The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 05, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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(E000 lag WxmtB
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mediately. Try one.
tunl VYYUI Established In 1878
VOL. AAAVI.M Tll0 co,, M(l
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll n OTA.
and Coos liny Advertiser. yu 6,H"
r li u n D
Jhiltl Thought Kidnapped Is
Discovered in Lonely Spdt
Over Mile From Home
dan Who Was Refused Food
at Neighbors House Thought
to Have Stolen Child
Gullied by nn inqxplicnble Im-
Inlec to n spot ncnr whom no
ought ho saw n star rail last ovo
jlne when ho and tho clillcl'B fath-
hml given up ft loiiR Hcnrcn, n.
Stanley soon nftor flnyllght this
Eornlng found David Smith, tho 15
Eonths' old son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
falter Smith, of nnnKor mil, lild-
tn by n blK log in a lonoiy spot
1 the woods nbout a 111II0 nnd a
tlf from homo. Tho discovery of
he rhlld followed n scnrcli iff 18
ours nnd InBt night tuily 300 men
nd women searched tho hills au'd
Wnes nnd woods or iiunkcr mil
Ramona Ladd May Have. Sus
tained Broken Back Con
flicting Stories About It
MIbh Rnmonn Ladd, formerly a
clgnr clerk at Tho Chandler ilotol.
was HerloiiBly Injured Inst night
and wiis taken to Mercy Hospital
today. It was feared that alio may
havo miHtnlncd a broken hack, but
It cannot ho determined for a while.
Shu Is a daughter of W. Ladd
and a sister of Mrs. Fred Nclmc.
The first explanation of tho acci
dent waH that bIio wiih "fooling"
with Bomo frlondH nnd hud climbed
up n trco and the branch broke
with hor.
alln n.t.l 1tao l.'lln.. tl..Ht. -.
rark nnd altnoHt 118 far as fcMo )lcnr rnh '., Comnlorcll,
June 1.2 Fixed as Date of
Hearing on New Proposal
for Separation of Southern
Pacific and Union Pacific
tllr AiiorUtnl rrcn to Coot llir TlmM J
ST. PAUL, Minn., Juno ft Tho
Union Pacific Rnllroad applied In
St. Paul today to Federal Judges
Sanborn, Hook nnd Smith, sitting
In tho District Court of Utah, for
an order fixing tho time for hear
ing upon tlie amended pinna for
dlBpoBltlon of the stork of tho
Southern Pacific In the matter of
dissolution of the combination be
tween the two roads. June 12 was
Tho plans are: First, Southern
Pacific Btock owned by tho Union
Pacific Bhall be put on tho market
at a minimum prlco nnd only such
amount of stock, If any, shnll be
allotted to subscribers who nre
stockholders In the Union Pacific.
Second, the cntlro Btock Issuo
shall be transferred to it trustee
approved by tho court who shnll
Issue certificates to subscribers un
til tuich time as they shnll make
proof tbnt they do not own any of
uio vmon Pnclflc Btock
Nbby for the little child
Aside from a fow scratches and
little iirniH nnd legs bolng bwoI
from tho cold nnd exposure, tho
hlld Is unharmed, lie la still un
tie to talk and can only gnzo In
Nile-eyed wonderment at those
round him and hla mother when
be hucH nnd kisses him In her
ars of gratification nftor tho lone
burs of nuxinty which alio suffered.
Mltlo David only began to walk
kont n month ago and doesn't
ben Attempt to 'talk. If ho could
ilfc even a fow words, It might
r the mystery of hla disappear-
bce bejonfl n flonbt. Tint 'bo
kn't nnd It Is up to sonio citlicr
n of ascertaining how ho reached
e lonely spot.
It Is prnctlcally certain that the
iby never wnlked or crawled tho
lie nnd a half over the rough
iw trull to the spot Whom ho was
nnd. Thorn are no trncoH of tbn
lids creeping and although hla
men lime nrins nnn root wore
dly lioKrlmmed and scrntehed when
unci, IIiIh Ih believed to linvn boon
to his rreenlng nronnd nonr tho
ot where ho was found.
