THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHHELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1913 EVENING EDITION. i VOU needn't pay any more for clothes in this store than they're really worth; you're pro bably willing to pay that much for whatever you buy. The strong point about Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes is that they're really worth more than we ask for them. These makers put quality into their goods far above the average; whatever the price, you'll find that you get more for the money in these clothes than you get in any others. No sense in being "made to order" when such as these are ready. $18, $20, $25, $30 Look at the $25 values. WOOLEN MILL STORE This storo Is the homo of Hart Schiiffnor & Marx Clothes Copjri I lltrt Schtfaec 1c Miri I Newbro's Herpicide Will Save It See Our Window Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. June Is the Month of Weddings PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 And tlioy any tlint tlioro In "nothing half ho sweotIii life ns Iovo'h young dream," but, sny. luivo you ever tnsted Sar ter's candy? Any girl can tell you It Is Just ns sweet as love. And tho Sailer fountain drinks are ns delicious ns a dream. BOARD In n Pleasant Country Home for two or tlireo Indies, during July nnd August. Address It, rare of Times. References. US WANT ADS. NORPHEUM TONIGHT PORTRAIT Edison. A very powerful drama. MATTER OF MATRIMONY Vltugrnph. A funny comedy. I MINK RESCUE WORK OF AMERICAN RICH CROSS SOCIETY Vltagraph. Educational. TUB ESCAPE-I'atho. A great Western story. KX-CONVICTSellg. A story of Ingratitude. lotm n:i.vr (. x,.:xv .(-ii'iti:s and the rest of music. COME AND SEE PICTURES THAT TALK. ADMISSION TEN CENTS. WANTED Woman lo assist will, woshlng nnd house-cleaning one dny each weok, Call or address Mrs. R. F. Gebhnrdt. North Dcnd. ) I'llll SALE CIII-:.I A Foid nolo In h"'H H.IIUIUUIII 4 IIUHU 1 U rjiil- plre or Goodrum'H Garage. Re Royal TONIGHT wiuti i.'.u., f .,n ... ,,..) iiii'x. bR GXLLANT KNIGHT, lly tho Thannhoiisor Company. lf PATRIOT. Iiv ThannhouBor company IUMONT WEEKLY. No. -15. 'Paris Automobllo show. French bXhttttltlnn i.nH linl.1 .""' "''" urui HBIU. A Cavo.ln In Mlaannrl K!nrtll takes u big drop near Joplln. Winter in Merrle England. ob sledding at CO miles an I4- The Garment-makers' Strike. 'o hundred thousand New rk workers demand more I6, The Fashions. The latest cor- styles In hats. tournament of Roses. Pasade na. California, scene of magnl- vn.t )aBeant. "llhelm at Wedding. German r-"'ieror attends royal ceremony "i Qermnnv ' Aero-Alltn DinlnK 'PvoHlii( I 5.'est between land and air 'u at San Francisco, Cal. '"hat a Fall, Oh My Country-jn- A motion picture ear- FL",''s,e,l utt, will B'vo J"" ' riu ciiango or songs to- -". Everything New. "MISSION ONLY 10c. " Wnt Ads brine resulU. AT THE HOTELS. I lllaui'ii Hotel. Tnmna MlP llllflf'll Atvrtlo Point! W. II. Smith, Coos River. Lloyd Hotel. Mrs. Alice Rosenberg. Lincoln, Neb.; M. Drown. Heaver Hill; Alec Peterson, Lakeside; John McKln non, South Inlot; II. Olson. San Diego; J. Elliott. North Hend. The Chandler. W. F. Ilrett. San Francisco; E. A. McLaughlin. San Francisco; I). I). Pierce. Coqullle; W. C. Crawford, c... vnnnlanni li II n.illnnln Pnrf- Oilll r Jimnov-w, '- --, - land; A. Adolphsen, Denmark; Fred Trumbull, lone, Wash. Hotel Coos. A. McDanlels, Roseburg; Miss Mc Danlels, Rosoburg; Fred S. neckee, Aberdeen; S. L. Curry. Coqullle; a. Warren, Coqullle; Harry Lam port, Isthmus; Ema Jones. Myrtle Point; John Portor. Coqulllo; I1III Honderson, Hluo Ridge; F. D, Cam eron, South Inlet. HOD JUDGE HAMILTON. Some unknown person or persons last night visited the home of Judge and Mrs. J. W. Hamilton at tho corner of Lane and Kane streets, with tho apparent view of commit ting the crime of burglary. Sheriff Geo. Qulno was notified of the oc currence this morning and upon In vestigation found that the guilty parties had entered the kitchen of the residence. As far as could be ascertained nothing was taken from the home. Roseburg News. Try The Times' Want Ads. WANTED Registered lloMelo hull, from n week to u year old. Answer by mall, or phone 3104. Chns. Selaudor, Sumner, Oregon. FOR SALE Red Raven Alrdnfo ter rier puppies. Apply W. F. Town, at Old Town, North Rend, Oregon. FOR SALE OR TRADE Fine Mnrshlleld residence pioperty. Will trnde on good ranch and stock near school. C. N., enro Times. -sr fe. ..