SHOULD NOT EXPECT YOUR SHIP TO COME IN WHEN THE TIDE IS OUT ,nvr ARTICLES , fonmt through Times mint "Tjhct.l Vw Ihcmt They Lull. lag tos MEMRKR OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NOW IS YOt'lt T1MK. A Miiall ml In Tin Times wnnt column may bring .von results im mediately. Try one. .. ,1.11.1..1 In IUTU (aIh Tlio Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, .SATURDAY, JUNE 21t.1913 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES, & Ooniiolldntlon of Times, Const .Mali Jq( 288 and Coos liny Advertiser. COMPANY TO SUBMIT PART OF ITS EVIDENCE of Oregon Railroad Linn Mav Not be Lded This Afternoon MMPANY'S FEE TO TEAL UP omey Mullen of North y" .'.: ll Clin n nn II'. IIILU OI4.U njelayed Payment. boxaii inspection. evening CoinnuBBloncr i Putifivl flrniin I bn nun i.r"" ......, , tiimcmi Itnilroml Com- i , proceeded to flo n JU- mine (iii inun " i"". , lilted sonic homes In I Hirinnciii nnei cmuiub , nml water una e tatcments of BOtno of i iter HBorH. I -9 trine of the Oregon Tlnll- amission In tlio t'oos nay e nearlng n cihw out 1 lie completed mis nu- i doubtful lolntlffs. North llonll nml i mil liml nt noon ootiHld- Ritnre to Introduce) nnd tho l then begin m w- nf their testimony. itlmony promises to beeonio tore- lively tins niiemoon, ran- Mullen of 'North Mend. it tlmt Iii) would examine IsOO fee which wiih pnld Uy May Water comimny for le ts In reorganizing uio'enm he fee was not pnld until le prcwiit yenr. Air. Teni Renin llie wilier company Ming -mid according to a lmueil ny J. v. iicniioti ago, Mr. Tenl "holds $25,- ! OUpJtllMllllg IKIIIIIH 01 UIO hi rnnipuny. E loner AltelilsoiiH quca aln this morning aroused nt nniunc tho uiidioneo. r he took tho vltnv Unit tlio altoiihl pay In the eom--m the Interest on wlint lui- bi the wnter eonipiiny Is re- TOKe nnd also the total lem, Apparently ho dlsre- e past f runelilHu nnd income i company hnH enjoyed mid bttlty of the linprovonieittH I or otherwise utlll.eil wnon llse expires. adjournment at noon, t uy (loss miniiunced tlmt ho tto introduce ' evidence to there is n eoniiuoroinl vnl- r on the liny mid Will ho. . Jllnaiis Tctrvn. IMInKiis, city physician of n. tlifs morning testified In the wnti r. ospivhilly from Ipolnt of henlth. Ho snlil le Tall when tho llrst henvy e. there hi nenrly always nn of moitim h and bowel t ldii- i he believed was caused liy ng wttir Nono of tliuM) mulled tnuilly. ImiT lildley Testifies. tt Gldr j. formorly vityen- Jiarli riilil. testified tluu en asb'K:iiit engineer f the sXiliilii rnmnnnr In South nJ Imil looked after tho 1 ater r stem, which biip- W, Dentin ooil Mid Central said tluu u wnter supply lie & rr r.'iiili' Hint rimlll I'ean, iiiiitTiibly ti ronnete ina )lt' Mild Unit no bui- MBo sll)ultl ho mlowed to eserienr H0 Bald tlint ie ilio hires .nn pie ground nor and nuiinrlnc Httv- nld tint lie "ind looked nv p prepMed by Export N Stnhhhfield nnft Bald PvMed onlv fur tlm nrpscnt petlty Inn did jiot provide ierwi ruturo Ki-owth. m wld that he had inves- ' Wattr nunt1lpK u-imnniint. t In uililltlon to tho ives- J from l'nnv Tn1i tlioro flowliiK Into Mill SloiiBh 1 bO lltl'lvoil ITu unlH It nlh nmplo water for fh 'PPiy. Il said that tho rOUtft I If .cnc Hi. T).m. Tn. aM. runirlnB ahont mllo "rougli ! This route is Teljr ovnwl lands, not the lMltn. ..nninnnv 111 "X are out of tho city's 'SlOllPr Allnlil.nn ...nntcil h . - ....V IIIO..I. .. u.... Ry the houlovard was per- k"8 tlio wntorehed lr It the U itOt. Blmnllf lfl Pj i, 'v' ui'i";. .'. u n was sploctoil lippniiRO most ditect route to tho ' lntfnrlnr.l n ., f A1V f report on Improvements Emu 8'ste' ns evidence. f d tlmt It had heen com- LL "' "VVf0 illlll un ti.'l- fa a ho would like to lire r 'ante l to know If Mr. Ln.eAnhiii"er would dlsre-P-IOO.ono or so Rallons of Clr and numn tlm entire P; Gldlrv said that ho did : surface water was fSB tn nl-n .i. .i r"1 that Us liso wnlil.t In- Westlon by Mr. Teal was iusiea of nn v five TELLS iOI WATER .RATES Manager Green Explains Low Charge for Electricity for Pumping $20,000 Claim 1). C. Onion. inniinKor of the Ore Bon I'owim Company, this after noon testified nt the Oregon Hall rnnd Commission hearing that tho Coos Day Water Company was fur nished Willi electric power nt 1.