The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 18, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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OIO00 lag itra
i,rs( found through Time mutt
(j Hciul tlicm! Cso ilicnii 'llioy
prt remit.
A Miuill ml In 'flic Tltin-1 wont
riiluniii tuny tirlntf oii result mi
mediately. Try (inc.
1 VVVI isstaiinsiicu in ihti
L. AAAVI.M Tho Const jinn.
Established tn 1878
& Consolidation of Times, Const Mull Jq( 285
unci Coos liny Advertiser.
jcrct Indictments are Return
ed by a special uranu
iiintv Officials, supreme
fudges and Socialist Agita
tor arc Alleged victims.
tnr AcKlilrl I'rraa lo Coot IUJ Tlmm.l
i.iu'i"i'll.' limn IS. Four editors
Irc'nru'Htfil todny on secret Indlct-
bnt rttiinicil Dy 1110 special grand
L li.i. It mllniiriinil IiihI nielli.
IK...n .1 lllothon. editor of Tlio
nicn, mill lil win, C. H. Hlothen.
innphu: uilltor or tlio Bnnie paper.
rc nrrcstoil on tlio chnrgo of
L.l.mllt lllinllllll? .IflHIMlll .TllI'ViH.
,cnvlnlt-.t initiator lnst October in-
totlng mi article alleging tnnt l.o
;d nli-coinied Willi tno runus iio-
nirhuf til tho unit V. 1.0 11 (IV Sllll-
r. editor of Tlio Stnr. wns nrrost-
on Mil' rliurgo ui criiiiuiiiiiy iinoi-
Mimiti officials tliirlnir tlio mil
lion which ri'Hiilti'il In culling tli
ml Jur to invest Ignto tlio chnrgo
alnnt tlio County Commissioners
id Kilwnrd ClnyBon, Sr.. editor of
be Patriarch, n weekly paper, Ih
:ciifn of having rrliiilnnlly libelled
idRCH of tlio Supremo Court by
Bkln.x uttnrks on their diameter.
I of tlio ilofi'iidnntH worn released
thilr personal recognizance.
ell-known Marshfield Resi
dent Succumbs Today
Funeral Friday.
! M. 11 Drown, for twenty-four
Mrs a resident of Murshflold, died
Ida homo lu South Mnrshfleld at
o'clock this morning, tho ruptiiro
a hlood vessel boing tho lmnio-
Mate lause, although ho had boon
uiferlni: for souio tlmo of Heart
rouble Ills dentil came as n sad
bock to tho many friends ho nud his
iuiilly had won during tholr real-
cm; In Mnrshfleld.
Mr Drown was horn lu Dethel,
lulllvan county. Now York. Fobru-
ry 21 isi:i, and wuh Bovonty years,
pee inoutliH nud 28 days old. IloJ
oucii 10 ino midiiio wcbi wun a
ttmlly when n boy nud lived for
bany n u-H In Mlnuosotu. Ho moved
soutl rn California lu 1887 and
a mo to Coos Itnv In 1880. making
lis hemic horo eontlnuoiisly since.
r. nr w n was an oxcollont wood
torkrc and followod thnt oecupn-
Ion fi r romo years hero.
' Jir own served three yenrs lu
net I ii War, being connected with
Fnil-i y 1), Hrnrkott's Cavalry Dat-
?"oii .Minnesotn Volunteers, nnd in
'OWIt'iy I. riiKt Mllinosoln Mount-
1 Hut rrs llo later was proml-
imy iicntlfled with tlio (!. A. K.
or f.nty-flvo years, ho had been
n atti e niember of tho Methodist
PKmjnl ihurth.
00, ho and Martbn J. Dies
Fere it Tried In Schuylor county,
". nun hiio nnd tho following child-
wir.'vo: J. Leo Drown, of tho
proun UniB Co.; Mrs. D. II. Sav-
. n otuh Mnrshflold; Miss Dora
?wii uf Mnrshflold: Mrs. J. N.
putchin nf Mlnnennolls. who Is
low on tho nny.
