THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1913 EVENING EDITION. TIME SAVERS Coos Queen $28.50 'I AR YiBXW PM A vstf WvTT-' Zf v r"- - mmr Ccos King $29.50 READ: "Fair Dealing and Good Bicvcles" Marshfleld, May 23, 1913, To the Public: This is to state that for fair dealing and good bi cycles, I can heartily recommend E, Bandel, of the 1 Marshfleld Cyclery, Three wheels in the same fam ily inside of one year ought to be good proof of my statement, This statement was not solicited by Mr, Bandel, but given freely in justice to him, (Signed) NELLIE E, WHEREAT, j I'm: tidics Uclow Is given the time and height of high nnd low water at Harshfleld. The tides aro placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on the tlrst line and heights on the second lino of each day; a compar ison on con ccutlve heights will cult Judge Gatens has ruled that there Is no statute on which he could be tried. i:litbltIon Shoot. Otis Peret, the rotors expert who makes pictures with a r.fle and bullets Is on Coos lia getting acquainted with the trade and the local sportsmen. Ho Is arranging for an exhibition shoot under the auspices of the Marsh fleld Dun Club at the club grounds Sunday morning, June 29. Will Hull, I Lighters Cnpt. 11. C. Peterson of San Francisco. Is on the liny negotiating with Kruso & Hanks for the construction of a number of lighters for use on San Francisco bay. where Cnpt. Peterson operates a number of tugs nml launches. Tim captain Is accompanied by Mrs. Pe- Orlglnal letter In our window. If it's not good, we'll MAKE it good, We know that to serve our own best interests, we must serve you well, Indlcnto whether It Is high or low Joron. and after concluding his bus- water, tor high water on the bar , ' ' ,IRy W1" proceed on a subtract 2 hour ni minnto pleasure trip to Europe. subtract 2 hours 31 minutes. zi ura. . a. 4a iu.30 f.23 I Ft. . . c.i n.r, 4.s 22IIrs. . 4.23 11.07 6.01 .Ft. . . 5.8 0.1 4.9 , : i ! WEATHER FORECAST. (Hy Associated Press.) OREGON Showers tonight nnd Sunday. RELIABLE "Coos King" l TIMESAVERS ALWAYS USEFUL Bicycles Dayton Bicycles Marshfield Cyclery 156 North Broadway Phone 158-R LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For the 24 hours ending at 4-43 a. in., June 21, by HenJ. I Ostllnd, special government me f teorologlcal observer: ' Maximum 71 Minimum 47 I At 4:43 a. m n ,; . 5S I Precipitation ,. .n; I Precipitation clnce Sept. 1, ' 1912 61.84 i Precipitation snmo period I last year o9.3S I wind: Southwest; cloudy HORN. Ladies, Look Here! Tomorrow, Saturday Only WITH EVERY $1.(1(1 IIOTTM-: OF TOILET WATER WE WILL (JIVE A an-CENT HOTTLE OF ALMOND CREAM .... FREE! REMEMIIER TOMORROW ONLY. "THE BUSY CORNER." Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE MAIN 298 US HOLLAND -To Mr. and Mrs. Knooli Holland at tholr homo In Llliliy last evening, an eleven-pound girl. LAWHORN To Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Lnwhorn at tho home of Mrs. W. If. Cox on 10th street, nn .11 pound girl at 7 o'clock tills morn ing. June 21, Will Rrlng Family j. v. Ronoy. of the Coos Uay Homo Telophono Co., Is expecting his family early In July, to make their permanent home In Marshfleld. To Attend Dedication. Tho Ham mer win leavo the Woolen Mill dock at North Rend nt 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon for tho accommodation of nny who may wlnh to attend tho de dication of the Colporteur boat Lifeline. To Ship Out Dairy Products, Tho Alert brought 3G00 pounds of cheese nnd GOO of butter from tho Coos Day Creamery this morning consigned to II. H. Davis, PaBco. Wash.. 11. R. Davis. Konnowlck, Wash., and T. II. Klock or Seattle. McAllister to lie Free. K. S. J. McAllister, who was nrrested on Coos Hay last fall In connection with tho vlco cll(tiu Investigation In Portland, and found entity, will ln release! m-. cording to a Portland paper. CIp 3pe. 10.30 Thinks Coos- County a Marvel. 