THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1913 EVENING EDITION. I Ufflffl) SCHOLARSHIP NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS Reynolds, Formerly of .now wins Anoiner Lor at Berkeley. fVeii received here of u I ' 1... MniHMtt Kill. onor o ..",. ""j;."V. ,, ..:., Ixttlll III I Illl lUllll IIUI1II tfnol. who I'1"' -,,fi.u" "'' Tlnlverslty or California mc :rk ,,f tlio summer school fl ........1 iiiilwiln kuIi I it i Ullll II IIIIIVHIU m ' ,11 enable lilm to finish bis there, beginning Him ihii. ' "..I 1 mill If villi' to t ' ".". .."".'..: ?:. ;..".r. nv menus ii "" " III inotlier. Mm. U ( . Huv .1 i.i niiw in i iiuiiiiii. iiur Icelwil Hie following uxplan- lolo from inni: . n'lehruung again. iii"iNi-i ' . ..f Iflltlll fl.'- rmy ihii" " h"" "" i, '..,, i mm ri!ci ivuii in- fortification this tnoriiliiK tlntl I liiTti uwaruen a i-M"iiirmini hard tlmt will imy tho hug- Gn September nt tliu nponliiK i' ...,,i I'm L'olnir to ueooiii iblnrshlps nro rnrely awardoil k-rt'Sldeiit siuuunis in mij ' Li ii lu considered iiiillo tin Ffor ii mini H" far IUV"' ,,H ' 'receive olio. However, inn lot niter my plnus sulistun far I kIiuii win mini my wor hnnt;lng the Hiimmer sossln' r till IJellll lllllll MllKunij mi-i foine homo tor iwo or inn" .1 if.iiiit.i iif.t'ti ft 'Ullll I mum ..; '. Knr n month nnd then wl11 V Hn enter upon iohiiiouco n- Ird." (tllixgs of coqfille. 1 Coos Cuinily Sent News as Told hy i iii.- ui-nuii. Clins. Donne drove through town yesterday on IiIh return to Mnrsh lleld from a short stnv above Myr tlo Point. Last night's school meeting re sulted In tho election of II. II. Hums uh illrector for the thrto-year term, nnil C. T. Skoels for two years, suc ceeding .t. II. OerdhiB nnd J. J. SI uti liv ri.Hiui'llvl. I u i n.i. reiicc wns unanimously elected cleric. 0. C. Sanfoid having declined re- tiomiuation. Aaseii Brothers are busy putting In polo chute over the railroad nnd county road oust of the city, whore they are preparing to put In logB for tho Coiiullle Mill & Mercantile Company. They ipect It to ho nbout two weeks hororo the llrst logs arc put In. M.. II M I I..... .. ..nn. ii. r. iiiiwil'liru III TIVUII Oil the Hreukwaler to vlnlt her and her iiunuiiiiu h Hin;iiin, Mr, ami .mtb. r I"? n I'll II it filifl t .. ti.t MHI. T O NORTH INLET ITEMS. AT TIIH IIOTi:t.S. 4 'i't... r'liiinilli'f. ! Croiiln, Kureka, Cal.: V. I' 18, Medford. Or.; S. II. (loir Portland; It. M. v. wiiiiiiiko md; S, .1 CiittiiiK. I'oruauii Ik'verM. .in. roruanii; u. i Portland; l 11. mor, e w iiiiiiilnll. Portland: .1. I' k Soattle; IMward I). Nooman Klynn. nan i-rancisco; .Mr. an hi I.. llmikliiH. lOuueno: .1. I , Coipillle; I. K. Porter Port K. II. ..lorKnn. u. h. h. .mhi k. v. vr u it. port nun: li Portland: It. A. (looilhlK End; II. lllock, Portlhnd. Moyd llolel. A niirnml Runllln! .Tni'1 I, Coipilllo; V. B. MnKon. Port F. I,, Klorin. Han Krancmco llnlimxi IMttHlllll-L'. I'n Mil' lona, Myrtlo Point; Mrs. (ieorii' Ird, Ht.HohurK; A. MeDauleln t IloselitirK; A. Ij. .MntiHon, unu Itl.l.WWl lli.l.ll H 11,111,111 1,1. V JohiiHon, Vlorunco; V. .1 Portland: MrH. conraii i.apc ?! Vnv Cnv. Pnniii '! Phrl' p, Camp 7: M. Swantoii, Lake J i). riiiiion. ftonvny. II. il.. I Ciuiu II. Poluiimn. Ten Mlln: J. C Id; .Myrtle Point; W. C. Wl' exico t'lty; J. u. uiioiiop 7. Pni- f'nv f'niiui ' Plirl p, Camp 7; M. Bwnntoii. Lake iiowioh, Aiimny, ur.; Ainor , Ten Mllo. Illllllll mill Mi mill Mm 1 u Lawrence. Mr. Lawrence In ex pected to arrive nbout July 1!