MMi ""I 03M Perry (lb Nicholson show Taylor Nursery Beds, German Reed Bassinets, Drop Side Child's Beds, Baby Play Yards, Lro-Larts, Buggies, High Chairs fact, everything for the child in Perry Sb Nicholson will furnish your Living Room, Dining Room or Bed Chamber in a way that will make you proud of what you own, and will surprise you at the very low cost Ime and wntcr at Tf.VK TIRKS Uelow Is clvun tlm I height of high and low Hnrshfleld. Tlie tides are placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on the first lino and heights on the second lino of ench day; n compnr l Ison on con eeutlve heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water, ror high water on the har Perry & Nicholson subtract 19 Mrs. . Ft . . . 20 lira. . Ft . . 21 lira . Ft . . . 22 Mrs. . Ft . . . hours 31 22 9.1 a o.s 9.52 O.S 10.30 0.5 11.07 0.1 0.5 3.03 C 3 3.13 0.1 1.23 5.S minutes. 1.02 1.7 4.-43 1.7 5.23 4.S 0.01 l.fl during' whero they will camp out mo summer moiitns. T. L. Anson, of Anson Hi others. brought on a special train nnd taken to .Mercy Hospital. In addition to r,,Ln.. .:. '?, ""V.0" l!,r.e. loKgora of Conulllo, was In Marsh Inflicted:" Clnr'z fmnr,.,,V Z ' ?r- on business, re- keeper at the camp, ncco.npa . ed ' D l TTX?nmlu , piii him In. Smith's home i n n,... D.V SI AH-OKI) went to Conulllo kelev. Cal.. nn,i hn u nt.n.. o- " i i "a morning, wtioro he will install .. -' - -"" " "UV I ' Vl O i WF.ATMF.R FOR WAST. (Hy Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight nnd Frldny except showers In northwest. have an immense line of Floor Coverings Here you find just those choice styles and colorings that add full half to the beauty of any room Perry Nicholson want you to call and talk over any refurnish ing you may need in your home Come in and be convinced that this is the place where you get the most for the least cost local tf.mpi:ratl'ri: hkcohd. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. in., Juno 19, by IlenJ. Ostllnd, spcclnl government mo- teorologlcnl observer: I Maximum 00 I Minimum 50 At 4j 13 a. m fi" Precipitation 14 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 191-' 01.5 1 Preclpltntlon same period last year 5S.39 Wind: Southwest; cloudy. Perry & Nicholson Newbro's Herpicide Will Save It See Our Window Lockhart-Parsons Drug gCo. "THE PHONE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 US 1 Along the Waterfront. I Tho schooner Oregon arrived In at Ilandou today. Tho Nnnn Smith Ih duo In early tomorrow morning from San Fran cisco with pnssougers and freight. Shu Ih litl titrlntr nlinut GO. 000 brick In addition to miscellaneous freight. ' It Is still uncertain when tho He doudo will leavo drydock nnd go back 011 tho run. 1 The llreakwaton Is duo In early tomorrow morning from Portland and Is said to have a capacity pas senger list. Tho m 010 a mnu learns the moro ho realizes that this Is a Highly com plicated llttln cosmos. Ladle' Art Club The Utiles' Art Club will moot with Mrs. Win. Itoss Smith tomorrow nftornoon. Plan To I tti t It 1. Wnrren Painter and M. K. Fvorltt of North IJeud, are figuring on erecting fine new homes there this summer. Shin Cheese. About 12 00 nnnnils of eheeso from tho Coos Hay Cream ery will bo shipped on tho Alllnnce coiiBlgued to tho II. Conn commis sion house of ICurckn. Hcmmlcl llulldlng. Mrs. M. A. Ivnrly has had her store building at tho corner of Tenth and Klrod re modeled nnd converted Into two flno resilience apartments. Case Delay. Cnpt. Davo Molded wants to know what nas boconin or tho caso ngalnst Ooorgo Stelnburn. known as "Duke" who wna arrested a couplo of mouths ago for selling liquor on Sunday. On Trip. A. J'. Thrush, an aged resident of Hosoburg. and his dnughtcr, Mrs. Hollow of CaninH Val ley, arrived hero yesterday en routu homo from Irandon beach, whero they hnvo been camping. Altl New Port. C. It. Peck left this morning for