The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 14, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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    tstmmmJim '
PnnCD AV nriTVICC "ora In Portland nt the Itoso I-ca-
MJLD IA I 1 llViilO tlvnl. They will stay a row weoka
visiting relatives hefore returnliiB
M. C. MAI.OXKV Kdltor and Pub. 1i()itit.
DAS K. .MAI.OXKV News Editor Misses .MiUBtiret anil Ada Corn-
wall. daughters of dipt. N. ! Corn-
A MOW ltrijI-J OI- ItUAKOX. wall, of Gardiner, paused through
Knrshlleld Thursday on route from
JUDGK CimiSTIANSHN, of Sacra- Herkeley to their home In Gardiner,
inento. Cnl.. has established a Mrs. l- W. Hehfeld. who has boon
now rule for tlio determination of visiting her daiiKhtera. Mrs. Horst-
tlut degree of guilt and the grade of man and .Mrs. Claude Stutsman, at
Bfwnltv to bo fixed for persons ac- San .Iobp. writes that alio and Mrs.
wmod of personal aaaault. I tloratman and baby will come to
In the easo of a man charged with Marshfli'ld as soon as the latter are
Beating a girl, said to be his wife, able to travel.
Jutlgp Christiansen fined the assail- AIIsh (iertrude Ingle, a rormer well
ant $50. rcmnrklng that he would Unowtt Marshfleld teacher but now
have Riven him a Jail sentence had principal of an Ashland school writes
"the victim not been n dance-hall ji,.h p ,. Hazard that she will nt-
?(rl" tend the University of California
There Is something new In the aunimer school at llcrheloy. She has
world. For a long tlmu man has jUHt ,e reelected at an advanced
Icon worrying along on the theory Hilhm. nt Ashland It la possible that
that a woman was a woman what- Hll0 my return from IlerUelev via
vcr hor character or occupation: Mnrshflbld nnd visit friends here for
bow conies a Judge from the bench week or ao
to fix a definable differentiation be- M88 Wilson, a sister of Mrs. F. L.
tween women nnd women. If she Is urnnnls. j8 expected here Sunday
a dance-hall girl, a $'.() fine Is am- ,., salem to spend tho summer
pie puiusnnient mr iieimng uer, says W(, j(r n,i jjrfl Qmnnls. Mr. nnd
dance-hall girl the penalty would , ,..,. ,, tho' tiiVlnc work to be tlon:
Spirited Controversy Over
Question of Free Text Books
in Public Schools.
North Iivntl la IiiivIiik rather
brisk school campaign for the an
nual school election there next Mon
day as a result of the free text book
proposition being brought up. A
hard campaign was made for It and
for a time It looked as though It
would easily carry, but the last few
days, considerable opposition hns
been manifested and It seems that tho
outcome of tlio proposition Is now In
doubt. The usual campaign over the
directorship has taken secondary
lilace. C. A. Smith Is one of those
Dogberry: It follows, of course. Mr8t orannls 'are" planning to spend brought out for the directorship.
If she were something more dig- thu summer In Marshtield, Mr. Oran-I , Today 1 he 1 lines received the fol-
id or something less than a ! a ,L,llK seloctlnl to net as city in-' lowing "flf explanatory eoniniunleu-
fluctunte to correspond
The inquiry Is pertinent, neees
Unisons Why North lleuil Should Not
It. E. Shlno of CoqttlHe.,18 planning , Vote for a Free Text Hook Ta.
larly, as to the point at when Judge to buy or build , tylnter homo at . ,,,,..,,.. .....rvwh.-ri. la too
Christiansen would decide that a i)urkelev Calif f ) I. Lduentlon cwM.heio is too
woman was entitled to no protection, j n. nnii u& rf tu- 'rower and IIim' ' "" 01,,Rtlon "r ,he ''!
