The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 09, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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(E000 law tas
..... r.uiiiil tlirninill Tillies until
A small nil In The Times want
arr in-." i :..--
iii-nil litem! I'm- tlirm! Tlioy
milium tuny tiring you remits mi
mediately. Try one.
Irrl re-Ill"''
". tvvifl Estniinsiicu in iw.a
L. XaaVI., xho Const Mull.
& Consolidation of Times, Const Mull Mn 977
.nil Ton. llnr AilvnrlUir. nVm u ' '
untl Coos liny Advertiser
brge and Harvey Redfield
(early losi in huuiubiu uh
Rogue mver oar
.ail Gasoline Launch Nearly
Swamped Off Cape Blanco
rOWUII uiiumuu vvuir
CnMnl tn tllO TlniCS)
hVKDDHUIllMtN, Ore, Juno 0. A
F-.ii..., liiiincli eniiHlCll oil t 10
r... m,, i- imr nt 8 n. in.. Friday.
Id George iind Harvey Redllold of
Irth Ueiiil, uregou, who iiiiii iimuu
strip down tlio uoiibi in uioir smitu
. 1-nuiMlOll llV II IIhIi C T III Itll R
.1 ilm M union v Estate Com-
Cy, ninniied by Fish Warden Sum
Wfll, Willi WllloglU linn iimiuinuii
Listing him Tlioy got n iiiip rrom
L iiitlinrn nnil when the tldo
Iran I" they expect to net tliu hont
! the Kdt wlileli roriim nn isiiinii 111
. 11,1.. inn viirdu from shore. Rod-
11 e, i.fii-iu 1 lint thnv Hlilntifil 50
iitn nf wiiler 11 IT Cuno lllnnco. mid
me ncjir swamping tlicro In tlio
utdi sens WnrdiMi Powell, who
BCIICll tlll'lll. wiih tlio mini who voi
itecred to uilo 11 IIhIi hont out over ini-i v.noli tn iittninnt tn rescue
Inopir mid Sllvn, hut tlio Imr wiih
rough 'lint day, oniy 0110 mini
Uirt,l volunteer tn I'll wltll lilm.
IoiirIi N A Loach, manager of tlio
hcl.fiiy Estate unnipnny ouoren
10 rewind for the rescue of Wlnognr
Bo airoinpaiiio'i row-on huh iusi
me. was tlio one who wiih rescued
r the iiuikiou i.uo waving urcic nr-
rurirtiiii: nil tiny.
ecides to Improve Willanch
I Channel Instead of Sether
Street Other Business.
IThe Port of Cooh liny CoiiiiiiIhhIoii
a inciting toiluy tieciueii tue 0111
intnvciv, over tlio Cooston elinn-
Tlio cniiti-nvorsv hiiH heon oil
Ir a few years and after leculvitiK
lllllniw initiiv ilni'liloil tn ItllliroVO
e Wlllnuih Inlet clinniiel whon tho
Inrl- I j iinm nilioi-n liml been 110-
ImoiiIiik for what Ih known as tho
tljer-ntrut Improvoiiiont. .litHt
pen the Port Commission win goi
1 tlili u irk Ih lint certain V(t.
f A netltlon from South Cooh River
iople a king for Improvements
received Tl oi'o nro boiho stings
1 te tn' r ti out nnd possibly n llttlo
ledRlnR The I'ort CoiiiiiiIhhIoii will
Kdravor to liuvo tho Government
1 thla. 1 o name, iih tho North Coon
ll-0i. Hnnl tMi.t itfttin 'I'll.. CIlHt
HI prof lbly ho nhotit- $.'00 and
Iprn ivri't t'innn nfiiirniirlnloil for
ir the river work hy tho Govern-
rXotljir , wns dono nhout tho
Duth .sloiiKh liiiprovomont, which
s priuioiieil for, ns tlio r. n.
lcnrrra ..inir.l duil Mini- wnulil not
Smilt n I nln imirn lliiin 100 foot
Ide ljcpi- cut 111 tno old Jotty.
