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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1913)
KsiS THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1913 EVENING EDITION. NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS news of langloih. , iMits as Told l pnrt of tho week nfter a few days' stay In Coos County. Mr. Dane In- . ... 1.'. Vvm. l m ., . . .- ... . ..... fornlC, the Lemlcr Um( ho mB n ani John llone and wife passed through ' ca? W?' i"8,1"11?'1, 'M'1,8 "H"' , ,Lo,. on their way homo tho tlrst I ndl .0 & washing nnd painting business. They Intend to travel In a rig up and down Curry and Coos Counties, spraying trees, white-washing barns and chic ken houses nnd also will .put on fire proof paint. I Flvo of Dnndon's business men passed through Lnnglols yesterday on attracting ninny outside peoplo for tho purposo of mining. James Chenoweth has taken a con tract from tiri Syphers to deliver logs to John Haagenscn's mill on Floras Creek. Mr. Chenoweth has had two wagon's constructed for tho occa sion. (TLLINOS OF COQl'ILLE. I NEWS OF TEMPLETON. their way to tho Sixes for the pur-! pone 01 lOCUUIIg milling um.liio. lino season Is tho banner yenr for mines Coos County Scat News ns and just at present Curry County Is, The Herald i nuouore I'olil by If You Have Never worn wo ui'uo jiniicnts from The n. you to iiivostiiinte thoii' nu'i'hs. Tliey arc just ii little different A little less profits A little better value: A little lower in price; A little higher in quality. When you wear them you will realize their goodness. Our guanatee relieves you of every element of risk. Suits 8.50 to $25.00 Get your next suit here. FIXUP Two Muvsh field stores Xorlh Bend nailing Then CO. Hlllvor. n nrlntor nml I linotype operator, formerly of MnrsMleld, was In town a fow hours Saturday. He nnd his wife and two children are visiting at tho homo of Mrs mayor's father, Hen Shtill, at Myrtle Point, nnd may conclude to mnkc their home again In Coos. Tho Coqulllo Mill and Mercantile Company Is erecting a small drying . shed In Its yard, for flulsncd lum ber. Geo. W. Wilson, of Myrtlo Point, was In town yesterday. He eontein- 1 plates moving with his family to the wiiinmetto vnlioy shortly. Rlchnrd Thrush, who has a farm on Seven Mile, near Randolph, wns In the city Saturday. Ho expected to sail on the Hrenkwator from Mnrshfleld with Mrs. Thrush nnd their sons, Manuel II., Luther, Law rence, Xathanlel nnd George, on their way to visit their daughter. Mrs. G. C. Franklin, at Pleasant Valley, Oregon, expecting to maKc hn extended stay. Tonn Itoblson, of Flshtrnp, was n caller Saturday. Mr. Robinson settled on Flshtrnp with his parents nnd family 40 years ago and hnB neen n resident or tins vnlioy con tinuously over since. He wns IS years old when ho enmo horo nnd Is n young mnn yet, which shows that California hasn't got tho only glorious climate on earth. He has watched Flshtrnp come out of the wild stnto Into a prosperous nnd pleasant little community, and hag seen tills town grow from a very small beginning. Incidentally, ho docs not believe that Coqulllo Is the worst place In the world by a long shot. - I . (Speclnl to The Times) Mr. and Mrs. Alec Stonelnke are lsltlng at Mr. Stclnlechner's homo. The Tomploton baseball team ex pects to play Lakeside next Sunday. Han :or Tempieton: Geneva and Elsie Llggltt nro spend ing this week at their grandfather's home. Mrs. Preston Monson. of Mnrshfleld la spending a few days at hor par ents , urn. ami .Mrs. Mtoiniecnucr) i home. church at 1 1 o'clock and S o'clock and at North Bend nt 2 o'clock. Servlco nnd Dlblo study every Fri day evening at S p. in. Servlco nnd sermon In St. Mary's Episcopal church. North Dend, every Sunday nt 2 p. in. - methodist