ami might bo beaten by any man who inuglUe" .Ilsslc ;. nroXpecte.l ' J"""0 8hoH,,, Ao morv ur kH8 r''
T'!'?''1" "2U I" " ',.,!tn!! L '-, !'"."" to spent! the sufemer on "V! ; ,.,.,, of ., . ,
pleased with Monrovlafnnd may es- ,, , ,.' :. ..,.n.i .. i i.-
i 1 1
tabllsh a permanent
Mrs. W. C. Ilradloy. who has been ; ""' '""
spending several months at Monrovia. K"' ..,.: ' i f L ,'
Calif,. Is planning to spend the sum- ,'". '. '' '
' mer there and may remain even long-
I ! .... CM.- I- 1. 1...... 1. 1 ..I I..
i ui . out' in i-uiiniuui iiuo uiiiim 1--11 111 ... ...... ..i.,.., , . ..... .......
1 health but thinks that It would be """"'" " ..V.' "l "" . "' ' "Y
;'.. Every child should see a part
of tlie family Income Is spent for
families spend for
hey have to spend
for school books
I. The experience of teachers end
Invitations will bo Issued In n day best for hor to make a more exten led
or two for the Elks annual ball, 'stay there.
which will bo given at thu Eagle's .Mis Mario Maloncy readied New
hall, Wednesday. June 2S. Each York last evening and June 17 will
member in permitted to turn In tho'siill from there for Naples. Italy,
nuiiio of one friend to the committee1 from whence she will start hor three
for an Invltntlon. months' Europenn trip. She wont to
Tho .Marshfleld Aerie of Eagles Is , Now York via tho Canadian route
care of cuiuinunlty property but
waste It to tho detriment of character
and regardless of price.
"i. Emm mi economic standpoint,
although books might bo bought
cheaper collectively, a free text hook
system offers opportunities for graft
unit few mortal men are able to
. ..i, ................. .vllv ... ...r,.i.. .. i; 1 III IV III lliu l tllllllllllll lllllll. ...Ifl,unl, 1
plntinlng to give a big ball at their i visiting llanff and l.nlgon and the ," v"! ',. ... , ,
Jlal I hole July .'!. celebrated Canadian lakes, stopped ,,.u,,1,, ,' '. 'n
This evening the people of l.lbby I rf Ilt Winnipeg and took In Montreal ' HJ,I7"" J""I,,""V V
as practically no
huy text books.
will Rlvo a dance at the hall there. ' mid other Canadian points of Into'--' , ''"vi,ry i-Iuhh In the full, by right.
Tonight the North Hon.! Modern ! !, si !,' i" "". , '?' r !.. .VA'l nlioiiltl take up the old text books for
Woodmen will give a dance Ih Eck- J Nlacnra Falls, maklnu tho trlii down .w" .. w,.'kH . ,vv,,'w- . T!11' 'l,Il"
tho St. Lawrence river.
Miss Signn Holm, who has been
vlsltlng'hor parents hero, expects to
leave next we-k to attend summer
school nt Herkeloy. Calif,
lioff Hail. There promises to bo a
largo attendance.
f 4
INI'OKMAIj chat.
would then have amnio time to net
1 adequate supplies.
S. No self-respecting parent would
any more let his child use a second-
nniiii text book than he would let
Illttt U'ltllK Uititlliltlt It. I ..I..H.I.... .... i
...... ..,.., pvMMm-iiiuni riiniiiiiK ill t'l
Mn Win r!fitnu i.. i... ,MU
"" i im i ii, .iti. it tu. viiiiitci in i'.ili ii'ii iiiiv i,. . i i. .. .
