The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 20, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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(Unas lag Wxmt&
nri' best found flnmigli Times mini
mis. Henri tlicm! fsc tlicin! The)
cct results.
now is vont timi:.
A small ail In The Times want
(iilinnn limy liilnir )ou results im
niocllntoly. Try cute.
mf.mhfk of tiii: associated prfss
urn VYYVI Kstnmisiicd In 1878
!YUL. AAAVIiM Tl0 Const Mn,K
4 Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll M, 287
will Coos Hny Advertiser.
Taking of Testimony on Com-
plaint Aflainsi ecus nay
WcUuI UUMijJciiiy uijuiio.
J. N. Teal, Attorney for Com
pany, surprised marsniiem
Hasn't Owned System.
' The hearing "f the Oregon Rail
road Commission on tlio (oinplalnt of
tho City or .MnrBimoiu iiguniHi me
Coos Hay Water Company for poor
nml inadequate aorvlco nnd demand
ing it better qunllty of witter, greut
cr prefHiue and an extension or
mains to all parts of the city opened
In tlin lty ball this afternoon.
CominlHHlonorB Altehlson, Cniup
1..11 ..,i Mlilnr mrlvi'il nn Hid llrenk-
.wator tblH mnrnliiR for tbo bearing
nml are uceompuiiioti n- .r. un-eni-.
one of tbo experts whom they sent In
hero somutlmo ngo. Mr AltrhlBon
linn evidently been denoting more
time to the reportH of tlio exportH on
the Cons Hay oiiho than the others nl
iimni'ii Commissioner Miller lu pro
dding at the hearing.
The Coos I my water company i
...r.iuniiiKii iii tlm linnrlnir liv J. N.
Teal, who lias nitlve charge of It, .1.
V Ilcnnett, 11. 11. ceiiey ana .1. 11.
I'lnnnL'tin. with Toill llollllCtl 1111(1
Arthur McKoovvn insisting.
rite AttmlleV f!nHH H llll till I 111 LT lllO
cane for tbo city. City Attorney Mul
len or MM III lienn, IH piciiriii iiiiii
will have charge of the i oinplalnt
from North llend, which will ho
heard. ,, A
Just bow long tbo hearing will Inst
Is not (crtaln. Tbo (onunlsHion nre
Inclliinil In liimr nil nvldcncn submit
ted by witnesses under oath.
Teal f(ir .Municipal Plant.
liiiflu. .1.. lwtfirlm tliln nftiM iifinn.
rather strange llttlo thing camo
out. J .. Ton i was cross cmiiiiiiihik
Carl Aim ci in aim wanieu to www u
the water company put In a coiicieto
reservoir, larger mains, etc., If It
would be satisfactory.
Mm, ll.,wlt M.nillnil Hint tIAICfltl
ally ho was In favor of the city own
ing its own water system unit ni in
lowlnc nrlvuto ownoishlp to control
'Veil nro eortnlti'y rl';ht theie. Ml Tmll "I llfltl't 1111-
uiiv I miv it . ivit'i '--
derstnnd why it ((immunity Hle
MandiNold should pormlt prlvato
ownership as loot; iih it has."
Not many witnesses nio voluntcor
Int; to testify and subpoenaos aio be-
iiiK issued loiiay lor hoiiw.
McLaughlin Tcstlllc.
(' II M..I iiiiifIiIIii nt AlniHllfllllll.
j V .. ... .!. ,.... ' ......-..---
Una ll.,. fliul iiillnnua ..t.ltml llll
"tin iliv Mini iiiiui'tin ,i.., "
SMil Hint llmln Mllll lit tin (If llll 111 OS-
ure at tbo faucet at IiIh homo on
South Seventh street, that the quali
ty w.ih eiy poor, that Insects, llttlo
animal,, water dogs, etc., frequently
canio out or the pipes. Ho s.ild that
often they (mild not got any water,
that mornings and ovonlngs theio
was seldom water obtainable.
Ho uh,o submitted a hottlo of
flltllf liinlrlnir u'nlnr wlilMl llfl said
'Wastl awn fiom a faucet nt u South
arsnn(id homo last evening.
fllill 1... ,.l.l..A 4 Inlllmr ll'lllirft.