I, J"? Mnernl will bo hold at 2
H-ioch rrldny afternoon from tlio
PHrSllflllil IVrntl.n.llot I.'nln.niinl
Ijnirch tho nev. II. 1. Rutledgo offl-
'IT. Ti'rown wna iiinnt lilplilv rn-
M filed lV nil irlin Imici. I.I... Ills
fc. . -1 .... .. i.u niivn hum, ...m
ir'tt Integrity, honesty nnd pntrlo
I'sm minting hm n citizen whoso loss
"'" uo l ard to fill.
Iileiit WIUoii Xanies Amlmssii-
rlor (o Italy Today.
'"' a Uteii Pr... In Pnm II.. Tlm.I 1
WASlirvr.Tnv Tm, ir nmai.
"t Wl'sol nnmlnntn.1 Tlinnim Vol.
1 PaifT tn lio Ailinaiio.ln r Ttnlv
Hi I. . Stoval to be Minister to
Pe'eat of .Mdios to l'nclfy Ihluiid of
rn Jolo,
. WASmvn'riK- t-i n t.,1.. 1 c
"thtr details of tho fierce fighting
hrn a,ieil III 1110 complete, over-
fniY c'f the Moros on tho Island of
0. 1 , ,r I hlllpplnes, was contained
3 flayed dispatch from Drtgadler
ral Pershing, recQlved today at
Wvar (1Partment. The declblve
ki "'' 01 the American troops I'er-
l;"5 ?aya probably will end tho out
P"r)Mn Jolo for some time.
llr Ai.o. latM 1'rtia (o Coot liar Time.)
LONDON, .Juno 18. Six Hiif
frnpetto leaders, who were sen
tenced to terms of Imprisonment
yestcrdny for coiiBplrnry, began
a hmiKcr strike Immediately nft
or renchlng tlio Jul, Tlio pris
oners tlcclnred when sentenced
that they would refuse to cut
nnd roinpel tlio authorities to re
lease tlicm.
Rescuers Sent After Archdea
con's Party on Mt. Mc
Kinley Climb.
Illr Aaao. lan-0 I'riM lu Cooa Mr TlinM
SEATTLE. Juno IS. Fearing an
accident litis hefnlluii Archdeacon
Hudson Stuck and n party, which Is
attempting to ascend Mt. McKlnley,
Rev. C. E. Hettlfher. of Fairbanks,
hns dispatched Sam Seotor. of Tan
nun nud a native of Alexander lu
a motor hoai for tho Kaiitlshua dis
trict. Nothing hns lieen heard from
tho Stuck party slnco April l!i.
Says he Will Raise Price of
Property to $1,000,000 if
Englishmen Don't Buy.
Major Kinney stated today that
unless tho KukIIhIi syndicate closes
tho deal for tho purchase of his
property on tlio Day by Juno ItO. bo
will advmuo tho prlco to 11.000.000.
Ilo kiivo out the following solf-ox-planatory
telegram which ho sent
todny to V. J. Wllhoy at Portland:
"Prosont deal must bo elospd
Juno :io. On July 1 you will plenso
put my holdings on market nt ono
million dollnrs. We will proceed
to bond tlio property then. Advise
Judgo Drunoiigu In London today.
This ndvlso need not depress your
spirits. Piider prot.ont conditions
proiiorty will bo taken up by men
who know Its real valuo."
Kruse & Banks Completing
Fine Lumber Carrier for the
Chas. Nelson Company.
H Is announced that the now
steam schooner which Kruso &
Danks are building for the Chns.
A. Nelson Lumbor Company of San
Francisco, will bo ehrlstoned tlio
Wellington. Tho now boat Is 210
feot long and will bo launched tho
latter part of July.
Tho now vessel Is boing built
strlctlv ns a lumber carrier and It
Is estimated that she whl easily
hnndlo 1,000,000 feet to a cargo.
The boilers will bo put on tho main
deck aft, thoroby Increasing the
amount of hold room available for
lumber. ,,, , , ..
Tho Wellington will tako tlio
plnco of tho steamer Majestic, of the
Xolbon fleet, which was lost off
tho coast last year.
Jims Quote Patrick Henry In KIToi-t
to Stir up Trouble.
Br AmxUled Prm lo Cool B7 Tlmej.)