-.I. -r tllc l'lnnt cn u5 operated nt Its full J Wjb.'&KZr capacity. IVr E KBt Shingle Mill Starts Tho C. A. B V j3uv1 Smith Company s shingle mill, which i ill M 1 Isw M hns benn nhnf rinwn fnr iwn ,li,,.o while some changes and Improve ments were being miule, resumed operations this morning. Postpone Dance. Low Koyzor an nounced today that the benefit ball for t'he Mnrshfleld public, which he WI1H lltnlltlllll' fnr II. .Vl Unliir.lin. Given tlln tlmn nnd nl.rl.t i... i ,.. ... i.,.ii,, . i i r , , . . ' " " iiubiiiiiiil'ii iiiiik in n iinrihiii gh n"d l0W Wntcr nt "b-'r of other affairs conflicting jiarsauoiil. , ,tb t me uues are piaceu in tlio order of occurrence, with their times on in urst lino and heights on the Wlt3 JIM Is IJclow TIDES Advanced Two. At n meeting of Arngo Chapter last evening. Dr. J. second lino of each day; a compar- .Vt.V f c ViV,1 "" .,U.,S -, - .k,,...- t ,,v,- uii iiiu ,ii t o for 1SUI1 nn nnti onuflvn lininlifn ltl indlrntn whotiin,. ii i- 1,1,1. I- ":?"9 .lark Master degree. Tho lllu water ,.- uu,u ,, '"b .i.L "" l0"K? w ot tomorrow night subtract 2 hours 3 i m niT ts I "J.1! a.r - .. t , IS lli-u n .-.? s- nn n ,- c . o ! llllsli Itiil'l'e.KrilRo Jfr tlnnl.-n nr .u...w..u.ui O.OU O.ll O.l'.f Ft. . . 0.7 4.7 2.5 19 Hrs.. 2.22 11.12 1.02 8.57 Ft. .. is.,- o.S 1.7 2.5 20 Hrs. . 3.03 0.52 -1.43 '.1.4 1 Ft. . . fi.3 O.S 1.7 2.(5 21 Hrs. . 3..I3 10.30 5.23 10.30 Ft. . . (i.l 0.5 4.S 2.5 22 Hrs.. 4.23 11.07 0.01 11.17 Ft. . . 5.S 0.1 4.9 2.5 4 WEATHER FORECAST, (lly Associated Press.) OREGON Showers tonight Thursday. i ; LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For the 24 hours ending nt 4:43 n. in., Juno IS, by IJenJ. Ostllnd, speclnl government me teorological observer; 1 Maximum 70 Minimum 49 1 At 1:43 n. Ill 53 1 Peclpltntlon Nono I Precipitation since Sept. 1, I 1912 61.40 i Precipitation santo period I Inst year 5S.39 I Wind: Northwest; cloudy. rushing the construction of tho big uurKu ior i-ortor urotliors and ox pect to novo It ready for launching early In July. The Imrgo will cam about 500,000 feet of lumber null will bo towed from Floroiico to Snn San Francisco Inden with lumber from tho Porter mill on tho sjuslaw. I Wed Today. Today at Eugene, Hen Chandler, youngest son of Mr. nnd .Mrs. W. S. Chandler, nnd Miss Ceclle Wilcox will bo mnrrled nt .Eugene. Mrs. W. S. Chandler will bo In nttondnnce, but Mr. Chandler wns unablo to go. After a few I weeks' honeymoon trip, they will , I'uiiia 10 V.00S uny to make their I uomc. I Stmt Cninp. Mr. Gardiner, of tho (firm or Ilnusor, Hnusor & Company, who nro doing tho construction work for the S. P. In North Rend, was In Mnrshllold today. Ho re ports they havo started building their now camp nenr tho shipyard. All of tho work nlong thoro will bo handwork, no steam shovol lo- (Ing used. Thore Is a Inrge nmount i of It. , (Jood Catches. Tho ilenn not fUli. ermen hnvo boon milking fnlrly good Inst fow entches Stmt Dilvlnu 1'IIIml- Ilnuli Mc: c,ntches of f Coos liny the lnsl .ah!"expec.s to star S'Wl ,111 S L,?y".' ,,."n,,?-07l .W" . Friday on tho North Front streo ,H"" ', ,wii nB "i ln' "? extension of tho Terminal Railway. w8Jcll, .i,, ,,m,or nrot ,crHD Kot Leave Tm i-iv. W. II. Kenno- m?'b, ',n " '",' ,t ,2' l'0"1"'8- s,'o dy. C. R. Peck and John Vnrnoy and J,nVlJn".c,,llff'BJ,"'0P! ''ri" "l8f? , ,,oon ,,,,, ,.,,,.,i sta,i ,o ,.' .4K, ,'";f ss ,s'S"::; ed more, than plentiful In Catch ni; n mnnnii.,i.i ,.i..i.. . ,.