, "- - ...mmmmHL a THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1913 EVENING EDITION. "scaife. C . ti. HOGGINS OF 'paint AND DECORATING CO. , Furnished. Mnrsliflelil, Ore. TO BE PAVED STAY AT HOME T 1 DUTCH MASTERPIECES "LEARN ONE THING EVERY DAY" I SEVEN BLOCKS MOTHER MUST GROWTH BEADVENTISTS ites for Ing Trunks ranks lioiwoeii ....j hllold for tlio follow- very to DO Iliuuu i of IIUHUIUBb. .an no l.r.o jr ..m" Storage Co. rluii I '1- ,0 , i , OS-It. t. iiil of Electric Cut ...... utiwif of class- o IIUV0 801110 of tlio I III iihoisur iixmres, t flvu. rcvoryuiiuK P)llL'8. Langworthy Roof Fixed bow )HTHELL )NR171. Frizeen AND INSURANCE. rtn i-Ily nnil Hunker mill residence. v.. -t Tiii.; vnrvc iiru," nv paud potter. Copyright, r.H:i, liy Tlio Associated Newspaper School, Ine ito Service tacker, Proprietors. jjto Hlttiico lioroi, in. IGOL, HlBht Cufo. old. Oregon. Luiiihctft's JI 7- iim. Stand nt IIIH- are. Telephone 18-J. ptolophono 2C0-L, tlio ireful driving noBiirod. a. Will go nnywncro, riit'lif Loaves Hill- ro to moct nil trnlnB ,ECTRIC E STORE ilniv good Hlioes for nil.? FAMILY. I. Ilrnadwny. Jot our Now Hlond of fand Sumatra rffees Vt fSotli oxtru fancy qunl- U delightful cup. fCoffee & Spice House ELL HLRG. lKt Market. KFOIIH lie died at 1!. worn out by excessive won;, Paul Potter, tint "liiinliiinl of Animal Pnlllt- eis," wiih already ruinous, and, what Is oven nioro extraordinary, ho wiih prosperous. Few of tlio great Dutch ninsters enjoyed eltlier distinction. Also Potter wiih nnliito In that he developed very early. At fifteen his paintings woro rnnked with those or artlHts or dlHtluctloii. Ills rirHt lessons were received rroni his rather, a landscape and figure painter of mediocre talents. When Paul was bJx years old his father moved from Enkhulzon. where the hoy was horn In l(?2ii. t Amsterdam, and nfterward to Tlio Hague. Paul was placed uii- .!,. ., imiil tiinntnr. lull work 111 tllC studio had Hinnll attraction ror him. Ilo was chleriy his own teacher, and tlio creator part of his tlmo was de voted to making studies rrom na ture. Almost from the very first ho was Interested In niilmals. hut ho became a master of landscape because of Its necessity as a niiea- ground. Ono or ins neiKiioiirn in nu iiiiimih wim nines nr.lcheuiuevudem. who called himself an architect, and wiih convinced that he wiih a very Important- person. Potter fell In lovo with Jils daughter Adrlann, nnd formnlly nsKed tlio priueiui miner ror her hand. "What!" exclaimed llalehenmoy ndom, throwing up his hands In hor ror, "my daughter marry u painter? And what a painter! A painter or animals! If you woro only a pa lit er of men, of portnlts hut a paint er of animals!" Put It waH tho habit of the frail Potter to cot exactly what ho wanted. Tho opposition of tho par ents mnilo this marriage n llttlo more dlfflriilt, but ho married Adrl nna without much delny. nnHn. lm.i luminous sense as well as his artistic endowments. When Mniicii.it Prliirit f,r Oranue. mac- nanlmouslv mntlo hlniseir the pa tron or tho young artlut, Potter clailly accepted the royal favor at exactly Its race value and mnilo the most ol It. For the Prince or Orongo ho painted tho llfoslze 'Younc Hull," now ono or the most celebrated works In The Hague Gallery. Some Idea or tho revorlsh energy or Potter may bo gained rrom the Tact that In ten yours he executed n hundred existing paintings and twenty otchlncH, to say nothing or many drawlncs and studies. To these must be added thirty or forty more works which appear