TOKIO, Juno 18. Posters call
ing a mass meeting and bearing the
headline "Give me liberty or glvo
mo death Patrick- Henry," were
pasted today by asltatora on the
?.. i- ii.n i.iMnlfv nf tho I'nlted
wans in ii' .v....w " i
States embassy and at other points
In the Japaneso capital. The or
ganizers of the meotlng declare their
OlljeCC IS lO BCVIIIO n.u.u ....w.
mined nttltude against tne United
If you have anything to soil, rent
trade, or want help, liy a Want Ad
rllB TIMKS clips the following
from the current Issue of the
Dnndon SurT:
" 'The Industrial Worker," the
official organ of the I. V. W.
orgnnlzntlon, which Is publish
ed nt Spokane, Wnsh., in its Is
sue of Mny 2!), devotes nlmost
an entire coliinin to the al
leged strlko on Coos Day. The
nrtlclo Is signed by John M.
Kosb, of Mnranlleld. Who this
follow Fobs Is, wo don't know
lint ns IiIb IdcnB Bcein to liave
been rather largo In his report-"
lug of the aforesaid alleged
strike, he has undoubtedly pass
ed Coob County a pretty black
oyo among n certnln number of
tho outside worklugmcn. A
good, tough bed Bint alongside
of bis cnbezza with about 101
pounds pressuro to the Biiinre
Inch might have some effect on
Fobs' cnpaclty for telling the
truth common sense argument
would bo an utter failure."
The Times Iiiih not seen this pa-
tim nn tint iiftlf.ln In filli.Htlnn. lint
It accepts the estimate of the edi
tor of tho Surf ns to the tissue of
falsehoods It contains.
Tho truth Is thnt tho I. V. W.
In im.ri'K n rnncrpto PVliresslon
of lies, 'economic lies. Industrial
lies, social lies and personal lies.
The orgaulzntion Is founded on
principles thnt are as false ns tho
fuco of a fallen ungel and ns black
as the bottomless pit of hell. Tho
I. W. W. leaders and organizers
cunningly nnd cleverly conceal the
real tenets nnd teachings of tho
order from their duped victims be
cuiiso there Is n deeply grounded
Heller In rair piay ami mo siiiuiro
deal lu the uVerngo man that resents
iho pernicious preachment of nn
nrchy, riot nnd ruin which Is the
real purpose of tho I. V. W. or
ganization. The Times has a deep and abid
ing sviiipnthv with evory yiuMilug-
tT-HK city wutor question Is now directly nnd fairly up to the people
I or Mnrshllold. Tho Stnto' Dnllwuy Commission will bo lu session
lu this city Friday beginning nt o'clock lu the morning, nt the
Cltv Hnll to bear evidence nnd compInlntB or tho water consumers us
to tho nunllty nnd chiiracter or the service being rendered by the Coos
Day Wntor Company. This enso Is boing prosecuted by the City Attor
ney but be iiuiBt bo supported by fnctB mid evidence thnt Ills coin
nlitl'iit Is founded on rncts. For tl Is ovldence ho must depend on the
people or this city. Kvory poison having any complaint or Infonna
lon should promptly cnll. telephone, or write tholr nnino nnd address
to the City Attorney or the City Itecorder. They should also make It
n point to attend tliese hearings.
The Coos Dav "Water Company hns been preparing for this hourlng
for months. Tho wntor will bo shut ofr tonight for two hours to ninko
still further prepnrntlons. In addition to .1. Dennett. T. T. Den
nett nnd Dennett Swnnton, tho water company has engaged J. .. leal,
ono or trio proinlnont nttornoys or Oregon to present Irs case. It Is
eleurlv up to tho people or Mnrshllold to bo equally alert.
Remember It 1b not only u question or service, but or higher rules.
Tho company 1 nsklng pernilssloiifor it largo Increase lu the present
"'Do' alive to your own Interests and prepaie lo present your evidence
on Friday nt tho City Hnll.
