jTWyjWlf' WiBv" !,., toiiyww;ii" " iHWfWl THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1913 EVENING EDITION. , . - p- ." ' I I, " S fc.?5 COOS BAY TIMES wT. C. MALONEY Editor and Pull. DAN K. MALOXEY News Editor steiioi is SENT TO JUL Joan Stt'lnnoii, who wns arrested liero Saturday for carrying n revolver, today entered a plea of guilty before Justice Pennock and was sentenced to n fine of $10 or five days In the county jail. Mo was taken to Co qulllo this afternoon by Constable Cox to nerve- out his fine or rather work It out on the road there. Stelnnon, through his attorney, C. 3. Uelgard, entered a plea of guilty when nrralgned and Justice Pennock expected lilm to pay his fine and so made It rather low, being his first offense. Consequently the court was grcntly surprised when ho learned that Stolnnon would take the jail sentence. Stelnnon Is middle aged and clalniB to own a ranch on North Coos xlvor, and also one on Isthmus In lot. lie has been staying In Marsh Hold for the past six mouths, doing little or nothing. He has a number f brothers nnd sisters hero. Dan Stelnnon residing near Allegany, nnd Sirs. Dlake residing In Mnrshfleld. To firnntt. Deputy Proslcutlng Attorney Lll joqvlst nnnounced this afternoon that the charges of dynamiting fish against Henry 1'loeck and Chas, Far las of North llend, would be taken direct to the grand Jury. Ho snld that the Justice court did not have the final say In the .vase nnd that It would be cheaper and hotter to take It direct to the grand Jury. lloeck and Farlss claim tltat the tflarges against them are the result )f 8nnio 1. V. W. trouble In Hoeck's samp and both declare they are In nocent. lll.civlst Won't Itolun. The report that Mr. LIIJetivlHt might resign soon ns deputy district attorney Is erroneous. .Mr. IJ1 Jo qvlst ttald this afternoon .that ho 'would retain the place until after the Jail olectlon. Then If the referen dum on the county attorney bill cur ries and ho cannot have the county attorneyship, he will resign. Howev er, It will be November before this Ii decided. Paris, the Incomparable 'LEARN ONEJTHING EVERY DAY" HOlt.V. HOFFMAN To .Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hoffman nt tholr home In South i..nrshuold. Sunday, June I.", a daughter. .Mother and child are ilolnj: nicely and the proud father jubilant. She Is tholr fourth child. AT TIIK HOTELS. 4 I I The CIiiiiiiIIit. Krcd II. ICason. Portland; F. H. DoIInrdo. Portland: C. .1. l.owc. Portland: E. It. House. Portland: II. S. Nye. Portland: ('has. Johnson. Seattle; P. Howell. Seattle; Fnnk Thames and wife. Mlsnoula. Mont.: Jlni. Malehorn. Portland: C. M. Khonhort. Portland: Mr. Dnnnliun. 3'ortlnnd; (5. A. fir'swold. Portland: O. II. Knowlton. Coqulllc: M. K DoiiuIh, Marshalltown, Iowa: U. F. Vay, Portlund; I. A. Poternon. Son. Michigan: K. H. Konnedy. Port'nnd: Jlr. nnd Mrs. Ornhnni. Portland: .7. It. Loo. Portland: Win. II. Swr vlco, Oal'llner: J. N'. Coloinli, Louis Innn; Walter S. I.elaud. San Fran cisco. John P. Klernn. San Francisco: T. O. Meeker and wife, (Slants Paws: Klinor Hover. Tncoma: W. O. M li ner, Fan Francisco: J. A, Kloln. San Vranclsco; W. C. Crawford. San yrnnclsco: P. M. Flock. Portland. Or. IHiineii Hotel. J. F. Illcklng. Ilaudon: It. II. Xowo, Myrtle Point: Kvert N'ytuan over. Myrtlo Point; (loo. W. Co. Bnndnn; J. T. Tracy, llandon: J. F. llurglss. Coqulllo: J. I). Clinton. Norway; I). It. Hascom. city: Thos. Illcklng and wife. Ilamlon: Willie and Mori II Illcklng. Ilaudon: Ml Heater Norton. Sumner: Miss Jessie Norton, Suninei : (loorgo Dehaque. Sumner. L. K. Hallo). Portland: V. C. Child. Coiiilll: Mrs. Hoyal vstrandor and sons. Cottage (Jrovo; ir. F. Harrison. Myrtle Point. Hotel ',,. Mr. ami Mis. Varnoy. Coalodo: Mrs. Lattln. Coos River; Fred Johnson, Coos Itlvor; Mrs. ltonulo Welilon. coaletlo; li. !'