r, THE C0S BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 19134-EVENING EDITION. , i i- 1 J Sale of Convent-Made Laces id Oriental Embroideries .. f tutll linvn mi illaiilm. mi.i rH i t. , Ban- UH" ' "" "- - ; . ' """ '"' Da,e CIIO1C0 of beautiful hnnd-mnde nnd Imported fineries, Including Lm lace, Rose Point lace, Vonetlnn Point Inco, Chinese U idinonnH, oic, en:. L iiivimtlou Is oxtendod to the Indies of Coos County brnhiBs, ii-",uu"n ui u.'iiiiib"i Mrs. Chas, R. Donohoe lllotcl. IMPORTER. Mut-.slitlcld, Oregon. bstracts, Real Estate, and Marine Insurance GUARANTEES ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager J.I TIM HUH AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. ,i;.i;iuii amk.vi liAhisiiiii MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE 11-J. COOl ILLE CITY OFFICE I'llOXK JIM. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELE8S i FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND FRIDAY, JUNE 13, AT 7 A.M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 ING WITH THE NOKTII IIANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC OTEAMSUIF COMPANY. O. F. McGEOHQE, Agent. NANN SMITH Is From San Francisco for Coos Bay Tuesday, June 17. CAHUYIXG AM COOS HAY FHKIGIIT. iirLsru office, 805 Fife ItldR., or Lombard St. Pier No. 27 aide Trnnspoitntloii Co., C. F. McGcorge, Ant. Phone II. Paris, the Incomparable "LEARN ONE THING EVERY DAY" No. 3. THE TOMB OF NAPOLEON. Copyright, 1 0 1 :t . by Tho Associated Newspaper School, Inc. HIGH nbove tho sen u rock cliff, tho waves roaring nt Its bane; to tho west a crimson sun glid ing tho tossing surfneo of the ocean; behind, tho green nnd yellow lie-Ids where the grain wns ripening; over nil, tho bluo sky in such surround- nis a mini sat on a low bunch gaz ing at tho setting sun, Ills elbow on his knee, bin chin upon his hand. Motionless ho sat there, and the sun set and tho stnrs cnnie out nnd twinkled. And then, when it wns night, ho rose wearily and walked slowly, with bowed head, to tho house. At tho door ho turned, and gazed out to sen nnd but n faint Blgli escaped his lips: "La Franco!" crumbled and failed, nnd it was but night on a lonely Island In the sen. So day after day. and night after night, on the little Isle of St. Helena, did Napoleon mourn for tho armies and triumphs Hint ho would novor see again and so ho died. In IS 10, l!i years after his death, tho body of Napoleon wns brought back to Paris and plnced beneath tho splendid domo of the Church of tho Invnlldes. Tho church Is a square" pile of 19S foot, and over its center rises the glided dome to n height of nrio foot. Directly beneath is an open clrctilnr crypt, which is 20 feet deep below the floor of tho church, nnd lit! feet In diameter. In the middle of thin open well rises tho tomb of the emperor, who was born In AJncclo. Corsica, in 17GW. nnd died nt St. Helena. Tho sarcophagus measures 13 feet In length nnd Is six nnd one-hnlf feet wide and II 3-1 foot deep. It Is mnilo of red granite from Finland. On the mosaic floor arc Inlaid the names of eight of Napoleon's great battles; Hlvoll, the Pyramids, Mnrcngo, Austerllt:, Jonn, Frledland, Wngrnm, Musrovn, Abouf the wnlls nro 12 colossal. fig ures symbolizing tho victories of tho great warrior, and captured flags stands about tho bier. Over nil Is a golden glow that seems to come from high up In tho tower. Visitors from otner coun tries wonder nt the perfect- taBto shown In every detnll of tho tomb; tho French people who gnzo upon It shed tears. Every day a different liuinnn In terest story will nppenr In The limes. You enn got n benutlful In- EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS imship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. ritoM Portland .iune i, , u, i, 21 and 20; t JULY I. 0, II, J, 21 AXI) 21). IFIIOM COOS HAY JUNE 1. (I, 11, HI, 21 AXI) 20; JULY I, (I, Jl, 1(1, 21, 2(1 AXI) ill. mId (o nil Eastern points nnd Information as to routes nnd rates cheerfully furnished. i 35. h. P. H STERLING, Agent. FAST AM) C03DIODIOTO lamer Redondo Equipped with wireless wid sabniarlne bell FROM COOS BAY FOR. SAN FRANCISCO SUNDAY, JUNE 8, AT 1:30 P. M. Mniter Reservations From Son Francisco Must Ho Mde t (n lliill.llni. up T.niiiliiiril direct Pier 27. All reservations must bo taken up 21 hours before sailing. 