Wtw - w WSff B THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1913 EVENING EDITION. urn AND MERCHANOI TRAL CENTRA 2 I SE .ON CEN A?E WANT DRUGS IN A HURRY? Phone 74 2 pESg" Frank I). Cohan, Opposite Chandler Hotel. "In business for your health" Genuine Mexican Pinoche 35c a Pound Saturday and Sunday Only At I I I PLAN TO TAKE Your Sunday Dinner At the Chandler Hotel Good Music and a Good Menu The Hub of Central Avenue pOME to the center of activity and commerce to do your trading, A welcome and a wealth of merchandise awaits you at these enterprising com mercial establishments, Quality merchandise and reasonable prices are the magnets that will make you come again, Read these announcements and come to Central Avenue tomorrow, Kammerer Says:, FOR Special for One Week Only Automobile Veils 82.58 Will Sll.OO VEILS Sl.dl) 1'OU 82.25 VEILS S1.SI5 l'OK 81.75 VEILS 81.20 FOIt 81.50 VEILS The Ladies' Emporium .MRS. XKLLIE OWK.V CKXTRALAVEXUK Tomorrow's Central Avenue Special hat, pair or sikh:s, on $,-, IX trade WITH . snr () clothes. Bulgarian Neckwear for- Positively the newest creations Scnrfa Tor the season. The largest ami most complete Block of nien'H Diohs ShlitH In t'oos County to select from. Your anxious to ploaso. THE TOGGERY vien WE BUY OUR SUIT CASES Direct from the factory. Thats why our prices are so low. We invite comparison. Norton & Hansen TWO STORES. ('EXTRA li AVEXUK. OPPOSITE CIIAXHLEH HOTEL. All Roads and Telephone-Wires-, Lead Direct to WINKLER'S. Pnarnrny; "Deutsche Apotheke." Phone 215 58 Central avenue COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALOXEY Editor mid Put). DAN K. MALOXEV Xews Editor Entered at tho postofflco nt Maria tlold, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails as second clusi mall mnttor. AMONG THE SICK. a Ixinn Thorn Is roported rapidly recovering from her rereut Illness and operation and will soon resume hor duties uf Tho Chandlor. PERSONAL NOTES Mr. Ilnscom. who recently under went mi operation nt Mercy Hospl tal, wns able to return to his home In Marshlleld today. - I LOCAL OVERFLOW. 4 Case IHsiuIsmmI. The suit or W. J. Rust', trustee or the Kinney prop erties, against tho city or North Rend, attacking the annexation or Plat U as Illegal, was formally ills mlBPed nt Conullle yesterday In ac cordance with the agreement that Slnjor Kinney made some time ago. Leaves Today. '. A. Warner, of the t A. Smith Company, loft on tho Adollno Smith today for San Krnnelseo on liuslness. Tho Nairn Smith, which wns delayed Bomo time ly the ftimlKutloii on ac count of the smallpox scare, will sail nbout 10 o'clock tonight. Hnvo your Job printing dono at Tho Times ofllco. L 0. 0. M. EXCURSION TO - Charleston Bay SUNDAY.lJUNE 8 LU'XCHES LEAVE COM- .MKRCrAli-STREET WHARF AT 8 A. M. SIlAltl'. Vmv .50e foe round trip. Bring Your Baskets and Come MHS. P. I). RLAKE Is n visitor today from Catching Inlet. MISS CLARA WRIGHT Is visiting In town today from Sumner. MHS. T. J. KOLSTAI). of Coos Hlver, Is upending tho day In town. MISS BESSIE AYHE left today to attend tho Roso r'cstlvnl. L. I). COLIC, of Huyues Inlet, Is in town today for a short stay. MHS. I1YRI) LATTIN. of South Coos Hlvor, spent the day In town. V. W. flAGE loft on tho morning train for his homo in Coquillo, MHS. M. A. M'LEOD and daughter, Leona, hut todny for Portland. MISS LENA MATSON. of Catching Inlet Is a Marshlleld visitor today. OTTO HILL, of Coos Hlver. was a husluesti visitor In the city today. MISS ESTHER SILVERMAN left today for her home near As toria. .1. 10. PAULSON, a lumber merchant of Coiiullle, Is here on a business trip. MHS. STAMI1UCK. of Cntchlng Inlot. Is spending the day In town shop ping. Mil. and MHS. WILLIAM MORGAN are In town today from Daniels Creek. MISS ADNEE PALMER will leave for Portland tomorrow morning via Drain. MHS. EMILY MeEARLIN Is In town today from her cranberry ranch on North Inlet. C. K. McKXIGHT left today to nt tond tho Oregon Masonic meetings In Portland. RORERT STEINLECHER. a Tom pleton farmer. Is In town today on business, JOE SCHOTT left today for Port land ami may go to HrltUh Colum bia to locate. C. A. LANOWOHTHY left yester day for Coquillo and Myrtio Point on business. K. T. CONKHKIHT. of Marshfleld, Is registered at the Portland Ho tel, Portland. S. S. WILLIAMSON, of Haynes Inlet camo to town this morning to spend tho day. MH. and .fcs. L. D. Smith, of Daniel Creek, nro In town on a business and pleasure trip. T. J. SCAIEE and family arrived hero today from San Diego and will locate here again. MR. and MRS. FREl) SANFORD. of Coiiullle. are spending a, few days In town on business. MISS ELLEN RUDNAS left for Ten Mllo today on n business trip. She will return Monday. L. .). POST and family left today for tho Willamette Valley where tucy will locate again. her husband who Is one of the contractors on tho Chandler Hotel annex. MADOC OULOVSON returned today from San Francisco to tnke a position In tho Pioneer Grocery. 