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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1913)
tMBi3jseim&it1itmtemaKtiUXmKJ uriwUMtMttKKMA: -; THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, 01 Your Car Will Run Best On so much of thnt droaiiM7Tr And she burst" cfrlWJl nB If her heart wns br.tiB afrh. . ""tit. Maggie," sal.l ?klnB' heard how whiskey BoVttmho h l'oplo "dead drunk ?? &', BM ho'b not dead; ho'li ,Ji 8 n: a while." ' 10 " tom to after The Woman's Corner Edited Under tho Auspices of the Woiiien'N Christian Tciiipcranco Union of Marshflcld. nos.f' tn i.. ""it j M wo, no won't," bum . Jlint Is what l'a ami A "'or l: night, nnd they Jft VM bed, for he was wnrin ,.i 1,ltn to to breathe, but th, "' 2L?im wjb cold and Btirr-lan.1 S?Jn5 What. makoB n city great nnd strong? Not nrehltecturo'B gracoful atrongth, Not factories' oxtendod longth Hut men, who boo clvlo wrong, And give their Uvea to tunko It right. And turn its darkness Into light. Selected. 0Hli"l: Steffi we soil ror the doctor, nnil hw?' he Is-ho could do noth inj i hti .. I lonrnod Inter tht .5 'or.' m." I klt. uhaa.!. t ;m : "Ms "I.nt not tho Btr'cftm of your llfo ho n murmuring stream." of;".1' rvvJ I ui II pur rciW wH HIHf--MH ills '&l wMm'M JbiMilHHHHIi f The Standard Oil for Motor Cars 1 What lubricating cylinder oil is used on your car? It concerns every automobile owner to know that his car is properly lubricated. A good car can be ruined in a short time by poor lubrication. If you arc not already using ZEROLENE, communicate with our nearest agency. We believe that we can demonstrate to you in person or by personal letter why ZEROLENE is the best motor lubricant you can use. ZEROLENE is sold by dealers everywhere and at all agencies of the SAN PRANCISCO Kvory tiny except Sunilny Do not go out. Mrs. Maria W. Jackson (il'lldllUtC ."WllSM'HXO LADII2S ON'liY Given Mnssngo and Manipu lation Treatment. Xoi'tli lleml, Oregon Ihi Star Transfer and Storage Co. U prepared to do all kinds ot hauling on short notlco. W moot nil trains and boaU and wo also have tho latest style Roynolds Piano Mover. We guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. EANDOM BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FKW TK.V AC11K TRACTS I-'OUU MILKS SOUTH O.V COUNTY IIOAU 9!I5 PICK ACKK; $100 CASH, IIAIjANCK TWO YKAHS, NO INTKItKST, NO TAXKS, KINK SANDY LOAM, LKVKL KKNCII LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald! MacKimiitosh IIKAIj K8TATK nnd INSURANCK. Phone 9R-TI. 120-J Q-I Singer Sewms Machines Wo lmvo thorn tor rent or for aalo. Machines Ilopnlrcd. Suppllcu and NoedlnB for Halo. W. J. IUTZ. 131 Park Ave. Mnrshfleld. Phono 280-X. You Auto Call Foote phoni: 144-j nioht a:. day Stand front of IiUiicn Illlllnrt Parlor TllltHK NKV CAHS AfU'r II P. M. Pliono 12(10-1, Ilesldcnce Pliono ,8-J, Careful Drlreni -: flood Cam Low In price, high In quality. Electric Irons Wo liavo n few sceomMiuiiri Irons In good working condition nt !M.7n. New Irons, $:i,bo up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1G3 N. Broadway PLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST 11AXK IX COOS COUXTY. Kbtnbllshed 1HH0. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Tlmu Deposits. Off kern: J. V. Iieunett, President. T. