The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 18, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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    MBMMBi?AfTigKiTwiTi in i ii mnminrTT"Tr"
MiBBMMBMWBBB,S , , , iwftmftJBiramnt'flftft hIiM TTMMIWiriiWrn mm i ' MyinMTfcKl"g. ,Mi
5 ?
Jl 1 2
ii. 0."MALO.VKY IMItoi- and Pub. '
IIA K. MAI.O.VHY News Kdilor
Entctcd nt tho poatofflce nt Marsh
field, Oregon, for transmission
through the malls as second clas
mnll matter.
SOMHTIMHS ability to forget Is a
grcator boon than capacity to re
member. This Is the case with
worry ami niinoani?B Today's
troubles loom largo, but a month
hence most of them will have sunk
below tho hoi lon If one were for
a month to loconl tho trifles that
rasp him and then notice what be
came of them tho scoie would make
him blush oer his littleness. Foi
gettlng and oorlooklng wisely nie
arts In the conduct of llfo.
ee r OMttX wore noer so iutor
A ostlng as they are today,"
declares a modrern sociol
ogist, viewing the present feminine
unrest with the Judicial calm of a
self- contained ciltlc This. In spite
of opposing complaint to the effect
that with the vanishing mystery of
Kccluslon women are losing most. If
nut nil nt ilmlr mitiiral charm.
But tho fact remnlns that the wo
men of today aro not easily dismissed
with n shrug or a smile or een an
elaborato theory of sentlmentnllsm.
They are doing things and thinking
things that are sometimes a bit
nlarmlng. to be sure, but they can
seldom bo accused of stupid Inacti
vity and dullness.
Llfo Is mostly froth and bubble.
Two things stand iiko sioiio;
Kindness In another's trouble.
Courage In vour own.
a. i,. ooudon.
thi: i'oi.ks hack ho.mi:.
Tho folks Hack homo. It seems to me,
Are like as folkses ought to be;
Just plain nil" dressed In common
An posted well on poik nn spuds.
Hut they ain't erseil In elite lore
Of knives an' forks, each plate a
Finger bowls an' sliver dishes.
Full of air an' wholesale wishes.
Whon (ompany gathers 'round their
Of grub they get a fulsome lionid;
Don't teem In lock the tost at all,
Ho living 'spenses great or small.
They nlwas manage so the.v can
Hid welcome to the "Inner 1111111."
For every human ache an' III
They sooin to know a cure that will
Bring back the cheerful giln of ease
An' cause the funeial trust's de
1 cronso.
Hum some old sottlois never settle.
Tho man with a good aim In life
and mi empty gun may lime an artis
tic temperament
tilting iiusolli Itoil advice Is one
way" of hoi lowing double
tin: whist
Thoro cannot be much fun in It. They
just sit theie ami scowl.
When some one turnips her purt
uur's ace theto I .tin awful
Thny sit and ung ami scol 1 and sc tan
o'or eeiy 1 aid that's played.
And criticise each other's clothes; al
so tho way thcy'io made.
Thoy sit nnd pla four hoiti or mine,
no low hIiows In their
They're fighting for a lo-ioni dish,
for t lull's the big first pilc.
Kucli one slams down her caul quite
enoiiKli to break her wiist.
Thuro'u no loo lost. I'll toll .win that
whim women folks play whist.
Too many of us want to monkey
ftltb othoi puoplo' liii. saws.
After the tilitl a wise poison loams
not to talk bm k to tho Judge.
Hue cents comes to Mime men In spite
of t lionise! on.
ISveu a big man can't nlwa.vs Insult
a !itth) man mid gel away with It.
iikxci: tiii:si: imv.Mns.
Tho' my mii so Is exact,
Tho' it flawlosslj flows.
Ab a matter of fait
I would nithor wilto pioso.
While my liaip Is In tune,
And I sing IIU the blids,
1 would loally as soon
Write In str.ilghtaway woids.
Tho' mj miiiks 1110 as sweet
Ah Apollo o'er piped,
And my lines aie as noat
Ah hae eer been tpod,
I would lather write proso
1 pi of 01 It to 1 by 1110:
It's loss liaid to compose.
And It takes mo loss tlmo.
"Well, ir that be tho case,"
You are mnvod to luqiitio.
"Why apiuopiiato space
For extolling jour lre?"
I nn onl) reply
That this f 01 m 1 olect
'Causo it pleases the eve,
And I llko the effect.
