THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1913 EVENING EDITION. 4 . ! DIRECT BUYING Means Right Selling; No similar concern in Coos County comes so near eliminating the middleman as the Golden Rule, Others depend on the jobber the middleman for their mer chandise, The Golden Rule goes direct to the manufacturer and the importer, This makes it possible for us to retail goods at about the price other merchants pay for them, Just now we are closing out All Spring and Summer Suits and Coats at Cost NOT AN OLD GARMENT IN THE STORE. Blue serge suits, medium heavy coats that will be just as stylish and good for fall as they are right now and you save five, six or eight dollars on each gar ment, The Golden Rule Ten employes, yet we are always busy, Newbro's Herpicide Will Save It See Our Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY MAIN PHONE NORPHEUM The Great Picture Drama "Power of Silence" Will Be Repeated Tonight, admission THIS STORK wiur solve voru new suit problem fob Tim 4th of July u'ri ii.w i: Tin-: srrr THAT WILL srrr vor at $8.50 to $25.00 come i.v and ski: 'em. The Fixup TWO STOHES IMaihliiU'ltl North Bond TONIGHT AT He Royal r1 pictures, new vaudeville, by t tin. CI....... ri-..,.... l0 feet of nil new pictures, never rm ueeu shown before. RnS WANTED A fierce comedy. BE AND TUB BARON Keystone pomedy. &XAS KELLY AT DAY One reel. " "eo film. EJ LOVE OP COLUMBIA 1000 TJ of the latest flint ever pro- ""tea, (Reliance.) niMer Tenni will give you n fine novelty net after the nlr-tiiisfi. 089 two girls who get the hand always. n"Mon, anj. setttj 10t, J10 moro no less 10c PHONE 158-R TEN-CENT lessenger Service Window CORNER." 298 US TONIGHT; Don't. Miss It ten cents. White and Gold wtf sed." see oris window. 'ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW." Peoples' 5-l(M5c Store Now Location Front St, Opp. Postoffh-o iMfagl I LOOK! MIL COXSl'MEH, LOOK! Why ay the othor ninu's hills? Whon you t ratio at tho PALACE MARKET you get full value for your money spent. Tho ONLY CASH .MAR KET III the city. Our meats are as good as tho best, and prices are right. The Palace Market SYLVESTER JOXKS, Miiiiiikt. Phono 400, ISO No. Broadway "In business for your appetite" BOX LUNCHES For PICNIC DINNERS Just the Thing to Save Trouble and Worry. Filled with most delicious and appetizing eatables White House Bakery (Formerly Leld's.) Times Want Ads Bring Results A Thought For Today A Kill may nllow her mother to pick out a hiiBbnnd for her, l)Ut' SllO (IHBOrtB IlLTBL'lf WllOll It comes to choosing her candy. You elm ulii mother mill daughter both with Stafford's BOARD In a Pleasant Country Home for two or thrco ladles, during July and August. Address It, enro of Times. References. WANT ADS. I-'OK SALK Choice ramping site on South Cooh river. Ootid witter, nice grove, good bntlilng bench, platforms built. Write Box 012, Miu-Hlifleld. KOI! SALK CHEAP Rnryclo bicycle, latent model, used only three moutliH, I. O. Box 507, Marsh field. Stenographer-bookkeeper desires, po sition. 3 1-2 years' experience, l'hone :iO:i-.I, or care Times. FOR RENT Tin lower Hour and basement of tho Williams' build ing. Apply to It. l- Williams. l-'Olt SALIC Bed Bat en Alrihile terrier puppies. Apply W. I-'. Town, at old Town, North Bond, LOST Trunk. .Probably delivered to wrong place. Largo Rqunro trunk, wrapped In whlto sash cord. On top In black letters was print ed the words, "Tills sldo up with t-nre." Probably boro cheek No. ISSUO from Breiikwater dock. No tify II. E. Leppert, 475 Bennett nvenue, city. WANTED To buy or rent, donkey engine equipped for logging. Must bo first ciass and n