In var ious sale cutnlocueH, but have boon lost. And to Homo of theso palnt- Ini.u In, lnviitKil flvit mniilliH. Illu 1w.cu.iu nii.l fMlltl.1 llffl Hn 111 dividual that If Is said of Potter that he painted porirans or iiioiu. Hi, Ifinlr llit crroilllixt' ItnlllH til III'- iiualut lilmself w'th tile character or the animals no paiuieu. "lie seemed to enter the heart or the kino." so faithful Is his understand. Inc of their nature. The learned (lermnn art critic, Dr. Wnncer, says or Potter, "Or the ninsters who have striven pre-eminently after truth, he Is beyond ail question one or tho crcatcst that over lived." Every day a different human In- Incut utnrv will niilionr 111 The i linos. You can cot n beautiful In tacllo reproduction or this picture. with live oiners, equaiiy imrucinu, 7 by 00 Inches In slzo, with thl wcok'H "Mentor." I if "Tho Mentor" a well known nuthorlty covers the subject of tho pictures and stories of tho wook. KoauorB oi ino uniur and "Tho Mentor" will know Art Literature, History, Science, and Travol. nnd own exquisite pictures On salo nt Tho Times ofMco. Price ten cents. Wrlto today to The Times tor booklet explaining TIip Associated Xe wBimpor sciiooi niiui (oiiilllo liiipt'nemeiit Thli Year to Cost Mniv Than SI 1,000. rOQlMI.I.i:, Or.. Juno 10. The city council last week ndiei'tlscil ror bids Tor pnvlnc seven more blocks with coiirrote niai'iulaui. ninkluc a total of 1 I bloikH In the buslucH dl8 trli I that will he Improved this year, bcHlilt'H a number or blockH In the resldoiuo section. Tho city Is also uuiloi'takliic the fi'biillilliiK or a por tion or Its water system at a cost iff approximately $ 1 o.iioii. material ror which is now on tho crouud. 'Pit., fiiiiiilf.liinl l,iiiir.fii.miimif u lifivv nt.. I... nt. ti.i.t iittt iitifi.t f.it. llilu uim 1I111IVI llllj mill , a. 11. Ill ll nil m.o nvi. son will cost more than $10,000. A new city nan lias just been completed at a cost or $1 1.000, and a sewer sys tem at $m,uoo. Ml'ST UKTI'ltX TO AXSWKIt I'Olt cki.mi:. (Iljr AuooUIin! I'itm In Coin lit; Tlmm U'ACtMVf'.rilV linn. 111 liititli.,. t.iirtfin lim.nii itiillviichiir tlm uniirftiiifi .....c ill ll.lll .ill llln tl.lct.tC rliftcl. 1 Willi I, tlllllll'll 111! 1I1U 1 1.111,1 VIIHI I ton extradition case as soon as the fiiiirt iiuuniiililnil Hit uiilil flrHl Hint no error had been committed In ex- eludliiK the evidence or insaniiy ai tho habeas corpus procccdliics In the Inn.. ii. i.ttit. .1,1.1 Hint mi nrr.ti u'nu ii.i.i;, it.iiiii mil, inn. ... i,... ...... committed In mnklnc tho rormnl de mand ror I'linritoirs oxtraiiiuou. Porter Uliarlton, inereiore, niusi cntlllM! tt IttlK In IllluU'lli. til tlllt chnrce or hnvluc murdered his wire In .lime, 1!M0, nt Lake Como. The supreme court s decision nr rirms the action or former Secretary tviwtv tlwi ilittitriiillwiil tn turn nlull!- ton over to Italy. The prisoner will proiinmy lie returned in naiiaii an thorltloB after tho observance or a row formalities. Women Itocolvlnc Mother's IViisIiiiim Can't Work Out. The Portland Oroconlnu siivh "Thirteen applicants ror widows' pensions under the new state law, which became effective yesterday, ap peared In iluvenllo Court headquar ters yesterday. Information reenrd Inc their circumstances was taken In detail by Mrs. I.lda llobson and Or. Mary Kviiiih. the two new deputies se lected to iook auer iiiih wotk. "Kluborato Investlcatlon Is neces sary before any or the claims are al lowed. Women hnvluc other sources or revenue are not eligible. Tho law applies as