vr , ; ..&4mmm0; ,u; aaaiBtHIMMMMaamMwJiS i.i n t fit THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1913 EVENING EDITION. u,ik rrtirw iSS III II ffffl IfllPIB IWT.L 111 a IVNlra Ml WiI 111 T ttiii ili If In 11 wklmikUaill rear Your Clothcraft Clothes Without Worry r0U can wear Clothcraft Clothes anywhere with the confident, comfortable feeling lat the fit and style are right that you are well dressed as any man in the crowd. JUNE TID1CS Uelow Is given tho time and height of high and low water at Itarshfleht. The tides are placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on the first line and heights on the Becond lino of each day; a compar ison on con ectitlve heights wilt Indicate whether It Is high or low water, r'or high wntor on tho bar subtract 2 hours 3-1 minutes. 4 iitb . . l.-JO S.27 Ft. . . C.n 0.7 5 llrs. . 2.19 U.Ofl In... G.5 0.7 OlHrs.. 3.01 9.12 Kt... CO 1.0 H lv f mntt' Caif- whcre,8l I" this section. The A. R. Daly Com I ,i . ,iJ nl "Vh rll0; nro !''"'- Pnny will put In a powder house. f"i the, Uoal thla weok Putting probably directly across tho bay from 3.17 S.01 4.8 2.C 1.02 S.I0 4.9 2.7 4. GO 9.3S 4.9 2.7 WEATHER KORKCAST. I Uy Associated Press. OREGON Fair In west to night and Thursday; showers In East tonight or Thursday; cooler In KaBt Thursday. Westerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For the 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. in,, Juno 4, by HeiiJ. OHtllnd, special government me teorological observer: Maximum 04 Minimum fiO At 4.43 a. m K2 I'reclpltntlon 04 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1912 G1.07 Precipitation sauio period last J car 57.2S Wind: Northwest. Partly cloudy. the Alliance warehouse, ns a depot lor me mg line of (lynamlto and high explosives which they will carry. To Start Cirooery. Jas. Cowan, Jr., who has been connected with the Pioneer Grocery for several years has resigned and wll start n grocery storq of his own nt Ten Mile. He will leave for Ten Mile ns soon ns Doc (lulovson, who has been In San Francisco several months, reaches here to take his place nt the Pioneer. Mr. Cowan's ninny friends will unite In wishing him tho success In his now venture that his honesty, Integrity nnd Industry so well cntltlo him. PERSONAL NOTES Wlin Pliilhiti'iifl rim I'.'inf (in xm. iii'iMiitti 0............ Bakes it umicccssnvy for du to dopoiul on your own pdgniont alone in buying othes. Tho things you u't see or foresee are all wed by this broad lib- 'al guarantee which hi res pure wool, lasting lape, satisiaetory wear id service. These insured clothes at $10 to $25 make it unnec essary to take a chance. They make the difference in your favor of perfor mance over promise in the matter of getting clothes' quality and service. Tts a difference worth considering. Ask us more about it before you buy vour next suit. Catch Perch. Thero hns been qtilto n run of perch In tho upper Day tho last fow days and soinn good strings have been caught from the docks. Lenvo Tomorrow. Among tho out going passengers on the Onrdlner Driiln route tomorrow will bo: W. F. Walsh. Amin Miller. G. W. Miller, E. I). Payne nnd S. K. Robinson. Will Lcnvr. Mtss Cleo Madison and compnuy will leave on tho Re- WANT ADS. ''OK SALE Ididy'N desk mill Domes tic Sowing Mnchluc. Cheap if ta ken nt onoif. Phone 1GS, North Rend. LOST Sldo oil lump for nutiuiioblle. Leave nt "Uusy Corner" and re ceive reward. Will Sell House. The Vestry Hoard of the Eplscopnl Church have called for bids for the sale of tho dwelling bouse on the S. E. corner of Fourth nnd Mnrket. This house Is to be moved nwoy to make room for tho proposed new church. Ferry Tialllc Captain Alex Hall, of the Ferry Transit, reports the following trnnic was carried during the month of Mny between Mnrshlleld and KastBldo: 6,320 passengers, 14 double teams, 2"0 single rigs, 42 autos and 30 head of stock. Prayer Meeting. Tho weekly prayer meeting of tho Mnrshlleld Uaptlst Church will be held to night instead of Thursday, being ad vnnced one day so that It would not conlllct with the