A man a fool who thinks of balking
A woman whon her tongue would
Sho nlwas says, Thoio'b no use
When she luteiuls to stait right in
J unci:.
Times' Want Ads bring rasults.
V. I. KOHi:UTS. of Sumner. Is in
town today
.1. 1. STHVHXS Is In town todav
fioni South Coos Uler.
M. HIIOWN, of Homer Will, is In
Maishlleld on business
I, V l'lUCH. of Sumner, Is In
town toda.v on business.
Al.HHUT HHAU. tho Noith Inlet
lancher. Is in town today.
C. II. WOODWARD Is a business
visitor ft 0111 Sumner to!a.
C. It. l'HC'K will leave In the luorn-
Ing for Oat diner on business.
CHOUGH ROSS, of Cntclilng Inlet.
Is In town toda cm business.
Al.nC PKTUUSOW of Lakeside, Is
In town on a business trip.
C. 11. MAURI I was nt Handon yester
day on business and pleasnie
Cieek, mine to town this morn
.IHSSi: SMITH returned this morn
ing from a business tiip to Lake
side. CAPT. W. C. 11AHUIS. of Sumner.
Is In town for the clay on busi
ness S. II. CROUCH has returned fiom n
week's visit with friends In Co
il 11 Ho.
MISS L'CKLHS. of Mllllronia, came
to town this mottling on a shop
1 I ti lt trio.
South Coos RIer. are spending
toilnv In town.
MRS. (IPS HNOHI.OM and two sous,
of Hnipire. nro visiting relatives
In Marshfleld
G. W. KING returned this morning
from Not th Inlet, wheio lie was
buying livestock.
side, Is spending the day In town
011 a shopping trip.
H. A. M'LAt'GIILIN returned jes
terday from n business trip to
the Coqullle Valley.
.1. D. CLINKHNHHARI). road su
pervisor of Sumner, Is heie for
the clay on business.
FRHD DIOHARDY. a well-known
Portland tinvcllng man. Is on the
Uav for a short stay.
W. II. KHNNHDY will leae la
Drain tomorrow morning on a
business trip to Florence.
JOHN M'KINNON. of South Inlet
left this afternoon for home af
ter a short sta In town.
D. D. PIHRCH. the Coqullle I11111
beiniau, loft C Is morning for
home after a brief visit hoto.
MISS KARH SHOITSi: has rotiirned
f 1 0111 Baiidou wheio sht has been
lsltlug her sister. Mrs. Thompson
SON. of Kan Francisco, left toda
for Ten Mile for a few clays' out
ing. MR. AND MRS. H. L. IJKSPKV. o'
South Coos River. arc In' town
todav 011 n business and pleasure
tilp. V
CATIICAHT lime gone to Ton
Mile 011 a business unci pleasuio
who live, on tho old Palmer place
oil South' loos Rher, aie heie
for the clay.
II. OLSHN, who nrilved here yes
terday f 1 out San Dlewi. Is look
ing over tho countiy with n view
to Investing.
spending the dm In town fiom
Siuth Coos Rlvei Thev 1.11111
down In t'Mli sppttl liont
Inst ev Piling fiom 11 week's visit
with Mrs Pupo at Handon. She
repents 11 most delightful time.
GIFFORD will leave tomoriow 011
the Speedwell for Southern Cali
fornia to Join Mr Filedbeig.
od homo tomoriow via Roseburg
from Poitlnnd whore she attend
ed tlie Hastoru Stat meeting.
W. W CUOPCII of Ilaynes Inlet, was
a Maishfleld visitor today He u
ports the strawbeiry nop In that
section as veiy good but a little
GHORGF. DWYHR. who Is aiding In
the constitution of the Smlth-Povv-01
h logging toad at Coalodo, is
is spending a few dajs In Maish
fleld. W.M WARRHN of Curiv'B baibei
shop leaves today via Handon foi
California, wheio he will spend a
mouth or so with Mis. Warieu and
their son
MRS. A. 13. GLOSSOP ami chlldieu
Hsniciiiil and llormnn, will leave
oil tin Speedwell toinoiiovv lot
Heikeley. Calif, wheio thoj will
spend tho summer
NA HOLMS expect to leave on the
Speedwell tomoriow for Heikeley.
to lesunio thcli couisos at tho Uiil
ei blly of California
II. O. McGl-3H. a local tlnibor c miser
left for Marshfleld yosteidny
wheio he will spend a week or ten
das looking after business mat
tois, Rohobuig News
F. C. TUl'l-3, foinieily of this city but
now one of the pioiuliiont young
business men of Con.ulllo. re
turned to that city this morning
nftor a bilef visit in Marshfleld
SON. MILTON, woio In Marshfleld
today f 1 0111 Myitlo Point, whoie
they aie spending tho summer on
a delightful camping expedition.
