The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 07, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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OIoob Say tm?3
c 1)ft fiHiml through Times mint
(, ..inll hem! !' I hem! Thoy
,t rosiilt".
small ml In Tin Times want
roliiinii limy bring yon results lin
mediately. Try one
vvVwi i;stiiilisiicu in ib.m
, AaAVI.m xi,0 Const Mall.
& Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll
ml Coos liny Advertiser.
No. 276
Porter, R. B. Porter, Mr.
i.inr nnfl Sunt. Dixon
Ecoming in Over Line
hern Pacific Gets Permit
Ra s nn uraae oi uoun-
Road Line to Bandon
,n I'orlrr and U. n. Porter, of
t IlrntherH, anil (lonernl Su
..M.inni Tinkler, mill Suiierln-
nt Dixon, of tlie MncArthur
. r-i,iimnv. nrn nxncctcil to nr-
hore tonight alter n trip over
leht of wny or tnu uooa nny tc
.. iino rrntii EiiKnno.
It iinilorBtooil thnt tliolr trip
,e of InBpeetlon ami lor ino
isc of getting the eoiiHtruellon
.!,. i-Miilillv. It. H. Porter
lot been In Moro hIiico no inailo
nltlnl trip with General Munn
lltcliock ami his parly over a
i iiRo anil neiinor nan .mi-.
' Winl- mi HiIcIl'i".
thing orflelal liaH been given
in wIii-m tlie count ruction of
rldKO in ross Cins Hay at North
will lie stnrioti ny mo Kiiuin
i.ririr tilllifiiiL'li It Ih ecuornllv
dl tli ill It will lie aliout .Inly
he Hint raft or piling ror tito
arlic.i liaii been ilellvereil.
fllir- the piers will bo put In
e Southern Pueiiie company
Porter HiiitiierH win no uoior-
I u-llllln II Tow llllVH. Tlio
lorn Pacific offlelnls bnvo been
Ik nroiuiil here about getting
It tnr tint nim-rete work. TbeV
" .-..- ------ -. . ,
limned on getting It fiom newi
out slung the Kmltli-l'owci h
l)p)oiiil Myrtlo Point, nut tiiei
Kill not be eompletetl there In '
for tin in to not It, nerordlngf
iiortK In consequence, inoy
icen inoKiim i n HimiiiiT h ' '
MfkHI'M. 1 1 llllllllll I'Kll 1111(1 W.
tiler iniiile n trip over the roail
Is purpose (lie oilier nay.
Southern I'aeltie ih gouing.
ii in L'ii tin. IhIiIl'o work nn-1
rnv nu lllllll' tiprllllt fl'OMl tlie
anient specifies a datn for Its
ctlon ami they fenr that an
Hon or llino migiit not no
) granted by tlio war ucpari
lliuiil to Mui-xliliclil.
glneer Wheeler, In chnrge of tbo
ern pacific eonHtrmtlnn in tlio
iern unit of .ortli lleml, ban
i the permission nf tho Coob
I)' CniniulHsloiiorH to raise the
on the county rond between
lleml and .MurHlitleld to cor
ed with tho grades which
lleml mill Mars hflold luivo
llsheil for tho streets at each
(I tbo county road. The por
as islvcn with tlio undorsMn--
hat the Snuthorn Puelfle will
to bring t'o wholo road to
ana pay the expoiiBO of bulk-
PK. Mr. Wheeler nlaiiB to
Ittie roinl brought to grade by
or tlie il red go fill.
County Commissioners linvo
I tlio Southern Pacific n frnn-
to ln their truck six feet
bf tlie enter of the rond. The
ad wnntcd the west sldo, but
Diiimir oners thmiKit to rota In
(or the hlghwny nnd nlso tho
of tlie rond for n streotcnr
If there is one. Tho rond Is
et wide
"onirl sinners nlsn nutlinr-
Itlio rnllrrml to put nn ovor-
icri)s-,ui on tho rond nt North
near Sfnipson Park whoro tho
a rt inako over a ao-foot
! The oad Is ronllv n street-
I'Kll N-rth noml has novor
it over.
Sleiiiu Shovel U'm-k.
pser & HoiiBor are gottlng
miriv well with tho stenm
Work In SI nmcr... Pnrlr Vnrtli
altliounh thov have not shirt-
at full mpntlty. They have
nan yard snovoi tnoro,
I tlio fnilr.Vnr.l (limn, ran wltll
PIPS, Vvl wnnlj Hinv fivnpot
e the b' ovel running nt full
'' ""to dump enrs nnd equip-
Mug neon urouglu In ny
llamook yestordny.
