The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 02, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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    jHHSB9SS59BBSKiijRi ij1
f, i
M. C. AIALONKY Kdltor and Pub.
DAN K. MALONHY News Kdltor
Entered nt tho postofflce at Marin
tiold, Oregon, for transmission
through the malls as second claa
mall matter.
parcixs rosT c. o. i.
BKOINNING on July 1 next, the
parcols post will have a "col-lect-on-dollvcry"
Bcrvleo. The
amount collectable must not exceed
1100 The fee will bo 10 cents, to
bo affixed by the Bender In parcels
post stamps. This will also Insure
tho package to the amount of $50.
What all this menus Is that the
parcels post Is to Improve right
along. Tho tlmo Is coming, too,
when special stamps will not bo re
tit F YOU can so llvo that a lot of
I good folks will bo really sorry
you're gone, Isn't that enough
preparation for tho swift HummoiiB,"
ays a modern philosopher.
What a motive for living right!
and yet how often do wo hand out
similar admonition to tho ulnnor.
So llvo that a lot of good peonle
will be perfectly mlserablo because
you've- gone. Orluf at our going, on
tho nart of thoao near to us, Is natu
ral, howover selllsh In mnny, many,
minors ov handon.
Xchs of Clty-byt lie-Sen as Told by
The Western World.
Sample? of rock, etc.. from the
West Shoro Oil Co'b. holdings can
be seen nt olllco of C. M. Spencer.
The well Is down 700 feet and fossil
formation has been found. Samples
of lluld taken from the well have n
very Htrons flavor of all and burn
rondlly. Those who know Bay the
Indications for n strike are most
A goodly number of Randonlnns
ncconipnnled by tho basoball aggre
gation wont to Mnrshlleld Sunday
and came homo with smiling faces,
notwithstanding tho fact that their
"ship" wiis held up by fog until ono
o'clock in the morning.
Annus McLeod had his left log
broken below the knee Friday, while
operating a gasoline engine In a
launch, lie Is now nt the Emergen
cy hoipltnl getting nlong as well as
could be expected considering his
Contractor V. H. Logan reports
that the 300 foot bridge over Johnson
Creek waB completed Saturday.
News of Clty-by-tlu-Sea as Told by
The Recorder.
A very pleasant social affair took
plnco at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
Instances, but ono ought to have- aomo A. McXalr, Saturdny afternoon, tho
occasion being tho announcement' of
too cugngemcut of tliclr daughter,
Miss Winifred to Mr. H. L. Hop-
i kltiB, superintendent of tho Randon
Tili:lier. inoru sensible motive of llv
Ing than tho production of general
sorrow, somo more substantial bc
annnt tn tho nubile than sorrow.
So llvo that your userumesa win puuuc bcmuuib.
llvo after you Is better, for all must t Jack Ackman. . plumber nt tho
Jlo nnd tlmo nsiuages tho biggest part Randon Hardware Co., was called
of Borrow. I ,)nc' to San Frnnclsco to see his
mother who Is very III. He had
I Just returned from that city where
m,-... . - - ..------------- .tt ho had been at Ills mother's bed-
1 WITH THE TOAST ' ldo for some time
i AMn Tur tta ",eo McLeod who had tho mis-
f AluU 1Mb ItM fortuno to got his log broken re-
S - ---------n contly In a gasoline boat, Is not
life Kr sweetly calling evermore to getting along ns well as his friends
you ' hoped he might. Mr. McLeod Is
1'roni tho beautiful, glad country quite old and tho fracture may
"whero tho dreams come prove n hnrd ono to overcome.
There nro thornleas roses smiling In (TLLINGS ()!' ('OQUILLK.
mo uow I
In thnt gracloiiB country whero tho Coos County Scat News at Told by
dreams conio truo. i The Sentinel.
Hen Currle Ihib erected an open
Songs for the HlgliB there nover any air dnnclng pavlllan, fiOxlOO, nt the
dream corner of Krone and C streets.
Of nn nnclont sorrow whero stars Mrs. Henry Lnronz nnd children
otcrnnl beam; I loft this week for Texas, nnd will
Memory n blessing all of heaven In bo nbsent about two months. Mrs;
In thnt kindly country whore the
dreamt) cotuo true!
Frank L. Stanton.
Mnny n mnn 'likes n woman's style
Loreuz goes to visit a sister,
It Is rumored thnt Tho Enter
prise of Myrtlo Point, may change
ownorHhlp in tho not very distant
future. A Mr. Uoyd, of Iown, has
tno matter under consideration
aB loit3 ns ho doesn't linvo to pay for Shulz Is "a good Indian and wo'd
1'. dlsllko to loso him.
