The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 20, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' i J"' y
We Invite You to "1e Busi
Men's Store"
Steamer in From San Fran
cisco This Morning With
Passengers and Freight.
The Nairn Smith arrived In this
morning from San Francisco with
passengers and freight. In the
enrgo vjib about GO. 000 bricks for
The Chandler Annex, three carloads
of cobblestones for the pulp mill,
a donkey engine for the Southern
Pnclflc nml considerable miscellan
eous stuff.
Capt. Krlckson, of the Hedondo,
camo up this trip on tlio Minn.
Sonic of his friends here thought
that tlicro was a wedding In sight
but later in the day It was found
that he came up to take Capt. Ma
gee's place on the Xunn Smith
while the latter enjoys a vacation
and moves his family Into his new
Tuo Hedondo Is still on drydock
and It will probably bo a fow weeks
beforo she will bo ready to go
back on the run again.
Among those arriving on the
Nairn Smith were:
Capt. II. C. Peterson and wife;
E. D. Ward, II. VI Hiiltinnnn. .Airs.
Uraco Taylor, Miss Parks, Mrs.
Parks, G. Wlnborg, and thirty steer
age. The Xntin Smith will sail Monday
at 3 o'clock.
Wn-lilugtoii In Pint. The Wash
ington, carrying freight only, cross
ed In from San Francisco this
morning and Is now at Ocean Dock.
Sho brought 2"0 tons of miscellan
eous cargo and will take on a load
of box shooks, shingles ami a largo
consignment of cascara bark. She
Is scheduled to sail Sunday morning.
- -u. , .
city, etc., and If the company was not
entitled to pay for UiIh. Mr. Al
lirecht replied In tho nfflrmatlve.
During tho afternoon, Mr. Teal
wanted to wnow If a Htntoment by
Mr. Stutsman of tho pressure at tho
city hall, sworn to by Mr. Stutsman,
would bo accepted by Albrecht as
fair and tho latter ropllod It would.
Kxpert (lieono stated that January
28, ltu:i, ho took a pressure test at
tho home or C. II. McLaughlin and
found scvouteuu pounds pressure.
City Attorney (loss Introduced tho
statement of the Polk directory pen
plo to show the Increase In popula
tion Mini also a statomeut of tho Ore
gon Power company showing tho
number of consumers In Mnrshfleld
and In .North Iloud, a statement by
City Unglnoor llucklnghnm showing
tho number of huslnoxs houses and
resident ox nml promised a similar
one from the Coos Hay Homo Tele
phono company.
Honry Sengstnckon was the last
witness beforo a recess was taken
and tostlflod that ho ronsldereil some
of the laud In the wnter company'
trnct woth $000 per acre and some
or It worth $i;oit or less per acre.
In his erosn-oxninlnntlon of Car!
Albrocht. Mr. Teal touched In n
rather sarcastic way upon Mr. Al
brecht making certain that tho wat
i'V expei ts whllo here saw part of
a frog or other animal coming out
of his faucet.
TOKI.OW the HAXII to i:i;.
;hi:vs ;hpm: srvnw punk.
The Mid-Summer Dance
Swedish Society Linea
The Finnish Hall, Saturday,
June 21, 1913
Will be ono of the best dances ever given on Coos
Bay for yeais and if you surely want a good time you
had better come along,
Good Band Music
Come One! Come All!
Cars leave Flagstaff 7:30 p m.'; Bay Park, 7:40
P.m. Cars run from Bunker Hill every 15 minutes
after 7 p, m, Tho cais will run right up to the hall
wiuioui iranster, uoors open
Steamer Brings Full Passenger
List and Large Cargo
Tim steamer Hrcakwoter crossed
In from Portland early this morning
with a full passenger list and n
large cargo. Included In the freight
were two Cadillac automobiles con
signed to George lioouruni. nireo
lord carH that were also to ar-
1 rive were loft behind because the
i railway failed to place them on the
I Captain Macgenn also brought tho
' I.. I. ..II ............ ....
new Buuninriiic uuu uii.iim.ur, uuu
Is to be placed at Port Orford reef
The following Is the list of pas
sengers arriving:
F J. Miller, .Miss Mabel Olson. Es
ther lloytl, G. G. Merrirield. Capt.