(5 centH per Kilowatt hour, tlio lowest rate tlioj niailo to any of their con ntimiTR. Ho snhl tlint tho company was to use at least $100 worth per month nml were tlio largest con sumers of electricity on tho liny. Ho sain that tliey were also to use eleetrlcty when the eleetrlty was not reiiulreil for tlio other service. Ho snld that tho next lowest piico liinde on the llnv wns 2 '(. cents per hour, uiailo to the North Ileild Shin Klo mill. This Is discounted ten per cent. Mr. (iroono snhl tlint tho fnct that the Coos liny Water Company had a coal mine mid n stenm pumping plant nt tin slntlon ninth; very lit tle difference In the rate. J. N. Teal on cross examination tried to hiiow (hut It did. He wnnt o( to know If the contract wnsn'l inado before Mr. (Ireeno cnnio hero nnd If It wasn't on Mo haslH of $1.80 per ton for com at tho pump Iiir station, Mr. (Ireeno said that it might possibly lmvo been but bo did not know. Mr. (Ireeno sttld tlint thov could not furnish electricity to all plnnls because some of them could produce power more cheaply. The C. A, .Smith ullll, for Instance, ho said had it l)i)ii t 10(1 cords of waste wood to get rid of ench month and this cost them about SI mil) per month. My using sonic of this to proijucc steam, they could reduce this ex pense. At the conclusion of Mr. Oreono's evidence. Coiuiuli'slonor Altchlson snld tlmt us the Oregon Tower Coiupmiy liml tho 1.5 rent rnto In ilioli' tiirirr. tl'iu cnilM lint mine 'It without the Co'miilisMoii'B consent. .Vo Deiu I Undies. Coroner K. K. Wilson wiih called this arteruooii anil ttsked uboiit the report Unit wns In circulation last year that the body of a dead mini liml beou loiind In tin reser voir of the Coon liny Water Coiu pmiy. Mr. Wilson snld Unit no hoiV liml been found (lend In tbeie to his knowledge. Ml- Miihouey Wit nt"". MWs Muiiilo .Mnlionoy, bookkeep er for the water company, testified this ufterniion. Slo said flrtt In re lation to C. II. .Mi'i.niiglillii'. clitliu that ho Imil nor been asked to pay water rent tho past yenr that Mr. McUnglillu Imil liu ovorfliurged for a long time. beltiR charged 1..i0 iw.i. nir.,iHi liiHtnail ot SI. 1111(1 tllllt now thlb overchnrge wis boiiig nindo right. She wild sue am u wiiuoiii ordors fioui Mr. Flanngan or Mr. l)enrt'tt. Miss Mulioiioy also tewlflod nn 'ii trv of ?.J on tlit books in favor of the nnnnunn & Ilennott hrttk. Shu snld that In straighten ing out tlio bookkeoplng system, thlb debt to the Dank, hloh bad been certlflwl by Messrs. Klanngan and llonnoti wnk ontoren at one time.. Tho bookb did nut show ...i.. ,i. tor. fnin wns uhoiI for. ex- copt tlint tho iooks showed tlio ro- ivipt of money nin uiu ii ... lln' 1(' mei.,.fii thn ..anient of $916 on dltleront occasions as Interest on tuts ssu.oim umi : ter from .Mr. Flanngan showed I that some of It was for Inteutt on $7000 from J. W. Proctor. Teal i:plnlii- nni. . . , J Tal this afternoon explained .,.'..'........ r.r osnn fn him by the Coos Hay Water Company tlw llrst of tne year, no . v , i i i (o.. tnr rptircanlzlng tho company, transferrins the property from the Marhflelel Water Company to tlio Coos Buy Water Company when the capital was inn - l'l5rV. .... ....Inlnr. nrillnanCOS mid franchises, aldlns In ProparinB $icn,oui Don. ...-. -i.rd h,cha'.'iCe"B",Urfla enable and at ho wouldn't want to havo to put up with bo much for that charge again. TAitiiT im-r- CAL'CCS. h.mU Continue Their Coi.sldei- ' . r n Tiino 21. WASH. nu I u.n.. -."""