well to women whose litis bunds are permanently incapacitated or conllned In state Institutions. Tlio law Insists that women who take ad vantage or it must remain at homo to take care or their child! on Tills is expected to deter many, as the amounts are only $10 a mouth for the llrst child and $7."ill a month fur each additional child. Many women make more than this by going out to work." KI.V KKMKIIY KA1I.S. e, high In quality. ric Irons i few Bccotul-liniiil working condition i$3.rS0 up. Till: HKCOUI) lMIOTOGIUl'JUXa AIISTIIACT COMPANY Hnvo photographic coplos of nil records of Coos County to dnto abatracta of titles, prosent ownorB, or nny other Informntlon rolntlng to renl estnto furnUhed on short notice .,. , 1Ki, iiiofvww niJififiEi 117 Xortti l-'ront St., Marshfleld. Phono 1B1J W. J. RUST, Manager I iy Wiring Co. 153 N. Drondwny ig Alley! FHOXT STREET lay Evening lly for Ladies S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. PORTLAND FRIDAY, JUNE 13, AT 7 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 mNNKOTINO WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND TONNfc NORTII PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. G. t. MCUbUllUft, Agent. Phono 44 & framing Iker Studio lNTED ' U'fin't Ifnnn tlmp. DlrtV oil aro tho rulnntlon of : Tot tun linmlln it and perfectly for years to C. BARKER Marshfleld, Or S. S. NANN SMITH Sails From San Francisco for Coos Bay Tuesday, Junc'10, at Noon. C.MtllYIXfl ALL COOS RAY FREICHT. Sun Francisco office. H05 Fife Rhlg., or Loinbanl St. Pier Xo. t!7 Duer.Occ..lc Trai.spo.tatloi, Co., C. F. .Mcfieoruc Agt. Phono II. J. A. Goodwill ! Glass ! plate, Window, Mirror nnd i Mall orders or l'lione Cnll nt 797 Smith f Rroadway. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS FRESH FRUIT AKMKDICIXE I I I.'...!, .ill ,,u .. (tliitllitlllM la flfltlla ! i i.nii 1 1 hi t ii n ii iiithh inr nun lug to bo better understood, and it Is recommended ror small eiiiiurcu as well as ror older people." said a Marshllolil physlclnn today. It Is supposed to be a comparatively now departure In medicines to recommend quantities or rrcsh fruit iih a cure for chlldhond'H Intestinal troubles. Yet Dr. Ilenjamlu itusli pointed this out a hundred years ago. H a child's digestion becomes Impaired and the gastric Juice becomes weakened or defective 111 quantity by ovor-entlng or had food, tho whole alimentary canal becomes clogged, and riirnlshes nests ror tho worms that aro often the source of many childish ailments. In this weakened condition or tho sys tem tlioy cannot ho destroyed by tho process or digestion, and hence great 1 1 ii tii iii i it nu t ruin Hi mn ?iu It tu nil interesting fact Unit rrcsh fruit Is tho very nosi pioveniivo ror huh staio or things. When Dr. Hush mnilo his series or experiments so many years ni.n lilt fivnnrliiiitiitPil nmlnU' on Hut earth worms (which Iip regarded as iiium iii'iui.v uiiirii in iiiiipu nun in rost (lie bowels or children than any idler), with a view to testing their power or retnliilng life under the In riucuccB or various substances that might lie used ns worm medicines, Tlio results proved that worniH orten lived longer In those substnnces known hh unisonous thnn In some or die most harmless articles or rood. lr Inutnnrn In u'ntnrv HnliillniiK tt opium, they lived cloven minutes, In inriision or piux root, .i.i miuuies; m clnret wjno, ten mlhutes, but In tho Julco or red cherries, flvo inliiuteH, In red currents, three minutes, In whor tleberries, seven minutes, nnd In rasp berries, rivo