-R-H- j It Is estimated that 12,000,000
Tho things wo get for nothing aro ffut "f lhor will go out of the
apt to cost us more than tho things CoiiuHlo Hlver this month.
wo buy. I C. Oreon. of the Orogon Light
--- & Power Company, of Marshflold,
If you hnro occasion to transact TJ"!"11;:;! !.ll'S8lf1eStlir"
Mislnosj with a inl, Kol,...f ,..m who "" lts .? T ,c.8lI.a. " I"?J The
lian nn kick pfiinliiir oonunoi'B itttcnatrlng.
Una no kick tomlnj.. ..Jnck.. Hownril of MnrBhnoltl(
It la 03 dlllleult for a man to servo unollonof,hSolc"; 2lcXS& rnl
two masters as It In for a woman to m.?" VLmnS n,t C,nT ? L.trnr;
orve both s.y.onnd comfort. gj ,ffiTWmo"? Vn"lncln? Vr!
a . Howard expects to move his fnnillv
from tho Coos liny town to Grants
Pass In tho nenr future.
Tho final Commencement oxorclses
of tho high school will bo hold nt
tho Masonic Oporn House nt 8. IS
Wednesday evening. Tho graduat
ing class consists of six members
wuo nro nB roiiows: Mao Lund,
Ruth Woodford. Will G. Harrow,
II. Clay Knowlton. Heubon II. .Mast,
Jr.. and Prquhnrt Adams.
Mr. Hohson. of Grants Pass, will
In nil probability, succeed Mr. Hnll
Lowls as city engineer. Tho latter
renecny tendered nis resignation,
Getting business Is Just llko
courting a girl you have to
present tho right kind or goods
and keep on calling.
Put cheerfulnoss Into your
ovoryday business life put It
Into your correspondence put
It Into your Hales talk put It
Into your advertising.
TllOllL'll to IMS Kllllllllllll ullll'lr III dtiti-rt'
Tho merchant keoH on add! B t ' In , ,y Mht " '" UCC0,,t
Still hoping folks will llud his floor " A, " ,' J' ,..,, nr ., ..,,
His bank account thus gladding. resld "es at Mv. In Point b ''
Tho public mny .iilto miss, nlns! oow nL W S Coo o r, ?n v
The bargains he's devising , nmer ilnr'rv ? h ?' N "
Until unto all else he has ! .... "' "A ' ."! l"orl"' . T"
...,,, ii, n , vim. .niiiiun iinnnnr.
Ho adds some advertising,
.laillOn Hcntlnr.
son nnd H. Wukash.
I Tho Biininior normal school win
x iiiti if in inn ii miirik niipinin n i...
puror or n more delightful Bourcoo " ,K1st Tl ,1 S Pr ! lnZ
contentment and In.lependo.ico than lke" i i I, 2 ' S
tasto for the best literature. PohT ox, ec.J'l : o wiu . .3..r"e
mill la tnatlli..d ... - . . '
JHtKAMS AXI) COMMqX 8KXSK. for thorn, """'""H.uniions
(Tlio .Maiden Speaks.) i'h r)wmiiin xrniin.. n.i ,
3 """"grS-'chSS1 on ,,n,u,8"10 frV s l" -ffl
Who'kK'Ze that, careless. IS'oT" W,U "" " t0U ""
Who caffliy favor before ., to j .,Jj:Ki LX?
And ouVerwIso has accomplished '& Sr"!,..! Volnt- M
Who W'much on the classical j 8ff J'uZ ,SS' J? UeffiS
If ho wlllproduco every Saturday bu'0 l'" B' ,Mm "lro nt "08-
OVOIllllK. Mnoa-o V.l .. . . .
And stay nt homo nights, he'll ho'near hnvlg"to wn k 17 ml esThS
'lior evening. Thoy wore out with
.Mr. .Nile s nuto when something
fudged on thorn, nnd only for tho
, timely nnnenrnnr.i nf nin,,,i f
co,!;. f ,,;i'." riUU w,,,d' ! && iS."e.for m! ,0A0no"
eonslderablo noise and loavo sonio-1 Picked them up nnd towed thim
liB whleh la placed on objection-1 Into town. ' ' lood tho"1
nolo things; behead tho snum wnr.i I Snvini...n..n t ,..-
and lenvo eomothlns that unlton; belWly msse t hrm.g , the Brewstw
head and curtail the Ilrst wor.i end Valley en route to Klamath pjls
Joavo a greatly used article. . ftl""""1 ta"8'
knightly enough.