Gardiner, where ho win nsslst tho now Umnnun Port Commission In forming an organiza tion, tiio commission was appointed by (lov. West last week and Is said to bo highly satisfactory. .MrPiinlcIs' Trip. Kdgnr McDnn IoIh of North lleud, who Is making a California tour In bis auto, In a note, from King City, California, to Mr. Halloy, says ho Ih getting along In good Khnpu and having a flue trip. Mo expectH to reach San Diego Sun day. Supplies fop Porter. A Portland paper sayH: "Tho gasoline schooner Tillamook, which hns been running direct to Ilnndon since the Anvil dis continued, will cnll at Marshfleld this trip to (Uncharge lmd of rail road supplies consigned to Porter Hrothcrs, who are building the Coos Hny Railroad " Hurt at Cninp. L. S, Smith .was quite badly hurt nt Smlth-Powors camp No. 2 at Coaledo today, falling 30 feot off tho trestle. Me was old Premature Announcement. The friends say Hint the announcement of the mnrrlago of Hny .Jeub nnd Miss llessle Kobcrtuon was premn ture. Tho young people are said to be engaged and some of their friends thought It would he n good Joke on them to announce their marriage. Tho Times regrets that It was made the Innocent victim of a Joke that It regards as more absurd nnd foolish than funny, Auto Accident. Cnpt. F.dgar Simpson of North llend. had a slight nitto accident linm Vnatni'ittiv II.. S.57 was running on Contrnl m-mimi nonp 2.0 Hroadway when another nntn sunn.r 9.44 off llrondwav Into Pent ml t 2.0 avoid a collision. Cant. Slmnson hail 10.30 to turn his nuto Into tlm nllo nf 1.5 bricks on tho street. The tliiiiiimn 11.17 wbb not slight, the mnchlno not lin ing overturned but peoplo who wit nessed It feared at first that Capt. Simpson nnd his companion would n-niiiiiij- no mrown rrom tnc ma chine. Weil UM Night Elton Metlln nnd Miss Florence Henhnm were married last evening at tho homo of Mrs. F. A. llnznrd. tho Ho v. II. K. Urownlng officiating. Among those present were .Mrs. Marv McKnlght. Mrs. F. A. Hazard. Mrs. C. A. Mot lln, Mrs. Denhn, and Miss Marv Met lln. Tho groom Is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Metlln nnd the bride has been cashier nt Fourlor Pros,' meat innrket for soino time past. Tho mnny frlentls of tho young cou plo will unlto In wishing thorn all tho happiness that time enn brlnir. (Sleek Arrested. Sheriff lingo nr rlvetl hero today from Conulllo en route to Drain to bring back Illll Paulos, who wnH nrreBted thor on n warrant charging hint with obtaln Ing money under false proteases. Paulos owned a hnlf Interest In tho O. K. Chop Mouso. Me sold It to Andrew Manns, or tho White Mouse restnurniit, Mantis' two brothers be ing witnesses to the tlenl, and agreetl to come buck Inter nnd innko out tho pnpors. taking the $100 cash with out giving nny receipt. Later he sold the half Interest to John Ahnjiilst for $200 nnd then he skipped out. Oust (lalvlas owns the otner nnir interest In the O. K. and It Is understood there Is n mortgnge on Paulos' Interest. IlesldcH these, Paulos owed Mrs. II. M. Wilson $1 room rent. Mo had $500 In cush on mm whon nrrested. Mo will be nrougni iinck Hero ror trlnl In Jus tice Pcnnock'fl court. The (.utiles of the Catholic Church will hnvo a bread anil rnko snln. Saturday, Juno 21. In tho Ten, Coffeo ami spico Mouse store, In tho O Con noil building. taken from plnco for a tho fountain recently his place to mnko a mngniricont now one. M. E. Hl'LTMANN, who has been visiting relatives In San Fran cisco for the past two weeks, has wired that he will roturn tomor row on the Nnnn Smith. MISS FRANCES WILLIAMS this aft ernoon Is entertaining a few friends complimentary to her cous in. Miss Almn Webster, who re cently rnmo hero from Cnllfornln. A. M'DANIEI.S nnd wire arrived hero last evening. Mrs. McDnnlels hns Just nrrlved from Hosoburg, her hiisbnnd meotlng her at Myr tlo Point. They will locnto here. MHS. OEOHOE CLIFFORD and