"."V llll IJIJJl-l lull III lJllllf .. ..w.-,
wjltiB the proporty ownor did not
"iii ins iiamo used, iwuui. hi"
comiuLilon Insisted and he said It
as riom below tbo hot water eon in
tlio. home of Chns, Sneddon.
Mr Sneddon was piesont but bo
Call) 111 illil nnt ivtint tn lin lllllUll 111-
to it.
On tl e ciobs examination, Mr. Teal
Want n IIh llnl n..1.1l fflllimi f.n
-.. Ill .111, .IlL'lllllhlll'll ,- '
ero nnd wanted to know if be eon-
naered the wntor Hubinltteii as a
fnl in tt- t.i i.n .111 n.i.1 Hint
i. iiuiiiv, no sum iiu mil -
he could got another sample,
Uldn't Collet t Kent.
XI - I . in.. ..!.. nlni rt1
"- mi i,aiiKiiuu in repiy i
that lie bad not paid any wntor rent
ui u year or moro. jio saiu uhh ii
i'au irequently complained to tuu m-
.c or tno company ami aiso ur on.
f lanoLan about tbo service. Uo snld
jui no hnel not paid any wnier iciu
fortho past yenr.
".' asKeii .iir. leni,
"llornntn I ,ll,l..l ( lr t llfl rnlll
""VHltDU . IIIUII I V.i,... -
Pany wanted me to."
.. )' did you thlnK tne compuuy
Ul(1 tint .. . .A n..QIt InnlllrPll
-- ..wi llilliv JUU III I'tl) . ,....-
cn of tlio railroad compiisslonors.
iiti-RUBo, i presumed inui i'
nought I would keep quiet and not
;alo any complaint If they didn't
:"uiku me," was tne sunsiuiue i
.'-r. McLaughlin's reply. "Tliey nov-
u me a notice."
Mr Tool ... ,.. n linnu' If tlin
,a'luro wnn tint iinpnttsn ha had been
erelmrged and he was simply l?et-
llfiE' ir-Mll. .,... i, Mnl.nncrh
.. M,V HUH IU1 l. .Ml. ...v0"
f 111 rptl'la1 .l.n. l.n ,11 nni L'nnU' Of
- " v' i"v n urn "v "
ny overcharge.
r. real rather rlulcuieu mo men
7 water dogs, etc., being able to
J'ne through tbo plpo at Mr. Mc
'""ghlln's homo.
4.,Jlr Corey, Mr. Flanagan and J.
inn "Mvn lliuilliivu .in. .- -
Gently in the cross examination.
' ,. 1. A. Jones, Witness.
.. A Jonnn wnn tlio next witness,
P'6 Salrl tlio. i. ..Mom urn: nlilo to
water at his homo nt 999 North
uia Btreot, Ferndalo. ho saio
na BAninl mnn tiAnM on.l anrnn.lllllus
rX looking. About two-thirds of
Johnson Porter and Thomas
Dixon Expected Here to
night or Tommorrow
Johnson l'ortcr and Thomas Dix
on nre expected In tonight or tomor
iovv from Onnllner wbero they hno
been spending a few dnys nfter a
tour down over tbo lino from 12ti
gene. Mr. Porter In arranging to further
rush the work along the line, putting
In additional enmps nnd Increasing
tbo number of employees at work.
Hugh Mcl.nln today started driv
ing piling on tbo extension of The
Terminal Hallvvny on North Fiont
sticet. It Is expected that the next
week or so will see some new devel
opments in tbo Termlnnl-S. I, deal.
C. A Smith Is now In .Minneapolis en
mute bnek to the eoast from bis
eastern dip.
It. 11. l'ortcr Is nlso said to be
en route heie from Portland and
nuiy come In tonight or tomorrow,
n. W. Wilght. who icrently sold
tl em the .MniBhllehl ptopertles on
North Front street, Is hoio and It
Is understood wns to have n con
feience with Pot tuts In Mm'slidoU!.
About tntl Leave 1'iigene for Woil;
on Coos Hay Line.
The Kiigone (lunrd says: "Two
by Hrothers sent &0 men to Portola
jesterdnv nnd Poller Protheis sent
H. men to Mapleton. Tvvohy Hios.
repoit that tbo steam shovel began
vvnik at tbo west approach of the
tunnel at tbo Noll today.
Li'.Mitcit rou poimins.
Pntsy TnKci. Mateilnl In I'lincnec
Anvil Hat I; on Itim.
A Poitlnnd paper says: "The gns
ollne schooner Palsy whlih enteied
fiom l"an Ion. eleniod for Florenec
with 1.1.000 foot or led wood lumber
(onslgned to Poller Hiotheis nt Flor
ence. The lumber will bo used
in tlio (oiiHtiiutlon or the Coos
Hny r.illioad. Tbo lingo gnsollne
steamer Anvil will be plneed on her
old inn to-Nowpoit, Floiemo nml
llnnilon In nbout tno weeks. The
Anvil wns benched leeontlv nt the
other liousos In that section higher
up than Ids house.
Kliiinett I'leuc TeMlflo.
ninmett L. Plorco of South Fouith
slieot testified, llo said In nnsvvor to
a quostlon about being conuected
will tlio water mains for six yoais bo
has lived tlieio that bo had paid,
water icnt for six yeats. Ho snld the
wnter was honietlmos elonn and sonio
times nasty looking.
He said that fieiquontly thoy could
not get nny water, and tbo night bo
roro last they didn't have any. lie
said that often thoro was lots or sod
Iniont or dirt In tbo wntor.
Albtcilil Tcsliriei..
Call Albroeht, a moinhor or tho
city council, was tbo next wltnoss.
Ho testified that ho bad Bufflelont
wator for domestic service nt his
homo hut that tho piossuio was poor
llo snld that tho wnter was rrequeiitl.v
dirty looking, having bedlmcnt In It.
Ho said It was riequently stained,
probnbly rrom tho lenv os As a Mi e
man, ho had fiequontly lookod at tho
water gnngo In tho city hnll and that
tho avorago presBiuo was about .iu
pounelB. , , , , ,. ,
CommlBslonor Atchison said that
he had looked nt tho wntor gnngo
when bo enmo In and saw that It reg
Isteied 5.1 pounds pressure Mr. Al
brecht said that Mr. Stutsman, for
merly a fireman, line! kept a record
of tbo pressure and this was turned
ovor to i:pert Gieono. Tbo commlfi
sloners said this was on file.
Mr. Albrecht also told or tho pies
suro rrom tho mains at tho various
rires nnd said It was so poor that the
rirenien generally rolled on the salt
water from tho flro engine.
Mr. Albrecht also said that onco
a wntor dog camo out through his
raucet, a llzzard camo out another
time and that last winter when the
experts were hero parts of the anl
mal camo out and that he called
Mebsrs. Gieono and Stuhbloflold in
Mr Albiecht testified that ho con
sidered the timber on tbo water com
pany's tract worth about Jl.oO per
thousand stumpago. Ho sold that
he thought that ono tract of the lend
was worth, with timber, wnter rights
nnd nil, nbout 500 per acre, and
another tract was worth nbout 1100
'Iifrep'ly to Mr. Tenl's questioning,
he said that ho thought a pressure,
of about eighty pounds on front
street ought to ho mnlntalned
Mr Teal wanted to know if this
could not be nccomplished by putting
In n reservoir, a larger uimu iu wm
TMB TIMCS Is In receipt or ninny
letters mid much literature on
tho 1. V. W. question, Includ
ing what la alleged to be n copy
of the constitution and by-laws.
From the preamble or the consti
tution the following Is taken:
' scitim: OX OL'lt IIAXXCU
i tiii: it i: voiL'tioxa it v
I oil" tiii: waoi: systi:m."
That's what Tbo Times hns con
tinually contended.
Tho 1. W. W.'h have no use for
n "fnlr dny's wnges ror a rnlr day's
work." The 1. W YV. does not
want to do anything thnt is fair
nnd ho does not want to work.
What tbo I. W. V. agitator wants
Is to work tbo woiker, got bis
monev and then move on.
Officers Selected and Plan for
Harbor Improvement
Is Outlined.