11. L. HARDING, representing tho United Drug Co., of Huston, left on the Mreokwater today aftor a business trip to tho valley and nay towns MRS. J. T. Sl'LLIVAN. of Hnndon. MRS. A. P. HALL, of tho ITmpiiuu, lu ulinnillli.r n it lllH'U U'IMl nn.l ...l..wt I. ..,.!... .1 I . I. .. .. t . days with FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Re- move Them vltli the Othlne Prescription, This prescription for tho removal of freckles was written by a prom inent physician and Is usually so suc cessful In removing freckles and giv ing n dear, beautiful complexion that It Is sold by your druggist under an absolute guarantee to refund tho money If It falls. Don't hide your freckles under a veil; get an ounco of othlne and ro movo them. Even tho first few ap plications should show a wonderful improvement, some of. tho lighter freckles vanishing entirely. Ue sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othlne; it Is this that Is sold on the mouey-back guarantee. Is spending a few frlf.mlR In f nralitlnlil. MRS, S. S. SMITH, of Rnndon. Is In Marshlleld and will leae lor the North on the Hreakwatvd. MISS ARHOTT and nephew left to dny. They will spend a part of tliolr vacation In Portland. MRS. C. II. MARSH left today to visit relatives In Portland and to attend the Kasu-ru Star meeting. MHS. K. K. DYKR. of Dnnlels Creek, returned home this afternoon, nfter fl v I a 1 1 u'llli rVtntlilu 111 fiiuti A. i.. UAHKHH ami vr loft today for Mlchl they will spend the sui er. MHS. J. LRU HROWN expects to leave In a short time for an extend ed visit In Snn Jose, California. MRS. MARY KRICK. or Coos River. Is spending the day In town with her sister, Miss Grace Yoaknm. MHS. J. T. HALL and MHS. K. K. ALLKN left today to attend tho Kastoru Star meeting In Portland. MRS. T. J. MACGKNN and children left on the Hreakwnter this morn- Ifll? fnr n mmitll'u vlulr In Pnrttnml MRS. T. C. Rl'SSKLL. of Heavor IIlll. is the guest or Mrs. F. K. Gottlns and other friends horo. H. K. IHILTMAN loft on tho Speed well this morning for San Fran cisco, whore ho will visit his par ents. MRS. A. HANSEN and daughters. Misses Eva and llattlo, left to day to visit relatives In Port laud. I. H. TOWER AND AL JANSEN have gono to tlio Middle Fork of tho Coquillo for n fow days' fishing, MRS. ALICE KRUSE, of Isthmus In let, returned homo today after several days visit In town with relatives. MISS EDNA WJEDER returned to lior homo at Lakesldo this after noon, after a couplo of days' visit In town. E. O. H AUGERS, a former Coos Ray resident, has returned from Los Angeles, whoro ho has been making his home. MRS. GEO. A. nOLT Is now in Red wood City visiting nt hor old home, and writes that she had a pleasant trip down tho coast. JAMES OLULANU and wife, of Llh by, loft on tho Ilrenkwater today to visit In Portland and nt J'ugot sound points mill wluisn liiiHlinml In Idiiiimr ir tint llfo saving station of that place, ur rlver here this morning on her wnv from San Francisco. ROHERT UILLARU arrlvod homo on tho Redondo from San Fran cisco to assist his mother In tho X L N T store during tho Illness of S. Lando. J.H.MULLOY loft on the llreakwator today for Portland, where he will take In the Rose Carnival. He will then go to Los Angeles and will bo nwnv iilinut hIv u-nnlm ml baby S. M. WALTER, who has been where, clerking nt tho Owl rimrninnv. loft today for his old home nt Lancaster. Ky and Ed. Holt has taken a position there. MRS. PAUL WADDELL leH today on the Ilrenkwater to visit her paronts nt 407 Klrby street. Portlond, for a couplo of months, and to tako In tho Roso Fostlvul there. ARTHUR RERINO arrived hero to day to look aftor business Inter ests. Ills sister, Mrs. II. H. Mc Pherson, has postponed her In tended visit on tho Hay. UR. MOORE and family, or Coiiulllo, loft today for Portland, where they expect to spend tho summer. Dr. Moore, during Ills nbsenco, will