INLY AN EXPERT SWIMMER CAN AEEORD TO BURN HIS BRIDGES BEHIND HIM fflmw lag Wm?& . r, NOW IS YOUR TIME. A small ml In The Times wnnt ciiliiiim nmy IiHut ymi results im mediately. Try tun. r.OST ARTICLES . .... r,...ti.1 Tliiwiu ttrfiit , mrl, !.,, ,. - - . ij Head tliem! Use tllenil They MEMBER OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VVVI EstalWRllCtl III 1H7H )L. AAAVI. Tj1c const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1913 EVENING EDITION & Consolidation of Times, Const Mall nd Coos tiny Advertiser. No. 286 SI HIE POPULATION OF MARSHFIELD SI 5367 NOW i l,iinrc nf llnw Oitv Dirnc- Jory Compute Probable Cen sus oi aay (owns iyuw. URTEEN HUNDRED MUKb NtAti ntnt astside Estimated at dob and Bunker Hill at 572 To Aid Library now. liiiltKCTOUV estimate Ul' nirii;.iini., Ti, following dutn Ih com- piled hv tho H. I.. I'oik dlrcc l!.... ,,.niili. rrnm the (111 til irntli- Icred fJi' w Hrftory which Itliey will shortly ibsiiu. .MllllOB. r.Hl. I'lip. iMnrshlleld 2117 Hllfi, n.i t'lty !2 1"" nav Pnik T.l 11!7 IPiiikir 1 1 111 nml Went 11. II.. m n IE,isliort 2d ini Eautsldo llfi 3?r ITotnls .'jiifii nnr.i According to tho offlclnlH of (ho .11, nirni'lni'V Comiinil.V. Mlirsltllold iw las n population of fi357. Till) Is based on I no huuihuch thered for the now directory ilch will sum ho Issued, in coui ii.,t. iiio estlmato of nonulntlon i1, illiix'tnrv fluUl'CH. tho II 11 111- r of mimes, excluding the mimes i wives mid ciuiiiien miner . I mull In oil iv two llllll 0110- Elf, a verv conservative porceiitngo. D. C Grorn, president of tho ir.iidi.i.i Chamber of Commerce, lis morning rccolvod n letter from Polk people giving tno figures ovc. Mr. Green nnu nopnii i vc the illreetory compilers tnko n nsus nf tho sumo tlnio tney eom led the directory, hut thoy had irtcrt the canvass hoforo ho had an innrliinllv to tnlco It With tllOlll. Mr. (Ircrn wished tho census now order to rnrllltuto tho nioveiuoiit joriire n Cnrnculo library. I'lider le 1910 Government census figures rich only gnvo Marslilloid n pop Inilni. nf nxo. Sir. Carnocio would ft ilonnto tho $20,000 which tho brar bn-ni wished for n iiuiiiiiu:? tho ground thnt tho niiuiiior or onln 111 r illil not ttistlfv HO 0X- Inilvo or lnrgo n building. TIiIh ha Mm miRWor rounrdloss of tho let that the city would plodgo the Iqmslto niuouut for tlio ?ju,huu. Ellowirr '. with tlio now ostiinuio nminlatlnn. It Ih hollovvd thnt e more expensive building can ,ho cured Mr. Grorn will Immediately tnko e matter up with tho Carnoglo iopio nml linvo .Mayor htrnw no . certified copies of tho Polk dl- jctorv r tlinuto of population no- rivcn, ilscy Wants Him to Reduce Jnce and he Refuses Gives Some History of it. UIAIII.OI'.MKNTS IX dhai. Tho (Villntftiifr inlniti'ntna n' rhniifT.i i,i.. i.nt...rtti Tnlfii -"r 11 iiJiiii uui fun ."j'i Wnncv mul W. J. Wllsey, toll " nivciopinenta in tno ivinnoy Wllsey deal: W. J Wllsey wired from Portland: "London wants to 'nov lowest cash prlco now. BrunotiBh reports Instend of ivu acres as originally given 'In ni,. titir. t,. mnn tres ran ho dollvored. Also most of waterfront hns ueen U"J. In fact, most valuable or --v una iiuoii BOIU. liiliin losa deal if price la cut to over delinquency in acres nnd waterfront. Wire your opinion at once " Major Klnnoy's wire In ro- finnnon . .mvfi.. i it.. .inl ltn ag Httlo emharassment to JUlltro n. ....... i. .. .1 ,.,,..unlf -u "lUIIUlimi HUH JWUo. POEsihlo. Not my fault. I ""e neen able to dellvor as per ui" contract of February 21. esterday's telegram stands." Jun what tho termination of tho ""ej-wilsoy deal will he Is hard ireuict, Ui,t tho above messages UW rather Indicate that It might ' CalliVl rtl ,. .1 tUnt mi Tllll 1 'de Harris will name V. K. "crs. of Xorth Bend, receiver for wunrv properties and tno mat- JUStOil tlirniifrl, tho rmirtS. Itldlllnt. a 41. .nlArrr.ntTla fJ0r Klnnev this