;llenr.v riiKstiirken. who will loavo
)morro" for I'ortlnnil to nttend n
leefiiiK 01 tho Oregon Title Men.
as reiji" ted to seo Major Morrow
"d lint" thnt tho DrctlKO Mlchlo ho
sheil 1-1 roinnlfttlon.
'Owlnu 10 tho War nonnrtment not
H hnvln n,i,..m..l llin Tlnrl Pnm.
Y ..Ml, I , ll(tl til Jll IIIU I'll- -W
llfislon vt lilnfi frit flnnnnlltlll? tllO
iiannel from tho Smith mill to tho.
!a. the duio of stnrtlng tho dredB-
' not certain yot.
1 vuiii-trnini; tno aoutnorn rnciue
eslfA fm. rl. .l..A.l.m in atni't nnnr
forth llfi'l, Engineer Wheoler snld
f" u e 1 rniiimiiv would liny oiu;-
P'f of t c c(R.t of tho 300,000 ynrihJ
eedprl linn-. tlio nint miiirilR.
n askcl him to guarantee thnt In
"v 11 nerainu necessary 10 "-
fedee r front of .s'orth Head thnt
ip Snntl. Tl..lrl ,n..l,l ..n.. fnf
- --..,..,11 utiliu nuimt l" "
,- Ho will refer this to Chief En
'neer Hjod.
"iijk l,ots. Ernest Grandoll has
Outfit luv i. . n....v.. 11111 frnm
b. " ' "u uio L UIIIIIW. ..... ...
PUOmaR llnn'ni-,1 n., ilioi lllnil tO
lulld on tlioiii Rnnn. Mrs. Lizzie
eitZ '' also linnclit two lots
efe nt r the nunker Hill Bchool,
rom o 1.1 Mnn ...i 1 if.
'anagaii The deals were made by
fugusr Krizeen.
, "" iiiinorrow. v . IJ. 111101 "i
nerlln and JhcIbo and Mrs. Dur-
"-"- ui 1 rants rass. wno navo ueun
"uiiik uio week here, win leavo
"Borrow mornlnB for their homes.
"en to Leave. Arno .lereen
.... , irllvo (ujg ween lor -"d
an-! in Francisco on business.
' may h , out on the Adellno to-
","UJ li- has tho new work under-
' hr- t. I ..nrl.nlJll h.Tf
" 4b B Jiuoouiliu ....
rc plr8 to tho hollers of the big
""I Will minim tlioni tn clnso ilOWIl
half day or BO there soon.
Porter Brothers, Tinkler and
Dixon Return Over Route of
Coos Bay and Eugene Line
Tlio miiiotincomunt In Tlio
Times Saturday Hint Alnjor lin
ker t'urr, who woro here with
W. ,1. WIlHoy, wnH connected
with n Cniindlnn rond. Is nr- t
eoptod liy Home who tiro finnlllnr
with the Hituntlon, iih being tlio
forortiiinor or tlio Cniuidlnii
I'ncirie operating In hcru ami
Inter to Sail Francisco over '
tlio Southern Pnclfio llneH.
Major linker Cnrr Ih said to
ho a member of the English
iiohlllty, very wealthy ami a '
cotiHldcrnhlo figure In the Cn- I
iiiullau railroad world. '
.I0I111R011 Porter. It. II. Porter. C. C.
Tinkler and ThomiiH Dixon lort at
7 o'clock Sunday morning for tho
return trip ovor the Cons liny nnd
Kugeno line, after spending Satur
day night hero. They came In over
the route ami went hack tho sumo
way. They had llttlo new to give
out eoucoiulng tno work except that
tlioy wero going to iiihIi It iih rnp
Idly iih poHHlhlu and with good
wenther now they expect to innko
much more inpld progrcHH.