Two Masked Men Overwhelm
Illinois uenirai urew vviuiin
Ten Miles of Springfield,
and Escape.
tnr am ii4 rrtii to coo nr Tim
Two mnskod men, who ourly today
robbod an express enr on the "Dia
mond Special" of tho Illinois Con
tral Railroad, between St, Louis and
Chicago, woro sought lu this city to
dny. Artor being Interrupted In tholr
work by tho pollco, tho bandits forced
the engineer to run ptist the posse,
nnd when on a later trial with dynn
mtto they forced tho safe, they thein
solves ran tho englno to Springfield
and escaped. Tho sure, according to
the local express agent, contained
not moro than $500. In their at
tempts to got this Bum, tho robbers
threatened tuo engineer mi
Dynamite Kploslon Filial to Itnil
iwiy .Men on Slusluw.
EUOE.NK, Oro., June IS. Adolph
Scnnolll and John Vlnlncnssa, la
borers In tho employ of Stapelll
RTos., Bub-contractorB on the Eugene-Coos
Day railroad, nt Point
Terrace, DO miles west of Eugeno,
were instantly killed Friday when
a quantity of dynamite which ono of
tlio men was carrying, oxploded. No
ono saw the explosion and It Is not
known Just how It happenod.
Vlnlncassa haU been Bent niter a
sack containing dynnmlto and caps liiwl linnn loft under n loir. Evi
dently he met Scapolli and tho two.
were warning uiong or iuimhh "'
gether wbon tlio explosion occurred
The bodies were blown about 12u
feet away and badly mangled. Ono
arm was found 350 feot away
Scapolli was a cousin of tho mem
bers of tho contracting firm and was
tholr foreman. A book In Scapelll'B
pocket gave tho address, 680 King
Hin.ilinrt. K. of P. lodce. Honor Hill.
i .( --- - - - -
ninn nnd with his effort for Cic
betterment or social and Industrial
conditions. The Times believes In
rightly conducted nnd honestly inan
nged labor unions, but The Times
has no B.vmpnthy with unnrchlstB
nnd no toleration for their teach
ings. The 1. W. W. doctrine of de
struction nnd deviltry Is one thnt
hns no plnco or purpose under tho
stnrs mid stripes.
Fvpr since their ndvent on Coos
Day the I. W. W. hnve been brood
ers of trouble, mid so fnr na they
could have Infliienre, or terror nnd
BirDe. This hnB been merely a re
petition or whnt has followed In
every community In which they
hnve nppeared. They have been
driven out of (Jray's Harbor. Itny
inond, Fresno, San Dlego and every
solf-reBpectlng and lnw-nlildlng com
munity on the PiH'Ifle Cwiei. A
news Item In 1'ho Times Inst oro
ulng told or the ejection or the
organizer and sccretnry or the I.
W. W. from Port Angeles. Welling
ton, by tho Mayor nnd busluess
men of thnt plnco.
The Times uiiderstnnds thnt' n
letter similar to the one sent out
by this mini Fobs wns also sent our
by Secretary Ktlgeworth, lu which
ho stnted that with the exception
of eight or ten "bonehend business
men." thnt fill per cent of the peo
ple or this community were friends
mid synipiithlzers or the I. W. W.
The Times resents nud repudiates
this statement ns uu outrageous le.
The Times hns too greut n faith
lu tho morals mid munhood of the
business men or this community
to think they wou.d subscribe to
the devilish anil ilmniinhln doc
trines or the 1. W. W. It lu pos
sible thnt toleration has been mis
taken for sympathy", but there Is u
limit even to this.
Coos Day ami Coos County bus
u plnco and a welcome for nil hon
est workers, but, ti.ero Is neither
for the iMiurchlst mid the preacher
or the doctrine or destruction nud
with denth, overpoweied the express
inessonger. rirod promiscuously at the
passengers, disarmed ono detedlve
mid oxchaugod shuts witli another
Nono of the bandits' vlitlms were
hurt nnd It. Is bollevod thoy too es
enpod Injury. Tho holdup omirred
ton mllos south of Springfield.
OI'FKIt DM." m:v.itn.
Illinois (Viitrnl Offers .lo(io
Train Itainllts.
