THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1913 EVENING EDITION. From Perry Nicholson Means your furniture comes from the best furniture store. It means that it is new first-hand, that it has class, that it is honestly made, that it is guaranteed. It means you save on price. Perry (h Nicholson 1 Make liberal terms to customers desiring to pay by the week or month. Perry Nicholson Are noted for the charm and finish of their inexpensive furniture. Their pieces look so much more than they cost. The elegance of their high grades stand unmatched. These are points worth remembering. erry ( Nicholson Cater to the trade of all. It is the best place for all to trade. One good, careful look will prove it. Gome in and make the look before you buy housefurnishings. erry Nicholson 1VERY AUTO OWNER IN COOS COUNTY Should Have one of those new iitomobile Chamois licli we are now showiiu. The best and cheapest icontiivance that is rnaJe for cleaning your car, Ask Us to Show You One Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. - AT Till-: HOTELS. I Intel Cons. C. E. Hrlneer. Coiiilllo; James Walker, Conulllo: J no Hotchklss, Coon Hlver: Win. Hogs, IstliiiiitH In let. Ultimo Hold. (!. W. Whipple. Docoto, Cnl. Lloyd Hotel. John Winkler. St. I'nul. Minn.: II. I A. Ilnnslmw. liny I'olnt; T. Sullivan, Z.os aiikcUs; C. 11. Phillips, Corinlllo; ' Chns, Conrad, Itaiitluu: .las. Wnlker, , Iliiinlon; II. I., .Shorn, Klamath Tails. The Cliiimllcr. I C. I). (iiibrlolson, Salom; W. It. Ileneh. Portland: W. V. Walsh, Snn I Francisco; II. It. Nicholson, Port land: Fred A. Strove, San Francisco; , I). II. .Mann. Snn Francisco: W. H. Ncoly anil wife, I'ortlnnd: W. II. Slo mon, C'naleilo; .T. C. Flldsley, Snn Francisco; A. S. Elliott, Itandon; Ada M. Cornwall, Ilorkcley, Mnrunrot Cornwnll, Herkeley. Leave Tomorrow. J. M. Mncln tyro, W. F. Walsh. Mrs. Hohlen, Maud Cornwall and Margaret Corn wall will ho out boIiik passonKers via Draln-linrdlnor tomorrow. ONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 1IOATS lenvo MAKKET AVENl'E WHAKK for SONS or NO 1 1 WAV picnic Sl'NDAV. Try Tho Times' Want Ada. US ORPHEUM TONIGHT 'IjlI.UItK.V Luhln. A powerful drama. "" MU.M-JY; IT WAS.NT POISU.N Al'TKIl AI.Ij iiinm. very funnly comedy. t?" WATERLOO; SIXES AND NINES A Lubiii comedy. OF IIATTI.P A ....., ,.... .lrnmn -- ... 4 blUU( l44i v.M... SIX PICTL'KES. ADMISSION TEN CENTS. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC IS NOW MAKING EYES AT COOS BAY Your best Kill will mnko loving eyes at you If you will tnko her to Sartor's tonight, or any other night, and buy her a CiiphPa Dip, or any other of their dellcloiiH fountain drinks and top It off with a box of their choice cundy. DON'T MISS THIS SHOW. TONIGHT 'ONE 158-R EN-CENT Nger Service felKM) OVCIiEItY. Iv AX!) STOCK FARMS. 1t good Dairy or '" addrcas J. K. Fitz fir ..i. .. . p I'uono JU51, MarHii lift 0U SOn,e f t,,e beSt --t ior saw. FARM FOR SALE Dairy, stock and fruit farm con sisting of 518 acres, between 35 and 10 acres of rich bottom land, eight acres of bench land set to apple trees and fifty acres more that can easily be cleared for orchard and balance good grazing land for cat tle, sheep or goats. Twelve head good dairy cows and all farming Implements necessary. Located on West Fork of Coos River, one mile from postofflce, school and boatlandlng. Buy direct from owner. For further Information, call or write: W. A. GAGE, Allegany, Ore. at lEe Royal The place where you get two shows for one and tho same prlco. CARMEN RYE, Miss Marin Lean ord; three-reel feature. 