rr.ui iiimtnimfiirr'wwm A.''..'evFw.r"r . .--- 3 -a. utAC'4 pwT ..- If THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1913- EVENING EDITION. n . 1 -.M T it ' ! ' i Just Received another shipment of the famous Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauff Grocery Co. Phone 102 FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. Phone 57-J Marshfield Bowling Alley! arr, north rnoxT street Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY B ENJAMIN OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer and Architect. l'liono HKI-L Miirshflclri, Ore. JM, WRIGHT, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates (urnlahod on request Plana and specifications furnished If desired. An honest Job guaran teed. Phono 124-R. JOEL OSTMNI), Piano Tuner uud Repairer. 41b S. Sixth Street. Phono 108-L Lenvo orders at W. II, Haines Music Co. pEKJi RILEY DALL1NGER I'lunlst and Teacher Hoaldenco-Studlo, 237 So. Uroadwa) Phono 18-L. W. I. CHANDLER, Architect. Room 801 mitt ;(U2, Coko Bulldlas Marshfield. Oregon. 11. V. MORROW Dentist. 171 Grimes Building, over GraaJ Theater. OlIIco Phone 820. D W M. 8. TUKPEN, AUCIIITECT Marshflold, Oregon. Dr. a. j. iiKNrmx'H Modem Dental Parlr . Wu are oqulppod to do high clan work on short notlco at the verj lowest prices. Examination froe Ludy attendant. Coko Bldg., Opj Cbaudlnr Hotel, phono IK-J. A modern UncK . uildlng, Electrl Light, Steam Heat. Elegantlj Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Mctlln, rrop. Rates: 00 centa a day and upwards Our. Droailwav and Market Wooilrow Wilson's Brother Joseph It. Wilson, Is ouo of tlio dopartuieiit heads of thu IT. S. Kldollty & Guaranty Co. This company, like others represented by us, Is succeeding by securing thu most capable men In Its man agoinout. Fidelity bonds of all kinds; best protection; lowest premiums, I. S. KAUFMAN .V CO., Agents. FAMILY DINNERS In our now location, wo are es pecially prepared to cater to family trade. Regular meals or short or ders. Open day and night. MEHCHAXT'S CAKE. Broadway nnd Commercial Mfld. New and Second Hand Furniture bold on (Jio Installment plan. HARRINGTON, DOYLE A CO, HOIS Front St. Phono illti-L Marshfield, Or. You Auto Call Foote PHONE l-M-J NIOIIT a:,d day Stand front of lllanco ltllllard Parlor THREE NEW CARS After 1 1 P. M. Phono JJOO-I, Residence Phono .8-J. Careful Drivers -: Good Cars Be Up To Date Order jour Suit from TOnn The Tailor am! 1 JJXJ DrflB Rvnart 278 Frout St. Upstair. 1 NOTICE ! To the Citizens of the City of Marshfield: Notice is hereby given that the Public Utilities Commis sion of the State of Oregon, will hold a public hearing in the City Hall of said City at 10 o'clock A, M Friday, June 20th, 1913, at which time testimony will be taken in the matter of the complaint of the "City of Marshfield against the Coos Bay Water Company, All persons de siring to present evidence before this Committee are re quested to immediately consult with office of the City Attorney or the City Recorder, By order of the Common Council, JOHN W, BUTLER, Recorder, Paris, the Incomparable "LEARN ONE THING EVERY DAY" Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. 'Phone 58 No. 5. MADELEINE CHURCH. Copyright, ID Ml. by Tlio Associated Newspaper Helmut TWENTY-TIIKEE hundred yearn ago there stood ition the Aero polls overlooking Athens the most perfect building of ull (huso produced by I ho arclilieciH ol (Ireece. When Athens was occupied by thu Turks, thu Parthenon wan used as it iiiobiiiu and later to store munitions of war. In ii!S7 a eitn tionball Ignited thu powder stored there, causing an explosion that threw down many or the superb pillars and wieclted the handsomo structure. Since then It has ftillou lm been used as ,. i, .,.., "Ul " 's BANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEX ACRE TRACTS FOUR MILES SOUTH OX COUNTY ROAD $35 PER ACRE; $100 CASH, HALANCE TWO YEARS, NO INTEREST. NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL 1IENCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Ooralcl MacKibtodk REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. Surrounded thtuu columns. most licuiitli'ui Krench capital, nights or steps of thu entrance. by this a Mica r comtiinml. I01IIIIIIIH VII. other FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP COOS BAY SMALL ACCOUNTS ENCOURAGED Ono need not hnvo a largo account In this bank In order to enjoy the pri vilege It confers. Ilellovlng that en couragomont tends to develop the re sources of tlio small depositor, It Is tho policy of this bank to glvo appre ciative attention to nil who bring their business here, regardless of tho size of their transactions. Your ac count Is Invited. still further Into de,a. and mini) or the sculptured rigures upon Us exterior have been can led to Eng land. The Church or the .Madeleine lu Paris Is an almost exact reproduc tion or tho Parthenon, and one may look tit It and Imagine oneself upon the Athenian hill, except tor the motorcars and cabs that rush througa thu splendid street upon which It races. The .Madeleine, or the Church ol Sf. .Mary .Magdalen, was not alwit)s used for religious purposes. Occu pylug thu site of a rormer chinch, the prusent building was begun by Napoleon lu ISM, as a Temple of Glory, where the victories or Ann torlltx and .lean should be coniinoiu orated every year with elaborate ceremonies. After tho battle of Waterloo this plan was abandoned but the building went on as orig inally designed liv Pierre Vlguon massive cnrin. is utiii ,,r ii... Iroad ,! Hln(l! ! ''"I l ho level W HM'ii I... " iruilitn itiini'u. It s hicai III....,.".,,".". ... '..'"'" "Ill iiniiiiiiiiiin () () .( niClltS. 'I'llo Illlml.... .. rnl fine sculptuics ,Vd Z,,; iio or the latter ropr ',, ff'v. ' po eon rece Ivlntr it... . h ,V itowu ,,.' the laM11 ,'' nnrlng ptiHslou week ,,,,,? restlva s t in m.i..i..i..m1 " ' rr IIh music. " ' M one r the Niiest In P,,rl ll'l In supplemented , ,1n" o re hestrii. ",rRl Stan ling on th H1IH llf . .Made elne ,, ,,hH lIow Hoyalu to Hi,. Place ,e In (,,, Past, tho r.ont sweeps , "' . or lie It.to si. Ilono,',.. ,,,, , n Itys busiest shopping Mrwtt,. w." ' ',' "'" '""'I' Im absolute , ! I ero ono cannot help tlilnlliiK ,,,,, Vapoleon biiilded bet.,.,, liu. Ii n.ew arte.; all. ia that the ,. . Iirtil pile Is In rcuiitj ,,,, "; " . glory. Unking 1,1k name ,,, ) 14J ''"'iitH with lite niagiiiriccnce ,f ,,, art or dr -e. Every day different liiiinan . .t-ii. "mmt win appear In The limes. -V on can get a beautiful !, ii'i'iuiiiiciioii or (ills picture with live others, eiiimlly nttritLtlve by t) if. Inches In size, with tlili week h ".Mentor." In "The .Mentor' a well known authority covers tin subject of tho pictures nnd Ftorlci of the week. Headers of Tho Timet and "Tho Mentor" will limv Art Literature, History, Science, mid Travel, and own exquisite pictures On sale ut The Times office. Prlre ten cents. Wrlto today to The Times ror booklet explaining Th' Associated Newspaper School plan, appeal is :iuxti:d. Labor Lenders Will i'nny (Vo ( The Highest Tribunal. I It jr AMnrlMM I'ti.a In Oin, p.jr xmn WASIIINHTO.V. 1). C. .hum 111. fhler .lusllco White granted today the appeal to the Supreme Court ror Coinpers, .Mitchell, and .Morrison, the labor leaders who were convicted of contempt of court. Hnvo yourJob printing dono ai Tho Tlmos ofllco. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST RANK IX COOS COl'NTY. EstablMied 1HHI). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Time Deposits. Officers: T. W. Dennett, President. J. 11. Flanagan, Vice-President, R. F. Wllllums, Cashier. Jeo. l. Winchester, Assistant Cushier. A Sunday Dinner At the Right Price Per lb. Prime rib roast 17c Leg Mutton ,1.1c Loin mutton !.-,( Leg of Pork , IHe Loin Pork Chops IHe Lamb Chops IHe Pot roast lie Venl roast Li to IHe Shoulder mutton Per lb. ..imp llreast or mutton He llreast or veal H'c Shoulder Pork '"'' Pork steak D"' Mutton chops . 