(Or AmclilM IVfu. lo Com liar Tlmw )
CHICAOO, Juno 1C Tlio rohbors,
who held up the Illinois Central train
at Olonarni, 111., obtained $500 from
n small bafe in tho express car. They
failed tn got soveral thousand dollars
in tho second nnd larger safe. This
statement was made on the arrival of
tho train today by officials of the
road. A reward of $1000 has been
Dlrlli Rule of rruiice Continues on
nr Aweclttfrl I'r.ii lo Com Dir Tlmti
PARIS. Juno 18. The vital sta
tistics of 1912 roport 150, ono births
throughout Franco compared with
7-12.111 In tho year of 1011. Ex
perts declaro tho Improvement Is
more apparent than real and that
tho two years 1911 and 1912 have
ostabllshod a record lower thau In
may years. "Clearly demonstrating
tho porslstenco of tho evil which
Is driving Franco to ruin."
Senator llornli of Idulio to Aid West
ern Homesteaders.
Hr Aw latM rreai lo Coo Br TImm
WASHINGTON. Juno 17- In tho
Senate today, Senator Dorah, of
Idaho, demanded Immediate legisla
tion In behalf of homestead entr
men of Oregon, Idaho and other
western states.
Ilavo your job printing done at
The Times office,
(llr A.iocltlrJ I'rrn to Cuoi llr Tlmn.)
CHICAGO. June IS. A bill I
legalizing "puts and culls" re
cently unused by the legislature,
will he Ignored by the Chicago j
board of trade and trading will I
will bo done nccordlng to u con- I
trnct system devised by the rules i
committee nt the monthly meet
ing Inst night. I
Proposal of Union Pacific and
Pennsylvania to Trade S.
P. and B. & 0. Stocks.
llr AnoitatM I'rr.l lo Cooa liar Tlmra.)
Plans of dissolving the Fiilou Pacific
nnd S. P. merger us presented o the
United StntoB Court nt St. Paul were
discussed today at the cabinet moot
lug. An Intimation miuo from the
cnblnet officers that the proposed ex
change of Southern Pacific ami llliltl
more mid Ohio stoeks between the
I'nlon Pacific and Pennsylvania wns
regarded as "a step lu the right dl
rci'tlon." No definite conclusion wns
Party Trying to Kill Rodent
Discover Secreted Loot in
London Hotel Floor.
r-NIUIL it 003 0 .HJ. 4OHV 1
LONDON. Juno 18. An unexpect
ed sequel lo the recent burglary nt
Ilerkoley Hotel In Plcadllly wns the
nrrest last night or tho porter, Ar
thur James, charged with being con
cerned In steiillng from the hotel safe
ensh to'tho value or $:i5,000, and at
tempting to murder the other night
porter. The movements or u large
gray rat In the hotel dining room led
to James' arrest. Employees hunt
ing down the rat found Its hole under
a radiator nud through It saw the
gleam of gold. The floor was taken
up mid moro than half of the booty
Annual Meeting of Coos Coun
ty Association to be Held at
Coquille on June 27.
Mnyor A. T. .Morrison of Coquille.
hns Issued the following call for a
meeting of the Coos County Good
Roads Association of which bo Ih
"A mooting of tho Coos County
flood Ronds Asioclatlon is culled to
meet at the city hull. Coquille. June
27th, nt 2 o'clock. Resides the an
nual election or officers, they will
consider tho matter of bonding, the
matter or urging the County Couit
to do nil thoy can to Improve tho
Myrtlo Point, Middle Fork Road lo
the Douglns county lino, and any
other matter to be brought before
tho Association. Don't forgot the
date. Plan to attend. Keep tho Hub
Joct of ronds uppermost In the minds
of the people all tho time. In ordei
to accomplish anything worth while
It Is nocossnry to koop ovorlastlngly
at it. Invito your neighbors to come
nnd Join tlio Association. Wo must
have hotter highways, come and help
to plan for thorn.
Tho wntor will bo shut off nt all
points lu Marshlleld and North
Rend botweon the hours of 9 and
11 p m tonight for the purpose
of connecting up new pipe on the
main lino
If the price of ham goes murh
higher, tho open season for tho ham
sandwich might as well bo closed.
Declared He Would Rather
Sweep Streets Than Earn
Money as They Get it.