bar gain. Write Box 257, Marshuold, Oregon. WANTED Competent woman or girl for housekeeper for July and August. $50 per month. Address E. 0 enro Times and give ref erences. WANTED Bluing room girl. Sny der Hotel. WANTED Housework. Plume WW II or call at Times office. WANTED Boy over 1(1, to work nights and mornings In printing office. Apply Times office. WANTED Young man nt Lewis' Confectlonory. FOB SALE Tomato anil celery plants. $1 per 100. Phono 3151. FOB SALE Span of work horses. Weight H00 lbs. each. C. It. Flanagan, 958 5th st. S. WANTED Setting by day. Phone 3151. l-'Olt BENT. Booms untl house keeplng apartments. Lloyd Hotol. FOB SAW-: lti-room lodging bouse, furnished. 301 North Front st. Phone 205-J. . DRESSMAKING First class tiros. making done at Ladies' Emporium. FARM FOR SALE Dairy, stock and fruit farm con sisting of 518 acres, between 35 and 40 acres of rich bottom land, eight acres of bench land set to apple trees and fifty acres more that can easily be cleared for orchard and balanco good grazing land for cat- 41a ottann nr pnntfl Twelve head good dairy cows and all farming implements necessary. Locticd on West Fork of Coos Blver, one mile from postofllce, school and boatlandlng. ' Buy direct from owner. For further Information, call or write: V. A. GAGE, Allegany, Ore. jftfS .It'NE TIDES Dolow is given tho time nnd height of high and low water at llarshlleld. The tides are placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on the llrst line nnd heights on the second line of each day; n compar ison on con ecutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water, for high wnter on tho bar subtract 2 hours 31 minutes. 17 lira. . 7. II 2.29 7.20 0.0 Ft. t.i! 2.3 0.0 IS Hrs.. 0.57 S.30 3.17 8.19 Ft. .. 0.7 1.7 2.5 19 Hrs. . 2.22 9.12 1.02 8.57 Ft... 0.5 0.S 4.7 2.5 WEATHER FORECAST. (By Associated Press.) OREGON AND WASHING TON Showers tonight or Wednesday; ensterly wind. LOCAL TEMPERATURE BECOBD. For tho 24 hours ending nt 1:43 a. m., June 17, by Benj. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: Maximum fifi Minimum II At 4.4 3 a. m 50 Pcclpltittlon None Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1912 CI. 40 Precipitation snmo period Inst yenr 58.39 Wind: Northwest; cloudy. Names Home. J. W. litldcnbrnud hns named his new homo on South Mnrshflold Heights "Hlldenhurst." Leave Tomorrow. B. Nelson, A. D. Hdgerton and W. II. Service are registered to leave by Drain stago to morrow morning. Organer Here. .1. B. Young, state organizer for the A. O. U. , nr rlveil here today via Drain from Port land. Mr. Gentry expects to bo here several days, Strntt berry Picnic. Tho Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church, will hold a strawberry pic nic on Wireless Hill, Wednesday ev ening, June 18. Tho members will meet nt tho church at 8 p. in, Big Strntt berries. Capt. William Ross of Isthmus Inlet has broken tho reeortl for largo strawberries this sea son. He brought a hnx to town this morning eighteen berries to the box. Tlie fruit, too, was of a superior quality. Wauls Baud. The Bandon Fourth of July celebration committee today tried to Becure the Coos Buy Concert Band for the celebration there but as North Bend had already engaged them, Director Kenton was unable to accept tho offer. Dauil Concert. Director Kenton of tho Coos Hay Concert Baud, an nounces that a freo concert will be given Friday evening. If the weath er is favorable, It will bo given In the city park, nnd If It is not, the pro gram will be glvou lit the Masonic Opera House, Lakeside Baseball. Tho Lakeside baseball grounds was tho hcono of two lively gninos Sunday