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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1913)
r e THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1913 EVENING EDITION.' COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALOXKY Kdltor nnd Tub. DAN E. MALOXKY News Editor a - Entered nt tho postofflce nt Marsh field. Oregon, for transmission through the mails ns second mall matter. clusj IGNORE TECHNICALITIES. HE law In Kentucky, like that of illrtmoiit chanrlnK grand lar- other states, provides that an In- ceny shall nlleBc that the person In dicted "did steal, take nnd carry away from So-and-so and his heirs and ns Blgnu forever," tho property In tho rase. A man named A. Adams was In dicted here for the larceny of $270 In "coin of tho realm" from a to bacco farmer of Lexington, who sold a part of his crop and stuffed the money into his pockets. Warned In time, the farmer caught In his own tho hand of the thief Just clutching the roll of bills before he hod with drawn them from the pocket. In the trlnl tho "attorneys" for the thief set up the claim that the money had not been "carried away" &nd therefore the thief could not be found guilty under tho Indictment, nnd they appealed his case, com plaining of the court's Instruction to the Jury to the contrary. Tho court of appeals sustained the lower tourt and nlllrmcd the Judg ment. Evidence accumulates that Judicial feneration for technicalities Is eb bing. What rnn bo the reason? And when will the lawyers see the point? IlAfjEMALL. WE ARE mighty glnd to havo baseball back again. It Is hard to get on without tho gamo. Not rnln nor chill nor tho long dark nights of the winter months mnko that season dreary It's tho lack of baseball. The game Is In tho blood. All America Is Inoculated with It, and It Is a tosaup any day of tho season between a good game and a good dinner. Most boyn, and men, too, tvould choose- the game. Dasoball Is ono of the best sports lor many reasons. It Is good for the players, boy nnd mnn. It makes them lead clean, wholesome lives, elso they enn neither bat, field nor run. It Is all-round exercise, nnd dovclopB every muscle. A good ball player Is likely to bo a good deal of n mnn. Dasobnll Is also good for tho spec tator. It Ih entertaining and excit ing. It takes ono Into tho open air and gives him a chance to yell, It Is good for tho lungs nnd the nerves. It Is an escape from overwork and rcstloness And It is a clean sport. If any playor, corner lot, bush or league, should do anything crooked ) M ball gamo It would bo n big news story. A "llxed" gamo Is a rarity. A crooked playor couldn't llvo In America. These n few of the reasons why wo nro all strong for busoball. Tho gunio between tho Marshlleld nnd Hnndon Elks toatiiH at tho Clty-by-the-aea tomorrow promises to bo worth going several times that many miles to see. Thoro will not only bo n good ex hibition of tho great national gnmo but good fun nnd good music an well. Everyono should plan to go. Tho trip will bo nn enjoyable one. It will odd years to your llfo nnd cheer to your honrt. Shut up your desk, put on your lid An 1 lock your olllca door; Chuck nil your business off tho map, Ilr'ish up your baseball lore. WITH THE TOAST - AND THE TEA it - ' GOOD EVENING. In contemplating tho cnuses which may disturb our Union It occurs ns a matter of serious concern that any ground should have been furnished for char acterizing parties by geograph ical discriminations; northern nnd southern, Atlantic nnd western; whence designing men men may endeavor to excite n belief that thero is a real dif ference of local Interests and views. Ono of tho expedients of a pnrty to acquire Influence within certain districts Is to misrepresent the opinions nnd alms of other districts. You cannot shield yourselves too much against tho Jealousies and heartburnings which spring from these misrepresentations; they tend to render nllon to each other those who ought to be bound