Mnrshllold High School Commencement exorcises. Itnpiow Road. Sncchl Brothers E. i RESSEY, of South Coos Ulvor, aavo taken the contract for some, Is In town on business, extensive improvements In the Km-1 J. M. Cl'LLEY. of Cntchlng Inlet, plre-IJandon rond near the soven Is n vUttor to town today, devils. With this and some other MRS. J. O. STEMMLER, of Myrtlo Improvements tho highway can bo, Point, Is n Mnrshlleld visitor, made n good one for summer auto , PAUL RAU1IACH. of Lakeside. Is n "' I uusincss visitor from unKcsiiie. Not Left Sec. Edgworth. of tho CARL V. MATTSON Is In town on I. W. W., says that the report that bo business from Catching Inlet, was to lenvo here was erroneous. He .WILLIE M'INTOSH Is hero from snys thnt tho Iron heel has kept his South Coos River for tno day. organization down nnd cost them ' DAVE RICK, or Daniels Creek. Is tholr hall but that ho expects to re-' In town on business for tho day. main In this section working In be- LOREN COLLVER. of Cntchlng In halr of It. let Is spending tho day In town. Itnllmail Workmen W. F. McEl- WARREN RESSEY Is hero today downey returned yesterday from from his South Coos River farm. Portland via Gardiner from Portland. JACK TRAINOR, of Heaver Hill, Is whero ho nccompnnled Mrs. McEl-; In town for n few dnys on busl downey and baby on their trip. Ho' ness. reports thnt about 30 laborers camo W. H. SMITH, of Coos River, Is In from Drain yesterday to work In I spending tho dny In town on Mini tho Copenhagen enmps. ness. Close Resort. It Is roported that , T. J. KOLSTAD Is a business visitor I; rank Cnmoron, formerly or Tho In town for tho dny from Coo Agitator, will closo his South Slough Rlvor. resort tomorrow night In confor- MRS. OROVER OULLIAMS Is mlty with tho Iny. Ho will prob-, among the visitors from Daniels nbly bo tried In tho federal court Creek today, nt Portland next month on nn In- MRS. FRANK iiowron nnd imiiv. SOCIAL CALENDAR I WEDNESDAY I C. W. D. M. with Mrs. Pnlchett I Presbyterian Ladles' Silver I ten. I Methodist Ladles' Sliver Tea. I D. M C. Club of North nend I with Mrs. L. A. Loom la. I Lutheran Ladles' Aid with i Mrs. Alex Mattson, Catching In- I let. I College Women's Club with I Mrs. F. S. Dow. I PriBcilln Club with Mrs. W. I M. Nelson. I THURSDAY I A. N. W. Club with Mrs. G. A. I Hcnnotf. I Soclnl Sewing Club with Mrs. I I). Recs. I Young Ladles' of Norwegian I Church with tho Misses Mnthl- I son. I Episcopal Guild of St. Mary's I Church with Mrs. Ingram, North I Rend. CARPENTER Good llnMicr, vrantN work, will go out of town. A, enro Times. You need not bo afraid of the tcstof wear either. hen you buy Clothcraft Clothes at $10 to $25, you can ! satisfied that they will keep their fresh-bought dressi- Iss, style and shape from the first to the last day you Ear them. ROOMS ami housekeeping apart ments at Tho Lloyd Hotel. WANTED-Woman cook. 470. North Dend. Phono dlctinont charging him with selling liquor without n federal license. Kinds- Pen Top. Dnvo HoMou yesterday picked up tho top of n flno fountain pen on Front street Ho gave It to Tho Times nnd today Tom Howard claimed It, nnswerl.ig tho found nd that wan Inserted onco. Mr. Howard was moro thnn grntlflod over tho recovery of tho part of tho pen, which Is an unusiinlly fine ono. On Sui-vpy. .lay Doylo and Henry Winter, who loft hero Sunday for Alaska, will bo employed on the lT. S. Biirvoy thoro nnd expect to be nbsent about four months. Several Coos County tnoii Including Messrs Giieiln and Hnrtlo, of Myrtlo Point, hnvo been employed on tho U. S. survey In tho Arctic regions tho pnst fow seasons. See Elk. Pnrtles roturnlng from of Lnkeslde, aro visiting relatives In Mnrshlleld. MRS. E. E. DYER, of Daniels Creek. is In town on n business nnd plcasuro trip. MR. and MRS. J. H. PRICE of Allo- gnny are In town on a business nnd plcasuro trip. W. W. GAGE returned to Coqulllo this morning from n short busi ness trip here. CAPTAIN A, II. OLSEN. of North Inlot, came to town tills morning on a business trip. MAX RODERTS hns taken a position ns clerk In Camp 9, formerly