DAILY Killings
Why is tho ndilitlnn nf .,.- ..
bad' thing for n soldlor?
:i. Why Is a dog llko a clock mak
er's safo?
-I. Why Is tho cook more noisy
than tho gong that calls peoplo to
moals? l
G. Thoro aro threo degrees In most
things, positive, comparative and su
porlatlvo: what comes between good
and bad?
1. Hand, ban, and, an.
2. Hocnuso it makes an armed man
a one-armed man.
2. Ho may keep a watch but hn
can't tell tho timo.
4. Tho gong makes a dhi; the
rook makes a ddinnor,
IT. And, , i x
William Xenl, who has been con
rined to a cot nt Huntley's camp
for several weeks ns tho result of
helng shot In a hunting accident,
has benn sorlouslv ill with pnou
monla. but Dr. Stoininlor reports
that he Is now fully recovered from
the disease, but still unablo to bo
moved because tho fractured bone
of the leg has not yet completely
healed. Myrtle Polut Enterprise.
Some ono in Massachusetts has
proposed an annual tax of $5 on old
maids. Of courso there will bo no
tiouble about having: a woman Rtnn
up to tho counter and admit that
sho Is an old maid.
Curry County Seat Events ns Told by
The Globe.
Tho Vi'dderburn Trading Co.
started up Its large now snw mill yes
terday morning. Tho mill will only
run n snort time, Just long enough
to cut what lumber tho company will
use and have somo for tho local mnr
ket. As Is nlwaya tho case when any
thing uiiuatinl happens, that tho tele
phone set vice is badly needed, this
miserable streak of rust between here
ami Marshlleld gets out of commis
sion. It occurs to ub that It would
be within the Jurisdiction of tho
County Court to take action In tho
matter and demand good service, or
that the company be compelled to
dear the right of way of tho obstruc
tion and mnko room for somo one
who would nt least keep the wiro
hung on poles.
Ono of Jim White's hlroJ men. who
resides on Wlnchuck. met two Inrge
panthers In the county rond near tho
state lino n few days ago. When the
hired man reached home he narrated
his thrilling ndventuro nnd heir
luendth escape from death. The
news nprend like wild lire and In a
few minutes quite a crowd, armed
with shot guns, rllles, pistols nnd a
number of dogs, ussembled nt Mr.
Whle's. Tho cnnlnea were put on tho
hot trnckB of the panther nnd n lively
chase ensued. Tho pnutlfers wero
routed f'om n thicket near the road
but after a short chase wore sepa
rated. The dogs put one panther up
n tree, which was shot nnd killed,
while tho other ono made Its escnpo,
the dogs being unable to start It up
again, thus terminating tho panther
hunt. The one thnt was killed Is
said to be tho largest panther ever
Killed on tins coast.
Tho Klenmer Brooklyn on her lnat
two trips, brought completo cargoes
of mill, bildge. nnd railroad mater
ial and machinery, part of which
were f00 tons of railroad nteel, two
10 ton bollors. two 22 ton Washing
ton yardors, better known ns bull
keys, four donkeys of less capacity,
nnd foimerly used at tho plant oper
ated by this company In the South.
Also wore brought tons of mer
chandise for their store, thn nntrnn-
age of which Is growing so rapidly
that It Is found dlllleult to keep up
the stock with the limited shipping
facilities perfected at this time. Tho
steamer Brooklyn arrived at Brook
ing port or. Wednesday morning;
from San Frnnclsco with about .'liiO
tons of freight for the Brooking Lum
ber Company; nlso n consldornliin
ninount or freight for Wood Bros., of
Harbor. Tho Brooklyn, after dls
'barging freight, weighed anchor
i!i $ 8,0,,,,oc, nil steamed for
Mnrshllol'l. for n cargo of lumber for
Brookings Lumber Company.
Xens of I'ppcr dii-i-y County hh
Told l.y The Ti-llimie.
Messrs. Kronenberg, i.nrflulil. On
routte and Johnson, ,.,,
of Bnudou. enmc ilnwn in- nn,, c.t.
urday with their families, for n Vow
hours outing at Port Orford. Thev
returned the follovlnK dav. '
understood thnt one of tlio things
thnt brought Mr. Kronenberir .imv
was tne fact that he conteinplnteo
engaging In the sawmill business nt
this place with L. Knnpp.
