreltod to tho said City or Mnrshriold In enso tho contract Is nwarded tho contractor and ho fulls to enter In a contract with tho snld city within flvo dnys. Tho Common Council resorves tho right to roject nny nnd nil bids. Dated this 19th dny or Juno. 1913. JOHN W. BUTLER. Record or. XOTICE TO COXTRACTOItS. Notlco Is horohy given that sealed bids will bo received by tho Comm'on Council or tho City or Mnrshriold, Coos County, Oregon, until eight o'clock p. m., Monday, tho 30th day or Juno, 1913, for tho Improvement of that portion of Homlock Avonuo from tho west lino of Front Streot North to tho west lino or Sixth Streot North In tho City or Mnrshriold, Coos County, Oregon, according to tho plans and specifications on fllo In tho ofGco or tho City Recorder and thoro open to tho Inspection of nil persons Interested theroln. All bids must bo In nccordanco with tho requirements accompanying said specifications, and upon blanks for that purposo which will bo sup plied upon request at tho ofrico of the City Englneor. A certified check of flvo per cent of tho amount hid must accompany tho hid to bo forfeited to tho said City of Marshfleld In case tho con tract Is nwarded the contractor nnd he falls to enter In n contract with tho said city within flvo days. The Common Council resorves tho right to reject any nnd nil bids. Dated this 19th day or Juno. 1913, JOHN W. BUTLER. Recorder. j Indlnns now occupying n settlement In Curry county, nnd It mny bo pos- hiuio mm no win proceed to tlint pnrt of the country. Mr. Howard, of Glendale, nppenrs to scout tho theory thnt DInmond In tends to mnko his got-a-way nnd mnlntnlns thnt ho will sooner or Int er return to Glendnlo to seek advice from bis father. Upon what grounds Mr. Howard bases this theory, nei ther the officers nor newspaper men were nblo to ascertain. Pcoplo who know DInmond dc clnre thnt ho Is despcrnto, nnd thnt he bus planned the robbery for months. As n result they say It Is sheer folly to oven think that ho will return to Glendnlo. While Mr. How ard snys tho officials of the bunk will refuse to prosecute the youth In the uent of his capture, tho officers sny they will bo only too ghid to prosecuto the boy lu tho event bo should bo located. Tho crime of which DInmond Is guilty curries with It n life sontence con sequently It would bo Impossible for him to get off easy, or escape pun ishment altogether. Sheriff Qulno Is determined to lo cnte Diamond, nnd It might bo snld thnt tho Benreli, hns Just commenced. At nny rate, ovory officer In tho en tire Northwest bus been notified nnd Is nt present on tho lookout for tho fugitive. Thnt ho will eventually bo captured Ib the belief of those con versant with tho enso. Trainer Pitcher, who spent yostcr dny nt Glendnlo with his bloodhound, returned home Inst night. Nothing Doing. GLENDALE, Oro Juno IS. While sovernl local persons ventured Into tho timbered districts west of Glendnlo today, no one hns attempt ed to pursue Diamond, the yVuthful outlaw, who is at prosnnt making his way across the mountains with ap proximately $2800 belonging to tho uieniinio Htato Bank. People hero consider DInmond n dnngorous chnrnctor, and thoro nro fow who hnvo tho norvo to go lu pursuit. Tho dospcrndo Is heavily nrmed, nnd It Is holloved thnt ho will shoot anyone thnt mny appear on sight. Mo knows tho mountains of this locnllty, nnd Is probably hiding until such tlmo us bo will bo nblo lo lonve tha country without four of be ing dotected. Just why the offlclnls of the Glen dnlo Stnto Hunk nro opposed to pros ecuting DInmond lu the event or his enpturo ennnot bo ascertained hero today. It Is believed, however, thnt the officers of tho bnnk nro moro de sirous of securing tho money thnn tho dospcrndo. , A Burns dotectlvo nrrlvcd horo this morning and spent tho day pro paring circulars containing n de scription of tho fugitive. Thoso clr culars will bo mulled to ovory officer on tho const. There nro many resi dents or this city who hullovo thnt Diamond's nerve will rail him upon sighting ii hiiiuiiu being nnd that ho will surrender without rcslstnnro. This theory Is moroly n conjecture, however, lor thoro nro others who claim hu will hnttlo until the last ditch. It wns practically established horo today thnt DInmond Is ulono, nnd Is not accompanied by a partner us In timated yestordny. Tho pnrty whom tho officers railed to rind yesterday was located today nnd furnished con elusive evidence thnt ho know noth ing or tho crime until IiIh arrival nt Glendale today. OFFERS TO CURE NUMEROUS. Patent Medicine ConceriiN Beselged Luther King. FLORENCE. Or., Juno 20. Luth or King, who died hero Wednesday, wns taken during tho lust mouth or his liro from Florence whom ho wns cured for by Mr. Roth to tho Glen ndn Hospital, tho matron of which, nrter tho account or King's slrnngo malady In many stato papers several wooks ngo, received many letters from physicians and quack modlcluo concorns nil ovor tho country, de claring with' traditional confidence that they could euro him. King, oven to tho Inst, wns willing to glvo them n trial, not because or nny fnlth In their ability to help him. hut because of u vain sporting tnudoucy thnt characterized hlni n bet thnt all tho mndlclno they had could nolthor holp nor harm him. lie wan vain or his innlndy nnd valuer still or lis IncurnblenoBS by nny except supernatural moans, lu tho same hronth ho Invited tho world to doctor him mid defied tho