The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 18, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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1st' v4
Former Coos Bay Man Starts
Big Corporation to Raise
Rice and Alfalfa in South
.1. A. Yoakum, formerly of Coos
Day, 1ms Just organized it large or
porntlon In California for the pur
pose of rnlBliiK rice and alfalfa In the
Sacramento valley In large quantl
ttcs, as will be neon from the fo low
ing article taken from the "(Irldlej
Among the corporations to file ar
ticles of Incorporation with the sec
retary of state was tho American UIco
and Alfalfa Company, of llerkoley.
Tho purpose of the corporation is
stated to he to grow rite mm """
and own land and deal In the same.
The directors of the corporation are
J. H. Mclkle, Eugene I'. , Urock.
Charles 13. Skldmore. .John (Hen. .Tr
am! J. A. Yoakum. Mr. Yoalcnm Is
tho gentlemnii mentioned in mu mi
paragraph of this article as the man
whoso nctlvltles have resulted In In
teresting these capitalists In the en
terprise. Mr. (lion some tlmo ngo
purchased n huge ncrcage of land
west of Orldloy and Mr. Yoakum and
himself purchused the Myers ranch
of H60 acres southwest of this city.
Thcso trncts and others have been In
corporated In the plans of the new
company and will ho planted to al
falfa and rice.
"Mr. (lien Is a retired capitalist,
having amassed a fortuno In the busi
ness of printing calico and cloths In
Scotland. Tho works In which Mr.
Glen Is still a director Is among the
largest In the world. Mr. Skldmore
Is one of the firm of Skldmore & Co..
successful subdivision operators, nnd
n member of a well known Oregon
family. Ho was In this vicinity sev
eral weeks ago looking closely Into
the project.
'Tho plans of the company contem
plate a thorough preparation of the
land for rlco and alfalfa, -and tho
growing of many thousand acres of
each crop. An expert on soils has
already made a report on the hold
ings already acquired. Mr. Yoakain
will ho tho mnnager In charge of the
actual operations."
Mr Vmikntti In n lli-n u-li-n nml will
produce wherever lie may go, even In
California, and bin many friends on
Coos Day are glad to hear that he Is
arranging to produce food for men
nnd beasts In abundance , as good
"koII ticklers" aro valuable to any
(.ins men nccitivi:.
Mlh .Milium Van Wnleis FliiMies
'oiirM In Kiistnii I'nlvcrMly.
Tho following from Tho Portland
Orogonlan will bo of Interest here,
ns Miss Van Waters spent tho sum
mer on Coos Hay a few years ago
ns a guest at the homo of Dr. J. T.
"Miss Mlrlan Van Waters, daugh
ter of Dr. and Mrs. George II. Van
Waters, of IS2 Knst Twenty-fifth
street North, has received tho do
greo of doctor of philosophy at
Clark I'nlverslty. Worcester. Mass..
according to a telegram received by
her fnthor yosterdny.
"Miss Van Waters, who has liv
ed all her life In Portland, was
graduated from the I'lilvorslty of
Oregon In l'.iOS, mid two years Inter
received the dogreo of master of
arts from that Institution. Three
yenrs ago she becnnie u follow In
Clark Pnlvorslty.
"Miss Van Water has been pre
paring a book on ndolosceut psychol
ogy Jointly with Dr. Smith, or Clnrk
University. She will return lo Port
land about .Inly 1 and will probably
take up some work along educa
tional Hues.
I'l.OlK, 1.10 AT 1 1. INKS'.
Havo your job printing dono nt
Tho Tlmos ofllce.
Times' Wiint Ads brlnu results.
Ray Diamond Cool in Holdup
of Glendale Bank Father
Lives in That Town.
ttlr AMoJtlct rrm to Com Ur TlmM.J
ni.pM"jAT.R. Ore.. June IS. Lit
tle progress was made today with the
I pursuit of Hoy Diamond, the (Hen
I dale bunk robber. Tho blood hounds
I returned here liiBt night exhausted.
