ALL MAKE MISTAKES, SOME MORE THAN OTHERS, IT BBff SgKgSB fflflOB lag WxmtB LOST ARTICLES i.t found through Times want itrntl Ihcwl fie them! They rosiilt". oiMHHBBBBBMBVBBBSBBBBBBBBBBHHHB" now is vorit time. A miiiiII nil In Tlif Tlinci want column may bring yon ri'Miltw im mediately. Try urn. Mi:ll!i:it OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS yVyii uscjuiubiicu in ioa 'AAAVI..s xiio Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1913 EVENING EDITION & Oonolldtlon of Titties, Const Mull Mn 070 and Coos Hay Advertiser. IVU ' MOTER SHAW OF COOS BAY ill BOISE LINE COMING HERE , n and New York Finan- h May Visit Here With in Next I wo weeKS LARES THEY ARE 'READY TO GO AHEAD nred to Push Construc- whnn Pre lmmaries Are ine Others Not in it Gi,nv mnlnrtnr of thn Coos n'd HoIko revival, experts to lio toon Willi rcprusuiuuuuH ui Vork financiers wno arc nncK 1(. proposition. The following ipmnntorv icuur irum nun M by Geo. 11. Ratnor today nolec- iih to tiiniiK you tor your ess lii sending mo mo two i Tl,rt f'on llnv TIiiipb wltll UrLiul articles 111 sntun. Ill- lit was very klml and thought- Jkvn tlila ilnv taken tin thn r ulth Mr It. O. Oraves anil that my letter to mm will the propar hamlH. j people mean diihiiicsh nn iiiik d project and can go ahead instruct JiiRt as Boon as wo the preliminary HiirvoyH, ' of ways, etc., that they ro- t hnvo nn connection with M the other parties mention ,1 paper, in mci, uo nui kiiow ihen I ro to MnrHhrtold In tho few wcolvH with my parties New York, will notify you In ice, mid nrraiiKu to meet souio Coos liny people. or tlmo there Ih any nrtlc'o of mnce In your Coon liny paper, nou would send mo a copy, kind tome very Interesting art- lln tame. Agnln thnnkliu: you lour klndncHH, and hoping to 'the pleasure of meeting you In very shortly, I hog to re- 'Sincerely yours. "H. It. SHAW." looo mux Am; wohkixg. I .Utility nn Coot, liny Line West or i-.tigcne. KllPOIln f2lintil unvatAitiinm. log ono of tho firm of Porfor fcr.W (.'arey. of San Francisco. Heilt nf I lln Itnril T.iimlini nint btlon Co.. nml .1. L.lruull. rlght- pman ror tho Southern Pnclllc, Bed last lllcllt from n trln in Mn. P. 0er tho rlcht.iif-wnv nt tho IniettO'I'ncllle. They report thnt i progressing rnpldly nlong He and CHIIpHnlK' nrMrn Iwiiu'onn (ton and Acme, whore tho lino Tally lined With mnn Thorn bout 2.000 on tho Job. They me county rood In splendid Hon all tho wnv. T hn.1 hoon ld and mrnnOfl U'llnravnr I & iuch treiitment and was quite rom mud The party wan much 'ed with the favornblo condl- " auuirs. PUXV XEW LAWYERS. f IM Take Examination at c.i..... Special to Th'o Times.) i iv J,mo ' Comnionc i inree day session yesterday, PMUI exnnilnnHnn nt ir.r. nn. ! lor membership In tho Ore- - i. unner way. Tho University 'tROn furn shn.1 r.o i, .-mi ! Law- School 37."tho Orepon Lv ,l'aw ""' the Portland "i 10 candidates each. ! each application Is requrrtd J 120 for hnnl.o !.. III... i "" l"l IIIU BIIIIO !V, 12200 will added to the WW AT TILLAMOOK. ' onfei ciii' rtti.-,..w.,i pii. - ---.. VIIIIIL-III-ll I1IL-II7 ;iwi4y by liki,.,,. !..., iiii I A8S!fJf.l t0 th0 Times) ffi?n !?n. 4.- (k. ";. "vuiiuii openeu ineir Villi. ruce nere today. ls ik "e"' recently re-elect-! it B?nerJ assembly nt De " " attendance. Bishop Dell ri, Su cnarRe of United nr 5h,urch n 'he Pacific ,or eight years. BlCCO TUl'ST RITL'ATIOK. ,Aiii.. .. TTZ" . leu... " u' ""I ES!:N.?TO.V, June 4. The At- lot . ..' 