mornlnir recelv- Lnotlier telegram from W. J. rT, who Is at Portland, in ans r to his message of yesterday . avanc,"B the P"co t0 1'" KITS SALE W BE OFF 'w on July J, which contained SHOOTS SELF AT GOQUILLE J. C. Ryerson, Young Barber From Eugene, Commitcd Suicide Last (Special 'to Tho Times.) COQUILLE. Or., .luno lit. I. C. Ryerson. a barber In tho Thompson shop, committed sulcldo last night hy shooting hlniHelf in tho bend. The tragedy occurred In his room In the Thompson htilldliiK and the fatal shot was heard hy another roomer named Strain. When Strain reached Itycrsnn'H room, ho was dead. U.vornoii was ahout 2." yearn old. llo came hero ahout a year no from KltKOIlC. Ttn iililv caimn ulvnn for Ills full- cldo was 'iioo.e." He has heun drlnk liiK linrd and It Is presumed thnt ho shot himself while In n fit of de spondency over tho hahlt. The Inquest will ho held this af ternoon. Senate Committee Says That $5,000,000 More Will be Raised by Changes. Illy AfMi Uto! I'M to Com lUy TlmM.l WASIIIXC.TOX. .luno 1U. The Domocrntlc members of tho Senate flunnco committee, who hovo com pleted their revision of tho rate Hr.iwt.i1in In tic r-idrrwoml tariff bill, declaro tlio total of their alter ations will make a not IncronHo In tho ohI limited roveniio to be dorlvod from the hill as pawned IIiioukIi tho HniiHO nf moro than ST.. 000.000. Tho bulk of tho Kross IncreHne In through tho duty placed on bannmiH nnd the repoal of. tho act which exempted brnnilloB used In fortifying wines from the full Internal revenue tax of $1.10 por galloiK but ono word and It was "Thanks." .Inst how It Is to bo Interpreted. Major Kinney had not fully de rided this morning. Major Klnnoy now HHys his prop erties aro worth, In view of the railroad activity and othor devolop liioutH, $.1, 000,000. and that his prlco of $1,000,000 Is very low. In regard to the Wllsey message about 100 iicreB of land holm? sold and most of the waterfront being gone, Major K'miey says It Is In correct, lie H"v ho luiH sold Home of his property, end everybody knov. It. Up snvs that he recelvod out of property salon about $32 1,000. but that his Initial Investments nnd the money ho hnB expended In Improve ments, otc, totals ovor 800,000. IIo doelaros that practically none of tho waterfront has been sold. Uo snya tho proporty still Includos two mllos of watorfronr at South Slougti, flvo acres with watorfront at Um pire, nnd three-quarters of n mile of waterfront, no foot wide, around Pint II. which Is In tho name of tho Bolt Mno Hallway. Rolatlvo to tho roprosontatlon that his proporty Included 1700 ncres. Major Klnnoy snys that ho novor roprosented to Wllsey or his hvii dlcato that It did. Ho snys that Rev. Westwood. who had no author ity to do so. must havo told Wllsoy or tho syndicate that thoro wore 1700 acres In tho tract. Ho says this was done whllo ho was sick. Itegardlng Wllsoy s connection with tho deal, ho says It dates back nearly olght years. Then Wllsey and Mr. French, builder of the Salom and Portland olectrlc lino, olght voars ago had an understand ing that If Wllsoy and French would build tho lino In hero from Portland. i10 would furnish thorn waterfront age and terminals. French was to handle tho Portland olid nnd Wllsoy tho Snlom-Coos nay or Rucpno Coos nay link. Then ho says Wllsey and H C. Diets and J. H. Dlers find later J. X. Shahan. formed a little . .,.i ivinir ivinnev's ronorts sont Wllsov abroad to try and pro mote the deal. For Wl.sey's trip. Shahan advanced $2500 and later i.mnov had to take over this $200 expenditure as one of the Shahan claims against him. J. II. Eddy, of North nend, who was prominent In tho first sragos of tho last negotia tions between Wllsey and Klnnoy. Is also said to have been In the original pool with Wllsoy, Shahan and Piers. Times' Want Ada bring results. ME ME FOR NATION ater Case IX THE letter of City Attorney