It Is believed that Dlamoii Is making
! either for eastern Oregon or Klamath
Kails. A rumor gained circulation
here this morning of his enpturo but
It was not true.
I The following from tho Hoseburg
I Review will be of interest here, as
' itnv Diamond, tho Glendale uuiik
! robber, hns not yet been nppre
1 nended.
I "According to telephone messages
from Glendale, Hay Diamond enter
led tho bank Just after Assistant
.Cashier Smith had opened the safe
I and taken out the cash for tho day s
business, there being no one eise
I In tho bank at the time. Cashier
i Del.ay not yet having arrived. Dla
Inioud had his gun fitted with tele
scope sights and Smith asked to be
bo allowed to examine It. instead
tho weapon was levelled at him
with the order to "hand over tho
..noli " filttttinti.l tnntr nit flip tMilil
! and currency In sight, amounting
n 32!in. about one-third of which
was In gold coin. Ho had two
revolvers strapped to his belt and
did not deign to wear a mask, lie
then walked our and started for the
mountains. Later In tho day Mr.
Smith found $130 overlooked by
tho robber, reducing the loss to
"lie Is described ns being about "
feet !) or 10 Inches tall, smooth
shaven, weighs about 1(10 pounds,
dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, has
Roman nose. large mouth: wore a
small, soft whlto hat, brown coat,
khaki limits or lionvy brown over
alls, heavy logging shoos with high
tops over trousor legs, lie Is be
tween 2"i and 28 years of nge.
'nin!ii(iMir father. David 1)1(1-
inoiid. lives at Glendale. and Is ein
i ployed at the Lystul sawmill. He
ils said to bo n quiet, steady man
I and has a good reputation, and Is
, badly broken up over tho actions
oi iiih Hon huh iiiuruiiiK, ' iu ins''
tlvo Is said to bo a Socialist agita
tor and is believed to hnve como
to this part of the stato from Kant
em Oregon where lie lived a rather
wild, cowboy life.
"Diamond has been about Glen
dale n good portion of the time for
tli rim rip fillip viinrii Mil uinltoil
j In the mills purl of the time, but
i was more or less Idle. It Is snld
j he had made several trips into the
, hills northward from Glendale. In
tho direction or nest corn lately.
I nii.l It In liollitvKil now Hint he li it h
, been carrying out supplies to a so
crot camp In the woods In prep
aration for this morning's Jon. After
completing the robbery, which was
'dono very quietly, ho wns seou to
, have a dirk kulfu in his hand, us
well as his gun. when ho left tho
bank, showing thnt ho was ready
! for nny omorgoney If cniight at close
quarters. This all Indicates that
I he will put up a despornto fight If
A crowd gnthered about tho bank
' nt mini, nu urwm mm tlu rihlinrt umiu
I known. A fire alarm waH also
! sounded nnd the hose enrts were
rushed out. Deputy Sheriff F. (.
i McGregor mot Diamond not far from
the bnnk. not having heurd of the
1 robbery, nnd seeing a crowd col
llectlng asked what the trouble was.
, Diamond said he didn't know, and
I walked on. The pursuit soon began
but the fugitive had disappeared In
llllt HlllJUM. .l HID UMIU Ml llll-
train robbery In tho Cow Creek
canyon about two years ago. Dia
mond was MiitfiHH'toil by the officers
of being Implicated in It. but no
definite evidence could be obtained,
lllx coolness thin morning Indicates
luit nrhais they may havo been
rlulii In their suspicious.
John Ronberg Says it is Dan
gerous in That Vicinity
Warns Public of Shooting
Editor Coos Hay Times:
Please warn the public through
vour paper, that It is very dangerous
for any one to drive, ride or wnlk
anywhere In the Frultvale region on
Unstable In the beautiful scenic and
pnrkllke woods.
I, N. John Ronberg. loft my horse
for only nbout twenty minutes stand
ing In front of my house, and when I
returned I fond that sonio one had
shot the horse through the left front
leg about S Inches above Its knee.