(Speeinl to The Times.)
(JAHI)INi:it. Ore, June :!0.-.Tho
new Port or Umpqua was organied
bote yesterday with tlio selection or
the following office! n:
Piesideut, C. i:. Illekcr or Smith
Vlie-Prehldent, V. P. Heed or Gar
diner. Socrotnry, F. Jovvett or Gaidl
ner. Treasurer, J. N. Iledelon or ScottB
burg. The newly oiganled pent will Im
mediately tnko up with the govern
ment tho (ooperntlvo plnn or baihor
Impiovement, which has been deter
mined us the most feasible project.
A bond Issue of $11M,000 was dis
cussed but no definite action was
Secietnry Heed was Instituted to
Immediately take up tho matter or a
preliminary survey or tho harbor
with the government cnglneeiH in
A depth or nt least 20 root or vvnt
or on the bar will bo embodied In tho
Impiovement plnns. c. Peck, at
torney ror tbo Port or Coos Hay,
was present and assisted In the or
gnnl.atlon In nn ndvlsory (npnelty.
English Suffragette Dons
Men's Clothes and Escapes
From Detention Home.
Illy Ami Utwl fro to t ooh lujr TIiiim I
LONDON. Juno 20. Miss Lillian
Lonton, n suftiagotto ennvietod of
having stinted tho Kovv Gnrdon Tea
Pnvlllon flio nnd who has given
tlio police niuub trouble, has osc ap
ed In men's clotbos fiom tbo houso
vvboio sho hns boon living In Leeds
pending tbo oxpltntlon or hor II
eeiiho. Sho was loloased fiom Jail
In March becnuso of llinohh cnusod
by a liungor stilko.. Sho broke
her llconso nnd wns not hoard of
again until Juno 10, when she was
oi tested undor tho most diamatlc
circumstances and bent back to Jail.
Sho started a now hunger strlko
and got out on llconso a few das
My AwoiUlM rrei to Coot lur Tlm 1
HIRMINGHAM. Juno 20. A laigo
unoccupied mansion nt Solihull wns
burned by "the nrson sqund" of
sufrragettes today.
Male SurriagetU) liupioves.
ASCOT, Juno 20. There was a
slight Improvement today in tho
condition or Hnrold Govvltt, who
was badly Injured when ho Inter
fered with tho gold cup race.
SALCM, Or., Juno 20. Miss An
na Huntington, n 10th grndo pupil
of tho Yoncalln school In Douglas
County, won the special prize oHor
od liv Hausor nros., or this city
ror tbo child who could hatch and
hnvo alive tho most chickons on
Juno 1, according to an announce
ment made horo today hv N. C,
Maris, field worker ror the Srato
Industrial Fair. From January 1
to Juno l Miss Huntington hatched
294 chicks or three dlfreront strains,
tho n P. Rocks, tho S. C. Rhodo
Island Reds nnd tho S. C White
Leghorns nnd tho remarkable reat
ure about her record Is that sho did
.. tnan n ptnfln chirk, llllt had
tho total number alive on tho first
This is their record In every sec
tion nnd every community lu which
they hnvo nppenred. "Destitution
nnd misery" rollovvs lu their tl nil
lllce a hound on the scent or gnme
They paralyze prosperity and destroy
i Their record cverj where Is red
with ruin until nn outraged com
munity drove them out.
"Let us bco what things tho 1.
W. W. represents:
"In a general way Syndicalism,
which Is a species or anarchy. War
on trado unionism. The general
"More spccirically destruction or
hiiBlness. Destruction or prosperity.
Destruction or nil established gov
erifment. Denlnl of nny common
Interest or possible good under
standing between emplo.veis nnd em
ployes. Desecrntlon of tlio Amorl
ean flag Dyniiiultlng. S.thotngo.
Arson. Murder.
"The 1 W. W. Is nntl-Aincrlcnn,
ntni nnii-iorini."
Hydroplane Collapses While
Over Chesapeake Bay With
Fatal Results.
Illy Viimi Ulrl I'nx m (aim IUjt TIiiim )
WASHINGTON. D. C. June 20.