Ilouser. who In n bnve ehnrco
.e, work. Is now In the. East
MeSSrS. llnrillnn,. n.i.l T.'nloop
thfrge of It now. Mr. Houser
ieu naek soon.
th v, T,,rt Work.
" .MeLaln. nnn nf tlin Mill.
n.i ,lle fomplotlon of tho
n Hallway line on North
street, expects to get con-
10n On It limloi- wnv ennti nnd
;?J It to completion.
. '. new hno ilarAlniinil In
"them Pnplfln nn,l Tarmliml
ra o.Mi:.r. """. :.n :"
o . "'huiuuiuiia over uiu
"eld Klnnm Una I an
resident Cnlvln. who Is hnnd
l '?r the Southorn Pacific, is
36t On ninttora nnnnnrnlni?
Paratlon of 'tho Southern Pa
n'0n i .. i
Smlil, iioiKr aim on in
win, who Is representing tho
'"I . Railway. Mr. Smith has
." .New York nnd It Is ex-
at ho will return to tho
L 'dL'" to llaiulon.
L hnglneor Wolfram has
-v"5 some surveying around
Representative of Foreign
Syndicate Inspects Coos
Bay Quiet About Visit
Major linker Cnrr, of Imdon, and
W. .1. Wllsoy arrived In last evening
from Portland, Imv lug made the trip
to Coob liny In 10 Iiouib, n record
breaker for this bciihou of the year.
Major Maker Cnrr rcpreBontH koiiio of
tho HyndlcatcB which Mr. Wllnoy Is
Interesting lu thin section.
When Been today, Mr. WIlRcy nld
he had nothing to give out now about
his vIhII, or about Major Cnrr. He
wiih not certain Just bow long lie
would bo able to remain here at
thin (Into.
It wan Just understood that Major
Maker Carr wiih Interested In tho two
synilleateii. which Wllsoy Ib Interest
ing here, the one which bought' the
Simpson nnd other property Inst yeai
and the one which Ih llgurlug on the
Kinney properties, but It was stated
later that Major Maker Carr Is not
IntorcHtcd In the Kinney properties.
Today. Mr. Wllsoy Iiiih been busy
showing .Major Cnrr around. This
morning they visited the C. A. Smith
mill nnd wuiil through tlio big plant
and the pulp mill. They nlso visited
the property which Mr. Wllsoy bought
liiHt year In North Mend, looked over
tho Southern Pacllle right of wny, nnd
also the local railway's hohllngH in
Mnrshlleld. TIiIh afternoon, Mossi-h
Wllsoy mill Carr, !'. 11. Walte and
.ludgo ami Mrs, Durham went out In
an auto to look over more of this hcc
tlon. Major Carr was deeply Interested
lu the conditions hero ami was es
pecially IntorcHtod lu the harbor and
tho railroad situation and what the
Southern Pacllle proposed to do.
Itevive licit Line.
It Iiiih been reliably reported thnt
ono of I! rut things that tho English
syndicate, which Mr. Wllsoy Is In
teresting In the Kinney properties
would do would bo to revive the
Kinney Molt lino project. It was re
liably reported by parties returning
f nun Portland recently thnt Judge
Mruuoiigli while en route to London
was to visit Washington. 1). C. pre
sumubly for the purpose of consulting
the IT. s. Engineers nnd othor lov
ernmont olllclnlB to nscortnln the ox
act status of Klnuoy's holt Hue pro
ject. .Imlgo Mriinough wns to have
left New York Wednesday for Lon
don. Ciiuaila Projects.
Major Cnrr, It Ih understood, enmo
to the coast by the Canadian route
nnd It Is understood that he Is In
terested In tho Canndlan railway pro
jects which English capitalists nro
When the Pacllle Coast lino nnd
the Pacllle (Ireat Western, which
Wllsey's syndicate was behind, woro
In process of development, prior to
tholr absorption by tho Southern Pa
cllle, It was Intimated that they might
be used by the Cnnnillan and Hill
linos for tho const rond lo San Fran
cisco. Whothor tho Klnnoy Molt lino
project would bo vnlunblo to such n
project in making terminals on Coos
May Ih a problem which local people
are still nomlorlng nvor.
Senator Townsend Accuses
President Wilson of Lobby
ing for Tariff Bill Presi
dents States His Position.