2.r, Judge L. T. Harris has returned from 11.17 j1'8 t-ll o Coos county, where he 2.5 ! llu"l a term of court for Judge Coke. l" snys that section of the stnte Is . certainly a marvel of richness In nnt- urai wealth and predicts that when the railroads are built In and are In operation, that part of the state will come to Its own and will develop mnrvelotiBly. Eugono Register. Tho Hurt at Cutlinllo Picnic. Tho nnnuiil picnic of tho Catholic acad emy of "Our Lady of Victory." which was held at tho country house of the German Aid society today, was at tended by slight accidents. While playing with some children on tho porch, Rev. J. A. Moran Jumped up In the alp n little, and being n tall ninn and tho celling low, his head came In contnet with a Joist with such force as to cut a severe cash In his scalp. Father Moran walked to tho car lino nnd cnniu to Eugene where It renulred four stltcliPM to close tho wound. Ho went to tho hospital to rest for a day or so. Shortly afterward little G-year-old Jock Jasper was struck on the fore head by a swing In which other child ren wore seated and had quite a se vere flesh wound Inflicted. Ho was painfully but not seriously hurt. Ktigenu Guard. PERSONAL NOTES We Do Catering For Parties ROOM FOR SMALL IIANQl'ICTS. White House Bakery (Formorly Leld's.) IIOX LUNCHES Will PARTIES. PICNIC L. D. SMITH of Daniels Creek, was In town today. It. STUMP Is hero from Gould's camp. Allegany. E. It. HODSON of South Coos river, Is In town todny. MHS. S. A. YOAKAM of Cooa river, Is In town on business. MltS. J. W. VINEYARD of Enstsldo. was In Marshfleld today. CUIUS. HANSEN of North Inlet, was n Marshfleld visitor today. CLARENCE FISH, onglncor of Camp 2, Is spending tho day here. G. A. RONERRAKE of Ross Inlot, wns hore today on business. MHS. A. II. 0I.SEN of North Inlet, Is In town for tho day shopping. JUDGE 8PERRY of Coqullle. Is In warsiinem on legal business. MASON NOAH of North Coos river, wns In town on business todnv. Mil. AND MltS. B. S. IJAHOBLT arrived homo today from Portland. In it nnuvjim ,.r n. ......... i..i... . , ....... .... lit iit.jnun iiiiui, was n Murshflold visitor this morn ing. II. BLTON returned yesterdny on tho Ilronkwntor from a trip to Port laud. GEO. ANDERSON loft this, morning for Myrtle Point after a brief visit hero. J. J. CLINKENREARR of Daniels Crook, Is In town today on busi ness. LESTER SMITH of Coos river, enino to town this morning on the early boat. KAItL CLINKBN'nBAItD of Danlols , , Gust Peret Peter's moving picture expert, who makes pictures with rifles nnd bullets at a hundred yards, is here to show you how and why Peters' Shells and Cartridges Are Superior to others. A complete stock of Metallic and Loaded Shells mav alwavs he found at ill WARES fc- -rP. ' m" t I sORPHEUM TONIGHT BRONCHO BILLY'S GRATEFULNESS Essanay. Featuring G. M. Anderson. HARDUP FAMILY'S DLUFF A Pathe comedy. SLLY IN" OUR ALLEY Sellg. Suggested by Carey's famous poem of the same name, J.OVE THE WINNER Sellg. A good comedy. DOLLAR DOWN. DOLLAR A WEEK Sellg comedy. 1'IVE NEW PICTURES. GOOD MUSIC. ADMISSION TEN CENTS. TAKE A LOOK AT OUR TOOL WINDOW TGMGHT When the lights are on, CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Saws of every description, Bucks Chisels, P, S, & W, Chisels Iron Levels, Level Sights, Irwin Auger Bits, Bit Gauges, Bailey Planes, . . White's Chisels, White's Slicks Wood Levels, Level Glasses, Stanley Braces, Butt Gauges, Stair Gauge Fixtures, Creek, enme to town on tho morn ing boat. MRS LOUIS WIItTH and children of South Coos river, spent the day In Mnrshfleld. J. E. NOAH of North Coos river, camo