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. K. Williams, Cashier. Geo. P. Winchester, Ass't Cashier, New and Second Hand Furniture sold on tlio Installment plan. IIAHH1XGTOX, DOYLK & CO., .Ids: Front St. Phone SMO-L Mnrshfleld. Or. Be Up To Date Order your Suit from TAnn TheTailorand yJM-JLJ Dress Expert 278 Front St. Upstairs. STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, llroiuldo Knlarglug and Kodak Finishing. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Choosing a Bank la a matter that should call for careful consideration. Tho features which should ho vi tally considered are: Tho financial strength of tho hank. Tho condition of Its assets. The conservatism of Its policies. Tho Integrity of Its directorate, Tho facilities It offers patrons and tho intelligent, courtesy of Its offi cers and assistants. It Is our aim to excel and wo in vite you to put us to tho test In all tlieso essentials. Have your Job printing done at The Times office. Why Worry Over Home Baking when you can get so much bettor bread, cakes, etc., hero at a littler cost than you can make thorn for and with none of tho labor and uncertainty of all home baking? All you need to do to realize the truth of this statement Is ' to try our baking. Do It today. Coos Bay Bakery The place for good goodies. There Is, more happiness In an iinrlght, virtuous llfo (to imy noth ing of the outcomo, when this life Iiiih pnssod nway). than In a llfo devoted to gratifying tho boiibch In sinful pleasures. Do not let tho seeming good things of.thlB llfo rob you of tho bust things. "Lend a hnnd, lend n hand to the work of the world Place the word on your bnnner, ne'er let It ho furled, While sin, pain and sorrow hold sway In the world." WIWdK. One of the Mirny True Stories of Today. It was n beautiful, mld-mimmor morning; thoro had been a shower of rain tlio night before; tho nlr was fresh and sweet with tho odors of tlio wild rose and now-mown bay, and Jubilant with tho sweet notes of tho early-morning winged sognsters, Light, fleecy clouds moved grace fully over n background of nzuro: nil natures seemed overflowing with beauty nnd rnpturo; n perfect sum mer morning with God's glorious sunlight flooding nil beneath giving a crowning glory to field nnd flower nnd tree. I, n little girl, with lunch basket on my arm, was on my way to school, drinking In nil thin won derful beauty with n full and ap preciative heart, thnt had no ex pression In words, O, how sweet and happy this world seemed thnt lovely, summer morning! Kvcn now, nfter the lnpso of so ninny years, moving backward on Time's panorama, I soo on memory's canvas that lovely picture In all Its vivid beauty. Again I am a little girl, leisure ly wending my way to tho old rock school hoiiso, whero my feet so often traveled In my enrly llfo. My Innocent "heart, thnt then knew nnught of life's sorrows and disap pointments, was filled with u sweet Joy nnd love of tho beautiful things around mn. My own hnpnlncKs seemed only nn echo of tho bright world; I did not think thorn could be sorrow nnd troublo nnywhero In such a lovely, Joyous world, but when nbout n mile from home, nv I was passing by a neighbor's houso, my hnpplncHR wns suddenly disturb ed by children's voices as thoy enmo running from tho house, with loud erics and wnlilngs of distress, Mag glo H n schoolmate who resided thoro, waB one, and stopping short In my wmk, I anxiously Inquired: "What- Is tho matter, Maggie?" "Oh. Oh, Wllllo, our little Willie Is dead!" "Willie Wllllo dead! How? Whnn? What was tho mnttor with him?" I wns the more surprised ns I hnd scon