1NTKR.OCKAN TKANSPOUTATIOX CO. C. F. McGEOROE. Agent. J. SCAIFE. l.N $ A. II. HOGGINS rj PAINT AND ULLUKAIINU LU. nates Furnished. Mh oilfield. Ore. Auto Line every 20 minutes from , 7 p. in.: from 7 r. in. ,k every half. Faro 15 ay, round trip 25 cents. i hooks. 20 rides. $2.00. Chandler Hotel, Marsh- orm Mend News Co., In & KING, Props. iuto Service Tucker, Proprietors. to Illanco Hotel, 4C. F. 2C0L. Right Cafe. phfleld, Oregon. tynn Lambeth's JOIK 7- Cadlllnc. stand at Hill- owe. Telephone 18-J. jo., telephone 2C0-L, the Careful driving assured, "Won. Will go anywhere, ' ur nignt. Leaves Hill istore to meet all trains ELECTRIC I0E STORE to hllv tnrnl clirwa for IVlIftf.n l.vixnrA' VJ. D road way. New Premiums Just received big shipment of CIIOICi: GLASSWAHI3 FOH PIUiMIUSIS for our customers. Drop In nnd look tlicm over Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'COXXELL 11LDO. Phono !I04-J. 1 Slarkot. Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks between any points In Marshfleld for tho follow ing rates, .delivery to be made In tho first stories of buildings: Ono trunk - Threo trunks '"' Twolve trunks 1,nu Star Transfer and Storage Co. T-vl Helsncr. Prop. Phones. 120-J; -19-t,: 98-R. u'lini .11.1 iin hoo there in tho tnglio reproduction of this picture. wiM Che8; rffi: WVSi of men; ho saw armies marching 7 by 9 InchcB In slzo. with this i.. i . i. 1.....11.1 nmv. im nw wiioin1 week's "Mentor." In "Tho Mentor' regiments of Infantry go forward in well .known authority covers the to ho charge, and ho heard cannon subject of the pictures nnd store crash and roar and tho rattle of of tho week- lenders of Tho tlinoi rlflo flro. nnd bo saw cavalry go1 nnd "Tho Mentor" will know Art thundering by with tho cry: "Tho Literature. History, 8r cCo nnd Kinporor and Franco!" Ho Baw tho Travel, and own exiiilsl o nlctiircB whole of Kuropo coiiquorcd nnd lilm- On sale at Tho Times office. Price self cfowned emperor of ono of. fen cent a. Wr to todny to 1 ho tho greatest empires in tho world's Times for booklet explaining 'lhi history. And then tho visions Associated '"wsiinporRchooliuiui GRADUATES ARE TOLD TO MARRY Unli-omlty llend Says Wlfeliood Ii Tlio SiiM-ilor State. CHAMPAIGN, 111., Juno 1C Mar rlago Is better than n career. Presi dent Kdinond J. James of tho Uni versity of Illinois, told HOO women grnduates who have JtiBt completed four years of training for professions. "Tho nverago man nnd tho nvcrago woman enn do their host work for thomsolves nnd for society in a part nership which results In n social unit offcctlvo for soclnl progress," said President Jnmos. "Tho woman who dollborntely chooses this career when the opportunity offers itself, or when sho mnkes It for horsolf, ns every wo mnn can, is choosing a highway to so cial servlco which is far ahead of all teaching or legal or medical servlco sho can possibly render socloty. "It looks sometimes ns If our mod ern society Is giving tho honors of so cial recognition to tho bnchelor mnld Instead of to the wlfo and mothor. Just in proportion ns this Is dono will society surely suffer by recruiting Its ranks In tho long run from tho uned ucated and moro nnlmnl elements." Llbby COAL. The kind YOU havo ALWAYS USED. Phone 75. Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Company. COLLEGE-BRED St. Helens Hall I'OUTWND, OBiaON Resident nnd Dy School for Ctrl Id eh.rne of HUter. of Ht.John B.ptbt (KpUccpyl) Milli. Art, Vlocltion. DomMtl. Art. Im..ll. IcI.dc, axDuttlu. for c.tslon aJru- THK SISTIUI SUITIIIOII. Office 29 SI. Ilt-leiu Hall Itexult of llreeilliig Only One of E perliiicuts nt Cnrviillii. OREGON' AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvnllls, Juno 17. A col lege hen. which laid Hit egg In 100 days and ohsorved Commencement day.by taking a slnglo day's vacation, Ih n new claimant for prominence In tho chicken world. Tho newly her nldcd layer is threo-qunrtor Ilarreil Plymouth Rock, descending from sovornl generations of heavy layers bred at tho Oregon Agricultural Col lego experiment station. Tho US) eggs wore laid during the 100 dnys ended Juno S, ns follows: III in March, 21) in April, ill in May and S In the first eight days In Juno. Not only Is this tho best record over secured nt Oregon Agricultural Col lego for tho samo length of timo, but u careful