-,-. SderSHon In . w. todv of the Biueraiiu II ui .iicoiiBR nn began rrhe,,,,cW,n;e,!u.e, where the I'nderwoou raia ". ,-,.," o,eta.n dyes used J,i manuractur- Ing cotton nnn """ """ L RD IS 0 Restraining Order Issued Against Coquille Directors Preventing Purchase. (Special to The Times.) COQUII.M3, Oto., .Ittnc 21. E. D. Sperry rcturncd'froni MnrflhfloldXhl inornlnK with a rcBtralnlng order He cured from County Judge Ilnll for bidding cither the old or new school lionnl from negotiating tlio purchase of the two blocks of lnnd as a site for tho new high school building mi nimized In tho recent Bpcelal school election. The Injunction which lms been served onthc members of the school board was secured on complaint of Geo. !:, Peoples, ot Coqulllo. It Is alleged that the recent Bpeclal election cnlled by directors for the purpose of voting money for the pur chase of a situ mid selection of same wiir without warrant In law. It is also aleged that the location at the extreme north Hue of the district is Inconvenient mid tlint the price $G000 is much too high for tho lnnd, which Is alleged to be worth only eiic-thlrd elf tlint Bum. It Is claimed that lack of Interest and Indifference of the electorate at the school election In question per mitted Interested parties by their ac tivity at the polls to secure the favor able vote which Is not approved by the majority of tax pnyors mid school patrons. The whole matter will now ho threshed out In court when It conies to the homing to innkc the present timporary Injunction permanent. WILSON RAS A OIG STICK Takes a Firm Stand Behind "the Glass Currency Bill in the House. (Dr AMo.lMra l'rM la Coot lUgr TIhim ? WASHINGTON. I). C, Juno 21. President Wilson bus tnkei a firm stnnil behind tho (llnss currency hill mid has told Democratic members of tho House hanking and currency committee, that as under tho consti tution, ho hnH the right to recom mend specific legislation to Congress, he reels Justified In recommending the new nioasuro now before It. It wns snld nt tho Whlto House thnt ho would not compromise on the essen tlnl features of the bill, particularly thosu which concern the concentra tion of reserves In New York City mid tho control of money by tho money market. CORNELL WINS BIG REGATTA Intercollegiate Boat Race Re sults in Close and Pretty Contest. i svuaccsi: WINS. POUOIUCKlJl'Sli:, N. Y., I Juno 21. Syracuse won tho . tarslty olghvoured race today. Cornoll was becond, Wnshlng- ; ton third; wibiioiiBin lounn; . I Colunihlu fifth and PoniiBji- ( l aiiln sixth. ' lf Aojatoil l'r" to 'Com Ily TlmT POWHIKKKPSIK, Juno 21. With dear weather nnd sun shining nnd with a northerly breeze that scarcoly rippled the Mirfato of tho water, thousands of people who have been pouring into Poughfceepslo dur ing the last day, witnessed tho Intor colleglate regatta races hero this aft ernoon. Tho four oared race, which wns programmed first, got off with a pretty start Syracuse leading Co lumbia second, Pennsylvania, Cor noll, Wisconsin and Washington fol lowing In ordor named. At the bridge, Syraciiho led. Pennsylvania Bocond, Cornoll third, Columbia fourth, Wisconsin fifth nnd Washing ton about four lengths to the roar. Cornell crossod tho finish lino first, Pennsylvania second, Columbia third, Wisconsin fourth. Washington fifth, nnd Syracuso sixth. Cornoll near tho finish lino collided with smnll boats on tho courso, nt thnt timo only half n length hohlnd Cornell. Timo Cor noll, 10:47 2-5; Pennsylvania. 10; 52 1-5; Columbia. 