I II 7 AinoclatH 1'itm to Cool llnj Tlmta.)
WASHINGTON. I). C. .luno 7.
Scnntors on the lobby Invcstlgntlnn
committee were of tlie opinion today
that Senutor Townsend'B sensational
chnrge thnt President Wilson himself
virtually has been lobbying for the
turlff bill, would not ho taken up by
the committee ns an issue unless
some specific clinrges were made.
Senator Townsend lu testifying Inst
night wlille declaring, that "Whlto
House Influence ' lins been exerted on
rcrtnln Senators, declined to give
nny nnmes. rnicss these nro pre
sented the committee will not likely
follow up that phnBO.
White House officials professed to
he undlsturbcd'by Senator TowiiBenda
clinrges nnd It wns Bald the President
would not take the stand to make a
personal answer unless some speclllc
chnrges were mnde ngnlnst him.
OlllclnlB declared that President
Wilson was confident thnt the people
of the country would tnke the po
sition thnt ho wns representing them
lu Washington nnd hnd a right to
use all his Influence to further legis
lation promised In tho Democratic
platform. It was denied that the "pa
tronage club" had been wielded lo
i Sonntorn In lino.
North Bound Passenger From
Albany Jumps Track Sev
eral Are Injured
Illj AmocUOA I'rm lo Coo, IHy Tlmn.
SALEM. Ore., June 7. A north
bouml .Southern Pacllle train from
Albany for Portlnnd was wrecked
near hero today. Threo cars left the
track and several persons were slight
ly Injured. A kinked rail caused the
Criminal Indictments Against
Secretaries of Lumber As
sociation Are Dismissed
III, AuocUtM I'trM lo Cooa llr Tirol.
piiifAcin .limn 7 . f'1-liiiluni In
dictments against fourteen secretaries
and former secretaries or lumner as
sociations throughout tho country
woro dismissed at tho Instance of tho
Department of .Justice. It wiih lenrnod
today. Five civil Biilts. Illed by the
(lovcrnment for dissolution of tho
alleged "lumber trtiBt" are still pend
ing. Amonir those Indicted woro II. II.
Homenwny. of California and A. L.
Porter, or Washington. ino in
dictments woro iiinshed at tlie ro-
niuKt of ninlrlct Attnrliev Wilkcr-
sou, who acted on Instructions from
Washington. According to a state
ment mndo bv Counsol for the do
fondants, tho
Operators Compromise De
mands on Recognition of
Their Organization
(llr AfKKlatnt I'rrfi lo Co.n liar Tlmn )
Imuenknmp, president of tho Interna
tional Commercial Telegraphers' I'n
lon of America announced u HCttlc
ment of the strike of tho wireless op
erators. Tho men will not get nn In
crease of wugcH or shorter hours but
they huve won recognition for their
Missouri Man 85 Years Old
Is Father of Fine Girl
llr Aiioi'UlK I'm lo Cool llajr Tlmn,
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., June 7. Wil
liam S. Collleld. 8." years old, nnd a
veteran of the Mexican War. as well
iih two Indian Wnrs nnd tho Civil
War, Is tho fnthor of n girl baby born
last night. Collleld draws a pension
of $r5 per month from tho (lovern
iiicnt. kwamj i.v wi:.tiii:u itriu-:.r.
Political Acthity ItcMilts In ('liuiige
noil Cliut'ge.s.
llr AoiltM I7a lo loa nT Tlmw.l
WASHINGTON. Juno 7. Thlrtv-
jono employes of tho Wenther Mil
lean luivo been reduced for con
nection with alleged political activ
ity WHICH lesunen ill in rucum urn
mi it'iiwiii l'iiun mill in Tin l-iffifiii inn
Oovornmont round ib ..;(!Kn, of forn,or chief Willis L.
evidence bearing on tho Indictments ijioro Honey L. Ilolskoll, Profos
Insufflciont. Tno Indictments wore Bor ()f j0toorology, nnd I). J. Cnr
returned In Chicago In 191 1 roll. c-litof clcrrk. Imvo boon buhpcihI
nlmrced thn dofondnuts roiiresontlut: v..i ...i.i,..i .,.. ,w,,..ii,,.r nn invmt.
inij ).... ...r, .-
14 associations
restrain trndo
roiiresontlut: .. ...m.n..
: " . ," I'll ..liiii.iih
Willi i'uiiBiinir.v in tlKntloil.