to town this morning In his gasollr.? launch. MISS HELEN AND RAY LANDRITH are hore today from their North Coos river home. GUY DIPPLE, of llandon, was n Mnrshllpltl business visitor todnv. CIIAS. SELANDER of Catching In- let, was a business visitor In Marshfleld today. GEORGE E. PEOPLE of Coqullle. returned home this morning after a short business trip here CIIAS. MAHAFFY and son nnd dnughtor are here today from their home on North Coos river MR. AND MRS. C. H. KRUilEn nf Allegany, are In town for the day on a business and pleasure trip. C. A. OOMLEY of Myrtle Point, left this morning for home after spend ing n short time hero, on business. MR. AND MRS. FRANK HASS leit today for a few days at llandon as tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Pnpe. C. J. LOWE, salesninn for Hluinnuer Frnnk Drug Co., of Portland, left on tho tlrenkwater for the north. OEOROE N. HATTY and wlfo of loos river aro In town and will leave after tho 1th rff July for San Francisco. E. D. SPERRY, tho Coqullle attor ney returned homo this morning, after brief visit In Marshfleld on legal business. ALBERT HEAR returned to his ranch on North Inlot yesterday, after sovoral days' visit In town with relatives. CAPT. VAN CAMP, who has had charge of tho launch Freak, has resigned nnd tho vacancy will ho filled by Pnul Crook. WM. DOLAN of North Rend, re turned yostordny from n two weeks' visit In Portlnnd nnd nt other northern points. 3AAC AND ALEC SAWYER of tho Umpnun. returned this morning from Allegany, whore they visited their sister, Mrs. Fred (lould. J. D. PULCHER. brother-in-law nf J. W. Mitchell, loft today for his homo In Pnrflons, Knnsas, after several months spent on Coos Ray. MRS. THOS. MOFFAT or Medford, Ore., has returned home nftor a brief visit with friends In Prosper and at tho D. A. Jones home In this city. J. W. CARTER returned this morn ing from nbovo Allegany, where ho established a camp for his family, who will enjoy an outing thoro this summer. OEOROE DUI1UQUB returned last ovonlng from n visit with his borther, Louis Dubuque of North Inlet, nnd left on the Ilrenkwnter today for Vancouver. II. C. ANDREW OLESON of Lako Sldo, who sold his store recontly to mi lls Short, Is planning to leave soon lifter tho Ith for a Borlea of visits with his four married eons and daughters at several Oregon coast pniuis. II. J. McKEOW'N of Tho Chandler, who returned yesterday from Portland nays that whllo general biisluesH Is n lit t lo quiet, tho ho tels In tho Rose City have been do ing record smashing business the past few weeks. A. KJELLANDor Kontuck Inlet, was n business visitor In Mnrshfleld todny. Ho reports that his two daughters, who woro operated up on for appendicitis this wook are recovering. Roth ho and Mrs. KJollnnd hnvo previously under gono operntloiiH for tho same trouble. MRS. ANNA LARSEN nnd children of North Rend, aro preparing to leave next weok for hor home stead In central Oregon near Christmas Lako. to maintain tho necessary residence to secure her title. Her daughter, Gladys, will remain with hor grnndpnronts, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hoeck of North Rend. WANT ADS. TYPEWRITER AND DOORKEEPER employed part of tlmo will do bookkeeping or typewriting when wanted for anyone requiring Biiph services. Address E., enro Times, WANTED Position by contingent bookkeeper nnd thorough office man. A-No. l references furnish ed. Care Times. WANTED Roy, 1(1 or over, to work nights nnd mornings In printing' office. Apply at Times offlco. WANTED A competent glil for general housework. .Mrs. C. It. Peck, 019 South Eloventh st. WANTED Employment l,y yoiintf man, In store, collecting or sol iciting. Experienced. Can glvo best of references. Care Times. FOR SALIC Choice camping site on South Coos river. Good wator, 'nice grove, good bathing bench, platforms built. Write Uox G4 2, Marshfleld. FOR SALE Five-room cottage ami ioi uuxiuu, on so. sixth streot. Apply Hall & Hall. FOR SALE l.