tuko a post graduate courso. O. J. SIGNALNESS. who Is heavllv lly Interested In propocty In and around Cooston. arrived hero yes tordny on tho Rrenkwater to look after Interests horo. MISS GRACE YOAKAM. who has been visiting hor mothor, Mrs. S. A. Yoakam, for two weoks will lonvo on tho Ilroakwator ror Port land to resume her duties In tho telophono olllce. MR. and MRS. MELCHOR NELSON arrived on the Redondo Inst even ing and will visit with Mrs. Nol bou's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hor bert Rogors, or South Coos Rlvor, Tor n month. M,i?Dy-r,2; WATT ami daughter, MISS DELLA. loft today for Port ?. t nttqnd tho marriage of L. II. Keating, formerly of Mnrshllold, but now- agent for tho Ilreakwater, in iiiriiaiiu C. SMALL has returned rrom Myrtio Point whero he hns been looking arter some paving work for the Coos nay Paving and Construction Company. They hnvo about a month's work thoro j"ii S. MRS. JAMES COWAN Sr.. returned E. B.KRAMER, of Santa Cruz Cal Via Drain this in urn In., frnm f o.l- i .,. i ' """'" VyrilA, V.UI,, Via Drain this niornlnur frnm Mrit ford, whero she went as a delegate to tho W. O. W. convention. MRS. GEORGE LOREN55. MISS VE RA NELSON and MRS. ED LOR EN55 are a party from CoqulUe spending tho day In Marshfleld. SEYMOUR H. RELL loft via the old Coos nay wagon road this morn ing for Portland after spending a row days horo on business. GEO. JENSEN, formerly of the Dar nldge Dakorv left today with Mrs. Jensen for Coquillo and Dandon. ,. where they will visit relatives. MRS. L. M. DENTLEY arrived yes terday from Hood River to Join arrived horo tnitnv r. i '' extended visit nt tho homo of his son, G. w. Kramer. Mr. Kramer. Sr.. formerly lived on Coos Ray ana Is a great booster for this Rwtlnn MISS M. F. MULLEN arrived yes- uy u mo iiouonilo from San Francisco to look aftor property here nnd to visit with relatives and friends. She will probabf? spend sovoral weeks on the Bay M. A. SWEETMAN returned veaiov'. day from Curry County where he has spent several weeks Inspect ing tho gold deposits on the Sixes River and In other sections. He JUNE SNAPS Juthstroiu Homo In Fcrudnlo, 100x210, for JC.OOOi JWW cash, balance In two years. UOOxHuO In Scheltes Addition with up to date bungalow or $4750. lllock n, Schetter'a Addition. 200x00, with 200 feet fronti on Shormuii extended $.'1200. 50 acres bottom laud near Coquillo City, well Improved, lot $0,000. 40 acres bottom land nenr Coquillo City, unimproved for II.- rUxl 10 residence corner on Fifth St. ami ItaiM for W. Sl.ono cash halanco I year. , Viillno Island on South Inlet with new up to date deUUp. for $.",000. This Is an IdunI nlnro for n country liomem tw iner resort and u snap. See TITLE (JUAHAXTHI! AHSTIUCT C. Henry SengMuikcii, Maniitrf. rrcsh, Crisp, Appetizing Vegetables WIS HAVE THE liAIUlKST LIST OK S,BU ' TAULKS IX SOME TIMK, I.NCI.LIHNfl Nice, fresh Coos Bay Peas COOS IIAV ASPARAOTS 1'ltKSlI CARROTS CAIUIACE (HtEEX OXIOXS ARTICHOKES CHOICE CACL1KIOWHK PltKSII TOMATOES 11UXCH Tl'RXII'S xkw "'r-,"rrj C.HtltOTS " i.llllUIIH Fresh California Peas 5c a Pound FRESH FRUIT STlUWIlKlW'ttL iiiat'K ciiiamiB nOOSEUEItltllCS APiticcyrs UOVAL AXX CHERRIES (JRAPK FKU1T niiAXOKS RAXAXAS PHOXi; YOUK OIIIIKK VMlhV. OLLIVANT & WEAVER PURE FOOD GROCERS GOOD PLACE T ft rnone o-j Cor. Central and reports that thero Is quite a stir over tho mining possibilities thero nnd ho oxpocta to return thoro soon. ERIC ERICSON, formerly of Marsh lleld, has brought his family and brother-ln-lnw, Mr. Bordorman, horo from Portland and plans to locate here. Ho Ib bolng warmly welcomed back by the many friends ho made In tho old days "whon he was known as "Pony Sacchl." MRS. J. ALBERT MATSON and son, Julius, and Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Rargelt. left this morning via Myrtle Point for Portland, where they will attend the Rose Festival and visit friends. Mr. Dargelt will attend the state Masonic meetings and Mrs. Rargelt will attond tho Oregon Eastern Star meeting. EDGAR McDANIELS. editor of tho North Dend Harbor, was in Marsh- Ia ul sM'ssrcBK&s ents in u""'Vj, been .,,, Bailer. h0.Sllme. Harbor for a lon dcrltj SKleU'aP; tBat Ml and MRB.'. -j.rt.ttl Mmlly returned fteyht San Uies.- "ths nd '" for several montn'fkoB" expected to in ! vMtoog the lure of ph0.: Southern Cj They say their ,afflceat 'future. Mr. m busy but the tw b c xwn IKm' eet bart w - ?!.LB,'7n fCooi8y' livvv