'CHEYENNE ROUND-UP, featuring Col. T. R. Roosevelt. Showing OOOO feet of film for 10c. Added attraction. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, AVlLKEKSON SISTERS AND ROIl EVANS. In popular songs. ALSO FOUR NEW KEELS. The house that pleases the public. Only 10c. jygrfir .U"XE TIDES llclow Is given the time and height of high nnd low water ut llnrshfleld. Tho tides are placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on the ilrst line and heights on tho second line of each day; a compar ison on con ecutlve heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water, r'or high water on tho bar subtract 2 hours 31 minutes. 12 lira.. S.ul !i.02 2.49 0.50 Ft. . . Hi 4.11 0.0 5.7 13 Hra. . 3.53 10.20 3.44 10.39 IFt... 1.1 4.5 1.4 CO 14 Mrs.. 5.03 11.32 4.10 11.27 (Ft... 0.G 4.4 1.7 G.3 SOCIAL CALENDAR. WEATHER FORECAST. I I Ry Associated Tress. i OREGON Fair In south nnd ' i showers In northwest tonight ' I nnd Friday. Southerly winds. , LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a. in., Juno 12, by IlenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: Maximum 72 Minimum 42 At 4:13 a. m 51 Precipitation Precipitation since Sept. 1, I 1012 CI. 12 I Precipitation samo period last year 57.27 1 Wind: Southwest; cloudy. HORN 4 1- HILL To Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Otto Hill nt their homo on Coos River Wednesday, Juno 11, 1913, n daughter. Mother and child nro doing well nnd tho father thinks thero Is nothing so rnro as a tiny In Juno nnd nothing so beautiful as his new baby dnugliter. ' Meet Tomorrow. The Lndles' Art Club meets tomorrow nt the homo of Mrs. Frank Sumner. An Auto Trip. Claudo Tucker left this morning via Allegany nnd Drain for Portland, taking out a few piiBHoiiRers with him. i Smith-Powers Road. Thirty-five men arrived on the Nnnu Smith this morning for Wlllott & Ilurr of Myrtlo Point, to work on tho Smith-Powers railway, liny Properly. T. C. Russell of Heaver Hill, Iiiih purchased a lot on North Front street, near the C. A. Johnson property from tho M. II. Terminal Company for $3000. To Coos liny. Among thoyo who left for MaiHliflold by wny of tho Htngo routo are tho following: C. C. Christie, J. W. llallott. F. W. Wool en, MIhb St. I.enlvo, James Ilcosely. Itoselmrg News. Word on lloulcvitrtl. A. T. Raines went out today to Inspect the work on clearing the Mni-Hhflcld to the hca boulevard and reports they are mak ing good headway. They will soon have a trull opui over tho summit nnd Mr. 1 Initios snys they nro dolus good work. (lift to Fh emeu. Fire Chlof Dau Keating has received a check for $50 from tho C. A. Smith Lumber Company In appreciation of the ef forts of tho llromon n fow week ngo In extinguishing the lire at Hi" chip lionso of the Smith pulp mill This was a most welcomo tribute to thu members of tho Marshllel I Flro Department. To Open Office. It K. Ilorith" will open n lumber offlco In the Ferguson building on Market nv - I Thursday. St. Mary's Episcopal Guild i with Mrs. L. W. Trnvcr. I Eustsldc Sewing Club with ' Mrs. Walter Robinson. Friday. I Lndles' Art Club with Mrs. Frank Sumner. nuo near the dock In n few tiny. Duncan Ferguson hnd a new glass front put In nnd It will mnko a neat office. Owing to tho refusnl of tho City Council to grant Mr. Ferguson n permit for alterations in tho building, he was not able to Im prove It ns much ns ho desired. Petitions Out. Capt. T. .!. Mne genn, of tho Ilrenkwntor hns peti tions