Mullen, of North Head, published in Tho Times Inst evening, occurred the following very significant para graph: "Tho Commission has gone Into this matter very thorough ly, and hove a vast number of reports on file. However, there la n great deal of Information which they havo obtained which comes direct from tho wnter company." Now this Is Important. H Is also strictly proper and right. Ah good business men tho members of tho Coos liny Water Company appreciate tho Importance of getting their side of the question before the commis sioners. .1. W. Dennett, ns a good attorney, knows that the commission ers should have all the evidence favorable to tho water company thnt can be mustered so ns to Influence their decision. It will not do any good to weep nnd protest nfterwnrd. Tho time to got tho evidence be fore tho court Is before the case Ih decided. The water company Is at tending strictly to Its business. It is now up to tho people of Mnrshllcld to sco that their side of the case Is properly presented. Kvory ninn nnd woman who lins any Information thnt will throw light on tho wnter service, Its condition, source of supply, etc., should send their nnnies or telephone to tho City Itecorder or City Attorney. , It will not do to depend on your neighbor. This Is your duty. It will do no good to plead and protest when It Is too lnte. Xow Is tho time to get busy. If you wish to prevent a rulso In rates and gof bettor service, do your duty. lu addition to sending your nnmo to tho City Attorney nnd Recorder, niBO mnko nn effort to be present at the henrlugs which open tomorrow morning nt 0 o'clock at the City Hall, If tho llrcakwater arrives In time. This water question Is now fairly TIIK TIMKS has received a letter from u lending member of tho Soclnllst party lu which he saya thnt the Htntement that 1 ley wood, the lender of tho I. V. V. waH kicked out of the Socialist party for preaching "Sabotage and Syndi calism" wiih an error. It Is true that I ley wood wiih ejected from tho party, he snyH, but for other reasons. VIiIh, however, Ih n mere technical differ ence. The editor of The Times Ih not now nnd never Iiiih been a moni ber of the Sodallst party, but ho on dcavoiH to keep Informed on all pub lic nie'-cmentis. The Times knows, nnd this Mnrshflold .Socialist should know that the real reason Heywood was kicked out of the Socialist party wiih Ills advocacy of "direct action," which Ih well understood to be tho doctrine of destruction nnd rebellion. In another column In today's Issue of The Times appears a iiowh dis patch from llutte, Montana, which telis how SoclaliHtH of that state have also kicked tho I. W. Wh. out of tho Socialist party there. This man sayn ho Is a member of the Mnrshfleld local Socialist but Is not an I. W. V, and thnt ho iIoch not know u single Soclnllst thnt Ih nn I. W. W. lie says, howover, that ho knows thnt some Socialists aro In sympathy with them. That's Just where Tim TIiiich takoH iMiie wiih him or anyone who sym pathizes with or succors tho 1. W. W. movement under tho false proni Iho thKt they aro helping labor. Tho gniatoHt oneiny to tho Ameri can laboror today Is the I. W. W. Tho 1. W. W. loaders mo greedy grafters whoso only Intorost in tho working man Is to bunco and bleed him out of overy cent tney inn gei. mid then lonvo him doHtltute and ilollarless without it Job, to swoat nnd starve lu n porlod of remorae and regret. If you think this statement Is Htrong, The Times can support It with abundant proof. Thomas Kon gnn Is the National organiser of the American Federation of Labor. This i one nf tho largest and moBt hiic- ccsfiil labor organizations intho Ray Diamond, Glendale Hold up Man, said to be in Cur ry County Now. Ray Diamond, the Glondalo hank robbor, Is now supposed to bo mnk Ing his way through tho wilds of Curry county nlong Roguo river, Shorlff W. W. Gngo who arrived hero