perusal of authentic records from other stations on filo falls to re veal an equal performance, Tho result of breeding ns shown In the egg production of this ono hen Is only nn isolated cxamplo of what Pro fessor James Drydon's oxtonBlvo ox porlments nro proving to bo possible. Ilotween HOO and 100 pullets nro be ing tested this year nt tho oxporlniont station to demonstrate what inny bo expected from proper solectlbn of breeding stocK. Un to date tlio records snow cioariy tho bonoflclnl effect In egg yield and when tho yenr's experiments nro con cluded in tho rail some Interesting statistics will bo available for the uso of poultrymen who nro raising chickens for egg production. WANTED scSci!ino.rs Ka "our watch. Let me handle it and preserve it perfectly for years to come. E. C. BARKER. nop. Front st. Marshfleld. Or. iat Roof Fixed NOW COJtTBELL W. E. Sawyer J. A. Goodwill Glass ! Glass ! All kinds Plate, Window, Mirror aim Art Glass. Mall orders or Phone 70-J. Call at 727 South Broadway. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio CLEAN CHIMNEYS NOW. It is required by ordinance of the City of Marshfleld thnt chlmnoys bo cleaned nnd kopt In repairs to avoid the dangor and damage of fire loss. In keeping with this ordlnnnce, tho people are requested at this tlmo to havo chimneys clenned and repaired. By order of J..W. CARTER. Marshal. ANNOUNCEMENT. I am prepared to clean and re pair chlmnoys on short notice. Phono 258. A. II. SARGENT. Leave orders at Blanco Cignr Store. Phono 78. Unique Pantatorium TriE MODERN DYEttS. CLEANERS, PRESSERS wid nAT RENOVATORS Agent for Etnvard II. Htrwis & Co., Fine TnllorlnR. Let us make your next suit. 255 CENTRAL. Phone 2B0-X Bowling Alley! 75 NORTH FRONT STREET Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies SHINGLE GETS MAN A WIFE Washington Man's Plea on Novel Pa per llrliiKt Many Responses. PORT ANGELES, Wash., Juno 1C. Brought together through u mes sage written On n shingle, Mr. nnd Mrs. Royal M, I.aFlower nro at homo hero todny after their honeymoon. LaFlower, who Is a shlnglo ddgor in n local mill, grow tired of "single blessedness" and wrote tho following with an Indellblo pencil on ono of tho shingles ho made: "I want a wlfo before 1015. My address Is Royal M. LaFlower, Port Angeles, Wash., May 15, 1012." Tho shingle was found by a car penter In Dunmoro, Pn., nnd a story In tho local paper thero resulted in L'8 young women writing LaFlower. Miss May Motteson's letter appealed to him most and tho wedding fol lowed. ' ' SHORTS. 81. 25 AT HAINES.' Have your Job printing done at The Times office. - Try Tho Times Want Ads. i E A LIST OF TrtYS" The National Education Association AVIlt Answer All guestloiis. Tho fond pnront no longer need becotno unduly exasperated when his threo year old hopeful bombards him with a series of questions that might inn leu nn encyclopedia compiler pause. Make u note of them. The general science committee of the National Education Association will do tho rest. Such questions ns "Why Is n whllo hope?" nnd "How long is n vice probo?" need not bo sent In. How over, you may nsk why tliu clouds put on their gaudiest tints In the even ing, mid why tho rainbow Isn't strnlght. You may oven nsk why u bnsoball pitcher has "orr days," and where tho water comes from thnt runs down the outside of a cold water pipe. Just who Is going to unswer the questions is not yet known, but thoy should he sent to Or. John F. Wood hull, Teachers' College, Columbia University. Dr. Wooilhull Is chair man of tho recently appointed coin mlttcn on general science of the Na tional Education Association. A cir cular has been sent out by tho com mittee requesting ndvlco from and tho cooperation of tho general public, If you wunt to know if u fish over gets thirsty; why n dyspeptic look ing aviator can fall n coilplo of hun dred feet nnd not oven suffer from n loss of appetite, while another person may slip on a wet sldownlk nnd break his neck; why u Jackrabblt can sou behind him without turning his head; why a lobster turns red when ho Is broiled; why tho Now York American League team seems to bo frozen when tho temperature Is up around tho UOs; why tlio New Jersey mosquito manifests u distinct partiality for certan persons, particularly visitors, nnd ignores others; why It Is that In springtime