together by frntcrnnl nffectlon. George Washington. The Home District Under the summer sun nnd stars And under the winter snow Our heroes sleep, unvcxed by wars, While the seasons come nnd go. Kissed by the dew and gentle showers And arched by the blue above, They sleep today 'neath a world of flowers, Left there by a Xatlon's love. -H-tt- At Medicine Lodge, KnnsfiB, Inst veok, Ira H. Apple was married to Annlo L. Peel. Here's hoping each will find tho other true to the core. -B-tt- - I - STOItY OK THE DAY. A child who had been taught that SocratC3 had a wife who was un pleasant to him and that the great philosopher drank hemlock, when asked tho cause of his death, replied; "Socrates died from nn overdose of wedlock." -B-B- "That man your nuto knocked over says ho has the number of your ma chine." "What did he say It was?" "Sixty-six." "It's ninety-nine. Ho was stand ing on his licnil when he saw It." -B-B- Soclety Item In tho I'ottsvllle, Pa., Republican: "0. W. Shocnor, tho well known undertaker, will this cvonlng tender a banquet to the doc torn 'of town." Somehow, we enn't hollovo that the doctors appreciated tho compliment ns much ns they ougnt to. -B-B- When patient, persevering effort is required to form chnrncter, and whnt a little thing will poison life In Its source. -B-B-Sayors of sooth and prophets of gold, Headers of riddles wise, Shall wo bellvo what wo are told Or shall wo surmise? First Addition To Marshfield Local erl in the "South Side" scdio,N whpi,c homos are being built. Tho district where improve " arc being made and values steadily increasin- m. It's the select residence district of the IJav ci sunny, signny ana sneitcrod. The section of the '. whore you want your home. hook over Kirst Addition where ouy a ouxiu lot lacing on an ' M0 von - improved street. W.m make the terms of purchase to suit your income. Invest your savings or build your home in tin's olioicn cj,.ti, q:,i..' ....... i i i uwiiiii omu .;iwjiuii. V.IH.WU ingn values and low prices prevail. For home or investment Pi,.st Addition meets your every requirement. Plat at our office. Reynolds Development Co. 37S CENTRAL (Owners.) m. 160. HILL IS BUSY r JInko traits for tho depot In the morn To see tho 10 1 k teams play: Tho real hall season opens up When "Hlldu's Colls" get gny. Now don't forget yourself ami lot Mero business Interfere, PoBtpouo your schemes go watch tho teams Lambnst tho horsehldo sphere. Be there to rare and tenr your hair And howl and root am) pray To boost our boys, with helpful nolso When "Hllde'n Colts" got gay. TltV IT! V YOU nro In a hum don't ? behind a lame man. "Illiih vmn- chariot to a star." llownre of the sneorer and tho scoffor. Seek tho man who believes In things thnt aro good and who Ih trying to mako ev erything elso better, by deeds and woriiB. Com'5 Into tho suiiBhlno for n llttlo whllo. It Is a good world aftor all. ou havo had hard luck, III health r.nd bird blows, but open your ledger nd soo If tho credit doesn't over balance the debit Hide. lie frank with yourself and see how much of tho debits enn bo chnrged to your own fault a lack of foresight, trusting tho untrustworthy, over reaching solflshness. stupldltv, e. trnvaganco. failure to learn by ex perience or refusal to protlt by ad vice. Take n few precious moments for MJlf-eximlnntlon. Don't mourn be onuso boiuo ono who started In life with fewer advantages than you nas none so much better. Think of those you hne left behind In the rnco. Youis must bo a hopeless ease If you uro Iin.t In line. Happiness Is from within, not from without. No greater hnpplnebs can bo found than that which comes from the sweet content of right thinking, right living and a good conscience. Try it' Seo how warm nnd linking its sunshine Is! When n man tells you that tho late survey From Eugene toward Coos Hay WaH made In fun nnd not In piny; What Is a gink llko mo to say? itenuer or riddles whisper low, How aro wo to know? wire. I cannot llnd my razor