Spauldlng, Anna Hartt, Hesslo Ayro,
Win. Donebrako, Mrs. Win. Hone
brake, II. W. Tuttle. Mrs. II. W.
Tuttle, Mrs. A. Craven. Miss James,
Miss Hose Lilly. Mrs. (1. Delmoro. A.
Delmore, Win. Kelly. Mrs. Win. Kel
ly, Julia Kelly, C. L. Lang. J. W.
Hennett, J. X. Tcnl, J. I). Goss, A.
II. Corey, K. P. Holt, C. U. Altcheson,
C.C.King, A.Grout, C.S. Mitchell. F.
Wilson, J. Telnndor. J. II. Slger. Win.
Dolan. It. I.eldy. T. C. Campbell, W.
F. Miller, Miss Shaw. Mrs. Porham,
Mrs. M. Smith. Win. Wlllett, Mrs.
Wlllett. Karl Wlllett. F. C. Hindi,
Thos. Wood, O. Klklns. Hall Ueboll,
Mrs. F. Ueboll, Mrs. O. C. Wright,
J. W. Johnson, M. Marltneb, G. Jhes
leyertls, J. Iposto. G. Hultz, J. La
tones, C. M. Uvcnson, Mrs. Mnckey.
Mrs. llrando. .Mrs. Cox. Miss Cox,
Mrs. Win. Hralnard. F. Ulckstend.
II. Anderson, II. H. Hogers, K. W.
Monroe, Mrs. Monroe, Y. Mouroo, C.
.1. Green, K. Hurley, Miw. 0. Dixon,
II. C. Cooloy. Mrs. Cooley, Juno Cool
el. L. K. McKlnley, F. Green, Il.Chnl
lacombe. It. K. Perkins. T, Stewart,
.1. S. Williams. M. J. Veldkamp, A.
Voldkamp, .1. Motto. C. Adle. M.
Snore, M. Holnstors, It, Snyder. V.
Nelson, A. Thompson, M. P. Hatkcu,
Mrs, L. C. Kimball. Mrs. J. I). An
derson, I.. K. Clark, J. Mnzurosky,
J. C. Saunders, Geo. Thomascn, W.
It. Wlngott, J. U. Mnroln. G. L.
White, Jno. C.ook. M. W. Drill, M. II.
Nelson, W. Hroauda, A. White, Mrs.
O. Cronkehlte, Miss L. Hekhoff. J.
C. Frank. II. Huntley, Mrs. Huntley.
Mrs. Nngle.
Tliu Chandler.
II. K. Hultninnn. City; J. X. Co
loiiib, Louisiana; Henry C. Peterson
and wife. San Francisco; 11. II. Hog
ers. Portland; C. II. Altchson, Port
land: T. .1. .Miller. Albany, Or.; T.
K. Campbell, Cottage Grove; C. J.
Green, Salem; .1. II. Marlon. Port
laud; Geo. It. Merrlfleld, Seattle;
Mrs. V.. O. Kimball. Klamath Falls:
II. Church. San Francisco; Gus Perot,
Portland: G. M. Hrasrield, Tacoma,
L. 1). Lundy, Salem.
Hotel Coos,
C. K. Cox anil wire. Portland:
W. W. Gage. Coqulllo; Mrs. It.
Jones and sister, Coaledo; Jno.
Martin. Coiiillle; W. T. Goodwin.
Itliinco Hotel.
Fred GuMuvson. Portland; O.
Haudleiuau. Handon; K. Pomoniy;
II. I). Coo. North Hand.
I.lojil Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs, Shorn. Sandport,
Idaho; II. A. Spegel, Portland;
Miss Gladys Gibson, Portland:
Archie- Gibson, Sail Francisco; Fritz
Kouce, Saginaw, Mich.: Joseph
Sellng, Portland: II. Smith. South
Inlet; Miss Mublo Johnson. San
Fraiulsio; Carl L. Gorge. Port
8 o'clock,
Sails at Noon With Large Pas
senger List Will Re
turn Monday.