Accuse Him of Being Partisan
and Not Giving Them Fair
Hearing at Charleston.
(llr AMolale.l Vtnt lo Cooa Par Ttmea'.J
- The Somite committee Investigat
ing the West Virginia coal strike
rushed today the examination of wit
nesses In order to hear ns ninny us
possible before leaving tonight for
Washington. The conl operntorH bail
on band n score or more of witnesses,
whose testimony was brief. Tho al
titude or Senator Martin, who
clashed yesterday with Quhiii Mor
ton, ono or the operators on Paint
Creek, nud attorneys for the opera
tor became the subject of concern
today. The operators' lawyers de
clared that Senator Martin Iiiih been
unfair lu his examination of the wit
nesses and has been prejudiced la
his nttltude townrd the operntorH. A.
statement purporting to cotno from
Martin nnd re'produced todny lu fac
simile or his hand writing by u news
paper circulating throughout the
state, aroused consldernblo discus
sion. The statement set forth thai
Martin would rnthor Hweop the
streets than earn bis money uu tho
West Virginia coal operntorH do.
AttorneyH for the operntorH declared
that thoy would place lu tho record
this statement mid others miido by
the Senator, Today Martin took 1IU
tjo part In the procedlugH.
City Attorney Mullen o North
Bend Tells of Evidence at
City Rei order Derbyshire of North
Rend, today lecelved u letter from
John T. Mullen. who has been attend
ing the railroad commission hearing
on tho Coos Dny Wntor enso lu Port
laud, In which he says that Exports
(ireeu and Slublilefielil lu their re
port fixed the Millie of the Coos Day
Wutor loiiipmiy'r system nt about
the wuiie price us that fixed lu tlio
report or Engineer Richardson The
prlco or the lands, rranchlses. wutor
rlghtH, olc, remain to be deter
mined. lu bis letter Mr. Mullen says-
ALDANV. Ore. June HI. lulll. -The
testimony or Dr. Calvin 8.
White wns titkeii. mid lu MiibHlmuo
he testified thnt the wutor was fairly
good. On Friday Mr. Clarke, of the
Portland Water Sysiein. unve testi
mony us to tho runout prices of ma
terial ami labor used lu tin- build
ing of water systems.
"Saturday Mr. Slubbleflold occu
pied the enilre day. and they are not
through with him Ills recommeii
tlutloiiH, Hummed up briefly, are the
lining or the riservolrs with ton
croie, putting lu a 1 Much main from
the rck-cnolr lo the dty of Marsh
field, wllh a lL'-liiih main brandl
ing from this ll-luih iiialii nt about
the cni'iiei'M of Com uiei rial and Elev
enth sheets lu the city or Maishflold.
This 12-lucli iiihIii to run north on
Elevouth street nnd carry tho sup
ply for the city of North Demi with
out ImvliiK It ko through tho bitu
I n oss district of the city of Mnrsh
flold. Ho would have u lank with n
capacity of hair a million gallons lo
cated lu Plat "A" whore the pres
ent tank now Is, mid (minuet the en
tlro city or North lloml with this
tank, except the inaiuiriictiirliig In
dus! rlos mid other coiisumerH who
nro located on the wntei front.
"The Commission has gone Into
this matter very thoroughly, nnd
lint-., n i-uul Tiiiinlii.r nf ri'llfil'lhl (ill
file. However, there Is a groat deul
of Information which thoy luuo ob
tained which comet, direct from the
Wutor Company Thoy have In
formed us that an adjournment will
be taken ns soon as Mr. Stubble
field's testimony ami the testimony
of their auditor U completed to
Marshflold Fihluy morning, "r uh
soon as the Ilreakwater unites that
day. It will not be possible for me
to net buck before the arrival of tho
Commission, and I with that em h of
you would do everything possible to
Hue up nny testimony whhh you
think Is liens-art. and be sure and
have tho Police !' tmitniont pre
paied with 'In" prc-iine radini
which hiie b'cn tnken "
If you would do ronictMng of ie!
benefit to humanity, perfect the type
writer Insteud of wasting your time
on perpetual motion.
w s
W fi