() for a visit of ten dnys, when they will return to their homo In IndlnnnpollH, f till., where Mr. Lawrence In busl neHH tiiniinKcr of the IndlnnnpollH Slnr Iuhkiiu of nuwapaporH. COgt'lLLB VIKW OP IT. I'lilnl; Tennliiiil Itullwav nnil S. P. Work Peculliir. Tho Coiiullle Herald lu nn Item ilimit the Cook Hay Hallrond Hltun liin. miyH: "It Ih understood that fill negotiations with tho Southern Pacific for the purchase of the tor nlnnl road are off. The S. P. has no frnnchlsii In Mnrshlleld and the lermlnal Company has no frnn- fkllllf. I.. N.hI1. tl.....l II11...Im n. tiinu in ,-.i in iii;uu. t 111-11 llllll- "IiIboh butt up nonius! each other it the narrow strip of county land which comes down to tho waterfront 'ii'iwcnn inu rnrpornie limns or tne wo towns. The terminal track wll )o of no particular valuo for n itrootrnr lino If they nro not allowed o enter North llend. In fact-. It If not n streetcar lino that they nro 'lulldliiB. hut a solid, Buhstnnttn1 rack, capable of sustalnliiK the henv est stenm truffle. Why do tlioy mice It down to n point footworn i IiIhIi bluff on one side nnd the 'my on tho other, nbout half wr.y between the centers of tho two owns?- Is there n secret undestnnil iik with tho Southern Pnclflo, or loes the Termlnnl Compnny flKiirc Mint tho S. P. will romo to Its milk md use tho terminal trneks to Kot 'nto Mn rsli fluid, nnyway? Or, Ik Mioro anothor road Just bolow tho lorUon. tlmt will uso tho termlnnl racks for access to n Ioiir strip of 'Ino wntorfrontneo lu tho nortliorn halts of Marshflold? If .1. will -onvoy this Inforinntlon to tho pub lic exclusively through Thn Herald, ;.o will confer n urent fnvor on Tho Hornld.' (Speclnl to Tho Times.) Jess Smith, deputy fire warden, was here Tuesday for the purpose of burning tho slashing nnd refuse nloiif? the now county rond. This should have been fourned foy the su pervisor, but owing to some error, uistrict no, 8 is apparently wiinoui such nn officer. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. J. Howard and son, Kay, and Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Stretch are enjoying a few dnys fish ing and outing nt Ten Mile Lake. Mr. Heiiben Lyon nnd Mr. C. W. Olfobs report flue flsblng at Saun ders Lake, having made a flue catch Tuesday. Miss Madeline Larson of North llend was the guest of Mrs. J. II. Plnkerton this week. 1 In mid SiiviiL'ii of Ki't-iidali' wiih a recent guest of friends here. Tho annual school meeting wns held Monday. June lGth. with a good attendance. Mrs. A. II. Olson wns elected director for three years, and Hpencer Minnn was oiociou cierK lor one yenr. The retiring illrector, Mr. William Waters has served for twen-ty-flvo years. MVIITLK POINT HOA1). Crew of Men Itepiilrs Canyon for Automobile Travel. A good sized crew of men Is at work on tho Coiiullle canyon road this week, filling up ruts, etc., and It lu expected that by next Monday the road will foe open for automo biles nil the way through. So far only one machine has made tho trip the entire distance this year, the rond being very rough. TJui trip run foe ouslly made after this week. ltose liurg Itovluw. X KV CAItltlHIt lU'LKS. WOIII.D'S (JltKATIvST POUT !e latest avnllablo statistics ro ng tlic commerce of tho world el In some cnsoH n comparison ten tlie year 1U11 nnd 1911 ' nro tli,,i,.fiti imanllurnclfiri- jlew of tho fact, howovor, thnl wires or tlio commorco or in? I of New York nro nvnllnblo foi Dear IIM'J nnd those of some Ipean ports are not available ' than mn, n scrutiny of tlim llfl lilfw.iu V... VnU nt 41 t ..uiin II I ifl IV hi .. ft tlio list of tho lending ports pew York lintl lu I'Jl n greatei "mil iiiiiii nail Loudon in r.u. ur nrn ilninllu .ilnlli'ii kr w.u h,,t iiuiitiin iwiiiim" i KOtfll fmiiiiw.i.).k fi,. il.ii uiii.i pi W' --- u.iw, "I iiiu F '8 and Imports of tho ton grent Ports of tho world: : vork . . .1912. .