THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1913 EVENING EDITION. CENTRAL NTEALI - z?i ZE AND MERCHANDISE ON CE Phone 74 awl you'll receive the same ''Oirl Ser vice''' as though you called in person. "Owl Service" moans exacting attention (o your every want. Owl Prescription Pharmacy Frank 1). Cohan. "Opposite Chandler Hotel. CENTRAL AVENU of success and idly becoming the r Coos Bay, Its shop men courteous and to Central Avenue to ed and it means sav E continues to be the street business activity. It is rap etail trade thoroughfare of s are attractive; its business their methods modern. Come trade. You will be welcom ing and satisfaction to you. She'll Ok Stafford's Can Kam merer Says: USTKX TO THE UK! XOIfW $25.00 SUITS THIS WEEK FOR $19.75 This is a little previous to the 1310 FQlRTII. but we want to shoot early so you may have the opportunity of a nice saving This allows you a fjew'diines for lemonade and fire ei-ackers. TAKE ADVANTAOI5. Yours au.rious to please, I L THE TOGGERY ' WINKLER'S uXVv N,'!'l!i- IT1 ilm'l bv Ruling at Winkler's Plmiinauy. Deutsche Ainthch-e. Phone 215. r,R Central ave. IT j (I II A,' "'"I'ly l'ifnml for the Norton & Hansen fourth ow A ' V A X . m mW mm w (Vulriil avenue, mIHi ii full line f iiowlllfi. nd niul retail. MnrolinrM. Saturday White Sale ONE PIECE DRESSES, SKIRTS, WAISTS, MISSES' AND GIRLS' SAILOR SUITS AND MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. The Ladies' Emporium .MRS. xkllii: OWKX PLAN TO TAKE Your Sunday Dinner At the Chandler Hotel Good Music and a Good Menu The Hub of Central Avenue JUNE SNAPS JiitliHtrom Homo In Forndule, 100x340. for 80,000 13 300 ciihIi. balance lu two years. ' aoiixSOO In SclieRes Addition with up tu date bungalow for $ I7fi0. Hloek r.. Schottor's Aililltlon, UOOx 00, with 200 feet frontin on Sherman extended $:IU00. ' r.O acres bottom land nuar Coiiulllo City, well Improved for $!l,000. ' 40 ncros bottom In nil near CoiiillU t'lty. unimproved for 1 1 000. ' ' 50x1 10 residence corner on Fifth St. mid Hnild for l!M. $1,000 cnHh balance I year. Vallno iHlaml on .South Inlet with now up to date ihelllnrj, for $.",000. This Is mi lilual place for a country home and sun. mur resort anil a Knap. See TITM-: (.'UAUANTKi: .V- AHSTHACT C. Henry Scnustiickcii, Mnnajrr. FRIZEEN'S All the latest newspapers and mag azines, Cigars, tobaccos and pipes, Choice Candies. Central Avenue. First National Bank Every accommodation consistent with safe banking, COOS BAY TIMES k. O. M.U.ONKV Killtnr anil rub. 1XK K. MAI.OXKY Xcws Keillor lettered at tho postofflco nt MariH field, Oregon, for trausuilsslor. Uircr;!i the tualla aa second clusi tarJ.1 mattor. m:ku i,i:.h.ix. OI1TA1X ns nuii'li education aH you can from t ho railing that sup ports you. Say to yourself that erjr man, oven a tlrovor or a ditch iK'r. knowH something. Try to Iv-t vrv man bt a teacher for you. "UMk-h ynu have larnid that you can l!rn oven from those whom you con Riiler your Inferiors or who have wronged you, then you lutvo taken a muster's degree lu the grout college TKRGWS SELF HMD GOfSGERT THIS Entjlish Male Suffragette Com mits Suicide on Race Track Stops American Horse. Tftf Am 1IM rrvw tAiM IUr TlniM ) ASCOT, KiiBlainh Juno 19 Fired by the uxiunplo or Miss Knilly Wild JK Davison during the Kpsoiu derby, a. malo suffragette committed sul tlClv today by flinging hlniBelf In front of August Belmont's four juar old Tracery, during the race for Urn vnluable Ascot gold cup. Ilia act deprived the American sports man of a good chance of capturing tUn. trophy. Tho man, whoso namo Is believed tu ln Hewitt, was fatally Injured. Suffragette officials say the man Is unknown in them. Tn- man was killed on the spot Trot tho horse and the rider, although Ixrth Mere brought to the ground, verp -not harmed Program Arranged for Free Entertainment This Evening at Masonic Opera House. Director It. X. Kenton, of tho Coos Hay Concert Hand today an nounced tho following program for tho band concert which