strop. My shaving mug Is off tho sholf. There' not a chair for mo to drop Into tho whllo I dress myself. One shirt must last mo through tho week, One collnr do though thick with grime. Tho laundry sho forgot to send Onc3 moro It Is houseclennlng t'mo, -W-M- I E is back of this enterprise, hut the road will bo built.' "An option on tho citizens' right of way, which will give the now lino tho necessary yards In this city, and n right of way from Ilolso Valley to Caldwell through the Ilolso Valley has been obtained by .dr. Leonard and as well, permission from tho Gov eminent to cross forest reserves. ii I Activity in Projects in Eastern' Oregon May Have Coos i Bay Significance NORTH BEND NOTES. tho ex- i Mnnngor Paul nimmlck. of j North Ilond Lumber Company ,,,,,, ,, ... , pecis io nnvo n I repa rs and con- wiWlttM?Wi&l?V?tr!nln? ".ruction on the mill completed by will bo of Interest hero ns It may ... 1C ... ...,.. ,., M,n '..,,, ...,,, have bearing on the sudden re- Vesim.o operation . ' vlvnl of activity In tho Coos Day nnd T( V. ,, . . Ilolso project and .may mean that Hill ' I. A.lSri .. n m Vwi, - aro building a now pile driver which win imve a scow for Its permnnont I Till: QUINT ODSERVEH SAYS: New Havo your Job printing done nt Tho Timos office y The dictators of fashion In York have decreed thnt tho hem of wornou'i drosses should bo only ono Inch from tho ground. Hut thnt won't mnko tlium keep It thero If thoy nro wearlnu those now, hand-pninted silk HtocklnnH, I.otters or credit might bo proporly termed capital letters. If a woman thinks beforo sho spenks she can economize on talk. The pnperhanger's business Is good If It drives him to tho wnll. i'.v is restless. When paw takes on thnt restless look .An' gits ns cross ns cross kin be, An' w-ju't sit quiet with his book, Nor I rot mo on his knee; Whon ho won't do a thine but frpt. An' acts so nwful. awful queer. An' Btarts to dlggln' worms, you bet Trout flsliln' season's already hero. -::-u- filvo friendship, whether the ob ject or your friendship becomes a friend or not. It Is a most blunder ing error to supposo that two aro required for a friendship. Tho most enriching friendships of nil times Imve been lonely ones. He you a friend. Wherevor mnn grows In knowledge wisdom, nud strength, In faith, hope, .nil love, howalks in tho way of heavon. A mnn takes desperate chances when ho buys n horso covered with u blnnkot, or gets married. If, as soiuo writers say. n mnn nc- q ilium wisuoni through marrlago. It Is Intorestod In tho Inttor: t "Tho Uutte-Ilolse-Wlnnomuccn rail road project was launched In this stuto tills week, showing n determina tion on tho pnrt of the Hln system to build a link for Its northern linos In Montana, connecting with some Eouthorn lino on friendly relations, or tho Western Pnellle, thereby giv ing a Pacific outlet to tho south, when articles of Incorporation showing tho load to havo $10,000,000 capital stock wore filed with the secretary of stato. "Tha plans nro to connect with tho western Pacific at Wlnnemuccn, Nov foundation and which will li0 used for waterfront and tide flat work. Tho machlnory Is expected to urrlvo within tho next week. The cnucK'to sinokcHtnek at Pur- tor wbh finished this week nnd meiiHurcs about 100 feet In height. Potor Logglo lias arranged to on- largo Logglo Hall In North Ilond by an addition, tho lower floor to bo for storo purposes nnd tho upper I Moor io Incronso tho dancing nnd seating capacity of tho hall proper. will ounin nun IIIII'CI !