. Hoguo. Myr- ftlo Point; .. .1. Thrift and wife. Coqulllc; J. I.. Tlhbetts nnd wife. Coalodo: Tony l.owU, Coqulllo; 1,. C Nelson. Portland; Mrs. Adams. Hunker lllli: A. Cor! aid. Philadel phia, Pa.; M. T. Ilraudt. St. An thony, Idaho; It. (Inodiuun, Coos hlvor; J. I. Lyons. Ilaudon; It. C. McDonald. Lakeside. K. J. Croft. Ilaudon: W. W. dago. Coqulllo: C. N. Linden. Tar lleo! Point; A. F llodgoon. Tar Heel Point; J. V. Vadon. Tar llool Point: J. M Ciullllams. Tar llool Point; S. I. Ashworth, Springflohl: Fred John son, Coqulllo. (!u Hnrtiuan. Co qulllo: (loorgo .lohiiKim. (irnnts Pass; Stewart Johnson, (Irants Pass; (luv Jones, Noith Head. Llojd Hotel. Mrs. llulda Pern. Oardluor; Jas. K. Mncltoa, Pondloton: Mr. and Mr, d. S. Staton, Portlnud; Jack i.nrdsrove. Seattle; J. Haas. Heaver HIH. A. J. McDonald. Portland. NOTICE K. OK P. All momliers of Myrtle Lodge No. 3, Knights of Pythias and so journing Knights aro requested to ho present at Castlo Hall at S:00 p. m. on Monday. Juno loth. 1013. work In rank of Knight followed by lunch Hy order of C. C. (Attest.) S. F. IIOPSLEY. K. It. S. Lluhy COAL. The kind YOU havo ALWAYS USED. Phono 75. PacUl? Livery and Transfer Company. No. 1. THE Copyright. 1313. by The Asso ALK among tho pleasant tree-clad 1 Ills Just northwest nf niinii. Frnnce. The green grass waves gentiy In the breeze. Suddenly a white nymph conies uu expectedlv into view, beading over and gazing Into the bubbling waters of a spring that wells up at her feet. This is a sacred spot to the people of Paris, although It Is two hund red miles away, for here Is the birth of tho River Seine, at a height of 15-15 feet above the sea. The Ity of Paris has set the statute of the nymph here to ninrk the spot. It is a small stream at first, and Is often dry for the llrst 31 miles of Its Journey to the sea. during which It descends 705 foot, nearly half tho might. Hut. r.s It wanders cheer fully on. It receives Co waters of theAube. The Yoiuio. the Olse, the Essonne, tho Lolug, and the Kure. and Joins tho Mnrno Just before reaching Paris, here It becomes a considerable river, capable of float lug vessels that draw from nine to ten f''et of water. Tho ordinary volume of water In the Seine at Paris Is 5. 300 cubic feet a second, hut In times of dry weather this has been known to be as low as 1.200 cable feet. On the other hand, tho flood waters In raluv soasoqH l-nvo frequently risen RIVER SEINE. elated Newspaper School, Inc. verv high. In 1010 they reached 14 foot above normnl. almost 100, 000 cubic feet a second, nnd caus ed great damage and suffering. Tho undor-ground railways were flooded, as were thousands of dwenlng l tho city, and some of tho streets resembled the eannls of Venice. This, however. Is not the ordinary con duct of the Seine, but n rare ex ception. About 500 feet wide nt Paris, the river sweeps by the beau tiful city under many bridges. It carries liianv trndlng vessels to nnd from the cnpltal and Its banks aro bordered with broad quays with ports for loading nnd unloading be low thorn. Passenger steamers, too. ply the waters of the Seine, and