episcopal Rov. H. T Rutlcdge, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning services nt 11 o'clock. Epworth League at 7. Evening servlco nt S. I'rayer meeting Tiiursuay evening Mr. Abraham Roberts took a load u."'"' ,..,. ,..,,, , ,,. of moitt in iininoa lnim in o.i ..!.. " ar cordially Invited to attend by tha "Messenger" Monday mom-.,?,,?? Lcllf Ing. Mr. Geo. Roberts made a business trip to North Rend on Tuesday. Mr. MtCulloch went to town Wed nesday. Mrs. Juntos Roberts cnlled on Mrs. Ulancho Raymond on Wednosdny. The History of Furniture By Going & Harvey Company Although we pass our lives in houses of our own or those of others, very few, indeed, have any idea of the origin of the homely articles with which we are sur rounded. Hut, from attic to kitchen, in nearly all of them, there is to he traced quite a romantic beginning. Take the pictures hanging on the wall, for instance. They date back to about f00 years, when monks painted their living- rooms round with Scriptural subjects. One day someone suggested a piece of wood in between the paintings Jo separate the subjects. came gilding, and the modern picture frame followed as matter of course. The drawing-room is very fertile in romance. As most peoplo know, its real and true title is the" with-drawing-room," i. e., the room to which you withdrew after dinner. The origin of antimacassars is also common history. One hundred and fifty years ago it was the fashion to dress the head liberally with macassar oil. ilousewives, objecting to the damago caused to their chairs by this grease, placed strips of lace over the backs and the word and article antimacassar came into being. The chairs themselves are very interesting. They date back to the time when knights and ladies, wishing to keep their feet off the draughty floors, brought in the use of the stretcher. Originally the stretcher was only raised a few inches above the rush-strewn ground, but gradually the form was alter ed, and by the time that carpets were common the stretcher had evolved into a high-legged and high-backed chair. The cosy armchair came last of all. At lust only a cushion was placed over the wooden seat. Then they carved the legs of the seat possessing the cushion, and finally they padded back and arms. Chairs were always very important articles of furniture. Today "taking the chair" denotes taking the head of affairs, and is reminiscent of the time when only the most important personage present sat on a four-legged scat, the lesser fry having to put up with three-legged stools. Window curtains, or, rather, tho "European idea, came from China in the Middle Ages, when some adventurous traveller returning from that country mentioned the Chinese habit of fastening a piece of cloth across the windows. Tablo drawers owe their being to the gamblers of former days. A place wis wanted to keep the cards when not in use, and an aperture beneath the table top was utilized. Kitchen is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word, being to cook. Scullery has nothing to do with scullion, but comes from a word mean a bowl; while "hall "meaning a covered-in place has just the same root as the infernal regions. ' - l This is the first word in Furniture. ' . The Last Word in Furniture May be found at our store. QUALITY-VARIETY-QUANTITY A visit to our Store will convince you. GOING & HARVEY COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS "We Sell It For Less." fine nitiDGi: ranch. Peter Axe, of Rrldge, was In town on one of his rnro visits. Mr. Axo Is proprietor of tho cannery nt Rrldgo nnd handles tho tomato, pencil and pear crop of that vicinity. Ho reports Hint the prospects are Rood In those crops for this sea son. Ho expects to hnndlo 100 boxes of tomatoes every