-.,. J..V..' oi nonrii tlio MIUKonin on not down It. nnd n most enjoyable evening was 'K wan over, n social session was to show him what Is being dono with tho former shades of tuo na tive Elk and also to glvo him a gllmpso of the way they do things on Coos Day. Incidentally they may pick out a big stick or two for uso on tho Mnrshllold Elks who tall to Bhow mi at tonight's meeting. Club Picnic Mrs. L. J. Simpson Is entertaining the members of tho Marshilold Urldgo Club nnd their husbnnds nt her beautiful homo at Shore Acres this nftoruoon. Hiu-se.s Tiikqu l'p. Yesterday seven horses were tnkon up by tho Mnrshfleld polho. Two of them be long to Harry Stlmmel, three to tho Oldlnml boys nnd ono to John Ryd berg. Ench hns to pny $2.50 for cncli animal. Appeal Cube. C. F. McGeorgo an nounces that ho will nppcal tho caso of tho L. C. Smith Typewriter com pany to tho supromo court on tho grounds that Judgo Harris erred In granting a now trial. Tho jury in the first trial brought In a verdict for $1800 In favor of McOoorgo. Four Drunks. J. Austin, I). Silli ly nnd George Colvcl this morning pleaded guilty to drunkenness in Rocordor Mutter's court and each paid n fine of $5. I). Shotior also pleaded guilty but didn't hnvo tho money to pny his fine. He promised to pay after ills next pay day and 80 wns released. Speed Coses. Tlio hearing of tho charges of speeding ngnlnst Claude Tucker, Mllns Richardson, D. L. I-ooto nnd Hill Erlckson wnB post poned by Recorder Hutlor today un til 10 o'clock tomorrow. It Bcems now Hint the offlclnls aro only ar resting speeders who nro going moro than twenty miles per hour, tho fnst or speed mnklng It cnslcr to convict. To JtcglMcr Voters. Justlco Pen nock today received IiIb appointment as registrar of tho voters in tho Cen tral Mnrshflold precinct. Under tho now law It scorns tlint ono registrar will bo appointed In ench precinct nnd will bo required to furnish $300 for tho faithful porformnnco of his duties. Ho receives ton touts for each votor ho registers. Tho regis tration will start ns soon ns tho now books come. lAiilgo Social. Mnscot lodgo of! tlio Degree of Honor, hold a vory delightful mooting Inst evening In tho Odd Fellows' Hull. Deputy Grand Mnster J. I). Oontry wns present nnd Ilindo n few rnmnrkn oxplnlnlng tho good of lodges to trip. Will .Move to CiMiillle. Mrs. O. O. Lund Is making preparations to move to Coqulllo, where she will make her homo with her daughter, Mrs. !-. u. True. On Picnic. Mrs. C. H. Duiigan. nsslsted by .Mrs. M. R. Smith, will entertain the A. N. W. dub Thurs day at a picnic at the Dungnn home on South Coos River. Pulp Mill. The C. A. Smith pulp mill will stnrt operations soon after July 1. It will probably tuko two night. Do Is on n tour of Insure or three weoks to gee tho now inn- tlon. This afternoon, Secretary Rot- clilnerv running properly nnd before nor took lilm out to tho Smith mill spent, siippor being prepnred In cninp iiiniuiiii nun a uugo nonriro mnklng n center for tho evening's diversions. Among tlioso present were: R. A. Copplo nnd family, W. F. Irish nnd wife, J. .1. Morrow nnd fnmlly, Miss Lnurn Lnwlor, Miss Ellon Rrowor, Miss Esther Nelson and Mrs. Ida Patterson. Dig KlkN Here F. E. Daniels, district deputy of the II. P. O. E nrrlvod hero today via Drain to visit the Mnrshlleld Elks' lodge to TIME SAVERS Coos Queen $28.50 Coos King $29.50 WANTED Walt i ess nt .Midget Care, North Rend. LOST Pair ladles' gray gloes. Re. ward for return to Tlinos office. I.O.ST A chlltl'H head purse. Finder please return to Times offlco. FOR SALE CHEAP Racycle bicycle, latest model, used only three months. P. O. Rox 507, Mnrshfleld. WANTED Comiietent woman or girl for housekeopor for July and August, $50 per month. Address E. 0 care Times and give references. WANTED Young man at Lewis' Confectionery. FOR SALE Tomato and celery plants. $l per 100. Phono 3151. FOR SALE Spun of work horses. Weight 1400 lbs. each. C. R. Flanagan, 958 5th at. S. WANTED Sevlng by day. Phone 3151. FOR RENT. Rooms and house . keeping apartments. Lloyd Hotel. FOR SALE lii-room lodging house, furnished. 