t "ELS tUIIIUN. THE COOK ITAy nwiESTlTOKSHl-rtLU, UKhUuiM, iflOTCmr, JuiMb ia, mid -fcVfcMNU "srt ffi ' 2 COOS BAY TIMES Paris, the Incomparable NOTICE ! Goo(lrny home m .t $1 Entered nt the postofflce nt Marsh Held. Oroson, for transmission through tho malls as second class nmil matter. i . VAIK WAGES. FATHER VAUOHAN, of England, after 30.000 miles of trave tliroiiBh the United States and Canada, tells his people that "ho knows no land where In exi'hniiRe for nn honest day's work von Kot a fair er wnKc" than In Amerlea. It Is rooiI to hear this cheering testimo ny from an Intelligent Kul " la i cncournBliiB to rea .? that Ainet ra nnd Canada lead the world as to the substantial ciemuiup m "- j--tlce. "LEARN ONE THING EVERY DAY" No. 4. NOTRE DAME. Copyright, 1013. hy Tho Associated Newspaper School, Inc. HEN JuIIub Cnesar led Ills on a level with the floor of the j TiioroiiTS for the da v. i Tho wlfo either makes or brakes the home. ... Some Coos Hay men work one day during tho week, rest six and then wonder why they fool tired. A l'oorla ' Imteher mlveitlses "chickens allo and dressed." They must ho uncommonly tough. .Now Frank Parsons would ho pleased with this as his objection to Have Stafford's chickens Is that they are nllvo and undressed. Some Coos Hay men eon go to ehureli for a change. POTATOES (SI.tT MARKET. Cm load Kale at Kiin-n City Are .Made at Ten Cents n llti-licl. i' v'l? t; fiTV Mil. .limit 111 Potatoes of last years crop sod as low as ten cents a bushel In carload .ots here today. With sev eral large shipments to smaller cities ho biggest potato glut" ever Jtnown here was relieved slightly. Tho vnrds were turned Into nuc Hoii pits. Several grocers bought rarlomls nnd offered a bushel of potatoes as a premium with grocery orders. conuuerlng Romans Into . ii.it iu now Franco, ho found u tribe called tho Parlsll. whose chief settlement was upn nn Islnnd In tho Seine. It Is re corded that they were bravo fight ers nnd resisted tho Invaders til tho last man of thont was killed. im... ii,,..,i ..r tint Phi'IhII. tho site of their ancient capital. Is now called "ha CltO' and was ior cciuhiu-b tho principal part of the city or Paris and tho home of tho Homnn emperors on their visits hero. It Is on this island that t..o Cuth mlral of Notre Damo of Paris stands. It was founded In 1103 on the site of a former church thnt was built In tho fourth century. Tho foundation stone of tho present chinch was laid by Polio Alexan- PERS0NAL OVERFLOW S. C. SMALL left today for Myrtle Point on business. CAUL WAI.KEit AND WIFE have returned hero after n few months' stny nt the Seeley & Anderson logging cnnin nt Hear Creek whoro Mr. Walker was employed. II. .1. VAPGHAN AND O. A. C.HIS WOLD nre exported homo tonight from n trip to Gardiner nnd will leave, tomorrow on n trip down tho const, going to Ilrooklng lie fore their return. 1-Nir IJum'ImII. C'al Laugworthy Is Retting enthuslnstlc over baseball and Is planning to organize n busi ness men's team to tako North Ilend and other conieis on for n few jsnincB. 1a 1 DENNING, whom Cell Ire lnnd now terms "The Orlglun1 Tickle (Irass Kid." and wlfo. ar rived homo today from llosohurn where they havo lieen visiting rolntlvf.i. Will Mmi Tho A. 11. Daly Coin- lmny will mov" Its office from the AlUrnce wnrehousH room Into the building on South Hroailwav re cently vncnted hv Harnanl & F.nng worthy, where they will have more commodious (nun-tors. LOST ('(I'tiuMi silver nurse uilli initial "E." On Front street, .live ut Tillies office. m. i'. plant wueck. Ko Hojir f Saving Vessel on Alaska Const Now. The following Hoattlo dispatch of Juno i nth will be of Interest here as llio Yukon was formerly tho M. F. riant, which was for years on the Con IW.) and San