tho Seeloy & Anderson camp. MRS. CORA VANIJEROER rcturnod this morning from n visit nt tho Frank Ilowron homo nt Lnkcsldo. R. E. SHINE returned to Coqulllo . on tills morning b train after n short business trip to Mnrshflold. the Fnll Crcok country ronort thnt MRS. IJRITTON. of Second nnd Bottlers thoro clnlm thoy saw throo' Coinmorclnl, will lenvo Friday for MK in Hint vicinity recently. There riorum to Join Mr. iiritton, who formerly woro mnny Elk In thnt' has located thero. soctlon but none hnvo been soen for DR. O. W. DUTTON, who hns chnrgo "OK RENT Furnished liousekee lug rooms, 415 So. 4th st. Come in Today and try I I on the Clothcraft Blue I Serge Special, No. 5130, at $15. I N Z WOOLEN MILL STORE W All EL SPJ'JCfALTSTS FOli .VAW .1.V7; BOYS T0 THE HANGUEHS OF COOS COUNTY: Do you know that we carrv the largest line of STOCK FOODS in the county? AVe have International 8tock Food, Lee's Chicken and Poultry Food, Lee's Insect Powder, Itohcrt's Veterinary Remedies, "Gonhd'nn " rlin sfuffoil vnisiti done that makes R gophers go. Squirrel Poisons, Garget Cure. ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. "THE BUSY CORNER." Lockhart-Parsohs Drue Gx rmJNE rOK RENT I'uiiilhlicd hoiihekeep lug npnrtmeut, hot nnd cold wnt or nnd bnth. No children. Call uftor i o'clock p. in. 3CS North Third street. REWARD l'le dollars mid free excursion trip for tho party uiig gesting best nnmo for Harris' now speedy pleasure launch, Bald to bo fastest on Day. Sond your cholcu of naiuo for launch with your unme nnd address plainly written to Capt. Harris or to Tho Times not later than ihursday night, Juno 0. Well-known Judges will inako selection. WANTED Window and carpet eleiui lng, Moor pollslilng, otc. Androw I.ainlles. Phono 213. n fow seasons. It la ngaliiBt tlm inw to kill them nnd It Is bollovcd thnt quite a hord will dovolcop In thnt bcc tlon If pot liuntorR lonvo thorn nlone. Ilraurli Heir. II. E. Muslin, of tho California Trojan Powdor company, who has boen spending several days horo, hns nrranged with tho A. II. Only Compnuy to hnndlo their lino of tho hospital work for Porter Profilers along tho lino, was In Marnhllold ycBtcrday on business nnd plcasuro. C. R. DINDINGER nnd JAS. Ml'L LOY plan to lenvo on tho Hrcnk wator for Portland to tnko In tho Roso Carnival and seo a fow league gnmes. Mr. M alloy mny FOR SALIC Good old violin, liov and music stand for $15. Bargain. Call nt Aug. Olson Shoo Store. MAIN 298 US HOUSE FOR SALE Sealed bids will bo received for dwelling houso nt S. E. corner of Mnrket and Fourth streets, Eplscopnl Church property, by Rev. R. E. Drown ing, MarBliuold, Oregon, up to and Including Juno 7. 1913, to bo opened at next Vestry meot-Ing. WANTED Mnn with good teuin for logging. Call nt mill in Porham Park, or 150 N. Front Street. FOR RENT FiiriilNlied housekeep ing rooms. G9T. N. First St, ORPHEUM TONIGHT !fAl Jl'STICE Vltagraph. Featuring Lillian Walker. Y Al'DLEY'S JEWELRY A screaming comedy. lcE OP GOLD A dramatic photoplay of power and passion. 1811 FRIEND Lubln. A powerful drama. ADMISSION TEN CENTS. n!nS-THE LAST PERFORMANCE Watch for It. FOUND On llaiiilon-Coqulllo road Sunday, kodak. Owner can got same at Times office by paying for this notice. DAYTON BICYCLES I Coos Queen $28.50 Coos King $29.50 FOIt SALE Reasonable, nine-room lodging nouse, newiy rurniBiiea, modern with lease on building. 340 North First street. Phono 3GC. FOR SALE Cheap If taken ut once. Furniture for one room. Inquire at Times or phono 140-J. FOR SALE Fiirnlturo for n 7 room house. Cheap If taken before the 10th. Call at 1C8 South 2nd St. FOR RENT A furnished home on South Coos River; also a camp ing ground and two floored tents. Dr. Dartle, North Bend. FOR RENT Furnished bungalow. Phone Mrs. Farrlnger, 28-R. WANTED Waitress nt Hotel Ore gon, North Dend. FOR RENT One furnished U-rooin apartment. Apply Nasburg's Grocery. DHESSMAKING First class dres. making done at Ladles' Emporium. Time-Savers Why Not Walk " Sitting Down?" In buying a bicycle from us it is not necessary for you to examine it at