An niieged bincK-i riM.n piinrco. thnt bnvo boon lire-
resiriuii iraue. ah iuu-huu uiiii.-n- 'j'j,0 cbnrgos thnt bnvo noon pro
list figured largoly in tho testimony , forred ngnlnst fit) omployos lu nil
glvon tho grand Jury. Tho civil ilego that they procured nn In
sults ponding eventually will como l cron(l0 of Hainry or promotions In
to trlnl It Is snld. grade lu return for promoting
" Mnnro'u cnndldncv for Secretary of
OOYi:u.MK.NTMUVSllACi:iluiisi,A Irultlr0 , t,;0 w1()nn cabinet.
,.., Thirty-one nlrondy have boon
tiil.ul i iiikii h'ihivi .......
Mnrshfleld, It Is understood thnt P
Is for the purposo of determining
whnt tho company will do nbout
n Mandon lino. The Southorn Pa
cific Is tiuvloiis to got n lino lute
Mandon soon nfter It gets Its Coos
Uny-Eugono lino In oporatlon nnd
whothor to build on down tho const
from Coos May vln tho South Slough
routo or to build n stub from tho
Menvor Hill Junction Is n problem
Hint In nnnilnvlnir them. To build
down the South Slough routo would
bo n moro direct lino for tholr const
road and Ir win prounuiy do
if la clntnl that It Is n hundred
to ono shot that tho Southorn Pa
cific will not enter .Marsnnoiu ami
connect up with Its Myrtlo Point
lino vln tno j'ony aiougu rouio. mu
nctlon of tho Southern Pacific In
this week arranging for tho right
of way nnd grading of tho routo to
the Marshfleld city limits on tho
north via the waterfront road be
tween Marshflold and North Mend
Indicating that they will stick to
tho waterfront lino.
finme Tomorrow. Tlio North
Mend and Marshflold league teams
will meet here tomorrow for tho
first gamo of tho season between
tho two. Manager Ogren says the
Marshflold team will bo stronger
than ever tomorrow, and the North
Mend fans are confldont of victory.
Mickey McKeown will probably play
in tho field tomorrow for Marshfleld.
Argentine Invest). $1.10,000 In
IImi iieiiiy winner.
llr AnoclaieJ ITm lo Cooa lla, Tim )
l.nvnnv. .luno 7 Tho sum of
$ir.O,)00 waH paid today by tbo t.ov- t.iii.'lviuilii Explosion ICesi
eminent of Argentina for tho horso tally Mimv Injured.
Crngnour, which wns first past tho inr awommm rwiopoot rr ti
Winning P"Ml III l lie UUIIiy V euilUBUll l HIIA.MUKI.N. I'll., .111110 I. 1 wu
hut wns Us(iiaIUleilforbiHnpliB. minors were killed and more than
ii I'm rnit lMiivc'FTOVMlV ' 'lozoii Injured today In nn ox
ll,lMloilluiMl,l(WJi.w. plosion In tho Scott shaft four
Will lie Vniiicil us Governor General '"08 rriin ,,or0' 0lern,0,, '' tho
111 Me Niinii . 1 s t .ino, i.mcrai B IO,I0nnl Con, company. An
inrAuo'Llli rrA.iocoo.ii., Tin.. I I official of tho company announces
vcjnivnTO' n c Juno 7-.'t'it "o 'nn were entombed but
irf?ii. S' imios" Ford of nlno workers declared they holer-
I .f5i8"' PllJ?.nc, J ,'.i. Fn ed other men are still In tho mine.
luiyuiuii uiiMu B.y. '.,",:," Tim oxiiloslon occurred nlmost n
Returns to Washington and
Will Consider Draft of Ans
wer to Mikado's Rejoinder
lllr A"ortcl I'm. lo Coo liar Tlmn.)
WASHINGTON. June ".Secre
tary IVryan returned from Pittsburg
today and prepared to take up with
Counsellor Moore. Jnpnn'H latest note
on the California nllen land question,
submitted by Viscount Chimin lust
Wednesday becnuso of tho novelty of
the Japauesu presentments, such as
thnt relating to the fourteenth amed
ment nnd distinctions sought to he
drawn between the relative functions
of National nnd State Governments,
the rejoinder must be carefully annl
yzed before nny serious offou can be
mmlo to il ni ft a reply
President of American Woolen
Mill Company Escapes Con
viction at Boston
Dennis J. Collins, Who Turned
State's Evidence, Found
Guilty on Two Counts
(llr AMoclatrd I'rf.a lo Coo lla, Tlmta,
MOSTON. June 7. After dollb
erntlug throughout tho night, tho
Jury nrqultted President William M.