Francisco run: "Wholes,! Information romlwd to day by the Alaska Coast Company from Aieliio Mi Kay. at rnnltuUu. give tho first details of the strnud liiK of the steamship Yukon on the roofs off Saiinnk Island, while bound from Good Now liny. IIdiIiix Sou. for Soul tli-, and ud Inert the company (hat there Is no hope of .mlim the MMHUfl. , "Tim Yukon stnuk .Iiiiip 11, nt hl(h Ode. In a thick fog. and Imiiie illRU'h begun to letik budly. The Vixwl Is exposed uinl Ik oxpei toil to browk up with the flrxt high wind From the flisi. when her eimlne rooin filled, all hopo of flo.it lug hei wis abandoned Four men die standing liv I lie wreik " .irt t It, 1.1 tl I And still It Is a beautiful and ef fective fabric of pure (lothlc design Tho three de'ep eiitrnnces nt the fiont nre adorned with carvings, nnd the Ironwork of the doors Is fine. Above Is ii beautiful rose window, whose stained glass throws a soft glow over a largo part of the In terior. At the time of the Revolution In I "IKl. Notre Dame was converted Into a Temple of Reason. Its sculp tiifnu u'nrn niiittliitoil. The statue of the virgin was replaced by that of l.llioity. a urooK lumpie m philosophy was erecieu wiiiiin me church, and a ballet dancer repre sented the unthroned figure or Rea son, iccelvlng In state tho worship of her votaries. The wild orgies that took place In the ancient edifice led to Its being closed and It was not until 17!u thnt It was ngnln opened. It wns restored In ISIfi Its facade Is said to be one of the finest, as well as the earliest, of Hh Mini In nvUtiMH'p. Mini tiuu MMI'Vi'il as the model or many other cath edrals In Northern Franco. Among Its noticeable reaturos are the weird and grotesque carvings or animals and monsters that encircle the building high nbove the third story. For more than "Oil years Notre Dame has heen a place or worship. Tt linu u.iiin fnl'lll i.lllut.itllin.u U'.itl ,1 ...... .t.... ..'. ....... .....,r,.' ... dings and coronations; It has seen dynasties come ami go, nun witn the rail or tho monarchy It suffered In comuiun with tho palaces at the hands of tlu mob. Today It Is one of the show places of Paris, whore tho traditions of centuries have been preserved. Every day a different human In terest Btory will nppoar In The 'limes. You can got a beautiful In taglio reproduction of this picture dor III. then a refugee In France, with live others, equally attractive, and tho edifice was completed In 7 hy DM. Inches In size, with this the thirteenth century. The orlg- week's "Mentor." In "The Mentor' Inal plans showed a tall and In- n well known nuthotlty covers Hie spiring building. For sovornl roa- subject of the pictures and stories . .. .. .-.t. .1 . I nf .!. ........I- l).in.l.iii txt 'IM. 'PI....... SOUS 1110 onuieurill IIOOS UOl llllill.-nn ui mv nvun. iivuin.10 u. inv 111.11.-B one In thnt way. The towers, which nnd "Tho Mentor" will know Art. were to have been surmounted by Literature, History. Science, nnd lofty spires, hnve been left without Travel, nnd own exquisite pictures thorn: nnd then. too. In till these On snle nt The Times office. Price centuries the surrounding ground ton cents. Write todny to The luiB been gradually raised by tho Times for booklet explaining The dlat?n.tLJ'.tfIllt,ii-P? ."