Lnslgu V D. nillliigHly of MImsIkiiIp-
tin, iih 'Kiiieii, inui i.ieui, .i. n row
ers or Georgia, was soiloiisly bint hj
the collnpso or their neioplnne while
flying over Chesapeake buy nenr An
unpollH today. A party on n motor
bunt witnessed the Occident nnd res
cued Towers. They did not stop to
VcmiicIi Tor Hllllngsly, ns his body wns
not lu sight nnd thoy piesumetl be
hnd sunk. Towers was so badly butt
that nil speed wns Hindu for tbo lies
Itltnl In Annapolis,
Illr Anno Ulol I'itm lo Cuua IMr Tlnim
WASHINGTON. I). C, June 20.
Tho two nt fleets stinted early this
morning fiom the Nuvnl Aciuleiuj
In a h.vdioplnue for Clallionin, .Mil
When nbout rivo to seven miles rrom
Annapolis, the mnchliie collapsed
at an nltltudo or about 1000 feet
and when It had dioppcd about ion
rent HIIIIukIov f 1 1 or wiih thrown
out nml killed. At noon bis body
hud not been recovoied. Toweis
lemnlned lu the iiiiichluo mid fell
with It Into Chesapeake Hny.
Harvard Wins Both Prelimin
ary Boat Races' in Annual
University Regatta.
Illy Ak Ult I'HH to loo IUV TIIIIMI
NIJW LONDON. Juno 20. llui
vurd won tho vnrslt elght-oured
I nee from Yalo todnj b eight
lengths. Harvard's tliuo was 21
nilniitcK 12 .ec ouds Ynlo's tlmo
was 22 inliiutos 20 Heronds, At
the ond or tho llrt mllo Iluivard
loci b two lengths, at tho hair-way
point, two mllos, thoy had lue leased
tholr load to two and n hair lengths
Haivnid wiih ahoad throe lengths
at the tlneo-mlln flag.
(lljr Amo-IiIM I'ivm lo luua lltt TIihhi
NLW LONDON. Juno 20 Row
ing tiuo to foini, the Harvard (rows
won both piollmlnaiy rncos In the
uuuiinl rogutta with Ynlo horo this
morning. Tbo dlsagieooblo woatbor
conditions opponrod to have no of
roct cm tho Crimson oarsmen, for
In both tho vaislty four-oared and
tho freshmen olght, thoy lead their
old ilvais rrom start to finish.
In tho rour-oaied ovont Harvard
crossed to rinlsh In 11 inlnutoH Ti2
seconds, while Yalo wob ovor 12
mlnutoa 11 seconds. In the Irosh
men ovont tho Harvard tlmo was
10 minutes 01 boconds and Yale's
10 minute 45 seconds.
Win Foui-onicd Unco Fuslly.
NDW LONDON, Juno 20. Tho
rour-oared raco was llttlo moro
than a procession. Hnrvnrd took
tho lend nt- tho (rack or the pistol
nnd stoadlly incroased It. At tho
finish or two miles, rivo lengths
separated tho victor and tho van
quished. Tho struggle ror honors
among tho rioshmen, how ovor, was
a real lace. Aiuiougn tne crim
son won, tho showing mndo by the
i:il jouiigsters was oxcoiiont. Har
vard Bhowed a llttlo moro rinlsh
and drlvo In Its stroke and gradual
ly nosed Into tbo lead, until at the
end of the first hair-mllo they were
ahoad hair a length. At tho end or
u mllo thev Increased tin ndvantngo
to a length, then nil made n spurt
which cut Harvnrd's lend to a
bare half length at tho mllo and
a half mark, but Harvard Inmasod
Its stroko and Hnlshod at a pace
which proved too much for tho blue
German Educator Kills Fel
low Teacher and Two Chil
dren While Insane.
llr AmimII-I I'rrti lo C'ihih IUy Tlmni I
imi3Mi:X, Germon. Juno 20.
Ono school teacher and two chlldien
were shot to denth and another
teacher and three children weie fa
tally wounded and three chlldien
less soiloiisly hurt todnv hv a for
mer toucher, named Schmidt, who,
armed with sl loaded revolvers and
earrlng ninny extra cnitrldges, en
tered tho Catholic school mid start
ed u rusllnile among n class. The
mini wns overpowered by people at
tracted to the sceuo by the shots.
m:xi:v moxi:y tktst ritom:.