Poitlnnd, 1110 opeetod to niilve
on the Hay the Hist of Jul.v 01
a visit to lolatlvos. Mr. Bowman
Is owner of tho Woolon Mill Stoio
13. M BARRY In a caul to filontlv
states that he and Mis. Hairy will
teach Seattle today and oxpect
to lomaln a few weoks 111010 In
that section, lotiuiilng hero about
ly Miss Rlggs. of San Fran
cisco, in lived bote last evening
via Handon on a visit to relatives
Mis Rodbj Is a daughter of Mi
and Mis J W. Rlggs.
Sll'T PAT H13NNKSS13Y. of the
Sinlth-Powois mine on Isthmus in
let, was a Maishfleld business vis
itor today. Ho reports that the
elect! leal machinery should be
hero this week. He la planning to
Install some new type of electrical
E. R. Peterson, of Coos Bay,
Demonstrates that Student
Can live on 28 Cents a Day
The following Monmouth dispatch
fiom a Poitlnnd paper will be of lu
teiest bete as Mr Petetson In well
known on the Haj anil up to a ear
or so ago taught school on Coos riv
er: "Reading of a college inofossor
who spends I!) cents u day Tot his
meals and of another student who
spends only !l cents, 13. R Petetson
of the Oregon Normal, was Intoiest-
od enough to look over his own ex
pense account Mr Peterson, whose
home Is In North Bend, Ore . Is one
of the many Hclf-suppoitlug Htudents
at the Normal and finds that In com
parison with himself these othets
are leckless spendthrifts and riotous
llvets While those men npeiit ! and
I!) cents for food alone, Mr, Peteisoti
has managed to spend only S l-i"
cents a day and covoied his eutlie
expenses, food, fuel, light, textbooks,,
school expenses and Incidentals. Mr.
Peteison lias been living In n tent for
a year whllo attending the Normal
and has kept detailed account of his
..V,., it, It,,.., . Iflu ..,lt .,VII,.,l,tll I
L-Airiiuiiuii:iii . . in iifit.i l.fl III! II II 1 1;
since stepping off the tiulu last Sep
tember till the flist of .1 title has been
$ 7:1.05 Hut that Is not his best t co
ord, fur during the month of May the
avetage wont down to It! cents. This
Is accounted for, of coiiise, by tho
fact that no f Ire-wood or expensive
groceries were purchased that mouth
and In addition eggs went down to 17
cents per doon with a coricspondltig
drop In butter During April ami
Doc ember the average climbed to .'10
and .'II! cents, but this was caused by
the purchase of u load of wood, u
side of bm on and flour.
Keeps l.'xpciise Account Cm ('fully.
"Those figures nro absolutely cor
toot us every five rout purchase Is
down In the account book Mr Pe
terson's reasons for so living weie.
first, to save expense, nnd second, be
cause he likes It. By saving expense
It must not bo thought that he lias
been starving himself. Tho book
shows purchases of fruit, oystets. el
der, eggs, meat and one or two small
IiimiiIos besljles the staples. And
after the year ho weighs lfir pounds
or 10 pounds more than his normal
weight and Ik In fit condition to play
"Peteison does nil his own rook
In and has established a iccoicl for
speed which will make some of the
girls hump themselves. It takes Just
one hour for him to ilse. wash, dress,
build the flu., got breakfast, eat It,
wash the dishes and put them away,
shave, sweep the floor unci make the
bod, all of which lie does every morn
ing even to cleaning tho floor
Kin Lllioiliis lutoiosleil.