tho brlght-oyod, eurly linlrcd little fellow playing happily, npparontly In perfect health, the provlous evening on my way homo from school. "Oh," said Mngglo, "Pn brought homo sonio whiskey yesterday for tho men to drink tndny, and ho gnvo Wllllo a llttlo with some su gar, nnd Wllllo tensed for more, but Pa would'nt glvo glvo him any more nnd nfter Pn went out to work nnd Mn wns down collar, nnd no wns 'round to seo, ho Btolo Into tho pantry and got tho Jug thnt rad tho whlskoy In It, nnd drnnk n lot, nnd Ma found him on tho floor nnd lots of tho whlskoy apllied nil ovor, but Wllllo didn't know noth In', and ho dond. Just for drinking tie girl had told no ... ,he " Tho child was InYV,0? 'fe. whiskey! tlond killed by calling J.lmself "j ,, " ft cup,, drinker," who could drink"?"? It nlono (?) Ah wn. i 0r ' with mirt, mon, "nn0 w.Cn,toB arvest Hoasons, llioy furnlrtiV ?nd lcoy for their help anJ " fted whl tho Intoxicant lind n... ll8e ' appetite, so that Mr n W ,he an habitual niodorntn f n ,b?c?me Ho lmd been In tho Imbl.'n?'1?.'' tho dregs of hs glass in i S ?n son. till tho Innoront imh.1! ,tt,e thnt onrlv Rti. .-Pi. l.b' '""I M tlte. and not "ha vhihl. l satisfied, ho walcheujL r,"naTln rink. nn, ns his lender co," Hon could not renlxt LC0"'.U,U' A NOTRE DAME LADY'S .APPEAL To til knowloc ufftrrri of rheamiilim, wheth er muieuUr or of Hie )olnti, eclttlct, lumbucx, Uckictir, ilai In the kldnrt or nturilflk itloi, to write to tirr for bomr trritnrat wblcn bit rrpotnllr currd (II of Ihrt torturn, till fli It brr dot to trnd It to ill mirrrrrrs KItKK, You cure ourwlf it borue llioiotuda will tMtlf uo cbtntf of rllmttr Ilnj nrt-e tr Tbli ilmplr dlncotrrr binlrbri urlo irtd from tbt blood, looirni the llfrrnrd Jolnti, pur ISri tbe blood, ind brlfhtrni the JM, lltlnl tliillcltr ind tone to the whole tyitrin. If tbt tare Interred 70a, for proof iddreee Jin. U. Bammcr, Dot R, Notre Dime, Ind. COOS BAY AND BOISE COMING Don't wait for It. hut como to Sartor's today and get one of thoso refreshing fountain drinks. Tho hest on tho IJny. no., could not rcBlHt t ha S' death was the rcKitlt. P on' Mr. B. wns owner of n fin ,. nd sufficient to cloth V.- support his fnmilv 3.f?.d S- ''''"& flbooless, and poorly rlml ih ient was destitute' 0 IIip Jonil" M that n wn11.,.nm.l... u "?UnIc to (say 0t, of l7o foTti whiskey and were nc wonting for tbe man ami hi. hi" lio who should bo the breidtfe nor and provlded-whose flr.t TA highest duty Is to love and prolei what was he? Answc? me mm one. Was he not nn Infnntlddrt Hut now, ns , think hack on thai tragical Incident. 1 art nnelf "Wasn't It better nfter nil hi ban o have lived to ho n man for who knows who enn tell what ho 'might lmvo been' brought un under such Influences?" But snfo In tho nrins of lllm. nho nn III. ', M. -1.11.1 ' . "' " " in: minimi (0 Mine unto mo, for of such Is the klnr. dom of Heaven" temptation hu no power. "Offenses mnat ncedi come, but woo unto him by hom tho offense coinoth," J. 3. D. COVKIt CHOPS 1X)U OltCIIAltllS. Walk ono block and Bavo ono dol lar on each pair of men's and boys' Bhoes. We do first class shoe re pairing at tho lowest prices In tho city. Yours for a Bquaro deal. Aug. Olson. 215 South Broadway. , THE LITTLE SHOE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER Tfl Wlinrft VH. tnn rnh ntinfla .