will bo given at the Masonic Opera House this ovonlng, June 20, nt 8 o'clock: 1. Match "Pomposity". .Vaudercook 2. Ovorturo. Festival". .Kolor-Uola 3. (a) "I.aClnnunntnlue" (tuhrlol-Mnrie (b) "Mngnolla .Serenndu" .... Mlssud 4. Medley of Popular Airs Harry Von Tllzer r,. Hag. "l-'roon Kill" I'ryor C. Selection "Souss ()f Scotland". . I.ainpe i. March "Second Hog. Cunn. X. tl." Heevls Star Spangled llannor. i:.v i'amii.i.i:. Utile Miss Muffet. She sat on a tuffet. Hoping her sweetheart would stay Hut along enme her mother, Her father and brother, And frightened her suitor away. Kroni JiriHiK, V.U.NI.(J. Knlcker Don't the "back to tho land" schemes appeal to you? llocker Xope. Tho first npplo tree grew on an abandoned farm. Till: HAIJV. "A baby In tho house." said she, "Is like a now wave on life's sea." Sadly he answered, "I should call This one of ours a sudden Bu.unll." Kresh KltlTl'S AXI) VKOiri'A Itl.KS as usual, at Olllvanf & Weav er's. Phono 273-J. SPECIAL NOTICE! atairday and Monday Jome El sib amid S3ird Mrs, Clias, P, Donolno will hnvn nn Hisnlnv nt Tho Rub Dry Goods Co,, her complete line of hand-made ijb anu uneniai emoroideries, PERSONAL NOTES MAJOR JORDAN of Kastslde. Is hero for the day. (Ml S. XOItltlS Is lu town rrotu Ten Mile today. MRS. .101 IX 1JROWX of Maxwell. Is spending the day here. '.. T. THOMAS of Allegany, was a Maruhrield vIhIIoc today. 1-MtKD W I I.SOX returned today from a vacation trip to Portland. DR. VAIMHIAX returned today from a buslnoKS trip to Portland. MRS. J. II. PRICK of Allegany. Is In town today on a shopping trip. A. WARRi:. of Coiiullle. Is spending a few weeus lu t lu city on busi ness. A1C:. l-MtlXKKX returned last eve ning from an outing trip to Ten Mile. MRS. FRAXK ROOD of Xorth Coos river Is spending a few days lu town. MRS. McI.KOD came lu via Coos IVay wagon road from Portland Inst evening. MISS J1HSSIK AY UK returned on the Hronkwator today from a visit lu Portland. MRS. J. A. (lOODWIU.. of South Coos River, was a Marshlleld vis itor today. MRS. II. K. 1IKSSKY and daughter. of the Creamery, are spending the day in town. MISS MAHKI. JOIl.WSOX or San Francisco, arrived on tho Xanu Smith this morning. MR. JKXSKX. blacksmith at Copen hagen's camp nt Ten Mile, camo to town this morning, I KRIC P. HOI.T returned today from I haiom wiioro lie has been attend lug Willamette University. C. K. COX and wife, of Portland nr rived on the Alllnneo yesterday, and will probably locate horo. , MR. AXI) MRS. KKYS of South Coos river aro lu town today on their way to Ten Mile on business. MISS MYRTI.K I.KXKT loft on the noon train for Coqulllo to visit' .Miss i.aura Dlmmlck for a fow dnys. MRS. WICKMAX of Kmplro nnd her niece from Honolulu, who Is vis iting her. are spending the day In Mnrshfleld. MR. AXD MRS. (1. A. UOXKHRAKK roturned today from an enjoyable vacation trip to Portland and other northern points. MRS. WAI.TKR ROHKRTSOX of Kastsldo. left today for a week's stay with Mr. Robertson and son. Roy, at Ten Mile. MRS. M. I,. PKRHAM r Portland, arrived today to spend three or tour months at the home or her son. K. O. Porhnm. MRS. WIU.IAM KOKXHOFF and little daughter returned this morn ing from n week's visit with her mother at Loon Luke, MISS MAKBL OLSKN or Portland, came down on the Urenkwater to day to visit with tho family of hor sister. Mrs. (Sim W. Kramer or this itv for several wcks, "KM ROHKIITS. of Ten Mile ox peels to leave soon lor n visit to Kuglnud. It has been ."0 years since he left his homo there. CARL I.. CKOROK. representing Leslie Judge Co., of Xew York, Is here on business, having arrived on tho Breakwater this morning. ARXO MKRKKX will arrive horo to morrow or next day on tho Ade line Smith from llorkeley, where he has ben upending a tew weeks. MRS. K. IIRAXDO returned on tho Breakwater this morning from u mouth's visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Iluiiimoi't or Portland. MISS HILDA STKXHOLM. principal or the grammar school, will leave tomorrow morning