minutes. From theso experiments Dr. Hush nrgued thnt fresh, ripe fruit, of which children nro very fond, aro the most speedy and offcftinil poisons ror worms, a tl.nii .win iriivnn t. lm ..nrrrti't It Is a porfectly saro remedy to try, oven though doubting mothers may ques tion Its cfflclpnry, ror fresh ripe fruits eaten in moderation cannot harm tho youugsterH." RAILROAD .Mi:.V OltDICItlV. William Porter, J. L. IIiioll and F. K. Caroy hnvo returned from n trip over tho lino of work of tho Wlllninetto Pacific west of Nod .i.iii.ii nti.i iniifii't nvftrvtlilnir lfiilnir llllllHI ii.lll iji". . w.w.. ....... r""n nlmiL' nuiKt raiilillv. Tluiro Is a camp every two nillos and much or the grading on mo iovoi HiruicnuH it.il. linnn .Uiiiit Tim u'firlf mi tlin county road Is almost' comploto and js excellent. Mr. Portor says tho residents down thnt way nro loud In tho praises or tho sovrloty nnd gonernl good order observed by the mini Thm-n Ik vnrv Utile. If IIIIV. lioozo being sold along tho lino nnd tho men nro saving their money. Kugeno Resistor. Dr. Fenyi"' Plan Spoiled hy Hani Dirt Killing Parasites. PASADHNA, Cal.. Juno 11. ;e causo Dr. Adolbert Fenyes or tills elty planted his bugs on hard, .n stead or sandy soil, nnd the Insects could not burrow, people all over tho county will have to continue to swat the fly" In the sniue old way. Dr. Fenyes Is a discoverer of par asites. Whenever some Insect preys on trees, vines and fruits, ho finds nu Insect to prey on larvae or tho My. Hoping to propagoto It In large num bers he made ample preparations, but tho ground selected was so hard the llttlo mites could not burrow, so they .ii..,i 'i'i.., iiiwtiir mivs ho does not know how' soon he can riiid others, but It will not to this season. FIY CATKOIIISM. Smship Breakwater ii ALWAYS ON TIME. sailing i'"M oimax'.?i.'i:j. .... - - ti - o irri),n,n,::ror, r""" w . T P. u STERLING, Agent. Phone Main 35-Ij. DRI-MM OF OLD ENEMY KCARIW Pantatorium 5RN DYERS. CLEANERS, I and HAT RENOVATOIta Howard II. Btranss et Tailoring. Let tu FAST AND COMMODIOUS max i.,. . -- Steamer Redondo Eqnlpped with wireless and ubmarlne bell SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR SAN FRANCISCO SUNDAY, JUNE 8, AT 1:30 P. M, n ,inna vnm Son Francisco Must Re Made at INTEOCEAN TRANbl'uux ai ..i w In Sluiiiberlaiiil Adveiituro Cottago (io( .Man ItH'nkh Collar lloiio. CO'ITAOE GROVE. Oro., Juno II. While dreaming that ho was try ing to get away from an old enemy of his, Jas. Rnwllngs of Moony Creek, threw himself out or bed tho other night and a medical examina tion showed that ho fractured tlio right eollnr bone. Mr. Rnwllngs Ih ono of tho best known characters of tho Cottagp Grove- country and about 7C yearH of ago. nu. Mr. s. .1. Crumblno.) Dr. S. .1. Crumhlne, secretary of the state board of health, has Just started tho IS' III fly campaign. Ono of the new features of the right on tho house fly Ih a "House Fly Cate chism," telling about tho fly and his habits. The catechism Is being printed In pamphlet form and sent broadcast over die state. Hero It Ih: Where Is the house fly born? In filth. , How long Is the Wo cycle or his birth? About ten days rrom tho tlmo the egg Is laid until the mature fly. What aro tho transformation from the egg to the fly? Tho egg, the maggot, the pupa, the fly. ,, . Where does mo ny hviu In filth. , m Ih there anything loo filthy for the fly lo ent? No. Does tho fly like clean food, too? Yes, unit It appears lo bo IiIh de light to wipe his feet on clean food. Where