--'-JiUMlJl ig A8soclatcl Nowspapor School plan. I LOCAL OVERFLOW. Pay Flues. Claud Tucker and Will Erlcksou pleaded guilty this morning to speeding and paid $' apiece. I). L. Foote and Miles Ri chardson pleaded not guilty nnd their hearing wns set for next Wednesday morning ut 10 o'clock. Tho Drunks. Two drunks were arraigned beforo Recorder Duller this morning and neither having $.. both woro sentenced to two nnd n hair days In Jnll. They gave their names as Epps and .lonos. Doth litP'o been In before. J. W. Johnson, n painter who wtv In the employ of Addison Cirk f r homo time nnd who left the Day the last of February, Is In a hospital In Shu Diego critically ill, the doctors having given up hope, lie Is suffer ing from lend poisoning. NORTH BEND NOTES. ' MRS. WM. WANN nnd son. who hno been making their homo In North Demi for some time, loft today for (Sold Hunch, where they will J'-'i' Mr. Wauii for the summer. Mr. Wiiint Is now auditing the county records of Coos county nt that nlnco. A Winker Appreciates This. Win. Norrls, a rosldont of Flor ence. Orej.on, says: "For the las' I t years my kidneys nnd blnddoi Incapacitated me for nil work. About eight months ago I began usliu Foley Kidney Pills, and they have done what other medlclno failed o do, and now I am feeling fine I recommend Folev Kldnoy Pills." Owl Prescription Phnrmncy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel Phone 7t. Mrs. R. Olson and Mrs. John Mor gan of Empire, spent yesterday as the guests of Mrs. Wm. Relchert. Peter Loggle Is building 11 flue addition to his hall. Quartermnss nnd Son have leased the Star Theatre from (1. J. Leinnu skl. The thontro opens this ev.onlng under the new management. EDITORIAL .MEETING. WT AliO'llIrl I'rna to l'oo IIjj Tlnim COLORADO SPRINCiS. Juno 1!.--Tho election of officers nnd tho se lection of 11 meeting place for I'.MI ve!v ,Iie mini '.,!. J U...t.i-,i) tl'tillsai'l- ed by the National Press Association, which cloned Its session 1 1 e re todn y . BOARD In a Pleasant Country Home for two or three ladles, during Jnlv nnd August. Address It. care of Times References. Katheiine L. Norton. New Hert ford. Mass. bids, "l had a terrible pain across my back with a burn ing nnd scnlding feollng. I took Foley Kidney Pills as advised, with results certain nnd suro. The pain nnd hurtling feeling loft 1110; I felt toned up and Invigorated. I rec ommend Foley Kidney Pills." 0' Proevriptlnn Phariuaiy. Frank D Cohan. Opposite Chaiidk Hotel Phono 71. Outing Parties are enjoyable, but It costs money to rig up. Wo will lighten your burden In this respect Have you learned the 'Power of theDlino?" Como ami soo "ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW." Peoples' 5-l(M5c Store New Location Front St, Opp. Postofflce THIS STORE WILL SOLVE YOCIt NEW SPIT PltOIILEM FOR THE 4th of July WE 1 1 E THE SPIT THAT WILL SPIT YOC AT $8.50 to $25.00 COME IN AND SEE 'EM. The Fixup TWO STORES Murslillold North Rend Bowling Alley! .17.1 NORTH FRONT STREET Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies Special Sale of Convent-Made Laces and Oriental Embroideries M,,r.in f'nr ,,,1,y8.,l Y1!1 havo l'ln' nnd for s.ilo n cholco collection of beautiful hand-made and Imported fineries. Including Irish crochet lace. Rose Point lace, Venetian Point lace. Chlnose embroidered Uiiuouas, etc. etc A cpttllal Invitation Is extendod to the ladles of Coos Count v t an mornings, afternoons, or evenings. Mrs. Chas, R. Donohoe Omndler Hotel. IMPORTER. Marshtleld, Oregon. Just Received another shipment of the Famous Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauff Grocery Co. Phoue 1C2 Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYEUS. CLEANEHS, PRESSERS nnd HAT IttiXOVATORS Agent for Ewward II, Straus & Co., Fine Tailoring. Let tu make your next suit. 235 CENTRAL. . Phone 2S0.T To the Citizens of the City of Marshfield: Notice is hereby given that the Public Utilities Commis sion of the State of Oregon, will hold a public hearing in the City Hall of said City at 10 o'clock A, M Friday, June 20th, 1913, at which time testimony will be taken in the matter of the complaint of the City of Marshfield against the Coos Bay Water Company. All persons do siring to present evidence before this Committee arc re quested to immediately consult with office of the City Attorney or the City Recorder. By order of the Common Council, JOHN W. BUTLER, Recorder, ; ACREAGE SNAP Quick Action Necessary. $2Ti an acre, WORTH $100. 