L5S91 m MEN WOULD RATHER STEAL A POOR LIVING THAN EARN A GOOD ONE (000 T.OST ARTICLES MmtB now ts vorit time. A small iid In The Timet unnt column limy lirlng you results im mediately. Try cmc. mm ir found through Times want pnnil them! Use tlienil They rcsuJli .MEMBER OF TIIK ASSOCIATED PRESS vVfl listnnnsncu in joi , XaAV !. xiio Coast Mall. Established in 1878 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1913 EVENING EDITION & Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll Mn 07 1 and Coos Hay Advertiser. Ilu' c"' ' SE1, WAITE AND PARTY ARRIVED HERE EARLY TODAY I f finnnv Prnnnr- is Says Everything is roui oomiu " j imllP.U CM RflllTF ft LONDON THIS WEEK Lay Matter Before Eng- SyflOICaiU vvnaey i-A- CtS UOaSl nuau ouun lj. WIlBcy, Frank I). Walte, : tiAriinm and wire, or urnniB land W. C. Snodgrass nrrlvotl loday from Portland on mat- L,niotn.i w th. tho nurcnnBo or Kinney's iiroiiertlcs on Cooh j-Tlio party will prouainy ro- EerythliiK Is . coming nicely." ded Mr. Wllsey when naked hhc Kinney ioni. .niugo ',"- lclt ror i.onuoii 10 iwmj "u . .... ..'in. tiin uvndlcnto tlioro. Ill roll from Now York on iday. Tho matter was bo 111- ., ..,.,llrntml Mini I lln- hhat ho could oxplaln It to E-.il, ni., linltnr (linn I 1111(1 It would bo bettor for him to I.. ,-. -. mid hnnilln it liv Condencc. In fourteen dnys. Ill be nine to go mm cumu mm thlle n ciimo win ion us mo ijor Klnnoy Iiiib noted squnre h mc, In fact, I could not nHk .mnre, lllll-lcllt limilllOr tllnn 1)0 lliplayetl. Ono day nftor wo llrly along witn it. no enmo I with papers, stoat, etc., nnn - Ihnni nil over to 1110. Bnlll. Vihtv nrn. WIIhov: It h nil I So. Ilniullo It and snvo mo fclng If you can.' i manor linn tnrfcn more time l expected. I knew It wns icatod. lint I wns not propnrou ie complication u proven 10 Iberc wore 1000 pages of nb- l to cxnnuno nnu .niugn uru I declared Hint lie would not aiich a Job again lor :, no of tho uiiBOPured creditors, mtnml. are piihIiIiik tho -ro- Kip proceedings. 'We, not bo- edltorH. havo nothing to say ;it. However. I do not think irihln proceedings nro for tho low. They will bo expensive illl delay matters. It might it later a receivership would Jrable. So far nH wo nro con- L wo know whnt tho prop- worth and wo will not pny nt more for It. Neither will for any grnft." For Coast Itond. Wllsey was ovon moro en- itlc about Coos Day than on eviotis trips. Ho said that Bnney mnttor did not oxnetly mm down horo now. Ho hns mule North Ilentl property 'is included In tho proposed rementH thoro and ho wuiits onaiiy look nto tho mnttor. poduniM lg a brothor of Mrs. nd his .lomo Is in Kaunas M merely nccompnnielU Mr. ior we trip. Bar has n trreat fuhiro fof It." continued Mr. "Wllsoy. putnern Vaclflc Is rnshhiB its pm Kiikwio. Thoy hnve put Ko Porter Ilrothors to hasten frlc and now thoy hnve nRonts i an me eonst cities to get Wrkmen tn mil nn II. We of four years you will "bo nae irom San Francisco to M On tho Cnntit linn vln Cnns Maybe I am a year ahead, ' iiiuiK so. wnen tno uni8ned In horo from tho lBd Into l.'nrM-n (rnnt Ilia I'they ll contlnnn rlirhl nlnnc I the link between thorn, r "uimiib irom noin onns. r.k rart nrth from Kureka I "er start south from horo. "ay is destined for ft great It D&R tho fADniiPAAa iitirilr w the location and tho mnk- III ill Mw,uul a oiimii t'l will have more than ono """ -Knen It gets started asformatlon will bo wonder- VJlti? did not say who tho l w' " ioroign synaicaie B. . 