luaaktttrMM2 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1913 EVENING EDITION. 'V vry 'OR our young men we've got some of the snappiest styles ever tut up, in sack suits and Norfolks. fhe fabrics are chosen with a view the lively young taste; weaves and jattems a little too "fast" for the old- men; models designed by young ben, for young men. art, Schaffner & Marx lake them; there's no better way of tiling you that they're just right; all- ool weaves, tailored to fit; ready lothes that are better than made-to- leasure a lot better. ' wwA r" X I Ed .nwi: TIDF.S Helow Is given tlio tlmo and height of high and low water at l ilnrshlleld. I The tides arc plated In the order of occurrence, with their times on the first line and heights on the second lino of ench day; a compar ison on con ccutlvo heights will Indira to whether It is high or low water, i-'or high water on the bar subtract 2 hours 3 4 minutes. C.pjrlfit llirt,btfat le VUn See what $25 will do; wc sell them at lower and higher prices. WOOLEN MILL STORE This storo Is tho homo of Hart Schaftner & Marx Clothes 20 Urs. . a. 03 9.52 4.43 0.1 1 Ft. . . 0.3 O.S 4.7 2.0 21 Urs.. 3.13 10.30 T..23 10.30 'Ft. .. 0.1 O.r. 4.8 2.r 22llrs.. 1.23 11.07 0.01 11.17 IFt... 5.S 0.1 4.9 2.5 WF.ATHF.R FOHKCAST. (lly Associated Press.) OHKGON Probably folr to night and Saturday. local tk.mpf.ratuiu: HF.COHD. For tho 24 hours ending at I 4.43 a. m., June 20, by RcnJ. Ostltnd, special government me- tcorologlcal observer: I Maximum v . . . GG I Minimum 44 At 4:13 a. m 40 Precipitation 00 Precipitation fllnco Sept. 1, 1912 Gl.GI Precipitation same period last year 59.10 Wind: Southwest; cloudy. adies, Look Here! morrow, Saturday Only i'itii i:vi;rv i.oo iiotti.i-: of Jii.irr watiir wi: will civi: AVCKNT IIDTTM-: OF ALMOND tllllA.M FREE! iti:.Mi:.Miii:it tomorrow only. "THE BUSY CORNER," .ockhart-Parsons Drug Co. ONE MAIN 298 US DM! .NOT PIIOXK HKPORT. F.dltor Times:- I wish you to mnko tho statement that I did not tele phone the report that "Kay Juob nntl .I1hs ItoburtHon wero mnrrlod last Saturday night. If hoiuo one Htnii'd t .r.t 1 did, they misrepre sented mi', MUS, WALTER ROHHRTSON. Knstsldo, TKi: a good day's OITIXG and PICNIC at : XF.GItK.VS (iltOVK. !We Do Catering For Parties room for small haxotms. I White House Bakery (Formerly Lcld's.) IIO.V l.rXCIIICS FOR PICNIC IMItTIKS. Iatiueli Stranded. Tho North Stnr struck on the mud near Dynn mlto on her In trip this morning. The passengers wero taken off In a row boat and brought to town. On Vacation. Herbert Ilogcrs, of the launch Express, left today for Ten Mile for nil outing. Ho will re turn Sunday. This is tho first vaca tion trip he has taken In years. Engagement Announced. Mrs. Mary M. Drowning announces the engagement of ho? daughtur, Anna Molroso Drowning, to Mr. Frederick Witter Payne. The wedding will tako place In tho early autumn. Issues Invitations. Mrs. Eugene O'Coiiuell nnd Mrs. Iloyd M. Rich nrdsou have Issued InvltatloiiH for a card party to bo given next Tues day afternoon nf tho homo of Mm. Rlehnrdson. 