Mr. Tinkler, who Ih const iiinnu
ger for tho AlneArtlnir PerkH Com
pany, hud not been over the routo
hIiico tho work wiih ntnitod. Supor
lutondent Dixon lookH after tho
work for thorn on tho ground, hut
iih they navo tno roHpoiiHiiiiiiiy lor
tho proper progress on tlio line.
Htaiidlng botweon I'orter llrotherH
and tho Southern Pacific, ho want
ed to hco for himself. He had lit
tle to Hiiy concerning the project.
They went out by the North In
let way. going via the Ten Mile
tiMiliel and ovor the divide to Scho
lleld Crook and out that way.
Portor HrotliorH nro JiiHt putting
In another dam Hoitth of tho SIiih-
Inii. tn filimi tin 'I'ltlllinl Vf). !t TllltV
will also put In some more cniniiH
there and It. H. Porter expreHsed tlio
In. lief Unit tliov would havo tile
apiiroacheH to nil tho principal tun-
noiH opened up huh sinnmcr so inni
tho tunnel work could bo prosecut
ed during the rainy season.
Whllo here, tho four spout con
sldorahle time Saturday evening
with Engineers Illndmnrsh nnd
Wheeler going over tho plans and
bliieprlntH for tho local work.
Tliov also visited the Kruno and
Hanks ynrds at North llend where
Portor lirothors have a big scow
miliar construction for their l-'lor-enco
mill. Tho scow will carry
about r.00.000 feet of lumber and
Is being rushed to coinplptlon. Af
ter looking nt It- and henrlng John
son Porter e'l about tho qualltlos
of tho new $1 pair of boots whle'i
ho f Portor) whh wearing. Air. Tink
ler thought the boots wore modollod
after tho big Imrao.
It Is expected that tho lino to
Acnio will be completed for train
sorvlce thin fall as waH announced
four or flvo nionths ago.
Ilrldge Work.
Nothing new has develoned con
cerning tho bridge work. Engineer
Ilroughton has been at San Fran
cisco for 0 fow weeks and is expect
ed to return as. soon ns ho and En
gineer Hood doternilno tho details
of construction, hnsod on tho tests
mndo hy Air. Ilroughton at Coos
Day. tho 1'mpn.iin and tho SltiBlaw.
Until thejtf) plans aro made, the sub
contracts for tho construction of
tho plors cannot bo lot. the AlacAr
thur Porks Company rotnlnlng tho
bridge work, or rathor construction
of the piers nnd approaches for
theso threo largo structures. Por
tor Brothers, howover, will prob
ably do It.
ruder tho unit contract, on which
tho Coos Day and Eugeno lino Is
being built, tho distance for which
material has to he hauled Is quite
.. i.n, tt, tn n rnrlnln illstnnce.
an itwni. . i' -- ---- -
the contractors havo to haul tho
sand, gravel, timber, etc., themeslvos
but beyond that dlstanco they eith
er havo to transport It or pay a
higher rate for tho work. Conse
otiontly the Soutliom Pacific offi
cials havo boon looking after the
source of supply for gravel for tho
concrete work on tno plors for tho
Coos nay bridge
To Itetiirii Here.
It is expected that Superintendent
nlxon. who Is looking after tho work
or tho AlacArthur Perks Company,
will return to the Hay In a week
or two and mako an extended staj
here, supervising the work from
this end of tho lino Instead of Eu
gene,, for the time being.
General Manager Hitchcock, for
the AlacArthur Perks Company s
also planning to come .1 hero this
sunnier. Ho Is now In the east
THE protest of tho North Ilond
business men against tho
Alnrshlleld celebration two
daya preceding tho North Hcnd
event Is timely, courteous, reason
able and Just. When tho Alarsh
llold celebration wns first mention
ed to tho editor of The Times he
suggested that courtesy demanded
and nelghborl ncss suggested thnt
North Hond he consulted. Later
.1. W. Dennett ranio to Tho Times
office nnd Bald ho had ta'ked with
li, .1. Simpson and others In North
Ilond and that tlioy all expressed
themselves favorable to tho project.