Mr. and Mrs. (loo. II. Myers en- Tuesdny via Drain from Monrovia, j ' ,, '.'i'1 T."', ' " ' ' " ' t'""" H """"
tcrtalned a few friends at dinner! Calif., to spend tho summer. i,.vi im,,i, , 1 i, . !'. ,,.I.,KS,H " r,Jl,i'
rrld.iy nt their homo In South .Mr. r Mi-Elilowncy niiil moth-'
Maiaillold. complimentary to Kev. ' er nnd dntighhr ronched Itaclno. !,,'. ,,' 'i,. ,." " ,'" ''"l,,""-v ,".,,"-v
and Mrs. II. t. Itntledge. J Wis., safely this week, according to Y,.' '...?' H, '")0VS r"r ,IH an,, ,IH
Mr. and Mrs. (lei. II. Myers leave a letter Just received by Mr. McEl- ,'.'' "' '. '! l'iH "lwnH l'"yl '
today to visit ar tho homo of their downey. They will mnke an extend- !i !. ! i , , lMK r'"' 'V'"1 lk,",1
daughter. Mrs. Jus. I.andrlth, on ed visit there. iL 1 ' i1',.1! Il111111, l11111'11 ,MI11
Coos IMvor. Mrs. Tittle and Miss Mhle Tittle "ll1"" C"J "lu l'tlroii while we are
Mrs. Hose .Mcintosh and daimh- tin expected hero In a few da.vs from i ...;,'
tcr. Alma, are siiondlnu' tho week . California to sneiid the summer at .'m. iimuii'.ui AU.MSI HONC.
. . . . . i. . -..".:..
in town on iiusiiichs and pleasure.
Mrs. Mcintosh Is renewing acquain
tance with hor cousins nnd their
famine. Mrs. K. E. Williams and
Olio St better, whom she has not
seen for several years.
It. E. llasklus. formerly of tho
Pioneer Hardware Co.. lort on tlio
Jtodondo t! Is week t Join his wife
oud daughter at Eoug lloach, Cnl.
Sim. llasklus and Miss Ruth Has
Jcin were lu tho recent disaster at
that place when dozens of lives wore
lost by the breaking of the pier.
wniur HpHind arrived home this
tho home of Mrs. Tittle's sister. Mrs.
A. J. Savage.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Andersen and
Miss Evelyn Anderson, who nre vis
iting lu Huiilngaiuo are oxpVcted
homo soon.
Mr. mid Mrs. .Ins. Cowan. Jr.. have
moved to Ten Mile, whore Mr. Cowan
Is opining a grocery mid genernl mer
chandise store. The apartment In
the Williams' building, which thev
are vacating, will bo occupied bv Mr. '
and Mr. Hay Olllvant.
Mrs. C. I. .Mnson nnd children uro
expccieil here on the llreiikwiiter to-
Onn Dirnntni nnrl Plnri ih Nn
n orrow to Join Mr. Mnsnu. of The CllOSeil for MnP?hfiflrl sPhnnl
-n- ..- ...en u Dunn-mi Tjnies' force. ThVy will reside In tho. . i md,l,,,Llo.iCI'00l
mi mi- mm imee years. winiaiiiH niinrimonts. uioillLil ill ai mn.
........... . . I l...... ..... .. -.. w.
nun ii itikchii, who ins ."i iieiva I'lauiuan cann. mi
spent parts or the punt throo ears from South Inlet yostenlav to ai- 'II10 nnimnl school elect Ion In
studying stenography and typewrit-! the Initiation at tho high school -"'"'"IH'li'ld will bo hold at 7 o'clock
Inj, ut ii Portland luminous collogo. I lt evening. She will return Sun- ;,0''"y evening at the CentraLschool
rcturiied f Is week for an Indefinite' ''ay. building. Tlio terms of Judge Hall
may ni uie inline r tier narents.
Mr. nnd Mrs. August Erleon.
Eric Holt Is expected home from
"Willamette I'nlveislty about June
20th, according to word received
ljy his parents. Mr. and Mrs. (!.
N. nnl.
Miss Kvelyn I'lanagan loH this
Tek to spend Commencement week
at Eugene vlhltlng Irleuds.
Miss Mrtlo Cowan loft via Drain
Voilnod,;y to attend tlio Commence
ment oxerclses ar Eugene and' to
vihlt with her sister who Is a grad
uate tills year.
Miss Alice Tlckell Is fqmniliiK a
few da. with Mrs. I'ape and other
iiicniis at llaudou.