383 North First streot, In honor of her sister, Mrs. Win. Ford. Will ItulM. Ilcrt Mnthlsou of Hunker Hill, has awarded Louis Strommcii nf North Ilcnd, the con tract for erecting n S2i00 bungalow for him at Hunker Hill. The new homo will bo started soon and will bo one of the nicest In that section. Leave Tomorrow. Tho passen gers listed to lenvo via Drain tomor row morning are: Miss lllnneho Wllllnms, Miss Grace Williams, Miss Hilda Stenholin, E. M. Ilosonthnl, G. .Inmseii, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Tliom iib W. .1. Lloyd, C. Sweet and wife. (iron Fine Retries. Mrs. (Slator of Hay Park sont a box of flno Mar shall strawberries to Tho Times of ficio today. The berries aro of flno flavor mid exceptionally largo. Ono berry picked from her garden which Itf.011 hill laud, measured flvo Inches In circumference. .No Sunday School. Erie John sou announces that tho Sunday School nt the Marshlleld Swedish Lutheran Church has been disband ed for tho summer season and that tlioio will be no services or Sun- ORPHEUM TONIGHT: Pit SYSTEM Knlom. A convict drama. rilEIt HILI, -Vltngrnph. Westorn story. 0 HILL Vltugrnph. Western. SI1K LEFT OPEN Pntho Drnmn. Ill) qi'EREC Vltagrnph comedy. LAUGHS AT LOCKSMITHS Vltagraph romedy. PI(TUItr.S. ALLXF.W.AXR TIIH MUSICAL LF.PPF.RTS WILL L'ltMSlI Till: .MUSIC. HF.ST SHOW IX TOWN. ARM. 10c. l ONE 158-R 'EN-CENT senger Service EtsnriKl.n CYor.ERV. BUY THE VERY BEST tery BUTTER mum: i XDF.H XITAHV IOXOITIOXS IX A CLFAX , AXD MOHKItX I'actorv. STERILIZER ' MILK AXD I'llKA.M. PURE ICE ,eiT. K a. ni. and 2 p. in. Phone 7 Outing Parties aro enjoynblo, but It costs money to rig up. Wo will lighten your burden In this respect. Hnvo you learned the "Power of theDlmo?" Conio and seo 'ALWAYS SOMI3THIXG .NEW." Peoples' 5-10-I5c Store Xew Location Front St, Opp. Postofflce LOOK! MIL CONSUMER, LOOK! Why pay the other man's bills? When you trade at tho iwiaci: MAKKirr you get full value for your money spent. The ONLY CASH MAIL KHT In the city. Our meats nro as good as the best, and prices are right. The Palace Market SYLYKSTKIt JOXKS, Manager. Phone 40G, 180 No. Broadway "In business for your appetite" TAKE A LOOK AT OUR TOOL WHMDOW TONIGHT When the lights are on, CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Saws of every description, Bucks Chisels, P, S, & W, Chisels Iron Levels, Level Sights, Irwin Auger Bits, Bit Gauges, Bailey Planes, White's Chisels, White's Slicks Wood Levels, Level Glasses, Stanley Braces, Butt Gauges, Stair Gauge Fixtures, Yankee Breast Drills and Screw Drivers, Rules, Squares and Steel Tapes, Carborundum Stones, MACHINISTS AND ENGINEERS' TOOLS. Straight Shank, Taper Shank and 5-8 Shank Drills, Pipe Cutters, Stocks and dies and Taps, Reamers, n Hack Saws, Cold Chisels, Packing Tools, ALL OF HIGHEST QUALITY. day School until the now pastor arrives, which will bo about August llrst. Copenhagen Ciiiups Close. Re port reached Coos Hay today that two of tho Copenhagen railway camps closed temporarily to permit consolidation nnd removal to a point nenrer to the tunnel, whore some heavy grading work Is to bo done. Laborers lild off. Superintend ent T. C. ttusscll of tho Heaver Hill mine, laid off If, workmen yestor day because the development work on the new mine Is sufficiently ad vanced to permit completing the driving with a BinnIcr force. Ih Hoovering. Mrs, C. H. B-un-gan, who three months ago foil and broke her leg came to town this morning and will spend several days at tho homo of her mother, Mrs, M. H. Smith. Mrs. Dungnu is on crutch es nnd It will probably be mnny months before she Is recovered from the Injury. Double Operation. An unusunl cose occurred at Mercy hospital this week, two sisters being operated on for appondleltln within n few hours of each other. They were Misses Victoria and Stella