8ald that while ho Non r ' declded "Pn a" ln- M Via lUUBCCO bllllllllUIl Et !, t0 Possible further nn inched"1"10" h0 llkewl8e had I ha decreo of dissolution m.. e regard PH no Innlommlo W inpened- The Attorney- r' Indira tn.i t. ., ... Id tho. Iu "u wa8 uriiiu int. ,:,tn decree was Incom lon ?,lth the demands of the ri e "Glared there could Hrlhn i u,8SO'tIon of a trust Routine lto Blnnl, . ih. ""holders. " TRY 10 S10P JAP BOYCOTT Leadinn Tokio Citizens Want Fine Exhibit at San Fran cisco Exposition tnr AmocUIfh mi to loaa ny Tlmri.) TOKIO, .luno 1. KITorts nro he Iiir mmlo by Ilnron HI Iclil Shi husawa, chairman of thu Hankers' Association; Hue! Nnknnn, chair man of tho Chamber of Commerce, nml other prominent men to quell tho agitation for boycotting Cali fornia, both In connection with til o Panama-Pacific Exposition mid oth erwise. Tllo imitation wan fomented by Toklo morchants. Nnknno Is nr raiiRliiR for a npcclal mcetliiR of luo .Inpaneso Chamber of Cnnunorcu to combat tho boycott Men. Naliano desired to send tho finest possible cxhlbltH from Japan to tho exposi tion to show tho truo stnto of Jap anese civilization. Tho Japanese RovornmcTit has not yet defined Its attitude. JAPAN CRIES DISCRIMINATION lK p!Sn'KK "ATS. Ulton'S MILWNKItV Says California Anti-Alien Land Law is Violation of Treaty f My AiuxUlttl I'rfu lo Coot lj TlmM 1 WAHinvrjTnv. .luno .laniin'fi rojolnilor to tlfo United States In reply to hor protest aRnlnst tho Cul Ifomln allon land law wns dellvored iiorHimnliv hv Anibnssador Chlnda to Secretary Hrynn lato today nml boIb out why tho Toklo government continues to rcRiird tho Webb law ns discriminatory nRulnst Jnpan' In teroRatlon of treatment prescribed by International law and a viola tion of tho treaty or jyu. xoti: ix mii.i) toxi:. til Ao.-llJ ! to Coo IUT -tliiiM.J WASHINOTON. 1). C, Juno 4. NothliiR In the nnturo of an untlnm tum was contnlnod In tho note. Its general tono Is to Invito further dis cussion of controverted points nnd It contnlns nothing tending to mnko up n final Issue. Secretnry Ilrynn nnd the ninhnssiidor aRreed that uo do tnlls should ho mndo public. BIG DIVIDEND ON OIL STOCK STAXDAltl) OIL COMPAXV 1IS TltlHUTl liidO.OOO.OOO OX 10 PKIt ClIXT HASIS ,MOX ITS stockhoi.hkhs . otiiimi ".MICIiOXS" CUT. ....... i.rr..- i....A A Tnmnrmw KBIV iuiuv, unit" t, .-.... - Stnndnrd Oil proposes to cut a melon worth ICO.OuO.OOO. A stock holders' meeting will ho held to voto on a plnn to Increase tho cap ital from 115.000,000 to 175.000, 000. which will he approved beyond doubt. When this U a done a 400 per cent stock dividend will be de clared, payable Juno 13. In ad dition to the stock dividend, ensh to tho amount of $6 per share will bo ordered distributed June 16. Tho capital stock of Standard Oil Company of New York was orig inally 15,000.000. in 1892 It was nereased to 17.000,000, and In 1903 to $15,000,000. Dividends of only C per cent were declared In 1912. but the floating debt of $1 6,000.000 wns reduced to below MTh0B,0Js0,the third stock dividend to be announced in two weeks by subsidiaries of tho former oil trust. Standard Oil of Nebraska recently announced -one of 25 per cent, and South Penn one of 300 per cent. KIXG VICTOK FLIES. Kalian Huler floes Up In Flying Mu chine Today. Of AiMdiwa Pi Cooi 0r Tlme.l ROME, June 4- King Victor Em manuel today made a night with Gen era Ugo.ln a Brnaal military dlri- SENATE CUTS TARIFF DUTIES IRE Continues Revision Downward and Enlarges Free List De spite Expectations to the 1 Contrary tllr AMoeUlrJ Prrii lo Cooi tugr Tlmri.