.miss i.oin .Montgoiuery, who Is "" ,,,MK " mio hoard and A. T.
teacMng at Daniels Creek, Is nend- ''nlll,' as dlrctor will expire. It Is
lug the week with friends In Marsh- '"'del-stood that both of th will ac-
llo'd and lelnllvos nt Mllllngton. 'V"1 ,,u' l'l"fl again. Ilosldo.s the
Hov. A. E. Ilassford returned ''I1'''!'"" of the two officers, there Is
Thursday from a trip to HundJii. , "tlliB important to come up.
Miss Kara Shouso left Tor Han-' L'- " McLaughlin and others who
don today and will return Mondav. '''" advocating women offlclnls for
Mrs. E. D. Puller, formorly Miss "1, "liool dlstrht are active In the
Ada Chapman, will arrive here tho "'"Nor today, it Ik understood that
last of the month from Wenatcheo. "'W i" advocating the election of
. i vimii nor inoMier and sis- ;"p- iiuoccca i.use-Mtunip or mikh
Mrs. Horbort Arinstrong. of North
llend. will louvo on tho Nnnn Smith
lor iierltoloy, where she goes to rest s,uff. .Mrs. Hmry Songstacken nnii
and regain her health. -Mrs. E. E. Keller for illi-,...if,iu v..
M.... I ..... i.i .... .. . .-. ........ ,,,,
"' i.iini ueyiioin. oi .Minn iienu. """""iicfiiieiii or any cuiidlduto has
.mis uoiiecca Euse-Stunip or Miss
'01 ,' ,,' ""arlan. aB clerk of
the school board, mid uro talking of
vY'rr '. S' 1IK""". Mrs. ciuih.
Mi lllllls Short, nt Ten Mile. Is was called Portland on account '"'''n made,
a Kih-m at Hie home of her "sister. ' or the Illness of her son. who Is
A U l; ,'',a,,K" reported -r low She left on tho Dance nt I.lbbv Salurdar nlnht
UJ2- ( " "id f'"nll are ls- Drln sia-e tils morning. Elliott's orchestra. Psnal nd'iiil"sliiii'
The Important Thing to You
mIh-ii you liny a suit of clothes is to gft real,
hoiifst value fop the pict you pay. That's oiip
.spiciallN Holiest Value whethep the ppjee is
K..i() op r).oo i( is our principle to put 100
cents (if value into evepy dollar of evepy suit iu
our two stores. If the' men on Coos Iav real
ized tlio real values in Kixup Clothes there' would
he as big a rush to our store as the rush of tho
JMiiithern I'acitic and Terminal Ixailwav to
the right of way on the North Uend line.
'ome in and see us about that
Fourth of July Suit
$8.50 to $25.00
-'- iv-:
North Bend.
wa :. '
rT r l .7l l ,T.
V.aV fTAMZ. i if:.
S p"
1 jj.
(. 4
STRoust tk bros;
C. U. Pi:CK wont to Coqulllo this aft
ernoon. EUED STOCK Is u visitor from Sum
nor today.
W. II. SMITH Is lu town today from
Coos HIvoi'.
DR. VAPOIIAN has gone to l'ortland
on n business trip.
AKTIimt (IHTTY Is lu town today
from North Inlol.
I,. D. SMITH, of Daniels Creek, Is
a town visitor today.
OEOItUE KOSS, of Catching Inlet,
la In town todny.
Inlet, Is here lor tho day.
MltS. J. C. M'OLLOCH Is spend
ing tho dav in town shopping.
E. .1. MASTKliS Is In town for
the dav from Catching Inlet.
the llavnoH Inlet visitors today.
MRS. A. II. OI.SE.V. of North in
let Is spending the day In town.
UEOHOE RANKIN, a rancher from
Daniels Creek. Is in town todny.
(',. A. HONEIIRAKE Is In town today
on a business trip from Ross Inlet.
J. J. ClilNKENHEARD or Daniels
Creek, Is spending tho day Hi town.
Mils. JOHN' MESSHRI.E. or Catch
ing Inlet, Is hero oh a shopping-
HEN MARSHA1.I. returned laid eve
ning from a business trip to Nor
way. W. V. DOPC.KAS went to Coqulllo
this morning to uUoiid circuit
W. R. REACH Is registered to leave
via Drain Monday morning for the
JOHN SCIIETTER. or Tompleton.