-.i... holler, RMi. p. ongluc, L'0-ft. gasollno boat,, 23-ft. gasolluo boar, 10-h.-p. gas oline engine, l-h.-p. gnsollne en gine, GO I egg Incubator, gasoline drng-saw outfit, 3000 ft. myrtlo lumber, 7x9 printing press and type, SxlO camorn and Ions. la qulro of E. A. Stonocyphcr, Enst slde. Phono G-J. WANTED A competent rook and liousckcopcr for family of two. No children. Good wages. Tele phone 303. FOR RENT Tho furnished home, keoplng rooms. Phono 39-L. FOR RENT I or (I rooms for housekeeping In modern house, with or without furniture Torms reasonable. Apply in Mary E. Thompson, SSG So. Cth street. I'OR RENT Nicely furnished homo. Keeping rooms. Appiy at 352 First street North. WANTED An experienced ihcIiooJ teachor for District No. 82, on Rons Inlet. Wrlto E. It. Hess, clerk, city. WANTED Work ly carpenter, good finisher. Will go out of town. Call Times offlco. FOU SALE iio.acro i-ancli, mostly bottom laud; good buildings; near Coqullle, Would take closo lu lot In Marshfleld In part pay ment. Address "Owner," enro Times. Ml Kinds of Job Printing Bone at The Times Office Yankee Breast Drills and Screw Drivers, Rules, Squares and St:el Tapes, Carborundum Stones, MACHINISTS AND ENGINEERS' TOOLS. FARM FOR SALE Dairy. Btock nnd fruit form con sisting of 518 ncreH, botwoon 35 nnd 40 ncres of rich bottom land, olght acres of honch Innd sot to npplo trcos and fifty ncros moro thot can easily be clonrcd for or.chord nnd bnlanco good grnzlng land for cat tie, sheop or goats. Twelve head good dairy cows and all farming Implomonts necessary. Locatod on West Fork of Coos River, ono mils from poatolllco, school nnd bnatlaudlng, Ruy direct from ownor. For further Information, call or wrlto: W. A. GAGE. Allognny. Oro. l'Olt HALE Household furniture, tents, otf., at resldonco of Dr. J. T. McCormac, each weok day from 10 a. m., to 2 p. m., until disposed of. WANTED Drop side child's lied. Information at Times office. LOST (ici'maii hIIvit piuo wltli Initial "E." On Front atroot. Leavo at Times offlco. FOR RENT Small house, partly furnished, sultablo for two por Hous. Apply 905 South Seventh st. l'Olt RENT Two five-room, flats. Modorn nml newly renovated. Cor. Tenth nnd Elrod nvouuo. Inquire SOfi Central avenue. l'Olt SALE Rlcyrlo ami Phono, graph, Yodor, 515 So. Rroadway. WANTED Registered llolMtiu hull, from a wook to a year old. Answer by mnll, or phono 3104. Chun. Solauder, Sumner, Oregon. FOR SALE Span of work horse. Weight 1 100 lbs. ench. C. R. Flanagan, 95S 5th st. S. WANTED Sewing 3151. by day. Phono '(lit RENT. Rooms keeping apartments. nml Iioiis(v. Lloyd Hotel. l'Olt HALE lli-rooin lodging house, furnished 301 North Front st. Phono 205-J. If you hnvo anything to sell, rent trado. or wnnt help, tiv n Wnnt Ad Straight Shank, Taper Shank and 5-8 Shank Pipe Cutters, Stocks and dies and Taps, Reamers, . ' Hack Cold Chisels, Packing ALL OF HIGHEST QUALITY. Drills, Saws, Tools, mammmmmmMmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmH PRESCRIPTIONS PERSONALLY PREPARED Vo trivo an attention to detail that guarantees I acciiracv in everv nreserintion that is nut up by our store. The most careful weighing and measuring is practised. Bring your prescription to "The Apothecary Shop" "When your doctor prescribes for yon, get the full benefit of his scientific diagnosis by letting us com pound your prescription. You get the most potent full strength, high quality drugs, compounded in an accurate, scientific manner in a laboratory that is scrupulously neat and clean. AVe will call for and deliver your prescription if you desire.