one young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of lovo whllo another's will turn to thoughts of bock beer; If you want to have any of these questions nnswored, Just send them along to the general science committee. In tho circular It wns set forth that the committee Is seeking lists of ques tions which young persons In search of Information In the field of science ask of parents and touchers. Hero are some of tho questions which nro given as examples: Whut Is tho sun? How does It keep hot? Why does It sometimes turn red? What gives to tho clouds so many different colors? Aro wo llnblo to bo killed by meteors? "Suggestions for organizing com mon sense and developing gumption," says tho circular, "aro In order. Lists pf problems nro desired In tho field of natural science which require diag nosis at the hands of tho ordinary person. What about 'noiisklddlug tires' and 'vncuuni washers?' " SNAKE PLAGUED MAN IS DEAD ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. List of advertised letters remain ing in the Marshfleld Oregon Post Office for tho weok ending Juno 17, I OKI. Persons calling for the samo will plcaso say advertised and pay ono cent for ench lottor called for: Baker, II. E.; Burke, Wayne (ti); Carlson, W. T.: Connor. 0. J.; Car penter, Mr. and Mrs. Tom: Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Hurt; DeWItt, II.: Em erson, Tn I m age; Falrchlhls, 10, N,; Flshor, Win.; Grant, Harry; Gentry, J. II.; Holsner, Del: Honeywell, Clny ton C; Hubbnrd, W. II.; Iiimun, Ben; Jones, Charlie; Johansson, Edvln; Johnson, Art; Keogh, II. J.; Kus innucii, M.; Law, W. L.; Llebert, MIsh Stella; Loy, J, II.; Lowell, Mrs. Mary; Mlclntn, J,; Mill loy. Daisy E.; Muborru, Frank; Nelson, Chris.; Hig gle, Robert; Hubs, Avram; Stniiulng er, Joseph; Strnnd, Emll; Sawdon, J. II.; Schinltz, Will; Smith, Frank L.; Smith. L. Seymour (2); Tlobelt, Er wln; White, P. W.; West. Alfred. W. B. CURTIS, Postmastor. Luther King of Florence Final ly Succumbs After Years of Suffering From Bite. EUGENE. Ore., June IS. Luthor King. "Rnttlcsnnko King," .died Wednesday at the Olouiuln hospital. King said a mouth ago ho did not be lieve he would llvo until August, and that at last there will he an end of his nffllctlon, which ho blmsolf torined "tho serpent's brand that tho Blblo speaks about." nnd which has per haps no parallel. Recently tliu Evnngolicnl church of Florence prayed In a body for this old man, upon whom for IS years tho Lord has visited a serpent curse so grent that he must have hailed death as a relief. In tho enrly part of August, 1875, 8.1 years ago, Luther King was pick ing blackberries In the mountains of Idaho, when a rattlesnake, disturbed In Its sleep, struck quickly and with out warning, nnd closed Its tectli so firmly upon his leg, n little below tliu knee, that ho dragged It as ho ran, whipping nnd Jerking, for 200 yards or more. Ho renched camp nil right, tho poison wns extracted from the bite, the wound healed In a few weeks, and probably, as ho believed, all tlio subsequent history of tho bite, tho suffering It caused and Its strango, almost Incredible, inanlfestntloiiH would not have occurred had It not been for one circumstance tlio tlmo of tho year. August Is the period of dog days and during this mouth snnkes shed, nro blind and strlko nt everything they hear. It was a blind and shedding snake that bit Luther King. For 20 years ho went about sound and well, tho snako blto practically forgotten. Then on tlio last day of July, 1SSI5, he felt a peculiar Irrita tion on tliu bitten leg, but upon tho Instep nud not Just below the knee, where appeared tho faint senr of tho bite. The next, morning, August 1, ho woke up feeling dizzy nud to find that the Irritating spot on his Instep wns a running sore. All that month ho slept from t to 20 hours a day, drank llttlo nud uto scarcely anything, while the functions of tho body stopp'ed. On tho first of September ho got out of bed and culled for something to eat. By the 1th of September tho soro was completely healed. .Y( .Inly l( Came Again. On tlio Inst day of July tho next year, ho felt again nn Itching mi ills Instep, two Itchlugs, nnd nt the samo time ho felt dUzy ns with malaria. Tho next morning tho yenr-old scar upon his luslep had revived Into n soro nnd not two Indies nwny was