daughter, of Hosoburg, nrrlved yestorday via Coos Hay wagon road and report a very rougn trip. Mr. Clifford Is expected hero In n few days whero they will locate. FHANK PUCISLEY. "Stafford's Can dy Kid" went to tho Coqtilllo val ley totlny, but whether It a com mercial or mntrlmonlnl visit Is not known. Some of his friends say ho went to got hunter's license bo he can go wlfo hunting. June Is the Month of Weddings And they say that thoro Is "nothing half so sweet In life as Iovob young tlrenm," but. say, have you ever tasted Sar tor's candy? Any girl enn toll you It Is Just as sweet as love. And tho Sartor fountain drinks nro as delicious as a dream. WANT ADS. 'Oil Flic-room cottage utiil lot 50x100, on Sa. Sixth stroot. Apply Mall & Mall. PERSONAL NOTES' ORPHEUM TONIGHT: pVONnnitFUL STATUE Vltagrnph. A comody featuring Miss I.llllnn Walker nnd Mr. Courtney Footo. DEAN'S DAUGHTER KdlBon. A powerful drama. rALi; OF A CLOCK Ksflanny. A side-splitting comedy. "ATK A stroiiK Hlogrnph drnina. AlJj OP THE HKST 1MCTUHKS AND Ml'SIC IN TOWN ADMISSION TEN CENTS. Ihe Roval TONIGHT fret of the lilghest-cluss In dependent nlcturcs lK't imiksenthd in Tin: city I OF .MARSHF1KLP. PE STIUIvU l.winuii A prpnt Pellanco feature In two big reels, fWctlng a great strike and how fe leader wnn 1i flnht fnr lilu followers. .A.) THREE OTHER NEW pictures. Fjo, wjti, blv pictures. c"" for tho money. Any sent y night for TEN cents, ONE DIME. 10c. A ThoogM For Today A girl may allow her mother to pick out a hushnnd for her, but she asserts herself when it comes to choosing hor candy, You can win mother anil daughter both with Stafford's PHONE 158-R TEN-CENT Messenger Service MAHSIIFIEIiD CrCLEUV. I Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office "That's the sixth Studebaker we've passed- ihe only kind to invest in" "The only hind because, as I always say, when a man puts money in a thing he wants to know that he's going to get the worth of it out again." "That's plain business as I look at it." "That's why I say the price doesn't tell you any thing at all. There's only one thing that talks except the wagon itself. That's the name of the maker." "When you buy a Studebaker you're buying a vehicle that has behind it and in it sixty years of ex perience sixty years of success and sixty years of reputation for the square deal. That's why a Stude baker always looks good to me." "My father uied to lay that Studebaker honor was as sura as a United States bank note. He was talking after having used Studebaker vehicles since ho was a lad, and he told me his father bcfoie him said, 'Be safeget a Studebaker,'" "Vehicle builders can't hold that sort of reputation now. a. days without delivering the goods. A Studebaker wagon has tho but in it. That's why a man gets the motl out of it why it's olwnya an economy." "Dealers may say to vou something elie is 'just as good.' But when you buy a Studebaker, you're making a safe investment every time." Sec our Dealer or write ut. STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. NEW YORK CHICAGO DALLAS KANSAS CITY DENVER MINNEAPOLIS SALT LAKE CITY SAM FRANCISCO PORTLAND, ORE. .1. M. UPTON left yoHlorilny for Ilnn don Oil htlHlllCHH. V. (1AOE camo In on tho noon train from Cotiullle. J. S. MASTEIIS, of CntehlnB Inlet. ih in town ror tho iluy. .1. I). CI.iNTON, of Norway, In In MnrHhlleld on IiuhIiichh. PKItKV CHOUC'll of IlnynoH Inlet, Ih In town totlny mi hunlncHH. O. SANFOIll) Is a visitor from MayncH Inlet here for the day. O. GOODWILL, of Smith Cook Itlver, Ih hero for the day on IiuhIiichh. !:. It. MODSON. or South Coon Itlv er, Ih In town today on IiuhIiichh. MISS CATIIEIMNE IIKSSEY. nf the Creamery Ih In town for the day. WM.I.IAM SIIAIII. or Maxwell, Ih a hiiHlucBH vlHltor hero for the day. MISS ALPHA MAU.EV Ih HpeudliiK n few tlayH with frlemlu at" Ilnn don. MISS A. LYONS, or Myrtle Point. U hero 011 