infliionco r Its drugs. "Thoy cnn'l euro mo," ho used to say, "and thoy enn't kill mo. olthor. I'vo drunk strychnlno; I'vo swnllowed bnrrols or blood medlclnn; I'vo et snnko weed from Indln nnd blond medlclnn nnd strychnlno had tho snmn effect. I can't bo hurt mid I can't ho holpod." It wns n innlndy that ho horo with fortitude, awaiting tho tlmo when tho number of sores should equal tho rattles of tho snnko that bit him. This strnugo correspond ence and God woro tho only phys icians In whom ho hnd fnlth. Important Notice To tho Vlnvl patrons nnd thoso wishing Information regarding Vlnvl, would stato thnt tho representative, Mrs. Rlloy, will ho nt hor rooms nt 1G1 No. 10th, Mondays, 8 a. in. to r, ii. tn. Phono lf,5-X, Promises won't ovorcomo hnlr trouhlo. Tho manufacturers of .Vow tiro's Horplcldo promlso nothing which Is not Justified by an Intelli gent use ot this preparation. Tho desired end ultimately becomes an accomplished fact. This Is tho reason that Herplcldo has thousands or satisfied friends ull over tho world. By keeping tho scalp cloan and healthy and destroying tho dandruff, Newbro's Herplcldo inakcB beauti THERE ISA DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HAIR PROMISES AND HAIR RESULTS CURRY WOOL CROP IS BI6 Ship About 200,000 Pounds This Season Price is 16 Cents per Pound. ' Curry county's wool crop this year will exceed 200.000 pounds snys W. O. Milne, n well known wool buyer, who hns spent several weeks In that section nrrnnglng for tho purchasing or the season's clip. Tho prevailing price this yenr was about sixteen ccntB, Last year, the prlco was about 21 t-2 cents por pound. Mr. Mllno snys tho clip will not bo ns lnrgo ns wns expected owing to tho hard winter causing consldornblo loss of sheep. He says that mnny of the rnnchors did not even attempt to save tho pelts although thoso would hnvo brought them $1 to $1.50 each. .Mr. Mllno drove his Mnxwell enr up from Eureka nnd snys thnt tho rond pnrt wny Is In good shape but near Port Or ford It Is awful. From hero, Mr. Mllno will go to the SltiBlaw, probably taking his enr to Drnln vlu Allegany and going from there. Mr, Mllno mndc tho trip from horo to Myrtle Point nnd return In his car at tho rato of twenty-rive miles per hour. Mr. Mllno snys that ho mot ono good old Democrat In Curry county. Ho didn't. glvo his namo hut says ho JinB n big drove of shcop. Whllo dick ering for tho wool, ho offered him sixteen cents por pound. "Thnt's too much," tflo rnnclior rd tortcd. "These nro Democratic times nnd wo Democrats aro pledged to re duco tho high cost of living. I won't tnko moro thnn ton cents n pound for thnt wool." Howovor, tho pnrty patriotism was sufficiently well grounded to provcut him settling with Mr. Mllno on tho bnsls of sixteen cents per pound nnd so another Democratic ambition is gone. MERGER PLAN Great Systems Will be Made in Splittinrj Union Pacific and Southern Pacific (llr AmocUL 1 rrrn lo Cool II J r Time.,) WASHINGTON, 1). C. .Juno 19. E. II. llnrrlmmi'a dream or a com plete transcontinental railroad sys tem will bo doubly realized If tho present plan to dissolve tho South ern Pnclflc-Unlon Puciric merger Is approved by tho attorney gonurnl nnd tho courts. Under tho present plan tho Union Pacific will trade Its dominating In terest lu tho Southern Pacific to tho Pennsylvania railroad, receiving In return the heavy holdings of tho Pennsylvania lu tho llultlmoro & Ohio system, This will menu tho linking of eight rnllrnnd systems In to two coust-to-const Hues with truckage ns follows: The New Union Pacific. Mllongo Union Purine ; (5,991 Central Pacific 1,527 IValtlmore Ik Ohio 8,774 Illinois Central 4,764 Total 22,051 The New Pennsylvania. . . i Mllcngo Pennsylvania 5,014 Norfolk & Western 2,018 Atlantic Const Lino 4,5t7 Loulsvllln & Nashville 7,947 Southern Pacific 8,119 Total 28,035 Tho Union Pacific already controls thu Illinois Central and will continue tn do so, It Is understood, nftor tho dissolution Is completed. Also Union Pacific Is to ho given, according to present understanding, sumo sort of control of tho Contrnl Pacific With nil this workod out, tho now Union Pacific would control: California const to Ogden, Central Pacific lines; North Pacific coast to Ogden, Oregon Short Lino mid Ore-gon-Wushlngtou Railroad & Naviga tion company; Ogden to Omaha nnd Knusns City, Union Pacific main lino; Oiunhn to Chicago, Illinois Con trnl; Chicago to tho Atlantic sea board, llultlmoro & Ohio. A greater system would bo thnt produced by tho linking or tho Penn sylvania nnd tho Southern Pacific. Tho Pennsylvania lines como to Washington, tho Southern Pacific linos eoiuo to Now Orlonns. Unlto thorn through tho southern systems mid tho now nnd grouter Pennsylva nia system would gridiron tho south, tho east, tho Ohio valley nnd tho Pacific coast; extending from Port laud, Ore., along tho Pacific coast to Snu Fruuclsco uml Los Angolcs, thence across California, Arizona, Now Mexico mid Toxns to Now Or leans, thunco up through tho south, to Now York. HERPICIDi: ful hair, Horplcldo provonts tha hair from falling and allows It to grow unhindered and naturally ex copt In cases of chronic baldness which is Incurable Newbro's Horplcldo In 50c and $1.00 sizes Is sold and guaranteed to do all that Is claimed, If you aro not satisfied your money w:il bo refunded. Applications obtained at tl o best barber shops. Lockhart-Paraon's Drug Co., special agents. NEW RAILWAY Lv