some most delightful excursions may be made In this way to points of Interest up or down the river. Kntorlnir the city from tho south east, tho Seine flows under the Pont National nnd takes a north westerly course past the Jardlu des Plnntes. tho Isle St. Ixiuls nnd the Tsle do la Cite, with Its snlondld cathedral of Notre Damo. Soon It passes the Palace of the' Louvre and tho garden of tho Tullorles. where It changes It course to west, past the Petit and Ornud Palaces, and soon turns again to southwest, swooping tranquilly by the Eiffel lower on one side and the Trocn tlcro on the other. Mnny are tho excursions and out lugs tnkcu upon tho Seine, and the gay-hearted people of the capital take advantage of the easy trans portation It affords. Many, too, are those who yearly seek to forget their sorrows beneath Its quiet waters. Every day a different human In terest story will nppear In The 'limes. You call got n beautiful In taglio reproduction of this picture with live others, equally attractive 7 by 9 Inches In size, with this week's ".Mentor." In "Tho Mentor" a well known authority covers the subject of the pictures nnd stories of the week. Headers of Tho Tlnioj nnd "Tho Mentor" will know Art Literature. History, Science, nnd Trnvel, and own exquisite pictures On sale at Tho Times office. Price ton cents. Write todny to The Times for booklet explaining The Associated Newspaper School plan .. v SE WRfl 5 HERFIGIDE FOR THE HI I When n doctor Indorses n prep aration It moans more than an or dinary testimonial. His opinion Is ilways that of the profeilonal iiihii devoted to the welfare of t'e peo ple. Dr. J. J. Hoyd. Covlnsjton. Teiin.. says: "I foel It my duty to write this for the benefit' or thone suf fering from dandruff. In the aver age case n few applications of Now bro's Ilorplddo will remove all dandruff. It is advisable to con tinue Its uso for several wooks." The words of J, H. Thompson. M. I).. No. 1' Ilurrough Place. Cor. Holds st.. Boston. Mass.. tiro not loss onthuslnstlc: - can only spe..l; In pralso of Nowbro's Horpleldo. It Is all that Is claimed and per haps more. Horpleldo mt onlv cleanses the scalp, but brightens Good Furniture At Low Prices is our specialty. We will advise with you as to the be to furnish your home with good furniture at the most- , Way , t onom. lcai cusi. tspjpppF CX -r? We were never so thoroughly prepared to fill your every want, no matter what it may be. Our claims are modest, We claim only plain facts That our furniture is Service Giving Good Looking Low Priced and Wonderful Values JM We are ready for comparisons and to meet every prospect and demand. 117-: SKLL IT FOli LESS. GOING HARVEY CO, Com phi c Home Fnmn'sho'tt. the hnlr. gives It llf. and makes It soft." Dr. T, A. Moore. Duncan. Ariz., writes of his experience: ".My scalp was in Pisces covered by pntches of drv. scnlv iniii,rli'l and the ltes lug wns Incess'Uit. Since using llerpiclde nil thee evils lave dls uppearod and my hair Is soft, smooth and growing. Hair has grown on spotn before but thinly covered." Nowbro's Horpleldo Is "the oi In itial remedy to kill the iltiiidri I r germ." and st3p falling hair. Tho terrible Itching which koos with duudruff Is allayed almost at once ! Newbros Horpleldo In .iOc nnd 31.00 sizes Is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed. If you aro not sat isfied your money will bo refunded Applications may bo obtained at tho lending barber shops, lie sure you get