all, If it should develop any deficiency we will make it good free of charge. We must sell good bicycles, for our success depends on the quality of our wheels, You are absolutely safe, to the extent of getting your money back if you don't like your wheel, No waiting, no walking, if something breaks on a Timesaver you may ride one of ours till yours is re paired, No need to wait till parts come from the East, for we carry all parts of Dayton Bicycles in stock, We sold 14 Bicycles in the month of May, because we make good and our bicycles make good, We Sell What We Advertise -AND-What We Sell Advertises Us RELIABLE -co, King" TIME SAVERS Bicycles ALWAYS USEFUL Dayton Bicycles Marshfield Cyclery 156 North Broadway Phone 158-R also visit other coast points of in terest before his return. MISS JAMISON. MISS MASON AND MISS SEELEY enmo In on tho Al liance last evening nnd loft this morning for Coq'ullle. JESSE AND LESTER SMITH camo down from Coos River this morn ing on tho enrly bont. Thoy will return this afternoon. MISS EMMA ERICKSON nnd her brother, ERIC, nroiioro from Port land to visit tholr mother, Mrs. Erlckson. of North Third Street. MR. and MRS. NELS PETERSON and son. ROY. nnd MRS. JOHN PETERSON, of Teniploton. are doing business In Mnrshflold to day. NEIL WATSON, of Coos City, was a Marshflold business visitor to day. His slBtor, Miss Laurn Wat son, will graduate from tno Co qulllo school this weak. ROGER OOSS hns roturncd from Berkeley, whoro ho Imb boon at tending tho University of Cnllfor nln, nnd will spond tho Siimmor on tho Ray with his father, J. D. Gobs. J. II. DAVIS, of Coos Rlvor, was In Marshflold yeBtordny on n business trip, Mrs. Dnvls, who has been In Mnrshllold for sovernl wocxi receiving trentmont, Is Improv ing. MRS HEVtRERT ROOERS came to Marshllold this morning from Sout Coos Rlvor to moot her dnughtor, Mrs. Molchor Nelson, who Is due to nrrlvo on the Ro dnndn. A. P. DAVIS, tho woll known lumber Inspector, left today for Milliard, whorojio will hnndlo tho Inspection for tho Lyons mid Johnson mill for n time. II. E. 8TEMMLER, ninngor of tho Portland brniich of tho L. C. Smith Typowrltor ngoncy. nrrlved noro yestorday with P. D. Chnm berlnln on routo to Myrtlo Point to vlHlt his brothers, J. O. Stoiiun her nnd Dr. Stommlcr, nnd enjoy n llttlo outing. MISS MYRTLE COWAN will lonvo about Juno 10 for Eugono to nt tond tho commencement exorcises of tho University of Orognn, hor Hlstor, Miss Mnrjorlo, holng ono of tho graduates there. Ml on Mnr jorlo Cownn's graduation thomo will bo on tho Biibjoct. "Coos Hay." L. J. SIMPSON nnd TED KI8SAM of North lloud woro In Mnrshllold last evening nn biiHlness nnd plcas uro, Mr. Simpson said thnt North Rend last ovcnlng wns colobratliig tho starting of tho steam shovel nnd ho hnd to contribute n fow speeches nnd other features to the event. J. M. CULLEY. of Cntchlng lnlot. was In Mnruhflold today. Ho ro ports that ho sold tho four cows which ho advertised In Tho Times to Jim Pnrkor of Loon Lako, for $7fi apleco. Ho had scores of ap plicants from all over tho county, snino wanting to buy good milch cows for SI0 nploco. C. n.MINIO. of Ton Mile, loft thla week for Chomnwa to bring homo hla son who ontorod the Indian bcIiooI thoro last year but who haa beon In 111 honlth. Mr, Clmlnlo snys that tho othor evening ho went nut to lils barn and when com ing back thought ho biiw tho dog standing near tho path. Ho called to him but Immediately It brlatlod up nnd ho saw It was a big pan ther. Ho had a pall In his hand and roitlllng thnt tho panther was about to spring for him throw the pall, striking tho boast. Imme diately with a yell of fright the panther Jumped back Into the woods. ALLE DANSKE! Er indbudt til Grundlovs Fest den 5te Juni, kl 8 aften, afholdes i den Norskc Hall, ved Hojskolcn i Marshfield, Whooping Cough groatly relieved by Penslar Croup Remedy Will give splendid results in all cases of hoarse, "tight" or spas modic coughs, and particularly In the paroxysms of whooping cough. THE STORE TOR QUALITY (JOODS AND PENSLAR REMEDIES. JtSSStSMSSSiSMSM