ns" VI f .' e.te.a. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1913- EVENING EDITION. r. NI1DIK UP THE F. MS Italian Hanks lteiulretl to Co-operate In Aiding Agriculturist. cT.OUNNCH, ltnly. Juno 11. --At the beginning or Its Investigation or co-operntlve banking societies, the American Commission on Agrlcultur nl Co-operation, assembled by The Southern Commercial Congress, has had tho advantageous experience of flrat visiting u part of Kuropo whore co-operative banks have not made much headway. Agricultural co-operation Is prac ticed In only one form In the conn try about Florence co-operative so cieties for the purchase of agricul tural machinery, fertilizer, needs, etc. This Is chiefly due to the fact that in the early days the merchants oi Florence were the landowners am' their estates were farmed on a share basis hv the neasants, the landlord rurnlshlng the house, cattle, machin ery, fertilizers and seed, and the runners rurnlshlng the work. 'I he merchants were able to secure nl the credit they needed to flnnnri their rnriiiB through their banks In Florence and the farmers thonisclws had no need of credit. If crops wen bad, the landlord furnished the food for tho peasant farmer until the next harvest. This system of land tenure st lit prevails, and study of the sys tems near Florence has shown the Commission that co-operative credit Institutions are only possible when the need Is Brunt, ComparliiB Italian conditions win American, one of tho Florentine e. ports who appenred before the Com mission suggested Mini in mo nunc .States the solution or tho problcn of farm rinance, so far as money rot operatliiB the farms Is concermd might be found In an enlarKement rl the operations or existing banks. Sin nor Martelll, president or the Flor unco Hank of Florence, described r practice common with bnnks about Florence, whereby the fanner glvo a mortgage to a bank and receives In return an open nccount for a certain amount of credit. Thus a rarmei who considers Hint he needs a credit or $10,000 to operate his farm give' a mortgage for that amount to tin bank. Hut he does not draw out the entire $10,000 at one time, As he needs money, he draws on the bank If he wants $500, lie draws only tha amount. He pays Interest only on the amount which he borrowed fron tho bank. In this way a farmer cai secure a credit for any amount ot money, always readily available, am only has to pay Interest on tin amount which he actually uses. For the Ioiik time loans of tlu farmers, tho biivIiirh bunks are al lowed to Invest up to !l per cent ol their deposits In farm uiortKnRes These mortgages nro or two classes those for periods up to ten years, and those for periods of from ten to thir ty years. The shorter term mort km no loans are repaid by the borrow ers In one lump sum, as In the Unltci Ktutes, but the loiiKer term loans an repaid by amortization that Is small annual payments made upoi the principal or the loan. The baukr are only permitted to charge borrow oih one-half per cent more than the nro roiiuired to nay depositors. Ai the present time the prevalent rate Is .1 per cent, though generally It It I per cent. .Money Is only loaned ii to fit) per cent of tho appraised valut of tho laud, althoiiRh the banks ac cept second or third mortgages m Ioiir as the total amount or mortgage 1ndobtedne8s does not exceed the fib per cent. There Is also u mnrlBiiBu bnnk In Florence, the .Monte ill l'aschl, found ed by one of tho early dukes of Flor enco, which has carried on a proilti. bio and beuericlal business to thli day. Till bank Issues moitgngo do bentures at II l-L', I 1-2 mid fi pel cent. Most of the debentures now outstandlUB nro at 5 per cent. Tho sell a tririo under par. which Is the usual condition In Italy, and theli market price compares ravorablv with (Jovernment bonds. Tho corporative societies for pur chase among tlu. landowners have been successful. The farmers thorn mil von do not belong to thobo socle lies but the InndowneiH do all pur chasing of farm machinery and fer tilizer. These societies are also m -tlvo from an educational standpoint, and maintain agricultural oxpurti who travel about tnuu village m wi lane. Instructing the runners in the use or scientific iiBi'lcultimil methods. It Is a hard task to Induce tho peas antry to use