- ....w.w ;uu i.u buv yum Diiuvn rODalred nrnmtltlv rnnannnlilv nnd satisfactorily. Come in nnd see. nanin u, v v - i l w- Ab a cover crop In the orchard, nniry veicn nns proved Itself to b by far tho most satisfactory nllro-gon-gatherliig cover crop that e can uso here In tho N'orthwcit. Com ing up as It docs Immediately after sowing, nun continuing to pro until cold weather sets In, and In this wny forming a low, dense mil hoforo winter, which Is capable of holding leaves, trash, etc., and thui preventing wnshlng during the win ter, It Is n valuable crop, In spring lis starts Into growth early, and by tho last of April or first of Ma; It has produced from flvo to twelve toiiH of green manure per acre, Tlio fall or winter Injury so com mon In young orchards In some lo calities Is often In part duo to the Into growth of young trees, which causes them to go Into winter with a full flow of sap, and n lot of unma tured wood In tlio stems, which u killed by tho first heavy froit In tbe Into fall or enrly winter, tiiii can ho rcndllv overcomo by tho syaten- ntlc uso of cover crops which will tnko up tho surplus water nnd avail able plant food In the summer and enrly In tho fall, nnd In llila man ner cause tho wood nnd budi to mntiire early. The cover crop should bo sown Just before the onrly fall rains, or following law summer rains, usually from the mid dle of August to the latter part or onrly In September. Tlio bonefltn of a cover crop in tho orchard are enumerated as fol- InuB- I. It directly Improves the plT'- Icnl condition or tno sou uy ai dltlon of humus nnd tho loosening up of tho subsoil by root action. 2. It provont hard soils from ce menting and clay soils from pun- 3. 'it makes tho soil more mold by holding tho snows and rami un til they bnvo had a chance to oas Into tho soil. ,. , i... .i,..i., nut the soil early In 'soring, It makes early tllUt Pn! ItBorven as a protection of ten uor roots iroiu n,. ,ir C. It catches and holds the WW . . .. .... ...i.ii, tdn trees are ost nitrates 01 wimu "--. ,. not In need at thnt season of t ye7? It renders plant food i more nvnllnblo by root action nnd we oe composltlon of humus. .( 8.' By the addition of hnmoMi ...i,.. ..hil.,.i nn and ims"1"' much easier and moro efftlve 9. Tho leguminous co re ndd plant food by appropr g nitrogen of the a r and "5 up In the roots of tneplMi. ' - SSS ' wood'to'V inn nuu ww -. nreTenin plotoly rlpon up, thus preic fall or winter Ion on eep 11. It provonts erosion on orchard lands. . ffD and 12. It keeps weed do catcheB and noius to trees. Lc!- . ...M nr rover crops w 13. A nunc" --,.,. Tery bii- alkali orchard Inlsn" tit" ot Arlntlv redlICO the QUan HJ kail that comes t00tb harRI, Head t of Department" ojjg'g,: ture, wiiauiufii"" logo, Try Corona Blend Coffee CNsewMOHtoMf Phono 304-J. It hlLnt, "'ftW re. ."'"M or. rvi mi m UlU,. ! tiling olk..,!l a i ,. , i h7:.B,il th '" much at .,,SWh miiori. 'lUMv &?! V' ..." fw I mil. ntt!ter,l "".utii lam. ll!My "uimjnil ini ooi win n WTbi nt It tih "Ot to ru 1131.. POUlt'ujJ in mr tWtrtjti HUlBf compiife ILOIIOIk AllbKly soul uitit lltllt,; onMi(( nottbnti: roMJk hill trjtit 0. IitDtv ur. lloii till bWM drosifroiii to tooruiJ Utile tOQtUC Icmlr olt la i ict I HlftoMn of lift i i It tif.'al brltfljq It tta boon t'l It till e amlltleu II W forte ul tl It HTrti test ui i ni Hwl nictci it m ltd cite I iith Inl mdttioK ItUUI hltW-H ytab-l DtlWAI ttfitllt! endarej ( rlflred t lift. Wj ituui " tbt tirX I It i for' Hi' T' , Mariet Ave. Phono 111-L Next door to Orpheum Theater. fcil- H,B