The Alliance sailed nt noon to
doy Tor Kureka with a large list
or Coos Hay passengers bound for
the California city. Passenger triu
fle between Coos Hay and Kurokn
has been Increasing rapidly of late.
The following passengers sailed
from here for Furekn:
P. X. Thurston. Willie Thurston,
J. C. Wallace. J. O'Connoll. Mrs.
J. C. Wallnce, Violet Means. Mrs. J.
Hutchinson, W. T. Goodwin, Geo.
Long, J. J. Cronln, Miss It. SI.
Mason, Miss 13. Jameson, Miss Ida
Seoley. 13. A. McLaughlin. F, It.
Jose. G. H. Stevens, A. II. Flynn,
J. T. Stevens. G. A. Grlswold.
Hud Hrlghnni nnd Chns. Fisher
will have a hearing In Justice Shus
tcr's court this afternoon on the
charge or breaking Into Jack Now
liu's pool room the other night.
They were nrrested yesterday and
rclcnsed on $f0O bonds.
The North Hend Thlmblo Club Is
arranging for a cleanup day for
North Hend. Mrs. V. !:. Walters.
Mrs. Chas. Knlser and .Mrs. Fred
(linzler are In charge. The date
will probably be some time next
week so that the town will put
up n fine appearance for the Fourth
of July.
Win. II. McNay. of North Hend.
and Miss Florence ICdnn Watklns
were married Wednesday nt the
homo of the bride's parents In Xew
burg, Oregon. Hurtls ..IcXay and
Mrs. Louis Halsiger, of North Hend.
were In attendance at tho nuptials
Miss Maude Hughes, who has been
tho guest or Mr. and Mrs. C. 13.
Mathers for it fow days, left today
for her homo In Port Orrord.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace, or
I'nlon nvciiue, left today on the Al
llnnco for Kureka, for the benefit
of Mrs. Wallace's health.
Mrs. Kiln Falkenstelu and Mrs,
Halley and daughters, are sieudlng
the week at Ten Mile.
Mrs. Geo. l Inzer and Miss Freda
Hnzor. who have been the guests of
Miss Grace, Fnllon nt her homestead
above Cooston, are expected home
Mrs. Claudo Hockett, of Kmplro.
was a North Head shopper today.
Miss Helen Monde, daughter or Mi
ami Mrs. J. Monde or Xorth Hend, Is
a member of n class or 100 who will
graduate from the Lo Angeles Xor
ninl school next Thursday.
Tho North Hend band boys havo
received their new uniforms but will
probably not wear them until the
Fourth of July.
13. It. Mercor was selected school
director at Cooston last Mondny and
It was decided to fence the school
grounds and othcrwlso Improve the
school. A teacher will be elected nt
the next meeting of the board.
Mrs. Max Moore nnd daughter.
Helen, left by San Francisco for
Groat Hend. Kas whoro they will
make their home. Joe Moore accom
panied them ns far as San Francisco.
Miss Lottie Itlckinnii loft this week
for her home at Port Orford aftor an
extended slay with hor aunt, Mrs.
Thos. C'hni in, whllo attending high
school here.
Misses Doris nnd Helen Falken
stelu nro visiting at tho home or their
aunt, Mrs. G. M. Walker at Tomple
ton. Mrs. C. J. Van V.Wn is expected
home soon from a visit with her
daughter. Mrs. Shrimper In Portland.
John M. Kddy nnd family havo
moved Into the residence roiently va
cated by C. A. Davidson nnd wife.
Miss Penrl Heath Is tiiklnir the
teacher's examination at Couullle
this week.
Alva Grout, or North Hond. ro
tiirned on the Breakwater, linvlnir
completed his Junior ,enr at tho
University of Oregon.
big ' piaiG
Sons of Norway and Coos Bay
Band to Entertain Hund
reds on South Coos River
mo Sons of .Norway will hold
tholr annual picnic nt Reuegren's
Grovo no.t Sunday. It will bo the
big outing of tho yenr and it Is
OMiectod that hiimli'mlu u-m i, i..
Nothing has been loft undone to
iiiuitu it a mg success. The Coos
Hay band will furnish music all
day and the dancing pavilion hns
been in oxcellont shnpe for thoso
who wish to Indulgo In tho light
fantastic. Tho picnic will' bo oven
better for tho week's dolnv. Pros
Ident Johnson and his assistant's
having had an opportunity o get
things bettor prepared for It.