modern machinery and chemical fertilizers. Hut tho moat Interest of able men in the work Iiiih accomplished much, both in spread ing a moro thorough knowledge of scientific iiKi-lfiilturul methods, and In rinniiclng the farms. EIGHT HOUR LiSUHITED J'cit tlnnil Organlntlnu Would Limit Working Pay for Women. SAI.H.M. Ore., .tune 12. -A ropy of a proposed law roRtilntliiK the number of hours women shall work, which It Is desired to have Initiated ai tho special ulectlon In November, provided for by the Day bill, was sub mitted to Secretary of State Olcott to dav hv Dr. Marie 1). Kuul. president of'the ICIght limn' Loiibuo or Port land. Tho proiioseil law Is one or tlie most stringent In Its provisions ever submitted to the Secretary or State s orflco. Mrs. .1. It. Oatiuan Is soere tarv. Mark William Petersen vlce prc'sldent and Kllznbeth .1. l'assolt treasurer or the Wight Hour League, which has hoadiiuarters In Portlnnd. It Is provided that should the meas ure not bo voted unon at the special election, the petitions which are to bo prepared be riled for use at the election In 10 1 I. Following are pro xlslons of the proposed 'law: That section 50117 of Lord's Ore gon Laws Is amended to read: No remnle shall bo ruqulroil or per mlttid by any employer or employers, or hv his or their ngent or agents, to work more than eight hours In any period of 21 consecutive hours, nor more than IS hours In one week In any manufacturing, mechanical, mer cantile or cannery establishment, nor In any place of amusement, laundry, hotel, rooming-house, apartment house or restaurant, nor In any branch or department or any tele graph, telephone, express or trans nirtatlon company or business, nor In uny office employment, nor In any laiiltnrlum or hospital, save only that graduate nurses In such hospitals or uinlinrluma are excluded from the operation or this law. Such working lay or eight hours shnll not be ex- ended over moro than 10 consecutive lours or any day fir '- I hours. Hvery person, firm or corporation mploylng three or more fe in ales In my business or occupation subject 0 this law shall ventilate all their working-rooms hv exhaust runs or ither power or sufficient capacity and 1 riven at such a rate of speed as to hnnge completely the air therein for fresh air at least as often as once ov- iry three minutes during the working lours, when tho temperature In such t'ooms or any of them Is more than SO legrees Fahrenheit. Heavy penalties are provided for Jiuployei-R who violate tho law. HARD TRIP TO ARGTG Kirm.vt; out kiii thicks. The Federal (iovernmont Is setting nit I'.T.I, Don rir trees In Tillamook ouuty, Oic, on laud burned over luring recent years. This work has been going on since 10 10 and a crow r .'!( men will work until the middle ( May. 'I wo methods are ordinarily used; towing tho seed Itself either broad- list or In especially prepared spots, Explorer Stcfansson Talks of Proposed Trip to Unknown Alaska Regions. CALOAUY. Alberta, .luuo 12 Aiulous to lie off to tho frozen North, Vlljalmur Stefansson, the great arctic explorer, passed through Calgary on his way to Vic toria, 11. C, whole he will embark with his companions, to close, If possible, tho last chapter In tl o hook of eploratlon begun In 1 l!2 by Chilstopher Columbus. ' "The world wonders why I am In such ii hurry to get back North," said Stefansson while taking In the sights of Calgary. "I was offered good money to remain and lecture, hut I refused. It was either a long lecture tour and no expedition, or tho expedition at once. Ily remain ing longer In civilization I was afraid that my blonde ICsiiutmos would perish heroro I could reach them again. In blue mouths the McKeiizle Fsqulmos died off from 2000 to 10, because or diseases brought to them by tho white tra ders and whalers. As I have said before, I would like to see a quar antine established between tho Ksiitlmos and the white man, for the latter cannot bring tho former anything that will do them any miiil, but on the contrary, will bring them disease and discontent ment, which ultimately menus the uinllillatlou or tho tribes or tho North. "I go to the North as no other ixnlorer has ever done. It is mv Intention to stay away three anil one-hair years, which Is longer than nay other man planned to remain away. Ah n matter or