$1.703.r.90.i:.! Ion iii' i.7m.Rr.7.r.-i i luurg ....1911.. l.C74.187.17f fpool ....1911.. 1.037.'.,80,I7C Wi ....1911.. 1.121,04,7!). IHes ...1911.. 1178. 431.301 re inn r.i.nnR.Rnn Pen .. . .1911.. n01.140.ri40 os Aires. mii N'ta ..1911.. 410.128.83C BA AVlln(iill.inH.. nn.iiiiinfiillll r- UAH IIWI lillltll V LIJIIIIII1M 1 III. Ih rt .1... IT..I... C..... ...l.lnli " inu lllliuii Biuiwn IIIIHT elven Now York this position I uc iimierHioou Dy giancniF iiity years. In 1SC2. tho Im I Of llu ii'linln fintlnn U'lirr I.SRfi l".7T n r -n .,,. ......Hi. r. 'U U fu.liJ U i;iiiM vnlnal lip hi i. l.. lino total exports both domestic nnd 6. ior ISC2 were ?l90,G70,riOi vvr capita or ?ri.8.i ns com- ii n per capita or ?22.4J in It' Will tln.u tin onnt, flint tile -- '.... l,.U ,1U Rl.11, ,... ... lerce of tho entire United State'- Iklln .. 1 .1 t "' KI1 WUH IfBS lllllll UIIU- of tfoo commorco of tho sln- fu" or New York In the year UVMII.I, m STItlKB ItltOKICX. 'levi'k. Hutu.. .. t,i Al'iii-L' ill III Win,.... .... ii.... re..,., .1.1.. 'i .. ' " iim ii.iiiiFii. Ll'TII mi.... t in 'I'l.o --..., ..Illlll,, u unu I".' e. f sawmill employes pinctlcal- L T ' wvory nun in me my en operations today, the crows ""8 from ao to 80 por cent of '; niimfoor employed. IS ti.n, r.iiii. nnn nt -U0 in.i.i ...1,,, hnvo Iipoii out 'Ploynient will foo back in tholr '"inorrow, t:ni,lin 1 i At.- Ht1n Ml I IllUinuil IIIU Blimoi 'i Is eviipntoil tin. mon will re- . to work at the samo rate of i ii. l" same ri 'ley formerly received. 'iitontiii: amb. Coiiullle Claims I'mplro Cntteilln, of llaniloii. Meat Them. Tho Coqullle Herald says: "The Coimlllo nnd Ilnndon ball teams bat tled through nine torrid, thrilling, nerve-racking Innings of ball InM Sunday that waH worth ten times the nice of admission. "And beaten In the last Inning foy i costly error foy Collier and a rank leclslon on third, the CoautHors nutplnycd their opponents all through tho gnme. They nut lilt, out fielded them nnd Collier out pltchod Ostium, font still wo lost. "To foegln with, Pros. Korn had isslgned r.Iowor tho task of umpir ing tho game, but Pcdtlllnn refused o stand for this, unless Mr. Cattor lln, his special limp's could officiate, io Cattcrllu after havlug placed his money on Ilnndon to win went lu Hid the "sure thing" bunch must havo felt safe." COXTILWT AT COOl'ILLi:. At last night's meeting of tho city council the following bids wuro sub mitted for tho Improvement of Sec ond street, Including grading and sidewalk curbing: Coos Hay Paving & Construction Co., $12,373.99: Oregon Paving & Quarry Co., $13,089.18; Longston Construction Co., $13,143.4(5; Bl llngsen & Ilergon. $14,178.9ri: Win. Peart, $14,823.2ri; Perham & Old loy. $17,210.28. Tlio contract was nwardod .to tfoo lowest bidder, ns nfoovo. Another fold, of Moon & Ilnrclny, of Marsh flold, was not filled out In sucli n way Hint It could foo considered. Coiiulllo Hornld. -J Postmaster Curtis Auiioiinces Homo Changes In Delivery. Under a ruling dated June 13, 1913, from tfoo Klrst Assistant Post master Oenerul In answer to n com plaint from tills office authority has been given to deliver mall to busi ness Iiousoh without tho necessity of having boxes placed on tho front of tho building If tlio building Is open when tho carrier makes the trip, by "selecting some dork to receive thu mall, or designating a place lu front of the founding wliero the carrier