10-acro tract, well located, level bench and creek bottom adapted to platting Into small five-acre tracts suitable for orchard or mirdonlnj;; close to Isthmus Inlet. Elvo days only. Coos Bay Realty Co. REII .MIXES HOIT.MAY l."0 Front .si reel, opposite (iriind Theater. EANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEX ACRE TRAITS KOl'R .MILKS SOITII OX COl'XTV ROAD WW PER ACRE; SUM CASH, HALANCE TWO YEARS. XO IXTKRKST, XO TAXES, EIXK SAXIIV LOAM, LEVEL 11EXCII LAXI). Buy One It Will Make You Money DonnaM MacKietosln REAL ESTATE ami IXSURAXCE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' or COOS BAY SMALL ACCOUNTS ENCOURAGED One need not havo n lure account In this bank In order to enjoy the prl IIoko It confers. Relieving that eu coiiniKOinoiit temlH to develop tho re sources of the small depositor, It Is the policy of this bank to kIvu appre ciative attention to nil who brink' their business here, regardless of the slzo of their transactions. Your uc couut Is Invited. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST RANK IX COOS COl'XTV. Established 18811. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Time Deposits, Officers; .T. Rennett, President. .1, II, riiiuiiKiui, Vice-President. R. T. Wllllums, Cashier. (Jeo. 1 Winchester, Assistant Cashier. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMHER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDIXfiS. 8A8H. AXI DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO HY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 183 SOUTH BROADWAY THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING ABSTRACT COMPANY Have photographic copies of all records o Cooa County to date, abstracts of titles, present owners, or any other information relating to real estate furnished on short notice. BUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Marshfjeld. Phone 151 J W. J. RUST, Manager ' me CADILLAC and F0RD Makes of Cars Rrst ClasSr . ''"""J-1! "ora.ncrs Rag carpf- lone ilS& S5i2mi FOR QUICK WORK" FR PROMPT wad. FOR GOOD qJ wepnone hfinMM. - v,u uiiaiju v-oosKaySteamlaunif we always deliver thee Phnnn K7.I .. b - ""'" "' MaidiU M '" MU KU oui. Mrs. Maria W.lnt ' n uiaip Ji,Wu latlon Treatment. Aortli lifnJ. ( New and Second Hand y. D",u u" "'0 "HUIlox,! pk I.VHItlNOTON, D0VIE a !W2 IVont St. I'1""'" ""'' Mmhrmi You Auto Call fo imioxuhwxiohtuobI ninnu mini or IIUncoDUUiriri illlll.l. akw CAM After II P.M. I-fcoMi RoKldrnce Plioiie AJ. Careful Drlreni ! &JC Be Up To Date Order your Suit ton Tfinn TheTailon vli DrciiEiptrtl U7K Fmiit SI. Tw Woodrow Wilson's Broto 1 1. II ll'II.An I. A.. .H lll?L'll t l.li.wu. l. wtav v ilepnitmcnt head ct At C ! Flilellly & (Juarantr fo. a ciilllinii, iikb oicen imtx.-' Iiy ti8. I iiirrceJIot bf lli. Mini;! r.inililf lata 0 Itl CT nsciiiciit. 1-1 Jell; uiJt cli kiiiiir; ui iruiciiuj w. prciniiiiiii. I. S. IC.MT.MAX S. fd, Af FAMIIA IUX.NER3 I .... nan. lAfltlfig tt Lit lit uui US" ,......-,- . pecially prepared to ct to a-i irn.tn. Reeulir Btlli Of IM5 Open da; nil Wflt MlIltCIIAXTS CUT. nnmdwiiy and CnBimww PROFESSIONAL DIRECTS . ..-.. ...f ivil ,.,l(le lOTji ! COXTIIAtTO" iSD n8tlmate8 furnlj ed 1 Plans ana sped fW y r. . m. ii.R. J leeu. """" - TOKIi OSTL1XW. i i ano in"" " ' V ii Leave uiu L'o. W. , an Colt I RoomH SSSaft- rxn.w.Monuoff L ...... Mtf . ... fill llVKi ""i I 171 Grim" (eVboitA IIIC" - I M. S. iWBSfcffl M.ribflelA22fit- .2S M areequlP',1tM! work on BD0" "pjB lowest Prlc,e,8:L CoUB8 Lady attend" ,, M ""ioyaSj W D