10:54 4-5; Wiscon sin, 10:58 4-5; Washington, 12:08 3-5; Syracuse not taken. Duo Tomorrow. Sorter Brothers, ...i.r. ivora nvnrrlpil here todav from Gardiner, aro now expected to reach hero tonight or Sunday, It is un derstood that Superintendent Dixon is with tnero. COOS BAY LEADS SERIOUS CHARGES MADE AGIST HUMBEIISENT ATTORNEY GENERAL f REYNOLDS Ships Double the Amount of Any North Coast Port to San Francisco. At tho request of many of the lumbermen on the Pacific const, snys tho Western. Pioneer Lumberman of San "Francisco, this Journal takes pleasure! In publishing herewith in this depnrtmont the summary of re ceipts of lumber from May Mist to Juno lllth, In the port ot Snn Frnn cIbco. Fir nnd Spruce. Aberdeen :i,l 25,000 Astoria :i,i;i Dnndon 2,180,000 Columbia lUver 2,875,000 Coquille niter 100,000 Coos Day 7,570,000 Everett 1,180,000 (Srnys Harbor 1,500,000 Port Gamble 1.450,000 Port Ludlow 1,070,000 Knyniond 020,000 Sluslaty , . 1,035,000 Tnconin , . 000,000 Wlilapa 3,270,000 Tiitdl 31,500,000 Till-: HAY IN CONGUIISS. til) Amoi'OM I'rrM tn lw lljr Tlnim 1 WASHINGTON, 1). C. Juno 21. The Senate met at noon mid Sena tor Clarke of ArkmiBiis, presented u hill to' rogulnto lobbying. The Senate paRsed, a concurrent resolution fur n Joint itcsslon with the House Monday to hehr President Wilson's nddress on currency. Tho Democratic cau cus took up the tariff bill. The House was not In session today. "ARSON SQUAD" IS VERY BUSY Suffragettes Destroy Marine Observatory and Apply Torch to Church. tlljr A.mxIIM l'rwi to Com lUy Thuw 1 LONDON, June 21. Militant suf fragetto "arson squads" were out last night nt St. Andrews. Scotland. and at South Knd, on the lower Thames, and succeeded In causing rons dorahltt damage. At St. Androwb, "fire flonils" de stroyed the east wing of the Gotty niarlno obsofvntory -connectou whii tho university. Tho object of at tack at South Kml was the Chinch of St. John, a modern nnd costly edifice. Tho organ wob sot on fire, but thu dnmago was small. IIIIOKKN LK.VSICS replaced nt iti:i CHOSS DCIUS ktoui:. SAWMLOWER IS A SUICIDE Driven to Desperation in Last Stand Against Capture Fires Home. lljr Aiolat4 I'M! 10 Cooi IU? TlmM OltOVILLK. Wnsh., Juno 21. Kf forts mndo to arrest J. H. Kthel, saw mill owner, rosulted In the denth of Kthel mid tho probable fatal Injury of Charles K. Calo and 1). 11. Crnn dcll, iiiemliers of the posse thnt searched two days for Ktliol, who last night olthor shot himself or burned liliusolf to death In his homo. Sheriff Stark of Okanogan county heard on Thursday that Kthel, who was want ed on nn nrson charge, after Jump ing his bond hud returned to Ills homo 12 miles southenst of hero. The shorlff organized a posso, which surrounded Kthel's house. Tho fugl tlvo refined to surrender and put bis family out of the house. Ho then began firing at tho posso and Cran dell was shot In tho hip. Tho nt tack on Kthel's homo was renewed yehterday and the building was rid dled with bullota. Kthel at tlmos re turned the fire, one of the bullets hitting Calo In the eye and passing through tho brain, At sundown Kthel's houBe was sot on flro and tho body was found latesr. pi:itsiiiN i:xo.i:h.ti:.. Drastic Action of Army Officer Is Justified. tnr AMO'Utfci rem to cooi nr tiumj WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 21. Governor General Forbes of the Phil ippines, In a cablegram received to day with reference to tho recont cap ture of tho Moro stronghold of Dag sak, Island of Jolo, says that Forbos Is convinced Goneral Pershing ex hausted all tho virtues of patlonco beforo taking tho last drastic action against tho outlaws with an armed force and that Pershing has handled the situation with sagacity and skill AS T T 0 T Santa Fe and Southern Pa cific to Unite in Railway to Coos Bay. PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 21 The Oregonlan snys: "Portlnud and San Francisco will bo linked by n rail road along the extreme edges of the Pacific coast, , "This development lias been mndu possible by the recent ncrectnont of the Santa Fe and tho Southern Pa cific to extend the Northwestern Pa cific, which thoso two roads own Jointly, from Its present terminus ut Sherwood, Calif., 112 miles north of San Francisco. Calif., to Shlvely, Cal if., about 100 miles north of Sher wood. "lletweon Shlvely and Trinidad, Calif., a