may leave tho mall." "Where business liouscs nro ha bitually closed when the carrier roaches them, such plaroa must pro vldo slots or receptacles." No chnnge has been made In the requirement thnt residences miiBt hnvo boxes or some receptacle for tho receipt of mail. "IIuslncHH districts" are given three trips a day, ono ut 8 n. in., ouo at 1 1 a. in., nnd ono ut 3 p. in. All rooming houses must place tho box at tho foot or tho stairs on tho ground floor, also npnrtment houses, W. II. CUIITIS. Postmnster. liTe Royal TONIGHT :j()(l() Foot of tho very best pictures ever shown. WK HAVi; TIIKM TONIfiT. WOMEN WHO DID NOT CAKE-- 1000 feet of the very foesf, foy Tliauulioiiser Company. WAY OF THE TKANSOKESSOR A verv flno Solax film. CALAMITY ANN'S IIBAUTY A great Western feature. hverj foody laughs nt "Calamity.' It Is the best comedy that has struck the Hay. Come in and see this funny picture. In fact. It's tho funnest of all funny pic tures. It Is a sure winner. Three reels of the very best pic tures; clear, bright and fllckerless. These pictures will Interest every one and make you screapi as long as It lasts, for one hour of en joyment. iiy seat for ten cents only, 10c. ' All Welcome. IIKJCiKST OF Ol'lt COAL MINF.S. (From the (leogniphlcal Survey Iliillctln.) There nro 73i" conl mines In tho United States which nre producing more thnn 200,000 short toiiH of coal nnnunlly. In 1911, according to n statement by Edward W. Parker, tho conl statistician of the United States Geological Survey. 2C9 bituminous mines nnd 108 anthracite mines in Pennsylvania produced In excess of this amount. The nvorngo produc tion of theso Pennsylvania blturnl- wi.iu minim unu !t'J 1.77:1 tnim mill of tfoo nntliroclto mines 44 4.C97 toim. The lnrgest anthracite mlno hod a production of 1,020,420 long tons (1,142,870 short tons). Tho lnrg est bituminous production from on mlno (n Pennsylvania operation) wns 1.28ri,4S3 short tons. Thirty nnthrnclte mines produced over hnlf n million tons each. Illinois wns sec ond to Pennsylvania In large mines, having 93 mines which produce more than 200,000 tons; West Virginia wns third, with r.9, and Ohio fourth, with 38. Tho totnl production of theso 735 first class mines was 2C3, 4C9.C39 tons, or 5 1.7 por cont of tho total production of tho country. Havo your Job printing dono at Tho Times offlco. FRECKLE-FACE Sun mill Wind Hi Jug Out Ugly Spots How to Itemovc Kn-.ll)'. Hero's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try n remedy for freckles with tho guarantee of a rellablo dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes tho freckles; while If It does glvo you a clour com plexion tho exponse Is trifling. Simply get an ounce of othlno doiifolo strength, from your druggist and a few applications should show you how eaBy It is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a foeautiful comploxlon, Itarely is more than one ounce needed for tho worst caso. Ho sure to nsk tho druggist for the doufolo strength othlne us this is the prescription sold under guaran tee of money back If It falls to re move freckles. F OT)M 1 o ii Tf If lung tun o KM For Warmer Days "First thing wo know there'll be a plunge right into sum mer heat. Why not he ready for it? Every day brings the necessity for preparing the interior of the home for warm weather nearer, meanwhile even though you may not have any thought of buying we want to urge upon you the welcome this store affords to visitors. We want you to feel just what satisfaction it is to us for you to com pare our kind of home furnishings with those of tho aver age store. "We