THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1913 EVENING EDITION. DOWN AND OUT i The Price Goes Down and the Garments Go Out ' jllwyf5' You Can Now Buy the Well Known La Vogue Garments at Cost 'I'lio time has conic to clean up all Spring and Summer Suits, Dresses and Coats. We have bad a remarkably successful season, but it is not our wish or intention to curry over a single Spring Garment. .Many of these Coats and Suits will be just as good for Fall as they are right now, and you save a lot of money. ' In less than four weeks we will bo on our wav to market to buv our Fall stock. Before that time The Stock on Hand Must Go Come in and let Mrs. Patterson show you these ("larinpnts and talk over prices. The Golden Rule ' close at 0 i. in. Si our ir i ml oirs. A Triple Silver Plated 0 Safety Razor for only &&' Itcneinbor this Is Bunrnnto?d to bo bettor than any $3.00 safe ty razor innilu. nuil nfter you huvo trleil It, If not satisfied bring It bade iiinl not your nionoy bnclc. Wo hnvo only n limited number at this special Introductory price, so you will have to hurry to pot one. m "THE BUSY CORNER." lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE MAIN 298 US For Ouick Sale Two 1-iB, South Mnrshuold, 50x1 10; east facing, cleared i and sightly S loo.oo Two lots, Itoynnlds Addition, close In. with 120-foot ironiago, on boulovard, on easy terms $.'100.00 Harbor frontage, lor nenr Ilreakwntor dock, extending irOIll l'Vllllt uti-.,nt In linrlmi. linn IT,1) fnnf ilpon Ttnrit I)")' on Ray. Per front foot ' . . " $175.00 Coos Bay Realty Co. Opposite Grand Theater. July 4th Is Cominfj! . (let Ifemljj for it with a Fixup Suit $8.50 to $25.00 Don't (khiij! The Fixup TWO STOIIKS Mnr.slillolil Ninth Mend ORPHEUM TONIGHT "The Last. Performance" De i'f the l)st moving pictures ever shown in Mnr.shnelcl. Don't nils tlili great film. aty who saw It last evening aro coming again tonight. Ask ""jone who was there what they think or it. .uauo a special effort to come tonight. 'HONE 158-R TEN-CENT Ksenger Service 1"SIIF1EM CVCIjEUV. DAIHY AXT) STOCK FAHMS. If you want n good Dairy or stock farm address J. E. Fitz gerald, or plfone .1151, Marsh Held. Tor the Homeseeker Ho can show you some of the best in tho county for sale. s Want Ads.Bring Results Music ! Music ! THE LATEST POPULAR HITS OF 1913. "When I met You Last Night in Dream Land," "In the Garden of Mem ory" and others, Come and look them over, Alays Something New. Peoples' 5-l(M5c Store New Location Front St, Opp. l'ostofflco BOX LUNCHES For PICNIC DINNERS Just the Thing to Save Trouble and Worry. Filled with most delicious and appetizing eatables White House Bakery .11 B TIDES lielaw Is Riven the time tin it height of high and low wnter at llnrshfleld The tides are placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on the llrst Hue and heights on the second lino of ench day; a compar ison on con ecutlve heights will Indliate whether It Is high or low water, r'or high wnter on tho har subtract 2 hours ,11 minutes. 10 lira. 0.31 ('..30 1.01 7. OS Ft . . 2.3 5.4 0.3 5.3 11 Mrs. .1.12 7. 42 1.5 1 S.59 Ft. . . 2.1 5.0 0.5 5.5 12 1 1 i-s . . 2.51 9.02 2.49 P. 50 Ft. . . 1.0 4.0 0.9 5.7 13 Ills. . 3.59 10.20 3.11 10.39 Ft.. . 1.1 4.r, 1.4 CO 14 Mrs. . 5.03 11.32 1.10 11.27 iFt. . . 0.0 4.4 1.7 0.3 , , , A WBATHBH 1'OHKCAHT, I lly Associated Press, f OHBGOX Fair tonight. Wednesday fafr. warmer ex i cept near coast; westerly winds. i I LOCAL THMI'KUATUHi: I HBCOHD. For tho 21 hours ending at 1:43 n. m., Juno 10, by IlenJ. Ostllnd, speclnl government nic l teorologlcnl observer: ' Maximum 03 I Minimum 43 , At 4:43 a. Ill 4G I Precipitation I Precipitation since Sept. 1. I 1912 01.12 I Precipitation snmo period ! Inst year 57.27 1 Wind: Northwest; clear. Move Camp. The George Mntthl son piling camp moved their quar ters today from Catching lulot to South Inlet. Start Wink Hugh Mel.nlp Is gct Ing In piling to stnrt the construction of