KJelland, daugh ters of O. O. KJelland, n well known Kentuck Inlet rnnchcr. They nro reported to be getting along nlcoly. Seek Water Supply. L, J. Simp Simpson of North Do ml, was In .Marshfleld today on business. Ho re ports thnt the company has not yot determined which of the two sup plies they will utilize In putting In their own system to supply the North llend mills. They hnvo had an ex pert going over tho situation nnd will have the new system In for use this fall. TI1I11I Man lliiiicocri. A North Ilcnd Greek nppeared boforo Jus tlco Ponnock today and stnted that Hill Pairing, the Greek who Is want ed here for obtaining money under false pretciiBOR by soiling his hnlf Interest In the O. K. chop houso to two different men, nnd also sold tho Interest to him nud received a payment of $100 on It. Sheriff Gngo left this morning for Drain to bring Paulns bnck, .Motorcycle Accident. Tho Rev. Father Springer of North llend, and r. li. unnmiieriaiu met with a slight motorcycle accident hint evening. Father Springer wart giving Mr. Chamborlaln n rldo to North llend, nnd when they hit tho soft sand on tho North Rend rond north of the stave mill, the machine overturned, dumping both the riders. Luckily nolther wns hurt and tho motorcycle only slightly damaged. Wed In Sun Francisco. Word has been received hero or tho marriage of Miss Mnllle Spraguo nnd Kdwnrd OrniHby, n printer, at San Francisco, a fow weeks ago. Tho ceremony took place at tho home of tho bride's sin ter. Mrs. Dr. II. C. Rest nt fiOfi Ilalght streot. The brldo was born nud raised on Coos Ray, her parents hav ing lived here for a number of years. Her mother was a sinter of .1. .1, Cllu kenheard of Sumner. Other rela tives also rcsldo hero. Conullle Pioneer Dead. Tho fu neral of Mrs. .1. L. Roy, of Co qulllo, who died yesterday, will take placo tomorrow nt 10 n. m. under the auspices of the Kastern Star, In which organization both she and her husband hnvo taken a prominent part during their long residence tu Coos County, he bolng presout at tho Institution of tho grand chnp tor In Oregon, They hnvo made their nonif) on n ranch near Coiiulllo fur tho pnst 30 years. Rosldos her hus band Mrs. Roy Is Hiirvlved by two married daughters. Several luem-bei-H of Doric Chapter u, ti, 8., In cluding Mrs. .1. T. Hull, will go to Coqulllu tomorrow to attend tho services. Profll From Cow. .1. A, Good will, of South Coos River probably has established a new record for tho profit from one cow. During tho mouth of May Mr. Goodwill received n clierk from tho North Rend rondensnry for $211. It; for the milk from tho one cow. She fur ulshod about 1000 pounds to tho Condeusary and In addition to this sufficient milk and croam for tho family, amounting to nt least 200 or 230 pounds more. Lnst spring, Mr. Goodwill thought of selling the cow nnd offored her for $00, but tho party refused to give moro than $"! and now the profits from her for ono month moro than equals nearly one-fourth the value ho plac ed on her. Fresh Fit UTS AXI)' VKGiri'A ItLICS as usuni, at Olllvant & Weav er's. Phono a 7 r, -J . AMONG TIIK SICK. I William Egenhoff. who had his hand operated on at tho Mercy hospi tal Monday Is home today. .1. Wright Wilson has been con fined to his homo on South Second street the past fow days, with tho la grippe, but Is now rapidly improving. t AT.' OXG TIIK WATKIIFIIOXT t The Hardy cniuu In toilny from Snn Francisco with n load of freight for North Rend