"When 1311)01 1 Hubbard vlslte-1
Monmouth he wrs nun h Inteiestcl
In .Mr. Peteisoii's oxnoi-liiiniit mi i
said Hint he could lee ommeiul fiomi
expel lent that kind of llfo lie till I
tho Noimnl students that such a life
enabled one to positively enjov a
iitinibor of things that ordliwiillv'
Would bo hIiiiiiiio I ns h inlsMim ' '
.w I'tMiiKi'ii in a ineiiiiier of the
semen ciass anil has hoiiiioiI a posi
tion as supervisor tu Jackson coiiniv
at a salary or $i:io and expenses,
which work ho will into, m, i ,,,.,-
cllatol.v on giadiiatlou next week He1
Is one or the most pioiiilnent hIii-i
dents In school, tlnec tlinen eilltoi !
of" I ho .Not m." at tlve In all students '
munis aim usually the engineer on
the 'steam toller" In student poll
tics. I'mler bin iiiiiuiigenieiit "The
Noun" has attained the distinction
of being inted the best school paper
on the coast In its ilass. He Ih stu
dent nsslHtiint In the science clepait
nient mid In spare moments between
Ills hoiisekoonlnir. nMlih.,. i..i...
poIltic-H ami cloanliig the laboratory
llfl llinilnii..M . .. . . ' "
"w "hi?ii in c ai it n iiiuiy iioavv
coiiise In legular sclmnl wtnk In
wlilih ho has also made n iiinml uu
old." t
i.irri.i: .vicirrii:s.
It Is very had rorm to notice when
a lady Is dancing that her completion
Is i nulling down her fuce. Ohserve
It If you wish, hut don't notice It
If your Hiveetlienit In Jealous of
your attentions to .mother glil. an
easy way to aniolloiiito her Is to toll
nor how furious tho other gh i i)e
cnuso of your attentions to her
Never laugh bolsterotislv when a
funny story Is told at the table.
Smile politely and then say. "As I
was s.iyliiK" T,8 InWB t)o (U
entlon of tho company to you nnd
Iniinodlatoly stamps you as ono of
whom all runny atoiles nto ancient
After eating an ollvo It g rather
crudo to take tho seed botweon the
huiiih and finger nnd shoot It at tho
host. Thoto are other ways of dls
P'Blng of the seed. It may bo in
obtiuslvely slipped Into the test
pockot. or oven swnllowed In nn
oinergoncy. "
Loses F.M.txvm. McAllister, who
has been at Mercy- Hospital for some
time this mot nliifj undoiwent nn
opoiatlou for tho ainputatlon of his
foot as tho result of an nccldent
some weoks ago. '"
nlhUnK01' Whl('U W,U f"t,llltn,
FOY COX anlvod home today la
"lain fiom Washington, vvhero he
has boon spending a few weeks
n wi Tn8,".rlnB8' l,10 l8 feell Hue
and looking KOod. but says ho Is
Klad to get homo. Cell Ireland
that U Mr. Cas needs now
s n few days In the "Tickle
mass' country near Camas and
o i.iwuwiiK 01 senuitnj htm out
there to see that Frank DennhS
doesn't stay too long. ""'
Lighthouse Tender Brings Sup
plies and Will Place New
Buoy on This .Coast.
The lighthouse tender .Maii7anlta
at lived In yesteiilaj fiom Poitlnnd
with supplies ror tho Ciipo Aiago
lighthouse Sho will also place a
now bar buov at the entrance of
Coos Ha In place of ono that was
swept uvva.v a few mouths ago
From hero she will go south Hi
place a new buoy on tho Port Or
foid reef.
pour oitioiii) ti:i:i-' woy.
Miiiianlla Will lliitul New Safely
Device There.
PORTLAND, Or., .litno IS. Al
though a stibium Iho signal bell will
be Instilled on the mamiiioth Or
ford Roof gas mid whistling buoy,
and It hns been slated that vessels
equipped with recelvliig apparatus
can hoar the pieseut buoy working
at Its mooiliigs for a coiisldoiable
instance, for this leasoti It Is ad
vised by officials of the lighthouse
department that vessels equipped
with receiving nppariituB should
listen for the suhmmllio sounds
made by the buoy until a hell has
been put on It.
It was Intended by the lighthouse
department to equip tho new buoy,
which was taken out by the tender
Mairanlta, with the submarine hell,
but the latter had not arrived, so
arrangements wore inailb for tho
buoy to be equipped nt any time
while on Its station, 'i he light on
Orfonl Reef huov 1ms been extin
guished since November supposedly
through the leakaue of the carbide;
but It lias been whistling legtihirlv
Now that good weather has set In.
the tender will be able to change
It for the now one.