the Terminal Hallway line on North Front street. Lento Tomorrow. Miss Connn, All Atwood, W. N. Grant. W. It. Solbert and J. Mclntyro will bo outgoing passengers on tho Drain stage to morrow motnlng. Case Dismissed. Tho enso of Jo seph Utchards and Jane Sehwelii'tx vs. Kilo n Sneddon, Involving somo ranch property near l.lhby, has been dismissed In circuit court. Stints Work. Hugh MeLalu to day started a fnrco of men nt work getting North Front streot In readi ness to rommenco tho construction of sofiAi. cm. WANT ADS. LOST A olivet- tic pin cither In the tenuis court or between tho court nml corner of Donnelly nvenuo nnd Sixth st. Cnre of Tlinos. I 'OH SALB Nearly new. S;to baby rarriage. uoiibonunie. taro Tlinos. WAXTBD Wniiiiiii or glil for hoiiHework. Iniiilro nfter 10 a. in. Mis. H. Mann, 378 First Ht. FOU SALB HO acres of hill laud nt head of North Inlet. 45 minutes wnlk from boat landing. Now county road Just built. 5 room liouso with good wator system, or chard of 30 troes, 2 nnd 3 years old, and a good vnrloty of berries. Look this up. Its a nargnin. Mi dross. It. O., Times offlee, or Phono 372-L. I'Olt HBXT My home partly fur nished, Finest location in city. Soveu rooms nnd bath. Itcnsou- able., Mrs. F. II. Clarke. 11 OS W. Second st. Tel. liO-X. WAXTBD Work lior-e. vw'lulilng about 1.100 lbs. P. P. Norton. I'Olt SALB Xi'W sewing iiimhlii, cheap. Phono 290 North Ilonil, I'Olt SAI.I' tU-rooni Induing bouse, furnished. 301 North Front t Phone 205-J. ItOOM AXD HOAHD Xoiv board ing house, Ilunkor Hill, near county road. Ami & Mudblad, I'Olt SALU Two now Stiidobnkor wagons, ono 2?i, tho other 3'4! both half truck . Seo J. C. Doiuiu. Phono 331-H. WAN Ti:n MillivilL'ht work bv com petont man. B. O. H caro of Times. WAXTKD Woman cook. 478. North Ilend. Phone I'Olt HBXT Furnished linusckoep. Ing apartment, hot and cold wat er and bath. No children. Call aftor 0 o'clock p. nt. 358 North Third streot. (Formerly Leld'a.) Have your job printing done at The Times office. FOIl HBXT One riirnlslicri ii-room npartment. Apply Nasburg'a Grocery. DHBSSMAKIXG First class dreW making dono at Ladles' Kmporlum. FARM FOR SALE Dairy, stock and fruit farm con sisting of 518 acres, botween 35 and 40 acres of rich bottom land, eight acres of bench land set to applo trees and fifty acres more that can easily bo cleared for orchard and balanco good grazing land for cat tle, sheop or goats. Twelve head good dairy cows and all farming Implements necessary. Located on West Fork of Coos River, ono mile from postolnce, school and boatlandlng. Duy direct from owner. For further Information, call or write: W. A. GAGE, Allegany, Ore. Tuodn . Bplscopal Guild with Mrs. .1 W Itennett Konl Auction Hrldm' with Mrs. Fred Power. Wednesday Bpworth League Social. Marshllold Urldge Club with Mrs W. S. Turpen. Metlodlst Ladles Sliver Tea. m the Terminal Hallway extension for which he was granted the contract the other day. I.cim's Today. Bdgar McDanlel and family started this afternoon on their trip to California. They will go as far as Myrtle Point this afternoon and leave there In tho morning. New Manager. J. A. Hunt ar rived here today from San Francisco to take the local management of the Union oil Company, relieving Mr. Atwood, who will go to Bureka. Hoinuxe to Myrtle Point Ptof. C. A. Davidson nnd wife of North Ilend lenve today for Myrtle Point, where they expect to make their future home, Prof. Davidson will open some music classes there this sum mer nnd In the fall ho will assume charge of music In the public schools, there. Motliw 111.