in circulation among the boat owners and masters asking tor now aids to navigation here, Including new range lights nonr Jnrvls Land ing, North Hend, nnd the Llbby bunkers. Tho petition will bo granted soon. It Is Bald, and tho Heather, which Is expected In almost any tlmo now to plnco a new bar buoy, may arrange for them. Found Ills Auto Lamp. Dr. A. L. HouBoworth ran onco moro let his light Rhino ns a result of a Times want ndv. The Dr. recently lost tho side auto lamp from his car nnd plored a want ndv. In The Times. John Kronholm found it nnd hnvlng rend Tho Times want nil v. promptly restored It to tho owner. Tho light of the lamp's rays shine fnr hut they do not go ns far an n Times want adv. Everyone on Coos Itay sees The Times wnnt ads. Iliii-n Slashings. Most of the log gers nnd others hnvo burned tho bulk of their slashings to gunrd against forest fires this season. Tho Smlth-PoworR Company has burned nearly nil their old slashings and tho debris around their old camps and tho smoko from them hns cans ed bo mo to think thnt the forest fires wcro starling early. Flro Warden Jess Smith hns been Inspect ing tho districts t.iat liavo been cut over tho past yenr and Is arrang ing to gun id carefully ngalnst losses of timber IIiIh year. Walt on Market. Owing (o the slump In tho California lumber mnr ket, Messrs. Houck nnd Samuels of the Coos Ray Mill Company., which bought tho old Courtney mill on Isth mus Inlet, nnd Manager .Dlmmlck of the North Rend Mill are delaying thu opening of their mills until business picks up. Tho remodelling of the Courtney mill Is progressing nlcoly r.iitl MessrH. Samuels nnd Houck nro arranging for their timber and log ging so that the delay will not bother them much. The remodelling ami enlarging of tho North Rend mill has been practically completed nnd ns soon os he arranges for his log sup ply, Mnnnger Dlmmlck will bo ready to open the plant. Irfing Walk. II. L. Shorn of Kla math Falls nrrlved hero last evening from Myrtlo Point considerably the worso for ware, having walked fifty two miles. Sell Timber Claim. A real estate deal reported to have taken place yesterday was tho transfer of n timber claim from August Garlon and C. N. Phillips, of Conulllo. to Min &tiillli.Pnu-nrfi Pnmnnm'. Thrt ! ...v. " - ..,'' uuiiHiiif nuioii was ti-t.uiru. Oust Lonfcr.s. Four undesirables who hnve been hnuglug around town for u few dnys wore ordered yester day to lenvo hut wcro still around tho streets this morning. It wns said thnt they would leave on tho after noon train for Myrtlo Point, whoro they hoped to got work In tho rall road construction camps. Alumni Meet. A business meet ing of the Alumni Association was held at the homo of May Prottss Inst Monday ovcnlng. Arrangements wcro completed ror tho Initiation of Seniors nt tho high school next Friday evening. Thoso present wcro Misses Norn Tower, Alpha Mnuzoy, Allco Curtis, Slgnn Holm, Resslo Coko and May Preuss. Messrs. John Ferguson and Joo Dennett. Keep Miller Unlet 1)111 Miller, who Is In custody on suspicion of having kidnaped tho fourteen months' old child of Mr. and Mrs. Wnltor Smith of Hunker Hill last week, Is still In tho city Jail. Con stnblo Cox thought to give him n lit tlo oxcrclso this morning by walking him up nnd down tho flro hnll but Marshal Carter objected and ordered him put bnck In tho roll. As the nlr Is nono too good and there Is no room In the cell for exorclso, It wns fenrod thnt the close confinement might hnvo n bnd effect on Miller. K Clearance Sale of all Milliner)' stock nt The Vogue. North Rend. Ore. Dishes ! Dishes ! White and Gold Band Cup and Saucor 15c Set of Six ,.