afternoon. First, Toinplolon playod North Lake, Tcm pletou winning by a score of 3 to 10. Then North Slough defeated Lake side by a store of 14 to 15. A largo and enthusiastic crowd was present. .Mute to Coqullle. Mr. uud Mrs. K. I-:. Mnrt-y and family will move to Coqullle on Thursday of this week, where they will have charge of the Smlth-Poweis stock ranch. Their many Mnrshflold friends, will regrot tholr removal but unite In wishing thorn much success in their new home. Pioneer Here. Adam Pershbakor, tho pioneer mill man of Prosper, la hero on a short business trip, lr. Pershbakor has been a resilient of Coos county for nearly half a century and was In Mnrshflold when there wns little to Indicate that there ever would bo a thriving town hero. He Is being witrmly wolcomod by his many old time friends on tho Bay. Accepts Position Here. Jou Rob erts of Eureka, a clothing salesman of many yonrs experience, Is n now addition to tho sales force of tho Hub Clothing Store, made iiofostnry by Increasing business. Mr. Roberts hold n position for ninny years In tho store of J. M. liutchosou, In Eureka, Mr. Hutchesou Is bettor and more popularly known lioro ns "Jimmy" Hutchcson. .Musicians Here. Prof, and Mrs. II. E. Leppert hnvo arrived hero from Eugeno to mnko tholr homo In Mnrsh flold, ami will bo employed at tho Thomas Music store and tho Orpho um theatre, Prof Lepport was edu cated In Dayton, Ohio, under Prof. Loltoy Lainbort. director of tho BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield RIITTFR Creamery "U"LI1 .MADE I'XDBIt SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Free delivery. 8 a. m. anU U i. in. rhone 73 Springfield Conservatory of Music nnd tho Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and later was a pupil of Miss Dorothea Nash of Portland, n pupil of Franz Liszt and tho Indianapolis Conservatory under Emlllnno Re mind. Firm Dissolves. Tho firm of Fox & Plnegor, doing business under the firm name of tho Marshfield Clennlng & Dye Works, hns been dissolved, Mr. Plnegor retiring, while Mr. Fox will continue the business. Proves Popular. Tho great pic ture drama, "Tho Power of Si lence." n play of the Great West, proved such a big hit nt the Or phoum Inst night that it will he ropeated tonight to glvo an oppor tunity to everyone to seo a really great picture play. Speeding Charged. Charges of vlolntlng tho speed ordlnanro have been filed bofore City Recorder But ler ngnlnst Claude Tucker, Mllas Rlchnrdson, I). L. Foote and Bill Erlckson. W. B. Cox Is the prin cipal wltncas nnd they will hnvo their hearing tomorrow. Ask Franchises. The Oreiron Power Company Inst night present ed a petition to the Myrtle Point City Council for a new electric franchise there. Friday night nn application will ho nindo nt Coqullle. If tho company can secure satisfac tory franchises. It proposes to tnko over the Coqulllo olcctrlc plant. Wed lit Blvertou. Ray Jeub, a woll-knotvn young man of Eastslde, ami Miss Bessie Robertson, of Hlv crton, wcro mnrrlcd nt the home of tho bride's parents In Rlverton Sunday ovenlng. Tho news of their innrrlngo canio ns n grent surprise to tho many friends of tho popular young couple, but nil unite In wish ing them n plensnnt vnyngo over the matrimonial sea, with joys as deep as tho ocean nnd sorrows ns light an Its foam. Work on Railway. Emll Nelson, foreman of tho Umpqun Packing Company ennnery nt Reedsport, Is In Mnrshuold today on business. Ho reports that tho salmon run thoro so far has boon vory light. Thoro Is much rnllrnnd activity around Gnrdlnor nnd Coponhngens have fin ished nenrly thrco miles of road. They will movo pnrt of