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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1913 EVENING EDITION. r 7? 3 T31" In Our Window We show suggestions for SPRING FENCING and SPRING GARDENING. In the backgiound the celebrated Pittsburg POULTRY FENCE with weld that held, On the left LAWN MOWERS, LAWN SPRINKLERS, ETC. On the right and in front, just about every kind of GARDEN TOOL imaginable in HOES, RAKES. ETC., ETC. Prices Are Right Mb MAY TIDES. Below Is given tho time and height of high and low water at Marshfield. The tides are placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison on con ecutlve heights will lndlcnte whether It Is high or low water, r'or high wnter on tho har subtract 2 hours 34 mlntiton 31Hrs.. 5.37 ll.r.G 5.03 11.48 Ft... 1.1 4.2 2.0 5.8 WEATHER FORECAST. I Ry Associated Press. OREGON Fair tonight and Sunday, wurmer Sunday. North westorly winds. probably start was not official- LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For the 24 hours ending at 4:43 a in., May 31, by IJcnJ. Ostllnd, special government mc- I teoroiogieni observer; I Maximum G2 I Minimum 47 I At 4:43 n. m 48 Precipitation nono I Precipitation Blnce Sept. 1, I . 19,12 C1.03 i Precipitation same period Inst jear 57.25 Wind: Northwest. Clear.' . nrtuiniiimwit ftSJB When you buyjgf Railroad Work. The stenm shov el which Portor Hrothers brought to North Rend Is now working steadily, but It will probnblv bo a few days before It Is working at Its full capacity. Coos liny Bridge. It was report ed today that tho construction of tho Southorn Pnclflo brldgo across Hand Painted China AT COST Here Is n rnro opportunity to set some really beautiful China, original and exclusive, designs at n small prlco. Wo nro closing out nil that wo now have In stock and nro mak ing prices that are Irresistible. It will pay you to buy now for a future wedding, card prizes or an odd piece for your own China closet. Come In and boo this exqulslto ware at cost prices. "THE BUSY CORNER." , Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE MAIN 298 US WANT ADS. BIDS WANTED For rli'iulni: sireotH in liny Park. Apply I S. Kaufman & Co. FOlt SALE One team horses ultli light set harness 1,000 lbs. each, good workers. Price $100. Dox J. P. Cnio Times. FOlt SALE Complete ramping out. tit. 2 horses, wagon nnd harness. $125 Box X enro Times. WANTED Wnll rsN t Hotel Ore- gon, North Ilend. FOIl SALE 80 news of hill land at head of North Inlet. 45 minutes wnlk from bont landing. Now county road Just built. 5 room houso with good wnter systom, or chard of 30 trocs, 2 and 3 yenra old, and a good varloty of berries. Look this up. It's n bargain. Ad dreBs, U. O., Times olllco, or Phono iWL'-Ii. FOlt SALE l5-h..p. boiler, llMi. p. engine, 20-rt. gnsollno boat,, 2 3. ft. gasoline boat-, 10-n.-p. gns ollno engine, 4-h.-p. gasollno en gine, 504 egg iucubntor, gasollno drag-saw outfit, 3000 ft. myrtle lumber, 7x0 printing press and type, SxlO camera and lens. In quire of 12. A. Stonecypher, East side, Phono 0-J. ORPHEUM TONIGHT BRONCHO BILLY AND SHERIFF'S KID Featuring 6, M, Anderson, PANIC DAYS IN-WALL STREET A story of the Stock Exchange, THERE WERE H0BES THREE; AN UP-TO-DATE L0CH ,,, INVAR Biograph, Farce comedy, MAORIS IN NEW ZEALANDA good educational picture, rive pictures all new. Admission, ten cents. Phone 158-R CYCLERY Messenger Service A call in the business district Ten Cents , TEN CENTS will save you tho trouble of dressing tor the street in the morning, Madam, , , TEN CENTS will bring that meat home in time for wncli, even if you did fcrget to order it early, ,,, TEN CENTS will insure the privacy of that message were might be listeneis on the phone,) r CALL Marshfield Cyclery 158-R, LOST Red ribbon rose Friday on Central nvenuo botweon Masonic Opora Houso and Third street. Re ward for return to Times olllco. 