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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1913)
Marsh-field and North Bend Auto Line Story of Paimama & GORST & KING. Proprietor. IN ONE THING EVERY DAY" Electric Lighting Means Real Home Comfort One hundred years ago the family gathered iround the dim light of a tallow candle or drew up as closo ns tho heat would permit to tho flickering lBht of tho old-fashioned log llro. Heading or sewing at night In thoso days was a hardship little wonder our ances tral eyes failed boforo tholr tltno. LEAVE MARSHFIELD LKAVK NORTH BEND. X.i. il.THECIJI.HHHACUT 13, ly Tlio Associated NowBpnper School. Inc bnndonlng tlio pitifully lundo- npit won no Brand Canyon of F .1 mlnliu f 80 will".-""""" mill!) elCll ' most lvld lin- y 1IHK"'0 II i nearly '" i of nations mm i mined In taur- untalns forming He. allowing " Be to flow ucroBH the nlnnd ru in rml by Do Les- of titiltliiK Hi" iif a riiniil trannmii, bognn aber of innnlliH trove to lower hut tlio result ipon tlio Hiirfaru. Immense rniiyuii kcavalod After laborers nnd bromlneiit ongl- til to tlio deadly ai abandoned I States Govern- b French their all tliolr old ncnt. Tlio dig- gan nt onco on i that It ntlrnr- he entire world. ling thn Amerl- or iiirkiiik n is Iiiiku inotin- lle jiniKloH wnii any corps or !. PK lmpoHslblllty l re wnn n eon- How fever ilur- : tlio Amorl- . Tho (lovorn- boiiii aftor and the Ainorl- through all and ili'iitli. cubic yurdH ero removed (litato outllt loft by tlio French, our country replaced It with modern Htcnm shovels and hundreda of dirt rarfl .muled by American locomotives). Tliu grent lillln shook und tho JuiirIch echoed tho roar from tho explosion of thousands of pounda of dynumlto. UBod to tear nway tho face of tlio mountains to allow tho shovels to iioso tholr way through on tholr slow hut Hiiro Journey to tho Pnrlllc. Since lUOfi an army of workers guided by tlio Ingenuity of American engineers hint blown npnrt, shoveled up, and carried away SS.ririO.OOO cubic yards of oartli from Culobra Cut. Today tho work Ih DO per cent completed. Tlio best view of the cut Is to bo had from tho top of tho bank oppo- hiio mo town or uiuonrn. Moro than half a nillo across Ih the opposlto bank. Ilundrcdg of foot below nro tho Bliovols, dirt traiiB, nnd hundredB of men at work. From this Brent height they look like tiny specks. Through sovoral yellow fever epi demics und constnnt tropical dlsonBCs nnd Intotiso Bcorchlng sun, tho men on tho Job linvo Inhered steadily day after day to accomplish this wonder ful work, until now It Is practically finished. This oxrnvntlon Ih bo Im mense thnt any nhlp crossing the At lantic Ocenn today could easily bo hurled In It. Every day n different human In terest story will appear In The 'limes. You can not a beautiful In tngllo reproduction of this picture. with five others, equally attractive 7 by 0V& InchcB In slzo. with this week's "Mentor." In "The Mentor1 a well known authority covors the subject of tho pictures nnd stories of tho week. Headers, of Tho Times nnd "Tho Mentor" will know Art, Lltornturo, History, Science, nnd Trnvol, and own oxqulslto pictures. On halo nt Tho Times office Price ten touts. Wrlto todny to The Times for booklet explaining The Associated Nowspnpor School plan. 7:1B A. M. 8:00 A. M. 8:4D A. M. 9:30 A. M. 10:lC A. M. 11:00 A. 11. 11:4E A. M. 12:30 P. M. 1:15 1 M. 2:00 P. M. 2:.4G I'. M. 3:30 1. M. 4:1G P. M. C:00 1. M. 5:45 P. M. 0:30 P. M. 7:30 P. M. 8:30 P. M. 9:30 P. M. 10:30 P. M. 11:30 P. M. 12:30 A. M. 7:00 A. M. 7:45 A. M. 8:30 A. M. 9:15 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 10:45 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 12:16 P. M. i:oo p. m. 1:45 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 3:15 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 4:45 P. M. 6:30 P. M. C:15 P. M. 7:00 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 10:00 P. M. 11:00 p. m. 12:00 P. M. FARE, ROUND TRIP, 25 CENTS Lcavo North llenJ Allen'a Newn atnnd. Lcavo Mnrshllcld Chandler and Blanco Hotels nnd Busy Corner. n .L'oduy ii single (JO watt tungsten (Mazda) electric lnmp will give 48 tlmoa ns much light nD tho caiiuio or n century ago and tho light Is ntondy- whl to -soft PLUMBING AS IT SHOULD