-90c White and White Cup and Saucer 10c Set of Six 55c White Granite,- extra heavy Cup and Sau cer 10c Set of Six 60c 42-Pieco Gold and Floral Decoration .$3.90 "ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW." Peoples' 5-l(M5c Store New Location Front St, Opp. Postofflro t &kf Z I '7 The wagon that stands up like the reputation of its makers ' WKen you buy a Studebaer wagon you buy a wagon that will last until you turn the farm over to your son and he turns it over to his son. One of the first Studcbaker wagons ever made saw constant service for thirty years, and we will gladly send you the names of farmers who have in their possession wagons that have been in constant use any where from 1 7' to 48 years and there are thousands of them. We ore building the same kind of wagons today. A Sludebal(crrvfason is an investment that will give you full return for your outlay'. It is built on honor. Iron, steel, wood, paint and varnish used in Its construc tion are tested and retested to make sure each is the best. For or pleasure for town or country use thereis aSt udebakcrv chicle to fityour requirements. Farm wgon, dump cart, trucki, buggiej, itmeyi, run abouti, pony carriage!, buiinei vehicle of every decription with harness of the sanvj high ctandard. See our Dealer or urttt cm. STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. KSW YORK UINNEArOUS CHICAGO DAHAS KANSAS CITY DENVER tf SALTLAKBCrrV SAM FRANCISCO PORTLAND, ORE. WANT ADS. I'Olt KALi: An 918 folillnu On Cart nearly now, romplcto with storm shield. Will sell for $r. Now a useless Incumbrance. Call at -S? Central Ave. I'Olt ItENT Liii'Kf front room fur nished with linth, suitable for two, with board, If desired. In prlvato lionso, no children. Call at 021 s. nth st. Phouu :m-u. I'Olt KALE Spun of work lioiex. WelKht 1 100 lbs. each. C. It. PlamiKnii, tins nth st. S. WANTED SeviliiK by day. Phone :nm. I'Olt KALi: HI) arret of lilll land nt head of North Inlot, IT. minutes walk from boat landliiK. Now county road Just built. n room hnuso with Kood water systom, or chard of 30 trees, 2 ami 3 yoars old, ami a Rood variety of berries. Look this up. It's a baruuln. Ad dress, It. O., Times olllco, or Phono 372-L. WANTED A fiiriiMicil room, clo-e In, for slimlo Kcutlcman, Address, II., Caro Times. I'Olt HE.NT. -ltoonw KcopliiK apartments. mill house Lloyd Hotel. LOST A Mirer H pin either In tlio tennis court or botween tho court ami corner of Donnelly nvoiiuo ami Sixth st. Caro of Tlinos. I'Olt SALE Nearly new. tfilo li.iliy rarrliiKO. lloasoiiablc. Caro Times. WANTED Win I; nhout KiOO lbs. horse, McluhliiK I P. Norton. I'Olt KLE New M'wlni; iimeliliio cheap. Phone 200 North Pond. I'Olt SALE t-rooni IihIkIiii; bouse, furnished. 3I1 North Front st. Phono SOfi-J. HOOM AND IIOAltD New Imaril Iiik house, Hunker Hill, near enmity road. Anil & Lludhlnd. WANTED Mllhuluhl work by com petent mnu. E. O. II., caro of Times. WANTED Woman cook. Phono 478. North llend. DKESSMAKINfi Elrst class dres. makliiK dnno at Ladles' Eninniiiim. A TlhoiuigM For0 Today The best brand of happlnosH Is the home-mado kind. Tho best brand of candy Is Stafford's Homo-mado kind. A trial will prove It. Buttermilk Cerate produces a PEACH 1ILOOM COMPLEXION; a harmless and dainty toilet cream which does not promote tho growth of hair. THE STOKE KOK QUALITY' f.'OODS AND PENSLAK KEMEDIES. ft 4wiiAa IkTil ' J r4'AHSI V J