want you to know by examination that this is the real home for best FURNITURE ATT1NGS A t , , CARPETS G, ETC and then when tho time comes to buy, you're sure of a place where everything will be to your satisfaction. WIS SELL IT FOli LtiSS. Gim Harvey Ct Com pi ot v Home Funiisherx. BOARD lu a Pleasant Country Home for two or three IndloH, during July nnd August. Address It, rare of Times. Heforenccs. Unique Pantatorium TIIE 5IODERN DYEUS. CLEANERS, PRESSEItS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Eorward II. Btrausi & Co., Fine Tailoring. Let us make your next suit. 255 CEXTRAL. Phone 250-X First Class Weaving Promptly done at Gardiner's Rag Carpet factory On Sherman n venue between Cnllfor- nlii ami Connoctieiii. Phono 174. North llend, Or. JUST REOEIVKr A largo shipment of Electric Oil Glass Shades. .... Call nnd see our biock. oi mum. waro. Wo oIbo have somo of the latost designs In shower fixtures, from two light to five. Everything In oloctrlcnl supplies. Barnard & Langworthy Pictures & framing Walker Studio Kfitd Auto Line Cars leave every 20 minutes from 7 a. m to 7 p. m.; from 7 p. rn. to 12 o'clock every half. I-aro 16 cents ono wuy. round trip 2C cents. Commutation hooks. 20 rides. $2.00. Cars leave Chandler Hotol, Marsh field and North Bend News Co., In North Bend. G0RST & KING, Props. Gray Auto Service Fisher & Tucker, Proprietors. Phono orders to Blanco Hotel, 40, After 12, 2C0L, Right Cafe. Marshfleld. Oregon. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. IIFNRV HKXGSTACKHN, Manager FARM. COAL, TIMIIKU AND PLATTING- MXIIH A HPFCIAITV. GFXKRAL AGKXTH ICAKTHIDK MAKHIIFIKLD OFFICE, PHOXIJ M-.T. (OQUILI.i: CITY OFFICIJ PHONIC till. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRKLEH8 SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. EUREKA FRIDAY, JUNE 20, AT 12 NOON. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 OONNKOTINa WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAI) AT PORTLAND NORTH PAC4FI0 WEAM8UIP COMPANY. O. P. McGKOHGB, Ageai. Phono 44 S. S.N ANN SMITH Sails Prom Smith Mill Dock for San f rancisco Monday, June 23, at 3 P. M. CARRYIXG ALL COOS BAY FREIGHT. San Francisco offlco, 803 Flfo lllilgn r Lomfoard St. Pier No. 27 Inler-Oceunlc Transportation Co., C. F. Mi-George, Agt. Phono 41. Every day except Sunday Do not go out. ,-, tti TJn t. neiciifc xxaix u. , . rtUdl, ,lf .. ratollc chnrci, .. Fi?t ,... MrS. lYiarid VY. JdLnMJ.l I We n inn,i n,wi nUo Kiiln. Koildcnt ana uy JC"U" "". . .. nrndunte Masseuse I'W. Juno si. m tho Ten. rwfeo m cb.w f .tjn .rf 1184t-i01?S.FlluWp!SKi: LADIES ONLY S House Store, In tho O'Con-1 55SftCSt. UlS.'A-I""'1i,,cl"M' Gives Massage and Manlpu- ' " ......, fimirninit.uinn ,!.,. THE ELECTRIC SHOE STORE Is the place to buy good shoes for THE wiIOIjK 1-rt.mui. 180 8. Broadway Have That Roof Fixed NOW Bee OORMKLL PHONE 3171, EQUIPPED WITH WIHELEHH Steamship Breakwater ALWAYH ON TIME. SAILING lOMTLANICNE 4. JHIO. S. AND 20; HAILING FROM COM RAY JUNHIJ. JJ. ' Tickets on sale to ?JftuSrtm " 'M Phone Main H5-L. '. - STERLING, Agent. Ride In Lynn Lambeth's 101" 7 passenger Cadillac. Stand nt Hill yer's Cigar Store. Tolephone 18-J. After 11 p. m., telephone 260-L, the Right Cafo. Careful driving assured. Prompt attention. Will go anywhere, any time, day or night. Leaves 41111 yer's Cigar Storo to moet all trains aud boats. WANTED watches that won't keep tlnio. Dirty and rancid oil nro the ruination of your wuteh. Let mo haiidlo it und preserve It perfectly for years to come. E. C. BARKER. 22G Front st. Marsnti Id, Or, oe Want Ads bring rusults.