1.1c Plato Hiistlug lleer ,...l"ic KnnstiH City link sausage l-e Honie-iiinile bud, :( pounds '"'; .1 pounds 7.1c; III pounds, SI. 1.1 tj Marshfield Cash Market FOUR.IER. BROS., Proprietors .Mnislillcld nnd North Heuil. Phone 2'2l. Phono .11. sit I IG Arl h I Wrkti Criticism t in. i... . ' Hamlin :7Fti tlironch id. i ' lcW Hi.', fit fttf coiniiiiJ,..,J.ak tin rccoUiJ I,, m,. "eB0titel "i "u siiptv . m He ,". wi:il u SSH i1' " 'mt; ' "' URar men .1 iiiiici Iimi....!?.1.! iMlrl, """ III w i el, it . '. ' 'kI mirlnln.1 n ""Wit n. ;;.,"," '".n z: T,"ri i..n intertKidb J hn nri.n.1 k.. .i . 1 f "Certain r'lft nt In.f ..i.i . Of tllO boot MUrljx tils anmer to HkJh ntiKurtcd hit dtiir, fi, elated rrcubli!rm treatment of tm tz " A rim. I.l.. ' . not Lcfauielttntitd o..hur ituutf miYs n-"in8 0D(iiemaiia nnuii ii yoa HOI nil Jcct of keen Interctt i htnno went on finlg iiu uii) nun UIHUIIS I.IU nMBHA. .1 ........ . Ilia .ui.niT II UNOTJJI .. In.v l...w B.I.L .. WJ VU9J UU7, 1U3EI n 111 t- frnm lt",niiin,.k j":?."e""'..l I mi ii, ftiuuc tUBUCTJIl ilK illllUllg IDCCK1UIH curried: "The Pmll if..,...., n..... .. i. . j . IIIIVU .1IOH, .1 ?U 'I'lnns for Joitlt !!i-J nl TI.a 1I.V...H H World Serin ol BivU Situation In Chin." ull lltlrnl Situation la to closed by wrier th i lil v would cost id W ami ho truited "We ill ulvo viu ii rood a Itt." nttendlng Hit other ilit was ngtox. a r. C'orrciondfMe vltb tii (Iro of the Aiwcuitt Introduced which dtul. congestion of tei ei (mention wai reipou; brevity of tue iiauam loiter trom innua w rnn.l In nhlth UtDlU I II.. iinilcrjIfWl) lOT t nroiic. ana rewnraj' l.n Lnmr Old Aliwlllj to ho fair to all M otniP.i that then i ! Ins of beet ifr 'J In tlio near ii B(Ull.lllvu, v j hcet ugar ."" Ilnmlln akfd ' J ti.Anfl h.mll. 1BU 1 .,.. nml rnrrflOOtia p.ihi" : ..i tho Chieap o'","i to handle t" " i on Its new wHMJEJ n ,M. vaviann, iuv mcnMniMwrlott" rv T. Oinara i' a?i he Senate VWW 1007. .Nwftf'.SS fta ,uv . - .. . nm C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO 11Y USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 18a gouxil BROADWAY THE RECORD IMirmifiltAimivrc .oicriMnn .... Have photographic copies of all records o Coos County to date abstracts of titles, present owners, or any other Information roliK to real estate furnished on short notice """"nation relating BUSINESS OFFICE. 117 North Front St.. Marshfield. Phono 15U W. J. RUST, Manager City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: 'Will go nuywhero at any time." Stands Blanco Hotol and TUanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 41 Night Phono 40. MARKER GOODALK. nroorltora on Singer Sewing Machines Wo have thorn for rent op for sale. Machines Ropalrcd. Supplies and Needles for Salo. W. J. RITZ. Ml Park Ave. Marshfield. Phono 280-X. New Premiums .List received MK shipment of CHOICE GLASSWARE FOR PREMIUMS for our customers. Drop in and look them over Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'CONNELL RLDQ. Phone ilHI-I. tHI Market. T. J. SCAIFE. W. S. BROWN R A. II. HODGINS Marshfield paint and - DECORATING CO. Estimates Furnished. Phono 1M7-L MurshflcH Ore. Low In price, high In quality. Electric Irons Wo hnvo i few second-hand Irons In good working condition nt $1.75. New Irons, 93.150 up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 153 N. Broadway Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks between any points hi Marshllold for tho follow lug rntes, dollvery to bo made in tho first stories of buildings: o Ono trunk "Z Threo trunks '- Twolvn trunks l'M Star Transfer and Storage Co. t..i irofuiHM l'ron. Phones. 120-J: 49-L: 9S-R W. K. Snwyor 3. A. Goodwill Glass ! Glass ! All kinds Plato. Window, Mirror am. Art Glass. Majl orders or phone 70-J. Call nt 727 South Broadway. & ra uuru, ;..,iii become law " r grains u 'r,.',! result of !?" with the TiltP": CIIIKKXCVI vmyVA llr.fl SuOB l' BAU1"" uV currency "' '?,! met I" accord c the "TtVpresMoti agreed m.W So ffiiSTlUS-fl hanking. J.. !!:""" rr.troJLHjfe DRUNKS !.tsssa ,"L.Mdi.5:i can we : , aes" It destroy! J" ' beer, ?' XWtuat.Zi given m-.M 0f r Can be ?,, get jJ ,.i.i voulul:..ff0i hnsa vrbo " jjlf lent- rjjiu e in V r.mn. vtir those treati Come r -i lo" .ti jrontinei". ; ,,n ij v" .. .nt , 1U '-. with V1:. pai phone 71, i'