What has happened to tho horse
may happen to nny one who niny be
walking through the lanes unaware
of the dangers lurking In tho wochIh
thnt befell my horse, nnd 1 wish to
draw tho attention of tho public to
the dangers of walking, driving or
riding In any of the utreetg or in the
woods at Frultvale.
Yours very truly,
News From
Near by Towns
t km p urn IN TOPICS.
(Special to Tho Times.
Templctoii and North l.ako ball
tennis played Inst Sunday." Temple
ton won. the score being III to .1.
Much praise Is given Roy Robert
sou ns pitcher.
Lakeside and North Slough play
ed, nlso. Their score resulted It!
to S In favor of North, Slough.
Next .Monday the two losing teams
play against each other and the win
ning tenuis against each other.
Annual school meeting was held
at Tenipleton Mondny. Aldlo Men
son wns elected director -to fill
Mr. Davis' place. Allan Roberts
was elected clerk In llenj. Roberts'
Abraham Roberts nnd Allan Rob
erts aro working on tho county
Jack Raymond has his boat at tho
mnchinn shop.
Tenipleton expects to celebrnte
on July I. K. C. Raymond mid
Geo. Roberts will have n stnnd.
Kveryouo Is Invited. Como and
have u good time.
.lames Cowan, of Mnrshllold, has
a store nt Lakeside now. Mr. Cow
an Is a good husluesH mnn.
Miss Ksther Monson left for
Mnrshllold Tuesday ovenlng. She
will visit at the home of Mrs. Rob
ert Fox.
Another Lot of New Cars
Arrive on the Break
water Friday.
Tie uniifliinl quiet nnd cessation
of automobile shipments of the last
few weeks will bo broken on Fri
day when George Goodrtim will re
ceive another large shipment con
sisting of three Fords and two Cad
illacs. Tho threo Fords are tour
ing cars and there Is one six-passenger
Cudlllnc and tho other Is ouo
of their popular and beautiful tor
pedo bodies. This Is tho llrst tor
pedo Cadillac of either the IIM2
or 101 a models to reach Coos Hay
and will he waited and looked for
eagerly by local auto enthusiasts.
Tho car Is a beautiful model and
has created a sensation in auto cir
cles this year.
Mr. Ooodruin has nlso been ad
vised that the entire output of 200,
000,000 Fonl cars has been sold
and It will be Impossible to secure
another Ford car this season unless
by tho merest chance-. This refutes
the silly story published In some
newspapers Hint tho Fonl company
bad sold nut to the Standard Oil
and that Fonl cars would be sold
at an extremely low price.
Concerning this fulso nnd foolish
report tho F nl company havo Is
sued the following statement of
"First The Stmiilnril Oil Com
pany or any other company has not
bought the Fonl business or oven
a single share or our company's
stock, an we havo no Interest to
"Second Wo have no connection
whntovor with any other automo
bile concern.
"Third We will not sell three
cars for $1000.
"Fourth We will not market our
product through uuiil-order houses
or direct to the retail buyers, or
through any other channel except
our regularly licensed dealers."
M:VS Oh' .I,I,K(.'.NV. I
Prices That Talk for Themselves
One Lot of $5.00 and $6.00 fr no
Shoes and Oxfords . . P I Q
Men's $2,50 and $3,00 Tan Oxfords
Men's $4,00, $5,00 and $6,00 Shoes
and Oxfords
Monarch Shirts, sold everywhere for
$1,00 and $1,25, for
Mon's Caps, $1,25 and $1,50,
Phone 32.
(Special to Tho Times.
Croon Mat hew Thurmtin wns born
Jn Tennessee. February nth. IS.".,
and died In Chloetnw. OUIu., .I11110 li,
llli:i. or heart trouble.
Mr. Thurmnn loaves his wiro, Mrs.
Mattlo Thurnian, mid throe children.
Mrs. Kvu IMper, or Coos river; Clar
ence Thurmuu, or Cblootuw. Olclu.,
unit Mrs. Kate Iloyle. or Chloetnw,
Okla. Threo grandchildren, Jumesl
iift Iloyle and Kvolyu mid .lack IM
per. .Mrs. '.. T. Thomas, or Allegany, Is
n Hlster-In-law. Mrs. Dave Cowau or
Daniels Crook. Is n niece. John and
Fred Thurnian of Froo Water, Ore.,
aro nephews. Mr. Thurmnn had nu
merous relatives In the east.