'vinne deal Is, but ft Jo recent reports. Lord I,01 Portland, the Duke of ian. .ina s,r Arthur Porks h.,f the Principal ones in It. ifilik erks was a membor of lcArtniii. n..i.. n -j intnj . .cina company unu K ,0. have been the prln- d ik. m ine Pacific Great Ptt nf Vu luiteu mo con- Ittwr. &utnern Pacific's Cos Bay and Eugene. ;. ''"no to Say. .." Walte hnrt HHla in nr t even-Win ; "vr,:r,.rr' ter F0,0,. ?... Jdge Dur- Utft i. . v,B aiter some or CaVrv 5a Interests nnd may ffiL?ou.?t' to look after n v.i . t,nere "km .' W1,se'- Snodgrass it nrere Kueats of Warren "r sLJer' or rathr Reeds- 'xmSSd,y' They came ,n ' "'ornlne i o.. o.. -w HU1U IU Ol'UliO HILL ON TRIP NEAR BOISE Makes Long Auto Tour of Eastern Oregon and to Ida ho Capital Causes Talk Further Indications nf the HIM linos being about to launch rail rand nctlvltlos in Eastern Oregon, nnd tho possibility of their bolug interested In tho revival of tho Coos Hny and Uolso project Is con tained In tho following in the Portland Telegram of Inst Frldny: "L. W. Hill will stnrt on tho most Bpcctnculnr part of his pres ent Western tour nnd will tnko one of tho longest nutomobllo tours ho Iiiib covered In years, nnd through desort lands, sagebrush, lnvn bods, timber zones, farming districts nnd cattlo lnnds. "Ho will hnstcn to He ml probably on Sunday morning, yank his nu tomobllo out of his prlvnto car nnd stnrt overland on a 450-mllo trip to Dolse, Idaho. "This trip Into Idnho Is slgnlft ennt nt this time, according to rail road men, for tho ronjon frcnucut reports havo been omrnntlug from tho Gem state to tho olfect that tho Hills wore figuring on shooting their rails down through Idaho, across Oregon to it connection with tho Western Pacific In Nevada. Chairman Hill pleads Hint It Is merely a trip to familiarize him self with tho conditions through tho great torrltory which Is now untouched by railroads, ' From Uolso Mr. Hill will go di rect to Hutto whero ho Is to moot a railroad party nnd ho will thou contlnuo on his wny to St. Pntil." SERIOUS CHARGES IN CONGRESS AGAINST THE FOREST SERVICE Congressman Humphrey Says Northern Pacific Made a Profit of Ten Millions 5n a Single Deal. (Dr Aunrlatrd rrrti to Cool Pi 7 Tlmti. WASHINGTON, D. C, .hine 2. In n speech today supporting his res olution for a congressional lnvestl- F"L'ng Q', JH'g Forest Sorvlco. Tlep CITY ELECTION Tcscntntlvo Humphrey; of WnBhlng ton, dcclnrcd that one Instance the .'orthcrn Pacific railroad has boon permitted to oxchnngo 400,000 acres of. barren land for tlmbor land worth nt IcaBt $10,000,000, which It sold to tho Wcycrhausore. Ho charged Hint tho forest scrvico Is "still work ing In perfect nccord nnd In tho In terest of tho grent privnto timber ownership to produce n monopoly of tho timber supply nnd to Increnso the rlco of forpBt products. I LAND 1111,1 IS HlliKXT. TelN llcntl People Tlmt They Can Wntrli for (JratlcN. HKNl). Or., Juno 2. Louis W. Hill mid party. Including President Young nnd Chief Knglneoi; Lupfor, of Ihn OroL-on Trunk Ilnllwnv. spout Wednesday night horo and yesterday mniio nn niuo trip over tho survey of tho Oregon Trunk south of hero. Thoy wont south until thoy struck tho routo of tho Nn tran cut-off of tho Southern Pa ciric, roturnliig horo last night. Asked regarding extension of tho Oregon Trunk south this summer, Mr. Hill said: "On that I can't say nnythlng, .but you will know that tho extension Iiiib bcou started whon you seo tho gradors at work." Mr. Hill hns with him mnps of tho survey south of horo nnd will go over them with Chief Engineer Lupfor. who bus becomo familiar with tho territory through which tho survey passos sluco succeeding Chief Engineer Italph Iludd. mWAMITH CASK ON. Stato Continue!, its 'Efforts to Convict Head of Woolen Trust. fnr AiotllJ Trm l Cooi n Tlmn.1 HOSTON, June 2. Tho Btnto re newed Its efforts In tho Superior Court today to connect President Wil liam M. Wood, of tho American Wool en Company and Frederick E. At- 4nn.iv Hi'a mnniifnrtiirnr. nnd Dennis J. Coillor. dog