There, will bo boar service at
frequent Intervals from Marshflold
to tho grounds, first boats leaving
at S o clock Sunday morning from
.Market ayenuo wharf. Returning
boats will leave grounds at fre
quent Intorvals during nfternoon
and evening. Hoat faro 25 cents
ench way,
Hand concert Suiulny fornoon,
Atnletlc and sports program and
games in early afternoon.
Free danco all nftornoon, music
uy iuus uuy concert Hand.
Any day, any time to look, to buy i
yourself "at home'
IJ We carry complete lines of everything a man needs to
J We buy only reliable goods, and every article is sold on Its
CI We believe that
our customers
1$ We buy in big
profits, tett the
keep growing!
( If you're not already a "Hub man'' come and let lis mail
you one at any or our stores.
Hub Clothing and Shoe Co
Glentlale Bankers Say They
Refuse to Prosecute
Ray Diamond.
I small itKWAitu oi'i'i:m:i). V
l (ILKXDALK, Ore.. Juno 18. I
I Tho Clondulo Ktuto llnulc UiIh I
I inoruliiK authorized u reward of I
I $J(I0 for tho return of tho moil- I
I oy taken by Hay Diamond, tho I
I -'L' year olil ilOHimrnilo, who on
I Monday moruliiK hold up (.'null- ;
1 lor Smith and Heeured Home- I
I thliiK over $a.S00 In ciihIi. No I
i rowurtl, whntovor, Ih offeroil for I
I tho rapture, of Diamond.
Desire Tlu'lr .Money,
That tho offlroi'H nml dlroitorH of
tho Clendalo State Hunk appear In
illlforent uh to tho cupturo of Ituy
Diamond, tho L'2 year old iloxpcrndo,
who on .Monday moruliiK hold up
CiiHhlor .Smith, of tho (iloiulalo State
Hank, nml Hecured iiihIi to tho
amount of $2S(H), could ho no hotter
ovldenced than hy n Htntoinont intido
iiy vivo-i'reHldont Ilownrd, of tho
(ilendnlo iloposltory, Into yesterday.
In tulkliiK with Sheriff Qulno, Mr.
Howard khIiI Hint ho couriered )ln
inoud partially Iiiriiiio, nnd that tho
hank offlrlnlH would refuno to prose
ruto oven though tho bandit wiih eup
tured. This statonient, eoupled with
tho fact that tho hank has offorod a
Hiiinll reward for tho return of tho
inonoy mid nothliiK for tho enpturo
of tho desporndo, lends tho offlclnls
to hollovo that tho offlcois nnd di
rectors of tho hnnk nro more desir
ous of sucurliiK tho inonoy than tho
man who committed tho act,
Whllo Sheriff Qulno listened at
tentively to tho plcndliiBB of Mr,
Howard, tho officer refused to nRreo
that Diamond should o unpunished
In tho event ho Is captured. In
fnct, Sheriff Qulno told Mr. Hownrd
that Diamond would ho prosecuted
In tho ovont of enpturo, roKardlesH of
tho attltudo displayed by tho officers
oi ino nnnic.
stami'khi: von divoucks
IS MKfJl'.V l. Kia.MATH
KLAMATH FALLS. Of., Juno 20.
Tho wiseacres of this community
are now pondorliiB over tho causes
for tho sudden growth of tho local
divorce evil. Twonty-flvo divorce
cases at ono slnglo term of Circuit
Court nicnns that within tho past
fow months nt least ono out of
every 100 families In Klnmnth coun
ty has bosun legal proceedings to
dissolve the hnmla nf innttl,.r...
It would means that during tho year
ono out of every 25 families of
Klamath County would find mnr
rlago a falluro nnd seek rollof
through tho divorco court-.
Circuit Judgo II. L. nonson lias
JUSt 1)0111111 the .Tunn tnrni np nn..i.
and on tho docket thoro aro 2fi
cases whoreln wedlock Is declared
unbearable. Many of tho nnrtioa
ecently como to trinmnti.
the "True Business Proo-n" ,--., ,
i . ... . wwm
vaiue, service, ana a square deal every tbe
We're never satisfied until you are!