tholr camp to Smith river soon. Night nnd day shifts will ho started nn the hlg tun nel July 1, tho compressors having been put In. No Property Here. Constable Cox hns returned from Coquhlo where ho took Joan Stelniinn, sentenced to flvo days for carrying a rovolvor. Ho says Stelnnoii declares now that ho has no proporty In Cons County, having traded his coal claim near Bandon to W. II. Kennedy and othors for ISO acres in Toxns. con- stabio Cox, In compllnnco with Sher iff lingo h Instructions, notified Dep uty Clyde Ongo to servo Stclnnon with brend nnd wnter unless ho works on tho road nnd onlv to count tho days on which Stclnnon works. PERSONAL NOTES L. D. COLE Is a visitor from Haynos Inlet today. T. SKILLS' of the Isthmus, Is In town on business. W. II. SMITH of Coos rlvor Is In town for the day. JOHN WATERS. Is In town from North Inlet today. L. I). SMITH of Daniels Creek. Is a town visitor todny. S. S, WILLIAMSON of HnynoH Inlet. Is here for tho day. WALLACE CRODCII Is III town to day from llnynes Inlet. V. S. SHAVER of Allegany, Is here for tho dav on business. ACGPST KKIKBBN went to Ton Milo today on business. II. C. BOONE, of Sumner, Is horo for the day on business, II. W. SANFORD Is n buslnoss vis- Itor from Sumner todny. W.M. EKBLAD, SR.. of Flagstaff. Is In town on business today. PHILIP LANDRITH of North Coos rlvor. Is In town on business. MRS. R. J. JOHNSON of Allegany, is n Marshflnlil shopper today. OSCAR JOHNSON, of North Iulot, Is In town today on buslnoss. CLAIM)!-: MOON, of Coqulllo, Is a Mnrshflold IiiisIiioks visitor. MRS. CIIAS, BABRETT Is spending todny hero from llnynos Inlet. JAS. K. MACREA and sister left this morning on tho train for Bnmlnn, MISS ANNIE BANKIN of Dnnlols Creek, Is In town spending tho tiny, J. M. BPTON roturiied Inst ovonlng from a business trip to Coqullle. E. J. MASTERS Is n business visitor In town for tho day from Catch ing Inlet, MISS CARRIE HAMUSLEY of Co qullle, Is hero for n few days' bus lnoss trip. E. W. OlJPTIL of South Coos river, Jh In Marshfield today on n husl 'noss visit. MISS ANNA CLINKENBEARD of Dnnlols Creek, Is In town today on n shopping trip, MISS IIILDUR SELANDBR Is vis- Ring rolntlvos In town today from Catching Inlet. L. R. DEAN of Winkler's phnrmncy. returned Sunday from n buslnoss trip to Portland, MRS. CHAS. MAHAFKY AND MBS. LEE WEBSTER nro visitors from North Coos rlvor today, MISS ESTHER MONSON of Tomple- ton, Is visiting her slstor, Mrs. Robert Fox, for a fow days. MRS. ALBERT MATTSON returned this morning from a visit to the Alec Mattson homo on Catching Inlet. JOHN JOHNSON, n traveling sales June Is the Month of Weddings And they say that thoro Is "nothing half so sweet In life as love's joung dream," but, say. have you evor tasted Sar tor's candy? Any girl can toll you It Is Just as swoot as love And the Sartor fountain drinks are as delicious as a dream, man, nrrlved front Portland this morning on n business trip to this section. COL. GRIMES nnd Mrs. Grimes nr rlved In today from Gardiner, Mr. Grimes hnvlng go no thoro to meet her. MBS. EMILY M'FARLIN, of North Inlet, who hns been tho guest of Mrs. II. I. Rutledge, returned homo today. MRS. WILLIAM KARDELL loft yes terday for Sumner to visit her parents, Captain nnd Mrs. II. C. Boone, for a week. E. M. ROSENTHAL, representing a cigar house of Portland, enmc tit via Drain this morning nnd Is at tending to business. W. U. DOUGLAS mnde an nuto trip to Coqulllo nnd return yesterday and reports that the road Is none too good for pleasure riding yet. MRS WILLIAM DAVIS, who hns been visiting nt tho Jesso Smith homo on South Coos river, re turned to her home