Mr. Thuriuau and Miss Mattlo
Ruliiwuter worn muriiod November
, L'otli, 1871. For ninny years Mr.
I Illinium was a member or the Hap
(1st church and his friends mid rolu
tlves feol that ho wns prepared to
leave the world or woo to go to n
brighter land beyond.
The Thurninn family resldod In
North lleiul, Murshrield. Allognny
and Loon Lake for several years and
have ninny frlouds here, who will bo
sorry to' hoar of his death.
Forest McClay of Douglas county,
came over to Allegany to remove tho
. remains or his futher and hl8 broth-
1 .. ft.... M..-t I t . ...
-i, win .ii. , i,,i , wuij wuio uuiieu in
Allegany yenrs ngo. Mrs. (J. A.
Oould mid Kiln McClay. sisters or
Forest, accompanied him to Doug
lus county.
Miss Mildred (lould nccoinpnnlod
by a frlond, MIsh Sweot or Coqiilllo,
aro spending n few weoks nt 0. A.
Gould's home.
At tho Allognuy school meeting,
Clms. II. Kroeger was elected direc
tor and M. I). Price clerk.
Miss Hnzei. Wnn has a rino now
, Douglas County to Kolocnte Portion
I Of It.
The Hoseburg Review says:
I "Judge Wonacott, Commissioner Wi-
nv ihiii engineer uernionu nave re
turned from Inspecting the Cormlllo
canyon road. In three or tour dnvs
Mr. (lormoud will return thoro to
relocate tho road in several places
so ns to eliminate tho heavv grades
and contracts will then bo let for
the Improvement of the road accord
ing to his specifications. Jndgo
Wonacott ami Commissioner Plnk
ston may go over with Mr. Oormond
on the noxt trip."
A small crew of men is at work on
tho railroad right-of-way near Fred
Kneaper placo, bulldng camps for
tho laborers who will bo employed
in digging the tunnel there. Flor
ence West.
.Times' Want Ads bring results.
Dynamite Will be Used to Ex
terminate Destroyers of Sal
mon on Oregon Coast.
The following from the Portland
Oregonlan will bo or Interest here
on account of the son lions at tho
entrance of Coos Day killing so
many Hsh during the salmon runs.
Al Nichols, or Umpire, wns engaged
last season by the .Southern Oregon
cannery to shoot them there:
"HelentlesH war has boon declar
ed upon the voracious mid wanton
sea lion which oats his rill or the
choicest salmon and thou kills as
many more ns his fancy directs.
Slate Fish Warden Claiitou, rinding
ririe and bullet linpriu tlcablo ns
n means or defense, has now decided
on the black band method, nnd
will put bombs along tho benches
or Tillamook Hay.
W. .1. Stllwell. (,r Tillamook, will
do the real work or Mowing, up the
lions, which como up from the sen
in large numbers to sun themselves
on tin snuds. Ill pliiu. which hns
been tentatively Indorsed by the Hsh
department, In to put powder In glass
fruit jars, connected with wires mid
a battery. These will bo set about
rive feet apart and covered over with
sand so the victim will not suspect
fils fate. Then, when the beach Is
well lined with lions, Mr. Stllwell
will push the button nnd the dying
roars of the fishes' foe will be
drowned in a mighty detonation.
Sen Lions lliiil to lie .Menace.
"Wo have an appropriation or
$1000 which wo will draw on to rur
nlsh tho menus for extermination,"
said Mr. tianton yesterday. "Out of
Inst yenr's appropriation wo have
been riirnlshing nmniuiiltlou for fish
ermen at tho mouth or the Columbia,
Kvery day. almost, these flshcrnion
will pot a lion, but it lH seldom that
they can get the body liocause tho
tide takes It out to sea." '
Mr. Clanton says it lias been hard
to convince tho authorities at Wash
ington that tho sen lion Is really a
menace to tho Coast fisheries, but he
declares every flsherniiin can toll or
thousands or salmon destroyed.