other day, about 1000 boxes of peaches and scvcrnl hundred of pears. Noslor & Norton, of this city, will handle his tomatoes this season, nnd In this crop thcro Is novor a fallnro In bis territory, nB they are raised by Irri gation, Mr. Axe Is anxious to sco tho road put In llrst-class shapo, so that lie will dare to put his output up In KlasH Instead of tin without risk of breakage In hauling to Myrtlo Point. HOSCItL'ltr: POSTMASTER. A Roselurg pnpor says: "L. F. Rclzoiistolu, for tho pnst 12 years city editor of tho Rosoburg Rovlow, last night received his commission ns postmaster ut Rosoburg, direct funi tho postolllco department nt W.isli liiRton, I). C. Mr. Relzenstoln stated this moriiliiR that ho would nssunio chnrRc of the local postolllco on Juno 1. Since engaging In tho iiovsp.iper business In RosoburR, Mr. Rclzonstcin has nttended regular meetings of the RosoburR city council for 1- yonm, and has mUsed but fow sessions. Last ovenliiR ho probably recordod tho doings of the council for tho Inst time In tho capacity of n Journalist." At the Churches (Ministers nnd others nro request ed to hand In tho Sunday church no tices not later than Friday evening to inBuro Insertion Saturday.) t . I FIRSY HAPTIST CHURCH. Albert P. Rassford, M, A Pastor. lllblo school at, 10, with graded classes and competent teachers. MornliiR worship nt 11 with ser mon by Pastor Rassford. Junior Society meets In tho c.iurch at 2:30. All children nre Invited. Young People's servlco nt 7 for mo hour. A special Invitation Is extended to nil young men and women. Evonlng service nt S. Sermon topic, "Why some do not beconio Christians." Tho local veterans of tno Civil and Spanish-American Wnrs will at tend the morning services In n body ns our guests, to olisorvo their an nual memorial service. Special music by n largo chorus choir under Professor Ooorgo Ayre. A cordial wolconio Is extended to all. Conio with us and wo will do you good. - I afternoon I SWEDISH caguc servlco at 2.3u. Saturday MJTHHUAX. Dr. John B. Oslund, Pastor. Sunday School, 9:30 n, m. Morning services, 10:1") n. in. Xo evening service. In church nt North Rend: Sunday school, 2 p. in. Services, 3 p. in. SKVKXTH - DAY ADVKNTISTS. I - K. R. Henderson, uidor. Sovonth Day Advcntlst sorrtcos ars conducted every Saturday as follows: Snbbath school nt 10 n. in. lllblo study at 11 a. ut. Come and ipond an hour with ui; wo will do you good. XOItWKGIAX liUTHKUAX. R. O. Thorpe, Pastor. Services will bo hold In tho Norwe gian Lutheran Chapel at Mnrshfleld, Sunday at 11 a. in. Sunday school at 10. NorwcRlnn services will bo hold In tho Swedish Luthornn Church nt North Hoiid, Sunday, nt 7:15 p. in. Sunday school at 10. mvutli: point I Following Is the Myrtlo Point JclasH roll, and designates tho var ious courses completed by the niem ibors of the class of 1913: Cum I.nucle Cornollln Urouer, , Rotn Myrl McCloskey, Vorn Agnes I McCraclvon. C'lnsslcnl Courso Hnllot Clifford , Rnrgolt, Cornolllo Rrenor, ninneho DoAriuoud, Forrest- Rnrton Oreono, Rota Myrl McCloskoy, Vera Agnes McCrncken, ICngllsh Courso Hnrold Lestor Rnrgolt. Rornlce Nolllo Chandlor, Roy Karl Clark. Dolns Davenport Comnierclnl Courso Cornolllo Urouer, Rernlco Nolllo Chandler, Forrest Rnrton Greene. Myrtlo Point Untorprlse. MVItTLK POINT POI.NTHRS. Xt'HK of I'pper Coqulllo Valley ns Toll! by The Knterpilso. J. S. Fnlrchlles, tho contractor who Is to build tho now Son men block, enmo out from Mnrshfleld Monday and stnrted tho preliminary worlc. Mrs. A. T. Train departed last . weok via Rnndon on tho steamer Speedwoll for kob Angeles, Cal I Ifornln, where sho will visit for a itlmo with hor mother, Mrs. Annn I Fredorlckson, Mr. Train has ro jcelved word from his wlfo stating that sho had n very pleasant voy