In Coqulllo to dny. MART DEFREESE, who hns been employed nt tho McDonnld nnd Vnughit camp on Daniels Creek, re turned to his home In North Bend today. MARSHAL CARTER took his fam ily to Allegany todny nnd wtll aid them In establishing camp there, Mrs. Carter and tho chil dren spending tho Bummer outing thoro. MRS. JAMES BUTTS nrrlved In Marshlleld thls morning from Klamath Falls to Join her hus band, who hns been horo n cnuplo of mouths. They will locate on tho liny. MRS. IIARDOROVE nnd children nr rlved early today over tho Coos Bay wagon road from Lincoln, Ne braska, and will visit with Mrs. Hnrgrovo's sister, Mrs. Stein, They mny locnto here. MBS. WALTER ROBINSON of Enst slde, who hns been visiting nt tho Robert Robinson homo on Baylies Inlet, returned home tills morning. Mr. Robinson nnd sou, Rny, nre now employed nt tho Ten Mile biiw mlll. MRS. J. T. BALL returned front Portland this morning via Drain. Mrs. Hnll was a tlolcgato to tho Eastorn Star convention In Port land, nnd was honored with tho ap pointment of Grand Ruth, ono of the highest offices In Hint order. F. H. WILSON hns gone to tho WII Inmotto valley on n business trip. Be will try to nrrnngo for n series of concerts to be given nt Eugene, Salem nnd other cities by the Coos Bay Concert baud, on n tour which will Include tho Stnte Fair and the Pendleton Roundup, F. E. ALLEN returned on the Drain stage this morning from n trip to Portland. Mr. Allen visited Salem anil Eugene nnd n couple of days nt Albany, whom ho loft Mrs. Allen, who will visit there for n week. Mr. Allen says that of tho place ho visited Marshfield Is tho most prosperous nnd ho Is glad to bo back. FRANK DENNING and wlfo nro ex pected homo tomorrow or noxt ilny via Rosebiirg where they have been visiting rolntlvos for u fow dnyti slnco their return from Washington, whero Mr. Don ning has been spending n few weoks nt tho springs. Cell Ire land says that ho Judges that nil Frank needs now to become n vert Initio Saudnw Is n few weeks In the "Tickle Grass country" nt Camus Valley. AT THE HOTELS. The Cliamller. B. N. Ilolcoinb. Coqulllo; C. J. Fos ter. Portland; If. It. Rocker, Gardi ner; C. A. Perkins, Gardiner. Blanco Hutel. A. Pershbakor, Prosper; E. Stubbs, Blue Rldgo; Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Perry, Gardiner, Coon Hotel. R. C. McDonald, Lakosldo; P. F. Linton, Los Angeles; R, K. Mlmser, Los Augelos; Wm. Gage, Coqulllo: IIIIIIh Short, Ten Mile; Jus. Jones, Portland; Jno. B. Gentry, Portland. Llnjil Hotel. Chas. Cliasa, Portland, Cnrrlo llammsley, Coqullle; J. Johnson, Se attle; C, F. Mlosemeu .ami family, Los Angeles; T. Davis, San Bernar dino; Eugene Wilson, Koy Wost; A. M. Price, Oakland; C. L. Bordor, Sail Francisco; Henry Mills. Coqulllo; John Hardy. Coqulllo; Mlko Bomon, Empire; J. B. Matson, Coostou, J, T. Holaml; Ann M. Miller, Chitngo, ill. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho co-partnership heretofore existing hotwoen Robert E. Plnogor anil Robort F. Fox under tho linn nnino nnd stylo of the "Mnrshllold Clenn lng & Dyo Works," has been this day, by mutual consont, dissolved. Tho snld Robort F. Fox succeeding to tho Interest of tho said Robort E. Plnogor In tho snld co-partnership. All bills owing snld firm are payable to tho said Robert. F. Fox, and nil claims against said co-pnrt-uorshlp will bo paid by the Bald Robort F. Fox. Datod this 10th day of June, 1913. ROBERT E, PINEGOR, ROBERT F. FOX. Trv The Times' Want Ads. DR. PRICE'S SOAP A genuine iitiMlit-utetl cutlclo soap for (be skin. Seo our window. THE STORE FOB QUALITY KOODS AND PENSLAB REMEDIES. ifrriviZBj;mtM( w witslIFIELD OYOI.EBV.