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 24. Contrary to expectation and prece dent tho tariff bill when It comes from tho Democratic majority In tho Senate promises to carry lower rates than when It passed the Houbc. The fin mice Bub-comniittcc is nenrly through with their prolonged task of readjusting tho schedules and tho members nro unanimous In their statements that tho margin of read justment has been downward. Some Increases In rates on cotton, yarns and the more expensive textile fnbrlcs hnvo been ngrced upon. The free list will he cgnsldcrnldy enlnrpod wso LOBBY LISTS "Pernicious" Representatives of Sugar Trust Subpoenaed In Investigation tnr AMMiitMr iTt to cooi nr Tim.i WASHINGTON, June 4. Tho "lobby" hunt took n now turn to .ii,. whon thn Sonatn hecan Issuing Hiibpoenas for nearly sixty men, nil of whom aro sain to no iuciiiiiiuh with tho sugar Interests. Sergcants-nt-ttrniB started out to summon tho witnesses for next week. It Is gen erally assumed hero that President Wilson furnished tho nnmes of thoso in ho Biihiinonnod. Kruiik C. Low- ry, known ns the 'frco sugnr mnn," Henry G. Oxnnrd. ono of tho beet moil nml Triininn G. Palmer. are among thoso subpoenaed. SO NAVAL STATION. 100 TO I SHOT WIKNER HrllMi flnveiiinient Denies Plan to Erect Ono nt .lainnlen. LONDON. Juno 4. Tho British Government has no Intention of bull ding a big nnval station at Kingston, Jamaica, as consequence of tho com pletion of tho Panama Canal, accord ing to announcement mndo by Win ston Sponcer Churchill, llrst lord of the Admiralty, today In tho IIouso of Commons. setsITto cot iii cell Carl Vestlund Attacks Officer and is Sent to County Jail Barnidge Trouble Cnrl Vestlund, tho laborer who, whllo Intoxicated, fell on tho hatch of tho Breakwator, tho othor day, and sustained a few broken ribs, was to day sontenced to 25 days In Jnll by Justlco Pennock. Yesterday Vest lund got on nnothor rnmpngo and when Olllcer Itlchnrdson took him In charge, Vestlund hit him In tho fnco. After bolng tnken to Jnll, Vestlund sot flro to two mnttresses in his coll nnd tho hose hnd to bo turned on. Vestlund wnB also washed down by Engineer Stutsman of tho Flro De partment, who handled the lioso and following the douching wns a Httla moro trnctnble. Vestlund clnlma his homo is in San Frnnciseo nnd thnt ho cauio horo recently from Mnpleton. Ho In middle nged. ISarnidgo In Trouble. Proprietor Bnrnldgo, of tho White House Bnkory. was today arraigned beforo Justlco Pbnnock on tho charge of using vile nnd profane languago, tho chnrge being preferred by his wlfo. Barnidge recently took over tho Lold hnkdry nnd hns boen hnvlng more or less trouble. Todny Mrs. Barnidge ngreed to withdraw tho charges ngnlnst her husband If ho would lenve town. Ho said he would If Bhe would give him $25. She ngreed to do this but Justice Pen nock Instructed her to give the $25 to Constnblo Cox to buy a ticket on the Breakwater and see that he left. Mrs. Bnrnldgo Is negotiating for the sale of tho Bnkery to Robert Mnrsden, Sr. Aboyeur Awarded Great Ep som Race After Favorite Had Crossed Line First tllr AuocUtrJ rrr.i to Cooi n TlmM.) EPSON, England, Juno 4. A. P. CunllfTe's Aboyeur, with betting 100 to 1 ngnlnst him, wn awarded tho first plnco In the derby, tho chief sporting event of tho EiirIIsIi turf, wna announced, ns winner nfter Ills Jockey hnd lodged an objection for bumping ngnlnst Crngnnous, tho favorite, who ran llrst past tho win ning post. SUFFRAGETTE OUTIIAGE. Militant Probably Fatally Hurt While Interfering With Klng'n Hiii-m'. (Ur A,.ocllfJ I'rcii to Cooi lly Tlrr.M.) EPSON, Englnnd, Juno 4. A sen Bntlonal suffrngctte outrage Involving the possible dentil of a woman, oc curred during tho running of tho dorby horo today. Whllo King George's horso, Annicr, was on tho course, a woman rushed out, clutched tho reins of the horse, which fell nnd trampled hor badly. Jones, tho Jockey, riding Anmer, was mm hi o to dlscngiigo himself nnd wns badly Injured. Tho wamnn wns not Identified. She Is not dead. TUG IS BY E "MIKE MURPHY DEAD (By tho Associated Press) PHILADELPHIA, Juno 4. "Mike" Murphy, tho groat trainer of college athletes, died this afternoon. Locust, En Route From San San Francisco to Pucjet Sounds Needs Repairs Tho tug Locust, from San Francis co to Puget Sound, arrived In here this morning to mnko temporary re pairs nfter having been nlded by tho Hteamer Alllnnco yesterday off Roguo River. Captain "Scantling Bill" Roberts, well known on tho ttay, and Captain Hughes nro on hor. Otio of hor burners got out of condition nnd sho Hew a distress signal when dan gerously near Port Or ford reef and tho Alllnnco camo and stood by. Temporary repnlrs wore effected but they lusted only about 30 minutes and tho Alllnnco hnd to go bnck to hor. Finally she wns put In condition to come hero under her own steam, nrrlvlng this morning. Tho Incident delayed tho Alliance somewhat. Siio had a good list from Eureka. Among those arriving on the Alll nnco wore: II, Newman, F. D. Layton, Jr., II. L. Harding, Mrs. A. Lehmnnsky, Miss Goble, Miss A. Cnrly, Ida Seoloy, Idn M. Mnson, Edna Jameson, A. L. Georgo, A, Thurmun, G, W. Lead and S. Colvorut. Among thoso sailing on the Alli ance were: O. Gibson. A. Knutsen, John A. Eck, J. R. Totten, Leo Totten, Mrs. Lee Totten, H. D. Baker. Mrs. H. B. Baker, C. II. Millor, C. W. Ellor, A. Newhaus, W. Mulloy, E. Molas, H. Molassl, G. Swirles. M. Dellesf sen, J. S. Whltelaw. F. R. Victor, Chas. Lovegren. O. F. Nelson. Herb ert Bentley, Mrs. Chas. Eckhoff, Lll- lie Eckhorr, Mrs. Herbert Bentley, Mrs. Chas. Cronrlght, Mrs. N. W. McDonald. Mrs. C. J. Van Zlle. C. A. Strickland. Mrs. J. C. Swlnford, Josle Davis, Jim, Martinson, Andrew Anderson, Alfred Jaren and eight others. DYNAMITING AT LAWREXCE. Noted IjiImh- Conspiracy Trial Al most Completed Today. (Br AiolitJ PrM to Coo Btr TIkm.1 BOSTON. June 24. Only the do fense of Frederick E. Atteaux. to gether with tho arguments of the counsel and the charge of the Judge remained to be heard when the dy namite "planting" Conspiracy was re sumed today. The defense of Atteaux alleges that tho dyo manufacturer was the victim of attempted blackmail by John J. Breen, who has confessed to "planting" dynamite at Lawrenco to throw suspicion or contemplated vio- PIOXEER MOTHERS MEET. Novel Organization of Old Oregon HeMdt-ntH In Luuiichcd. (Special to The Times.) M'MINNVILLE. Or.. June 4 Mrs. N. J. Hembreo and Mrs. Lenora Rogers aro sponsors of a movement started here today to organize a society of pioneer mothers of Ore gon, The object of the proposed or ganization Ih "that the trials of the pioneer mothers may be told Jointly while they are yet with us and be mado a permanent record for the generation to come." The move ment bids fair to bo highly suc cessful. GRADUATES' PIPTUUES aro a specialty at tho QUATEEMABS STUDIO. See hlra. Satisfaction IN R CAPTURED MATAMORAS EARLY TODAY SMOKE TRUST L BE HIT W Attorney-General McReynolds After Tobacco Combine Scores Old Decision HIT AmotlitfJ Prr, to Cooi liar Tlmn.l WASHINGTON. I). C. June 4. Attorney General