Is Ills favorlto plnco of feed- Tho manure heap and other filthy places, Where does the fly go after feed- lug In rilth? Into die kitchen, dining room and bed room. What does ho do In tho kitchen, dining room or bed room? Ilo wipes his root In the rood, bnthcH In the milk and annoys tho sleeper. . , . ,., Does tho fly vIhII those sick with typhoid fover. consumption, small pox and cholera luraiituiii ? Ho does, and may call upon you next. Ih tho fly dangeroiiH? Ho spreads disease. Row does ho spread dlBimse? lly carylng Infection on his legB nnd wings. What dlsenso tloos tlio ny curry. Typhoid rover, tuberculosis, dysen tery, cholera. Did tho fly over kill anyone? Ho killed morn Amorlcan soldiers In tho Spnnlsh-Ainorlonii war than tho bullots or tlio Hpnninrns. Whore aro tho greatest number of cases or typhoid rover? Wlioro there aro tho most fllos. Wlioro nro the most flleH? Wlioro there Is tho most filth. Why should wo swat die fly? RccniiBo ho Is tho cause of much sickness and denth, I low may wo bo suiveBsful In righting tho ny? lly destroying his breeding place, keeping tho yards and alloys clean, by Bcreonlug the house, nnd tlio fre quent application or tho wire swnt ter and tho use of sticky or poison ous fly pnper. Members of the local Soventh-dny Adventlst church had their hearts cheered when they heard of tho re markable growth of their denomina tion. n contained In a report sent out from the world conference of Seventh-day Adventists. which Is now In session In Washington, D. C. The report wiib sent to Mr. K. R. Henderson, an officer of the local or ganization, and gives the growth of the body during the past fifty years. from May I! I. IKtiH to uio .iro mo of May, lUlil. The report says: "IlegluniiiK in ousciiriiy, yui " !., .. lmu u-lttlnuui'il I'OlltlllUnl l)r()K- i-oBs, until today this work Is being carried forward Hi elgnty-six coun tries where It is making adherents M,i,i tn wlili'li laborers Imvu licctl sent, where missions have heen opened, conferences organized, ihhi schools, printing plants, and sanita riums set In operation nnd doing their appointed work, "Instead of a handful of believers, with few facilities, there is now u body of believers numbering 111, I'Oii, with ninny and varied fa cilities for proclaiming the messago. Among those are the excellent train ing schools for tho preparation of la borers, and It Is gratifying to know that tho work or those schools, so well supplemented by other denomi national Institutions, hns been so effective thnt today there Is one nc tlve evangelistic laborer for every twenty-two members In the denomi nation, nnil Inrludlug tlio laborers In denominational Institutions, there Is one laborer for every twelve mem bers. "The extension of thlB work Into so many countries Iiiib made neces sary tho preparation or literature to meet the requirements In all tho lauds entered. Tills work has been promptly undertaken, and today de nominational lltorutu-o Is prepared and circulated In seventy-rive lan guages In use as the medium of com municating this truth orally, and In which tlio printed page will In duo time appear. "Tho year l12 realized tho larg est amount of funds over raised by tlm itKiioiiiliiniloii. as well as t!io highest amount per capita. Tlio amount contributed ror all purposes wiib l2.7OS.0illi.02, and tho amount, per capita was $2:i.HG. Tho per cap ita contributions during die closing year or each or the flvo decades since tills work was organized have been as follows: First decade, $5.55; second, !'.