- C O. Gosney tolu' reeoiviMi n telegram from Dayton, Wash., litdtlllg that his mother who has been crIUinlly III there Is con siderably Improved, lie was plan ning to leave for there tomorrow, but In consequence of her Improvement will postpone his trip. Hob llonthoiises. Petty thieving along the water front and especially bothering boat houses Is being re vived. Tho last reported Is the breaking Into Walter Jensen's boat house wheru threo duck boats, be longing to Jensen, Lawrence Mor ton and Cllf. Falrchllcs are missing. Aids Cm-nival. Tho Sunday Ore goulau prints the picture of Mrs. Bllu Watts of Salem, a slster-ln-lnw of Jas. Watts of Marshflcld, as one of the leading boosters of the Hose Car nival. She Is supremo Instructor of tiio I loyal Artisans, an organization which Justice Pcntiock helped to stnrt in rortiatiii several years ago. Work on Line. Supt. Miller of the local railway, reports good prog ress In tho Improvements on tho lo cal Hue and ho hopes to have them completed by July 1. About 1,000 feet of track was changed and re built nenr Johuscn's siding and a new sidetrack Is being put In nt Myr tle Point. Ilo thinks that In the Southern Pacific budget the ICoos liny and Myrtle Point lino was al lowed $15,000 for Improvements tho lioxt two years Instead of $1,500 which press reports ludlcnted. Motoi cycle Accident. Last eve ning Abner Trlbbey, son of Georgo 'irlbboy. borrowed W. N. Bkblud's motorcycle to try out tho machine. Ilo started North on Front street and was speeding up at a good clip when he en inn to the curve near tho old Htavo mill, where Dr. Dl nnd n number of other nutolsts hnvo had troublo In limiting tho turn. Trlbbey attempted to alow down, but' ho caught hold of the wrong contraption and throw her on full speed. The result was a badly broken motorcycle nnd n number of bad cuts nml bruUes for tho rider. However, Aimer's In juries aro not serious, although painful, and ho was able to resumo work clearing the boulevard today. PERSONAL NOTES O. I-:. NOHTON, of Catching Inlet, Is In town. MATT NIOIMK Is here from Temple ton today. MISS LADHA WATSON of Co(iilllo. Is In town. T. J. KOLSTAD Is n Wsljor from Coos Hlvor today. MHS. I.OITIS ST. DKXXIS Is 111 town today from North Inlet. IIH.N'UY LAIHD of Loon Lake, Is In town on liuslnoss today. ALVA GHAMI1V of North Coos Hlv or Is In town on business, (IKOIUIK HOHKHTS Is n town llt- nr from Tempb'ton today. CIIAS. TIIOM. of North Ilend. was a Murshllold visitor today. llt'GII SXKDDOX ami family spoilt Sunday at Charleston Hay. FRKI) SKLANDKH. of Coos Hvor, was a Murshllold visitor today. Jl'DGH GDIOHHY of North Nnlot, is In town mi business for tho day. MH. AND MHS, NIJWTOX, of Camp 7, Aro Marshfleld visitors today. M'SS MAHLK MILLS, of Sumner. is spending the tiny In Marshllold. IIKXHY IIOI.'CK has returned from a trip to the Camp at South Ha sh). D, C. GHHKN AND H. J. McKKOWN made an nuto trip to Coijulllo yes- toiduy, DON GAHDINKH of North Head, left today for San Francisco on biiHlnoss. MH. NKLSON. Biipoiintondont of Porter Pros,, Is In Marshfleld from Maplotou. J. B. NOALB was an early visitor to town this morning from North Coos Hlvor. MH. AND .MHS. PBXNAN. of tho Coos City camp, aro spondlng tho day In town. W. H. SMITH, of Coos Hlvor. brought a supply of bef to tho local innrkets today. FHBD COLKMAX AXD BD OHA- 1IAM, of Heaver Hill, aio In town for a couplo of days. JAS. I1BNNBTT. chief engineer at tho C. A. Smith mill, wns called to Coqulllo yestorday as a witness In tho caso of tho Coos liny Water A Thought For Today Tho best brand of happiness Is tho home-made kind, Tho best brand of candy Is Stafford's Homo-made kind. A trial will prove It. company vs the Simpson Lumber compntM B. L. HBSSBY. the South Coos Hlvor dairy innn. Is In town to day on a business trip. P. A SANDI1BHG returned to Hnn don Sunday after n short visit hero on business and pleasure. MtU) Sl'MXBH Is expected homo todav from a few da.xs' business visit to the Corjullle Valley. JOIIX HOIUXSOX AND SISTBH, MISS AGXBS HOllINSON. nro vis itors from Tempteton today. SIH'T. HIGGS of the Wlllctt Ilurr company was here from Myrtlo Point last evening on business. MHS F. M. PAHSOX AXD MHS. W. F. MILLBH are spending tho dny with Mrs. 8. C Stnnll of Farndule. MISS WAXDA II1I1AHGBH arrived here on tho IVrenkwator today from