Wood or the American Woolen Co.,
of the chargo of conspiracy to In
jure the textile strlkerB at Lnwronco
by "planting" dynnmlte.
Disagreement lu the case of Fred
erick E. Atteaux wiib reported. Den
nis J. CoIIIiih, who turned states'
evidence, was found guilty on two
counts nnd not guilty on tho other
four counts of the Indictment. Tho
llrst count charged u conspiracy to
Injure the textile strikers nnd tho
second conspiracy to Injure un
known persons. Other counts nt
leged conspiracy nnalnst certain per
sons and n lot to dnmngo property.
The Jury wns. out 10 hours.
the foro among those President II- "." ,.. rnii iin.i tho stono
son is considering for the position of ' nw sro in 1 and the stopo
Governor General of tho PIPPneB m"fentel ?? ,B,,,t . vork the
that his PPrnJ tho0groundB
hero as practically sottlcd. Ho illl , f ', t. , , , , ,
prolmldy take olllco some tlmo In the nInK 'Bhafti ihoy ven un,urt
"a"' nnd were taken to tho surface. It
(I), 1'rt.i la Coo Oar Tim..)
-Miss Emily Wild-
EPSOM June 7
Inn Tlnvlrlcnn. tlio ml if rn L'fltto who
was Injured In attempting to stop
tlio king's horse at tho Derby Wed
nesday, Is reported dying.
i Is not believed thoro
I men In the mine.
nro any more
HnlMlreeil Murderer N Killed by
llrotlier lu Aiiouu.
(Dr A.otlal1 IT., lo Coo. n7 Tim J
SEARCHLIGHT, Nov., June 7.
tho career of Quoho, a half breed
liuto Indian, who ran amuck and
ruf Aociat4 rrn to coo. nay Tima. killed half a dozen miners and
iir.ieinvnTnv n n Tnno 7 -1 bnmestenders near Fort Mohave
President Compere Is'us well as could ! t.iree yenrs ago, is ended. Word
1 ...nn 1. MA., nil. Iw.xr. . Il O I 11 A mill ,1 fk t i 1 1
nt tho hands of his brother and
bo expected today.
uncle, whom he had tried to kill
In a tribal camp In Arizona. A
reward of $5000 was on Quoho's
head. .
Bay City Mill Will he One of
Big Ones on Coast
Other Mill Uews
Tho reconstruction of the C. A
Smith Company's May City Mill Ih
progressing lu good shnpo during the
temporary shutdown of the plant and
when It Is completed, It will bo one
of tho lluestH mills on the const.
While tho May City or rather KnsUldo
mill Ih referred to hero iih the llttl
mill lu contrast with the big mill, It
will really bo one or the big mills
of tho const when It Is completed. If
will be cutting on tlio average of
nbout LTiO.OOO feet per day of ton
hours, If tho expectations are reached.
A now band gang saw Is to bo put
lu to replace the old hand gang,
which wns moved there froin the big
mill, n new edger, u new trimmer
nnd other moro modern mid faster
equipment Is to be Installed.
The mill has been cutting spruce
lumber pretty much, but within a
short time, tho C. A. Smith Company
will ninctlcnllv discontinue the spruco
lumber business. Spruce lumber
doesn't bring within fl or so per per
thousand or what llr nnd hemlock
sells for nnd Just now there Is llttlo
or no doninnd feir spruce. Tho rrost
which ruined the citrus crop or
Southern California and tlie drouth
which lias badly damaged tho other
Cnllfornln fruit crops bus practically
destroyed the demand for berry boxes
Into which most of tho spruce wnn
convortod. The reconstruction or the
mill Is bolng dono more ndvnntnge
ously whllo It Is tomporarly. closed
Pulp Mill Ncnily Done.
It Is expectod that the Smith pulp
mill will bo In readiness ior opera
tion soon. It will probably bo July
before the pulp mill can bo put Into
oporatlon fully.
Tho company piann io son uio pmp
but lu the case there Isn't a good do
maud for tho pulp nt tho proper
prices, paper limiting mnchlnory will
bo Installed and the pulp converted
Into papor right hero.
Hush Electric Due.
J. D. Moreen, who has charge or
tho electric lino work or tho com
pany, Is rushing tho construction or
tho high power lino, which will fur
nlsh Julco ror tho Smith-Powers coal
nillin nil lStlllllllH Illlet mill tor tllO
electric logging operations nt Coa-
lodo. Tho line to tlio roni mino win
soon bo completed nnd Supt. Ilennos
soy with tho electricity will bo min
ing 250 tons or moro per day within
n row weeks.