BE DONE Is tho kind of plumbing wo do open, every Joint tight, sanltury, InteBt Btylo plumbing. Heat of bath-tubs, latest devices In water uiubuih, HiiiKH anu overyining you can think or In the plumbing line. Call us up on tho 'phono, wrlto us or seo us, und we'll do the trick every tlmo. Willey & Schroeder 03 North Front 8trect. PHONE 77-J Electric light is the first aid to home com fort. Did you over investigate its coat? It wlHsurprlBo you to know how llttlo it conts to wlro nn unwlred houno. Telephone 178 nnd let us submit on estimate on your proporty. Oregon Power Company Second and Central. TIlU RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING AHSTHAOT COMPANY Have photographic copies of all records of Cooa County to dnto nbstrncts of titles, present ownora, or any other Information rolaUng to real estate furnished on short notice rowing BUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Mnrshflold. Phono 151 J W. J. RUST, Manager fLE E BOX used Drink i Mer, Al- Pair r tiiom i -Taklnc ref- fturiued today ' revolver. H. lPr, and his w death be ll by liollco- I'leil pay for P "rady, of mouRlit ho 'angry when Fnt. n based 'them pixi:i). ot(,i Kilter r. '-Frank d his plea lre of soil- ," vloln- law. tn n nea $300 nce of U . "ellg. Tin. fi accepting iuu.r ne Old Natlng tlio M Wflla In said t)in al COnin in BhfUvlm- al that l ravler spii. I"0' less ns ""ruing to R8 aavo tli fcVXl the '"VIA nei, NEGRO TELLS ABOUT MURDER Superintendent Leo. M. Frank of Atlanta Factory Held for Girl's Death on Testimony tnjr AodleJ I'rrii to rooa Ilr Tlmrt. ATLANTA, On., May 31. Addi tional dotnlls of tho nno-eil confes sion ndinlttlug knowledge of tlio uiurdor of Alary Phngnu, which tlio pollro culm wns secured from Jns. Conley, n negro, woro mndo public today. Conloy was an employe at tho pencil factory whore tho girl's body woh found and had hoon un dor nrreat for sevornl weeks. Ac cording to tho police, Conloy was alleged to stnto that Leo M. Frank, Biiiiorlntondont of the factory, Bont him Into tho room of tho plant tho day the girl disappeared. Ho found her body, according to tho pollco. nnd it wns taken to the basoment whero it was found by night watch man Nowt Leo onrly the noxt morn ing. In tho latest alleged confes sion tho negro was alloged to have snld thnt ho wrote tho notes found besldo tho dond girl's body nt Krnnk's dictation Just nfter the body had boon carried to tlio hnse- mont. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY RKXJAMI.N OSTM.NI), x- CniiMillliig Kiiginecr nnd Architect. Phono l(:t-T .Mnrslifleld, Ore. h'AHV AMI COUf01)10Ut) J. SI. WltlOlIT, CONTUACrOlt ANI) , IIUILDKIt Eatlmntes furnlBhod on request. Plnns and spcclflcntlona furnished If desired. An honest job guurnn toed. Phono 12 4 -It. J OEL OSTLIM), Phmo Tuner nnd Henolrcr. 41b S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L pEHJj KILKV IIALLINUKU " PJbulst nnd Teacher Hesldenco-Studlo, 237 So. Urondwa; Phono 18-L. WO. CHANULEH, Architect. FASIIIj niNNKHS In our now locntion, wo nro os poclnlly prepared to cater to family trado. Regular meala or abort or dors. Open Oay nnd night. SIKHCIIANT'S CAFK. nromhviiy nnq Commercial SIfld. COOS HAY VJuVIR AND WINDOW fiLASS CO. J. A. Ooodwlll nud W. K. Sawyor. Plate, Art ami Window Iiuih, Sllr- rtirs, Prismatic OIiisn. Stall orders nnd phono orders given prompt attention. Katlmatea fur nished. Phono 70-L. 727 So. Hrondwny. Mnrshflold. HooinN 801 nnd JI02, Coke Ilulldi Slwrshflcld, Oregon. DH. W. SIOHHOW, DenUst. 171 Crimea Building, over Graad Theater. Ofllco l'hone 820. W M. S. TUHPKN, AHCIHTEOT Marshfield, Oregon. Aug. Frizeen HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Somo burgulus In city und Hunker 1 1 111 lots and residence. Gray Auto Service Fisher & Tucker, Proprietors. Phono ordora to Ulnnco Hotel, 40, Aftor 12, 2C0L, Right Cafo. MnrahOeld. Oregon. D It, A. J. HKNimX'H Modern Dental Prlor. Wu nro equipped to do high clan work on short notice ui the vorj lowest pricea. Exumlnatiou free Lady attendant. Coko Qldh, Opi Chnndlor Ho'pI. nhnnii tll-J. SIIHINEHS IN YOSESIITE. Piomn nt ""ne thn. tut u-l, i and ef. Thl. that Fo- best and . ThPv Ita rsults. .rr"orln. L'Oh Largo Xuinber of Ntibles Attend Cere monies in California. YOSESIITE, SIny 31. More-thnn 2fi0 mombors of Islam Temple, Nobles of the Atystlc Shrine, nro In the park todny, nccompnnled by their wives, for n tbreo dny's stay. Dedication of ' 'lavlllou for tho use of all mombers, no matter from what part of the world they may hall, nnd n bnll and n banquoc nro on the program. KLKS-HAND special LEAVES for Dandon at 7 O'CLOCK next SUN DAY MORNING. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers nnd -easonable charges. Our motto. 'Will go anywnero nt any time.' Stands Blanco Hotel nnd Dlanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 nnd 41 Sight Phone 46. BARKER A OOODALK. iimnrlfttor V. S. HHOW'N JJ5 A. H. HODOIN8 Marshfield Paint (Mb Decorating Co. RIdo in Lynn Lambeth's 101.1 7 passenger Cadillac. Stand nt Hlll yer'a Clgnr Storo. Telephone 18-J. After 11 p. in., tolophono 2C0-L, tho Right Cnfo. Careful driving nssurod. Prompt nttontion. Will go nnywhoro, nny tlmo, dny or night. Loaves Hlll yer'a Cigar Storo to meet nil trnlna nnd bonta. Steamer Red cm do Kqulppcd with wlrelms nnd ubmnrine bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR. COOS BAY TUESDAY, JUNE 3, AT 3 P. M. onl "".ff. nwnrnUonB Worn fliui Frnnclsco Mtut He MV 805 Fife lJulldliig, or IiOmbnrd atreet Pier U7. AH reservations must bo taken up SI hours before nailing. 1NTEH-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. c. P. MeOEOnnH. li.l stHe.S SPEEDWELL CA1T. K. ROSENHMTT, Master. Sails for San Francisco From Coos Bay Tuesday, June 3. TUB SPEEDWELL la apeedy nnd has excellent iijuwcnger accom inodations, large clean and airy rooms nud electric lights uu4 wireless. For freight and passage, npply, A. F. Estabroolc Co. Titlo Ounrnnteo and Abatrnct Co., (I1S-U17 flnuta Slurlim Hldg., Han Frnuclsco. Mnrshflold. S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPKD WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR, PORTLAND TUESDAY, JUNE 3, AT 6:00 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 OONNKCTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NOItTH PACIFIC PTEAMHU1P COSIPANY. Phono 44 O. F. McUEOHQK, Agent. $5 REWARD for nny watch I cannot make run. E. C. BARKER JEWELER Fine Watch und Jewelry Repairing. 20(1 Front St.. Marshfield. Phono Estlmntes 187-L Furnished. Smrhhfield, Ore. Tho spring months often find a woinnn tired out, with pain In back, hips and head, nervous and sleep less. Foley Kidney Pills quickly Prove, their worth and value as n healer of nil kidney and bladder ail ments and Irregularities. Thoy ure a splendid remedy for rheumatism, clearing the uric acid from the Jolnta and system. Trv them. Owl PfPSPrlnf Irtti Prflnb n W," (o". Opposite Chandler Hotel. U9 7i Phon 74 First Class Weaving promptly done at Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor. Union nnd Montnna Street. Phono 131. North Bend. Or, Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GOUTHELL PHONE 3171. K modern Bncx , uitding, Blectrls Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, rrop. Rates: 60 cents a day and upwards Cor. Rroadwar and Market EQUIPPED WITH WIRELEH8 Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILING FROM PORTLAND SIAV 25 AND HO; JUNE I, O, 14, 24, ANI) 20 AT H A. SI. SAILING FROM COOS HAY SIAV 22 AND 27; JUNE 1, , II, 10, 21 AND 20. Tickets on snlo to nil Eastern points nnd information as to routes and rates cheerfully furnished. Phono Sluin 33-L. P. it STERLING, Agent. Abstracts. Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENG8TACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Office Phone 191 Platting Lands u specialty. Fnrms Timber Coal and Mnrshfleld Ofllco 14-J. Genernl Agents "EASTSIDE." Baby Clioesf ahv 3hnp; Faby Seo the new Hue of Huby Shoes at the The Electric Shoe Shop nt 180 South Hrondwuy. Times' Want Ads bring results, JUST REOEIVKI A largo shipment of Electric Cut Glass Shades. Call and see our stock of glass ware. We also bnve some of the latest designs in shower fixtures, from two light to five. Everything in electrical supplies. Barnard & Langworthy C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMHER, LATH, SHINGLES, .MOULDINGS. SASH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO HY USING OUR WOOD. 182 SOUTH BROADWAY PHONE 100. All Kinds of Job Printing Pone at The Times Office s I II J 'lllll -