ract there have been explorers who have not oturned from expeditions for per- 'ods of three years or longer, hut thov were held from returning hv unrorseon circumstances, their orig inal plans being to get back In at least a year. "My partv Intends to take its time. Schedules will be thrown to tho wind, ir More Is u now and unexplored continent north, we In tend to explore and claim It ror the Hrltlsh sovereign. am not sine that there Is, but should there bo. It will mean that the Inst unknown Innd will be placed on the tnap, nun me won; mat loiuiniius begun on this hemisphere will ho ended. "We are In n hurry to he orr. Kvory day that we ronniln In the South after .lilne 20 will worrv me. nH we are desirous of tnklng advan tage of tho ravornblo winds going North. Wo will not- tako along a wireless outfit, but have along with us a complete moving picture equip ment both for entertnliiment and for taking films of the count v we pass through." "mrii nrrwri fliiniy i.i-?fr- K??Ar ii.-jjy ni iieximMwrwmwrZrrrrsMitr jm&xiajv $ . mm mmsmESS ' .$$& i Hia vn-'aBvnwflHr inn. i,i G3a h v zrscss jm mmmmmm. 1 HPrMlHiM wmms&tmTWVTzm1: Aim.:TT'mTvu r.wxa,'m i im i . WrAkk LiV ,. '," 1 ' - i'fte m MUTO- tl' A TMrt JL,VU1NU RIFLE i.. 4a !,,l0 itai. M . t : I ) w,B'oirr -".inii... ii.li pi 1 :"? KSSs if fi jfi B,H,r MM Th. K.mlnntnn Cub. carry an AutoloaJtr BEFORE you buy a big game virlfv nv nil mpnno nol- ,.. dealer to show you the Remington Autoloading Rifles. They are five-shot repeaters operated by the recoil. Always a shot ready for the emergency, for the cripple, for the deer that is getting away, or the charging beast that promises to, be troublesome if you don't get him quick. The Remington Autoloading Rifles and Snot Guns are the latest achievement in ninety-six years of producing fine firearms. Remington Anns-Union Metallic Curlridjje Co. 299 llroadwy 3 New Vot!i "T I'rTr iik b'LSwI J O. NIL . "" tkM '0 order..,:! I ""Ml l.eav i(t. "The Gunnery" SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS 153 Front Street, Marsh field, Oregon Uoon" 8, f ii ( I )u'W.MonROw "Sfcsy IK TML A t nZ! ; JJ- ""'mti, uu .-. : t. VOrk nn .i.. "' te S ninndlorHi.tu Sinecr Sewmt-ai Wo havo them Icr rJl Supplle i01 N. WI hrkL1 rimn gtt.t - -fc 'for quick work. FOR PROMPT 1 FORI Telephone the cK Coos Bayfal We always delist ! Phone 57-J I 'I ho IMtAI.V.COOs H.V ST.(J.; CO. Is now riiiiiiliiK nutos rroin SfiiltHlnirK In Dialn. mkliiK iuihsoii KtHH tluoiiKli I'ltO.M l.IISIIKII-:i.l) '! IIIIAIN In O.VK ).V. .UK, As fiooi) iih tho iu:st, iiainks St. Helens Hall I'OKTlJkNl), OKEOO.V Reident and Day School for GlrU cSllMUU "Lldimf. "Lyi0!1"' ""I'"' KplV Si. i I '. .c."1;l n4 Eltnuqury Dipirlu:. it. UjlUL.llUUi. t'.iri'UtulonuaattWl- IIHBCI, 'iiii: msti:h hUi'i:itii)ii,of(u.co bl. IliUiu Hall First Class Weaving promptly Hone ut Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor. Union uml Montana Streut. PUone 131. North nond, Or. Llbby COAIi. Tho kind YOU lmvo AIAVAYS USKI). Phono 7fi. Punltlr r KottliiK out youiiK HOch two uml ''"TV and I rntiflfnr Conumnv luuo yarn old that havo Ii -un (?rown n a nursery. Mint rail ovor 1..00 iitos woro Kuedoil hut tho work thin iprliiK will coiiHlHt ontlruly of plant lit; ymiiiK trees. Tho latter method 'h more e.penHlve than direct Heeding hut ho far It hnH kIvoii hotter rcHiiltH, lleforo any area In needed or plant d It Ih txnmlned carefully by a hoII xpert In order to eliminate any unrl iiltural laud ror It Is a part or the !nn of the Koverumout In Its refor sHtntlon work to replant laud which h Hiiltablo only for KrnwIiiK forests ind which Is not suited for kiowIhk rops. The trees used this sprint; have e n mown at the Koverunient forest j uirsery In tho Wind Itlver valley liar Carson, Wash. This Is the Ian; ftst nursery devoted silely to the (crowing of forest trees In tho North west. It i'Ovoi'h ten acres of ground and contains .i'OU.OOO little trees, Thoho trees aro Krown from seed In beds for one year, after which thoy aro transplanted to other beds wlioro they ii ro kIvoii moro room. After re maining in the nursery for two or three years they are taken up and shipped to where they aro to bo planted. ORRINE CURES DRINK HABIT So uniformly successful hna Oil RINK been In restoring tho victims of tho "Drink Habit" Into