distance of about 50 miles, another link of thu Northwestern Pa cific property Is In operation. Tho senport town of Kureku Is on this ronil. It Is understood Unit tho Juris diction of tho Santa Fo In the now Poitlnnd-Snn Francisco line will ex tend only ns far north as Kurokii. "Tho Southern Pacific bus nr rmie,o;l to finance const ruction of the line north of Tiiiildnd alone. This lino will bu built from Trinidad through Crescent City, In Del Norte county, Calif., to Gold Heach, Ore. Two Unities Available. "Whether connection with the Southern Pacific's existing property will ho madu from Gold Ilench to Grants Pnss or whether the lino will bo extended northward to Myrtlo Point, where ltwlll Join tho Kugono Coos llr.y lino, now under construc tion, has not been determined, Hi ther route Is fcuslblo. When this project first wns undortaken a few years ago tho plnn was to build through Coos Hay. but presont In tentions are to follow the llogue Illver valley east from Gold Heach to Grants Push. "Tho Southern Pacific bus mndo mi appropriation of $14,122,5(55 for Improvements on the Pacific system and Oregon subsidiary Hues. While n part of this will bo used In carry lug on tho development of tho Port land. Kugono & Kastorn a Southern Pacific subsidiary In tho Willam ette valley, the funds for tho all coast lluo nlso will come out of this appropriation. Wo lie Kvpcctcd Tills Summer. "Tho Santa Fo bus concurred In tho proposed extension of tho North western Pacific iih plnnned by the Southern l'aclflc Work on the joint line probably will be done this sum mer. The survey provides that tho northern extension bo built out of Wlllits. about 1 1 miles south of Sherwood, us tho Hue dlvoi'gos sllght- v to tho west from Wlllits to Hhor wood. Rome woilc north of Wlllits a ready has been done. "Flnnining of those Improvements lias been completed, Tlio Koiiuiorn Pacific locontly obtained permission from tho State Itallrnad Commission of California to expend $18,000,000 for various detclopinent project t In that state and Oregon. Of this sum $18,000,000 will bo raised from tho Southern Pacific surplus while $30, 000,000 will ho raised by Issuing two-yoar notes bearing fi per cent In terest. Tho Commission has sot 07 1-2 iih n minimum figure nt which tho notes shall bo sold. Ah collater al tho SouUiorn Pacific proposos to place in trust approved securities now in Its treasury, Including Issiioh of tho Pnclflc Khjctrlc Hallway Com pany nnd of the Northwestern Paci fic. Thu application, mndo to the Cnllfornlii Commission lust week, was tho largest over presented to that body. "This all-coast route will bo con siderably Bhortor than tho present Shasta route of tho Southern Pacific. It will ellmlnnto much ciirvutiiro and many heavy grados. Tho running time between Portland and Sail Francisco, It Is bolloved, can bo greatly reduced. ".Moreovor. It will develop u boc tlon of tho Pnclflo slopo that now Is without railroad faculties and that offors Inestimable productive possibilities." U. S. District Attorney McNab of San Francisco Makes Complaint. DEPARTMENT0F JUSTICE YIELDS TO INFLUENCE. Prosecution of Prominent and Wealthy Persons is Or dered Stopped. Hr Amo. Inlitl l'no lo Coon lUf Tlmo. 1 SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Juno 21. United States District Attorney McNuh announced today that ho had resigned Ills office. Ills res ignation follows an exchange of tel egrams with Washington regarding the conduct ot tho local Federal Prosecutor's office. McNab said lu his uiessngo of res ignation that be fools forced to re- Blgu becniiso of orders from Attor ney General Mclteynohls tying his hands In the Dlggs-Camlitettl whlto slave cases mid In Indictments against officials of the Western Fuel Company, lie says bo receiv ed orders by telegraph to postpone action lu these cases. Attorney McNab, lu Ills messago, said that DlggH mid Cmuliiettl were