fancier, with nlloged conspiracy to plant nynamuo 10 dis credit tho strikers during mo i.aw Tonoo inYtlln strike. The dose of tho state's caso Is expected today. BOSTON,. Juno, L'. tho prosucu tion sprang a surprlso by introducing as a wltnoss the chauffeur who testl nod ho drovo a passenger resembling Atteaux from iroston to the homo of Wood to the corner of Washington and Franklin street, New York, Jan uary 29, 1912, the date upon which tho dynamite was "planted," at Law rence. COST OF ISOLATION. Coos County ranks second among 4i, no ..r.iinllRa-'nr thn stato in tho production of butter, and third In tho prouueuon or appie. uu i Its population Is under 20,000. Co- qullle sontmei burg, making the trip from Drain in four hours. Mr Walte will probably bo horo several days. Mr. Walto Is going ahead with his mortgage foreclos .. ..if du ii ha lmon decided that to do so would facilitate tho Klnnoy deal. He said rnni ne bubsmi tho appointment of rtust as receiv er because ho thought that Mr. Rust as trustee was familiar with tho Kinney matters and consequently would bo In a better position to act. However. Mr. Wnttors will bo perfectly satisfactory to him. Judge Durham is one of the lead ing lawyers of Southern Oregon. Mrs. Durham accompanied him on tho trip. DON'T FAIL to see the SENIOR CLASS PLAY, JUNE 3d. AWFUL CRIME IS Rose City Selecting Mayonand Commissioners and Voting on Charter Amendments' (Spoclnl to The -rimes.) PORTLAND, Or.. Juno 2. Port land Is todny holding nn election. Hut while tho vote Is henvy nnd much Interest Is mnnlfested, no ono need expect a result tonight. Thero nro flvo candidates for Mayor, one to bo elected. Dan Kol lahor, A. G. Rushlight, II. It. Al bco. C. L. McKcnna and W. J. Smith nro In tho race. Thoro are four candidates for auditor. Four commissioners nro to bo eho8on, but thero aro 80 candidates, so It will bo ImpoBslblo to got a lino on tho result beroro tomorrow. In addition to candidates for of- rico thoro aro fifteen amendments to the city chnrtor on tho Inillor. Ono of these Is for tho prohibition of tho salo of lntoxlcnnts In Pro-t elnct 7C. Another In which grent1 Interest has been taken, Is tho proposition for tho elimination of grade crossings. Various bona Ik hups aro proposed, ono for SRtl,000i for tho construction of a hrldgo across tho Willamette Itlvor. , CALi PICKED COASJJOUTE Vice-President Selected Best of Two Routes Between U nip qua and Siuslaw Geo. E. Schall Arrested Today for Murder of Wife and Three Children Illy AlitxUlM I'rrat o Coot llr Tlmri. PORTLAND. Juno 2. Charged with killing his wlfo nnd thrco chil dren with an axe at tho Presidio military reservation at San Fran cisco on April 20, 1913, Gcorgo E. Schall was arrested nt tho homo of hi Blstcr-ln-law nt Vancouver, Wash., today and will be hold pend ing tho receipt of extradition papers. Schall will not resist extradition. Ho denies tno chnrgo ngalnst him. Schall made a statement that some person for revenge or othor motive brained his wlfo and thrco children nnd then sot the house on fire. Ho has no Idoa of tho Identity of tho alleged murderer, however. ITALY IKES CONCESSION IN THE INTEREST OF PEACE ACCIDENT ON BANDON BAR POPE'S IHRTIIDAV. Or AiiocUteJ I'rtu to Coo, nr Tlran.l I ROME. June 2. Popo Plus. I l besides Innumorahlo congratu- I latlons received many presents In commemoration of his 78th ' I birthday, celebrated today. CITY GOING AHEAD FAST That thoro were two routes sur veyed botweon tho Siuslaw and Ump qua and tho delay In tho work thero was duo as to tho uncertainty of which olio would bo selected was tho explanation glvon today ovor tho do lay In starting tho construction. VIco president Calvin on his last trip down ovor tho routes selected tho ono and