4 FOlt SL12 1 lino young work team, wagon, harness nnd rigging, ?G00, also 1 lino driving mnro, 3 years old, broko to ride, drive nnd work, $175. It. C. Warren's Transfer Line, Dundon, Ore. Phono 1051. FOlt RENT Housekeeping rooms and apartments. Lloyd Hotel. LOST In North Ileml n gold wntcli. Finder roturti to Pacific Grocery and rectlvo reward. FOlt RENT Ono furnished "-room apartment. Apply Nasburg's Grocery. FOlt SALE HOO-lli., gentle leuiii that hoy can drive, with harness and wagon. Phono 3151, J. E. Fitzgerald. FOH UEXT Five room upper lint, corner Tenth nnd Elrod. Enqulro Mrs. Enrly. FOH SALE Two sets of bedroom furniture. Will sell reasonable Inquire at Times ohlco. FOR SALE Four No. 1 dairy cows. J. M. Culloy, Catching Inlet. FOR RENT 5-room liouso on North Front street. Call F. Tlmmor mnn, N. Front street. DRESSMAKING First class dress, making done at Ladles' Emporium. FOR SALE Household furniture for four rooms. Apply 9 27 South Broadway. House mny bo rented. Phone 187-R. fr'itfs of Job Printing Done at The Times Office FARM FOR SALE Dairy, stock and fruit farm con sisting of 518 acres, between 35 and 40 acres of rich bottom land, eight acres of bench land sot to apple trees and fifty acres more that can easily be cleared for orchard and balance good grazing land for cat, tle. sheop or goats. Twelve head good dairy cows and all farming Implements necessary. Looted on West Fork of Coos River, one mile from postofflce, school and boatlandlqg, Duy direct from owner. For further Information, call or write: W. A. GAGE, Allegany, Ore. Coos Day would about July 1 It ly confirmed Dedicate llimt Rev. G. LeRoy Ha.l announces that his colportnge bont. "The Lifeline," wl.l be for mally dedicated hero Juno 20. He expects n number of outside speak ers to assist. Unity Dies. An Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Swnnson, born nt Mercy hospital. May 29, died a few hours later nnd was burled yesterday. Mrs. Swnnron, who has been quite 111. Is reported Improving. Repl' Building Mrs. Lund, who owns the property nt the northwest corner of Second nnd Market streets s arranging to have Contractor To lander raise the building and put In n new front. It has not been leas ed yet. Now Government Mm, A nnw map of Oregon has been Usued nt ashlngton. showing the totnl desig nation of lands subject to entry tinder tho enlarged homestead act. Copies uiuj uo una oy addressing any Oregon member of Congress, or tho Secretnry of tho Interior. Spend Night on Siiiuls. A number of young people, Including n party of High school Btudonts went to Jor dan's Cove InBt night on the launch Alice H, for n bon fire party. Tho tide went out nnd left their boat. Mrs p. H. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Miller chaperoned tho party. npceoers in Court. R. King, n driver on tho Gorst & King line, was iuihij- nued u ami costs for break ing tho speed limit. Jerry Kinney, who wn8 up on n slmllnr charge, escaped a fine by showing thnt ho was speeding to tnko an Injured man to Morcy hospital. Work on Boulevard. Tho crew clenrlng the right-of-way of tho Marshfield to tho sea boulevard are said to liavo cleared about .1.000 foot or tho dlotanco. Tho commlttco cx- ii:eiB io iii'usu n trail clear through and Hugh McLnln expects to open n bleyclo pnth through. Change Schedule. Beginning to