another soro, both running. Again ho slept tho whole mouth through, with llttlo drink or food, nud Imag ining In his delirium thnt a rattle snako wns colled up on his log, uiidor tlio skin. On the 1st day of Septem ber lio got up hungry. By tho fourth of September tho sores worn well. Relillleii, It Ki is, 171 Times. And bo ench year for 18 years, with Inexpllclblo regularity, on tho 1st of August, his state of enforced coma nnd fasting has begun, nil tho scars of the preceding year havo re vived, accompanied unfailingly by a now soro, mid with equally strange regularity tho wires hnvo never failed to ho entirely healed by the -t t li of September. Ho now has 18 scars up on his leg. Thnt first soro upon Ids Instep, like a periodic volcano, has revived 18 times, tho second 17 times ami thus it becomes a slmplo problem In progressions ( find t lint Luthor King, bitten onco by n llvo rattle snake, havo been robllton 171 times by an Invisible ghostly snako that all through ench August lies colled there, a dread nud unjust Nemesis, upon his leg. SWAT THE FLY. A bulletin from the offlco of tho Oregon Dairy and Food Commission er says: "Tlmo was when wo trented tlio fly ns an evil that must ho endur ed but later Investigations into his habits, etc., havo proven him too dangerous a pest to tolerate. Along with the study of his operations as a dlsenso breeder nud germ conveyor we hnvo also been enabled to look Into tho homes of his younger days, tho favorite of which wo find to bo tlio manure pile. Although born ntnldbt such lowly surrounding :io soon seeks hotter quarters and Is nq respector of plnces or persons. We may find him feeding in nil kinds of filth, or perhaps upon tho daintiest morsels upon tho table. After having partaken of his meai ho delights to find an open vessel containing milk nnd theio perform tho operation of washing Ills fcc nnd faco. His over venturesome na ture sometimes lends him one step too far nnd tlio Intended wash be comes n bath, disease genus con tained In particles of filth adlior luif to his foot aro transmitted to tno milk and then taken Into tho human svstoni and wo wonder why children become sick In warm weatli or. In this caso an ounce of pre vention Is worth more than a pound of euro. "Swat tho fly by doing away with plnces wliero tlioy breed, and when ever possible do away with places wliere they feed. Screen all places wnero food Is kopt or prepared; screen tlio privy; allow no decom posed animal or vcgoinmo manor to lay around. Two files less In May means thou sands loss In August. WHEAT, $1.85 AT HAINES.' Times' Want Ads bring results. I SOME PIONEER NEWS. I - . From Tho Coos Bay News, pub lished nt .Miirshuold, Juno 1C, 1880. Slglln & Bonnott, publishers. Dr. C. W. Tower Is appointed ninriun hospital deputy surgeon for his district. As a quarantine ngnlnsr dlpthcrla on Coqiilllo, most of tho puTillc schools hnvo been closod, HarRness Diiuhniii still hns charge of tho Bortha. Tho people on Coos River speak- favorably of him as a steamboat captain. By n Into ruling It is necessary for tliosn applying for pilot's license to bo nxnmlued by tho marine sur geon for color blindness, .las, Arrlugtou Is the genial clork In I.obreo's store. Ho has taken tho place of L. Lobreo, who has onn to Sau Francisco. Tho wagon road between Sumner and Coos City Is being put In shape, so that vehicles ran bo run between tho two places on tho Fourth of July. J. C. Robortsnn, of Danlols Creek, sent us a very flnn rooster, to crow after election, Wo nto tho rooster nnd uro prepared to do tho crowing ourself. Nelson Thomson killed n door on Ten Mile Inst Sunday, Ho brought tho horns, which woro very pecu liar, to Dr. Tower's office. Tlioy separate Into four distinct forms, making it appear like two sets or horns on the snino head. Tlioy contain 18i small points. Samuel Dement was onn of tho passeugors on tlio GiiksIq. Ho brought from California a couple of flno animals, the only thorough breds over Imported to Coos Coun ty. Ono Is a bull "Kirk Livings ton," Hi months old, grand slro Duko of Oxford. Tho other was n heifer 'Rose of Suinmor Pamela," 12 months old, sire Grand Priuco of, Llghtbiiru. Mr, Dement Is n good Judge of fino cattle and spares no pains In Improving his stock. Havo your Job printing dono at Tho Times offlco. m pH0.E3,71