I'DIII" .Miller, nn odd character.
arrested last nlcht on stisnlefnn
having taken tho child awnv to
nR8 a fancied wrong. Mlllor
rat to tho neighborhood yesterday
d demnmled coffeo nnd somethlnir
at. Ho wna nppnrontly under tho
luenee of liquor nnd Mrs. Stanley
'use.1 him. hast ovenlng whon
efforts In find tlin olillil linil
ed. tho officers began tho Bcarch
r .Miner and ho wan taken Into
itody In North Ilond nnd lirought
. Marshfleld. Ho donled bnvlng
"n no child. This morning he
taKcn out to Ilunkor Hill nnd
Identified ns tho tramp who
demnnded fnnil. TIIh triK.lo
Fely COrrCHDOlldml with Mm tnipltB
Fnd on tho lonoiy trnll which
Stanley followed to thn aunt
n the child wna fnnnil
Wilier hnH beon nronnd Marshflold
' long time, working at odd Jobs.
I father, n VPtnrnn firmnpln Hvu1
f the rnro track. Mlllor Is n heavy
1.7." ,,U8 frequently beon nr
' for going Into lodging houses
EOlng Into n room n nil r-nlmr n
P without saying nnythlng to nny-
llippenrel at Noon.
"0 Smltll rllllil U'flo Tnfnon.1 nl.m.t
minutes to 12 yesterdny. Mrs.
i had left him in tho ynrd with '."'""'on playing. She has
. abo,,t flvo years old and an-
"." uireo years old. She saw
htih minutes beforo and
i , P-rcl. She searched high and
ilTV """" nppoaled to members
in C 0. Larson family who live
tnem. Tii. -i.i.j J.- , n.
ft, .-V c uiucu nor in iu
ih XT ,nr,er n few ,10U'S. Mr.
li!'.?. ls '"""eman of tho Boda de-
fft; i?1 t,ie SmUh PuIP 'I. w8
, ,': ""J ana others began seareh
h, I 'oll"we( n" the roads nnd
--- uiu uuignuornooa in
"tevenlnir wh. i. m i .
tit..8 .rnl nlami was sounded
-o utnnn rrnm 1.- ...i.-.,- i.
lOftrt i.i .. "'" l" ""Uio I1BIKII
M0,' ',U('lng many from Marsh
all e.d '.n tbo search. Fully 30(
Other stories about how tbo ao.
cldcnt orcurrcd nro afloat today
and Involvo several who nro snTd
to havo been "Joyriding" at n lato
hour last night.
ACC'lli:.T AT nAxno.v.
Wm. Wtmlspy, Age 71, SiiMiiIiin
lliokcn l.pgx.
(Special to Tho rimes.)
IIANDON, Or.. Juno C William
Woolsoy, aged 7 1 years, a veteran
of both tho Indian and Civil Wara,
had both legs broken while fishing
on tho beach. Ilia honk caught on
a log and as tho waves recoiled Mr.
WoolBoy went out to unfaaton tho
hook and whllo thus engaged tho
wavea picked up tho log and throw
It violently against him, breaking
both lega holow tho knees. Hla
companions sent a niesHongor to no
tify tho llfesavlng crew, which re
sponded quickly and took him to
tho emergency hospital.
(Mr AmhIIM rrr lo mm Tut Ttmn.)
PIIOKN'IX, Ariz.. Juno r.. Peti
tions bearing sulllclont algunturcs to
Initiate an nntl-capltal punlshmont
law wero (lied today with tho See. of
State. Tiio people will voto on tho
(mention in'Novcmher. IV II
Jury Brings in Verdict for the
First National Against Si
Noah at Coquille
(Spccinl to Tho Times.)
COQUII.LK, Or.. Juno G. The
Jury In the case of SI Noah versus
tho First National Dank of Coos
Ilay today brought In n verdict In
favor of tho defendant. Noah was
suing to recover about $2TiO from
tho bank, nllcglng nn error In cred
iting a deposit which he mndo In
1808, prior to tho merger of tho to determluo whether the "oil
Firm National with tho First Trust 'trust' still exlstx. Ills objections
nnd SnvlngB Hank of Coos Hay. It. to tho decree, like those ho ox
i. Kaufman nnd Wnlter llutler, tho pressed against the tobacco triiHt
principal witnesses for tho bank, decree, aro based on tho ground
testified that Noah took part of. thnt tho real dissolution of tho trust
uiu uiiiuiiiii in uiu uiiuuK ior mm riiiuiui uu ucriiiiipiiHiiua uy a iiihiti
Judge Caldwell Dismisses In
dictments in Trust Company
Case at Cincinnati
CINCINNATI, Juno .'.. Judge
Caldwell In the court of Common
Plena hero today unstained a motion
made by tho defense to dismiss tho
cases of Ucorge 11. Cox nnd four other
olllcers nnd directors of tho Clncln
nuti Trust Co.