morrow morning, the outgoing mail will leave Mnrshflold nt ( o'clock In tho morning Instead of 7 In tho ovonlng. The Incoming mall will nirlvo from Rosoburg nbout mid night or enrller distend of nlong in urn mumiug ns nt present. RcCOVd'S Rose. Tlirnm.l, limes want ad. Miss Inez Johnson today recovered a largo silk rose which sho dropped yesterday. Mrs. E. L. SI?emore, who makes her iiuuni wiui jir, nun .mis. lien Wright found It nnd returned It to Tho Times office In response to tho ad vertisement which appeared only once. Auto Accident Henry Kern, of Norm iieiui. whllo In Mnrshflold with his auto Thursday hit a chuck- liinu niiu nroKo tiio nxlo on IiIh car. Injures Foot. H. II. Wilson, of tho Coos Day Mnrlilo Works, sus tained n broken bono In his foot tho other dny ns a result of n pleco of marble railing on It. Postpone Concert. Tho Coos Day Concort Hand has postponed tho concert nnnoiinrori tnr imv. Tuesday ovonlng until Frldny eve ning. Juno C, owing to tho first dnto conflicting with tho high school piny. If tho wenthor Is favorable tho concort will ho given In tho city park, and otharwlsn In ihn Mimnnin Oporn House. Repair Road. Ocorgo Goodrum recolvod a tolophono messngo from Sncclil'8 ranch today saying that re pairs on tho Dnndon coast rond woro being mndo nnd no nutos could got through. Thoy hoped to hnvo tho rond In shnpo by tomorrow, but woro not cortnln. Thoy promised to tele phone Mr. Goodrum ns soon ns re pairs wore completed. Burned by Gas Win. A. Blnlr, an omploye of tho Oregon Power Compnny's gns plant, was qulto SQVoroly burned about tho fnco yes terday by a "kick bock" from tho generator, a llttlo pockot of gas blowing out In his fnco. Tho In juries, although very painful, nro not of n serious nnturo and will not lay him up long. .Move to .Merlin. Edward E. Dyor who nun 1'iinrgo or k. u. I'oriiam s contracts in nnd near Medfonl In n noto to friends nnnounces that thoy have- moved from Contral Point, whero thoy hnvo completed tho Bybeo brldgo ptor work, to Mor lln, to stnrt work on tho Gallco bridge for which Mr. Porhnm re cently secured tho contrnct from tho josopnino county Supervisors. Holdup Fnkc A formor tolophono Ilnoman who has been laid up as a result of an nccldont this morn ing started a holdup story which spread rapidly. After Investigating It, Marshal Carter said It was a fako and that Nlghtwatchman Shoupo Inst night took tho Indiv idual, who was badly Intoxicated, and put him to bod. It wns clnlm ed thnt ho had been hold up nnd robbed on Comniorclnl avonuo. Motorcyclist to Art. Tho locnl motorcycle club Is taking stops to provont motorcyclists from carrying pooplo on the front of their machines. Last evening. Carl Abramson. who Is said to have boon responsible for the collision tho night boforo last, In which Wm. Carlson, who was riding on tho front of Abrnmson's machlno, sustained severe Injuries, had two boys on tho wheel with him, ono In front nnd ono on tho rear. Later, J. L. Koontz and others took the motor cycle nwny from Abramson, claiming that ho should not bo per mitted to do this. Witnesses of the accident Wednesday night say Abram son was to blame and that It was Abromson who collided with C. W. Montgomery Instead of Craig as was first reported. Abramson was Just learning to ride while Craig Is a good rider. PERSONAL NOTES WILLIAM KINO of tho Creamery Is a business visitor to town today. O. W. SHELLY, of Myrtle Pqlnt, Is In Marshllold on business. T. C. RUSSELL, of Denver Hill, wob In town yesterday afternoon. 