A powerful tug passed up the
const cIoho In last- .hursday. having
In tow two large three masted
The Lnkennrt Hotel win i.n ai.i
nt . ,i . .. - ifi- owmi
i uiii-iiiiii iiy mo snerirr on June 7
ni.,1?fHrn Clal1" of l7l--r'5 helii
The Curry County Loader or Inst
week anld that the life snvlng crew
rrom Capo Hlnnco went to lht res
n"" "f t'l", shipwrecked fishermen
iwhiu nivor. i ins is ns t slioiilii
have been, hut ti... i .i ' '',,"'
f10,',' B.l '"n8 ""'I ,0nr" tl,nt ""TO
s not one life-saving station nlong
the entire const of Curry Countv
And. ns Bro. Baker Is prone to theb-
!v "!'.on ,l10 ,,onut-v of foimuiinltv
Une. ,,e suggestion Is not out o
order that he show ,l hnn , ,".
boosting for the estnbh,nent or
?n..,,i0'8,n:,h:...8,a,1"' t Port Orl
i i , ""diiiiiivij- mi i unnuestloii
nby tho best location for 2 no nny
wher.o along tho Oregon const
Boost IlL' fni- u i.V. ".... .'
Ittiiimiiftr and not" fr '"lK ,or
Moss Averll nnd another roiine
rellow enmo down rrom Bnndon ,i
a row boat Bonday. and will r" on
to Rogue Hlver as soon as the
wenther permits.
Chas. F. Pape, the Sperrv Flour
nent from Marshlleld return ,
Thursday from n trip as far sot
llm h ltt lM
tJalML?r " rt Or-
,,- ";, iiHiiruine to Iloiriin
niver from Mnrshflehl whore e
eoniploted arrangements for tlio Z
ta dlshment of an Ice plant to nilh
euro salmon at Gold Beach.
18 thyiScv?,cSs s,8 for
ISO S. Broadway.
Americaini Birdls of Eeaiuity
yMy lyjr i v u
Xo. I. IlLl'i: JAY
J COVtii t'.
rf,Hli OSTMvn
W.a' cmanUZS "
ooni, 801 nd 802 cv
). w. sionuovv
171 Grime, nuti?i!,U't
Copyright, 1913, by Tho Abso clnted Xow-Bpapnr School, Inc
W1I15X Mark Twain wrote hlB
fninoiiB Btory of the Juy ut
temptlng to fill a hole In his
cabin roof with neorns, ho portray
ed the bird with rare accuracy.
Few more humorous sketches of
bird llfo hnvo over been wrlttuu,
and the Jay's curiosity and nston
Ishmeut nt finding the hole appar
ently not flllnble are remarkably
truo to lire, Ono or the blue Jay's
strongest trnlts Is curiosity, and he
mny bo called uwny from acorn
gathering by simply drawing u
breath In sharply against the hnck
or the hand.
H this wero his worst vice we
could udmlre his Jauntv manner
nnd brilliant shades of blue with
out misgivings, hut tho darker
crime or nest robbing Is laid at
his door. Yet In tho spring nnd
Hummer ho does much to atone for
his faults by destroying great num
bers of grubs nnd harmful Insects.
And when he comes boldly nround
tho fiirmhouso In winter, ills assure
cum kiyiiik u iinicii oi auuriug color
to tho sunny background, wo forget'
nis Buortcomings.
Belonging to tho crow rnmlly, ho
Joins In Its feud ngaltist owls, and
right royally does ho uphold his
cud. Follow up the nuxt excited
Jay convention you henr In the
woods, ami you will probably find
the flood of bllllngBgnle directed i
at an owl. visibly annoyed at tho
auenuon no is receiving. Tho
screech owl Is tholr usual victim
and more rniiy the groat horned
owl. Tho tormentors aeein to tin-1
dorstnnd their onomles' helplessness
In daylight. Tho largest owl ap-
pears Impassive, hut sometimes tho1
smaller one is goaded Into attempts
nt reprisal. Those attacks aro
easily eluded by the active Jays, and
their tantnllzlug does not cease un
tll the night plratu has slipped Into
hiding among overgreoiiB or n con
venient liolo In n tree.
Tlio Jay can be trained by pa
tience, and It makes a very Interest
Ing pot-, although if given too much
freedom ho Is likely to cnuso an
noyanco by steullng any article thnt
attracts his fancy.