Immediately tho Southern Pacific or dered Porter Brothers to begin work. Hnusor, Hnuser nnd Company havo tho steam shovel working nt North Ilend and will prosecute tho work on tho cut through Simpson Park and tho throwing up of the big dike vig orously. A. E. Morten has secured photos of tho steam shovol in action and throwing tho first shovolful of dirt. It was again stated that tho con struction of the brldgo across Coos Ilay would bo startod on or about July 1. It was stated that tho piling for the approaches nro being got out now. Another explanation of the activi ty on the Coos Ray and Dolse was glvon today by the report that under the divorco proceedings separating tho Southern Pacific and tho Union Pacific, the Union Pacific will bo shut out of Portland and San Francisco terminals and must secure a now har bor on the Pacific. It Is stated that the Coos Day and Boise will afford tho quickest and best moans of pro viding a Pacific Coast terminal for tho Union Pacific. I POET LAUREATE DEAD. (Or AMocUtM Trcti to Coo, Ii7 Tim.,. LONDON, Juno 2. Alfred Austen, British Poet Laureate sinco 1896, died today at tho ago of 77. LONDON, Juno 2. Austen be sides being a poet, was a barrister, critic, novelist, war correspondent and political writer. He published his first poem anonymously at the age of 18. He was a newspaper correspondent In Rome for many years and he followed tho opera tions of the Franco-Kusslan war In 1870-71 with headquarters with the Prussian king. TICHENOR'S NEW FLAN. F. B. TIchenor, state deputy su premo commander of tho Knights of the Maccabees of the World, lo cated at Seattle, writes the Com mercial Club of this city that ho Is preparing a booklet setting forth tho resources and advantages of Unusual Amount of Building Activity With Prospects of Considerably More During tho month of May, building permits were issued for about $10, 000 worth of now buildings, nltorn tlons ote. Tho total for tho month wns mntcrlnlly Inoreasod by tho Issu ance of tho permit for tho Chnndlor Hotel Annex, tho most substantial building launched since tho now building which W. S. Chnndlor Is erecting at Broadway and Central, was started. Next to Mr. Chandler's buildings, the most notlceablo recont Improve ment Is tho flno modern front which hn buen put In tho building south of tho Magnes & Matson Store for tho Peoplo's 5-10-15 cent storo. F. E. Westei'borg lids mad6 a most attrac tive storo room out of It and will occupy It soon. Tho First National Bank building is bolnc slightly altered, now light wells belnpt put In to mako lighting for the Golden Rulo storo room. Grimes to Build. Wm. Grimes Is making arrango nionts to put In the foundation soon for tho now block which ho will erect nt tho southwest corner of Second and Central. It Is likely that ho will got this under way as soon as tho Chandler bulling and Chandler Annex are completed, but whothor ho will complote It this fall or not, probably will depend on the demand for storo rooms. The Grimes building with tho now building which T. C. Russell Is fig uring on erecting on his property at the northwest corner of Second nnd Central will transform tho nppoaranco of that section of town. Penults Issued. Building Inspector Trlbboy gives tho following resumo of tho building permits Issued during May: The Chandler Annex, two story brick; W. M. Blake, resldonco on South Fifth street; A. fl. Savage, rosl donco on South Fou,rth stroet; John Mes3orlo, two rcsldonces on Commer cial and Eloyenth street; J, C. Oser, resldonce for Mr, Jacobson at Ander son and Fourteonth street; O. L, Clak, residence In Nasburg Addition; J. O. Langworthy, barbor shop on Front street; J. W. Hunt, residence In Bay View Addition; Substantial Improvements on Eagles hall for