Indicted for n hideous crime which ruined two girls and shocked tho moral sense of tho people of Cal ifornia. "I ' advised tho Department of Justice that attempts bad been made to corrupt tho Government witnesses ami that friends of thu defendants are publicly boasting thnt the wealth uiiil prominence of tho defendants' relatives wilt procuro my ham! to bo stayed through In fluence nt Washington." lu regard to tho Western Fuel Company, he snld: "I was compell ed to give what 1 heretofore liullg nnntly refused to nckuowiudge, umuely, thnt tho Department of Justice Is yielding to Influence which will cripple and destroy thu usefulness of this office. I cannot consent to occupy this position iih n mere automaton and to have tho guilt or Inuocensi) of ilch and pow erful defendants who have been Indicted by an unbiased grand Jury on overwhelming evldonco, deter mined In Washington, on represen tations on behalf of the defendants, without notice lo me. Accompany ing his letter of resignation, Mc Nab addressed a messago to tho At torney Geneial In which ho Mays, referring to the whlto slave ami. Western Fuel cases mid to tho com ment of tho Department of Justlco on the latter cases that the Depart ment "will hereafter determine whether to try (oriuln defendants,"' that ho Is convinced t lint the action taken "will destroy tho prestige and ruin tho usefulness of this office mid will result lu the ultimate oh capo from punishment of certain of thoso defendants." Repenting his statement mndo lu his uiessngo of resignation that while slave cases would bu stopped by nppcals to Washington, Me-Nab continues: "lu the meantime cor ruption and Biihordluntlou to per jury will weaken nnd destroy tho cases long befoio the autumn Is hero. If the Western Fuel direc tors are Innocent, they need not apply to the Department for pro tection, hut they should welcome tho opportunity to present tholr defense to the jury and assert tholr Inno cence." Maury I. Dlggs, former Stato Architect mu Drew ('amino! 1 1, son of former State .Senator A, Camlii ettl,' recently appointed Commission er of Immigration by Prosldout Wil son, eloped to Iteiio, Nov.. with two high school girls of .Sacramento, leaving their wives mid babies ho hlnd them. They woro discovered In n house In Iteiio, whore they were living, and the four woro brought back to California and tho men Indicted under tho Maun act IH'f.GAIUAXS IlKGIX ATTACK. Troops Advance for Attack on (i'iccLm ami Servians, tnr amwuim rr to com iu? tiim VIKNNA. Juno 21. An attack by tho Bulgarian troops on tho Ser vians and GreokB Ib oxpeotod at the river Vardar In Macedonia, accord ing to Austrian newspapers. The co-operation of tho Greeks and Ser vian armies has beon accomplished. Tho Servians aro concentrating on fortified positions on the right hank of tho rlvor. Three bands of Montonogrln In fantry aro advancing through Mace donia to Join tho Servian troops at tho front. Times' Want Ads bring rasults. EUGENE MEN LEASE NORTH BEND BUILDING litney Mllllioii, of Willamette Valley it.v Take I'lve-Vcnc Lcimc on lliisinchs Location. Tho Simpson & Ilyler building on Sherman avenue, next to the Coos Hay Grocery store In North Hond, was leased this week to Pitney & Mllliroii, two business men from Kugono, for flvo earB, It Is under stood thoso gentlemen will put In a first-class, modern billiard nnd pool room. They have nlso leased n roBldonco property and export to ho located permanently In North Hond, about July 1. Thoro Is nn npproclnblo Increase lu the demand for both business ngd residence property In North Hflitd recently by parties from the out sldo. and several new establishments aro oxpectcd hero In tho near future. i:vi:s i:.'min'i:d and glasskk FITTKD at ItKII CHOSS DltlKl stohi:. FIIKSIf SIIII'MKNT KOSTKIt OHKAH'S CANDV nt LEWIS'. Have your Job prlnUng done at The Times office. m on Pag0 Fj9Hr) Try The Times' Want Ads.