Attorney-General McReynolds
Declares Standard Oil De
cisiqn is no Good '
Pr AiMKlttnl I'mi to Cooi llj TlmM.)
WASHINGTON, Juno (. Attorney-Genera!
McKoynolds snld today
thnt ho regards tho Standard Oil
dissolution decree Inadequate to the
moaning of tho Sherman law. This
was tho tlrnt Indication of tho At-
tornoy-Genornl'B attitude toward the Cnprninrv MrArlnn A;tQ Pnct.
investigation now being conducted secretary MCttUOO MSKS fOSl-
ponement of Reorganization
In ensh and had tho lialanco of 300
crodltcd to IiIb account.
TPniK- nnn
SPAfnliA.I ... . '
"ie bah wiioio evening
Mawh" be,(,0me late and too dark
M aw i mhny bonflre3 wero
r thm i . ocrcners remainen
W iff J. h?pes that th0 "Kbt
n a tract the child, if , .
..n.eIr VlgU was In vnln
cl08V',(,.k'M.':. Stanley, who
iii;;'"'.ol,l,in lamny, nna
J from ta,nd ot mtle David, re-
Ke " " "S search. He and
er ini'u ' '" l" "na Irs-
bri-v.; .'B .w"?n tney n-
todrnn ,r Ia"?s' " aP
"; be. .i? ,0I?ly a ml, awn'
"' wherJ T ,8 a 8,Sn flbout tho
W.Th.i ,,lB' remarKed Mr.
Ke inL nger he thought about
Itk,,,?, convinced ho became
P- PlnIi."sL8tar waB guiding
to th " . started along the
, u le snot wi,o, i. in
star appeared to havo struck. Ho
found nothing nnd returned homo.
Thla morning bo wna nwnko enrly
nnd sttll tbo omen or thn falling star
was on hla mini! and ho started out
itlono towards tho apot again. This
tlmo ho found tho bnby. Had bo gono
about 1100 yards further last night,
ho would havo found tho child.
Tlio'biiby was frightened when Mr.
Stanley reached him and he wna HrBt
vttrneted 'to tho Hiding piaco ueiunii
tho log by tho Infant's wall.
I'Vniiitl Pniitlier.
Last evening when tho long search
failed to reveal tho baby, ninny de
clared that -a panther must 'havo ta
fcen tho child.
It was stated that somcono n fow
days ago had seen n panther uud two
panther klltons In that neighborhood
and they thought tho old one might
have carried off tho baby as food for
her young.
Levi Smitli and others sont out for
varmint dogs and had them ready
to tale out there this morning when
word was received that Mr. Stanley
had found the Imby.
Near Woods.
Tho Smith home Is In the edge of
nunher Hill and not far distant from
tho dense brush that covers a largo
area of that section. It Ib not far
from Coul Dank Inlet but unless tho
child followed the main traveled road
there was little chanco of him get
ting down there.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith recently moved
here from Oregon City.
rimmiHtantliil Kvidence.
Miller Is still in Jail today and some
strong circumstantial evidence has
been secured against him. He de
nies having anything to do with tho
disappearance of the baby.
However, the officers think other
wise. The Doane boys, C. H. nilv
ens, Mrs. Johnson, of South Fourth
street and others tell stories that con
flict with Miller's tale about his be
ing in North nend all day yesterday,
or rather after about 10 o'clock.
It seems that Mrs. Stanley was tho
one that rofused Miller the food yes
torday. Mrs. Kendall who lives near
the Stanleys gave him some food.
Mrs. Smith did not seo him but as
tho child was playing near tho Stan
ley resldenco, tho officers think that
Miller believed it was Stanley's baby
and that ho took the little one away
for revenge. ....,
Officers nichardson and Carter de
clare it was imposlble for the child
to have gone alone where It was
Shoe Print Fits.
In addition to the circumstantial
evidence, Miller's shoes fit exactly In
tho shoeprlnts found along tho trail,
indicating that he went along the
trail some time,
Where the child was found was
only about 100 yards rrom wnere joe
bution of stock pro rata among tho
of U. S. Customs Districts
Secretary MrAdoo's action
would. It la believed, savo tho
Port of Kmplre, which is ono of
the porta to bo abolished under
President Taft's order.