The hum- Is a monster, weighing
ueailv 11! tons with the eat bide, and
the sinker weighs iiatill pounds, with
IT. fnthoms of heavy eliiiln. so (hut
the siibinoigetl buoy Is necessarv
to relieve tho buov of tne welgl-f
of tne moorings. It In supposed
Hint the working of the moorings
ngalnst the submerged buoy Is re
sponsible for the sound which hint
been picked up legtilarlv bv ono
of tho vessels coming bote mid le
ported to the lighthouse ilepui lineiit.
ICvorythlng on tho huov taken
out' by the Manaiilta Is new, even
to the moorings, mid an extra
amount of carbide has been pro
vided. Tho neroplano chauffeur husn'r
anythlng on tho flight- of tlmo.
Everybody Is Doing It!
Fresh Stock u- s. Tires j?m
. .
Any tire or tube bought from Goodrum will be maae gouu u..
prove to be defective in any way, or fail to give the required mileage- d (if,
n r !... ..t r u..t i om rlnlno- n tie aUtOluW
uu auuuuni ui uiu vuiuiiib ui uuaiuuaa i " Mo ",
line it puts me in a position to give you special representation.
nriW'T imDrlTT. Goodrum sells 11
'vm a xAvvjKf a and isaiyoui aoivtw"-
To the Citizens of the
City of Marshfleld:
Notice is hcrchv ffivmr iiini u n...., ..
, -. u.ui uiu run,c m ,.
sion of tlie State nf (Wr,,, ,,,1.1 ,..,, ieHo
the City Hall of said Hit, 1, ,n .,.1a,PUb,icllear
June 20th, 1913, at which lime iir, .'.7.
- wuuuuiiy wi h 1 1
in the matter of the complaint of tle citv of u; 7
... ., uumpany. All personsde-
sums to present evidence before this CommiUe'ear
quested to immediately consult with office of tw
Attorney or the Hitv Rnnmrim- m
By order of Iho Common Council,'
Itev. II. N. Low Is of (lie United
Hi ot lit en chin cb, and Mrs, Ft ml l,v
stor of Hatigor, a dulogato of the
church, leturnecl Sunday on the
Breakwater from the 17. I), confer-
Mill e.
Miss Kiiima Johnson 'or Virginia
avenue. Is spending the unulc at the
(Jooclwlll place.
I. Kreelaiicl of Shot man avenue, ix
spending a few weeks on Ten Mile
Mr Kieelund has been suffeiiiig
fiom asthma, hut Is much Impiovcd.
Lincoln lloyiiDlds of Cliqullle, U
a Noith lloud visitor today
Mayor and Mrs, I,. .1. Simpson ate
spending the week at Shine Actes
MlSs Stella Wlckliind. a teachei
from Ton Mile. Is spending the wool,
with Iter sister.
Mis. Hughes of rent Orfonl, came
up yestonlay to spend tho cla as the
guest of her sister, Mis. V. 13 Math
er, on X. It. Heights,
Mrs. 1-3. (ieo. Smith, who has spent
the last few davs as the guest of liei
parents, Mr. and Mis. Ilobl MH'.inn.
rutin tied lioiuii today.
Miss draco WIIIIhiuh Is spending
the week with her sister tit the (lood-vv-lll
Fred .Johnson Is building a bungalow-
at Ton MIIk which he will oi'iup)
.is a summer homo.
Trv.Tho Times' Want Ads.
Automobile Tires
Michelin Tires and m
Goodyear TiresjiiW
..... th .not should W
The Evolution t
A he Modem Sfa
l)ti) nn diap . i. ....
"" " w I
team lltrn th. .i
plnm where you ttiM cto
t'd oal) when It u if
v nut roniiawtj twv
U -" nu iinwuitt to mi,
nt aiiv time.
illllletll BtORkKptn i
tl.ut the nrrangemeat isi r
rilllllillni'a nt lh.1. ... .
o- - Mw hvu
a Krcat dlffetence to tlilrr.
iiiiiivrB iney uox tut u i
tr.atlve ilUpIay In He iiji,
fir 111 IllP iilnrn Imnuiu..,..
(lie woman who intends uk
but the iroiictlre tijtf
I'ioiii time to time tttiv
now npiolntuinti until rxij t
mullein mure imji i C(ftt
ciur (i.uiy uie.
itt'aii tne auremiccu
Tllli TIMES closely iniNttt
i 1 every day and in tiitt
! your comfort and totTtnlnttl
Havo your Job prlttltt.til
Tho Tlmoa office.
All sizes from 30x3 to 37x5.
All Sizes.
All Sizes.