(' I; third, ft I.r.D; fourth. $11.01; firth, 2:t.0ii. Tho total amount or funds raised by tho de nomination for all lines or .work since tlilH causo was organized GRy years ago, amount to thu sum or $2n,7 1 K,0S2.ri;. Of this amount $20,200,7ori.22 was raised In tlio United States, or "K.r.l per cent, and $r..r 1 7.177.:t I was raised outside this country, or 2I.H! per cent." DEATH RY MISADVENTURE. Verdict tr English Cnroiirr's Jury on Epsom Itiuo Victim. EPSOM, England, Juno 10. Tho coroner's Jury Inquiring Into the death or Miss Emily Wilding Davis on, a militant surrragette. rrom In juries resulting from Interfering with tho king's horso In the derby race, returned a verdict of death "by misadventure." . C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ADVERTISED I.KTTEKH. . List or unclalnied letters remain lug In the Marshfleld, Oregon, Post Office for tho week eliding Junu 10, l!li:i. Persons calling for the same will please say advertised and pay one cent ror each letter called ror: Allen, H. T.s Anderson, Andrew P.; Ilroul Hard. C. II.; Iludor. Ronn.l II.; Carlson, Albert; Dophlna, Wllllo; Eld, Oscar! Ensey, Frederick C; Gilbert. ,Mrn. Frank; (irunstroui, Ed- vln; Haiiptinan, ucorgo u.; jncKson, Miss Lottie; Johnson, Albort; Ketcham, F.S Leppatn , Hustl; I.lobett. Erwln; Under. Tom: Lo rlng. F. N.; McVay, Sam; Mellon, Harry; Miller, MIkh Gladys (2); Nel son, Harry; Piatt, Mrs. I.elghton (2); Pederson. l.oren: Pletro, Men si; Uaybiirn, Sam; Rollston, Mra. Illsslo; Ryan, .1. P.; Smith, Herman; Hnlvlnl' li'rnil! Went. . I. J. (2). West. John; Wilcox, Mrs. F. It.: Wolfer, Mra, Ruby. W. If. CURTIS, Postmaster. I.1RRARY NOTES. Tho Now International Year-book ror 1012 Iiiib been added to tho ror oronco slieU. It Is nu encyclopedia or the year. Among the subJectH that havo received special attention aro Tho Presidential Campaign. Elec toral Rororni, .Minimum Wage, Worldug-inen's Compensation, Syn dicalism, Railway Accidents. Tltanle Disaster. Panama Canal and llalkan War. The Atlantic Monthly for Juno contulns Arturs M. GlovannlttPs po em, "The Cago." It was written at tho suggestion that ho wrlto something 1. .mi "siYidiiiiHi ('oiitiirv Courts try ing to solve Twentieth Contury proli Ioiiih," Tho Popular Mechanics for Juno contaliiH brief inscriptions and pic tures of tho two largest ships afloat, tho "Aqiiltoula" and "Vntorland." Tho same magazlno explains In pic tures "What Happens Whon You call Up Central," and suggests n study of tho complicated proceSH of getting a number may servo to make one less Impatient at delay or occasional mis taken on die operator's part. KILLS TWO CHILDREN. Grimily County, Iowa, Fanner Tries to Kill TMiil noil llliiiseu. , f lly AhuiUIci I'm. to Coot llty Tlm.. MARSHALLTOWN, lown, Juno 10. Ilenjiimlii Knlsloy. aged 40, a farmer living near Meainan, Grundy County, Inst night Bitot and Instant ly killed two of his children, Ho attempted to kill u third and thou committed suicide. RETAIL DEPARTMENT I.UMRER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO RY USINO OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 188 SOUTH RROADWAY NEGRO RUNS A.MUCIC. Rluck Tioopcr Kills One ami Wounds lnn In Ai'Iziillil. (Ilj AHocltt.4 I'nu lo Cuoa llir TIium. DOUGLAS, Arizona, Juno 10. Running uniuck with an Army rlflo, George Nelson, a negro trooper or tho Ninth Cavalry, shot nnd killed All.n.., TntKia n iwillirllllfl InHt lllllllt. I mid fatally wounded Tom Evans, an 1 otuer negro. Y. r next suit. 0. F. McOKOROE. Agent. I I itAL. Phone 3H0-X PHONE4L -