Oregon Senator Blocks Ap-.
proval of Renewal With
Great Britain
Hr AmocUIck Prui lo Cool l)7 Tlmo 1
WASHINGTON, Juno 5. Upon
objection of Sonntor Chamberlain,
who contended thnt n rcnowni of tho
iirhllrnHmi trnntv with fJrpnt lift.
tnln might compel tho submission of. the United States District Court
tno Pnnnma Canal tolls controveray bore today ngnlnst the Grand Trunk
to Tho Hague, tho Sonato lato to-1 Western railway. It Is alleged that
day temporarily postponed nctlon the company mado Illegal concessions
on tho renewals with Groat Hrltaln, on freight shipments botwecn Adrian
Spain and Italy. Mlohlgan, and Newark, Ohio.
Twenty Indictments Returned
Against Grand Trunk West
ern Railway in Ohio
(llr AnodttM I'rnt lo Coot lit; TlmM.)
COLTIMDUS, Ohio, Juno C. Twen
ty indlctmonts charging rebating
wore returned by n grand Jury In
tllf AmocUIM I'fiti lo Cooi lit? TlmM.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Juno fi.
Secretary McAdoo has lecnnimendod
to Congress a postponement of tho
customs reorganization plan until
January because of tho objections to
It and because ho believes it contains
Inporfectlnna. Ho suggests that Con
groRH amend the law so there may be
a saving of JfiOO.OOO upon tbo ex
penses for tho curront year. Presi
dent Wilson, Secretary of tho Trenail-
ury, and Congress hnvo beon bom
barded with protests against tho re
organization, which would rovolu
tlonlzo tho service nnd reduce tho
number of districts nnd collectors
from IfiC to 48.
Acting on McAdno's lecommendn
tlon the Senate commorco committee
today voted favorably on a bill to
defer until January 1, next, the
proposed reorgnnlzatlon.
Chairman Overman of Senate
Investigating Committee
Tells of Findiings
Tries to Mould Public Senti
ment and Bring Outside In
fluences to Bear
(llr AMOtlitfA Tirol to Poo nr Timet.'
though more than hair of tbo Sen
ate testified to the absenco of
"uumeroita and InsldloitB lobby'
with designs upon tho tariff bill
the Sennto Inveatigatlng commlttct
todny resumed Its hunt nnd deter
mined that the sergcant-at-anni
should Issue more subpoenas.
Senator Hoke Smith defined n,
lobby as "any attempt to Influoncu
tbo Judgment of n legislative btfdv.
after argument has been prcacutdd,
by nocking again nnd again to cre
ate n sentiment uud work uiioti tho
judgment of mombors." Such nctlon
ho considered Insidious nnd highly
oiijectlouuliln lobbying.
nr AModttM I'rfM lo Cooi llr TlmM.
WASHINGTON, Juno R. Thnt tho
Sounto lobby Investigation ban dis
closed tho nctlvlty of powerful lob
bying interests of a "now charac
ter" wna tho opinion expressed by
Chairman Overman of tho commit
tee todny.
"Wo hnvo developed thoroughly
tho fact that there la powerful and
concerted lobbying." ho said. " TIs
not n porsoua! appcai to tho Sena
tors, but n newer form of organiz
ed nctlvlty to mould public sentl
niont nnd to Influence Senators by
menus of public pressuro from var
ious sources. It Is Insidious to tho
extent that Mils publicity and organ
ized campaign often partakes of mis
representation nnd misinformation."
President Wilson and Cabinet Noted California Murdered
Will Soon Take Action on Gets Stay of Two Weeks
California Land Matter
(1)7 Atioclil Preu to Cooi u7 TlmM.
After rending Japan's latest I
note on the California alien land
law and Just before a conference
with Ambassador Chlnda, PreBl- j
dent Wilson today expressed tho I
view that new communication j
had opened the way for "very I
interesting nnd friendly negotla- I
tions." I
in Execution Sentence
(Dr AuocliUJ rttu to Cooi Ur Tlmt.
SACRAMKNTO, Cal., June n.
Governor Johnson today Issued a
reprieve of two weeks to Jacob Op
pelnttclmer, who was to bo hanged
In Folsom prison tomorrow. Tho
Governor, in explaining, said Oppen
helmer has the right of appeal,
which will be passed on Monday,
or within a fow days, by the Fed-
nrnl Snnrmiifi fntirt. nnd tbn rn.
..... .-........, ..... ..... ... ...
prlove Is for giving the man every
possible legal right that may oxlst
In his favor.
Or Attoclited rren lo Cool B; TlmM
WASHINGTON, June 5. Japan's
latest word In her protest against
tho California antl-allen land law
will be presented to the Cabinet
tomorrow. The unswer to Japan's
rejoinder is expected to take up
Japan's reiterated contention that
the Webb law is in contravention
to tho 1911 treaty. Tho whole tono
of the Japanese noto, Inviting ne
gotiations, impressed official Wash
ington more than favorably.