7., T. SIOI IN, of Istshmus Inlet. Is In town on a business trip. ALVA DONEDRAKE. of Ross Inlet. Is town today on business. MRS. H. D. HOWARD, of North In let, Is in town on a shopping trip. OSCAR HAMILTON, a North lnlot rnnehor. Is In town on business. C. E. GIRDS, n resident of North In let, spent tho day In town. JAMES STOCK. JR.. of Sumner. Is In town today. MRS. W. D. FARRIN. of Sumner, Is visiting In Mnrshileld today. MISS ETTA BROOKS Is In town on n shopping trip from Sumner. J. E. NOAH, of North Coos River, Is in town today on business. JESSE SMITH, of South Coos River, wns hero today on business. GEORGE nnd LOREN DESSEY nro In town from tho Crenmery todny. ALVA GRAMBY la In town for tho dny from North Coos River. CAPTAIN ERNST spent tho day In Mnrshileld from South Coos River. MRS. S. A. YOAKAM, of Coos River, wns In town today on n business trip. MR. nnd MRS. E. R. HODSON, of South Coos River, nro town visi tors todny. GEORGE ROSS, tho Catching Inlet rntvher mndo n biiBlness trip to Mnrnliflnl.l Inilnti ED HAINES, of the' Coos Dny Cream-! ery. came to town this morning on 1 uolness. MRS. P. D. DLAKE, of Cntchlng In let, Is In town on her rouiilnr Snturday shopping trip. MISS HENRIETTA COLVER of Catching Inlet Is visiting friends in town. MELVIN NORTON ciinio to Marsh- held this morning vln Sumner, his homo i:elng at Falrvlow. M. II. HOWARD, of North lnlot, Is n business visitor to Marshfield today. MRS. WILLIAM EOENIIOFF and daughter nro visiting relntlves on South Coos River. CHAS. MAHAFFY, the North Coos River famer, Is In town on busi ness. MRS. J. W. RIOGS. of Ross tnlot, iiinuo a nusiuess trip to .Mnrshileld todny. ELDERT DYER, n prominent citi zen of Dnndon, wns n business vis itor in Mnrshflold todny. I). C. GREEN. II. I.OCKHART nnd J. H. FLANAGAN will lenyo for Ten .mm ninny ior nu outing. MRS. JENNIE LANDRITH and son, ROY, or North Coos River, nro business visitors In town todny. MR. nnd MRS. MODLEY. of Mllll comn, nro spondlng tho dny In town on n business trip. MRS. ROSA PREUSS returned this moriiin.-r from n visit to Mrs. Cnrl Smcddnorg, of Cntchlng Inlet. MRS. C. R. PENNOCK, of Portlnnd, nrrlvod hero todny to Join hor hus band, '.ho recently engnged In tho plumbing business here. A. N. GOULD. County Survoyor, nnd n crow of survoyorH. who hnvo boon working on tho Allcgnny rond rotumed to town this morning, hnvlng llnlshed their work there. MISS KOLSTAD, tho North Lnko school tenchor, enmo to Mnrsii tlold this morning nnd will visit rola'.lves on Coos Rlvor. MRS. WALTER CONDRON. of Myr tlo Point nrrlved In Mnrshileld Inst Thursday nftornoon nnd Is visit ing relatives. PAT ROONEY left yesterday ror Dnndon whom ho will tnko tho Flflold en routo to Los Angeles. Thoro ho will tnko a course In tho United Trndo nnd Electrical Engineering School. ROY ROZELLE nnd wlfo nro In Mnrslilleld today enrnuto to Dnn don, whore Mr. Rozolle will hnvo charge of the Government dredge this Summer on tho rlvor Improve ment. MISS DliLVA FLANAGAN, who Is tenohlnj school on South Inlet, Is in MnrBliftctd on a short visit to friends and relntlves. Miss Flnnagnn will return tomorrow afternoon. J. D. ALLEN. FRED HOLLISTER and A. S. HAMMOND, a trio of North Bend boosters, drovo over tp Mnrshileld this morning to sprond tho gospel of atenm shovel activity and Incidentally transact other business. .MISSES IDA. Lt'ELLA AND IRENE COOK nrlved todny on the Drenk water from Albany whore thoy havo been nttondtng tho Bonedlc tlno Sisters' School nnd will spend their vncntlon with their father Geo. E. Cook, nt their old homo hero. MRS. HELEN DALDWIN nnd daugh ter, MISS INEZ, will lenvo on the next Rcdondn for their homo In MIchlgMi, visiting