Mcltcynolds lias n plnn to euro some alleged evils of the "tobacco trust," which ho hollvcB the Supremo Court's dissolution did not reach. It Ih to tax the output of to bacco factories on a sliding scnlc In such a way that big manufacturers will pay moro nnd more ns tho out put Increnscn. It Is sntd the Attorney Genernl hns talked tho "'Uiib over with tho President and cabinet and shortly will submit it to Chnlrmnn Simmons, of the Senate Finance Com mittee. .McReynolds todny declared that ho had always regarded tho final de cree Intended to dissolve tho tobacco trust as an obvious subterfuge nnd a mlBcurringo of Justlco and if there wore nny proper or any Just wny by which ho could euro the evil, he would do It. BIGGEST CLASS IS Columbia University Turns out 2000 With Diplomas in New York Today tnr AiiocUlid rrrii to mioi tot Tlniea.) NEW YORK, Juno 4. Columbia University todny graduated moro than 2,000 students, the largest num ber In the 159 yenrs of Kb existence and snld to bo thu largest army of students over sent out from a single university In this or nny other coun try at ono time. Ill (J HARBOR PROJECT. Oakland and Other Tovmim Coimldcr $11),000,000 Project. (Speclnl to, Tho Times) OAKLAND. C'al., June -I .--Today In Onklnud will bo hold nu Impor tant meeting by delegates fiom this city, Alameda, Berkeley, nnd Point Richmond, nt which nction will ho taken on n report compiled by Lieu-tonnnt-Colonel 'I bourns II. Itces, a United States Army englneor. which contemplates an oxpondltiiro of $25,- 000.000 by tho Federal Government for Improving 19 miles or wnior front from fun Oakland estuary to ban Lonndro Bny. Colonel Rees has mado surveys for a channel 600 feet In width from tho estuary to Point Richmond, with a protecting fill 600 feot be yond It, thus forming nn Inner harbor. The chnnnol will form a pnssago from deep wnter to tho presont Inner harbor and then ex tond parallel to tho short front of Oakland, Emoryvlllo, Berkeley nnd Richmond, ending with an outer harbor nt Point Richmond. A cut-off canal will connect Snn Lcnndrn Bay with the harbor nnd open up n vast amount of proporty for manufacturing sites. Preliminary meetings hnvo been held, but no action hns heou tnken. Gov. Carranza's Troops Take Possession of Important Port of Entry Today WILL ENABLE THEM TO GMN SUPPLIES Federal Troops Forced to Eva cuate Owing to Shortage of Ammunition (Br Aooiltlnl rrrii lo Cooi Ilr TlmM. WASHINGTON, June 4. Army officers nnd diplomats forseo in tho rebel capture of Matamoras a tro nioiulous ndvuntttgu for tho Cnrrnn za ConittltiitlounllHtH fighting to ov erthrow thu lliierta government. Agents of Cnrrnuzn In this country hnvo been nccumiilntlng vast Humi lities of munition of war awaiting the enpturo of a port of entry. Neutrality lawB of tho United States practically cut off nil supplies from the' Constitutionalists. With Mata moras In their possession tho robols will havu a gateway. At the Stnto Department today thura were no evidences thnt tho prospects of rec ognition of tho Hiiertu government hnd chnnged. llr AMorltOil pn-ii lo Coot lr TlniM.) BUOWNSVILLE. Tex., Juno 4. Mntamoran, nu Important border port of entry, fell Into tho linnds of tho Mexican Constitutionalists early today after a battlo that con tinued several hours yestordny. Tho Federnl defenders ran short of am munition mid slipped away quietly leaving tho rebels In control. Tho last stand was mndo at 3 o'clock this morning, the defenders having been In tho trenches 19 hours with out rest or food nnd