President Wilson arranged a con
ference this afternoon with Am
bassador Chlnda to discuss Japan's
answer. It was arranged for Sec
retary Bryan to confer with tho
President before tho Ambassador Is
A meeting will be held tonight
at the Chandler Hotel at 8 p, m.
to talk over the advisability of giv
ing some races In Marshflold July
and 3, of horses, autos, motor-
Cosmey lives but some dense brush cycles, and also holding a trap
Intervenes. uuul'
More Nations Approve Secre
tary Bryan's Plan to Put
an End to Wars
IBf Atioclttol PftH lo cooi Sir TlmM
WASHINGTON. Juno 5. Secre
tary of State Dryan today announc
ed that Germany, flollvla and Ar
gentina had so far approved his
proposal for universal peace as to
ask for tentative drafts of the
treaties. With these additions, tho
lists of nations that have under
taken to consider the proposal fav
orably, leaches thirteen,
Delay in Construction May
Mean Nothing Done 'on
Bar Here This Year
Tho Port of Coos Hay Commission
will probably tako action at once to
try and hasten the construction of
tho bar dredgo Mlchlo so that It ran
bo given a good test on tho bar during
tho good weather this summer. It
was first expected that the Mlchlo
would be ready for servlco here In
July or August at the latest but it la
now Intimated that It will not bo
completed at Soattle beforo tho last
of October. This will mean that tho
dredgo will bo nblo to do little or
nothing this fall as the wcathor will
bo too rough to permit her working
on the bar.
See. Sengstacken took the matter
up with Captain Polhemus and this Is
the reply ho received in regard to It
and some other port matters this
"I beg to thank you for your letter
of May 31st, Informing mo about tho
oil storage situation at Coos Day.
Major Morrow tolls mo that tho
dredgo "Mlchlo' probably will not be
ready until October, but I am sure
when she Is ready lie will bo very
glad to mako the arrangements you
suggest with the Oregon Power Com
pany. It will savo tho Government
tho expense of erecting a tank.
No doubt Mr. Hedges will wish to
use tho oil tank also and I hope It
will be large enough to accommodate
both dredges.
Our draftsman has been away, but
Is back again and tho first sheet of
tho Coos Day map Is about finished,
I trust all the sheets will bo dono
within 10 days, when I will seo that
you get some copies to Indlcato your
When your dredging contract Is
completed you will havo a pretty good
bay channel which can be widened
Severe Liquidation . Checked
This Morning for Time but
Prices Decline '
(II)t AuorUtnl PrtM lo Coot Ilajr TlmM.)
NKW YORK, Juno li.- -Tho courso
of stocks this morning Indicated
thnt tho aovoro liquidation a"ch ns
linn upset the market recently hns
been arrested. Prices roso during
the morning desplto tho weitkuoss
of petroleum atorka, can and smelt
lug preferred, the latter losing threo
Later In tho session, liquidation
In certain minor rnllroada and in
dustrials broko out again with snmo
violence This caused standard
stocks again to break ground, nil
active Issues falling back to below
yestorday'H closing.
Tobacco dropped olght points: C.
& 0 Republic Steel praforrnd, Mox
lenn potroloum nnd Great Northorn,
dropped from two to two and n halt
Raiding tactics, worn resumod by
bears, who throw largo blockB of
stock on the market, causing the
prices to crumble In every direc
tion, Reading, Union Pacific, Amal
gamated, smoltlng and stool bore
tho brunt, tho last named touching
G, n new low record. Hasty sup
port was extended and tho list rnll
llod and grew dull.
Tho market closed woak.
Final ArgiiinciitM In Ijuwenco Strike
IB Allocated I'ff.i lo Cooi IUj TlmM
IIOSTON, June G. After Introdu
cing soverai wltneHscs to corroborate
tho tostlmony of tho defoudant yes
terday, the defense In tho caso of F.
K, Attcaux in tho dynamlto conspira
cy caso rested today and tho orgu
ments began.
Packing-house Laborers Get
Wage Advance of One Cent
an Hour Today
(I); AwoctitM rri lo Cooi Dir TlmM
SIOUX CITY. Iowa, Juno G A
atrlko in tho Cudahy and Armour
plants involving 1500 men was sot
tied today. Tho common laborors
were granted an advance from IS
to 20 cents nn hour. Other em
ployes had struck In sympathy.