sober and useful cltlzons, and so strong Is our confidence In Its curatlvo powers, that wo want to omphaslzo tho fact that ORRIN'K Is sold undor this pos- tlvo Kiinranteo. If, nftor n trial, you Kot no bonoflt, your monoy will bo rofunded. ORRINR costs onlv Jl.oo per box. Ask for Freo llooklot. Owl Prescription Pl-nrmacy. Krank ii. tonan. opiiOKlto Chandler Ho tel. Phono 71. tin: iti:coiti piioTomtAPiiixf AitsritAtrr co.mi'A.vy Have photographic, copies of all records of Coos County to date, nbstrnclH of titles, present owners, or any other Information relating to real estate furnished on short notice, HUHINKSS OKriCK: 117 Norm Trout St., MarMiflcld. Plioue lim W. J. RUST, Manager Marshfield & I, North Bend AIM Can leateevjrlli 7 a. m., to 7 v. .. t to 12 o'clock emrWl (.'until ono ijr, rottlf.l Commutation bootUlrJ Cars leave Cbiid'tt! fluid and North Bttill North Uend. :G0RST&KH Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. 'Phone 58 .Mini vaiam: in hot watkr. (Ily a Physician.) There U no mnody or such Keneral nnnlliatloii and none so easily attain able as water. Yet nine persons In en will pius by It In an emergency to foek for something of less value to seek for something of less value. A strip or flannel or a napkin rohleil lengthwise and dipped In hot water, wrung out and then miniinii around the neck of a child that has' uio croup win usually bring relief In (en minutes. A towel folded several times and dipped In hot water, and iiulckly wriiiiK out and applied over the seat of the pain In toothache or neurnl Kla will generally atrord prompt re- This treatment In colic often works like a charm. It would he difficult to find a shorter cut to rollevltiir iohl'.wii.i.i or the lungs, sore throat or rbeuma-i (Ism. (ban hot water when applied i promptly nnd thoroughly. A sprained ankle has boon cured I by showering It with hot water poured from a height of three feet hi ' ho brief n time ns an hour. I Pieces of cotton butting dipped In ' hot water and applied to ohi min ! new cuts, bruises and sprains are used very generally In hospitals. NKKI OK Till: IIOl'U. Agent. "I would like to show you something that a child can man ago." Distracted Parent. "We don't need It; but hnvo you anything that can niannge a child V" CMJAN CIII.MNKYS NOW. It Is required by ordlnanco of tho City of Marshrield that chimneys bo cleaned and kept In repairs to avoid tho dangor and damngo or riro loss. In keeping with this ordlnanco, tho people are requested at this tlmo to havo chlmnoys cleaned mid repaired. Ily ordor or T. V. CARTKR. Marshal, ANXOIWCKMKNT. I am prepared to dean and re pair chimneys on short notice. Phono -.IS, A. U. SA1U1KNT. I.envo orders at lllanco Cigar Store. Phono 78. Just Received anollier shipment of Hie Famous Mysost and Primost Cheese StauffjGroceryCo. Phono 102 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0P COOS BAY SMALL ACCOUNTS ENCOURAGED Ono need not havo n largo account In this hank In order to enjoy tho prl vllego It conrers. Relieving that en couragement tends to develop tho re sources or tho Hinall depositor, It l thu policy or this bank to give appre ciative attontlon to all who IniuK their business horo, regardless or tho slzo or tholr transactions. Your -count Is Invited. Fine Ho on 5th! Anil e in o!ir. lots there oa i ? 1900 each. Tciibi cheaper Ik" M) tin. nplchborbool I who knoi win 1(3! I.S. Be Up To Date Order your Suit from TOnn The Tailor a"nd FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OMHCST RANK IN COOS COUNTY, ICstabllshetl 1KKI). 27H Front St. Dress Expert Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000. Interest jmlil on Tlmo DejMisltH. Officers: . Rennet t, President. I. II. Klanagaii, Vlce-I'ic.slilent. It. l- AVIlllanis, Cashier. (Js). 1 Winchesto,-, Axslstiuit Cashier. FAMIU tf r- ... n IwlUCLl noclally prepared to rl trade. RpiIrM' tiers. , , , Open itj ' MERCHANT C llroadway nJ Com ritv Auto Good Cin. CMjM ..hi. fHtttt v Will 10 W,lShfi 11..J1 .111 nro 31BUU. - kBea. Cigar Store. w- Mgni r I New and SecoadN iold tl.e UU IIAIIMIXCTOX. W aos ""' Phono HiO-h Kvery uay euept sM ia nnr vu v . Mho Mrin V l"l, ...,te)l "HSI nlves jim6 ", 1 lGa..oS TWWjft J I tlU n.riirA i.imxKr.: 'm &&$ f)A.iiYiDce . . !" rerul l'ri""Lss: :Zi rrm L' Shed'JW,, Cold Water. 0 wjJV&r JV9t Upstairs.