It Is evident, however, that they did
not represent tho sentiment of
North Dead or oIbc tho matter was
North llend announced her cele
bration very early. Sho Iioh mndo
active and nmplo preparations for
It. For Bovernl yearH North Dead
has co-operated and contributed to
Much Interest Attaches to the
Trial and Findings Which
Will be Important as First
Cases of Kind Ever Tried in
(Special to Tho Times)
SAt.EM, Ore.. June !). Aluch In-'
tercst Is being taken In the live cases
pending before the Statu Itallrond
CoiiiiiiIhhIoii concerning tho rates
charged by the Coos Day WaterCotn
pany In tho cities of Alnrshllohl and
North Ilond. In which testimony Is to
be taken In Portland next Friday and
At Portland testimony wll ho ta
ken of Dr. Calvin S. White, the state
health olllcer, and of several experts
and bactorlologlstH, In order to hiivo
tho expense of 11 trip by theso wit
nesses to Cooh Day. After this tes
timony has hrcn taken, tho members
of the commlBHloii will go to Alandi
lleld to complete tho hearing, and
there tho chief witnesses will be
The Cooh Day oasoH aro of particu
lar importanco hecniiHe they are the
Hint 'uses under the public utility
United States Supreme Court
Upholds State's Contention
of Rights in Fixing Freight
(11 AiiorUttJ I'rtM lo Com IU- Time.)
Tho Stnto of Alllliiuosota won a sub
stantial victory In the Supreme Court
of the United State, when In tho
.Minnesota rnto cases( Justice Hughes
for tho court, held tho rates on .Min
neapolis and St. Louis railroad wore
coutUcatory and unconstitutional,
hut that tho rnttH of tho Northern
Pm-iili- and Groat Northern were val
id. Tho decision was a vlctorv for
Budget Calls for Survey of
Coast Koaci hrom coos bay
to Eureka, California.
Southern Pacific has filed with the
state railroad commission a state
ment of tho improvements It pro
poses, to mako ovor its system dur
ing tho fiscal year, for which appli
cation was mndo yesterday to Issue
$30,000,000 In five per cent two
year notes. Tho Items Include tho
construction of tho Wlllametto Pa
cific and a lino from Salom to Dur
bin and surveys from Hnttlo .Moun
tain to Palisade, and from Alarsh
Jlold to Eurekn, California.
For the two surveys, an appropria
tion of $42,450 is provided.
For Improvonionts In the Coos
Hay, Itoseburg and Eastern, $4,100,
llnlninnrsniiinnt nf trnasurv for
ensh expended, representing a part
only of capital Investments hereto
fore, made and not Included In tho
following $7,500,000.
Cash payments for oqulpmont In
addition to oqulpmont trust noto
$3, 1(H), 000.
Additions to Atlantic steamship
lines. $1,703,000.
Additions to facilities of Pacific
bysteni, $0,775,000.
Allowance for contliigonc-Ios yot
undotormlnod. $1,907,000.
and is figuring on a six and three-
quarter mllo tunnel on 1110 .moiibi
road at Denver. II. A. Sumnor,
who had charge of tho engineers on
tho Pacific Coast Lino and tho Pa
cific Great Western, who has boon
at Portland, may go on the Aloffatt
tunnel project. Air. Hitchcock Is
also figuring on some big work in
tho success of the Mnrshflcld cele
brations. It Is only a square deal
that Alarshtlold should reciprocate
at this time. If Alni'Hhllchl desires
to celebrate later It would be right
and proper, but It is not fulr to
Jump In nt the last minute under
such a protcHt nn tho North Ilond
business men mako nnd attempt to
force a second celebration.