Is a town visitor for the day on
Coos River, aro lu town today on
PERCY (HHIIS. the North Inlet crnn-
hcrry king, Is a Marshrield business
visitor today.
or North llend, were Marshfleld
visitors today.
town witn friends over Suudnv
from l.ukcslde.
Clock, was a Marshfleld business
visitor todny.
MRS. OSCAR OILMAN of North Inlet.
Is here for the duy with friends
and on business. '
ERANKLIN IllMtCMI of the Red Cross
left on the Alliance for a business
visit In Portland.
MRS. P. I). HLAKE. or Can-hlng
Inlet. Is In Marshllold tor the lu
on a business trip.
MR. AND MRS. M'.MIM.LEN leturn-
ed to town today from n busi
ness trli to llayues Inlet.
Jl'DUE HALL Is txpectol home to
night from Coqulllo. when he hns j
boon attending circuit court.
SIIERIEE W. W. (IAOE returned to
Coqulllo this artoruoou utter a few
days' slay here on business.
P. E. IIAOUE mid wife returned lust
evening from a camping trip to
Sunset Hay. They rtport a de
lightful time.
Mouilny night or Tix-sdny morning
oerland from Portland, whore Ii
Is on business.
ARD arrived from SprlngrioM.
Mass.. yesterday and haw taken
pi.sllious at Porter mill.
;'''" iiiiiim iM."y , r I' .. .,
irurula. Is visiting nt tlo In..,; f .
her aunt. Mrs. Leonard MusIimh .is
and family, uenr Sumner. 'W
MISS WHISTLER, tho North Inlet
school teacher, came to town this
morning ami will spend her Sun
day with Coos River friends.
MRS. M'KEWAN roturiiel riom
Myrtle Point on the train Inst
evening nnd loll todny on u visit
to her daughter on llaynes lu'et.
W. H. JENNINfiS Is a business i.
tor from lluyuos Inlet today
bringing n large consignment or
strawberries for the local inar
kot. A. J. RICK, formerly president of tho
Coinmorclnl club lu (Jrunger.
Washington, is lu the city ln esti
mating the prospects nnd visiting i
his old time friend. E. It. Jones.
JOHNSON, who urrlved liro yes-,
torduy from Ornnts Pass, uro look
ing over the real estate situation
on tho Hay. They come from Chi
cago. J. W. HENNETT lefi tho night be-1
lore last vm .Myrtle Point to at
tend the hearing or tho Railroad
Commission to take part of tho evi
dence or the experts lu tho Coos
Lay Water case.
ner, was In town this morning.
She loft on tho afternoon train
for Coqulllo where she will visit
hor aunt. Mrs. Ray Watson and
family, for a week.
C. II. CODDINO and wife nml l.m.v r
Elagslaff, are Marshriohl visitors
today Mr. Codding reports that
thoro Is an unusually flno crop or
strawberries, both lu quantity and
iiiiuj. in uiai vicinity this year.
I', h. CONWAY Is expected lioro to
night from Ashland to look over
this section with a view of build
lug a nunibor of houses horo on
tho partial paymont plnn. Ho hns
been oporntlng in nnd nonr Ash
land. MRS DAISY SHORT, of Myrtle
Point, who had been visiting hero
with hor cousin, Mrs. o. o. Cur
ry, loft this morning for Porter
ylllo, Cal., to visit with her sis
tor. Mrs. Cnrrlo niim r.
burg Review. ,..
and Mrs. Nela Rnsnuissen. arrived
homo last evening front Corvallls,
!? ro 'J0 -8, nttc"Um Oregon Agri
cultural college. Ho camo In from
Drain with Claude Tucker, who
droyo h8 auto In via Allegany.
oS'iiKi ln8t "B from Co
,i .h? w,l0i;0 l ,oy wero ""ending
circuit court. Judge Harris Is said
to bo expediting tho cases .. ?.
as possible, insisting that tho at
torneys Bet their cases ready for
rial quickly If they want them
heard at this term of court.