An ever-present mid vociferous
feature or tho landscape during
most or the year, niong In April tho
Joys apparently disappear. You no
longer hear their clear "pe-to" over
tho trooB nnd Holds. Search for
them In tho treotops, nnd If your
quest is successriil you will find tho
young cavalier transformed Into u
silent mid vlgllnnt guardian or a
rather bulky nest, tucked nwny
among the thick blanches or u ce
dar, perhaps. The olive-green eggs
are carefully tended, and tho par
ental Instinct Is sufficiently strong
to eliminate temnornrllv uuv In.
cllnatlon toward stealing mid devas
Kvery day n different human In
terest Btory will appear In The
'I lines. You enn got a beautiful In
taglio reproduction of this picture,
with five others, equally attractive,
i uy 'JVj inches lu size, with this
weok'B "Mentor." In "Tho Montor"
a well known authority covors the
subject of tho pictures and stories
of the week. Headers of Tho Times
and "Tho Mentor" will know Art.
Literature, History, Science, nnd
Travel, mid own exquisite pictures.
On sale at Tho Times office. Price
ten conts. Write today to The
Times for booklet explaining The
Associated Xowspapor School plan.
W aro equipped to do kSV
work on ghort notice it tk..1
oweet prices. EumlniuS .
Lady attendant, "ok, ft i,H
Ohnndhr Ho,!. "'. fljj fc
Good Cars, Cmfu Drlnn i
roon.bp charge.. owSoS
"'"" uiuiico 11011 and B!
Cigar Store. Day PhoMi-W iTlu
Mkht Phonn 4 78l",'
tunKKn nnnnAm twrkl
W. s. iiitmi'v C 77Tr .1
'" f(iJ " IIUIAiMJ I
mtarshneld Paint
(8b Decorating Coi
Kitlinntcs I'urnlihfd.
Phono 1H7-L Mtnhfleld. 0m
"TWIG Olt TIIOHX" SenloV piny
Musonle Ojiora House, ,IL'XK .ill.
Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU hnvo
ALWAYS USUI). Phono 7G. Pnclllc
Livery nnd TrnnBfor Company.
?iT.V.I.12A". 8:W ,,,:U AvnK lu OA8I1, IJALAXCi:
lK'SSiS'S,."0 tax,w- wnk sax,,y
Buy One It Will Make You Money
Doimald MacKimitosIhi
First ClassWeaving
promptly Hone at
Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory
Cor. Union and Montana Street.
Phono 1 .1 1 . North Bend. Or.
In our now location, we ire
poclally prepared to cater to fw3;
trado. Regular meali or ihort or
ders. Open day and night.
Hroadwny and Commercial JlflA
Bowling Alley!
Tuesday Evening ,
Especially for Ladies
Established 1HHI).
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Profits $110,000
Interest paid on Time Deposits.
Off leers:
J. V. Dennett, President.
J. II. I-'laiuifjaii, Vice-President.
R. V. Williams, Cashier.
Geo. p, Winchester, Ass't Cashier.
J. A. Goodwill and V. E. Sijef.
Plate, Ait and Window GImi, Mlr
i-ors Prismatic Glai.
Mall orders and phone orders (itii
prompt attention. Eitlmitei h
ulslicil, Phone 70-L.
7'J7 So. Hroailwny. Jlintlleli
Aug, Frizeen
Some ImiKalns In cltjr and Ilualtr
Hill lots and residence.
Gray Auto Service
l'Mier Tinker, itopjki--
Phouo orders to Blanco Hotel,
After 12, 2C0L, Right Cafe.
Marahllflld. Oregon
Corona Blend Coffee
Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House
Phouo .194.J. 184 Market.
Choosing a Bank
Is a matter that should call for
careful consideration.
The foatures which should bo vi
tally considered aro:
The financial strength of tho bank.
Tho condition of its assets.
The conservatism of Its policies.
lho integrity of Its directorate.
The facilities It offer8 patrons and
tlio Intelligent courtesy of Its offi
cers and assistants.
It Is our aim to excol and 7o In
cite you to put us to the test In all
these essentials.
. r i.....'. 1013 J.
ltltie in i '-.; .7 -fflll.
passenger uniiiiinc. oj""" ; ;,..
yer's Clar Store. Telephone IS J.
After 11 p. m.. telephone W.g
Right Cafe. Careful driving assoei
Prompt attention. Wll go anyjg
any time, day or n Ight. J"
yer'8 Cigar Store to meet all tr
aud boats. , -
for any watcii l cnnnui --
Have That Roof fid
A modern Erie. $$$$&
Light. Steam Heat w ,
Furnished Rooms wl l,9k
Cold Water. ..
BOTKi " - "
IUt: BO cents dar
Tor. HrQflwrj:gss
A mrse .Wpment of Vw
Glass Shades. . k 0 jit
Call and see our o 0, tu
,n v a so nae :. ,iare.
latest designs In ""ntWf
fmn, two Ifiht tO IlTe.
In electrical supplies. .
Barnard & 0