3G1 North Front st Phone 205-J. DRESSMAKING First class dress mnklng done at Ladles' Emporium Have your job printing done at The Times office. There may be some doubt as to who really has the agency for certain tires or the right to make certain artificial bugs to catch certain species of fish with. Bui there is no question as to who has the right to use the name COOS KING and TIME-SAVERS on bi cycles, There is no sucli term as "adjustment of defects" in connection witli Marshfiold Cyclery Bicycles, We tell you that we will replace any defective part FREE OF CHARGE. The name Marshfield Cyclery is on these bicycles and our business success depends on their quality. Testimonials? Sure! Read One: Marshfiold, May 23, 1913. To the Public: This is to state that for fair dealing and good bi cycles, I can heartily recommend E, Bandel, of the Marshfield Cyclery, Three wheels in the same fam ily inside of one year ought to be good proof of my statement. This statement was not solicited by Mr. Bandel, but given freely in justice to him, (Signed) NELLIE E, WHEREAT. Note the date, as evidence that it was not solicited for this ad, anyway. Original letter In our window. j RELIABLE -coos k,v TIME SAvERS Bicycles ALWAYS USEFUL Dayton Bicycles Marshfield Cyclery 156 North Broadway Phone 158-R held and a most enjnynhlo tlmo was nnii. Htrawiierry shortcako and crenm, sandwiches nnd coffees woro served hy the entertainment com-, mitten. Tho Degree of Honor Is planning n vigorous momhershlp campaign. Stafford' Chickens. I). V. Staf ford, who Is somowhnt of n chicken fancier Is grieved nt remnrks that Frank Parsons has boon mnklng about some of his young chlrkons. They nro thoroughbred Rhode Island Reds, Dnvo says, and havo shed nil their feathers. Frank Parsons says It awful to permit them to run around nil naked. Stafford says that Parsons Is trying to Iniluco him to buy hear restorer to grow n new crop of feathers on tho chick ens. They probnbly will sottlo tho controversy nt a meeting of tlio Elks lodge tonight. Fine Country Home, Goo. Ross, of Catching Inlet, was a Marshilold visitor today. Ilo reports good prog ress on the flue new country homo he Is building on the ranch. It will ho strictly modern, being fitted with baths, hot ami cold wntcr and will be wired for electricity. If an electric light service Is not nut In nlong the slough soon, ho will put In a smnll plant of his own to Unlit up tho house nnd also the big dairy barn on the place. The house Is a large one, finely finished and nicely nrrauged, Mr. Ross was his own architect and tnose who hnvo seen the house say that ho Is a genius. I Along the Waterfront. I Max Tlmmormaii hns a new deep sen flshliiK launch for James Was sou nearly completed, Tho launch Wah-la-Wnso, which Is on the Catching Inlet run, struck n sung this morning and knocked her rudder out of tho shoe, The Nan n Smith snliod at noon tndny from San Francisco tend will probably roach hero ear.y Frldny. Tho Adeline Smith sailed yestor dny for Oakland. The Alliance Is due In early to morrow from Portland. When we nil break Into tho high brow class, who Is going to do tho drudgery? ELKS NOTICE. There will bo nn Important moot ing of Marshfield lodgo II. P. O. E. tomorrow ovonlng to wolcoino T E. Dnnlols, Deputy Grand Exalted Kill or of Orogon South. Thoro will also lin nn InlHntlnn nti.l Min nnllnrM flffftil In tho prosenco of this grand lodgo offlror. All members and vUltlng Elks Invited. Lot's turn out and ro colvo our grand lodgo officer llko loy al Elks. GEO. II. ROTNER. SccV. DR. PRICE'S SOAP A genuine mcdlcntcil cuticle soap for tho skin. Seo our window, THE STORE FOR QUALITY' (JOODS AND PENSLAR REMEDIES. i