"I mysoir havo seen kch lions fol
lowing tho salmon up tho rivers, nip
ping ono bore nnd thoro mid killing
It apparently Just fop tho sport. On
ly yosterdny at a down-river cannory
I saw soveral fish that had boon bit
ten In two by sea lions. Tho Govern
ment forbids us to shoot tho lions
from tho rocks along tho Coast. I
suppose this Is because they fear wo
will destroy tho birds' nests, but wo
ought to bo allowed to shoot them In
tho bays or open sen."
Pelts Are Useless.
Mr. Clanton says tho pelt of tho
sen Hon Is absolutely usoless, and ho
agrees with tho flshorinoii that no
greater roe to tho salmon enn bo
round than this ocean laonstor.
"So long ns tho Ciovornmonl re
fuses to help ub extormlnnto this en
only of tho salmon, wo aro going to
seo If wo cannot convlnco It thnt our
campaign Is proper," ho said. "Wo
expect to dissect sovornl stomnchs of
tho lions wo kill at Tillamook mid
send the results of what wo find to
Tho department also has secured
tho services of H. Ankony, of Asto
ria, who will fight tho lions at tho
Columbia's mouth.
Have your Job printing dono t
The Times office.
ATEN come to us
! for Stetsons for
the same reason that
we adopted Stetsons
as the hat for our dis
tinctive store. Because
their style is good style
authentic, free from ex
aggeration, and they
have sound quality.
Come look over our ad
vance Spring showing.
also 's expressed in ,
Suit sy
To sl,ow tfc
Unit, .-! '
w.t., ,eni andthelat.
est correct
out without freak-
ish exaggera-
lion. Besides
the saving
to you.
"Money Talks
Hub Clothing and Shoe Co
, Three Stores:
Bandon MARSHFIELD Myrtle Foil
TilV TO SIK't'lti: niiw Mil
iums I'Olt ()UIH:U TKI.I.S OI
,1 II. (lontry, Oi'nuty (Sritiul Mh
i.... ,.r (I mi A. O. I'. . Il
i.. m....u1,ii..i.i ..luiHiii' iin IdciiI loilue
III ,ii,ii ri,n. -in ,.". r '" y
11(1 llltltlHlH IO lllllllKUruiO Hiiiiun-i
i-uiiiiuiIkii f"" "ow mi'inhcrH. Prop
nrutloiiK tiro now holn mmlo for
n Joint opi'ii mootliiK hotwmui tho
Dckico of Honor ami tho A. O. I.
,M. on Thurmlny ovmiliiK. .luiio -'
Tho A. O. V. W. nro nlwnyH hup
ci'HHrul In their cninpulKiiH In Mimm
llolil nml tho prcKcuit ono In not
KoIiik to he nny except ln to I He
rule. A polley In the A. O. I. W
luiK a niHh limn jinlil up nml
louilcil liiHiirance value, which no
other fraternul policy carries. Ariel-
three veurh, u policy cannot hip
Tor wiint of paymontH for a Riven
nniuher or yearH. Tim older you
Kot the cheaper It 'koIh anil at niiv
time lifter threo yeurn HO per ecu
of tlio icnervo cam ho drawn out
If tho inonihor wIhIioh.
IHM HI'S Oh' hanih.v.
News of CUy-hy-llic-Scii us Tolil h'
The Itecoitlcr.
Thulium R llnws'orty hns opeiietlii
law orflce In Mnniloii. over tli" Mi
Nalr hardware Htore. In the iooiiih un
til recently occupied by Dr. Mnltii
.1. Munii. .Mr. lliiKJti'rty Ih a Kradimii;
of the law department of New MijK
I'lilvorslty and wiih admitted to tho
bar for the Htuto of New York. '
foro comliiK here Mr. llaKUerty r
tlhod law for throe yeaiH In M'tt
York Htnto. .