iminv frnm fnmillln last evening, re ceived a tolophono message from Shorlfr uuino nt uosouurg saying that Diamond had boon seen In tho vicinity of Whiskey Run night hoforo Inst and was working down townrd tho coast. Shorlff Qulne nnd nnothor posse woro to toko tho trail again Inst night. The Hums dotectlves linvo been added to tho posso of doputlos who have been traillnn Dlnmond. Dln mond Is snld to know tho territory well. Tho officers throughout Coos and Curry counties are said to bo on tho lookout as Diamond Is expected to bo trying to got out of tho coun try and possibly Is woiking down to tho const in hopes of getting out on somo vessel. TAFT IX WILSON'S I'laCK. Former President AVIII Deliver Ail dress nt fiettysbiirg. DT AHOcUtea Trn to Coo llr TIbim J GETTYSBURG, Juno 18. Follow ing tho news that President Wilson will not bo present at tho coloura tion of tho battlo of Gettysburg an- nlvomnrv linrn In July. BOIlll-offl- clal announcement wns made today that former President Taft will bo hero to preside over the great gath ering and deliver tho principal ora tion July 4, tho closing day of tho anniversary. LET US TALK IT OVER SANK ROBBER NEAFIS COAST mi Tomorrow un to the people of Coos Hay. fulled States. Here Is what llcagan says of the I. W. : "IIAYWOOII IS DltAWINC! A (iOOII SAI.AUV AMI III': IS IHIAWIXt! IT I'Olt CRHATINt! STKIKHS," SAYS ItKACAV, WHO A I .SO SAYS "WHI.KKV- i:k tiii: i. w. w. iiayi: jonk "TIIUY IIAVi: I.KI'T IIKIIINI) Til HIK I'AltTY. IIKSTHTTIOX A.l MI.HKItY." That Is what Tho Times main tains. The I. W. W. nro destroyers and disturbers whoso only thought Is to squeeze tho dollars out of the wnrkliiKmnu. get him to quit bin Jul, mid then move on to fresher fields. Tho I. W. Huciuodod In creat ing a longshoremen's strike In Phil adelphia. It wiih a flat failure. ICveu under the direction of Heywood, the strlko proved ilisaHtroiiH to tho long shoremen, who now find themselveH without money and without Jobs and lu n Htalo of wretched destitution. It- was the samo story In drays Harbor, In Aberdeen, In Raymond, lu Akron, Ohio, and lu fact everywhere that they have succeeded lu getting a slight foothold. With lies and misrepresentation they deceive nnd dupe a few workmon, stir up strife, bunco tho laboror out, of nil they can squeeze from lilm and aro then driv en out or move on to repeat tlio per formance lu noire other section. Coos liny and Coos county should hnve no placo or protection for those bunco men and brawlers. This sec tion needs honest workmen for Its development mid prngretiH. It Is a pity that tho prosperity of this com munity should he dostroyod by this cIiihh of cattle, whoso degenerate doc trine of destruction Ih ho pernicious thnt thoy nro kicked out by tho very men thoy mnko dupes of when the real truth is known. Tlio I. W. W. would apply tlio torch to our prosont civilization hut when It Ih destroyed their Ih no plan or purpose for another one. Destruction and deviltry follow tho I. W. W. with the same certitude that day follows dawn. Docs C'ooh county desire to harbor uiw li i, fin rr l(lf fiL'llntnrM? "Guarantee" on Labels Simply Permits Government to Prosecute Makers. Oj AHOdtleJ I'nii to Coot litf TIbim 1 MOBII.E, Ala., Juno 18. Tho words, "Guorantood undor tno food nnd drugs act," on tho label aro no nssiiranco that the contents of n packago aro puro, according to Dr. Alsborg. chlof of the Bureau of ChomlBtry, who spoko horo today hoforo tho Association of American Food Dairy und Drug Officials. Dr. Alsborg was spoaklug of tho limitations of tho Federal bureau under the Fedoral puro food low, appealing for closer co-oporatlon bo tweon tho Fedoral und state author ities. Alsborg said tho word "guar anteed" was put on to protect tho johbor and retailor and all that tho minrnntnn (ltd was to make It 1)08- slblo to prosocuto tho manufacturer, If tho goods woro found