age and that her mothor, who had been quite seriously III, is much Improved, O, R. Datson, the civil engineer who has dono soma work for the city of Myrtlo Point this spring, has been appointed assistant to Chief Engineer Whorat of the C, R. R. & R. Ry., and as such Is acting roadmastor. Mr. Datson has been at this end of tho line nearly all week and has had tho section crew hard nt work cleaning up tho right of way and putting It gen erally In more sightly condition. L. C. Rargelt, formor editor of tho Enterprise, returned last weok frqm Rurbank, Cal wbero he has been spending the winter. Mr. Rar gelt was employed on a newspapor while at Rurbank. Mrs. Innls Roso has returned from Needles, Ariz., where she spent tho winter. FREE GOVERNMENT SEEDS. For a bet n young seedsman of Leeds Rashly swallowed six packets of seeds; And now, silly ass! He Is coverod with grass, And cannot sit down for the woeds. Charles Dobbs. I PRIISRYTEItrAN CHURCH Marshflold J. E, Durkhart, Minister. At tho First Presbyterian church lorvlces may bo expected on sabbath is follows: Sundny school nt 10 n. m. Young Pooplo's meeting ut 7. Evonlng worship at S. Proyor mooting on Thursday evon lng at 7:30. Splendid music by n quartet rholr at both morning and evonlng wor ship. Rrln c u frlond nnd come EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Fourth nnd Mnrkof. llov. Robort E. Drowning, Roctor Holy Communion S a. in. Sunday school 9:30 u, in. Rov. R, E. Drowning, who return ed from Portlnnd today, will con duct services nt tho Marsblleld I CATHOLIC CI I UUCI I. Mnrshflold. Ror. A. R Munro. Low mass will be eclobrnted nt C nnd 8 o'clock tomorrow morning nt St. Monica's Catholic Church, . I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. I Christian Sclonco hall, 237 Third. street North. subject, "Ancient nnd Modern Necromnncy, Alins Mesmerism nnd Hypnotism, Denounced. Servlco Sunday nt 11 n. m. Sundny school 12 M., Wednesday 8 p. ni Rending room open on Tuoadaya, Thursdays and Sati rdays, 3 to C p. ni. CHURCH OF CHRIST. Z. O. Downrd- Minister. 10:00 a. in. Dlblo school. 11:00 n. in. Communion services and sermon. C:30 p. in. Prnyer meeting. 7:30 p. m. Preaching services. Speclnl music by tho male quartet and choir. PRESRYTKRIAN CHURCH North Rond Sunday school nt 10 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 7. -I I UNITED DRETHKEN CHURCH North Rond. Mrs. R. N. Lowls, Pastor. Sabbath school, 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. in. Preaching 11 a. ni. and 8 p. m. Prayor nicotine Wednosday even ing at 8 o'clock. .METHODIST CHURCH North Rond. Tho sorvlcos Sundny will bo as fol lows: Sunday school 10 n. m. Vesper Clrclo and Epworth Loagus 7 p. m. Sormons by tho pastor 11 a. ni. nd 8 p. m. - I CATHOLIC CHURCH North Rond. Rov. Father Sprlngor, Rector. Mass will bo celebrated at 8 o'clock Sundny morning by the Ror. Father Sprlngor. Brighten up NOW is the time for repainting your house, both for pro tection against the weather and for the sake of its ap pearance. Then there is nothing that will show better returns for the time and money spent at house-cleaning time than paint and varnish used inside the house. Tell ub what you wish to paint or varnish and we will show you a Brighten Up Finish that will do it and do it right. Sherwin-Williams Brighten Up Finishes e a line of Paints and Varnishes which do exactly wha they arc In tended to do give a right treatment to each surface. It is impossible to obtain one paint or varnish that is suitable for a wide variety of uses, so it is very important to obtain a product that is exactly suitable for the pur pose you have in mind. Come in and talk it over. We may be able to help you with: suecc Jtions, SUMNER. HARDWARE CO. 86 Market Ave. Marshfield, Ore.