Knusiis CiiiigieNMiiini WiiutN It mid
Also I'iivims Ciiiiciicv Itefoiiu.
Illr VMillriI I'itm til Iihhi IU)f Tlnim
WASHINGTON. D. C, June 20 -Kcpiefiontntlvo
Neeley. or ICnnsns,
a Democrat, or the Douse blinking
nnd ciineucy committee, In o long
BMccth lu the House today, advocat
ed o renewal or the money trust
Inquiry. lie advocated Immediate
eiiiioney loforin, however.
I'm tbiuil Mini CoiiinillN Suldde by
.llllliplllg tlvi'lllOlllll.
(Ilr AHoililivi l'rra to Cihm liar Tlinm
SL'ATTLi:. June 20.-.lameH Me
Gulre of Poitlnnd, committed suicide
by Jiimpliig overboind rrom the
steumshlp Mnrlposu, on which he
wns n pusKongor on his vvny homo
rrom Sownrd, wbero he spent IiIb vii
iiitloii. According to cable advices
rrom Ketchikan, the tinged)' oc
c Hired Monday.
Record of Today's Business in
the National Senate
and House.
Illr A.o Ulrl 1'l.M to (uua lUr IIium
WASHINGTON. 1). C. .limn 20
Tho Senato Ib not lu session. The
Democrats earn used on the tnrlfr
The House mot at noon. Tho
House passed tlio couciirieiit lesolu
tlon ror n Joint session of Coiikiohh
Monday to hemr Piosldont Wilson's
moBsngo on tlio cuirenc) legisiiniou.
Neeley urgoH le-npenliiK or the
money trust limuliy.
MeAdoo nskocl Mr a $100,000 ap
propriation ror vossels to enroieo
laws ror the pioteiiiou or Ainmum
rish nnd fur niilmnls.
Pie-lclelit SlgiiH Sillidiy Civil Hill.
Illr Auv Itlwl I'll-" lo lout Ujr TIiiim I
WASHING'ION, 1). C. June 20
After the Cnblnet mooting today It
was said that the President would
Hlgu the suiidiy civil bill, liicliidlug
tho piovlsloiiH roriiiuiiiiig tne ptos
es utioii of laboi unions and Iuiiiihih'
oigiinUatloiiH undor tbo anti-trust
Inw. Tho Piesideut, liowover, will
write a memorandum giving his at
tltudo towoid tho exc options and his
icasoiiB ror signing the hill.
Democratic Senators Expect
Fiqht on Sugar and Wool
Ilr Aaao. Itt! I'rwa lo C'ooa liar TIbim I
WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 20 -Domocratle
Senatois caucusod toda.v
.... ,!.. In. Iff 1.111 nn HlVlKflll liv a
majorlt) of the flnanco e.ommlttoo
.. t .1
..II sciieilllieu iiiiii iiiiiiiiuioiiiiii'"
soctlons woro submlttod. Only the
Income tax foaturo was held back
ror rovlslon, Tho commltteo ex
pects SundiD to complete that work
Chairman Simmons Indicated that
ho expected opposition In tho cuu
cub to tho sugar and wool program
hilt bolloved tbeso schedules would
not bo changed.
First Tries to Throw Woman
Companion From Viaduct
to Railway Tracks.
Railway Man Tries to Kill Wo
man Who Repulses His
Illr V.oititc.t I'lTm lo Cowi lUr Tlmr
TACOMA. June 20. -After nn lit
efrectunl attempt to throw his cone
pauloii, Until Allen, aged 25, rrom
the Lincoln bridge, early today, Kil
wnid H. M)gatt. snld to be froit
Poitlnnd, hurled hlmseir 100 foe
to the railway tracks boncalfc
Ph.vslclnns here sny be will din
Not Known In Pentium!,
Illr AMoclnlnl Titm lo I'm Hay TlnnT
POUTLAND, Juno 20. No suck
pei son as M)gatt or Allen could be
located here.