to bo In violation of tho food and drugs act. OPPOSED TO LOAX. Franco Prohibits Hankers From Aid ing Servla or Bulgaria. Dr AMOiUtes rrtM to Ooo nr TIism.) PARIS. Franco, Juno 19. The Froncn Forolgn Office today gavo tho loading French bankers to un- .lorctnrwl (tint (lift trnvnm nifiii t would luirntii'li' illRHiiiirnvn nf anv loan lin ing mndo olthor to Sorvla or Bul garia until after poaco has boen ab solutely assured, Tho Launch Telephono will leave Mnrshfleld Sunday nt G a. in., for Allecnny. roturnlng In tbo evening taking tho Steamer Rainbow's run. WOODS DO NOT MEAN SO IGH EIGHTY WOMEN BY E GREW LEAVE S Lumber Steamer Riverside From Everett Sinking Off Sugar Loaf Reef Today. Iljr AmocIHCiI rrrii to Miot ntf Tlmn.1 SAN FRANCISCO, Juno lit Tlio lumber steamer Riverside, bound from Everett, W'iihIi, to San Pedro, Calif., Ih In n sinking condition off Sugar I.oaf rock on the northern California coast, according to wire less from the liner Admiral Farragut to tho Merchants Exchange this morning. The Riverside's crew are in small boats and a boat has been sent to their nHslitmico from the Ad miral Farragut. Later a wireless from the Farra gut said the Riverside hnd sunk but nil members of tho crew were res cued. TEN DIE IN Twenty-five More Reported Injured in Electric Line Col lision in California. (Ilr AHorUteJ I'rfM lo Coot Hr TIkim VALLEJO. Cnllf,. Juno IH. Ten adults and one child met death lu a collision of lutoriirbau trains on tho lines of the San Francisco and Calls toga electric lino ut nine thirty o'clock this morning. The number of Injured Ih still a matter of doubt but apparently will exceed Ufi. So great was the fono of tlio Im pact that the front of the earn of tho train woro completely wrecked. Neither tho uiotormuu nor the con ductor of tho north hound car woro regular men und It him not been do- I toriulued whether they mlHiiuder I stood orders or woro Improperly In structed before stinting. The Yal lejo fire department and a house moving outfit are endeavoring to lift the iiiiihh of debris with Jack screws so tho bodies may bo re moved. Tlio crash ciime on a straight track at tho one mllo house, near this city. IN CONSPIRACY West Virginia Coal Mine Own ers Charge Alliance With Outside Operators. (Iljr AMO'UlM I'rrii lo Coo lUr Time 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 10. After a week of strenuous Investiga tion lu the coal strike district of West Virginia. Senators Swnnson, Kenyon nnd Martin returned to the Sonato today to tnko up tnoir legis lative duties. Tho coniinlttoo will roHuuie Its homings in Washington In a fow weeks and tnko up tho chnrgo of tho West Vlrglnln coal operators that tho minors' union Is In lenguo with tho coal operators In Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illi nois to run tho West Vlrgnln coal Industry. When tho commltteo ro suinoB tho coal operators will pross their charges that Martin has prej udiced the caso against thorn. SOCIALISTS ItOlT I. W. W. Montana CniiM-natlves Iteioko Charter of Hullo I -oca I. BUTTE. Mont., Juno IK. Mayor Duncan, of Butto, and tho conserva tive wing of tho Socialists, put tho Industrial Workers of the World forces to rout tonight whon, nt tho end of n 21-hour hearing, a majority of tho Socialist stato commltteo ro- voked tho charter of tho Butro lo cal, which Includes tho Amorlcnn branch and No. 11 Finnish branch, and granted a now chartor to tho 0C conservatives who had slgnod a potltlon roquostlng n now char ter. This action of tho stato coniinlttoo doos not end the fight of tho party. There will bo an appeal by the Rad icals to a roferondum olectlou and In the ovent that tho state commlt teo Is upheld by tho referendum, tho Radicals Insist they will contlnuo ibnlr camnalini In favor of Indus- j trial Workers' tenets. N GEO SS USANTS G WRECK M BURNED ALIVE Villagers Enraged at Impor tation of Cheap Girl