via Drain for Monmouth to attend summer school. MRS. JOHN WALL returned this morning from a visit with Mrs. Fox nt Maxwell. Mi-h. Fox Is spending the summer at the old homo there, MR. AXD MRS. W. S. THRPKX AXD MR. AXD MRS. CLAUDK XAS Hl'RO, who have been members of n houso party nt Shore Acres, re turned homo tills nioi-nlnir MISS MAIM) HASTIXdS of Co.iillle. nnd MISS LULU RKKD or Kanapo lls, Kansas, unived rrom Coiiulllo last evening on a visit to their un do. C. A. Metlln and rnnilly. MR. AXD MRS. HIW'.VI.rrT HU'AV- TOX left yesterday via Drain on a visit to Mrs. Swunton's rolatlves. Mr. Swanton will stop at Dora and Mrs. Swanton will continue! to Forest drove. C. F. MCKXIOHT and wife roturned yestorday via Drain rrom a Tow weoks' stay In Portland. Mrs. Me Kulght'a sister will eonio lator from Orogon City to spond tho Bummor with iter. W. L nOXKDRAKK and wlfo or Catching Inlet roturned this morn ing on the llrinkwnter rrom u six weeks' vMt In Washington and Oil n T' i .;'..' . ! t.ip and are glad to be home. M. MKRKIMAX. who has boon vis iting at the home or his daughter, Mis. F. C. Mureh, left today rr his home In (Milco. Calif. .Mrs. Mer liinan will remain for another month or two nt tho (lurch home. S. II. CATIICART returned today from Ton Mile where ho has been doing somo surveying. He ran the Hues for a cemetery for IleuJ. Roberts of Templetou and also surveyed a water right for Mrs. Smlthgall, of Coos River, MRS. '., C. KIM HALL AXI) DAUC.II TKU. FAITH, or Klamath Falls, nrrlved horo today tor a short vis It with her brother. F. (i. llortou. Mrs. Kimball Is en route home rrom Xowborg, where sho has been attending a W. It. C. convention. VKRXOX SMITH and bride aro re turning to the coast rrom their eastern honeymoon trip. They wore expected to reach Indianapo lis today for a short visit at the homo or 1). M. Parry, futher or Ad dison Parry, who Is connected with tho C, A. Smith company here. I H. K. HULTMAXX wiih an Incoming passenger on the Xann Smith this morning from San Francisco, lie had a flue time lu the city, took lu u fow ball games nnd got onto a fow now plnya, which ho will have Capt. (inrdlnor put on against Hnndnn In tho next Kilt's unme. AUGUST FRI.KKX has roturned I from a fow days' outing nnd business trip to Ten Mile, He, reports everything flourishing, there and that fishing Is good.' Fred Johnson's now cottngo Is; neaiing completion and work Is, well under way on Soverson's, new liotol, MR. AXD MRS. FRANK H. SAOA-' KURD or Oni-dlner. who have boen visiting horo for n fow days with her parents, Mr inlMni II i.ininin. wph nsiiemnt") en this mornhw's l'' M' Sh gaherd returns to lirtir, nm he Is an mincer on ow cf im steaniera. Mrs. Sagaberd went tt Wilbur rorn tslt lthtwiliti M.'M fii-iu Mcv mil itll reton iiure lieror'e going to CwJIr.- Roselmrg Review. (iii:i:it it. As a beauty I know that I'm not lillHIlt iar. There ure other dear fir" OT linnuBonie uf i, Hut my race I don't mini it, Hecause I'm behind It Tho ones In the front trt'm" m u Ant "t'oiiar ijihiui" "" " writ er." says the Allenton Dra .eat! Maybe e o"rJ'0 ,o olluiuerthebureJuewW In the ween. Time-' Want ArtiWMte". YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND IN OUR STORE The Best Goods Advertised in the great national magazines. That's why we are known as the rW Most Satisfactory Store in Town WnfcJNtVfc.K you tee an interesting adverl ... ,e. '.' Goa HouiekeeDina Maffine. We are alwayi right up in frontr' in the best tisement in a magazine, particularly if you II ,lt lln ln ,nm 'KkK. fA. t . . I Mamh.,).. r" "f w'l ' fJtlVIIC lUf UII and newest goods in our line at right prices. Phone 213-J. Nasburg's Grocery 'ino tiootl Housekeeping Store. Corner Commercial and Second sts. The SUNDAY DINNER it and iiy;;'Ttf meal ef the K yen rh" " ' fitnii tl'l LIST OF GOOD THINGS String bean Green 1" a Iluncb Turnip ItadisaeJ Cucuniberi New Tom "" Choice Culinr Cabbage Carrots Red Be1 " tfKri Royal Ann.,0as .(...i ' ' t Strawberries la t08- phone