The olectrle logging apparatus at
Coaledo Is ready ror trial as soon as
the electricity Is avananio.
Moving Camps.
a. il. Powers Is arranging to
cbango many oi ins muni" u;,
within tho noxt row weeks. The Isth
mnH inlet cnmiis nro nrotty well cut
out and so Is tho South Slough camp
and sometime this summer they will
bo moved to tho Coriulllo sldo. Plans
ror putting In two camps noar Co
qullle are bolng mndo. Tho changing
or tho camps will probably cut down
some on the amount or logs supplied
and may possibly cause some delay.
Humor t'ntiuc.
Someone started tho rumor that
tim Smith Comnany was planning to
shut down tho big mill but thoy nro
not planning any such thing. It
was officially stated today that the
rumor that thoy might closo It down
tonight or soon was absolutely un-
Tho flurry over the I. W. W, troublo
has pretty much passed away.
I1, AoralJ l'rr. lo Coo lla, Tlmn
MOSTON, June 7. The court or
dered that bnll for Atteaux be no
newed pending a disposition of his
c ase.
Tlie attorney for Wood ashed the
court to direct that an Investigation
be made on the published report ot
nu attempt that wns made to Inlliienco
Morris Sliumau, one or the Jurors.
Mefore tho court mnile Its chnrge yos
terdny Shumiin wiih questioned by
tho Judge, John C. Crosby nnd tho
district nttorney. TIiIh wnH lu effect
thnt u man unnnined Intimated to
him Hint he might huve n busliiess
position for life nnd $200 lu eusli
ir ho voted "light."
Assuring tho court that ho would
not he Influenced by tlio alleged at
tempt nt bribery Shuinan wns permit
ted to continue lu the Jury box.
Judge Crosby Htnted Hint nu Inquiry
would be begun before him next
Wednesday and he Instructed nil
Jurors to bo present.
MI'ST PAY FOIt l-'l'.V.
Siirfrngcllcs Held ltipniishln for
Window Smashing.
Illjr Auoilalnl I'll.. In Coo. lla. Time
LONDON, June 7.- Mr. nnd Mrs.
Pcthlck Lawrence, Mrs. Emiuolluo
Pnukhurst, Miss I'll list nliel Punk
hurst, Mrs. Mabel Take, represent
ing the Women's Social and Political
I'nlon. were condemned today by
tho King's llonch Court, to pay
$l$4i damages In a suit brought
by West End shop keepera for diiin
agos done by smashing windows dur
ing the Biifrragettn raids. Tho V oar
ing lasted threo days. Ah this was
a test case, It Ih expectod similar
suits will follow.
II, AMwlatt.1 1'fiM la Coo llajr Tlmoa
I KNOXVILLE. Tenn., June 7. I
I Physicians attending William
I F. Cody ("Murfiilo Mill"), who I
I hoc-nine 111 here yostordny, un-
I nnunco IiIh condition iih grave. I
O 4)
Ilebels Are Wnrucil to Quit or Suf
fer Awful Coiisrqueiices.
(llr Aim laltat I'fr.i lo fo. lur TIium )
EAGLE PASS. Texas, Juno 7.- -A
letter purporting to bo Issued
by the Hiiortn Minister of War lu
Mexico City warning tho Constl
tutlonallBts to lay down tholr anus
Immediately, reached hero today.
Tho nolo threatened tho Constitu
tionalists with being por.tlmtcloiiBly
punished until they nro exterminat
ed without pity. Tho Federal forcofl
south or Montiovn. Mexico, nro re
ported to havo returned to Mon
terey or Saltillo.
American Ited Cross Succors Alitor
leans In Mexico,
WASHINGTON, Juno fi. Tho
steamer Moxlcaun, charted by tbo
Amoiicnn Med Cross, Is duo nt Vera
Cruz, Mexico, today nnd will loavo
ror Galveston In a row days with
200 American refugees, made des
titute by Idlenoss from tho suspen
sion of business owing to tho dis
orders lu Mexico.
Launch TIOGA will LEAVE
MAItSHIiELD at C:30 o'clock
benefit or those WISHING MOME
TIME ror FISHING at head of COOS
HIVEIl. IIOL'ND TltlP, 7.1c.
Jl'NE 7.
SHOUTS, $1.2.1 AT HAINES,'"'