Nature hnH mnde Alai-Hhlleld nnd
North llend neighbors, Mini should
mako them friends. Tlielr's Is a
common destiny. Let Ih ho achiev
ed pleasantly. There is 110 occasion
for bitterness or bad blood over
what should ho a happy holiday.
It would ho neither neighborly
or nice, generous or Just for Marsh
field to force thin Issue after hucIi
a protest as the North llend busi
ness men have made.
Lot ns all tako our dolls and red
wagons and Join North llend In 11
lug, linomlug coleiirntlon this year
I law Involving tho valuation of the
I physlclal property as a basis for rate
making. The City of Alarshtlold was
I the llrst in tho stato to make for
mal complaint against a public serv-
1 Ice corporation, and Is therefore llrst
to bo ready for hearing, ufter an ex
tensive Investigation hy experts Into
tho chnracter of Hervlce and reason
ableness of rates now In effect.
Following the filing of complaint
by tho city authorities of Alarshlleld,
North llend llled a similar complaint.
After that the water company llled
applications for periulHslou to In
crease Its rates In both cities. Final
ly, in order to bring the ontliv ques
tion squarely at Issue ami decide
I what would ho Just to both the pub
lic and tho company, the Kullroad
Commission stuited 11 case of Uh own.
Inquiring Into the value of tho com
pany's property.
The commission expects to arrive
lu Alarshllold to tako up tho main
hearing about June I'.i. Another
case set for hearing during the same
week Ih the application of the Coos
Day Homo Telephone Company for
authority to Increase rates on the far
mers Hue between Coqulllo and Itlv
ertou. This will ho heard 011 June
tho stato Interstate commercr phases
of the controversy, nnd upon tho con
llscatory features with the exception
o ftho portion alToctlng tho Aliuuunpo
lis ami St. Louis railroad.
I Tho AllniHKota rate law, which was
declarod Invalid hy tho Federal Cr
edit Court, Iiiih been before tho Su
premo court for boiiio time. Minne
sota claimed the right to llx Its own
ratcH. Attoruoy-Gonoral AIcltoynohlH
had llled a brief 011 bouulf of the
Government denying this rliiht, con
tending that CongrcKH had given the
Interstate commerce commission am
ple authority to deal with matters of
the sort affecting shipments originat
ing In a state, destined to points out
side Its borders
Senators All Testify Other
Witnesses Sought Some
Evidence Given.
llf Ami lattJ I'ru to Coo Iuy Tim )
Senate's lobby hunt pningod into
tho second week today. I.ea than
a dozen Sonators remained to ho
examined beforo tho commlttoe tool;
up anofhor tint. Involving tho ex
amination of a score or moro of
men who aro mentioned lu tho tes
timony of Senators as being on one
side or tho other of tho froe sugar
fight or being attorneys for special
representatives In Washington.
1)7 AMOlltttJ 1'IMI 10 CUM IU) TlBM 1
WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 0.
Whon tho last Senator had testified
today boforo'tho commlttoo hunting
for tho existence of tho systematic
lobby, It was predicted at tho capl
tol that tho roport of the Investiga
tors would substantially uphold Pros-
1 Idont Wilson's declaration that pow
I orful IniluoncoB had heon at work on
Wnshlnirton alternating to effoct Con
gress on the tnrlff bill. Whethor It
will bo shown that "Insidious" meth
ods had been used or that Improper
Influenco had boon exorcised upon tho
Senators depend upon tho ovldonco
In the next fow days.
.Sugar null .Mules.
Senator Rood said that ho has no per
sonal connections nffocted by tariff
and had talked reduction to all broth
er Senators whonever possible. He
did not know of any undue methods
to Influenco legislation by tho use of
money but he was certain, however,
Gieat Throng in Portland to
Witness Festivities
Millions of Roses
(Special to The Times)
POUTLANI). Ore.. Juno P. Ore
gon's great rose carnival opened here
today, with thousands of visitors In
nltenilnnce. Several tralim froniCall
ferula, which has named Itself "t lib
land of flowers" brought hundreds of
visitors from the country of lilies,
liydrangeiiH nnd violets to the region
of the rose. From San Diego, came
four car loads of euthushiHtle boost
cm, while Oakland sen: an entire
DrltlHh Columbia also sent large
contingents. Washington people one
here by scores, Idaho ami Utah are
represented by good sized delega
tions. Passing back to California once
more. It should bo stated that the!