genuine Ilerpleldo. Lock-luirt-Parsons Drug Co , special agents. Forced Sale Snaps Gentlemen, here is one of the biggest snaps in Real Estate that was ever heard of in this place or any other locality, Here is a brand new, modern six-room house and three lots, each 25x100 feet; the house renting to a steady renter at 89,00 per month, This all has to be sold for the small sum of $675,00 cash, or $700,00 on time, $400,00 down and balance on time, Owner must sell by June 17, 1913, This is the chance of a lifetime, so don't forget to look this up, For partic ulars, see WM. J. LEATON at room 15, Eldorado bldg,, Marshfield, Oregon, Over Red Cross Drug Store, or phone 243-L, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF C00S BAY SMALL ACCOUNTS ENCOURAGED One need not have a large account In this bank In order to enjoy tho prl- liege It confers, llollovlng that en (ouragoinent tends to develop the re sources of tin) small depositor, It is tho policy of this bank to give appre ciative attention to nil who bring tholr business here, regardless of tho size of tholr transactions. Your ac count Is Invited, IWMIIA niNXKKS III our now location, we irt n poclally prepared to cater to (ia!t; tra'de, Regular meals or ibort or dets. Open drtjr nnd night. MLKl'IIA.Vt'S LA1K. Ilrimduiiy and CiniiiifrtUI MM PROFESSIONAL OlRECJOni wswvwwM :.V.J.MI,V OSTMXIl, CoiiMillhig liiRlnetr iri Aichltnt. B Phone lO.'M, ManlifldJ. Or. EANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A l'lJW IKS ACUK THACI'S FOl'It MILKS SOUTH OV COl'NTY ItOAD :15 l'KH ACItKj $IOO CASH, VLANCK Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald' MacKktoslh HKAL ESTATE nnd INSURANCE. All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST ItAXIv IX COOS COl'XTY. IMalilMied 18H0. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Time Deposits, Officers; T. V. Dennett, President. I. II. riiiiiaguu, Vice-President. It. 1 Wlllliuns, Cashier. CJwi. I Wlncliester, Assistant Cnslilex-. T .M. WltKDIT, J COXTltACrOlt AND lll'Il.DEK Estimates furnlsbeJ oa re Plans and specification! faraUW If desired. An boneit Job pin teed. Phono 134-R. . JOKL OSTLIXH, Pliino Tuner and Kl'. Hlb S. Sixth Street. Phone MH 'Leave orders at V.n.HalneiM!e Co. 'TjKHIi IHLKV U.UUXGER l Pi-nlJt Md Ttulit I Heaidonco-Studlo, 237 So. BrolfJ i'pone ifu. W it ll AVIII.IOIt. u, vt. .''"" --i .... ArcmiRw Rooms 80 1 nd 802. Coke VMH Mnrshfleld. Oregon. DR. W. MOItUOW. DenUst. 171 Grime nulldlnjE. ' Gro1 rrhoater. umce mu' "" WM. S. TUIU'E. AUCUIXECT Mnmhfleld. OrefQgi VIL A. J. HE.1B D Modern DeP. Vit aro equipped - work on short not a " lowest prices- w m 0n. Udr attendant. 0M,. Chandler " "' v"l - C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMIJER, LATH, SIT INGLES, MOULDINGS, SASII AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE I-T'EL BILL IN TWO nY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 18a sOUTn BROADWAY THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING ABSTRACT COMPANY Have photographic copies of all records oi Coos County to date, abstracts of titles, present ownerB, or any othor Information relating to real estate furnished on short notice, BUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Marshfield. Phono 151J W. J. RUST, Manager . modern ""- ; . flefiiw Light. Steam Hcj m i Furnished RoomJ "'ia Cold Water. . tr A m K I V w - 1 1 u " FOR QUIUN Wun.M Telephone the old CoosBayStean-UW Wo always nenv - . Phone 57-J --- w y writ