Have, your toh nnntin .1 .
I The Times office" ' "6 UUlU, ttl
Coos Bay Club to Arrange Porthnrt a
Feature for Worth Bend p -S f, Fna V WinsaGsh
Event-Stop Tank Ritlincj hrlLo Angcles47
At a meet lug or the Coos Ihn
Motorcycle Club last .evening, It !
was decided to try and arrange for
a big niotoi cycle parade ut the
North llend I'ourlh of July celebra
tion. The plnn Ik to get out all
the inotroeycllstH on the Ifnv with
their machines decorated anil thus
make n very pretty pageant.
It was also arranged for a run
to Myrtle Point a wool: from tomor
row and It Is expected that most of
tho muchlties on the Hay will participate.
llit club, alter some discussion,
Us Angi-lcs .
al, hind
San EraaclVco'
enlco .
I'oitlaml .
r. .St.
33 j,
9 35 '
r. ;:
-" ") .in
,l""' ritinlly wot? n l"ne - on
Angeles, ink ? B.anie Iron, u
"w-to-thr,!? SruK"ir"11 "n
Prldnv-R ,....... The rm.i, .',
.... in..,, ...... n.iiii iimriiNii)ll, 1 I..,,... . " "iuiu. Tho,, ,'
decided to tuko slops to stop "tuukl """V8 Ramos. "crlUo
riding." All or tho members pros-' Al Venice
out ugreed to discontinue the ni-iu. Venice
tlco or carrying passengers on theHm'nmeiito
front or their inuchlnes. U there I At Sua IViinlSon
aro any further violation, the club "San Praiirlsr'o
will probably ask the City Council Oakland
10 euaci an oniiiiauce prouiiiinug It. At Portluinl
There was n gifod attendance last Portland
You will find tlio louot prices nt
The Vogue, North llend, Oregon.
MEN HALL at Eokhorr Hall SAT
I'HDAY NKillT. Exhibition drill.
Everyone Invited.
Los Angeles . '.
'u I
. caranu' Sale of n ,
Htock at The VoBiic. w n.'JuiJ
"Km', North nend
''"I'". 11.10 .1,
T,,:xrorm,b pr,ui w
The Largest and Finest
Assortment of Pipes
Blanco Cigar Store
This Ini'tfo lino wassc
lectcil hy Al Owen be
I'tiPf lie sold out nuihras
InU'P jitTPptt'tl liy 1110.
TIipv t'lnhi'ju'c every
1 1 1 i 1 itc from a modest
lipinpwuod at 2d cents to
;i licaiitirnl olil-inouiit-ed
Moewliaitiu at $10,
with hundreds at all !
ppii'cs between these
two cxlpeiiie..
O rWtf T'51 17 T We have them in all
i tJJw)VJ? slin I )cs,, styles and
r J JPPI IPrl piii-cs. (iohl mounted
yJSTA SLaAK.4 iiiv,.,- numutecl, hull do&
slittpos, yuolit slmjios Jiiul ovopy size and shape and
ppico that any siuokop wishes. If you don't want
a pipo, ooiiio in and see tlioiu anyway. Kvery sniok
op will bo iutopostod in this chniir colleetioi). Noth;
inj? like it was ever soon Jiol'tuv in this section of
Wo also havo a I'ino lino of oijrai' and oisjawttc
lioltlops, tobacco poilchos and siiiokops' supplies.
Smoke uj ami conic in ami sa our pipes.
Blanco Cigar Store
llOUKHT MMiSDEX. S,. Proprietor.
m , i n
Sportsmen Will Find
Tho most oo.nploto stock of rifles, ammunition nml
supplies of any store on Coos Buy.
.2") and :.Q calibre KoniinKton Kil'les.
.22 High power Savago.
All calibres of AViiudiesters.
relallifl Aininunitiou in all sizes ami nil makes.
AVatch our windows for a complete lino of
Sportsmen's Supplies