Weie Xevvcoineis In Porlliiml.
Illr AwkhIjIcI 'iri In Crna liar Tlmwi I
POUTLAND. June 20. MygMt
and Ituth Allen left Portland for
Tneouin Inst night nppitioiitly. Homo
nouiB nfter tnelr clepnrture rrotu
the Allen home, Mrs. Allen also lcvfjfc.
two cbllclien aged 12 and 17 holnit
left behind. Little Is known or
the Aliens ns they are newcomer
here and repelled nilvancoB or their
neighbors. .M.vgntt was a rnllron
Mvgult Dies.
(Ilr AcmlaM 11m tn c.iua liar Tlmrii 1
TACOMA. June 20. Mygatt dlerT
this afternoon. The vvomnu snf
tho man has been pursuing lur
for several mouths nml that b
tried (o elude him when they t irn
to Tncomn this morning,
' i
fhaxci: ii:is ISLANDS,
Annexes the Will I Is Mauds Nen,.
llll Tllllgll (illlllll.
Illr AMmlalr.1 I'ri.i In iinm liar Tlmw 1
MDLUOHHNi:, Juno 20 Word
was received here today from the
FIJI Island that Franco hail qulollr
annexed the Wnl I Is Islands whirl
lie to the not th of tho Tongr.
Ills Putty Dercatcil Piemler or Aliv
tiallii Quits.
Hr AwntlatM lint Iii Com lUr TIhimI
.MHLnOHHNi:. June 20 Tbo
Australian piemler, Hlgbt llonornW
Andrew Flslmr mid the cabinet hnn
rtslgued 1111111) as a result of tlit,
lecent elections In which the llbornli
won over the labor paity.
Coiimci' Tiles To Fix Illume Fo-
Yesteiilii)'N Feaiflll Accident.
Illr AaHlM l'iw lu loo lUr TIiiim 1
VALLDJO, Cnlir . June 20 Little
progress was made today towaid fir
ing tho blame ror the collision on tta
San Prune Imo, Nnpu nnd CiiIIsIokn
cdeitilc line )estcirday, which eost I!
lives The c oiidiii tor or the wiecket
fl)or regained coiim lousuess at the
biiHpltnl today but no ono Is permit
led to see him His testimony an to
tlio orders bo lecelvod Ib or tlio ut
uinst Importance The doe tots enter
tain hopes or his recovery, although
bis In Juries are serious, Several of
the thirty Injured are In u critical
condition, but doctois bollove all vvlP
iti:m:i,s ih:.ti:x.
Itepcut of lllg llittlle III Willi h 1'c.V
einl Felices Ale Vic loiloiis.
(11 VaMMlaiiftl li.a lo C imm llax ruiiM
DOUGLAS. Arl, Juno 20 Ho
pe! tu eineuutlng from the Mexlcnr
side of the lino stated today that Oi
ilea with an in my or TiOOO had beaten
the constitutionalists lu n genera
battle at Oite. and that the rebelt
hero had lefimed to dun) oi confine
tho reports.
To TaKe Long Tilp. David LIIJ
rotb, or Heaver Hill, wan lu Mursh
llold today. Ho plans to start sooh
for his old homo In Stackholm, Swo
llen, ror a visit with bis relative!.
When ho left homo 12 yoai'H age
he pioinlsud to letiun In ten )earc
and coiisldeis he Is keeping hit
promlsu rait I) well, Mr, LlljrnU
hns hnd ebargo of tho (ompuny't
electilcal plant at Heaver Hill ana
lias mndo his homo nenr Coos Hny
for olght yenrs
Rescue Randolph.-Moss Avoid
and LovvIb Stubor received the con
tract to move the Randolph ncron
the spit Into the river. Tho Hhlp hns
been moved more tlmn liulf way nl
leady and ore another week the boat
will bo again Gold HcmV
Fresh I'liri'lS AND VI'GI7I'
HLFS ns usiikI, at Olllvant & Weav
ei's. Phone 275-1
Tho Launch Telephono will leavr
MaiBbflelcl Sunday ut C n, m, to
Allegany, returning In tho evenlnc
taking tho Stonmor Rainbow's ruu