IiuhIiichh ror a few days. It. A. WEHNICII or North llond, wbh u MnrHhrield IiuhIiichh vlHltor ycH tenlny. MRS. CMAULF.S MUItlt or North llond, wns 11 visitor In Mnrshrield totlny. MHS. SAM SHOOK, or North Cooh Itlver, Ih n MnrHhlleld Hhopper today. F. L, FI.OIMN returned hero laHt evenliii; ft out 11 IiiihIiiohh trip to llanilnn. MHS. CAUL JOHNSON, of Cooh Itlv er. Ih vIhIMiik frloiulH In town for the day. MILS, CONIIAI) LAPP, or Camn 7. waH here yentortlay, retnruliix home today. MPS. JOHN CATCHINO, or Sum ner, Ih HpoudluK the day hern with frlontlH. MHS. THOMPSON, of Hokh Inlet, cniuo to town thin mornliiK on a HhoppliiK trip, WILLIAM MOHOAN, of South Cooh Itlver, Ih In town for the day 011 u hiiBlnofis trip. CMIS SKIPP. or Cnnip 7. lort today ror Dilution to take tno Speedwell for San FrnnclBco. MISS MKLHN LANDUITH, of North Cooh Itlver. Is vIhIMiik relntlvoH In MnrHhlleld today. MP. Ill'ItH, of the firm or Wlllett & Purr. Ih expected to nrrlve on tho Nnnn Smith tomorrow. MPS. JOHN MKNDHICKSON Ih In town today rrom North Cooh Riv er, HpcndliiB tho day. K. II. MOUOAN. or the P. S. Hov eiiuo Cutter Mnimuiltn, was In MniHlillold yoHterday, K W. WItlOHT arrlvod hoio today rrom Portland to look after IiiihI iiohs lutorestH mi tho Hny, O. II. MKYKHS returned to town this mornliiK from a vIhH at tho JnH, Landrltli plnco on South Cooh nivor. C. J I.OWK, roprosentliiK tho Illu manor & Frank Drug Company, or Portluud, Ih here cnllliiK 011 trade. F. P. NORTON AND MISS KDITH PRKSTON, IiIh nloco, lort yestor day on a trip to LniiKlolH nnd Port Orrord. MRS. J. C. SWINFORD rotiirned to day troni a short visit with frlonils In Portland whero alio took In tho Roho Carnival. MHS. F. H. CLAHKK and chlldron lort today for South Coos River FOR RIJNT S11.11II house, purlly furnlHliotl, Hultable Tor two por HoiiH. Apply OCi'i South Sovonlh st. FOR HUNT Four furnished hoiihC koepliiK rooniH niul two iinfur uIhIioiI; modern rnuvciilonecH. Six rooniH $ri. Phono lCfi, North llond. FOIt RKNT Tho five-room fliitx. Modorn mid nowly renovated. Cor. Tenth nnd Klrod nvoniie. Inquire Slit. Contrnl avenue. FOR 8ALK lllcjcle anil Phono Krnph. Yoder, Md 80. Ilroadway. LOST C011KH11 foiiiitiilu p No. 0 pen point. Finder return to Al llnnce warehouse and Hot rewnrd. FOR RUNT A hoiixe. No. 11.111 Ho. Seventh Bt. Cnro Times. FOR SAliU illi-iirrc lunch, mostly bottom Iniitl; kooiI liulldiuitH. Would tako clime-Ill lot III Marsh Held In pint payment. Address "Owner," cnro Times. WANTlvD Iviuploymeiit hy young man. In Htore, collecting or hoI IcitliiK. Kxperienred. Can give best of roforenceH. Cnro Times. FOR SALIC Choice camplni; nIIi on Soulli Cooh river, (iootl water, nice grove, good bntlihiK beach, platroruiH liullt. Write Ilox (112, MiiiHlirioIil. WANTUI) Wiiiiiiiu to nsslst with wiihIiIiik nnd hoiiHO-cIeauliiR one tiny each week. Call or address MrH. H. F. (lohhardt, North llond. I'OR SALM CIICAP A Foul nuto In good condition. Phono 175 Km plro or (lOodriim'H (Inrago. WANTFD RtKlsteied lli.Mtln hull, rrom n week to a yenr oitl. AnHwor by until, or phono 3101. CIiiih. Solautler, Sumner, Oregon. I'OR SALIv OR TRADi: Mini MnrHhlleld roHldtiuco property. Will trade on gootl rnncli mid Htock near xchool, C, N., cnro TllllUH. WANTIID Wall lew. at Midget Cufe, North H0111I. LOST Pale Indies' gray gl wanl ror return to Tlim oves. Re us orrice. LOST A tlilld'H head piithc. Finder liletiHo return to Times office. OR HALK CIIIIAP Rncycle bicycle, latest model, unetl only three mouths. P. O. ilox 507, Mantli-field. FOR SALIv Span of work horses. Weight 1100 lbs. each. C. It. Flanagan, U58 nth Ht. S. WAXTIII)- :u.r)i. -Selling hy tiny, Phono FOR RUNT. Rooms keeping apartments, anil lioitse Lloyd Motel. I'OR LALF lli-rooin lodging house, rurnlshed 301 North Front Ht. Phono 20C-J. Poison Oak cured by using PLHMOL. A pleasant, refreshing, antiseptic, and cooling cream, nffiWifflRBH