Mr. nnd Mm. (1. T. TromlKoltl ami
little Hon. and Mih. Harry Walker
left TuoHilay for Portland nnd the
TreudKohlH will vlult IiIh pnrontj at
Tho Dalles before returning and Mi
Walker will vIbII lior parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Monro In tho Wlllamoi to
valley boforo sho returns. ( w"
ko to Siilein whore he has sonio lesni
IiuhIiichh boforo tho supremo (ouit.
I.oulo Mnrsh. who has boon aftlUi
ed with typhoid pnoumonln, for
long, bas no fnr reenvorud that nc
wns nblo to go to his homo on I-.ik
river tho foro part of tho week.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Klllot
ycHtonluy nftornoon a fluo baby Bin-
V. J. Chatburn hascominoncoil cx
cavatlon for his now rcsldoiue in
cast Dilution. .,
At tlio rogulnr mooting of tne
toinmorcial club last, night U w
tleflnltoly decided to colobra o lie
Glorious Fourth in Hnndon In tlio
good old fashioned way and a com
mttteo of business mon, composed i
J. T. Sullivan, Stovo Curren, (.eo.
P. Topping, Frank Cattorlln and A.
1). Mills wns nppolntod, and I. '
Poolo was given chargo of tho detail
work . ,,
JIlss Kato Itosa gave a cup an
saucer shower Wednesday nftornoon
In honor of Miss Winifred McNulr. xi:w li.vuxcif.
Tho hull of tho launch Coast was
brought In from Coos nny a coup o
of days ago for Captain Horninn .n -son.
Tho mnchlnory with which i
was formorly oqulpped liatl all ueiji
taken out. Captain Larson has pui
eliased ono of tho engines which for
merly bolongod to tho Wilholnilim
and will instnll it In tho Coast. T o
boat will bo used to do towing for tlio
Tidewater Mill Co. With a 75 horse
power onglno tho bont ought to nave
power enough to handle rafts in
good shnpo. Florenco West,
If you have anything to sell. ren
trade, or want neip. try o
Portland Droos First Gain
New Series to San Frani
co, but Has the HoslE
I llr AMrUIirtnitoliihtl
I'OltTIiAN'l), Or., June iW
Inml dropped the flnt
m.rlKn nt Sin Frtselttli
day hy a two to tire m
tliiiiiKli roniana ua "
KrlHio but live, imjj
At San Kranclico-
Sun l'raialsco
At Sarramcnto-
Oakland ...-
At bus AiigelM-
Los Angeles ...
xi:v tiiiiui iwsisitt
" ,llm.n 11
Mm lU 4. IllR""'!" " "lLi,, to J" "Ci'SI
Manacer Olltvu ' '" ,1
,ram from MorrliX ""J!'!!
Sone n star third w I
n.lvorslty of Oreioa i -
host Imlters oi '"",.,
would leave th re ttU "
tlio iriiui '" . :
::...... .. vniinf IIJ) .
IIIIMIKii ' ii i.VI 0?8
, Son to
llnniip. . , nrtiS'
Manauer orw "" ', a
ilan. .... (hit tbere1'
II is expected m ' ,4
...! rrnwJ JOl'O I
n uiiuti . r..nii
Myrtle Point M ,
riul train J' I'm
..... la pnnl aem . , ,A,
hhhipIi he Mjrtie r . ,
eonpreatly VJ
i oliin Ilia) B V iA
Smith ttrac ted 7W, i
tnntlon here 1M r.ntred
tio animal ". jioU !
...,.ii nf the rlrer j W,
ens, U as ,,, it
Uo sand ri!it.
secure ii-
"T. Mfrtf
(imitate J?,,! t
.t,tc June M'.v.t
In the tbora w , hq
AS K sffia
Now York" J". , l0 pariJJ
neaujo'-:'declareu -
nrlze winner ,. JJ"J
e,,,.S ri to M "'
tho heart, " ttiU
S nil" ijjl
LUi time ."Lrlc. ',
... onreicm -
s,v- rai '
nuicli r
: rnff -J
The ;"- .