Klirg of ltoues from PiiHadeua Ih here
wttli. i:ir metubei-H of his entourage.
Roses! .Millions. They nro every
where In dozens, scores, llflloH and
uuuuredH nun tnoiiHiimiH. Tlio city
Is perfumed with the odor and the
fragrance Is delightful.
Tho Hoyal lloHnrlaiiH were busy
nil forenoon welcoming viHltlng dele
gations. Arrayed In natty uniforms
the reception committees took sta
tion nt tho railway depota and extend
ed the glad hand. The glad hand al
ways had rosoH In It too. There woro
special reception eominltteoH as well
iih general. Oakland wiih received
by a special committee, so wiih San
Diego, Pasadena, Seattle and the)
Hoyal Artisans, who will hold their!
sessions here this week. Then there
were ladles reception coniinUtees'
galore. Tho oIIIcIiiIh or tho Panama
Paclllc exposition, who arrived thlsi
morning, were taken In hand by a'
committee mndo up of members of
not u sexes and made to feel nt homo.
No one walked either. There wero
100 autnmohlloH waiting nt tho sta
tions. People woro taken to their ho
tels and told to mnko themselves nt
homo nnd ho quick about It, as Ilex
Oregouus wonted them nt tlio river
side Immediately to vltnos his tri
umphal entry aboard the Hoso City,
Hie steaniBiiip selected as tlio flagship
of tho miirlno parade, consisting of
30 decorated vohkoIh, They hurried
"Allss Spokane" was greeted when
sho arrived early. ".Miss Spokane"
recently returned from San Francisco
nnd Sacramento, whore sho planted
nslor IIiikk ami thought sho had a
good time, hut It was nothing com-J
jmioci wno mis. nor .-no routiners
expressed thoinsiilves lu Hoosovelt
Idiom. Doo-llghted."
HoIhc HalnmakerH woro 011 hand lu
force. This club Iioh for Its object
the securing of wotnoss lu dry years
and since Its organization there hasn't
been an droiiKht In tho stnto of Ida
ho. Follow lug the niarlno display there
woiv automobile trips galore given
the visitors. Tonight Hex Oregouus
will give tho Pasadena King of Hoses,
"MIsh Spoknno," the Hoyal Oaks,
from Oakland, tho San Dlegous, the
Kalnmnkors, tho HrltUh Columbia
folks and tho rest a reception nt the
rose show In tho nrmory.
loinorrow an excurs Ion 1111 tho
river will bo a foaturo and Wednes
day forenoon there will be nn excur
sion to Council Crest, an auto parade
afternoon an evening and "A Night
In Hosarla" In tho ovonlng.
Hut tho crowning glory of tho
groat display will bo tho narado Wed
nesday, when 1200 roso boarlug nil-
tomolJllos, decorated with 2,000,000
rosos will roll through tho streots.
Thoro will bo four divisions, touring
car, runabout, olcctrlcs and tho or
ganization divisions and It Is expected
tno nirair win 110 suporlor to any
thing of tho sort ovor attompted In
the world.
The Artisans have a program all
their own. This Is tho mooting of the
supromo couc-lavo and delegates aro
prosent from all ovor tho coast. Uni
formed drill forpa from Oakland, Se
attle Walla Walla. Salom, Orogon
City and others will bo prosont. Many
features will appear In tho parade, a
Chinese hand bolus one of the novol-Goij-r-r
that a dow system attempting to In
fluence loglslutloir had arUeu In this
country. Ho Illustrated by tolling
the commlttoo about telograms from
horse and mule dealers In St. Louis,
asking, "I'loaso vote for duty on su
gar; It Is vory necessary to preservo
tho mulo Industry la Missouri."