Bradley Candy Company. Coos and Curry Counties, and that .the publication will go to the prin ter forthwith. Ho has requested that a number of pictures of dairy farms, or anything of interest In and around Coqullle, bo forwarded to him. Coqullle Sentinel. Zet Shields, Fisherman, Res cued by Boat he Had Gone to Aid and Save (Spcclnl to tho Times) BANDON, Ore.. Tho throng yestcr dny on tho bench witnessed ono of tho most thrilling boat experiences and the remnrkablo rescue of Zet Shields, a Bandon fisherman, whoso launch capsized on tho Coqullle bar. Two small gasoline fishing boats wcro coming In when tho engines of ono of thorn failed. Shields was alone in his boat and there were two others In the othor boat. Shields' boat enme In nil right but whon he saw tho others In distress, ho turned bnek to aid thorn. They were rapidly washing In on tho north spit nnd were dangerously near tho rocks when Shields got a lino to them. Then their englno started and Shields' en gine failed. About the same tlmo a big comber struck Shields' boat and It turned completely over. Shields was thrown Into tho sen but by hard Bwlmmlng kept nllont until tho sec ond bout got bnck to him. Another big wnvo carried them, safely liiBldo. Moanwhllo the life saving crow wont to tho rescuo and brought In the capsized lnunch. TRY TO GET NEW CITZENS Coos County May Take Steps to Induce Norwegians to Lo cate in This Section ' That Coos Bay should take stops to secure foreign Immigration and especially of the Scnndnnnvlan peo ple Is the belief or Wm. Grimes. Ho thinks that tho tlmo Is oppor tune for this effort und Hint mnny could bo Induced to como in here und develop tho agricultural re sources, it Is likely that ho will take tho mnttor up with tho Mnrsh fiold Chnmbor of Commerco soon. ConcornlnK tho efforts to bo mado by other sections to sccuro this now population, tho Orogonlan says: "A state-wide organization of Swodlsh-Amorlcans, to co-oporutu with tho Oregon Immigration Com mission in Its effort to bring to this state dcslrablo Immigrants from Sweden, will bo formed us the result of a conforonco which was hold nt tho Commercial by C. C. Chapmnn, stato Immigration agent, with lend IiiK representatives of tho Swodlsh people who nro citizens of this stato. Tho committee organized by thoso who attended tho conforonco Wll sorvo ns tho nuclous nrnund which this state-wide organization will bo built. Tho efforts of tho association will bo to encourage Immigrants to come to Oregon from Swedon and to ns slst thorn In nn advisory way, In establishing themsolves on farms horo. Logged Off Land. Ono of tho Important ways In which they expect to be of assist ance to tho now Immigrant Is by serving ns appraisers of tho loggod off land which the Immigrant may contemplate acquiring, thus protect ing them against overcharges or decoptlon on tho part of unscrupu lous real estate promoters Into whose hands they might fall, Those who attended the confor onco yesterday said that while the SwodlBh government Is using efforts to discourage Immigration, there nevertheless Is constant movoment of homeseokors to tho now world. Thousands of Swedish farmers havo been directed to Canada, but It was tho opinion that circumstances are now oxcollent- for n change In the tide of Immigration to Oregon, which will bring, not only colonists direct from Sweden, but also many Swedish pooplo who have found conditions unsatisfactory In Canada. It waB also held that u largo num ber of Swedish farmers could be attracted from tho Eastern nnd Mid dle Western States. Oregon literature printed In tho Swedish language also will bo used largely In the campaign, both In Swedish colonies already settled In the new world and among the Swed ish farming peoplo In the old coun try. Have your Jot) printing done r The Times office. Important Step Toward Peace in Balkan States Is Announced GREECE GIVEN COAST LINE IN PROVINCE OF EPIRUS France Also Agrees to an Ad justment of the Frontier Boundary of Albania (IIT AoclitfJ rmi to Tool Pi; Tlmm.) ROME, Juno 2.