Come back if there's any cause for
complaint, and let us make it right!
volumes (for our three stores), sell at short
straight truth about our merchandise, ani
Three Stores
Coos County League and Of- San Francisco Shuts P;
I nut onrl lonird and S
ficers May Stop Practice'
Close Game at Bandon
Tho Cooh Hoy County IliiHolmll
leiiKiio may Introduce a new Innova
tion soon by prohibiting' bottliiK on
tho grounds, tiio iciikuo, oi cum-,
can't Htop bottliiK before the kiiuich. i
but It can, hy tho cooperation of the,
l 1.. 4 I... (fiU'MU ktllU
n.wkiiiii,, ia uniii Id ho tho rii'tu
n nco that w III nronauiy pui mu -" vo ;
. ... 1. 4 1. ikiU' ..lnn
rulo Into effect. , , . I At Sacra .-
J. !:. Norton of Cociilllo. socrotiin sarramento ..
of tho club thoro. was In Mars hflcl. Oakland .
i..u ..I.. i., n uni.i Mint tin had hoill'il i -
last niKlit. no said uuu n" u i
- .. .. 1 1 ,l.,....lit It u'fllllll
oi ino now piuu nun iiiu"t' ,"";:
i. .. i ii. i.... iin Mimii'lit Hint It
aro' "i mosed to Sun.lay baseball. ' --, - ip
riioro Is a law prohlbltliiK liettli B -Vm in MrW .,c(i
that tho officers will havo amp o, I'll,"" olson. Vff(
unoriiy 10 muV uuiut I porlor n''--;ur.H!ii"-
niimia !! ii is v-- ...j i,m
Tho report that last Sunday's Bnmo s Pt j u rd ,,
tween Coqulllo and Handon would nnu , y a
........! la DOi,i ti m erroneous. "?,.' nUv f MfH.T '
ii n-ml I an. o would nna w. f . - u
i. .nnt.i...i m nid to bo orroncotw. '" ... 0t M?r r
Thoro was somo trouble 'Z Kind enough to f'',',!
i,il r llniwlnn liecnllSO llO h1." j.-rlnfftbelKe"' , fl
iiu iid kuiiih " "'"i" "' .',.trn wore '"'"'.j... na""r.
forred or
ar withdrew tno oui -"- 150 rougn "-, d '
,o Htnrtn.i. Thero woro ,.,, nd only Jr"ltttli
umpires, niowor of Coqulllo and Cat-. pn di MtajV
nnio siarieu, tu'" " "', A,.t ; ea nu .":: neWlu:
es. niowor of Coqul e .am Ca :- " ,ed. AWW
? '''(and then the first hase- gj H and , I ' -
toriiii or
:"."',.; 7unM first base- i'1" Tburnea.i
ni niinti
iiiuii inupjiuiH i
.thing up Jo the enc M j .
ith nnd there woro but nlon3 maWorffl,tl nr tim ninth nml thoro woro but ln.nnJ ma.Unutl;
mftiminn. A intiiinr ii n in iiiu -" uf . ,
two out, two on bases and two biiUob fty jj m
on tho batter when tho error oc- h sul,?1 1
curred. Tho game had gono nn hour can tfOJk
ana forty-threo minutes "",. irllii"" x".j- -.-havo
boon called In anothor two mm - , tIiT5lVE
Ills, a hall Plnv". ortfJ
!o arrived today from Wg;
of good nromlso nrrl
I'oiMniiil to taKO in"'" ". .:,..
Marshflold team. Ho wl 1 P!'"" l I ""Jjnes o Mrt
hold down tho bag at third uaso la Bf cb,mDey
Sunday's gamo. 258. i iW
. . .-i-j vi-kTT linvfl
ALWAYS TJSKD. . Phone 75. Pac"jQ
you choose,
Myrtle Point
Out and Venice and $
mento Win Gamcs.1
, vi.iwi av niDl
,.,....,- -1
I.os Aiifelea ... S j
ijiiniuiiu :; ..
Vcnlcu .... l
l in ,