"It Is plain to 1110 that tho sugar
planters woro seeking to Influouco
men from whom tlioy jiought miilos."
he said. Ho said he bellovod the
system of attempting to reach Sl-ii-atorH
bji Indirect methods wns growing.
Dissolution of Noted Photo
graphic Supply Firm is
Being Sought.
Head of Company Plans New
Scheme to Meet Objection
Without Dissolution.
tlljr AMorlatM rim to tMn llf TlmM.l
HUFFALO. Juno .- lu tho dis
solution of the so-called "Eastman
kodak trust," which Ih asked In n
civil suit filed here today, by order
of the Attorney General, tho Fed
eral Government seeks dissolution
hy receivership, If necessary of tho
Eastman Kodak Company of Now
Jersey, apd the Eastman Kodak
Company' of Now York, charged
with monopolizing the trade In pho
tographic supplies. It- Is the aim
of the Government to obtain a div
ision of the assets and bushiest
of the two companies who control
72 per cent of the business of tho
United States, Into such parts as
will destroy the alleged monopoly
and restore competition. The po
IIoiih askn for an Injunction forbid
ding tho fixing of resale prices of
cameras, films or other patented
Piiotographle supplies. Tills marks
the Attorney General's first appli
cation of tho recent decision of tho
United Slates Supremo Court deny-
lllt.- iiiitnnleiiH Ilm ilirlil In flv i-nunl
prices of retailers. The Eastman
Company of New Jersey, a holding
company, hits an authorized capital
of $:in, 000.000. df which $20,000,-
000 has been Issued. Tho Knsitman
Company of New York, tho operat
ing company of tie alleged combina
tion. Is a $ri,O00,'O0() corporation
for mnuufacturini: nnd marketing
photographic supplies,
HOCIIESTEH. June 0. The Eust
ninn Kodak Company will adjust
Its methods of doing business to
meet the olinrges preferred against
tho company lu tlio Government's
dissolution suit filed today at Hnf
falo. George East mail, president of
tho company, so announced hero on
receipt of tho news that the still
had been begun. EnHtmnu Indicat
ed, howover, that the company"
would refuse to dissolve.
In compliance with the Govern
ment's petition the company, accord
ing to Mr. East man. Intends hereafter
to operate Its various retail stock
houses under Its own name nnd add
lis name to their stationery and ad
vertising matter. It will also put
Hs liauio upon lis stencil goods and
abandon Its "exclusive sal oh policy."
Furnishes Much More Than
Any Other Point for San
Francisco Market
During the last two week of
May. Coos Hay supplied nhout one'
third of tho lumber received nt San
Francisco from all other points.
The receipt k from May il to May
31 aro given by tho Pioneer West
ern Lumberman n follows:
Fir ami Spruce.
Aberdeon fi, 032, 000
Astoria -1.000,000
Ilandon 1,120,000
Columbia Hlvor 3,210.000
Coqulllo Hlvor 1,152,000
Coos Hay 12,2 11,000
Evorott 000,000
Port Augolus 700.000
Port I.udlow 1.400,000
Port Gninhlo 1,335.000
Raymond 580,000
Umpqua 200,000
Wlllapa 2.850,000
Total 30,850,000
Eureka 8,480,000
Albion 1,110,000
Caspar 805,000
Fort llragg 1.700,000
Greenwood 4 IC.000
Mendocino 1,078,000
Union Landing 570,000
Croscont City (178,000
Total 15,053,000
All iiuimbors are roquostod to
moot In the National Hall on North
Front St., Monday, Juno 0, at 8 p.
111., lor tho purposo or meeting with
Great Sachoni Hurt Wost. Thoro
will ho plenty or corn and vculson.
Chief of Records.
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