nmmuiiltlon ex hausted, no It was not difficult for tho Constitutionalists to luvadu tho city a few hours Inter. M WEDS NK'ARAflUAX CANAL FOR U. S. Perpetual Franchise Insured by Wilson Derision. WASHINGTON. Juno 4. Tho United States will secure perpetual and exclusive franchise for tho building of nn tnteroceanlc cnnal through Nicaragua and also a naval station, together with several small Islands on the Pnciflc Coaat of that country. This Is Insurod through n decision Just reached by the Wilson administration to sup port n treaty negotiated In the clos ing days of the Tnft administration between this country and Nicaragua. It was learned todny that Secre tary Bryan has asked the Sonato committee on foreign relations to ratify the treaty now pending be foro It, with only one or two minor changes. Through the rntincation of this treaty, tho Nlcaragunn route will be forever closed to overy nation except the United States. Now that Secretary Bryan, with tho weight of tho Wilson Adminis tration, has decided to stand be hind the treaty, thero is no doubt that It will bo ratined by tho Sen ate. It will havo the support of most of tho Republicans, and Dry an's request will undoubtedly swing WM. S. LARD. OK PROMINENT AND WEALTHY ROSE CITY FAMILY. AXD .MISS IIAIIIIOTT, MAHRIKD AT GLEX COVE, L, I. GLEN COVE, L. L. Juno 4. Miss Mary IMchurdsnu Bahbott, daughter of Charles L. Bahbott, of Brooklyn, ami this place, today became thu brldo or William Sargent Lndd, sou of William Ladd, of Portland, Ore gon, nt nio of tho most brilliant ceremonies over conducted In Uio city. Tho country residence of tho wealthy father of the brldo was splen didly decorated, thousands having been expended on this fenturo alone. Misses Lydla and Helen Bahbott, sisters of tho brldo were tho mnlds, while Thornton Ladd, a brother of thu groom, ncted as best man. Mr. uud Mrs. Wllllnut Lndd, parents ot tho groom, camo from Portland to attend the ceremony. Miss Bahbott Is n granddaughter of tho lato Charles A. Pratt, tho well known Now York philanthropist. Sho Is a Vassar graduate of tho class of 1908, while Iter husband Is nn Am herst man of the class of 1910, M ETCA LF'S POSITION. Secretary d'airlson Issue an Explan atory Statement. Dr Anocl.teJ Fl'ii lo Coai IJj Tlmu.V WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 4. Secretary Garrison declared today that thu appointment of Richard L. Metcalf, of Lincoln, Neb., to bo n member of the Pana ma Canul commission, In cliurgo of tlw civil administration did not mean that he was to be governor ot tho zone when a pormnnont establish ment of government was created. Secrotnry Hnrrlson declared Motcnlf wns simply to replace Maurice, H. Thatcher as a member of thu commis sion whose duties nro prescribed by the Chnlrmnn, Colonel Goethnls, NEW JUSTICES IN. Ramsey and MeNury Take Seats at Salem. (Special to Tho Times.) SALEM, Or.. Juno 4. Justices Ramsey nnd McNnry, of tho Su preme" Court, took tho oath of of flco yesterday. Justice Rumsoy will sit In Department 1, with Justlco Moore nnd Burnett, whllo Justlco McNary will bo In Department 2, with Jutttlces'Reuit nnd Enkln. Chief Justlco MoDrldo will preside over east department when present un der the rule recently adopted, OREGON BAPTISTS MEET. (Special to The Times) COTTAGE GROVE, Or , Juno 4 The Umpqun Baptist Association openod Its 47th annual session hero today. Many well-known clorgy man nf thn utntn are lii attendance. The program Is n very comprehon- '"UrrOV. .Tun a A giblo at me army u)t, bw.- ... WMB.V -M,