--An Important step toward peace In tho Balkan states waB announced today, Italy having conceded to Greece tho coast line of tho former Turkish province of Eplrus between tho river Knlnmns nnd tho hny of Po telln. Franco hns now agreed ta tho southern frontier of Albania, running from south of Capo Slyles to Goritzn, the town of Golts to bo Included In Albnnln. TURKEY WAS UNPKKPAKKll. ExpeitN Decline Thin Wni One lf Hie Causes of Turkish Defeat tllr AtaotUirv ?r to Coof Hay TlmM.) WASHINGTON, Juno 2 Military oxpurts of tho Army war college havo completed their study of tho Balkan campnlgn. Hundreds of re ports from all sources wore stud led and tho campnlgn of aggression of tho allies with tno dofonslvo Inc ites of tho Turkish posts were scru tinized for military lessons which might prove of value to tno United States military establishments. Ex ports, It was Halil today, aro agreed that In fighting qualities tho troops of both sides were evenly matchod. Turkoy, however, fought a losing fight from the beginning, because of hor unproparedness, Tho Dal knn nlllos, on the other hand, had mado careful preparations for tho struggle, their plans running sovernl yonis. MANY AUTOS TO BAN ON SUNDAY Between Thirty and Forty Ma chines Made Trip Rotnor's Ford Makes Record Between 30 and 10 Coos County niitos yesterday iniulo the trip to Ilnudou nnd few of them mot with mishaps. Some went mid roturiiod by the toast road whllo others made the trip around tho clrclo, returning by Coqulllii. Tho rouils nro In fairly good shape, a few muddy places between Coqullle and Bundoii tanking tho traffic a llttlo difficult there. How ever, tho road between Coqullle and Mnrshfiold Is In excuilont shnpo. Goorgo Rotnor took a party in his Ford and gnvo a number of nu tolsts several surprises. Between here nnd Bnndou ho passed eight largo cars that had started ahead of him and mado tho stoop ctiiiIi on tho Sovon Devils hill without stopping. Ills car was tho 13th across tho ferry at Billiards, but this was no hoodoo for ha camo homo via Coqulllo without a mishap. Tho running distance from Marsh- Hold down tho coast road, via Em pire, to Bandon nnd then roturnliig by Coqulllo, Is Just 75 miles, C. C Going nnd Karl Wilson were tho only autolsts having had breaks, Wilson getting through to Bandon, but breaking a tiro, and boing compolled to leave his ma chine In Bandon. Among the prlvnto machines go ing from here woro J. G. Klnnoy, Dr. W. A. Toyo. Ward M. Blako. E, S, Bargolt, Geo. Rotnor and Georgo Goodrum. Ilroko Axle. C. O. Going and family and Ross Smith and wife mot with hard luck on their trip. Thoy started In Col Going's machine, but whon about 18 miles from Mnrshlleld, they ran Into a chuck-holo and broke an axlo on the auto. It was thon Impossible for thorn to get through but by tearing down u fow wlro fonces and utilizing Ross' mochanlcal ability, woro able to fix up the machine nnd got back to Mnrshlleld about C:30 last ovon Ing, Ross was to havo played with tho Marshllold Elks and he has not yet recovered from his disappointment. North Ilentl Machines. A number of North Bond machines made tho trip. Tom Sawyer and Wal ter Russell took two truck loads of passengers and among the private uutos from thoro which mado tho trip woro Geo, I). Mandlgo, Honry Kern, A.J. Davis, Mrs. M. R. Wer nlch and A, J. Davis. GRADUATES PICTURES are a specialty at tho QUATERMASS STUDIO, Seo him. Satisfaction J guaranteed. I I ! i I Kfl - - &.