relatives In Cali fornia and Texas enrouto. Miss .Baldwin will nttond Summer school nt Yppllnntl University In Michigan preparatory to taking a position lti Michigan nextryenr. AT THE HOTELS. r The ("handler. J. M. Nye, Jr.. Coqulllo; T. C. Russell, Bcnver Hill; R. H. Smith nnd family. Coqulllo; T. A. Garrow, Port land; S. W. Pnrls, Portland; Porry Lawrence, Coqullle; G. W. Shelley, Myrtlo Point. Lloyd Hotel. I. M. GllllllnillB. Nownnrl! a U'nn.t John R. Thompson. Los Angeles; Thos. H. Johnson. KniiBnH City. Mo.; Lnuron Hodson, North Coos Rlvor. Blanco Hotel. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert McCann, North Bend; J. S. Bristol, Dnndon; R. G. .Moore, Coos Bay. Hotel Coos. B. R. Sells. Portland; J. C. Hnckor. Coaledo; Mrs. Warren Res soy nnd children, South Coos; Fred S. Becker, North Ynklnin; W. B. Dnvonport. Conledo; V. L. Wnke mnn, .Myrtle Point; O. 55. Howard, Coaledo; Wnltor llowiird, Ashland; C. T. Lanes, Coqulllo; J, M. Darker, city. -I ALONG THE WATERFRONT. IU' YOl'R TICKETS at tho BUSY CORNER or at tho DEPOT tomorrow morning for tho IIANDON EXCUK SIOX. You MUST HAVE n TICKET before you can BOARD tho TRAIN. Lonvej at 7 A. M. SHARP. Round trip to Dnndon nnd to Coqulllo SI. oo. Tlio Nnnn Smith Is on drvdnrlc nt Snn Francisco for n Hllght ovorhnul Ing and will not lenvo thoro for Coos Bay until nbout next Wednes day. Tho Rustler, which nrrlvod lit yestordny from tho Sluslnw, Is load ing for Gold Bench, taking on gon ornl morchnndlso. Tho Anvil, which wns floated nt Floronco tho other dny, Is being towed to Portlnnd by tho PntBy. whore alio will bo ovorhnulcd nnd ropnlrcd. AMOXO THE SICK. I - Rov. Father Munro hns boon rnn- llnod to his homo for sovornl days c.u account of Illness and Is reported restliu; orslor todny. Low mnas will ho celobrnted nt St. Monica's tomor row mornlntf nt six nnd olght. Tho two your old child of Mr. nnd Mrfl. Wnrren Bossoy of South Coos Rlvor had a slight operation per formed todny. Chns. Schjonborg, who Is employed In tho latli department nt tho Smith mill, wns Injured yestordny by n bolt bronklng. Mr. Schjonborg Is able to bo nro ii nl but uiiablo to work. Mrs. John Eddy, or North Bend, la reported on tho sick list. Mrs. Geo. Rtelnburn Is conllnod to hor homo by tho grip. Wllllnm Cnrlson. who sufforod n rrncturo of ono of his logs Thursday evolng In n motorcycle nccldont, Is lestln.i easily at Mercy hospital with no othor Injurlos dovelopod. IIUV YOUR TICKETS nt tho BUSY or nt tho DEPOT tomorrow morning for tho ItAXDOX KXCUIN SIOX. You MUST HAVE n TICKIJT boforo you can BOARD tho TRAIN. Leaves at 7 A. M. SHARP. Round trip to Dundon $1.30 nnd to Coqulllo SI. oo. . BOX LUNCHES For PICNIC DINNERS Just the Thing to Save Trouble and Worry. Filled with most delicious and appetizing eatables White House Bakery (Formerly Leld's.) ,T. Lee Brown, Ph. O. Robt. V. Swanton, Ph. C. Sunset Vanilla Lemon Baking Powder nro three essential needod to produce pudding, pastries and cakes, otc, that will please epicurean palates. What avails good cooking, oxpousjvo Ingredients, ' If your flavoring Is not dopondablo? Every membor of tho Happy Trio Is par excellence, guaranteed under tho Puro Food nnd Drug Act and by u's THE BEST GROCERS handle and recommend the Happy Trio, although thoy cost the retailer more than tho cheapor grado extracts put out by flavoring houses. LADIES slst remember you get more for your JKN money, tho best of quality and dependable products, If you I li on getting any membor of tho Happy Trio. Store for Quality Goods and Penslar liemedies. The Store for Quality Good nnd Penslar Remedies.