Portlnnd to Join relatives here, J. C. STHOXG, n well known stock dealer and moat market man of Myrtle Point Is In Mnrshrield on business, GBOHGB HOHSFALL has accepted a position In Winkler's Pharmacy nnd will work thoro during IiIb vacation. OLIVBH 11HAXT. who recently rent ed tho Ferry ranch of isthmus Inlet, Is spondlng n few days In town, SIMS. DAVB MUNCH of Dnnlels Creek, who Is visiting friends In town will return home on tho nft ernoon bdai. MHS. JAXB HUTCHBSOX relumed . Inst evening from n visit nt tho C. II. Dungnu homo on South Coos Hlvor. MHS. M. D. CUTLIP AXD MISS MIXXIB CUTLIP nro spondlng tho dny In town from their homo on 1. arson Inlet. MH. AXD MHS. JACOH MATSON left today for North Inlet nnd Ten Mile for a few days' business nnd plcnsuro trip. WALTBH ASPLUXD arrived homo todny from Corvnllls whoro he hns been attending Oregon Agricul tural college. MISS BLVIHA FHI7.BBX nrrlved from Portland, where alio hns been employed the past yenr, to make her home on tho Hay, M'SS JBXXIB CATCHING, of Sum ner, ncrompanled her father, Jas. Catching, to town this morning. Thoy nro hero on business. GBOHGB SMITH and sons, Mux mid Curl, of Coos Hlvor. ciimo to town this morning In their launch, returning In the afternoon. MHS. WALTBH SPADB and two children rcturnd .this morning from a visit with Mrs. Spado's .father, B. O. Hall, of Sumner. MH. AND MHS. C. 11. PBHDY, of Bnstslde, leavo on tho Itreuk water for Portland whoro thoy expel to ninko their future home. BLTOX MBTLIX returned Inst eve ning from Dandon. He will leave on tho llrst steamer for San Fran cisco, where ho hns accepted a position, MHS. XBLLIB OWBX AXD MHS. W. B. DIJNGAN hnvo returned from n Sunday visit at tho Al Owen summer homo on South Coos Hlvor. HBV. FATIinit KBAVXBY. of Han don, nrrlved In Murshllold Inst evening and Is tho guest of Fath ers Mu nro and Springer. Ilo will return today. L. It. DBAX, who left hero last Filday for Portland to take tho iiharmnclstH' examinations for the State of Oregon, will return to morrow overland. IIBXHY SBNGSTACKBX left this morning via Gardlnor and Drain for Portland, where ho will at tend a meeting of tho Oregon Ti tle Mpii'h Association. II. V. LYLB AXD WIFB, nnd sis ter, MIhh llnzel Lyle, arrived on the Alllnuco yesterday from Port land and left this morning for their home In llaiidon. TBDDY PBTBHSOX returned on the llrcnkwater this morning and will lenvo on tho afternoon boat to visit relatives at Lakeside, whoro he will spend tho summer. BHIC HOLT will not arrive homo from Salem, where ho has boon attending Willamette University, until about June 20, according to word received today by his fath er, Goo. X. Holt. A. II. SBHGBAXT AND MAniC SCOTT have returned from n fov days' fishing on tho North ('oiiilllo nnd report excellent luck Tho trout aro from eight to twelo InohoH long ami very game. IIAHHY G. IIUTLBH mid his bride, formerly MISS VIVIAN TAYI.OH. a lived here last evening from San Francisco mid will visit friends for u few days beforo going to their homo In Myrtlo Point. J. B. WALLING and family arrived on the Ilreakwntor today from Portluml, mid will mako their home In tho Campbell houso on South Twelfth street. Mr. Wall ing Is promoting tho organization of a brick yard hero. MH. IIBCKBH, who recently nr ilvoij hero from Saginaw, Mich,, expects his wife to Join him hero today. Ho was formerly engaged In tho shoo business there but not finding au opening horo decided to toko up manual labor In tho open air for tho suinmor months nml Is employed at the C. A. Smith pulp mill. VAXB GAHTBX, of Coiilllo, camo to Marshllold yesterday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Garten, who camo horo two weoks ago en route to Portland, but were detained on account of tho Illness of Mr. Garten. They will leave tomorrow morning vlu Drain. Tho son loft today for his home. TRUSSES fitted by on expert tin: stomi: poh quality GOODS AND PBNHLAIt HBMKDIBS. ti KivJH j rmtmi i ji m