Labor Wreak Awful Crime. VICTIMS LOCKED IN BARN AND BURNED Horrible Protest Fired Against Sugar Planters in South- crn Russia. tllf AmocIiIcI Prrn lo Com Il7 TlmM.l ST. l'ETEIlSlimtO. Juno 111. Eighty women were burned today by the villagers enraged nt tho Impor tutlon of cheap girl laborers to work on the sugar estates lu tho dlHtrlct of Plrintlu lu the province of Pol tava. Southern Russln, according to tlio Kiev newspaper, Llamlii. Tho villagers fjrst secured and fastened all means of exit from a wooden bnrn lu which the girls woro housed. Thoy then set fire to tho building while the Inmates were still nsleep mid nil were burned without u chance to escape. SUGAR LETTERS TAKEN UP Trust Correspondence Relative to Tariff Fight Read Trust Heads Object. (Ur AmoiUUcI I'rrtt to Cua liar Tlmn. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 10. Moro letters nnd telegrams from tho private flics of the uutl-frco sugar fight began going Into the records when It resumed work today. Tho committee was confronted ut tlio out sot of tho session with tho formal ob jection of Henry T. Oxnard and Tru man (1, Palmer, representing the su gar Interests, ngalust reading corron poudeuce to or from them dated pri or to tlio beginning of tho presout session of CongroHH, Their attornoy couleuded the committee was limited by tho senate resolution to an Inves tigation of matters affecting the leg islation ponding In the present Con gress. The committee took tho ob jections iimler consideration. Ox nard and Palmer nUo took steps to havo the Senate asked to restrain tlm lobby commltteo from examining their private corroHpnmlouro dated prior to this session. It wiih said a resolution to thnt effect will bo In troduced. Meanwhile tlio commltteo worked on. Letters were read con coinlug tho publicity campaign of Hie sugar men, coiuernliiK new Con gressmen, efforts to get their erslou of the matter Introduced into the Re publican campulKii hook, effor to get Dr. Wiley to speak lu their behalf mid other matters Incident to perpetuating Hie tariff on sugar. To Call l.owlt. SYnator No nis In Hie Senate pro posed today a resolution to broaden the powers of the lobby comniltteo to call Itobort S. I.ovett, to explain the stateiiieutH that Union mid Southern Pacific authorities have been ap proached by pei wins professing to linvo Influence In tho Union Pacific Southern Pacific dissolution proceed ings. Norrls declared that Lovett'a statement had to do with tlio Sena tors nml other public officials. Chairman Overman said ills atten tion already had boon culled to the I.ovett Htntement mid he wiih con sidering calling I.ovett on his own responsibility. Hhoiiul tho i ('solu tion bo passed, he said, tlio commlt teo must have the time for reporting extended to beyond Juno 28. Af ter some discussion, the Nor lis res olution was adopted by unanimous consent. ALLIANCE IX TODAY. Steamer Arches From Portland mid Will Sail Toiiioitow for Eureka. Tho Alliance arrived lu nt noon todny from Portland, Sho had n fair list for Marslillold. Sho had a largo number for Euroka, In cluding about' twenty womon mid girls who aro going thoro from Astoria to work In tho salmon can no ry. Tho Alliance will sail at noon tomorrow for Eureka. Among tliose arriving on tho Alll nnco woro: I). W. Cnrponter, Mrs. A. R. Pony, Roy Austin, P. Bourno, Miss A. Bourne, Mrs. M. Barker. Mrs. J. A. Gamble, J, A. Gamble, O, W. Soulos. O. I). Wood. C. Brancii, F. Oustnlvlslon, A. W. Bok molor, B. Llpmnn, E. B, Holdon, Mrs. J. S. Swlnford. Kntlo Welibor, J. W. Swofford, Dolllo Swofford. B. McClollon, Frod Sax, Mrs. J. McLeod, Mrs. W. J. Wood. C. M. Hendorson, Win. Harris, J. Sliaf for, C. G. O'Connor, Goorgo Hous ton, C. H. Bishop, A. M. Rogers and F. G. Danlols. N Johnson, nn employe of tho O. A. Smith mill, sustained n badly lac orated faco as a result of a fall on a pllo of lumber. , 41 m