nnd Is taking on n enrgo of lumber at North Rend. June Is the Month of Weddings And they say that there Is "nothing half so sweet In llfo as love a young dream," but, say, have you ever tasted Sar tor's candy? Any girl can toll you It Is JtiBt as sweet as love. And tho Sartor fountain drinks nro as delicious as a dream. WANT ADS. WAXTFD A competent cook nnil housekeeper for family of two. No children. Good wnges. Tele phone 303. FOR HFXT Two furnished house keeping rooms. Phono 39-L. FOR UF.XT I or O rooms for housekeeping In inodoru house, with or without furniture Terms reasonable Apply to Mary K. Thompson, 88C So. fith streot. FOIt ItK.NT Xlrely furiiMied Iioum kecplug rooms. Apply nt 352 First street- North. WANTF.D An experienced school teacher for District No. 82. on Ross Inlet. Write K. R. Hess, clerk, city. WANTKD Work by carpenter, gooil finisher. Will go out of town. Call Times office. TO LKT Two furiiMied bed room. References 002, So. 1 1th st. FOR HALK :onri-o miicli, inoitljr bottom laud; good bulldlngo; near Cnqullle. Would tnko closo In lot In Marshflold In part pay inont. Address "Owner," enro Times. I'OR SALK Household furniture, tents, etc,, nt residence of Dr. J. T. McCormnc, ench week day from 10 a. m., to 2 p. m., until disposed of. WAXTIID Drop Hide child's bcil. Information at Times office, FOR SAIiF. Rod Rnvon Alrdalo ter rlor puppies. Apply W. F, Town, nt Old Town, North Rend, Oregon. LOST (I'crinan silver purse with Initial "K." On Front Htreet. Leave at Times office. I'OR HUNT Small house, partly furnished, suitable for two per sons. Apply DOC South Sovouth st. I'OR HF.XT Two flie-rooin flat-. Modern and newly renovatod. Cor. Tenth and F.lrod avenue. Inqulro 80.r Contrnl nvoniie. FOR SALK Rlcycle and Plioun. graph. Vodor, Glfi So. Rroadway. I'OR IH-JXT A house. .No. 11.10 So. Seventh st. Cnro Times. FOR SAM-! CIIF.AP A Foul auto In good condition. Phono 175 Um pire or (iooilrum's Gnrago. WAXTKD Registered llolsteln bull, from a wook to a year old. Answer by iiinll, or phone 3101. CIiiih. Selander. Suinuer, Oregon. LOST A clilld'H bead purse. Finder please return to Times office. A Motor Boat For Everybody GET a portable detach able rowboat motor that wiH fit any rowboat In less than one minute. We would like to show you the Sttviwraitsf - niricMllLI no nQAT-MOTon. It weighs but fifty pounds and will drive a rowboat eight mllea an hour. It Is so simple a child can operate It. Call for handsom IlluitrattJ book, and tee that motor at HAZER & SON, Xortli llend Oregon. FOR SAM-: Span of work horses. Weight 1100 lbs. each. C. It. Flanagan, U58 5th st. S. i WANTF.D Selling by day. Phono 3151, FOR RIJXT. Rooms nud house keeping npartmonts. Lloyd Hotel. I FOR SAM-: I'J-rooni lodging house, I furnished. 3d North Front st. Phono 20G-J. FARM FOR SALE Dairy, stock nnd fruit farm con sisting of 518 acres, botweon 35 and 40 acres of rich bottom land, eight acres of bonch lnnd sot to apple treos and fifty ncrea moro that can easily be eloared for orchard and balanco good grazing land for cat tle, shcop or goats. Twolvo head good dairy cows and nil farming Implements necessary. Located on West Fork of Coos River, ono mllo from postofllce, school nnd boatlandlng, Ruy direct from ownor. For furthor Information, call or wrlto: W. A. OAOH. Allocanv. Pro. Poison Oak cured by using RKKMOL. A pleasant, refreshing, antiseptic, and cooling cream. ilISSiMSKQAS&U LJ2r Job printing done at vuice.