( Oil . I In nn til,. ...... ....... I ...... T.ll. .11 ..r, " "" lu u iiHUHi mug-1 Tuesday last for snecdlnc uimiiy jroill 11 pilllll 111110 Illl CS CaSl niln lirnn..l. 1, ..,!.. . i , of Anaconda. '.Mont., via Ilolso. &' """," . .".?,. "'"'" f 'P.el8- .' I , t, --' . " u....,, K.i, until, through to Wlnnemuccn. "Tho totnl dlstnnco will bo GfiO miles. Connections -will bo mndo with tho (illlmore & PlttBhurg rond at Armstund, Mont., and tho lino will ontor Salmon City,, the present tor mlnnl of that road. From Salmon tho road will run south to Chnllla In central Idaho and thon turn east to cross tho Sawtooth divide, over a low was riding with him nt tho time. Chns. Thorn Is building a three story hotel nt Lnkcsldo. ulnf Olo son, formerly of Lakeside, will bo Its proprietor. L. O. Piatt will open n now phnr mncy on Juno 1 In tho building next door to tho Postofflce. Aluminum Ware and Kitchen Utensils Have you soon our extensive new line of Alum inum and enamel ware We have one of the lest assortments to be found on Coos Haw tea Kiwrnus STEW PANS COFFER POTS PC 1)1)1 XG PAS'S In an unusual suit boforo Judgo pass discovered In this range o i 'de re, n vo r ? for .1 So neah.lV lllOlltltnlna. fn tlm wnto-. nPn.l .- t.;. .' ii. U".'." l . ,0.r agalllSt "., i" ..'r. ' ..'"."'.' r."' ""?' ',u"u wnunoit Anderson nml PEUCOLATOUH Dustless Mops UusUcss and the Famous and 0-Ccdar Mopi and O-Gethir Polish i'or furniture and floors. These are great helps for busy housewives. SILVER CLEANING PANS. We now have a new stock of the only good sil ver cleaning pan on the market. Conic in and see it. Prices always right at In uu u, .uoro s v.reHK, to tno Hoiso favor of Ilerr Rush. Anderson It Ivor canyon, entering tho city via .sued for IH.SR for drli s an 1 hn what is now the Ilolse-Arrowrock 'amount Inclii l $ i "S "ash lonn railroad. Contlnu ng the road will' Judge S us tor bni.i thn ... i ' cross into Oregon and bo b should re h s ,tA(lrfn straight south to Wlnnemuccn. At drinks were n i initiit.hnt.ith? tlint linlnt Mi., nmonl Uf..,.. i, "r,",8 WfO Oil ItllSll, holding that ,l.l.,... M. lllliui clflc lino will bo used. fiouldx and Hills Concerned. "That tho Hills and tho Goulds, owners of tho Westorn Pacific, aro on friendly terms, so much so that tho lino of both will bo used to mnko i no new mcine Const route complete, Is known to bo n fact. The recent 'ns nn lmlilttinl nun not. responsible, Holy Communion sorvlco will ho held Sunday at 2:00 o'clock at tho North nend Episcopal Church by Rev Drowning. L. O'Connor, who has beon em ployed nt tho Smith mill in Marsh- otlf flnlfl Is ...n..l.. i., .. . ''"D agitation for the constfuctlon if tie ! ot t he Sim is'o'n coVn""' 'J "Bl?f Ho has taken a position ...... .v......,.,. tiiuiiu niuuii ueiiiuu " -..... iiiiuiiiiKu. Him reac ning san Franc sco hv tim s no wonder the Into Mr. Solomon most direct route ' salt Mr i -nnnVi mdwUlom to throw at tho birds. ni not at liberty tn f'n "S ii r i .... ....-.. uviiuii ui inuiui iiiu liOlSO-1 InnOniUCCn IlllO hno nlnrnil nlninn.m 1- .. V. . """ .. "."....v. im a d "bo S?h7;n0li5:i? 0;. iS'Bs;S! 'i?.? ,n rth n.nd si,ia this pnrt of tho road. "L. O. Leonard is said to have been tho local agent of tho Hill people for n number of years although up to this week ho kept his railroad Iden tity a secret. Ho has had engineers In tho field surveying the lino and estimates have been mndo of the avnllablo tonnage. The timber ton nage, alone will supply the now road continuously for 10 years, The min eral tonnnge nlso Is great. Leonard Conllrin.s m-llef. " 'There aro now in Montana four great railroad systems ready to pn tronizo this line of num ns Mm mno of reaching San Francisco by the glo mill. Mrs L. Gllnett nnd son. Clalro, oft this weok for Hlllsborb whoro thoy will visit relatives for nwhllo. week for Chicago whoro she will spend tho summor with friends and relatives. COIt.NLH or at the DKPOT tomorrow 2mvlaSvfor,tl10 "AXDO.V KXCUIt. MO.N. You .MUST HAVE a TICKET beforo you can HOARD the TRAIN. Leaves at 7 A. M. SHARP. Round 10 am,on !?,,no ana t0 Coquillo Now STVIiKS In Piinrnc ntl QI'ATKIUIASS STUDIO. 244 Front.' Saturday Specials Coos Bay Realty Co Phono 2(I1-J Mni-bliflclri, Ore. TWO ONES GOOD of tho business district. mil i HOLDS GW '"" THIS OXIA vv.W P.IVS -GOOD RESIDENCE. In tha city. Clear of 1' J r Will exchange for eood rnc orty, Mp9 Peoples 5-10- 15c Store Moves P00r0se About June M